The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, January 21, 1914, Image 3

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    Have You Protection
You imnnot a (lord to take your own
rink HKinni Ions by Are. Remember that
we roprnxem
and will be glad to call on you when you
want Ore Inmiranne that really proteota.
Drop u a card and we'll do tbe rent.
We are aicenta in thin county for the
and can furulxb security for County
olHulala, bank olIlolalH, etc
C. M. All k SON,
Levi ft Co. Ad.
Lammere. Ad.
Ilarvev Fritz. Ad.
Rnmra'ft Bubl. Ad.
The Prints Co. Ad.
The Klntnr Co. Ad.
OH City Trout Co. Ad.
Hmart et Hilberberg. Ad.
The Harvey Oil Co. Ixwal.
Penna. Niimerv Co. Local.
Ellawortb 11. llnlta. Jr. Ad.
Forext Co. Nat. Rank. Ad. and St.
Tbe Diatinotlve Garment Store. Ad.
Court Proclamation. Trial LlHt. Con
firmation Notices.
01) market oloaed at 2 60.
Ia your aubaorlption paid?
Yon can Ret It at Hopklna' store, tf
5A Ilorae blanketa and robes at 8. 8.
Blfrwortb's. ady.
We bave In a car load of Horse Head
Agricultural Lime. Come and get H
while tbe roads are good. Lanson Bros.
Tbe appointment of Mr. Gaston as
posttnaHler at Tlonesta was confirmed lo
executive session of tbe U. 8. Senate laat
Brighten up. Tbe daye are growing
longer perceptibly, and ere you're aware
of it you'll be aortlng over last year's left
over garden seeds,
Tbe Rkpubmoan can furnish you
with tlte very latent In engraved railing
cards or anything else in tbat line, at
reasonable prices, tf.
Salkhmam Wawtkd-To look after
our interest in Forest and adjacent coun
ties. Salary or Commission. Address,
Tbe Harvey Oil Co., Cleveland, O. adv
Dr. M. W. Easton, Osteopath, of Oil
City, will visit Tioneeta every Wednes
day forenoon, at tbe Central Hotel, where
be may be consulted by all who need his
services. . tf.
Oleomargarine always fresh, always
tbe same prioe and making new friends
each day, at 20c per pound In nine pound
lots, at the Salmon Creek Mercantile Co.,
Kellettville, Pa. adv
$.'15 00 and up earned weekly selling
our High Quality Lakesbore Grown Nur
sery Stork. Best grown in the U. 8.
Permanent position. Pay weekly. Outfit
free. Write today. Pennsylvania Nur
aery Co., Uirard, Pa. adv8tl-21
Tbe Irvine Oil company, of wbicb E.
E. Norton of this city Is a stockholder
baa lust brouubt iu a line well on tbe
Irvine tract near Tidioute. Laet even
Inn It wax slated tbat tbe well la doing
thirty barrels a dsy. Titusville Herald.i
An oyster supper and dance will be
given at tbe dancing pavilion on Ger
man Hill, In tbe evening of Friday tbe
80tb Inst. Tbe ball Is entirely enclosed
and will be made comfortable for all who
attend. Good music and good order may
be expected.
Mra. Mary Anna Moore, one of tbe
older and most highly esteemed residents
of Knox township, died on tbe home
farm near Luoinda, Clarion county,
Jan. 4, 1914, having attained tbe ripe age
of almost 81 years. Sbe was tbe widow of
William Moore, who died nearly 20 yeara
ago. They bad resided on tbe farm where
sbe died during all of tbeir married life,
upward of CO years. Eight children sur
vlve. one of whom is Mrs. E. 8. Blauser
of Nebraska, this county.
Rev. H. A. Bailey announced last
Sabbath that special meetings would be
n I n at the Presbvterian church on tbe
first Sunday in February, and tbat be had
the promise of Rev. Win. Fleming, of
Tareutum to assist blin during tbe first
week of tbe meetings. At tbe evening
services Mr. Bslley gave tbe large con
gregation present a very oomplete ao
count of the "Billy" 8unday revival
meetings at Pittsburg, which be had tbe
privilege of attending while In tbe city
Acknowledgment of subscription re
newals Is made as follows, with thanks:
A. W. Monir, Tionesta twp I L. R. Cropp
and C. R. Shorts, Green twp , (both new);
R. E. Down y, (new), Win. Hsrrington,
Coalinua, Calif.; Miss F. B. Siiuine, West
Hickory; Mrs. S. J. Rayen, Whig Hill;
Mrs. G. E. Gerow, St. Petersburg, Fla.j
Mrs. H. L. Lee, Portland, Ore.; R. J.
Butler, Kellettville; Mrs. Christina Han
nab, Gilfoyle, Pa., (new); J. W. MoCiea,
Reno, Pa.; O. Q. Gaston, H. H. Donley,
Tlo- els; Charles Cox, Hickory twp
Tbe mother and tbree ohildren of the
George Simon lainily, who recently re
moved from Hickory township to War
ren, will be sent to tbe tuberculosis anl
tor iu m at Mt. Alto, tbeir traveling ex
penses being paid Ly tbe Commissioners
ol Forest county, Clerk 8. M.Henry being
In Warren lor tbst purpose Tuesday. Tbe
other three small children of tbe family
will be taken care of by tbe Salvation
Army for tbe time being and will probs
bly later be taken to tbe orphans' home
at Randolph, N. Y. Pbyalclana stated
tbat tbe only way tbe lives of tbe mother
and the firet tbree childien could be
saved was by sending them to the state
Tbe publisher of a country newspaper
comes in contact with the various phases
ot'buuiau uature to a larger extent tban
most other people, and especially that
particular one. When you carry a man
on your subscription book two or tbree
vears without pay, thinking you are
showing coutldence in bis financial in
tegiity, end finally insist on bis paying
up, be will get mad and tell you to go to
blazes with your measly sheet, tbat you
bave no business to let tbe account run
ao long. If you cut bis name off when be
. ia only a few mouths In arrears be will
say: "Well, I see you were afraid to
trust me to a few months' subscription
were you? Thought I wasn't good for
dollar or two?" And so you see tbst you
are up against it no matter whioh born of
tbe dilemma you choose. Puuxy Spirit.
Yubt de same on dis aide.
Those of ourcltizens having Icehouses
are well on the jump Just now In an en
deavor to finlb tbe bar vest before the
threatening breakup occurs. Tbe crop Is
not Just tbe best ever, but will do for
oooliog purposes In a pinch. Tbe weath
er outlook la also not of the best and may
catch some a-napping, but as we are hav
ing our January fog, whlcb, they say,
will freeze a dog, there is still some hope.
Joseph Black, who baa been In jail
for some time, accused of tbe killing of
erome Weaver, at Tylersburg, was re
leased on a writ of habeas norpus last
Friday, Black was immediately re-ar
rested by tbe sheriff on an Information
made by Sebastian Weaver, father of
Jerome Weaver, and waa looked up.
Clarion Republican. Tbe hearing will
be held next Friday. Postmaster J. W,
Jamleson of Tionesta will be a witness at
this hearlug.
Mr. and Mra. G. E. Qerow, former
citizens ol Tioneala, and who lelt War
ren about a month ago for a sojourn
In Florida, are nicely ensconced In
bungslow In 8U Petersburg for tbe
present, expeotlng to tske over tbe Hotel
Cbsutauqua, one of the principal hotels
of tbe city, on tbe first of April, During
tbe winter season tbls popular hotel
serves on an average about 8000 meals a
week, and In tbe summer season tbe pn-
rietora usually take a rest, tbeir harvest
being oouUued to tbe winter mouths.
An Item Is going the rounds lo the
effect tbat quail In large quautities are
atarvlng to death on account of the deep
now tbat everywhere oovers tbe ground
n tbls region. Tbe item wonld be Im
portant II true, and tbe reaon It Is not
true Is because there are no quail in this
section. Time wss when there were
some quail here, but tbey were winter
killed, as tbey always will be should they
stray Into this country, from sections to
the south of us. With pbessaota it is
different.' Tbey will get through a pretty
bard winter with wbat feed tbey can get
from the buds of hlrcb, poplar and Iron
wood trees, with an occasional relish of
sumse bulbs and fern seeds.
Tbe Kpwortb League of tbe Metho
dist Episcopal oburcb bss secured tbe
services of tbe Gslbraltb Brothers, who
ill give one of tbeir delightful enter
tainments of melody and humor on Sat
urday evening, January SI, in tbe M. E.
cburcb. Tbe Galbraitb Brotbera aie an
old organization and this will be a rare
treat for tbe people of tbia community.
Tbeir program consists of duets and
aolos, songs Iu action, character aongs,
musics! readings, Impersonations and In
strumental numbers. Tbey are not only
artists in tbeir line but are Christian gen
tlemen, giving an entertainment clean,
pure and elevating. No admission will
be charged. All are weloome.
Mrs. L. G. Cooper, on tbe Reck,
Cooper ft Co. lease on Cropp Hill, bad a
narrow escape from losing ber house by
fire last Wednesday morning. Two of
tbe lease men, Edward Collins and Geo,
Rhodes, were thawing out a Irozeo gas
line near tbe bouse when the fire caught
inside tbe wall, burning (iff the back part
of tbe bouse, a bedroom occupied by Miss
Marlon Cary, a niece of Mrs. Cooper.
Miss Cary lost all ber clothes and the
bedroom furniture was burned. Tbe
men put out tbe fire sfter a bard fight and
sived tbe balance of tbe bouse, although
Mr. Collins burned bis bands, and Miss
Cary frosted ber bands while pumping
water. Tbe bouse being a one story
structure, tbe loss will be small. There
was no Insurance.
Roy Dotterrer, of Muzette, who Is
hauling ties from tbe Berry Job on tbe
Curtin tract on Little Tionesta creek,
bad an experience Monday with a runa
way load that be doea not care to bave
repeated. When be stsrted down tbe bill
leading into tbe creek valley be stopped
to put on a "rough-lock" chain but tbe
horses could not bold tbe load and started
to run. At tbe first big bump Mr. Dot'
terrer was thrown onto the double-trees
and from there threw himself Into the
deep snow at tbe aide of tbe road. Tbe
team and load kept on going to the foot
of tbe bill, where be found tbem piled in
a heap wilb thirteen Ilea on top of .ue of
tbe horses. After get'tug one horse up
be was obliged to hitch to tbe other horse
to pull it out of tbe tangle. Strange to
say neither horse was injured and alter
making a few necessary repairs he was
able to bring tbe load on to town.
Suspect My Be Hereabouts.
Did Kane harbor a would-be murderer,
last evening, is wbat a nun ber of people
are asking themselves today, particularly
some of tbe looal Italians witb whom tbe
suspect held conversation?
Stabbed in tbe abdomen by an Italian
wbom be tried to arrest Thursday, Police'
man Peter C. Scbeiwer, of Erie, Is In tbe
hospital there mortally wounded. Tbe
Italian escaped tbough Scbeiwer shot him
once as be rsn. His flight was traced by
a bloody trail to Nineteenth and Myrtle
streets, where it abruptly ended. State
and city police Immediately surrounded
the section, but as yet no arrest has been
There was an Italian In Ksne, last eve
ning, answering tbe description of tbe
man wanted, aud from bis actions and
what be said to a number of his fello
countrymen whom he met on tbe street,
it is believed tbat he ia tbe man wanted,
Tbe Italians witb wbom be conversed are
emplowed lo tbe woods near tbat place,
cutting obemloal wood, aud be asked
them If tbey supposed be oould get a job
from their boss, He was anxious to know
whether tbey were working In tbe thick
woods or not, and when tbey told bim It
was only a few miles from Ksne be de
cided to look for a Job elsewhere.
He then asked where Endeavor waa,
but tbey not knowing, could not tell him,
Tbls ia a villaue on tbe Hickory Valley
railroad 8 miles north of Tionesta, and
number of Italians are employed in tbe
woods near there cutting wood, aud be
might have made tracks for tbst place.
Tbe man did not apparently carry any
wounds, but it la thought tbat tbe o Ulcer's
bullet made only a flesh wound wbicb
tbe fellow waa able to conceal. Kane Re'
publican, Saturday.
Cough Medicine for Children.
Never give a child a oough medioine
tbat oontaina opium in any lorm. Wben
opium is given otber and more serious
diseases may follow. Long experience
has demonstrated that there ia no better
or safer medicine for coughs, colds and
croup in children than Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. It Is equally valuable
for adults. Try it. It contains no spium
or otber harmful drug. For sale by all
dealers. . . adv
Mr, and Mrs. 8. M. Henry were vis
itors in Warren yesterday.
Attorney A. C. Brown ia in Pittsburg
this week on legal buxiness.
Charles Cox of tbe Hopkins farm
was a pleasant caller Monday,
Mr. and Mra. K. L. Haugh of Nebras
ka returned Saturday from a pleasant
visit witb frlenda In Bruokvllle.
Citizen G. F. Watson and Hon. F. X.
Kreltler of Nebraska, were week-end
business visitors in Buffalo, N. Y.
George F. Watson and daughters, Mrs.
Vernab Shewman and Mrs. Cora Felt,
left for Lamlson, Alabama, yesterday on
a two months' visit with Mr. and Mrs. L.
. Bunrd.
Mrs. Eflle Johnson, ol Dubring, was
brought to the Kane Summit hospital,
Friday, suffering witb pneumouia. She
was accompanied by Mra C. N. Fulton,
of Frost. Ksue Republican.
Rsy bborts and Leonard Crnppcalled
at the Republican office Saturday and
enrolled as subscribers. Tbe latter ex
pects to move to town In tbe spring to
follow bis avocation of painting.
Mr. and Mra. Ed. Nelson and daugh
ter Mildred, and Mrs. Good anil two
children, drove down from Kellettville
to pay Mr. and Mrs. A. W, Strnup a visit
Hnndsy sfternooo, returning to tbeir
booies in tbe evening.
Tbe young friends of Mrs. Pbllip
Blum tendered her a miscellaneous show
er Mondsy evening. Mr. and Mrs. Blum
bave taken rooms on the second floor of
tbe Blum residence where tbey are oally
ensconced in housekeeping.
Mr. and Mrs. W, N. Zabniser were
down from Esst Hickory. Tbey expect
to take charge of the County Home about
tbe first n tbe coming month bh tbe new
Stewsrd snd Matron. As both are wide
awake and energetio, and know wbat
work Is, tbey will undoubtedly make a
success of tbeir new positions.
A surprise was given Miss Esther
Wolf last Saturday, when 107 of ber
friends gathered at her home in tbe form
of a postal ahower to help ber celebrate
her thirteenth tilrtbday. As Esther teels
it would be quite a task to acknowledge
these separately, she wishes through this
psper to thsnk each one who so kindly
remembered ber on this occssion.
A. W. Mong of tbe Township was a
caller at the Rkpublican office Wednes
day. He has the oontraot of delivering a
large quantity of bark to tbe Tionesta
station for J. (. Jamleson, and tbls run
of sleighing Is helping him out nicely,
tbe rosds being in fine condition for
bsuling loads tbat oould scarcely be
moved by two teams on wagons snd dirt
Tbe many friends of Reuben W.Moon
ill learn witb alncerest regret of bis
continued illness from which it Is feared
be cannot recover, ao critical baa bis con
dition become. Mr. Moon is suffering
from a complication of liver and kidney
trouble, tbe disease having reached such
an advanced atage mat nis pnysicians
can bold out litle hope of bis recovery to
tbe anxious friends.
Mrs. Rebecca Watson Downing and
Mr. Andrew J. Spangler, both ofKeliett-
vllle, Pa., were married at blgh noon on
Thursday, Jan. 15, 1014, at the borne of
tbe former's brother, Geoige F. Wstson,
Tionesta, Pa. Rev. U. Lee Dutilavy of
of tbe Methodist Episcopal cbnrcb per
formed the ceremony. The bride was at
tired In dark green cbarmeuse. A wed
ding luncheon followed the ceremony.
Tbe dining room table held a centre-piece
of pink and white carnations and ferns.
Mr, and Mrs. Spsngler departed for their
home lo Kellettville on tbe inoruiog
rsln, Frldsy.
Dutch Supper.
The Ladies Aid Society of M. E.
Church of Tionesta will serve their an
nual Dutcb Supper, Friday evening,
January 30tb, iu tbe dining ball of tbe
church, beginning at 5:30 o'clock, Tbey
are devoting much time and care in tbe
preparation of tbis supper, so tbst those
who go may be sure tbat tbey will re
ceive the best ol service. Tbe following
"bill of fare" has been arranged: Sauer
kraut and welners, mashed potatoes snd
chicken gravy, baked beans, squash,
cabbsge ealad, chicken sslad, Jello,
cbeese, Dutcb cheese, meat loaf, bam
sandwiches, warm rolls, brown bread,
nut bread, German coffee bread, and
wheat bread, pickles snd olives, mince,
spple, pumpkin and Dutcb pie, cake and
Ice cream, tea and coffee, borne made
candy. Tbe ladies extend to all a cordial
Thirty-Two Years Ago.
Items taken from tbe files of tbe
PUHLICAN issue of Jan. 25, 1882:
Mrs. W. R. Coon of Barnett is visiting
Tionesta Iriends.
Mrs. W.J. Bleakley of Franklin Is a
guest of Mrs. S. D. Irwin.
Ice seven inches thick is finding its
way into aome of tbe Bawdust bouses of
town. Thermometers indicated 16 de
grees below zero Monday night.
Park Grove came down from Bradlord
for a few days' visit at borne.'
Jim Fones, Bovard's wide-awake clerk,
bad bis band quite severely soorchrd
while emptying sn ash pan in wblob a
quantity of kerosene oil bad been spilled.
As Jim has but one hand to work with
be has been considerably inconvenienced
by tbe accident.
Thomas Snodgrass of SpartanBburg,
paid Tionesta a visit Thursday, beiog ac
companied by Mrs. 8., who remalna to
visit ber sister, Mrs. J. D. W. Reck, a
few days.
Tbe East Hickory school report for
month ending Jan. 12, 1882, shows tbe
following dally attendance:
Leoua Bowman, Marllla Ball, Lucy
Anderson, Ella Sigglus, Leota Gieen,
Delva Killer, Irviue Allison, Frank
Henderson, James Conelly, Alfred An
derson, Herbert Green, Uobert Hillard,
Darrel Green, Pluinmer Sigglus, Bertie
Hillard, Freddie Kiffer, Glenn Bowman,
Curtis Couelly aud Minnie Nurss.
Alwilda Adams, Teacher.
Horses 1 Horses!
A car load of horses, weight 1.000 to
1.700 lbs., mostly brood mareo and
matched teams. All acclimated PenU'
sylvanla horses. Two span of mules,
For aale or trade for two weeks only,
beginning Jsnusry 12, 1014, si Edelblute's
Livery Barn, Brook vllle. Pa. All horses
guaranteed as represented.
adv2t Grant Shustek
Mrs. W. L. Watson spent several days
with her sister at North Warren during
tbe week.
Mrs, George Klioestiver and son Alton
visited friends in Nebraska Friday night.
Tbe stork visited our town attain this
week, leaving Its parcel at tbe home of
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Jenkins. It proved
to be a bouncing big boy,
A slelgb load of the young people of
Mayburg drove to Kellettville, Friday
evening, and spent a few hours at tbe
Kingsley House.
Mr. Cbaa. Pope Is on tbe sick list this
week. Viyiau Dingle is looking after
the work during ber enforced idleness.
Miss Nellie Detar returned from ber
visit In Oil City, Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Spangler re
turned from tbeir wedding trip Friday
evening and were trtated to all tbe cour
tesies tbe town afforded. A rhower of
rice greeted their first appearance at the
train. The ladies' fife sod drum baud, of
wbicb tbe t wn is deservedly proud, es
corted tbem to tbeir borne, where rela
tives bad lakeu possession snd everything
tbat could bethought of in tbe oulinsry
art awaited tbem on a tastily spread tsble.
About ten o'cl ck nearly 200 of tbe
younger element, with all tbe jingle and
noise wbicb usually accompanies such a
crowd on such a night, and a goodly
number of tbe older people, gathered at
the home and treated tbem to an ear
splitting serensde. Tbe older people not
having much say at Ibis gathering, a
small crowd of tbeir neighbors turned
out Saturday night and treated tbem to
another booming serenade. Although
Mr. Spangler bad provided an extra
amount of treat nothing remained snd be
was compelled to escort tbis crowd down
town, where be set up tbeir sbsre of the
Mr. snd Mrs. G. R. Johnson returned
from tbeir visit at Harrison Valley on
Mrs. J. Welsh of Sheffield visited rela
tives in town over Sunday.
Mervin Host is suffering witb a bad
attack of tonsil Itis.
Albert Duukle walks wilb somewhat
of a limp, baviug crushed his toe while
at work last week.
John Dsubenspeck expects to close up
bis house for a few weeks while be takes
a visit wilb friends until tbe mill starts
sgsln in tbe spring.
I neglected lo mention last week tbe
meeting of the "Truth Seekers" at tbe
borne of Miss Hazel Copeland, wben the
class treated their teacher, Cbaa. Dauben-
s peck, to a fine luncheon in return for
the surprise be sprung on them some
time before. All report a (oily lime.
We are glad lo note that Mrs. John Po
cbey, who has been confined lo ber borne
for the past tbree weeks witb a severe
cold, is able to be out again.
Tbe meeting at tbe M. E. cburcb was
closed several nights last week on ac
count of tbe scarcity of gas but It is
thought II it does not get colder tbat there
will be gas so there can be services eacb
evening tbia week. There was a full
bouse out Sunday evening and a good
interest was manifested.
Gersld Watson has been sick for tbe
past few day witb stomach trouble.
On account of tbe snow blockade tbe
following letter arrived too late for last
week'a Issue:
W. A. Royer and John Coon were over
to tbe County scat last week.
W. D. Shields spent Sunday in Brook-
Mrs. E. E. Heasly, we are sorry to say,
is not improving in beallb very fast.
The M. E revival closed last Tuesday
eveulng. There were four added to tbe
cburcb. Meetings will b. gin on Tuesday
evening at Blue Ridge, and will close
with quarterly meeting and communion
on Sabbath.
Raymond Royer Is borne from Kane.
Clara Coon of Kane is visiting ber
grandfather, Mr. Johu Coou.
The Presbyterians had service last
Tuesday evening. At tbis service tbey
ordalued as elders J. W. Potter, Cbas. E.
Msttbews andSauiuei;MoMaulgal. There
were seven received iuto the church.
John Hottel is borne for a few days
Chester Callen and wife are visiting at
tbe home of his parents, Mr. aud Mrs
W. W. CI leu.
A. M. Cook and wife
of Cookaburg
Mrs. Wayne
visited tbeir daughter,
Henry, one day last week.
Our basket ball team bad a busy week.
Tbey trimmed the Wallacetown team
twice and on Thursday night the Sigel
team came down aud we won by the score
of2Utol7. We felt sorry for the Sigel
Mis. H. W. Breneman Is borne, having
spent two months up near Tidioute,
where her husbaud Is employed
L. R. Warner, one of our old veterausls
confined to bis room most of tbe time.
Tbe well on tbe Mary M. Maze larm
was drilled through tbe Kane and Elk
ssnds without finding gas. Tbe well will
be tubed baying lound gas In the upper
sand. Tbe well on the C. B. Kerr place
is not finished yet, but bad a nice show of
oil in tbe Clarion and was drilled through
tbe Bradford sand and it is estimated tbat
it will make a 200,000 gas well. This tx
tends tbls field two miles further west.
Tbe Braden Oil Co. bave trouble to get
tbe packer to bold In the Matlbewa well,
and the Phillips Co. are having Ihe same
trouble with Slaugbenbaupt No. 1. It is
rumored that James Barlett will drill a
well at tbe mouth of Maple creek.
James' Camp.
Tbe river is quite lull of Ice between
Pbilipston and Red Bank.
Earl Baker's bouse burned down and
all the contents were destroyed.
Wiu. Eckles went to Pittsburgh Tues
day. Mr. sod Mra. W. A. Fleming spent a
pleasant time at Charlie Kuight's in
Pittsburgh, Saturday and Sunday. Miss
Gertrude and Mr. and Mrs. Fleming at
tended a fine play at Ihe Harris Theater,
Saturday evening. Alao visited relatives,
Mr. and Mrs. Gumbert and family, Tues
day eveulng, returning Lome Wednesday
A young man of tbia yluioity by the
name of Jonson wss taken to tbe K man
ning jail tbis week.
Homer Brumbaugh went borne last
week with a very sore eye, but is back
again at work.
W. J. James is sawing from 15,000 to
18,000 leet of lumber a day.
Mr. James gave Mrs. W. A. Fleming a
fine oak rocker as a present.
Mrs Chas. Baker of this place bss
company from Fraukliu.
Miss Ada Sbay ol Wellers was In tbe
Village last week sewing for Mrs. J. T.
Miller, on Msln street.
George Downing of Tiona was tbe guest
of D. W. Downey last week, while look
ing after the South Peon interests here.
Misa Lottie Littlefield was sick last
week witb liver trouble, but Is some im
proved at tbis writing.
If one gela off the main roads now tbe
"Rocky road to Dublin" is not in It for a
minute. Wben you wade a few miles
where the trscks sre not visible you bave
a bard .b on your hands. .
The New Era Installed a telephone on
Its line at Henrys Mill, In tbe Wray
borne, Friday, these people having bought
out J. II. Knapp's sbsre and also tbe call.
Miss Emma Wbitebiil and ber sjpier,
Mrs. John Fitzgerald, of Mavburg, went
to Tylersburg Friday lo attend tbe fun
eral of tbeir grandmother, at Helen Fur
Preanbiug services In the M. E. cburcb
at Minister Thursday evening, by tbe
Rev. McDonald of tbe b , M. cburcb, was
well attended and our people bope for a
few more of tbe same in tbe future.
Mrs. Barnett of Tylersburg v I., I ted ber
sister, Mrs. J. C. Black, at tbis place last
Messrs. McDonald and Wensel, of
Pbelps, were up Suuday and called on
tbe Black and Rupert families while here.
Mary, tbe infant daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John Henlou, st Minister, bas been
sick lor a week witb teething trouble,
wbicb later developed into spinal com
plicatioiia, and ihe little one died on
Saturday eveulng. Funeral services will
be conducted at Garland, Wednesday
afternoon. Tbe' sorrowing family bave
tbe sympathy of tbe surrounding com
munity In tbeir sad bereavement.
A sled load from Miller's Mill went to
Blue Jay Friday eveulng and called on
tbe Lobdell family, wbere tbey bad a fine
evening spent in dancing, as Messrs,
Rogers and Lohaugb were in the party,
Tbe crack caller, Jack Dixon, was also
present to direct tbeir movements and a
good time was there. Oysters were
served at midnight sud sfter a fine visit
tbey returned to tbeir duties and Sunday
was certainly a day of rest up there. Tbe
roads were not the best and tbey could
not make tbe best of lime in coming and
Tbe Jury commissioners certainly did
a good job in selecting the Jury for Feb.
terra and if not excused there will be
great gathering of Howe township fellows
Tbe 8. ft T. passenger trsin was delsyed
by an accident to the engine Friday last
'.o as to be very late coming back at noon,
but tLe afierooon trips were on schedule
Mrs. Win. Hessley while going up
stairs about ber work Saturday fell a
short distance down tbe steps and turned
ber ankle, but was able to bobble around
the bouse on Sundsy.
The deserted hotel building opposite the
store front at Fools creek bad a part of tbe
roof go In under tbea weight of snow on
Sunday last. We did not bear if a bird
lit on It or not, but It is possible the in
creased weight or a bird may bave
caused the calamity. Several lives were
lost I. e , bed parasites tbst have made
ibis their abode for many moons. Tbey
were wbat you might call hardshell bap
tists. Some of them, we bave been told,
bad shells nearly as bard aa turtle's. As
only a part of tbe roof went In there is
enough left to preserve tbe strain.
Singing service at tbe church Sunday
nigbt was a very interesting one and
several new hymns were learned by those
present. We bope the attendance will
not fall off as tbis is helpful to a lot of tbe
young people. Even though we bave uo
great talent here, there Is enough to sur
prise tbe natives if given a chance to
demonstrate. Every one wbo attends
should feel at home and come to tbe front
and take part in tbe singing, even if you
were never In tbe building before.
Several of our men wbo bave lately got
out of work are going to tackle the woods
down towards Mayburg. We are glad to
know that our men are not choice ss lo
tbe kind of work they do. It denotes
absence of laziness. Tbe porcupines are
all workers and bard to beat.
Dode Duukle and son were down from
Hastings to spend Sunday at borne and
get a clean bite. They are keeping
"bachelor's lonesome" at tbat place and
do their own cooking. All women tbink
men are careless about cooking but we
know belter.
Sheriff School report. Average attend
ance for month, 17; average attendance
for term, 18; percent, of attendanoa for
month 77, for term 85. Those who bave
not been absent or tardy: Anna Larson,
John O'Dounel and Harold O'Donnell.
Wben parents keep their children from
school to rock tbe baby, wash dishes, or
"slop" tbe hog, tbe thought never occurs
to them tbat tbe time so lost Is never
found again and can never be made up,
In school the same as any otber place, on
this besutilul ball called earth. The
school Is progressing nicely wilb but
little trouble any place; the most trying
was the scarcity of gas a few days last
week. Miss Adallue Grubhs is tbe
Hastings Is now a conundrum, but is
being investigated, and an earthquake
may appear at that place most any time
Get wise, papa, and if it is not your fault
we will know soon. It is certainly a
shame to bave things run in this way.
Hall of the pupils at this place are Dotal
tending ihe school, wh Icli should not be
in a civilized country. There is a bog in
Ibe fence r-oiuewuere aud it is being
Blue Jay is going along fine as a fiddle,
and Lorv Slrlckenber is doing line work
there. He ia being complimented on all
sides lor bis good work sod Ihe Interest
he takes in it. Few of the pupils sre on
Ihe truant side but sll are Interested In
their work, aud success will surely crown
Iheir efforts.
Last but not least, old Porkey is still
on tbe map in regard to school and every
thing is going nicely lure. Although we
have some mischievous fellows here they
are not so hsd after all. The attendance
Is good. Miss Kate Gunnther is at tbe
desk In the larger pupils' room, aud Miss
Tressa Hendrickson bas charge of the
smallei ones.
A supply of stationery and pencils
came last week to all tbe schools which
was very welcome as tbey were all short.
Doing all we can to improve the schools.
Excellent for Stomach Trouble.
"Chamberlain's Tablets are just fine for
stomach trouble," writes Mrs. U. C.
Dunn, Arnold, Pa. "I was bothered
witb tbis complaint for some time and
frequently had bilious attacks. Cham
berlain's Tablets afforded me great re
lief from tbe first, and since taking one
bottle ol them I feel like a difforeut per
son, " For sale by all dealer, adv.
Closing Out
on China,
and reducing stock of
Framed Pictures,
yi Off.
50c books at 40c.
25c books at 20c.
All boxed and Fancy Books
and Bibles at
Bovard's Pharmacy.
Hopkins' Store.
Our Inventory
Unearthed entirely too
and the same with
Those stocks must be re
duced. The only way we
know is to
Cut the Price.
And that is what we are
going to do. Before you buy
your next Shoes or new Un
derwear see what we will of
fer you. It will pay.
L. J. Hopkins
j h , , , J
kP;-i&f3s(k are about it why not stock
Vg2jaJLL&'ni up with a few new kitch
Make Your Horse Comfortable
With some good Blankets. We have them and the
quality and prices will be found right.
J. 0. SC0WDEN,.
You'll Find
That Opportunity You're Looking For
To put less than the usual sum of money into a Suit or
Overcoat and getting back even more than the usual value.
This Semi-Annual Clearance Sale of ours is a satisfying
occasion no mistake about that.
Men's Overcoats
$12. CO Overcoats are now $ 8.7S I $25.00 Overcoats are now 18.60
16.00 Overcoats are now 11.35 27.60 Overcoats are now 20.00
16.60 Overcoats are now 12.60
20.00 Overcoats are now 14.85 30.00 Overcoats are now 22.60
Men's Suits
$12.00 Suits are now $ 8.86 I $22.60 Suits are now 16.60
15.00 Suits are now 11.36 25 co g re now 18 60
16.60 Suits are now 12.60 I
20.00 Suits are now 14.85 30.00 Suits arc now 22.60
Boys' Overcoats are reduced. Boys' Suits are reduced. Men's Underwear is
reduced. Boys' Underwear is reduced. Men's Hats and Caps are reduced. In
fact almost everything in the store is reduced from former selling prices.
LQ- - PR
'A 5!
At Lowest Prices
If it's anything concerning
Fritz's are the people to see.
Now that the holidays are over we are
again in a position to take care of your
wants in short order.
Our repair departments were never in
better condition than they are now to
give you prompt and efficient service.
Making over heirlooms a specialty. -
Now is the time to do it.
Our Motto: Lowest Prices, Quality
The Leading Jeweler,
32 Seneca St., Oil City, Pa.
Some Specials
To Offer,
With a Big Sav
ing to You.
In going over our stock of
all broken lots, odd sizes and special
stylesin which we cannot give you all
numbers have been priced as a special,
which you know means a big saving in
money to you.
Look in our Seneca street window for
styles and prices.
Corner Center, Seneca and Syca
more Streets,
Oil, CITY,
Will be found in your
home if you invest in one
of these
For gas, coal or wood.
Changes can be made in
a few minutes and with
ji very little trouble. And
the saving in your luel
bills will look good to you
when the bills come 'round
each month. While you
en utensils! We can sup
ply them also.