THF FOREST REPUBLICAN. t. C. WINK, tOITO 4 PHOPKIITOH WKONKSPAY. JANUARY H. 1U One in natumlly mildly eurlona as tn whDKilior Nwrntary Hryan awore off grape juice on the Brut of I h year. Renemh Free-trade. Hwnylnu fast Induatrle are laid, an In the past. When Free-Trade won and workers Inat, They looked for sun and, and got a frnet. -Ex. Thk atatement by atate treasurer You nit that the available funds In the treasury are now lower than they have been for some time, there being less than six million left tn do business on, will be le-a disquieting when it la rememtered that a alx-ioillion balance la atill aotne money. Secretary Rkdkikld aska Congress tn give him an appropriation of f4 000.000 tn pay the expense of finding out what alls the country. An honest Investigation and an honest answer to the question might be worth the money. But there la really no need of all that bother and cost. Hnsinesa is suffering from an overdose of tree trade policies. Tbat'a what aila tbfl country. If it is true, as slated, that the free listing of beef and olber food products, under the new tariff law, la causing enormous in. 'reuses In the Inv ortsllons of foodstuffs Into the United States, It would be Interesting tn know who Is de riving the benefit therefrom. Can It be the "beef barniia" and others of their Ilk are the chief beneficiaries? The ultimate consumers have not aa yet holed any re duction In prices. Blizztrd. Kay, brother, aren't you aware that aucb blamed impertinent questions as that are cilculated to kn.ick the beautiful theory cf Iree trade, "once and for all, into a cocked ba'f" Dkan William Draper Lewis, of Phila delphia, one of the founders of the Pro gressive party In Pennsylvania, baa re signed as president of the Progressive Stale League. It Is said that Dean Lewis' withdrawal was because bia candidacy for United States Senator was fr iwned upon by William Flinn and other, be cause they want a man like Plnchot, who Ins the ainews of war in the abape of funds, saya the Punxy Spirit. Aa Plncbot is a millionaire, and is expected to sacri fice a good deal of coin for the benefit cf the Washington party, be la -ery likely to receive the indorsement of the State ex ecutive committee, which meet in Harris-burg this week. '"Twas ever thus: I've aeen my fondeat bopea decay," will many a four-flusher lament when be reads tbat Congressman Barlholdt of Missouri, who la also a physician, surprised a Washington hos tess at a fashionable luncheon Tuesday of last wi ek by refusing grape juice and re marking that be would prefer beer. "We do not keep intoxicating beverages In the house," said the lady. Whereupon Dr. Bartholdt proceeded to elucidate. "Grape ) ii ice Is too stionge for me" be said, "es pecially In Hie middle of the day when I have work to do. Grape juice demands alcohol to preserve It and conlaius 6 to 7 per cent, of it, while ordinary beer con tains only 3 tn 4 per cent, of alcohol, Bryan will have to get something other than grape juice If be wauta to avoid al cohol." Jctxiit Scott at Easton asked an ap plicant for naturalization bow many Con gressmen Pennsylvania baa and refused bim, for the time, naturalization papers, because the Hungarian aaid there was a hundred and ninety-one tbonaand. He probably meant that there were tbat many who wanted to run for Congress. But, was it not an unfair question? How many Congressmen are there In tbia Btatt? Do you, who was born here and voted bere all your adult life know? And If you don't know, why should the ap plicant for naturalization be expected to know? Franklin Newa. A little less at tention given to men's mental qualifica tions and a great deal more to the moral rectitude ol the applicants for naturaliza tion would Improve the citizenship of tbia country. No foreigner abould be allowed to land in tbia country who can not bring with him a certificate of good character from the mother country. Lynch. W. M. Lindsey of Uallton called at the borne of James Slocum, Saturday. We are having tine sleighing bere. W. M. Sinclair is hauling atove wood for Fred. Newark. Lawrence Slocum Is driving team for Uncle Billy, E. C. Swartz is ill with the grippe. We hope be will soon be around again. Jamea Slocum's young aon John la ill with pneumonia. W. M. Swartz of Oil City arrived at Lynch Tuesday and is visiting relatives bere for a few day. Percy Bean is visitiug relatives bere for a few days. James Slocum and hia two frlenda are hauling chemical wood for the Forest Chemical Co. at Biujay. Alex Shay and lady friend of Nansen, Elk county, were calling on friends bere the first of the new year. Gazette Times Almanac for 1914. TbeGszette Times 1'JU Almanac baa Just come to band. As a bonk of refer ence on natlooal, state and local tnattera His fully up to the standard of The Oazette Times and la replete with inter esting Information on thousands of vital topics many of which are constantly com ing up for dircussiou. The Almanac covers the fields of politics, religion labor and industrial affairs, sports and numer ous other matters of interest. It contains a splendid calendar and astronomical sec tion, together with weather records for this territory covering a long period of years. Late and early frosts, floods, ex tremes of wind and temperature are all given. The sporting section of the book is unusually fine and complete. Boxing, horse racing, aviation, athletics, base ball etc The Alroanao will appeal to all who value exact, concisely slated facta which are of practical, everyday use. It la well printed, handsomely bound, and Is worth many times ita price which la 25 cents a copy; 35 cento when ordered by mall. Kellettville. Mrs. George Parker waa called to Brook vllle Tuesday on account of the Illness of her mother. Alex. Hunter, the conductor on the 8. A T. passenger train, met with an aooi dent Wedi day which made him feel somewhat uncomfortable for a few daya. He bad a plank from the baggage car tn the store porch over which be waa rolling a barrel of pork. The plank slipped and Mr. Hunter went down between the car and the porch, where the plank, the barrel of meat and a pail of lard landed on top of blm, and In consequence the conductor had a s ire head for a few daya. The W. C. T. U. met at the borne ol Mrs. Dotterrar Wednesday afternoon and discussed the subject of "foreign speak ing people." The next meeting will be held at the borne of Mra. Ida "Nasb, January 21. Mra. Harry Sbaw died Weduesday morning, 7lh Inat., from a stroke of apo plexy. She bad not been in her usual health for the paat year, but waa able to be about the bouse and attend to her work op to tbe time of ber death. Her husband'a mother waa suffering from a severe cold and she had stayed down staira to look after ber. Some time after four o'clock sbe went to the room and asked if abe had taken ber medicine, then aid abe would shut tbe door aa abe was going to get breakfast. She turned and went luto tbe other room aud tell, uncon scious, upon tbe bed. Her husband bearing the fall came down. Dr. Serrill waa called, but she never regained con sciousness and died about nine o'clock. Her maiden name waa Margaret Ittle. Sbe waa born near Tylersburg, and waa thirty-four yeara old at tbe time of ber death. Sbe baa been a resident of Kel lettvllle ever since ber marriage, about 12 yeara ago. Besides ber husband she leavea four children to mourn her lose, tbe youngest not being yet oqe year old. Funeral aervices were conducted by Rev. Henry Smallenberger In the M. E church, Friday, at 1 o'clock, and Inter ment In tbe Whig Hill cemetery imme diate followed. Sbe belonged to the burial association at Tidinute, who sent an undertaker to look alter tbe body. Beautiful flowers adorned her casket, tbe gift of friends. Mrs. Sbaw waa a very quiet dispositioned woman, alwaya busy about ber borne and seld oi seen far away from It, but by ber unselfish devo tion to the duties thrust upon ber she w n the admiration of all who knew ber. Frlenda from out of town who attended the funeral weie, Mra. Frank Pequlgnot Hickory, and U. 8. Ittle of Tylersburg, sister and brother of tbe deceased, and Calvin 8haw and Ronald Spangler of Derry, Pa., and Bradner Sbaw of near Pittsburgh. Misa Margaret Goodlellow baa moved ber boarding place from Mra. Downlng'a home to the borne of Prof, and Mra. Simmons, and Prof. Titterlngton la at borne with Mra. Mary Flynn. Tbe concert given by the colored troupe In tbe ball Monday night called a full house and all were pleased with enter tainment given. Mr. and Mra. W. L. Watson were Warren visitors Tuesday. Tbe stork passed over our towo during tbe week and left a thirteen-pound boy at the borne of Mr. and Mra. John Piersoo, Tbursdsy, and an equally fine girl at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. Boy Paul, Saturday. Mrs. Edwards of Crown was the guest of Misa Blanche Hendricka during the week. Jobn Cook bad a portion of the third linger of bis right band taken off Satur day by the coming in contact with tbe machinery at tbe planing mill. A goodly number of tbe young people attended tbe funeral of Leslie Grabam, at Starr, Thursday. Mra. Parker is on the sick list. Mr. and Mra. F. V. Hendrickaon and son Roger -visited Rev, W. E. Framp ton's family at Rouseville over Sunday. Meetings began In tbe M. E. church Sunday evening. Lawrence Dunkle and Roy Harmon visited tbe letter's home In Clarion county, Sunday. Mr. and Mra. R. W. Wliiteblil visited tbe former's parents at Truemans, Sun day. Mra. Sarah Sbaw Is suffering with a very bad cold. Cbarlea Daubenapeck waa a bnalnesa visitor in Sheffield, Wednesday. Emma and Arthur Jensen were Shef field visitors Friday. Ralph Daubenafeck la suffering with a severe cold. Grandma Dotterrer baa al so been confined to ber home for tbe past week with a cold. Alonzo Graham and family visited bia mother and olber relatives over Sunday. Ethel Rich Is viaiting friends at Starr. Wolves Run Wild In Warren. On tbe outskirts of tbe usually quiet and peaceful town of Warren tbe blood of tbe farinera residing in tbat vicinity has become somewhat chilled by tbe bow ling of a pack of wolves that bolde ita serenades In the small bours of tbe nlgbt and tbe farmers have started to or ganize a party to exterminate the beasta and put an end tn their depredations. Tbe wolves have become bold since tbe recent heavy fall of snow and several limea numbers of Ibeiu have been aeen on tbe public highways. Last week while John Walker, Sr., a prosperous farmer, waa journeying to Warren to pay bia subscription to the editor of tbe Times be was attacked by one of tbe nearly fam ished brutes wbloh bad become separated from tbe rest of the pack, and only escap ed from what might have been a horrible death by the Heetoess of bis borse which waa not apared at all by the terrified man. As soon as be arrived at Warren Mr. Walker told ol bis encounter with the wolf and a number of tbe village'a boldest hunters started out for tbe place where tbe wolf bad been seen. Tbe men were unsuccessful In finding tbe wolf, butt bey discovered a lot of tracks which would tend to show that there bad been wolvea In the vicinity. Tbe origin of tbe pack la unknown hot It la thought that they are survivors of the large pack that crossed over Lake Erie on tbe ice from Csnada several yeara ago via tbe Warren lie factory. Tbe wolves are of the grey timber variety and are harmless unless driven out by hunger when they become very vloioua and be come so bold that they will even enter towns In their search for food. This is tbe best time possible to send your subscription to tbe Republican. Misa Davla Indicted. Miss Kate Davis, social worker, was Indicted by the Wllkes-Barre (Pa) grand Jury for libel In "poison pen" letters she Is alleged to have sent to Mrs. J. C. Wallace, wife of a physi cian there. Miss Davis was a delegate to the National Purity congress this year. She was appointed on the state moving picture Investigating commit tee by Governor Tener. $15,000 In Jewels Stolen. Jewels valued at $15,000 were stolen from the apartments of Mr. and Mrs. T. DeWitt Cuyler at the Bellevue Stratford hotel in Philadelphia while the Cuylors were absent attending a dinner party. The robbery was a par ticularly daring one. One of the Jewels taken was a pearl necklace set with sixty-nine graduated pearls and valued at $10,000. Priest Bars Flock From Tango. Rev. Father James Kearns in his sermon in St. Michael's church. Green ville. Pa., forbade the members of his congregation from dancing the tango, hesitation waltz and other new dances which lie branded as indecent. The young people were also strictly for hidden to associate with votaries ol those dances. Trsln Kills Car Inspector. Wilford Wrljht. twenty years old. a car inspector for the Pennsylvania Railroad comnnny, was killed at Cone mrurh. Pa., when lie was run down by a presenter train. He was crossing the tracks to inspect another train when the accident occurred. Dies in Sled. Pobeit Monahan, aged seventy, a Civil war veteran, dropped dead In his slrd at I.'lly. near Jolinstown, Pa. His wife, who wrs in a store, saw the team withrut a dr'ver pass and going home found her husband's body in the sled. Christmas Bridegroom la Killed. Arthur Jackson, twenty-five years old, assistant section foreman of the Pennsylvania railroad at Wilcox. Pa., was killed when he slipped and fell under the wheels of an engine. Jack son was m- ' ri'-'-"-a day. Excellent for Stomach Trouble. "Chamberlain's Tablets are just line for stomach trouble," writes Mra. G. C. Dunn. Arnold. Pa. "I was bothered with tbia complaint for some time and frequently bad bilious attacks. Cbatn harlam'a Tablets afforded me great re lief from tbe first, and since taking one bottle of thetn I feel like a different per son." For aale by all dealera. ad". BIG SCRPHISE TO MAST IN WEST HICKORY Local people are aurprlsed at tbe QUICK results received from simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc, as mixed in Adler-i-ka, the German remedy wbicb became famous by curing appendicitis. Tbe West Hickory Drug Store state tbat tbia simple remedy drawa off sncb a surprising amount of old foul matter from tbe body tbat A SINGLE DOSE relieves sour stomach, gas on tbe atom acb and constipation INSTANTLY, adv Cough Medicine for Children. Never give a child a cough medicine that contains opium in any form. When opium is given other and more serious diseases may follow. Long experience baa demonstrated that there la no better or safer medicine for coughs, colds and croup In children than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It Is equally valuable for adults. Try It. It contains no opium or other harmful drug. For sale by all dealera. adv. AUDITORS' STATEMENT of the ac connta of Tiooesta Borough for the year ending January 5tb, 1914: J. C. Soowden. Borough Treaaurer. Debtor. To balance last settlement $ 748 69 W. H. Hood, 1009 tax W WI " 1010 tsx 814 74 1H11 tax 5rt8 00 " 19.2 tax 650 00 " 1913 tax 1 900 00 Show Lloeoses IK 60 Ida Paup 400 00 Rent Borough Building 61 93 Liquor Licenses 240 00 R. A. Cook, Lot 150 00 State Treasurer 42 65 Rebate on Interest 2 50 William Street Sewer 20 46 $5,305 23 $3,966 18 79 32 1,259 73 Creditor. By Orders Redeemed Commission 2 per cent Balance In Treasury $5,305 23 W. H. Hood, Collector, 1913 Duplicate. Debtor. To 1913 Duplicate $2,933 02 6 per cent, added on $896 15 44 80 $2,977 82 Creditor. By J. C. 8cowden, Treasurer $1,600 00 Commission 2 per cent 32 66 5 percent. Abatement on $1,718 68 85 93 Cards and Stain pa 2 50 J. C. Scowden, Treasurer 300 00 Commission 5 per cent 15 78 Balance uncollectod 940 95 $2,977 82 Financial Statement. W. H. Hood, Collector, 1912 tax..$ 283 47 " " 1913 lax.. 940 95 Presbyterian Church 10 00 Rent Borough Building 90 60 M. A. Carriuger, Secretary 40 00 William HtieelHewer 83 88 Municipal Liens. 154 69 Balance In Treasury 1,269 73 Liabilities in excess 10,598 73 $13,463 65 Liabilities. Order No. 1,123 $ 1,300 00 Order No. 1,431 1,620 90 Olber Orders Outstanding 42 75 Bonds, 1st Series 3,000 00 Bonds, 2d Series 7.500 09 $13,463 65 Expenditures, 8lreets $ hS3 45 Lights 78 45 Water 153 00 Engineer 11 60 Board of Healtb 69 00 Interest Floating Debt 314 31 Interest Bonds 420 no Gaa 67 75 Printljg 14 50 Fire Depuitment 3 25 Paup Case 85 60 Insurance .6 77 Secretary and Attorney 50 59 Auditors 14 00 Payment on Floating Debt 2,188 91 Miscellaneous 6 00 Treasurer's Commission 79 32 $4,045 60 We, tbe undersigned Auditors of Tio nesta Borough, hereby certify tbat we have audited tbe foregoing accounts and found tbem to lie correct as above atated. J. G. Jamikson, I J. N. Bankhkad, Auditors. R. L. Hasi.kt, I Attest: M. A. Cabkinqkr, Clerk. January A, 1914. FARMERS! Now ii the time to order Ilosc Point Rui ned Lump Lime J Most economical lorm ot Agn- cultural Lime. None better in T results. Haul in winter when you I nave most time. Place on farm tin piles. Lime is ready for use J PROMPT SHIPMENT I Write for prices delivered at T your btatton. Ask for booklet: T , .via t v., I'uum.i Rose Point Ground Burned Lime. Rose Point Hydrated Lime. X ROSE POINT STONE & LIME I COMPANY, New Castle, Pa. That $500 of Yours which is now earning you nothing, will return you $10 every six months if you buy one of our Certificates of Deposit. Interest begins as soon as issued, and checks arc mailed every six months. Write for booklet C. D. Pittsburgh Bank for Savings PITTSBURGH, PA. Established in 1862 Made - To - Measure Clothes of the Highest Quality may be purchased here at the most modest prices in town. See our marvels of beauty at $15, $18 and $20 and our wonderful importa tions at $25, $30 and $35 Fit and finish guaranteed. Blum & Anderson, TIONESTA, PA. Fred. Orettenberger GENERAL BLACKSMITH & MACHINIST. All work pertaining to Machinery, En gines, Oil Well Tools, Gas or Water Fit tings and General Blacksmithlug prompt ly done at Low Rates. Repairing Mill Machinery given special attention, and satisfaction guaranteed. 8hop In rear of and just west of the haw House, Tidioute, Pa. Tour patronage aolioited. FRED. ORETTENBERGER Cure Found for Eczema Those Buffering from any ailment of tbe skin will be interested to liarn tbat a new remedy has been found for all akin troubles hitherto declared Incurable. Prod mm Is a new healing product wbicb worka all kinds of wnndera, rid dlnit tbe lno of pi ra pies in twelve hour, stopping Itching in eczema and all itch ing diseases at once and curing tbem In a few daya. It is a sate and aure lemeoy for ring worms, barber'a itch, cbap, burns, acaldsand any ailmntnof Ibeskln. It sella at druirgists for 25 cents, includ ing K. A. Walker. Trial package sent on request tn Prodi um Company, Plalntlsld, New Jersey. At the Racket Store BARGAINS in Graniteware, Tinware, Glassware, Chinaware, Stationery, Hosiery, WallPaper, Window Shades Elm Street, Tionesta, Pa. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Cure Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. cent. DISCOUNT. $4.00 has the buying power of $5.00. LADIES' AND MISSES' COATS Reduced 20 per cent. FUR NECK PIECES AND MUFFS Reduced 20 per cent. LADIES' SWEATER COATS Reduced 20 per cent. KNIT MUFFLERS, HOODS," TOQUES, FASCINATORS Reduced 20 per cent. MEN'S V NECK SWEATER COATS, $1.60 and higher, Reduced 20 per cent. A few pairs of ALL WOOL BED BLANKETS Reduced 10 per cent. Above discount allowed For Cash Only. G. W. ROBINSON & SON Legal Notice. Forest Count v Common Pleaa, No. 2, May Term. 1913. In Equity. MAKION L. GEKOW, Plaintiff, vermis KATHRRINR FITZGERALD, Widow, JOHN C. FITZGERALD, MARY J. MAN ROSS, Intermarried with CHAKLES E. MAN ROSS, AGNES MURDOCH, intermarried with WIL LIAM MURDOCH. DORA SIGMAN, li termarrled wfih VALENTINK SIG MAN, HENRY FITZ iERALD, EL LF.N MoCAFFRKY. Intermarried wltb JOHN MoCAFFRKY, MAGGIE GIL TIN AN, intermarried wilb G. H. GILTINAN. A LICK FITZGERALD, HANNAH FAHKY, Intermarried with JOHN FA HEY, belra at-law of JAMES FITZGERALD, deceased, the following minora, children of ELLEN MCCAFFREY, now deveened, THOM AS McCaffrey, mary McCaf frey, and tbe following minora, cbllilren of MAGGIE! GILTINAN, now deceaaed, AGNKS GILTINAN, THOMAS WILLIAM GILTINAN, Delendanta. To Jobn C. Fitzgerald, Dora Rlginan, Valentin Higman, Henry Fitzgerald, John McCatlrey, Alice Fllsgerald, Han- nub Fabey, Jobn Pahey, I nomas Mc Caffrey. Mary McCntlrev. Airnea Gilti nan and Thomaa William Uiltinan, number of tbe defendants, take notice tbat tbe bill of oomplaint ol Marion L. Gerow, plaintlH, baa been tiled againm you In aaid Court to the above term and number, pray ing tbat the partition of a oertain piece or parcel of land situate In the Townblp of Tionesta, County of Forest, Slate of Pennavlvania, and con taining eighty-aeven (87) acre of land, and known aa tbe niaiceraia rural, ana if Mine cannot be divided without injury to and apoiling tbe wbole, thentbeaame may be aold and tbe partiea tn have di vided among the aeveral partiea, etc., and ihatnnleM you cauae an appearance In be entered for and in aaid Court of Com mon Pleaa on or before the aecond day of February next, the aaid bill of oom plaint may be taken airainat you pro oonfesan. D. U. Arird, Deo. 15, 1113. Solicitor for Plaintiff True Viiiuc d a d Trtie Vulue. January sale household and table linens The one time of the year when prices reach their lowest ebb. The time economical housekeep ers and loversof fine linen secure their year's supply because of the acknowledged buying; ad vances. We are determined that this should be the biggest linen sale that we ever had. Quality and prices will make it so. Dnmask xtr heavy double Damask Table Linen rose or tulip pattern, full bleached, 71 Inches, per yard, 81c. Irish Cream Table Linen 70 Inches, per yard, lido. Extra heavy Ttlcarlierl Table Linen fl8 Inches wide yard, 73c. Pattern Table Cloths Rlparhed II linen, (IS by 72 inch, $1.7.1. Rlcnchrd Pattern Table Cloth double Dnmnsk, sntln finish 7 by 72 Inch si.e, $:l.0O. Napkins -silver bleached, all linen, SO inch, per dozen, $1.50. Bleached Damask Napkins 21 inch, per dozen, $2.00. B0G3S & BUHL PITT3BURQH, PA. JAMES HASLET, GENERAL MERCHANT. Furniture Dealer, AND UNDERTAKER. TIONESTA. PENN J. L. Hcpler LIVERY Stable. Fine carriages for all occasions, wilb first class equipment. We can fit you out at aoy time for either a pleasure or business trip, and alwaya at reasonable rates. Prompt service and courteous treatment. Co mi and see us. Hear of Hotel Weaver TI02STEST.A-, IPJL. Telephone No. 20. DADDY DONT YOU WISH YOU HAD STARTED A BANK ACCOUNT A Year, ago uwrw vni i WERE EARNING yfy'l;. more ivs- All the past year he spent money for THIS or that use less thing. Yes, money, regular money that would have piled up in the bank. It didn't seem much, as he spent Jit in dribs, but now he realizes that he WASTED MONEY and has nothing to show for it. Regrets won't pay for anything except wrinkled brows. Can't you deny yourself a few little things for YOUR FAMILY'S SAKE, and put it safe in our bank. CAPITAL STOCK, 150.000. SURPLUS, 1100,000. Do your banking with us. A nrv ppiif We pay liberal Interest consistent with safety, Tt JJCi. VsCUlu Forest County Nactionod Bank, Tioixr t, IM. SOLID COMFORT s Make Your Horse Comfortable With some good Blankets. We have them and the quality and prices will be found right. J. 0. SOOWDEN, TIONESTA, PA. Wi National Vacuum Cleaners. Many thrifty housewives are showing that they appreciate the FOREST RE PUBLICAN'S liberal offer. They are responding at even a greater rate than we had anticipated. There can be only one reson for the popularity of the National Vacuum Cleaner and that ii its superior efficiency. It is positively the most powerful cleaner built for operation by one person. Special Offer. The REPUBLICAN has only a few of these wonderful labor-saving machines remaining, which are offered on the following terms: The REPUBLICAN for one year and one National Vacuum Cleaner, com plete, 4.00. The same advantages will be given to all our regular subscribers if arrearages are paid. Agents charge you $6.00 to $7.00 for the machine alone. ' The Cleaner for Everybody. The National is really everybody's cleaner. Here you have a vacuum cleaner that weighs 6 pounds instead of 60. With i you may clean your carpets and rugs without lugging a 60 pound machine from room to room upstairs and down. You can carry the National anywhere without fatigue. The National does all that any vacuum cleaner can do. The flexible nozzle adjusts itself to any height of person. It can be operated with e.ther right or left hand. Don't delay in taking advantage of this splendid offering. Act today. Write, phone or call. THE FOREST REPUBLICAN, Tionesta, Pa. ITL rai4i?'v - Will be found in your home if you invest in one of these Champion Ranges For gas, coal or wood. Changes can be made in a lew minutes and with very little trouble. And the savin? in your fuel bills will look good to you when the bills come 'round ui s 4fj wnen me uuts come rounu each , monfh-, While y,u ysBhik are abut it why not stock up with a lew nw Kitcn en utensils? We can sup rt . I ply them also.