The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, January 28, 1914, Image 1

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Legal advertisements ten cents per line
each Insertion,
We do fine Job Printing of every de
scription at reasonable rates, but It's cash
on delivery.
Publ lulled every Wednesday by
Offioe in Smearbaugh & Wenk Building,
Tana, f 1.00 A Yaar, Strictly la AJtuh.
Entered as second-class matter at the
pom-offlce at Tlonesla.
No subscription received tor shorter
period than three months.
Correspondence solicited, but no notice
will be taken of anonymous communica
tions. Always give your name.
VOL. XLVI. NO. 49.
$1.00 PER ANNUM.
Burgess. 8. D, Irwin.
Justices of the Peace O. A. Randall, D,
W. Clark.
Oouneumen. J. W. Landers, G, B. Rob
inson, K. J. Hopkins. O. F. Watson, O,
W. tJoleman, J. B. Mue, Charles Clark.
Constable lj. L. Zuver.
Collector W. H. Hood.
School Directors W . C. Imel, J. K.
Clark, 8. M. Henry, Q. Jamleeon, D. 11
Member of Congress Yf. J. Hulings.
Member of Senate J. K. P. Hall.
Assembly K. K. Mechlins.
President Judge W. D. U inckley.
Associate Judges Samuel Aul, Joseph
M. Morgan.
Prothonotary, Register t Recorder, te
-S. R. Maxwell.
Sheriff Win. H. Hood.
Treasurer W. H.
Commissioners Wm. H. Harrison, J.
C. Scowden, II. U. McUlellan.
District attorney M. A. Uarrlnger.
Jury Commissioners J. B. Eden, A.M
Coroner Dr. M. O Kerr.
County Auditors -George H. Warden,
A. C. Gregg and 8. V. Shields.
County Surveyor Roy 8. Brsdnn.
Oouniy Superintendent J.O. Carson.
Kular Terns f C'aart.
Third Monday of February.
Third Monday of May.
Third Monday of September.
Third Monday of November.
Regular Meetings of County Commis
sioners 1st and 8d Tuesdays of month. '
Church mat Mabbatk Schaal.
Prenbyterlan Sabbath School at 9:45 a.
m. t M. K. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m.
Preaching In M. E. Church every Sab
bath evening by Rev. H. L. Dunlavey.
Preaching in the F. M. Church every
Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Rev.
M. E. Wolcott, Pastor.
Preaching in the Presbyterian church
everv Sabbath at 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p.
in. 'Rev. H. A. Bailey, Pa tor.
The regular meetings of the W. C. T.
U. are held at the headquarters on the
second and fourth Tuesdays of each
'"PI'-N ESTA LODGE, No. 869, 1. 0. 0. F.
JL Meets every Tuesday evening, in Odd
Fellows' Hall, Partridge building.
G. A. K. Meets 1st Tuesday after
noon of eaith month at S o'olock.
137, W. R. C, meets first and third
Wednesday evening of each month.
Tionesla, Pa.
Attorney aud Counsellor-at-Law.
OtI)e over Forest County National
Bank Building, TIONESTA, PA.
Warren, Pa.
Practice in Forest Co.
OlBoeln Arner Building, Cor. Elm
and Bridge Sta., Tionesta, Pa.
"RANK 8. HUNTER, D. D. 8.
Rooms over Citizens Nat. Bank,
Pbyaloian A Surgeon,
Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted.
Physician and Surgeon,
8. E. PIERCE, Proprietor.
Modern and up-to-date in all Its ap
pointments. Every convenience and
ooiufort provided for the traveling public
R. A. FULTON, Proprietor.
Tionseta, Pa. This is the mostoentrally
located hotel in the place, and baa all the
modern improvements. No pains will
be spared to make It a pleasant stopping
place for the traveling public.
Shop over R. L. Haslet's grocery store
on Elm street. Is prepared to do all
Kinds of oustora work from the finest to
the coarsest and guarantees his work to
give perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten
tion given to mending, and prices rea
sonable. ra
successfully used
CH.PA. 1
ior of .years
4246 Fifth Ave.Pittsburch.
Kruiiil.l. A k(nr ll. ItKH-TKBS
KIA1IOMI II II A Ml l'l 1,1. R, fi Ha
years known is lltsi, Safest, Alwiyt KelliU
S Tradc Marks
Copyrights Ac.
Anyone sending a sketch and description mar
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
Invontton la probably piitentable, Communtra.
tlnnsatrlctlyciintldentlal. Handbook on Patent
tent free. Oldest atrency lor securinffpateuta. .
1'atents taken throuuh Munn A to. recelT
aptrfat twtice, without chnrge. tn tbe
Scientific American.
A handsomely- Mi nitrated weekly". I.nnrwt dr.
tulntlon of liny mk'ntiflo Journal. Tornis, $'A
jeur: four months, $L Sold byall newwleiiler.
tawcS Oflko, 12 F etaWuhiiwiuu, D. U.
l.cll.I Ak jonrurllfofi
Chi-phf-ft-trr'a llamonirilmndV
I'lllnin Kt-d Mil (iolj wttlUcV
Imn, mini ilh lilua KIM Km. J
Take no other. Hut or ri "
President Wilson Has Fixed Up
His Final Program
Washington Will Recognize De Facto
Government in Mexico With De La
Bim In Control Huerta Protected.
President Wilson, it is said, lias
evolved a new program of dealing
with the Mexican situation.
If the scheme Is finally agreed upon
the denouement will come suddenly
and almost before Mexico can realize
what has happened Us government
will again be shifted to a new regime.
The program received from a Mexl
can'aource Is outlined as follows:
1. The voluntary retirement of Pres
ident Huerta under pretext of taking
command of the federal army.
2. The elevation of Francisco De
La Barra to the provisional presi
dency In Huerta' place.
3. The recognition of the De La
Barra government an de facto In the
hope that It will acquire sufficient
strength to bring permanent peace In
This Is the plan which the president
has been trying to work out since his
conference with Special Envoy John
LInd at Pass Christian.
De La Barra is acceptable to foreign
powers as a provisional president, but
if the plan to replace Huerta falls
they will insist upon drastic action
which President Wilson Is understood
to be ready to take.
Agents of both Mexico and the Unit
ed States have sounded out General
Carranza and he Is for the De La
Barra scheme or anything that will
hasten the ousting of Huerta. He has
exacted pledges that the reforms de
manded by the northern states of Mex
ico will be carried out and that the
good offices of the United States will
be given to this end.
One stumbling block In the way of
speedy peace is the attitude of Gen
erals Villa and Zapata. These bandit
chiefs are realnst any compromise,
but it Is felt that they can be speedllv
won over as soon as Mexico Is placed
under a leadership that will have the
recognition and backing of the United
The recent conference nt Vera Cm
between John LInd, Jesus Flores
Magon and other prominent Mexicans
have all ben part of the plan to get
Huerta to step down for De La Barra.
LInd was authorized by President Wil
son to assure Huerta that the power
of this government would be used to
protect his person If he relinquished
the presidency.
Huerta hi . long realized that It Is
only a question of time when he will
be overthrown and he has for some
time been ready to step down If his
abdication could be brought about In
way to vsave his face." He lias no
real Intention to head the Mexican
army, but wUl use this pretext first to
step safely from his present perilous
position and later to get out of Mexico.
De La Barra was formerly Mexican
ambassador to Washington and has
held many other Important posts.
Korff Made Place; With Hl Bank's
Failure It Went Back.
Martin Korff of Rolla, Mo., former
bank cashier at Everton, Ark., pleaded
guilty to embezzlement of the bank's
funds and was sentenced to twelve
years in the state penitentiary.
Korff Is said practically to have
made and unmade the town of Ever
ton. He went there two years ago
when the place had only a half dozen
houses, organized a commercial club,
formed the Bank of Everton and had
the town incorporated. He ran for
mayor but Everton citizens turned
against him as a "stranger" and he
was defeated. It was charged , he
wrecked the bank because of this de
feat. With the failure of the bank
and the arrest of Korff the town
dwindled to a village again.
Chargea Against Atlanta Prison Man
agement Not Sustained.
The report of Dr. A. J. McKelway,
special agent of the department of
Justice, who investigated the charges
against the administration of the fed
eral prison of Atlanta gathered by
Representative Howard and submitted
to Attorney General McReynolds, was
received by Mr. McReynolds.
It exonerates Warden Moyer and
his subordinates and concludes with
the declaration that a satisfactory con
dition exists at the penitentiary.
Representative Howard decided that
he would urge a further Inoulry.
Open Verdict.
An open verdict was returned by
the Jury investigating the death by
drowning in the Delaware river off
Philadelphia Saturday of Addison
Hartley McCullough of Pittsburg, a
University of Pennsylvania student.
Patrick Devine, watchman, testified
he threw a rope to the man, who
reached feebly for it.
Mr. Sayre Slightly Injured.
. Mrs. Jessie Wilson Sayre, back from
honeymoon, was hurt slightly during
a storm on the voyaga.home from
Former Convict tail
. Jlayor of Boston
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Photo by Amerlcim Press Association.
Canal Builder Likes Offer Made by
Mayor of New York.
Mayor Mitchel of New York gavt
out a statement carrying the sues
tion that Colonel George W. Goet..als,
chief engineer of the Panama cannl,
is to be the next police commissioner
of New York city.
While the mayor ",tu!J not d!s- uss
the mutter It Is understood that
Goethals r.greed to cssuine the com
missionership provided the powers ol
the position were IncreaneJ materially.
These chances, It was said, the nicyor
felt confident of bringing about to th"
colonel's satisfaction. The colonel, It
Is said, insists that he have complef
power over the personnel of the de
partment. Tins would mean legislu
tion. Colonel Goethals, too, must ob
tain permission to retire from the
Official Waihlr-ton Stunnfd.
Reports to the effect that Colonel
George W. Goethals, builder of the
Panama canal, has conditionally ac
cepted the post of police commissioner
of New York city were received In
official quarters with incredulity tit
first and Inter with amazement.
The reports came as a complete
surprise to President Wilson, and It
was apparent that the White House
was disturbed over the prospect of
losing Goethals at this time.
The reports if they accomplished
nothing else served to dlsclosa defi
nitely that It is the president's inten
tion to name Colonel Goethals as he:id
o the new civil government In the
canal zone and thus to give him com
plete control after the opening and
operation of the great waterway.
Unnamed Philanthropist Willing to
Spend $15,000,000 For Purpose.
A millionaire philanthropist, whose
Identity Is withheld for the present, Is
willing to expend $15,000,000 to erect
and equip with radium twenty insti
tutions In various sections of the
United States for the treatment of
cancer victims, according to Joseph M.
Flannery of Pittsburg, who appeared
before the house committee on minus
and mining In opposition to the bill
reserving lands containing radium
bearing ore from public entry.
Mr. Flannery made the above an
nouncement in response to sugges
tions made by members of the com
mittee that It was a humane necessity
for the government to provide, through
its hospitals, for the treatment of
cancerous patients with radium.
Mr. Flannery denied it was either
J. D. Rockefeller or Andrew Carnegie.
Man Installs Strong Electric Light.
Looks For More Eggs.
C. C. Jaxthelmer of New Wilming
ton, Pa., Is trying out a novel scheme
to Increase productiveness . of his
hens. During the winter chickens
usually remain on the roost until
nearly 8 o'clock in the morning and
go to roost about 5 o'clock In the
afternoon, or at dark.
Jaxthelmer has placed an electric
light In the coop. This is allowed to
burn until 10 o'clock at night and Is
turned on early in the morning. As a
consequence the hens are scratching
around several hours longer than
would be the case ordinarily. The
outcome Is watched with interest by
chicken growers.
How American People ''Punishes"
Them Shown by Revenue Figures.
The American people drank 70.000,-
000 gallons of whisky, smoked 40,090,
300,000 cigars and puffed 8,711,000,
000.000 cigarets during the six months
ended Dec. 31, according to figures
announced by Commissioner Osborn
of the internal revenue bureau. -The
revenue collected from distill. m!
splritH amounted to $85, 862,712, the
whisky tax helng $16,142,854; tobacco,
$41.2!)6,593; corporation tax, $3,110,
790; citwets, $10,899,000, and clgara,
Resolution Passed Declaring
For Labor Party
Socialists Fail to Have Mineworkeri
Go on Record aa Favoring Party.
Woman Addresses the Assemblage.
"Owing to the present economic
conditions and the machinations of
the Interests in many places, it is
time for the laboring people to come
together in a political labor party,"
reads a resolution which was adopted
by the convention of United Mine
workers tn Indianapolis, Ind.
The Socialist delegates tried hard
to have their party indorsed as the
"political labor party" but after sev
eral hours of heated debate the con
vention decided not to designate any
"The Socialist party is the only
party for the working people," de
clared William Hynes of Fayette City,
Pa., "and the time is now ripe for our
people to unite under Its standard. In
the present condition of society even
laws are no good unless backed by
a strong industrial body. If the law
does not suit the rich and powerful
interests they have some parasite of a
supreme court Judge, with a wave of
his pen, declare the law unconstitu
tional." Others opposed the designating of
any party on the ground that they did
not wish to have their political beliefs
forced upon them.
The United Mlneworkers voted to
take away some of the power that has
been vested In its president.
The very Important scale commit
tee the members of which in the past
have been chosen by the president
will be selected by the delegates them
selves. The scale committee formu
lates the demands which are period
ically submitted to the operators.
At future conventions the delegates
from each district will caucus on their
arrival and choose their member of
the scale committee.
The purpose of the resolution, as
explained, was to get men from the
mines, rather than the district officers,
"who, not having worked in the mines
for some time, do not know the work
ing conditions like the men who fare
the coal," on the committee.
A resolution demanding the calling
of a strike whenever conditions similar
to the West Virginia and Colorado
strikes exist was voted down by the
Resolutions for a co-operative storf
were discussed, but referred back tc
the committee.
On charges that It was an organiza
tion maintained by a detective agency
solely for getting a spy into the con
vention, local union 979 of Pocahon
tas, W. Va., was expelled by the con
vention. M. D. Whltesell, the dele
gate accredited to the union, was not
In the hall when the action was
The action on the union was started
by A. R. Watklns of YorkvlUe, O., an
Internationa? board member, who de
clared that it was dangerous for a
union miner to appear In the neigh
borhood Of Pocahontas.
"Show the spy to us and we'll take
care of him," declared Thomas Cairns
of Charleston, W. Va., president of the
district In which is Pocahontas. While
It was stated In the convention that
it had been impossible to obtain any
information against .the union tlm
resolution to expel it from the or
ganization was adopted unanimously
amid cheers.
The convention voted to further a
campaign for federal old age and
mothers' pension laws and for liability
and compensation.
And Tammany Bos Will Be Given
Chance to Answer Sulzer.
William Sulzer told the grand Jury
In New York that he wa3 removed as
governor as the result of a conspiracy.
That conspiracy, he said, was framed
because he had refused to do the bid
ding of Charles F. Murphy, leader of
Tammany Hall, and Join a criminal
campaign to loot the state.
The grand jury showed Itself ready
to probe the conspiracy charge to the
bottom. Mr. Sulzer was asked to pro
duce whatever documentary proof he
had to support his charges.
Charles P. Murphy made an em
phatic statement In which he called
Mr. Sulzer a liar, a perjurer and said
that every word of the ex-governor's
testimony in regard to "Gaffney cr
war" and other things were absolute
ly false. He said he is ready to waive
Immunity and testify In the John Doe
proceedings. There is a strong proba
bility that Mr. Murphy will be a wit
ness. Escaping Gat Kills Three.
Two men and a woman were found
dead in a room at a lodging house in
Philadelphia, death resulting from
asphyxiation due to gas escaping from
a tube that had become detached from
a gas stove.
Two-Foot Fall Kills Man.
John Hartof, forty-five years old,
fell a distance of two feet at his home
In Sharon, Pa., and suffered a fracture
of the skull from which he died in
fifteen mluut'es.
Their Marital Happiness Is
Wrecked; Divorce Stalks
' e7 i fv
"V ' 4. i
" l .
If - i
Fhoto by American Press Aaaoclatlom.
Mrs. Elsie Whelen Goelet of New
port and New York through her at
torney, Samuel Untermyer, filed
papers In the superior court In New
port asking for a decree of absolute
divorce from her husband, Robert
"All Together" Business Movement,
However, Not Yet Attained.
Dun's Review of Trade says this
"While there is tangible evidence of
continued expansion In general busi
ness the betterment Is not entirely
uniform. AdviceB from leading
centers are rather mixed, yet favor
able reports outnumber those of an
opposite character, and sentiment is
more confident.
"In the Important iron and steel in
dustry the belief is strengthening that
the turning point bus about been
reached, although It is not expected
that the recovery from previous de
pression will be rapid. Labor, how
ever, is more fully employed; mill op
erations have increased and, even If
there has been no advance in prices,
further concessions are not so fre
quent. The former policy of the rail
roads in holding back contracts Is
somewhat less pronounced and orders
and specifications are coming forward
with greater freedom than heretofore,
Turtle Soup Causes Man's Death.
William McMillen, aged nineteen, of
Bruddock, Pa., died at his home from
ptomaine poisoning due to eating
turtle soup.
: Pittsburg. Jan 27.
Cattle Choice, $S.759; prime,
$8.50(?i8.70; pood, $8.15(ff 8.35; com
mon, $6.50(07; heifers, $5.60fi8; com
mon to good fat bulls, $4.5047; com
mon to good fat cows, $3.50(57; fren
cows and springers, $50(S 85.
Sheep and Lambs Prime wethers,
$5.80(6; good mixed, $5.40fi 5.75;
fair mixed, $4.75(fi 5.25; culls and com
mon, $3(5 3.50; lambs, $5.50(5 8.25; veal
calves, $11 (35 12; heavy and thin
calves, $7(58.
Hogs Prime heavy hogs, $8.65(5'
8.70; heavy mixed, $8.70(5 8.75; me
diums, heavy and light Yorkers, $8.80
8.85; pigs, $8.25(5 8.50; roughs. $7.50
8; stags, $7(5 7.75.
Clevelund, Jan. 27.
Cattle Choice fat steers, $7.75(5)
8.25; good to choice, $7.25(57.75;
choice heifers, $0.75(57.50; milchera
and rprlngers, $00(5 80.
Hogs Yorkers, $8.50; mixed, $8.50;
heavies, $8.40; pigs and lights, $8.15
(58.25; stags, $(!.75.
Sheep Vixed, $5.25(5 5.50; bucks,
$3.50(5 4.50; culls, $3(5 4.
Calves Good to choice, $11.50(9
11.75; heavy and common, $6(79.50.
Chicago, Jan. 27.
Hogs Receipts, 37,000. Bulk of
sales, $8.35(f'8.50; light. $8.20(5 8.47H ;
mixed, $8.'!5(58.55; heavy, $8.25tf
8.57H; rough, $8.25(5 8.35; pigi,
$6.75(5 8.10.
Cattle Receipts, 25,000. Reeves,
$6.80(5 9.50; Texas steers. $6.90(5 8.10:
stockers and feeders, $5.40(5 8.20; cows
and heifers, $3.00(58.60; calves, $7.50
Sheep Receipts, 33,000. Native,
$4.85(5 6; yearlings, $5.80(117.25; lambs,
native, $6.90(58.10.
Wheat May, 93.
Corn May, 66 Vt.
Oats May, 39.
East Buffalo, Jan. 27.
Cuttle Receipts, 3.300. Primo
steers, $8.75(5 8.90; shipping, $S(5 8.70;
butchers, $7(5 8.40; heifers, $6(58;
cowr, $3.65fi 7.25; bulls. $5.25(5.7.25;
stockers and feeders, $5.50(57; stock
heifers, $5.?5'fr 5.75; fresh cows and
6prinpers, $354i AO.
Ifogs Re-eipts. 15,200. Henvy and
mixed, $8.90; Yorkers, $8.85(5 8.9(1;'
p'r-i, $8.75iS.90; roughs, $7.85(5 8;
stags, $616.75; dairies, $S.75f 8.90
Sheep Receipts. 14.000. Lamb",
$5.508.35; yourlini.'s, $5'5 7; we'her;,
$5.7ff'r: ewes, $3(55.50; sheep, mixed,
$5.50 f 5.63.
New Legislation Embodies Pres
ident's Recommendations
President Wilson Announcra No Man
Who Applies For Job Will Be Named
on the Federal Reserve Board.
At a conference between President
Wilson and Democratic leaders an
agreement was reached as to the text
of the bills that embody the supple
mental anti-trust legislation recom
mended by the chief executive.
The bills are four In number.
The bill forbidding Interlocking di
rectorates specifically forbids the hold
ing of directorships by one individual
In two or more financial institutions
enjoying the protection and provisions
of the new currency law.
Another bill defines the words "com
bination In the form of trust or other
wise" and "conspiracy In restraint of
trade or commerce" and "monopolies."
The trade relations bill proposes to
add five sections to the Sherman law,
defining what shall be classed as un
lawful trade practices. It declares
that It shall be deemed unlawful to
attempt to monopolize trade, to dis
criminate In prices in the different
purchases of commodities In the same
or different sections or communities
with the purpose or Intent to Injure
or destroy competition whether be
tween purchasers or sellers.
The final section of this bill allows
an Injunction to private persons or
firms against threatened loss or dam
age due to a violation of the Sherman
act upon a showing that the threat
ened damage may work irreparable
loss, but the petitioner for the injunc
tion must give bond "against damages
for an Injunction Imprcvldentially
Job Hunters Barred.
President Wilson declared that no
man who seeks a place on -the federal
reserve board will be aipdinted.. He
said his selection will be limited to
men who do not personally or through
their friends urge their own appoint
The president said It was easy for
him to determine whether communi
cations urging appointments were
spontaneous or part of an organized
letter writing campaign. The presl
dent desired that the widest publicity
be given to his announced determina
tion to eliminate all who put them
selves forward as candidates for the
board so as to save him the trouble
of considering unsolicited advice of
this character.
McCumber Attacks Alaskan Railway
The bill ;roposlng the building of a
government railway in Alaska en
countered Its first vigorous opposition
in the senate when Senator McCumber
attacked It as the first step toward
the "realm of paternalistic and social
istic government."
Senator McCumber attacked the
whole theory of government owner
ship. He said experience had shown
that it cost the government twice as
much as a private concern to operato
any enterprise.
Senate Passe Alaskan Railroad Bill.
By a vote of 46 to 16 the senate
passed the Chamberlain bill for the
construction of a government railroad
In Alaska.
Man Slays Hit Wife So That He Can
Wed Stepdaughter.
Robert Higgins confessed that lie
murdered his wife at New Henderson,
111., Jan. 5 so he would be free to
marry his stepdaughter, Julia Fluke,
fifteen years old.
He was arrested after the girl told
State's Attorney Wilson of her In
fatuation for Hlgglns and that she
Importuned him to dispose of her
mother, who, she said, was the only
obstacle between her and happiness.
She said she was In the next room
when Higgins fired the shotgun wlii'-h
brought inr.tant death to her mother.
She told how Hlgglns raved and strug
gled with neighbors for possession of
the gun, saying he would end his own
life. Then, when the excitement sub
sided somewhat, she said they ex
plained that Hlgglns had been clean
ing the gun and it had been accident
ally discharged.
Their story was so convincing the
coroner's Jury returned a verdict of
accidental death.
Poodle Never Missed Sunday School
Attendance in Ten Years.
In a casket covered with flowers,
Fido, who had a record for attendance
at St. Peter's Kplscopal Sunday s- liool
In Ashtabula, O., was burled in the
lawn surrounding the house of his
owner, Dr. W. C. Cross.
Fido, a nondescript little dog, had
attendel tho Sunday school regularly
for ten years and always brought his
penny for the collection plate, carry
ing It In his mouth. Ho would enter
the cl.urch with solemn air, wulk down
the aisle to the infant class seats and
remain throughout the session without
a bark or v lilne. He hrl not i ssed
a session of the school in ten years.
Children vtpt at Urt bVlal
Cracksmen Work Hours; Co Away
Empty Handed.
Bolts that lock the inner door of the
vault in the First National Bank of
Sharpsville, two miles north of
Sharon, Pa., were broken when yeggs
attempted to blow the door open and
In consequence the bank's money la
Alter their unsuccessful attempt
with the explosive the robbers spent
several hours trying to get into the
vault with a sledge hammer and a
crowbar. The best they could do was
to damage the vault beyond repair.
The vault contained $50,000 in cur
rency and "several times that amount
In negotiable papers," according to the
officials of the bank, but the burglars
failed to reach the goal.
Carries Out Delayed Suicide Pact.
After recovering from the effects of
poison taken in an alleged suicide
pact with his sister, who did not sur
vive, Samuel Jamison, a retired com
mission merchant of Philadelphia, re
puted to be worth nearly $500,000,
shot and killed himself. Last August
Jamison and his sister, both past six
ty, were found unconscious In their
home at Radnor. They had taken
poison and the sister died in a few
Judge Wlltbank Pies.
Judge William A. Wlltbank. for
nearly twenty years on the bench of
Uio common pleas court of Philadel
phia, died after a long illness, ag-'d
seventy-four, Judge Wlltbank was a
great-grandson of William White,
famous Protestant Kolscopul bishop
of the early days of the republic.
Fight Hard Coal Tax.
The first suit to test the constitu
ttonality of the anthracite coal tax
was begun In the Dauphin county
court by the Peoples' Coal company
of Scranton, Pa., which contends that .
the act, passed by the last legislature,
provides a tax which amounts to a
little more tliun five cents a ton.
Indecision Is Blamed For Deed.
Inability to decide whether she
wished to live with her husband, to
whom she had been married In De
cember, or with her parents Is said to
have caused Mrs. Elizabeth Mary
Tooney-Fagan, the seventeen-year-o'd
Braddock (Pa.) glrj to take her itn
life by drinking V'son.
Court Allows Thaw $30,000.
Judge J. J. Miller in orphans' court
In Pittsburg handed down an opinion
In which he says Hirry K. Thaw
should not be deprived of his Income
and will be allowed to draw $30,000
of the $160,773.17, which Is held In
trust for him by the Fidelity Title and
Trust company.
Footpads Are Considerate.
M. L. MclClhlnney, aged thirty-nine
was held up, bound, gagged and robbed
by two masked men In Hurrell torn
ship, near Klttannlng, Pa. The thieve?
secured $30, but left him $6 saying
they would let him keep that amount
to tide him over till payday.
Bible Taken in Death Leap.
Clutching to her heart a pocket
Bible, printed In Greek, a young
woman named Christiana Stephano,
was taken from the Delaware river at
Spruce street pier, Philadelphia. She
had leaped Into the water. The girl
was revived at the hospital.
Beer Bottle Kills Him.
Edward Gardner, thirty-four year?
old, of South Fork, Pa., died in his
home as a result of fulling on a beer
bottle in his hip pocket. He slipped
on the icy sidewalk and fell, breaking
the bottle. The broken glass cut his
hip ulmost to the bone.
U. of P. Junior Shot Dead.
Wardwell T. Towneley, a Junior In
the architectural department of the
University of Pennsylvania, was found
dead with a bullet wound In his head
and a revolver beside him on the roud
not far from the Merlon golf course
near Philadelphia.
Respite For Fern Davis' Murderer.
Governor Tener granted a respite
to George Henderson, who was to be
executed on next Tuesday at Ebens
burg. Pa., fixing the date of execution
as Feb. 26. Henderson killed Miss
Fern Davis, his fiancee, at his homo
in Conemuiigh.
Army Surgeon Killed.
Dr. William H. I'lsh of Selins Grove,
Pa., a retired assistant surgeon of the
United States navy, was killed In an
automobile accident. The machine
turned over ond he was caught be
neath it. Ho retired from the navy
In 1902.
Hatpins Punish Flirts.
Annoyed by young men who thrust
their attentions upon them servant
girls of the Southslde. Connellsvllle,
Pa., have resorted to the use of hat
pins with the result that severnl
youths show marks of punishment.
Child Swallows Peanut and Dies.
Swallowing a whole peanut, Cath
ine Mowrlch, ng-d three, of Gan
ster, near Altoima, Pa., choked to
,.!, Tim bnrnnl Ir.rif'Oft In till, lltmpr
end of the trachea, closing t air
passage to tne lungs.
Experts Loot Postoffice.
Burglars dynamited the safe In the
Bentleyville (Pa.) postollice and car
ried away a quantity of stamps and
about $100. The robbers were ex
perts, according to the authorities.
Swallows Poison.
Robert A. King, aced twenty-six, a
pressfeeiler of Franklin, Pa., commit
ted suicide by swallowing poison whilo
jesnoiidout over 111 health.