The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, January 07, 1914, Image 2

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J. I. WINK, . (DITO 4 PftOrailTO.
"Billy" Sunday la said to mk bath
nor each addreaa be make. Sometime
bia language needa shower, too, Frank
lin Newa.
V It K N a man la PontempNtlng a reso
lution In quit RtnoklnK on January Brat,
and bia friend prex-nt bim Willi half a
docHn boxea of clitara on Christmas,
should be show hi appreciation by
amnking them or bia utolomm by allently
Rhouldering hi additional burden?
Punx'y Spirit.
No, r. Ueahould perforin neither of
aucb ailly stunt. He should promptly
lie up a box ol tbe El Vereo'a and parcel
post tbem in this ultice, where nonrenal
cal resolutions and foolish stoicisms are
tabled with utmost promptitude.
Rkcords of tbe State treasury show
that more than 250,000 hunters' license
were Issued during the season closing on
tbe last of tbe year, and it I thought thai
those counties yet to file complete report
will run tbe number up to more tban
300.000, far exceeding expectations. Tbe
treasury will doubtlesa net 1275,000. Tbe
text legislature will, accordion to tbe
hunters' license law, appropriate one
half of tbla amount toward tbe reim
bursement of tbe counties for tbe pay
ment of bounties on noxious animals.
Let Us Be Fair.
While Tbe Osxette Time ba bd oc
casion to deplore and regret tbe failure of
tbe Underwood tariff bill to reduce tbe
cost of livtrg there I no desire to be
uofair with that measure and Ita spon
sors, the Democratic paity. There baa
been some lowering of prices since tbe
act became a law. Immediately after It
aignature announcement waa made tbat
owing to reduced dutita appolluaris,
without which no borne I complete,
would be sold at 50 cents a case less tban
heretofore. Of course tbe ultimate con
sumer, wboaa a rule buys "polly" by
tbe spilt, will never discover bow cheep
It baa become, but no matter here la
one definite triumph of low tariff.
Wednesday (be world waa brightened
by announcement that goll ball, hereto
fore 9 a doseo, are now quoted at $7 50.
Whether tbe tariff bas anything to do
with tbat la not elated, but as tbe Repub
lican party waa accused, In lis heyday, of
claiming oredit for everything good un
der tbe sun, it Is only juat tbat tbe Dem
oorata be given credit for lower cost of
golf balls. Of course tbore are peoplo
hero end there who do not play golf, aa
indeed there are a few wbo don't buy
appolinaria by tbe case, but any statis
tician attached to the Committee on Waya
and Means, down at- Washington, can
figure nut the immense saving to the
publio tbst bss beeo encompassed; and
every little economy like this relieves tbe
general pressure imposed by cost of
living, (jive tbe Underwood act time to
reveal all Its virtues and don't be hasty
in your judgments. Pittsburgh Uaaette
Times. .
Both old and young are enjoying them
selves coasting and skating. All seem to
bnve a right good lime.
Mrs. James Brown baa returned home
from tbe Emergency Hospital in Warren,
where she wss opersted on for appendi
citis. She is improving much since she
baa got back to ber home again.
Herbert Carroll, while sksling, hsd tbe
misfortune to run into a low bridge and
knock one of bis front teeth out.
Tbe school children of Mayburg, aa
s luted by their teachera, Misa Margaret
Frainpton and Prof. E. C. Terrill, gave a
tine Christmas entertainment Dec 19th.
Also tture appeared on tbe scene a beau
tiful Christmas tree, well decorated witb
presents from both lescbers snd scholars.
A fine treat waa distributed among tbe
scholars from their teachera, mingled
wilb plenty of jokes and laughable inci
dents, among which was "a One nigger
doll baby" for Prof. Tei rill, and a large
stocking filled witb cigar boxes, rubber
neck cat, and many other presents too
numeroua to mention for Miss Frainpton.
There was a very large attendance and a
good free will offering was given for tbe
benefit of the school library, for which
both teachera and scholars are grateful to
tbe people of Mayburg and extend tbelr
bearty good wishes for the coming new
C. T. Desbner, while working about
tbe loader, bad tbe misfortune to fall and
fracture tbe bone of his left arm.
Harry Knight is visiting relatives and
friends In town for a few day.
MissTreasa Hendrlckson attended tbe
lecture in Jobosou's Hall, Kelletlville,
Tuesday evening, Deo. aOtb.
Misses Mary W.and Sarah A. Snyder
yisited their parents, Mr, and Mrs. An
drew Snyder, of ibis place, the past two
Delia Conk, a student in the Tionesta
high school, visited ber parents, Mr. aud
Mrs. Samuel Conk, for a few day, but
returned to Tionesta Deo. 27th to attend
school again,
Floyd Burrows left Friday morning on
tbe 8:00 o'clock train for Edioboro, where
be expects to attend school for some time.
The peoplo of Mayburg extend tbelr best
wishes for tbe new year and bope tbat be
will mske a success.
James L. Brown, Jr. bas returned to
bis borne from Clarion, where be waa
visiting bis uncle for a few days.
Mra. E. D. Reyner, of Marleoville,
visited tbe Snyder girls a few daya tbe
past week, returning to ber home Tues
day morning ou the 8:00 o'clock train.
Tbe Mayburg Uulon Sabbath School
elected for the year 1914 tbe following
oillcers: Superintendent, Emerson Rifer;
assistant, Harry Smith; secretary, Miss
Edna Smith; first assistant, Miss Lei a
Campbell; second assistant, Misa Tressa
Hendrlckson; treasurer, RbeU Plyler;
organist, Misa Edna Smith; assistant,
Mrs. Edward Merchant; librarian, Floyd
Burrows; assistant, Frank Hendrlckson.
Rev. O. S. Dry on, witb bia helper, Rev.
John McDonald, baa begun a series of
revival meetings in tbe F. M. churcb at
Mrs. U. S. Bryan baa suffered Intensely
witb toothache since the day before
Christmas. Tbe tooth became so bad
that it burst open, giving ber some relief.
She went to a dentist Friday and bad tbe
tooth extracted.
Leslie Paul, residing with bis grand
mother at Cherry Orove, visited bia par
ents and othor relatives here the past
Make A Munificent Gift.
Through tbe aotion of Orion 8igglna, ol
West Hickory, and Mr. and Mrs. FredN
Chambers, of Oil City, there will be pre
aerved for all time for publio park pur
pose s tract of 24 acre of woodland ex
tending from tbe mouth of Horse oreek
south nearly balfa mile.
The neoesry pspers were signed
Saturday. They will be placed on reo rd
tbis morning. Tbe tract ia one of the few
naturally w oded parka left in this see
tion. Tbe timber right wss purchased by
Mr. Slggins some time sgo from Fred N
Chambers wbo owns tbe land. Mr.
Siggioa baa relinquished bia valuable
claim "for the good of tbe cause." Tbe
property will be known as "Tbe 8lggio
and Cbambera" park. In arranging for
tbe transfer It waa decided that ita man
agement should be plaoed In tbe bands ol
three trustees. Tboae nauied are Major
Jnbn M, Reed, Hon. Peler M, Speer and
Fred N. Chambers. In the event of tbe
death of one of these Ibree tbe vacancy
ball be tilled by the selection of tbe re
maining two. In case these fsil to agree
or neglect to fill a vacancy the selection
ahalt be made by tbe presiding judge ol
Venango county.
Tbe entire 24 acres are woodland, some
of tbe trees being more tbsn 100 yeara of
age, Mr. Siggina waa especially bappy to
relinquiab bia timber right for the benefit
of posterity. He ssys tbat tbe pine and
othtr limber be baa cut from the other
part of tbe Strong and Brown larger tract
adjoining which be bought several years
ago, was grown during tbe period cover
Ing hi life time, ahowlng tbat It is not
Impossible to reforest tbla county If fires
can only be kept out.
Plans for the improvement of tbe ac
quisition are only embryonlo at present,
Tbe lend slopes from both banka of Horse
creek but not abruptly. Tbe first action
will be to post It sgainat buntera that tbe
wild game already having Ita borne there
may be preserved. Spots will be clesred
sway where small plcjio psrtiea may
meet. Benches will also be Inslslled, If
tbe necessary lund can be created the
undorbruab will be cltared away and
from time to time other Improvements be
It ia understood tbst some of tbe Isnd
adjoining, from wblcb tbe timber baa
beeo cut, and is tbe property of B. F.
Bruodred, of Oil City, will alao be do
nated as an additiou to the contemplated
Tbat Ihis action bas been taken to pre
serve the tract at tbe mouth ol Doras
oreek from being despoiled and will
eventually reault In fine place for park
purposes being developed will be pleas
ing news to every lover of nature in all
this section and especially to tbe residents
ol Oil City to whom especially It will be
available.-Oil City Derrick.
P. T. Hottle, a former resident of tbis
place, apeut a lew daya visiting and look
ing up old frienda. He ia now employed
by Shields Qrooe, at Wlrebrldge, W,
Reed Brenneman lain Buffalo for treat
ment, having bad a serious sickness
some time sgo,
Phillips A Co, have a rig op on the
Slaughenbaupl place and will commence
drilling tbla week.
Mra. E. E. Heasly 1 on tbe sick list.
Tbe Union 8. 8. gaye an entertainment
and treat on Christmas eve.
Frank Williams, of Lsmont, Pa., was a
visitor over Christmas here snd attended
the wedding of bia niece, Mra. Heasly,
Mrs. Geo. Chadwick and family, of
Marlenvllle, -visited at the home of W. J.
Mays over tbe holidays.
Robert Campbell and Dean Mechling
have returned to ibeir atudiea at Orove
City and Slate College, respectively.
On Wednesday, Deo. 24, 1913, oocurred
tbe marriage of Miss Hazel Heasly,
daughter of Mr. and Mra. E. E. Heasly,
and Harry Campbell ofOil City, formerly
of tbis place. Rev. Humbert, pastor of
tbe Presbyterian church, officiating.
Miss Alice Frants was bride's maid, and
Donald Heaaly, brother of tbe bridef
acted as beat man. Tbe home was last
filly decorated and an elaborate wedding
dinner was aerved immediately after tbe
ceremony. Tbe bride and groom were
recipients of many beautilul and uselul
gifts. Both parties are popular and bave
a host of Irjeuds wbo extend congratula
tions. Miss Alice Franti bas returned and Is
teaching, having bad a two weeks' vaca
tion. E. V. Heasly and tamlly bave gone to
Mayburg. He is employed In the chemi
cal plant tbere.
Ou account of (be deep snow Rev, May
could not fill bis regolar appointments
Sunday on the other end of tbis charge.
Miss Beulsh Brenneman and ber
grandmother were visiting In Ridgway.
Rev. Humbert could not till bia ap
pointment on Sunday night on account of
tbe heavy snow. He will preach on
Tueaday, night.
James M. Hepler, who was in business
in Clarington for a number of years, was
circulating among bis friends for a day or
two last weeK. Mr. Hepler is borne from
Panama, having spent six yesrs In dig
ging the Csnsl. He bad charge of tbe
drilling machines, and aa this pari of tbe
work ia completed be is through and la
making bis home in Brnokville.
Jake Slggins came over from Tionesta
to finish a well for tbe Brsden Oil Co.
State of Ohio City, of Toledo,
Lucus County, j
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that be
Is the senior partner of tbe firm of F. J.
Cheney A Co., doing business in the
City ot Toledo, County and State afore
said, and that said firm will pay the sum
each and every case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by tbe use of Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence, this 6th day ot December,
A D 1890
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
and acts directly on the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system. Send lor
testimonials, free. adv
Dangers of a Cold.
Do you know tbat of all tbe minor ail
meuta colds are by fsr the most danger
ous? It la not the colds themselves tbst
you need to fear, but tbe aerious diseases
tbat they so olien lead to. For tbat rea
son every on I J should be gotten rid of
witb tbe leaal posaibie delay. To accom
plish this you will find Chamberlain's
Coupb Remedy of grest help to you. It
loosens a cold, relieve the lung, aid ex
pectoration and enable the system to
throw off tbe cold. For sale by all
dealer?. adv.
Well, Kellettville la not quite snowed
in, for we csn peep little yet. Snow
shovels were kept pretty busy all day
Sunday, keeping the paths an tbat tbey
would not get ao deep tbat business
would be blockaded on Monday. Tbere
wa about 23 Inches of snow fell Saturday
olgbt and Sunday.
Mr. and Mra. Wade Simpson spent
Cbristmss with friend at Sargeant,
Mrs. Geo. Kllnestlver and two sons
Gordon and Altop were Warren visitors
Miaa June Dykes, of tbe University of
Michigan at Ann Arbor, wbo wa visit
ing ber parents at Kane, wa the guest ol
her cousin, Miss Edith Gay ley, over
Alta Jenaen, who Is employed In tbe
New bone Corset fsotory in Corry, waa
borne lo apend Cbristmss witb her par
ents, reluming to ber work sgsin Isst
W. A. Klncb'a family spent Cbrlstmaa
with Mra. Klncb'a mother In Clarion
ot unty.
Mr, Ransom, who wss laid up for
week from tbe effects of a fall, waa able
to go to work again at tbe depot last
week. Fred Kllnestlver and Willi
Dunkle filled bia place during bia en
forced absence.
Born, to Mr. snd Mra. Wm. Hopkins, a
Dr. and Mra. H. L Davis and aon
Kenneth of Cbioora, visited Mrs, Davia'
brother, Jay Cailln, and other friends in
lown over Sunday.
Dr. and Mrs. C. Y. Delsr snd two
ohildreo, Russell and Margaret, left Frl
day for Philadelphia, where Ihe doctor
expects lo take a alx weeks' course of
lecture specialising on the eye, ear and
throat. Tbey bave engaged room for
light housekeeping while there. Reed
and hia grandmother, Mra. Mahl, are
keeping bouse during their absence.
Shern K el ley baa moved bia family
from Ihe new mill Into Mra. Harrington's
rooms, and Hsrry Wilson moved luto
tbe bouse he vacated.
Reuben Jobnson of Ridgway waa tbe
guest ol Alfred Johnson's family dur
ing tbe week.
Willi Dunkle and Charles Dauben
apeck bave taken abort vacation and
are improving tbla opportunity to make
an extended viait witb Mends out of
B. Sbotta of Leeper wss tbe guest of
Albert Dunkle's family during tbe week.
Ihe new mill bas shut down lor two or
three months lor repairs. Those of the
crew not needed on tbe repstr work will
be sent to the woods to cut chemical
Mra. E. E. Daubenspeck gsve a family
dinner on Cbristmss, at which ber grand-
on, Gerald Elmer Watson, ate his first
Cbristmss dinner.
At a meeting of tbe Sunday school
board of tbe M. E.Sunday School, Thurs
day evening, the old officers were all re
elected to serve for another year, except
tbe asslatant superintendent, to wblcb
Miss Kate Guentber waa newly elected.
Cbristmss in tbe M. E. Sunday School
was noted for its liberal gilts and the
apiritof liberality which prevailed in tbe
giving. Tbe Helping Hand or ladies'
class presented tbe pastor and wife witb
a set of lesther dining chairs, their teach
er a aet of sterling tea spoons, and tbe
president a cut glsss salsd bowl, a silver
meat fork and a handkerchief. Tbe
men's class presented tbe pastor witb a
leather library chair and their teacher a
gold coin. Gold coins were also given to
tbe superintendent, secretary and or
ganist. The teachers were unusually
liberal in their gift to tbe classes and
received good gifts In return.
Merle Spencer waa up from Oil City
and spent Sundsy in town-
Ivan Carbaugb, wbo ia working on tbe
railroad in Oil City, spent tbe past week
with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Mra. F. J. Henderson spent Christmas
witb ber son in Mesdville.
Miss Nellie Detar is visiting friends in
Oil City for a few weeks.
Mrs. Pratberof Franklin was a visitor
in lown and spent tbe night witb Mr.
W. H. Dotterrer.
The livery barn wa somewhat sby in
rigs Sundsy, the most of tbe horses being
out on trips where tbey were storm
Reed Detsr, Roland Carbaugh, Ruth
Wilson and Valrae Day started to drive
to Nebraska, Sunday, but found tbe
snow so deep tbey were compelled to re
turn home sgain.
Winter Term Notice:
Tbe regular winter term at the Doff
Business College, Warren, Pa., opena
January 5tb. Beginning classes in all of
tbe regolar work at tbat time.
Send in your uame early for aeat reser
valion. adv. 2t
Biliousness and Constipation Cured.
If you are ever troubled wilb bilious
ness or constipation you will tie interesttd
In the statement of R. F. Erwln, Peru,
Ind. "A year gn last winter I bad an
attack of indigestion followed by bilious
ness and oonstipstion. Seeing Chamber
lain's Tablets so highly recouimendtd, I
bought a bottle of tbem and tbey helped
me right away." For sale by all dealers.
Tbe Stockholders of tbe Forest County
National Bank of Tionesta, Pa., will meet
on Tuesdsy, January 13, 1914, at 2 o'clock
p. tn., at tbe office of tbe bank, for tbe
purpose of tbe election of directora for
the ensuing year.
adv4t James H. Kelly, Cashier.
Stockholders' Meeting.
Tbe annual meeting of tbe stockholders
of the Forest Telephone and Telegraph
Company will be held in the Directors'
Room of the Gold Standard National
Bank, at Marlenvllle, Pa., January 29, at
1:30 o'clock p. in., 1914, for tbe purpose of
electing officers for the ensuing year.
J. U. Kuhsell, President.
J. B. Cottle, Secretary.
West Hickory people wbo bave stom
ach and bowel trouble should gusrd
sgsinst appendicitis by taking simple
buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as com
pounded iu Adler-i-ks, tbe German
remedy which became famous by curing
appendioitis. JUST ONE DOSE re
lieves sour stomach, ga on the stomach
and constipation INSTANTLY because
tbis simple mixture draws off such a
surprising amount of foul matter from tbe
body. The West Hickory Drugstore, adv
A summary of Ihe oftlolal return of
the November, 1913, elections, made by
the New Y irk Tribune, shows the Dem
crate lost 100 000 votes over November,
1912. Tbe Republicans gained 200,000,
and tbe Progressives lost 450,000.
Now is the time to order T
Rose Point
I Humeri Lump Lime J
most economical torm oi Agri-
cultural Lime. None better in T
results. Haul in winter when you I
nave most time. Place on farm
in piles. Lime is ready for use
t Spring plowing.
Write for prices delivered at
your btation. Ask (or booklet:
''Facts for Farmers."
Rose Point Ground Burned Lime.
Rose Point Hydrated Lime.
New Castle, Pt.
It's the Simplest Thing in
the World
to do your banking by mail;
our perfected system carries
every advantage possessed by
the city dweller to the resident
in the remotest district.
May we send you particu
lars? Your inquiry involves no
4 Compound lntrt 4
Pittsburgh Bank for Savings
Established In 18S
Made -To -Measure
Clothes of the
Highest Quality
may be purchased here at the
most modest prices in town.
See our marvels of beauty at
$15, $18 and $20
and our wonderful importa
tions at
$25, $30 and $35
Fit and finish guaranteed.
Blum & Anderson,
Fred. Grettenberger
All work pertaining to Machinery, En
gines, Oil Well Tools, Gas or Water Fit
tings ana uenerai HiacKsmiiniug prompt
ly done at Low Rates. Repairing Mill
Machinery given special attention, and
satisfaction guaranteed.
Shop In rear of and just west of tbe
naw House, xidioute, fa.
Tour patronage solicited.
The best remedy known lor eczema,
heals fever sores, rath, all kinds of akin
eruptions. Clears tbe skiu overnight of
pimples. Acta immediately on all Itch
ing diseases.
For sale at all druggists, 25 cents, in
cluding R. A. Walker. Trial nankatre on
request Prodlum Co., Plalnfleld, N. J.
At the
Racket Store
Graniteware, Tinware,
Glassware, Chinaware,
Stationery, Hosiery,
Wall Paper, Window Shades
Elm Street,
Tionesta, Pa.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Cures Cold, Crdu'p and Whooping CougU.
We Do Not Sell
Snow Shoes
such as are used by trappers and
hunters in the far north, but when
it is question of
Winter Foot
for residents of Northwestern
Pennsylvania, we can talk with
Heavy Leather Shoes,
Lumbermen's Rubbers,
Lumbermen's Stockings,
Rubber Boots,
Also, Winter Head-Gear and
Hand-Gear, which being trans
lated means Caps, Toques, Hoods,
Gloves, and Mittens of all kinds.
Legal Notice.
Forest Cnuulv Common Pleas, No. 2,
May Term. 1013. In Koiiity.
MARION L. GEKOW, Plaintiff,
MAN ROSS, Intermarried with
MURDOCH, intermarried with WIL
Intermarried with VALENTINE 8IG
LEN McCAFKREY, Intermarried with
john McCaffrey, maugie oil-
TINaN. Intermarried with G. H.
HANNAH F AH EY. Intermarried witb
JOHN FA HEY. helra at-law ol
JAMES FITZGERALD, deceaaitd, the
following minora, obildren of ELLEN
MCCAFFREY, now deceased, THOM
AS McCaffrey, mary McCaf
frey, aud tbe following minora,
children of MAGGIE GILTINAN,
now deoeaaed, AGNES GILTINAN,
To John C. Fitzgerald, Dora Sigmao,
Valentin Nlsman. Henry Filiiierald.
John McCaffrey, Alloa Fitzgerald, Han
nah Fabey, Jobn Hahey, Thomas Mo-
Csffrey, Msry McCaflrev, Acnes Glltl-
nan and Tbomas William uutinan, a
number of tbe defendants, take not Ire
tbal tbe bill of oouiplaiul of Marlon L.
Gerow, plalntltJ, baa been tiled agalnnt
you in aald uouri to me aoove term ana
number, praying tbat the partition of a
certain piece or parcel of land situate In
I tie TownMiip ol Ttonesia, uouniy oi
Forest, al'.te of fennavlvanla. ana con
taining eigbly-neven (87) acres of land,
and known aa tbe Fllzgerald Farm, and
if same cannot be divided without Injury
to and spoiling tbe whole, then tbe ssme
may be sold sod tne psrtles to nave di
vided among ihe several parties, etc., and
tbat unlet you cause an appearance In
be entered for and in aald Uourt of com
mon fleas on or before tbe second dsy
of Februsry next, tbe ssid bill of com
plaint may be taken stialnat you pro
contesso. v. u. ahiko,
Dec. 15, 1013. Solicitor for Plaintiff.
D ft Q
waists much less
Shelf-Emptying Sale of Waists
o'er brimming with a value
giving message that surpasses
any sale news we have given out
in a long time.
Waists of all kinds for every
occasion Chiffon Waists all
colors $4.50 and $3.00 Waisti,
Linger!: Waists, $4.00 and
$4.50 Wrists for $.?.oo.
Lingerie Waists $3.00 Waists
for $2.00.
Liberie Waists $1.50 Waists
for $1.50.
Lingerie Waists $1.00 Waists
for 65c.
men's hats
Shelf-Emptying prices marked
on larje stock of Men's and
Boys' hats end Caps, insuring
saving o one-third to one-half.
Men's 2.50 and $3.00 Cloth
Hats and Imported Wool Hats,
Men's $4.00 Velour Hats
colori Brown, Green and Blue,
All Men's and Boys' Fur Caps,
shelf-emptying priced, $1.50 to
Men's and Boys' $1.00 Win
ter Caps fur- inside bands to
pull down over the ears, 50c.
Boys' $1.50 nd $2.00 Hats
Telescope Crown Grey, Brown,
Tan and Green, $1.00.
B0G33 &
Furniture Dealer,
J. L. Hepler
Fine carriages for all occasions,
wilb first class equipment. We can
fit you out at any time for either a
pleasure or business trip, and always
at reasonable rates. Prompt service
aod courteous treatment.
Comi and see us.
Rear of Hotel Weaver
Telephone No. 20.
it m i.jtuv.t m. jav
Happy New Year to you. This means everybody. Our
friends in particular and the whole community in general.
Next New Year will be here as surely as this is. If you put
money in the bank all this year NEXT New Year's day will
find you happier and better satisfied. Each succeeding year
should find each of us better prepared for OLD AGE, which
we should enjoy in comfort.
CAPITAL STOCK, 150.000. SURPLUS, 1100.000.
Do your banking with us. A yar OGYli"
We pay liberal interest consistent with safety, JCl V CXI U.
Forest County Nattionexl Bank,
TIO.i:STA, 1A.
V .""Tir ayJ
" " vJ "' I
tei&A (m? ft
i ...J
Make Your Horse Comfortable
With some good Blankets. We have them and the
quality and prices will be found right.
J. 0. S00WDEM,
!; ' .:'. " '
National Vacuum Cleaners.
Many thrifty housewives are showing that they appreciate the FOREST RE
PUBLICAN'S liberal offer. They are responding at even a greater rate than we
had anticipated.
There can be only one reson for the popularity of the National Vacuum Cleaner
and that it its superior efficiency. It is positively the most powerful cleaner built
for operation by one person.
Special Offer.
The REPUBLICAN has only a few of these wonderful labor-saving machines
remaining, which are offered on the following terms:
The REPUBLICAN for one vear and
plete, $4.00.
The same advantages will be given to
are paid.
Agents charge you $6.00 to $7.00 for the machine alone.
The Cleaner for Everybody.
The National is really everybody's cleaner.
Here you have a vacuum cleaner that weighs 6 pounds instead of 60. With i
you may clean your carpets and rugs without
to room upstairs and down. You can carry
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