The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, January 21, 1914, Image 4

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    Centre, Street at Elm, Oil City, P.
January Clearance Sale
Come to This Greatest and Most Suc
cessful of All Clearance Events
We'll Pay Your Way.
We do not measure the success of this great January Clear
ance Sale merely by the throngs attending it, nor by our sales-
sups alone, altho'igh both are by far the largest in our history.
But we believe we have achieved an ever greater success,
by having established new value-giving records that greatly sur
pass any that this community has ever known.
Let Us Pay the Expenses .-of Your Trip
It you purchase goods to the amount of $10, we'll pay your
fare one way purchases of $20 or over mean that we'll pay for
your round trip ticket.
The sale ends Saturday night, Jan. 24. Come before that
time, and judge for yourselves as to the value we are giving.
Removal of Price Restrictions on Whit
tall Rugs Lasts Until the End
of This Month.
Gives you your semi-annual opportunity to buy the other
wise one priced M. J. Whittall Rugs, famous the world over, at
prices that mean very decided savings. In this present up
heaval of rugs are all perfect, and that all rugs in stock will sell
at the regular Spring prices.
Whittall Rugs in Discontinued Patterns
$60.00 Anglo Persian Rugs, 9x12 ft. size $48.00
$50.00 Anglo Indian Rugs, 9x12 ft. size '. .$39.60
$45.00 Royal Worcester Rugs, 9x12 ft. size $33.76
$39.50 Teprac Wilton Rugs, 9x12 ft. size ...$29.60
$32.70 Childema Body Brussels Rugs, 9x12 ft. size. $26.26
$29.60 Peerless Body Brussels Rugs, 9x12 ft. size .'..$22.00
All other grades of Whittall, Bigelow, Sanford, Smith, Etc., are equally reduced,
$ NOTE. All sale prices on Rugs will be. withdrawn
t alter Feb. 1st. Freight transportation will be paid with-
in 100 miles of Oil City,
i: The Distinctive Garment -Store
I Annual Half Price Sale I
One of the greatest value-giving events of -the
entire year. ; :
, "A Distinctive Sale" that has no parallel in ! I
any other store.
Coats at Half Price
For Women, Small Women and Misses.
$16.60, $18.60 and $20.00 Coats $9.76.
Of boucle, chinchilla and novelty mixtures, belted or smart cuta
way effect, kimona or set in sleeves, rose, green, AX Tft 7C
mahogany, grey, oxford, brown and navy, ...Al $7 U
. $22.60, $26.00 and $27.60 Coats $13.76.
Big variety of coats with cutaway or straight lines, set in or drop
taupe 1
shoulder effects, black, navy, Copenhagen, 11 Cl 3 7C
1 ana Drown, ai sp.J I J
$28.60, $30.00 and k 4. 1C Cft
$36.00 Coats .... ill 4O.OU
$40.00, $46.00 and AM C02 CfY
. $50.00 Coats iifc $O.OU
Suits at Half Price
For Women, Small Women and Misses.
$20.00, $22.60 and $26.00 Suits $10.00.
Several very smart models in the season's most favored designs,
materials include broadcloth, diagonals, creoe cheviots, in all the
I wanted colorings, all coats warmly interlined, A 4. (in ff X
silk and satin lining, ..ill $U.UU
, . $28.60, $30.00 and $32.60 Suits $16.00.
Large variety of the season's most attractive models skirts in
sr."1." At $15.00
You will not need to pay an income tax if
you do not cultivate the Habit of Thrift. Neith
er will you have the income. Our advice to you
is to start now and save.
We Will Add Four Per Cent. Interest.
Oil City Trust Company
Oil City, Pa.
A Dream Superstition.
I henrd what was to me lit lenst a
new piece of superstition the other
dny. nnd when I think of the rlsUa
Ive run nil these years because I did
not know of It my Mood runs cold. I
met 11 woman from Virginia in market,
nnd the talk fulling on dreams I re
called n most 1)1 oo(I ciii'tlling nichtmare
I had had the nljrlit before.
"I must tell you what I dreamed last
iilKht." 1 mild.
"Let me ask first whether It's a
pleasant or an , unpleasant . dream'"
said the lady from Virginia.
"Decidedly unpleasant."
"Then for mercy's sake don't tell It."
Fald she. "Never tell n lind dream on
Saturday, for we say In Virginia:
Friday night' dream on Saturday told
Is sure to come true, no tnntter how old.
Washington Pout
Curious Fish Spearing.
In spite of the march of civilization
there remains much that Is still primi
tive In Sicily, nnd n curious sight at
ralermo Is to see the fishermen spear
ing fish In the harbor by the aid of
glass bottomed buckets, says the Wide
World Magazine. There nre mnny
cnrrcrs of the world where fish nre
speared, but perhaps the use of the
glass bottomed bucket In this connec
tion Is to be seen only at Palermo.
The fishermen lean far over the side
of their limits n ml hold the bucket on
the water with one hand, poking their
heads Into It as if engaged In the Hal
loween game of ducking for apples.
Tliey hold a spear pulsed In the free
h-n:d nnd thus await the arrival of
their victims, who are sighted through
the glass bottom of the bucket, which
nets us a kind of telescope.
No Change.
Tiie prince of Monaco, who, having
Lad both an English nnd an American
wife, knows whereof he speaks, said
of marriage:
"Through marriage a Frenchwoman
gains her liberty, an Englishwoman
loses hers nnd an American woman
continues to do as she likes."
Welcome Caller.
Visitor What lovely furniture!
Little Tommy Yes. I think the mnn
we bought It from Is sorry now he sold
It. Anyway be' always ailling. Lon
don Tlt-Blts.
How Royalty Sleeps.
"Unensy lies the head that wears a
?rown." says the poet. Cut the pre
cautions that are taken to assure un
disturbed rest to King George of Eng
land must at least bring quiet to his
iilllow. The outside of the royal pal
ice Is. of course, guarded by soldiers
mil detectives nil night., and several
Right watchmen pace up nnd down the
-orridors through the hours of dark
ness, says the London correspondent
)t the New York Sun.
These men are shod In thick felt slip
ers so that their footsteps will not
rake the royal sleeper, and one of
Miem Is always near the king's room
.intil hl.s majesty Is called by his valet
In the morning.
Every door nnd window In the pnl
lce Is frequently examined, and It
would be Impossible for any Intruder
'.o get iu without being discovered.
Fhe king Is ns well protected as the r of Itinsln. who has a guard of
mned Cossacks outside of his room, or
the king of Spain, who Is watched by
u squad of specially picked soldiers,
who keep the keys of all the doors of
the palace during the night
Oratory and Seasickness.
According to a. O. Benson It was the
habit of the late Professor Sidgwick.
when crossing the English channel, "to
take his stand In some secluded part
of the vessel and to pour out audibly
nnd rhetorically his repertory of Eng
lish verse, accompanying It with a
good deal of emphatic gesticulation. I
believe that the first experiment was
successful nnd that he secured Im
munity from nausea. Rut he said the
second time that he tried It he was
Interrupted by one of the officers with
a message from the captain begging
Mni to desist ou the ground (hat some
of the lady passengers were frightened
by his behavior, being under the Im
pression that he was mentally de
ranged, lie complied with the request,
nnd. deprived of its Intellectual prophy
lactic, his brniu succumbed to physical
Storms of Life,
As storm following storm and wave
succeeding wave give additional hard
ness to the shell that Incloses the
pearl, so do the storms and waves of
life add force to the character of man.
$35.00, $37.60 and
$40.00 Suits
$46.00, $60.00 and
$60.00 Suits
..At $19.75
..At $24.50 f
The Distinctive Garment Store
Henry J. McCarty,
A Typhoon In Japan.
M.v room "ii I lie second tloor rocked
and swayed, and It seemed as though
the building could not hold together.
After awhile I grew accustomed to
the motion and the noise of breaking
glass and dropped olT to sleep, but a
terrific crash right by my ear brought
me up with a start. The sheet iron
butters of my windows had filially
succumbed t-i the fury of the gale nnd.
although fully eight Inches outside of
the glass, had bent In until the win
dows, sash and all, lay shattered mi
the floor. A drenching torrent whirled
in through the crack between the re
sisting shutters, seized a screen and
hurled It clear across the room on to
my bed and then seized the bed nnd
bounced It savagely up anil down.
Then part of the roof took leave and
slid past my window with the nerve
racking clatter of con I pouring Into an
empty steel bin.
By dawn the typhoon was satisfied
..1th what It I mi 1 dime nnd moved on
out to sea. I retrieved my saturated
clothes and went .downstairs. Melvln
A. Hall In Century.
Unconscious Memory.
The memory of sleepwalkers Is oc
casionally prodigious under the Influ
ence of the dominating Impulse that
moves them. There Is nn Instance of
a poor and Illiterate basket maker,
who was unable to read or write, yet
In n state of sleep he would preach
fluent sermons, which were afterward
recognized as having formed portions
of discourses he wns ncciistomed to
hear In the parish church ns n child
more than forty years before. Quite
ns strange a case of "unconscious
memory" Is referred to by Dr. Aber
cromble. A girl given to sleepwnlklng
wns In the habit of Imitating the violin
with her lips, giving the preliminary
tuning nnd scraping and flourishing
with the utmost fidelity. It puzzled
the physician a good deal until he as
certained that when a child she lived
In n room adjoining a fiddler who often
performed on his violin In her hearing,
-rearson's Weekly.
Answering the question I'WIll yon
please explain how a person Is lifted
by four persons placing their ludex
3ngers under his shoulders nnd legs
by means of slight . lifting force at
time of Inhaling a long breath by each
person and by the person about to be
lifted" Edgar l.ucien Larkin In the
New York American snys:
"I have been asked this question
many times. If a iersou actually tins
been lifted mid those doing the lifting
think that the "law of gravity Is par
tially suspended' then the lifters nre
tinder self hallucination or auto sug
gestion In so far ns their Impression of
lifting Is concerned. They actually
1ft far more than they think, but they
svill not admit this, as they are par
tially self hallucinated In the belief
that the body of the person will rise.
And If they really succeed in lifting
the man two Inches they think it a
foot. Auto hallucination Is a remarka
ble nientologlcnl phenomenon and Is
now being studied by mcntnllsts here
and in Europe with minute care nnd
A Faint Hearted Poet.
Samuel Rogers, the English poet,
whose house In London wns noted as a
literary center, wns very fond of the
society of ladles nnd wns a great fa
vorite with them. Yet he never mar
ried, nnd iu his latter years he used
to regret not having done so. Ilogeru'
"nearest approximation to the nup
tial tie" wns with a girl whom he
thought to be the most beautiful be
hnd ever seen. At the end of the Lon
don senson she said to him at a ball,
"I go tomorrow to Worthing." He did
not go with her. Some months after
ward, being ut Rnnelagh, be saw that
the attention of every one was drawn
toward a large party thut hnd Just en
tered. In the center of which wns a
Indy leaning on the arm of ber hus
band. Stepping forward to see this
wonderful benuty, he found It was hli
love. She merely snld, "You never
came to Worthing "
Mission of ths Russian Fleets.
A Itiisslan fleet under command of
Admiral IsoiTsky lay in New York
harbor during, the winter of 18(5.1-4,
and another was In San Francisco
harbor for the same period. Thurlow
Weed Is authority for the statement
that Fnrragut In his presence nt din
ner nsked Lesoffsky why he wns Idling
the winter away. The Russian an
swered. "I am here under sealed or
ders, to be broken only In a contin
gency that has not yet occurred." In
general conversation he allowed It to
appear that the pnrtlculnr contingency
wns that a foreign power should nt
tack the United States. , The same au
thority records a confirmation of this
matter by Trluce Gortschakoff in St
Petersburg, who showed the Oinr
AJesander'a own order..--New York
Foolishness of Betting.
Being llrmly convinced that a cer
tain contest would terminate In con
formity with his opinions, a farmer In
New York state wagered his new auto
mobile against a wheelbarrow on the
result of the contest in question and
lost Giving uu, the property, he grim
ly trudged seven miles to his home.
Probubly his family noticed that he
had a grouch too. Considered in the
calm, clear, cold light of pure reason,
the gentleman succeeded In proving
himself n near relative to a California
ennnry otherwise known ns a donkey.
Hnd he won the bet the result would
have been pretty much the same, for
betting Is not nrgumeut evidence or
proof of anything. It adds no force,
power or dignity to any opinion or set
of opinions. It Is merely the outpour
ing of the gambling spirit and that Is
a spirit that has led many a mnn to
utter beggary who might have adorned
a borne and ornamented a community.
Detroit Free Press.
A Tall Story.
The long leggedest man we know is
our friend II. Bingham Palmer. . He
can take steps above live feet long. In
spite of which he is devoted to horse
back riding.
Recently he came Into the office to
chat awhile, and we noticed, that he
11 in lied.
. "Corn?" was asked sympathetically.
"Nope accident" lie answered, ns
answers one who doesn't enre to talk
about something. That aroused our
curoslty, nnd we couldn't help showing
It, probably, for be sighed and con
fessed :
"1 was ridln' through the park Mon
day, and I was just rid In' along nnd
ridln' along and not thlnkln' of any
thing In particular, nnd my foot slip
ped out of the stirrup."
"Well, the darn horse stepped on It!"
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Dirigible Balloons.
The dirigible balloon Is by no menns
n modem Invention, ns mnny people
seem to think. As n matter of fact as
long ngo ns 1784 General Meusnier pro
posed the construction of nn elongnted
balloon jvhlch might be propelled
through the air. Experiments were
made with It by two brothers named
Robert, who made several nRcents and
attained a speed of three miles nu hour,
though the method of propulsion wns
only aerial ours worked by . hand.
Nothing further wns attempted until
1852, when Henri Glffard built dirigi
bles which, by menus of n light steam
engine, be propelled at nearly seven
miles nn hour, and since then vnrlous
experiments l.ave been made which ul
timately ended in the wonderful tri
ll m; ib of Zeiclin.-New York Prcsa.
. Shirts made to order $2.00 and
. upward.
Suits made to order $16.00 and
When You Trifle With Public
You are taking the carbolic acid route to oblivion.
This "Caught With the Goods' ' Sale
. Is Genuinely Good.
Come in now while the "picking's" good. Every Fancy Suit or Overcoat in our beautiful
assortment is now
One-Third Off.
The $26.00 Suits and Overcoats are now $16.66.
The $20.00 Suits and Overcoats are now $13.33.
The $18.00 Suits and Overcoats are now $12.00.
The $16.00 Suits and Overcoats are now $10.00.
The $12.60 Suits and Overcoats are now $ 8.33.
All Boys' and Children's Fancy Suits and Overcoats one-third off.
Big Reduction on Furnishings, Hats and Caps.
Oil City, Pa.
Oil City, Ta.
Painter' Tragedies.
The painter Uoccklln's wife would
never allow her husband to bring a
model to his studio. "That Is the
tragedy of my life." said Boecklln.
"To create without n model Is almost
Impossible, while to employ one would
at once mean to break with my wife.
The episode Is recalled by Dr. Angelo
S. Rappoport In "Famous Artists and
Their Models."
Another story Is of Liicretln del
Fede, the cold, unsympathetic, exacting
woman who wns adored, married and
immortalized by Andrea del Snrto
She outlived her husband by ninny
years, dying nt the age of eighty-seven
In 1570. Long nfter Del Snrto's death
Jncopo dl Empt II was one day engag
ed In copying "The Birth of the Vlr
gin" In the Church of the Annunciation.
Florence, when nn old woman on her
wny to church stopped to watch his
work and. pointing to the central fig
ure In the painting, said, "That Is no
portrait" . At, eighty-six she wns
roud to proclaim herself the widow
of the immortal nrtist to whom she
had given so little pence.when he was
Good Tempered Turtles.
rince a number of different kinds
nnd sizes of turtles In a small space
and the forbearance which Is exhibited
might well be a lesson to mnn. Big
nnd little will crawl about, heedless of
each other's comfort or security from
harm. A small painted terrapin, for
Instnnce, will clamber solidly over the
bend of a vicious snapper, and the
chances nre thnt the bitter will merely
duck Its bend or move to one side so
thnt the claws of the former will not
Injure Its eyes. There seems nt such
times a look of patient resignation or
sullen submission, which would linme
(Mutely change to savage resentment
and fierce attack If n man made n hun
dredth part of the commotion. These
creatures, appear to be nble to distin
guish between "no. offense meant" nnd
Intentionnl niniillng. While they sub
mit to the one, they will fight over the
other. If fight has not been previously
thrashed out of them. Kansas City
A Story of Labouchers.
Lnbouchere's popularity nt Frank
fort, according to his own account as
given In "The Life of I.nbonchcro,"
rested on a very simple basis. Great
Britain was represented nt the diet by
Sir Alexander Millet, one of the most
popular chiefs to be found In the serv
ice. : "But I was even more appreciated
thnn my chief." he would rclnte. "nnd
this Is why: Sometimes there wns a
ball at the court, which we were ex
pected to attend. At my first bull sup
per I found myself next to a grandee.
gorgeous In stars nnd ribbons. The
servant came to pour out chnmpngne,
I shook my head, for I detest chnm
pngne. The grandee nudged me nnd
snld. 'Let him pour It out" This I
did. and he explained to me thnt our
host never gave his guests more thnn
one glnss. 'So. you see. If I drink
yours I shnll have two.' After this
there nsed to be quite a struggle to sit
near me nt court suppers."
Stopped His Talking,
In the memoirs of LI flung Chan
the grent Chinese viceroy, commenting
on his visit to Russia, refers to the
mnnncr In which the cznr nnd all the
high officials appenr to be surrounded
by would be nssnsslns. "I do not think
I would like to exchnngo positions with
the czar even to have the fine czarina
as wife nnd my choice of the rnrest
ten." snys the statesmnn. He ndds
the following anecdote, which seems
to show thnt he would linve been quite
nt home In the atmosphere of nssnssl
nation which he believed to exist In
St Petersburg: "Once in Tientsin a
low fellow came into my courtyard
and told the banner captain In charge
that lie Intended taking my life. lie
bad a long piece of wire nnd snld be
was going to bung me to my own gate
posts. I hnd to have bis hend cut off
before be would stop talking."
Pan Picture of John Paul Jones.
John Paul Jones was something more
than a sen fighter. After bis great
battle be knew brilliant days In Paris,
where Queen Marie Antoinette pnid
Mm attention and Invited him to sit
beside ber at tbe opera. All the great
ladles ran after him. nnd quite a few
seriously lost their hearts to him. An
American. woman who met him in Par
Is. wrote this account of him: "He is
small of stature, well proportioned,
soft In his speech, easy in bis address,
polite In his manners, vastly civil, un
derstands nil the etiquette of n lady's
toilet as perfectly ns he does the must
sails and tigging of bis ship. Under
all the nppearance of this softness be
:a bold, enterprising, ambitions nnd ac-live."
The Absolute Limit of
Price Reduction
in the
i 2d Floor Garment Section
We come now to the final Clearance of Suit, Coat f
and Dress Cabinets the emptying of all Fur Racks. I
Time now for prices that will immediately effect J
the sale of every garment.
Prices Cut And More.
That Price Is In Force Today.
And we care not how great the sacrifice. An ab
solute clearance is to be effected at all hazards.
We haven't space enough here to even begin to
quote prices. Visit our store and see the values.
V5 Mm0 )
tiBmlM.,1.,. It......
71 . ...... - .....- ...-.r. .-KaiiKO
iiinMHK piiuigun, muuu o, l a nnc-anncai Hilt, bt-autlf III ly.
oaianera gun, wilnout anjr pwtionable humps or biiinpM ..o lml.s on top for fr.u to Wow out
llirougli ur water to get in ; ; cSu t tunc up with ram. nmv, or sU-.-t ; if. ooli.l ,tetl brrrcli
"t"Ju- L VI TV1' thu.r""il'y yinnu-trical guu wiiUuut Menacing atrcngtb or
tutvty; it uth.Mfest shotgun erer built.
p. , " wHm"re" '" Solid bto.l Breech Unsidc as well as outl Solid Top-Side
Ejection Matted Barrel (which coats $4.UU extra on oilier guns) Prema Button Cartridge
Raleaa. Ho remove loaded cartridge! quickly from m.ig.inne without wmknig through action)
Daubl. Extractors Take-Down Feature Trigger and Hammer Safety. Handle rapidly;
guaranteed in shooting ability; price uudard Grade "A" gun, 122.60.
Send I stamps po.tnire for big catalog describing No. 77. 77?,; Z? f
a. n, c, n, t and Trap Special and all other Ae tartii firearms la.,
Zftar&t repeating rifles and shotguns. Do it now I 42 Willow Street. New HaTen. Conn.
If vt-ill crirtnf r'"c r''ol or shotgun, yon rhould have a copy of the Ideal Hand
II JTUU BUUUl Book 1110 pages of UM-ful information fur shooters. It tells all about
powders, bullets, primers and reloading tools for all standard rille, pistol and shotgun
ammunition: bow to measure powders accurately; hows you how to cut your ammunition
expense in half nnd do more and better shooting. This book I free to any shooter who will
send three stamps postage to The Slarlin Fiiearms Co., ti Willow St., New Haven, Conn.
3 a b
The savings af
forded you in this
event will more than
pay railroad fare
for miles.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
wuivi wius, wiuui uuu niwJiui WUUU
Money Doubles
at 4 compound interest in
less than 18 years. This means
that if you deposit $100 in this
solid bank now, in 1931 you
can draw $200, even if you do
not add a single cent to your
Write today for booklet tell
ing J low To Bank By Mail.
Pittsburgh Bank for Savings
Established In 1862
Prescription lens grinders
fur I lie eyes, plus Collegia
ntely trained and inter
nationally endorsed
Kehind the Cauns.
Artificial lCyes In Ntoek.
Both 'Phones.