RATES OF ADVERTISING! One Square, one inch, one week...! 1 00 One Squarejf ue inch, one month.. 8 00 One Square, one inch, 3 months...- 6 00 One Square, one inch, one year 10 10 Two Squares, one year 15 00 Quarter Column, one year 80 00 Half Column, one year 60 00 One Column, one year 100 00 Legal advertisements ten centa per line each insertion. We do fine Job Printing of every de scription at reasonable rates, but lt'a cash on delivery. Published every Wednesday by J. E. WENK. Offioe in Smearbangh k WenX Building, LM BTRKKT, TIONKHTA, FA. Fore UBL Trrmt, f 1.00 A Year, Striotly In AItuh. Entered aa second-class matter at the post-oHlce at Tloneela. No subscription received for ahort-v period than three months. Correspondence solicited, but no notice wllWie Uken of anonymous oomtnunlca tlona. Always give your name. VOL. XLVI. NO. 48. TIONESTA, PA., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1914. $1.00 PER ANNUM. THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. ICAN. BOROUGH OFFICERS. Burgexa.H. D. Irwin, Justices of the react 0. A. Randall, D. W. Clark. Oounaimen.J. W, Landers, O, B. Rob inson, K. J. Hopkins, O. F. Watson, O. W. Holeman, J. B. Mue, Charles Clark, Constable li. L. Zuver. Collector W. H. Hood. tk-hoot Directors W. 0. Imel, J. K, Clark, 8. M. Henry, Q. Jamiesoo, D. H. Blum. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Member of Congress W. J. Hulings. Member of Senate J. IC. P, Hall. AssemllyK. K. Mechlins. President Judge W. D. Hinckley. Associate Judges Samuel Aul, Joseph M. Morgan. Prothonotary, Register & Bteorder, te. H. K. Maxwell. HherilTVva. H. UoiiB. Treasurer W. H. Brazee. Commissioners W in . U. Harrison, J. C. Hoowden, 11. II. McClollan. District Attorney M. A. Carrlnger. Jury Commissioner! J, B, Eden, A.M. Moore. Coroner Dr. M. C Kerr. Oounlv udttorfc-Ueorge H. Warden, A. C. Uregg and 8. V. Shields. Oountu Purveyor Roy 8. Braden. County Superintendent J . O. Carson. Reaalar Terau mt Vtmrt. Third Monday of February. Third Monday of May. Third Monday of (September. . . Third Monday of November. Regular Meeting!) of County Commis sioners 1st and 8d Tuesdays of montn. Church ni Habbalh Neba!. Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:46 a. m. t M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m. Preaching in M. E. Church every Sab bath evening by Rev. H. L. Dunlavey. Preaching In the F. M. Church every Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Rev. M. E. Wolcott, Pastor. Preaching in the Presbyterian church every Sabbath at 11:00 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. Rev. H. A. Bailey, Pastor. The regular meetings of the W. C. T. U. are held at the headquarters on the second and fourth Tuesday of. each month. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TV . N EST A LO DO E, No. 869, 1. 0. 0, F. M enta every Tuesday evening, in Odd Fellows' Hall, Partridge building. CAPT. GEORGRSTOW POST, No. 274 U. A. R. Meeta 1st Tuesday after noon of each month at 3 o'olock. CAPT. GEORGE STOW CORPS, No. 137, W. R. C, meeta first and third Wednesday evening of each month. F. RITCHKY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Tloneata, Pa. MA. CARRINGER, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law. OtUee over Forest County National Bank Building, TIONESTA, PA. CURTIS M. 8HAWKEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Warren, Pa. Practice in Forest Co. AC BROWN, ATTORN EY-AT-LA W. Offloeln Arner Building, Cor. Elm and Bridge Sis., Tloneata, Pa. RANK 8. HUNTER, D. D. 8. Rooms over Citizens Nat. Bank, TIONESTA, PA. DR. F. J. BOVARD, . Physician A Burgeon, TIONESTA, PA. Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted. D R. J. B. SIGGINS. Physician and Surgeon, OIL CITY, PA. HOTEL WEAVER, S. E. PIERCE, Proprietor. Modern and up-to-date in all Its ap pointments. Every convenience and ooinfort provided for the traveling public, CENTRAL HOUSE, R. A. FU LTON, Proprietor. Tionseta, Pa. This Is the niostoentrally located hotel In the place, and has all the modern Improvements. No pains will be spared to make it a pleasant stopping place for the traveling public pHIL. EMERT FANCY BOOT A SHOEMAKER. Shop over R. L. Haslet's grocery store on Elm street. Is prepared to do all Kinds of custom work from the finest to the coarsest and guarantees his work to ?;ive perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten ion given to mending, and prices rea sonable. successfully used f -for 34 .years I REMWtSALl DESIRFOItDRINK"DmJG3 4246 Fifth Ave.Pittsburgh.Pa. CHICHESTER S PILLS W yr-v TIIK DIAMOND BRAND. A niAinvn iiiiiKU a t'm un- DriiiTffl-t. AskforfllM'll years known is Best, Safest. Always KellaM SOLD BY DRUGGISTS tVERYWHERE 60 YEARS' Sr. f EXPERIENCE Designs Copyrights 4". Anrnne jpndlne a sketch and doaciintton mar quickly BM'isrtiim our opinion fruo whethrr ua invention in prnnnhly piiicntntile. Cntnniunloiv tliinaMricllyrainNdpntlnl. Hundboolttm I'utenU cut fro. (fldt'Mt m-'onry for m'rurinir imtenli. I'littMitn taken tlirniitrli Mnnn A Co. ruci'tre tltfriat nntice, without ctnirve, In the Scientific American. A hnndiioniplr llliutrntdl woekly. Ijiremt ct. minium of anv -clout itlo Journal. Terms, f;l ymir: four nmntha, 1. Bold by all newartpalora. ffn 361Broadway.Np.VYnrS it rauu. Otttcc 123 F gU WuAiuijf tuit, V. U f A . DAMAGE GREAT; -NO LIVES LOST Hood Caused hp Breaking of Dam Passes Down Pctcmac WATER HIGH IN MANY TOWNS People Residing Along Streams Move Gooda to Higher Ground Warning Given and Not One Life Is Lost. The flood caused by the Breaking ot the West Virginia Pulp and Paper com pany's dam In the Stony river near Dobbin, Y?Va, has resulted In great daniugo to the towns caught In the deluge, but the loss will not be at large as was at first reported. It probably will be several days be fore any accurate ' estimate of the damage to property can be obtained but , officials fix It at about $200, 000.. With telegraph and telephone communication re-established definite estimates of the loss soon may be had. The worst damage was to railroad property. Given early warning, the people liv ing in towns along the river banks went into the hills and not one life Is reported lost. The dam was 65 feet high and 1,100 feet. wide. and held back three billion gallons of water.. Part of the force of the flood was broken by opening the sluices at the base of the dam. Cracks were noticed In the darr some time before it broke and warn Ings were sent out to persons living along the valley. When the dam broke a wall of water thirty feet high surged down the valley and into the Potomac river, but the people of the valley had long before moved to the hills. All the towns along the Stony and Potomac rivers were flooded, but the deluge of water decreased in force ai It went down at ream because of the widening of the river. The Stony river is 400 feet wide at the dam while the Potomac Is between 600 and 700 feet wide at Cumberland. The Western Maryland railroad runs throuGh the flood district and suffered heavily from washouts of the tracks. Two bridges were washed out. Traffic on the road was tied up for hours. Westernport and Luke, Md., were under water. Schelt Is at the Junction of the Stony and Potomac rivers and the two Maryland towns are north of It. All the people of the three towns and all towns between Piedmont and Dobbin are In the higher land. The Dobbin dam was the first com pleted after enactment of the law parly In 1913 requiring permission of the state and Imposing a franchise tax. The breaking of this dam will have an Important bearing on. many applications from other sections of the state for the right to construct dams now pending before the public serv ice commission. . FREEDOM POSTPONED Judge Aldrlch Must Conduct Hear ings Before Liberating Thaw. There will be no hearing on .tho question of bail for Harry K. Tliaw until the final hearing upon the ques tions involved in the habeas corpus and extradition proceedings , which will put the matter by for several weeks If not months. This was an nounced in a decision by Judge Al drlch filed with the clerk of the Unit ed States district court for the dis trict of Nex Hampshire. The Judge also granted an exten sion of twenty days to counsel for Thaw In which to file their brief in the main case. As the state of New York through Attorney General Car mody has already filed its brief it is probable that the hearing In the main case and also on the question of bail will occur early in February. Too Many Fingers and Toes. . Humane Agent John Murr of Johns town, Pa., when he visited the home of Mrs. Mary Bardlno, aged sixteen, found that her baby girl was born with six fingers on one hand and six toes on one foot. The young mother tied strings about the sixth finger and toe, stopping the circulation of blood In order to get rid of them. It is believed the little girl will live if in fection from the crude amputation does not spread. Farm Hand Frozen to Death. Christ Clark, sixty-five years old, a farm hand, no home, was found frozen to death near Etna, Pa. It was the opinion of the residents that Clark had wondered along the roadway, be came exhausted and died from ex posure. Call Argentine Beef Fresh. In an opinion given to the dairy and food commissioner, the attorney general of Pennsylvania holds that beef brought from South America in refrigerator ships is not to be classed as cold storage beef, but as fresh, and mav be sold in this Mate as such. Steamer Believed Lost. No doubt remains that the German steamer Acilia is lost, with its crew of forty-eight, and fifty passengers. A telegram from Valparaiso reported the finding of two of tho Acilla's boats containing the bodies of her second mate and two seamen. Six Children Burned to Death. Six children were burned to death when fire dos,troyed the Weathcrby home in Coboconk. Ont. Rebels Removing Wounded After Battle Photo bv American Preai AsHociution. This picture taken at OJinaga, Mex., shows the wounded rebels being re moved from the battlefield after the engagement. The wounded are woll cared for and ample food supplies are on hand. GENERAL Sf.UZ.tH TAKEN Mexican Wanted in United States Caught IfJTexas. General Yne? Salazar, jommander of Mexican federal volunteers, who was driven out of Oiinaga, Mex., by the rebels, was arrested at Sandereon, Tex. Recently It was reported from Mex ico City that Sclaiar, General Past u.O Orozco and General Caraveo, frderal volunteer commanders, had escaped from Ojinaga and were mr.klns tlieii way to San Luis Potcsi in the inter!-), of Mexico. Tl'.'s report was cvldcntl; a ruse tcyrnable the generals to get away. V He was lodged in Jail by the loca authorities to rwait-the arrival ot United States 'federal officers, who will tako hirtt in -charge. 16 ENTOMBED IN SUBMARINE English War Vessel Remains Under 100 Feet of Water The English submarine A7, with sixteen officers and men on boanl. failed to come to the surface after o dive to the bottom of White Sand bav during the maneuvers and all on boa-d are undoubtedly dead. The official statement issued by the admiralty briefly announces that wliilF the A7 was exercising in White Sand bay she dived to the bottom and failed to come to the surface. It adds that "It Is believed the A7 is lying four miles from Rams Head in eighteen fathoms of water, but she could not be located." It is understood that the submarine was equipped with air locks and safety helmets. For this reason it is the general theory that the crew was over come by gas. It is possible the boat was uncontrollable when she sank through the ballast tank and pumps not acting. This would make it im possible to empty the tanks when the vessel tried to rise. Another theory is that the nose of the submarine struck the mud at the bottom of the bay. STEAMER STUCK ON LEDGE Cobequid's 120 Passengers and Crew Transferred During Heavy Sea. The 120 persons on the stranded steamer Cobequid are safe. All the passengers aboard have been landed at Yarmouth, N. S. The decks of the Cobequid were awasli when the transfers were niadu. It Is likely that the ship will be saved. The Trinity ledge, where the vessel struck, Is six miles off the mainland of Nova Scotia and fourteen miles from the port of Yarmouth. The Cobequid's officers said the ship went aground at 6:15 o'clock Tuesday morning. The bay of Fundy was hidden In a dense fog at that time. Nothing was heard from the ship after her first call for help was picked up by the Cape Sable wireless station until Wednesday when the steamship Royal George of the Canadian North ern line, which was In the port of St. John, picked up a faint S.' O. S. call. The call was repeated three times, but in spite of every effort to learn the name of the ship sending the call and her location no further informa tion could be obtained. Heroic Operation Unavailing. A Philadelphia hospital patient upon whom surgeons performed a rare op eration in an effort to save him from paresis died and doctors say one of the most heroic experiments of sur gery has gone to nought, Surgeons bored a series of holes in his skull and injected a serum Into the dis eased brain. The operation, done twice In Paris, was the first performed In this country. Killed on Way to Work. John Caddahan, aged seventy-three, was killed by an Krie flyer while on his way to the Erie shops in Mead vMle. Pa., where he has bcwi en ployed. HUNDB HAVE LIKELY PER1SHED Volcano Eruption In Japan Oev . astates Sakura Island THIRTY-THREE SEALED IN CAVE Buildings in City of Kagoshima De stroyed by Earthquake and Its Citi zens Scared Only Few Die There. Sailors from a Japanese warship found in a cave near the shore on the island of Sakura, devastated by . the volcano Sakurasliima, thirty-t'.iree terror-stricken men and women. The nearly starved natives had sought refuge in the cave, the en trance later being sealed with hot ashes and warm lava many feet deep. So far as Is known these are the only people caught on Sakura when the volcano burst Into eruption who escaped death. There were 15,000 In habitants. Five thousand of them es caped to the mainland during the dav of Jan. 13 before Sakurashima but Into full eruption. A few hundred are supposed to have escaped in small boats during the first hour of the dis aster, although many of these boats swamped. From these survivors came the first graphic story of men, women and chil dren overcome in their attempted flight. Many, they said, were struck down by falling volcanic rocks and hundreds were caught In rushing streams of boiling lava and seen no more. They themselves had taken refuge In the cave until the rain of ashes and lava had ceased. They were then unable to venture forth, being marooned by half cooled lava and ashes. Kagoshima, the city on the main land across the bay from Sakura is land, suffered extensively from the earthquake. Only nine lives were lost there, according to' the official reports. The barracks, temples and the gov ernor's residence crumpled up after succeeding shocks. The soldiers' in the barracks are now encamped In the squares. They have Joined the city police In preventing looting and in the effort to restore some degree of order in the panlcstricken city. Well over" 1,000 refugees from the stricken district have arrived at Kum noto, to the north of Kagoshima. Kumnoto and other towns to which refugees have gone are having diffi culty in caring for them. The captain of a Japanese steamer which arrived at Nagasaki told of the scenes he had witnessed at Sakura. The captain, who himself aided in the rescue of 300 persons from the island, told of the effect of the tidal wave and earthquakes, with columns of wafer shooting up around the boats of the rescuers, adding more peril to their work. Buildings and the sugar cane in the fields united in one great lane of fire and domestic animals and human beings ran together toward the beach In an effort to escape. Word that all Americans at Kago shima and the rest of the affected ter ritory are safe was received from Carl F. Delchman, consul at Nagasaki, ninety mlleB away. Mr. Deichman's telegram read: "A private telegram states that Americans in Kagoshima fled to Sendal, near Kagoshima. All safe." The Americans In Kagoshima Included a number of missionaries. COLD HELPS BUSINESS Trade Conditions Considerably Im proved, Say Dun's. Dun's Review of Trade says this week: "Changes In business conditions have been mainly In the direction of improvement and confidence Is further strengthened. The first real cold snap of the .'winter was decidedly favorable to the branches of retail trade large ly dependent upon the weather, white the demand for fuel was also acceler ated by the exceedingly low tempera tures. "A significant feature Is the revival of activity In commercial papar, merchants and manufacturers finding It possible to provide for their re quirements at considerably easier terms than heretofore. "Almost without exception, reports from the leading sections of the coun try Indicate that mercantile and In dustrial enterprises are being under taken with increased vigor, and It is gratifying that signs of improvement are clearly apparent In Iron and steel." INUNDATED BY LAVA Volcano Eruption In New Hebrides Takes 500 Lives. The entire western part of the is land of Ambrym, New Hebrides, has been devastated by volcanic eruptions, according to news brought by the Canadian-Australian liner Makura. Five hundred are believed dead. Word was received at Sydney prior to the departure of the Makura that on Dec. 6 six new craters were ob served in active eruption and on tho following day Mount Minnie'collr scd. Inhabitants of the danger zone were Compelled to take refuge in boats, which they had hardly reached when two new craters burst, overwhelming the countryside with lava on its way to the sea. Villages on the southern coast also were abandoned. No lo?s of life was reported among the whit population. Volcano in Japan in ' Violent Eruption , t r t : Photo by American Press Association. GIRL GIVES CLUE TO MONEY Fleeing Express Clerk Left $11,140 at Home of Relatives. At Connellsvllle, Pa., detectives of the United States Express com pany found $11,140 of the $13,000 alleged to have been stolen by Ralph Wiant, a night clerk, hidden- in a crock filled with flour in the home of Frederick B. Wlant, brother of the missing clerk. Wiant was arrested. He was charged with receiving stolen goods and was released on $1,000 bail. The detectives were given their first clue to the hiding place of the money when Miss Margaret Dunning ton of Morgantown, W. Vn., whom the fleeing clerk had asked to elope with him, told them that when Wiant halt ed in his flight to visit her home Tues day he had but' $700 with him. The rest of the "money, she declares he told her, had been given to a relative in Connellsville. Acting on the hint the detectives came upon the money. The express clerk is believed to be making an effort to get into Canada and all the ports of entry have been warned to watch for him. FEB. 3 FOR CONFERENCE Minera and Operators Haven't Agreed on Place. Feb. 3 was chosen by representa tives of the coal operators and miners of the central competitive district for the holding of the biennial wage scale conference. The place for holding the conference is to be chosen later. The miners favored Indianapolis, but the operators suggested Atlantic City, Little Rock, Ark., Detroit, New Orleans and Mil waukee. The central' district is com posed of Illinois, Ohio, western Penn sylvania and Indiana. The wage scale to be drafted in February will replace the present con tract, which expires March 31. Hunt For Pests Is Started. Believing that there are other pests beside rats, the men of Tine Bank. Greene county, Fa., have organized a big hunt to exterminate rats, mice, sparrows and hawks. Each hawk killed will count as much as fifty other pieces of game. MARKETJjJOTATIONS Pittsburg, Jan. 20. Cattle Clioice, $8.00(0 8.90; prime, tSAOfii S.fiO; good, $S. 15f 8.35; fair, $7."5 ft 7.75; common, $6.507; heif ers, $5.50'? S; common to good fat bulls, $4.5017.50; common to good rat cows, $3.50'?! 7; fresh cows and spring ers, $60fi!)0. Sheep and Lambs Frime wethers, $5.75(?i6; good, $5.40(g5.65; fair, $4.75 5.35; culls and common, $3(f(3.50; Iambs, $5.50(5 8.25; veal calves, $11'5 12; heavy and thin calves, $7(fJ8. Hogs Frime heavy hogs, $8.60ffl R fiK- henvv mixed. SS.65ffi 8.70: me diums, heavy and light Yorkers. $8.75 (Ti 8.80 ; pigs. $8(?i S.fiO; roughs, $7.f0fW 7.90; stags, $7?7.25. Cleveland, Jan. 20. mttlp Choice fat steers. $7.75(fi 8.25; good to clioice, $7.25 (fi 7.75; choice heifers, $6.75 r 7.50; milchen and springers, $G0(fi80. Hogs Yorkers, $S.50; mixed, $8.r0; heavies, $8.45; pigs and lights, $8.40 8.45; stags, $7. Sheep Mixed, $5ffi5.50; bucks, $3.50 fi4.50; culls, $3(fr4. Calves Good to choice, $12; heavy and common, $Gfi9.50. Chicago, Jan. 20. Hogs Receipts, 26.000. Bulk of sales, $8.20 8.30; light, $8f8.25; mixed, $S.05ff8.35; heavy. $8.05f) 8.40; rough. $8.05fi 8.15; pigs, $6.75f8. Pottle nerelnts. 2000. Beeves. $6.70fi9.50; Texas steers, $6.90fi 8.10; stockers and feeders, $5.10ffi 7.75; cows and heifers, $3.50fi 8.50; calves, $7.50 (f11.75. Sheep Receipts, 10,000. Native, $4.90 6.0.1; yenrlinus, $5.90 7.13: Iiir"ll. ri"t'-" ?fi n0raS.l5. Wheat May, 914. Corn May, 65"s. Oats-May, 30. East Buffalo, Jan. 20. Cattle Receipts, 100 head; market steady. Hogs Receipts, G.400 he-id. H-avv, $(.50 ((18.55; mixed, $S.5.r.fi 8.60; York ers, $S.C0f.S.8B; pigs, $8.60; miiv'i $6.70((i7.55; stags. $C(ij6.7u; dairie $8.50ffi 8.C0. Sheep Receipts. 4,500 lead; m:irk unchanged. SAYS U. S. MUST BUY GOAL MINES Senator Mart na's Report on West Virginia Strife : SCORES CONDITIONS FOUND Remedy For Strike Disturbances f For Government to Own Coal Mines, He Declares Privileges Not Denied. In his report submitted to Chairman Swanson of the senate committee which investigated the coal strike dis orders in West Virginia Senator Mar tine says the remedy for coal strike disturbances Is government owner ship of the mines. The report attributed much of the violence and bloodshed In West Vir ginia to the presence of armed guards hired by the mine operators and rec ommended the passage of a bill which Senator Martine introduced In the sen ate last session prohibiting the em ployment of armed police by private organizations. "God has blessed West Virginia with profligate hand," says the sen ator. "Here, above all sections should peace, plenty and happiness reign supreme. On the contrary, yom committee found disorder, riot, bitter ness and bloodshed in their stead. "In no spirit of malice or hatred, but with a view that the country, through knowledge of the true condi tions, may right the wrong, 1 charge that the hiring of armed bodies ol men by private mine owners and other corporations, and the use of steel armored trains, machine guns and bloodhounds on defenseless men, wo men and children, is but a little way removad from barbarism. "A millionaire owner of a great sec tion of the state of West Virginia calmly admitted on the witness stand that bo long as he got his per ton royalty he never Inquired further. Coal under our civilization is a neces sity. This great commodity cannot be Increased a fraction of a pound, yet our population is multiplying by leaps and bounds' each year, thereby Increasing the demands for this article. We hiust have warmth for our bodies and fuel with which to cook our foods. "With this condition existing and with avarice as the dominating characteristic in man, 1, at the risk ot criticism by many friends and coun trymen, unhesitatingly say that gov ernment ownership of the mines is the only hope or solution for those who may come after ns." Senator Martine. charged particular ly with the Inquiry regarding Inter ference with the mails and the employ ment of contract labor, reported that the evidence failed to establish either of these conditions. CONGRESS Against Spoils System. President Wilson let it be known that he was opposed to a return of the "spoils system" of postoffice appoint ments and would veto the postollice appropriation bill now before the house unless the "rider" in It exempt ing the classified service were elimin ated. The "rider" in the postoffice appro priation bill as reported to the liour-e would give the postmaster general the right to revoke the appointment of any assistant postmaster "and appoint his successor at his discretion" without regard to the civil service act or :ts amendments. President Proposes Aid. President Wilson conferred with Chairman Fitzgerald of the house ap propriations committee about an ap propriation for the relief of Japanese sufferers frmi earthquake and famine. The president learned that there were precedents for such an appropriation, but will await word from the emperor of Japan as to whether help Is de sired. Would Abolish Rule of Reason. Representative Stanley of Kentucky, after a conference with President Wil son, introduced an amendment to the Sherman law, which would make illegal the monopolization or restraint of trade "In any degree." It Is designed to eliminate tho "rulr of reason" laid down by the supreme court in the Standard Oil case. Senate Confirms Williams. The nomination of John Skelton Williams, now assistant secretary of the treasury, to be comptroller of the currency and as such ex-olllclo mem ber of the federal reserve bank board, was confirmed by the senate in exec utive session. Gorgaa to tt Surgeon General. President Wilson sent to the senate the nomination of Colonel William C. Gorgas to be surgeon general of tlui army, with rank as brigadier general. Would Probe Steel Again. Another Investigation of the I'nlted States Steel corporation was proposed In a resolution introduced In the sen ate by Senator Lane of Oregon. No Woman Suffrage Committee. Democrats of the house rules com mittee decl.'.ed not to form a woman suffrage commffttre of congress. Gets Second Choice Bride. "Love? Don't know what it Is?' said Theodore Woloszyn of Jeannette Pa., who appeared twice In two days In the office of Register Wills Miller, each time to get a license to marry a different girl. Miss Hulik, Woloszyn's first choice, wished to go home to be married In Austria. To this Woloszvn objected. He went next door, asked Miss Tessa Okum if she would not marry him and obtained her consent. Body of Missing Mine Boss Found. The mystery attending the disan pearance at Carnegie, Pa., of Ed ward Joyce five years ago has been cleared up. Joyce, a mine boss, start ed for his work one morning in 1909 and was never seen or heard from again. His body In a good state of preservation was discovered In an abandoned section of the Camp Hill mine. Fire damp is supposed to have caused his death. Drinking Loses Jobs For 126 Men. Consternation prevailed in railroad circles when 126 men employed on the Pittsburg and Brownsville division ot the Pittsburg and Lake Erie railroad were dismissed summarily. The charge In every case was drinking. It was rumored that more men are to be dropped. Among those discharged were engineers, conductors, firemen and brakemen, but no telegrapher!. Child Coasts to Death. Margaret Koeliuke, aged four, was killed, her cousin, Amanda Freyvogel, aged eight, was probably mortally in jured, and Amanda's sister Elizabeth, aged five, was bruised and badly shocked when a sled on which they were riding ran over a fifty-foot em bankment near their home in Pitts burg. Erie Newsboy Drowns. Stephen Hydic, aged eleven, a news boy, was drowned in the Erie (Pa.) harbor when he skated Into a channel that had been broken open by harbor tugs. With several other boys he was skating across the bay and while look ing back at those following him skated Into the opening. Transfusion of Blood Saves Man. Alfred Porter, aged twenty-two, of Erie, Pa., is believed to be out of danger following a transfusion of blood into his veins from the body of Henry Festing, uncle of the young man. The patient could not have lived but for the tralisfuslon, the sur geons say. Rides on Ticket Forty Years Old. While bringing his train over the Pittsburg division of the Pennsylvania railroad, Conductor Harry Relgh was greatly astonished when a passenger, an aged woman, handed him a ticket reading from Pittsburg to Altoona dated Feb. 1, 1S73. It was accepted as a fare. Citizsna Wreck School. Because the authorities attempted to enforce the vacation laws citizens broke Into the Calhoun school house In West Providence township, Bedford county, Pa., and destroyed books, furniture, overturned a stove and com mitted other depredations. Girl Dies by Own Hand. Miss Goldie Bruce, aged fifteen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bruce of Hull Creek road, East Deer town ship, took poison and died in the home of her sister in Tarentum, Pa. A quarrel with her lover is said to have caused the act. Refuse Mothers' Pension Aid. Tho board of Crawford county (Pa.) commissioners has decided not to tako advantage .if the mothers' pension act ns passed by the last state legislature. They claim the present system does not involve so much red tape. Plants Tree That Forms His Coffin. John Snyder, a farmer, was burled near Ilarrinburg, Pa., In a coffin madi of wocd from a walnut tree which he had planteo and had cared for all his life. Ho was aged seventy-fire years. A Wandering Scot's Tribulations. A (ilusguw uiiiii who recently took up resldeiicu in London. uys the tilaa gow News, selected from tUe people answering his advertisement for rooms u landlady boasting the name of Mao kn.v. That name, even without the lady's protestations, convinced hliu that lie was going to u "home from home." On arriving, his pleasurable anticipation was Increased when he was informed that It was "taken for grunted" he would have porridge for breakfast. Ho was astounded, how ever, to llnd the oatmeal served cold niul solid uiul profusely sprinkled with parsley. Something approaching a scene occurred when lie Intimated to the lady that he required the dish brought hot uiul fresh anil without veg etable embellishment. With u gesture of despair she led him to the kitcheu. where on the shelf was u row of bowls containing bis weekly supply of para ley decorated porridge! . Our Musical Nerves. Everybody who lias been to the den tist's knows only too well that the teeth have nerves connected with them. These nerves lead to i-ci'taln knots of nerve tissue called ganglia, from which also proceed other nerves Unit pass to tlie auditory chambers of the ear. It you grind your teeth ever so slightly you will Hud that yon bear t lie sound very distinctly. The vibrations mused by yrinilinu are conveyed to the audi tory chamber, where a series of prya mill cells of varying lengths are so ar ranged as to operate like keys of a piano. These cells, each of which re sponds to a particular note, are con nected bv nerve Hirenils, like piano wires. Willi the uiiiln nerve of hearing -n complex anil beautiful arrangement to which we owe our (siwer to appre ciate the cHjuiiitc luruouiiut uX uiu&ic. I