THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. RATES OFADVERTISINCj One Square, one inch, one week.$ 1 00 One Square, one lbb, one month- 8 00 One Square, one inob, 8 months...- 6 00 One Square, one loch, one year 1010 Two Squares, one year. .... ......... 16 00 Quarter Colu mn, one year .. 80 00 Half Column, one year .... 60 00 One Column, one year ......... 100 00 Legal advertisements ten oenta per line each insertion. We do fine Jdb Printing of every de scription at reasonable rates, boVit's cash on delivery. Published every. Wednesday by J. E. WENK. Offioe in Bmearbaugh & Weak Building, ILK BTRKKT, TI0MB8TA, tA. EUBIv Term, SI. 00 A Year, Strictly la AStum. Entered aeoond-olass matter at the post-office at Tlooesla. No aubaorlptlon reoelved far shorter period than tbree month. Correspondence aolioited, but no notice will be taken of anonymous oommunioa tlona. Always give your name. VOL. XLVI. NO. 46. .TIONESTA, PA.,r WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1914. $1.00 PER ANNUM. w ORES ICAN. BOROUGH OFFICERS. Burgess. 8. D. Irwin. Justices of the Peace O. A. Randall, D. W. Clark. Couneumen.-J.Vr, Landers, J. T. Dale, O. B. Robinson, Win. Suiearbnugh, R. J. Hopkins, O. K. Watsnn, J. D. Dsvls. Constable h. L. Znver. Collector W. H. Hood. School Directors W. O. Imel, J. R. Clark, S. M. Henry, Q. Jamieson, D. H. Blum. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Member of Congress W. J. Hullngs. Member of Senate 3. It. P. Hall. . Assembly-h.. R. Mechlins. PresidenlJwlgeVf.l). Hinckley. Associate Judges Samuel Aul,, Joseph M. Morgan. . Prothonotary,J3egister.& Recorder, te. -H. R. Maxwell. ATAerW-Wm. H. Hood. , Treasurer W. H Brazee. . Commissioners Wm. H Harrison, J. C. Soowdsn, 11. H, McClellan. .m District Attorney. A. Uarrlnger. Jury Commissioners J. B. Eden, A.M. Moore. Coroner Dr. M. 0 Kerr. Oountv Auditors -Qoorga H. Warden, A. C. Gregg and 8. V. Shields. County Surveyor Roy 8. Braden. County Superintendent J , O. Carson. Reaalar Tens f Crt. Third Monday of February. ' Third Monday of May. Third Monday of September. Third Monday of November. Regular Meetings of County Commis sioners 1st and 3d Tuesdays of month. Ckareh u Mafcbatb Ncknl. ' Presbyterian- Sabbath School at 0:46 a. m. j M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m. Preaching in M. K. Church every Sab bath evening by Rev. U. L. Donlavey. Preaching In the F. M. Church every Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Rev. M. E. Wolcolt, Pastor. Preaching in the Presbyterian obnrob every Sabbath at 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Rev. U. A. Badey, Pa.-tor. The regular meetings of the W. C. T. U. are held at the headquarters on the second and fourth . Tuesdays of ; each month. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TP .K ESTA LODGE, No. 869, 1. 0. 0. F. M eeta every Tuesday evening, In Odd Fellows' Hall, Partridge building. CAPT. GEORGE STOW POST, No. 274 Q. A. R. Meats 1st Tuesday after noon of each month at 8 o'olock. CAPT. GEORGE STOW CORPS, No. 137, W. R. C, meets first and third Wednesday evening of each month. TF. RITCHEY, . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Tionesta, Pa. MA. CARRINGER. Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law. Office over Forest County National Bank Building, TIONESTA, PA. CURTIS M. 8HAWKEY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, , Warren, Pa. Practice in Forest Co. AO BROWN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Offioe In Arner Building, Cor. Elm and Bridge Sta., Tionesta, Pa. ""RANK 8. HUNTER, D. D. 8. Rooms over Citizens Nat. Bank, HON EST A, PA. DR. F. J. BOVARD, Physician A Surgeon, TIONESTA.PA. Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted. D R. J. B. 8IGGIN3. Physician and Surgeon, - OIL CITY, PA. HOTEL WEAVER, 8. E. PIERCE, Proprietor. Modern and up-to-date-in all Its ap pointments. Every convenience and oomfort provided for the traveling publio. CENTRAL HOUSE. R. A. FU LTON, Proprietor. Tlonseta, Pa. This is the mostoeotrally located hotel in the place, and has all the modern Improvements, No pains will be spared to make it a pleasant stopping place for the traveling public pHIL. EMERT FANCY BOOT A SHOEMAKER. Shop over R. L. Haslet's grocery store on Elm street. Is prepared to do all aiuds of custom work from the finest to the coarsest and guarantees his work to give perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten tion given to mending, and prices rea sonable. successfully Used Tor o .years Iasgm I 42 RCkWTSAU DESIRE FOR DRINK' 4246 Fifth AvlPittsburgh. oh. Pa. I CHICHESTER S PILLS 0jrs. T1IK 1IIAMONB D RAN IK A I.iidlt-a! Aiiit your urauliit far A Chlx-hM-trr'l DImo.rTlrlV I'llla in IU4 and UoM .JfUlllAv Wn, ualeil Willi Hlu. Rlbhoa. V Tnk na other. Iluf if 9Nr " , llrntl.1. Ak (. Oil M ' IIKH-TFR S KIAIHIND IIKAKII HII.I.K, n M years known as Beit, Safest, Alwayt Kellatil SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE vUM4jv 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE D Track Mark Anyone sending a eketoh and dwicrlptton may quickly ascertain our opinion fraa whether am Invention ts probnbty patentable, Comrountrn. tlons Ntrtctly confidential. Handbook on Patent ent free, 01 dent noency for inn-urn pateuta. Patents taken throutrh ftlunn & Co. rooa.T jxrk( nrtict, without charm, in the Scientific flmerlcatte A hnndaomely llhif-tratcd weekly. Lnnrest rir tnlAtinn of an? lu-.e.mtln Journal. Terms, $3 yetir; four months, $1. Sold by all newsdealer. MUNN & Co.36,8"-f-'New Yorll Branch Office. IBi F - WanhioKiun. II. C Chamberlain's Cough Remedy . Cures Cold Croup and Whooping (jougtu a -x a iiMiuiiuUa AUTO THUGS HAUL VICTIMS AROUND Piitsburgers Looted and Then Thrown Into Taxi HOLDUPS ARE SPECTACULAR Tale of Robbery and Kidnaping That .Rivals Doings of Paris Desperadoes. ,j Men , Are Masked and Armed . The East End o( Pittsburg was tlic pcene of one of the most, spectacului series of holdups ever enacted In that city. After ordering a taxlcab three men held up the .chauffeur, pushed him lit the taxi and then started on a whole sale robbery and kidnaping expedi tion. ; Their booty netted them over $200 in money and valuables. ! - , The robbers rode up and down a number of East End streets picking up their victims along the way, whom they held up, looted and then hustled into the . taxi and made away with. Three prominent East End men were taken In, besides the chauffeur. The victims are: Charles E. Succop, treasurer of the Independent Brewing company, vice president of the German Savings and Deposit company. . ; James G. Weldon, buyer for the Weldon and Kelly Plumbing Supply company. Oscar F, Grant, agent for the Arrott estate. J. G. Scott, chauffeur for the Pull man Taxlcab company. The taxi was ordered over the tele phone to be used by a party of three. The person at the telephone said the party would be waiting for the ma chine. J. G. Scott was directed to fill the order. When he arrived at the corner three men vere awaiting him. Two of them, he fays, Jumped into the car before it was stopped and the other ordered him to take them to Verona. About a mile out the Verona road Scott says he was ordered to slop and two of the men got out of the taxi. . Scot was., ordered to dismount and held up on the spot. He was relieved of $6 at the olnt of a revolver. He says the nv.i were then masked. Thrusting th" guns Into his face they ordered him into the machine, whero he was blinC'ulded and his hands tied. Two of, the robbers, he says, climbed into the car with him and the third got on the front and the taxi was turned around and started back to the city. The next victim picked uo was Mr. Succop. He was within 200 feet of his residence when he was overtaken by the taxi. Two masked men Jumped from It, thrusting revolvers into his face. One of them said: i "Get In there! And be quick about It, or we'll blow your brains out. You're a passenger." Mr. Succop says he got Into the car, where he found the chauffeur tied and blindfolded. He was likewise blind folded and then robbed. The two thugs took $60 In cash, a gold watch and chain valued at $40, a diamond scarf pin valued at $20 and a pair of cuff tinks. The occupants of the car. be says, cautioned him against making any outcry. It was over an hour before another stop was made. Mr. Weldon was walking along Howe street. At Howe and Negley three automobiles were lined up along the. sidewalk. He says that as he passed the group two men Jumped from the middle one and ap peared to be looking for a house num ber. He stepped up to them and he discovered they were both masked and carried revolvers. He was like wise ordered Into the car. "I thought they were Just Joking," said Mr. Weldon, "and so I told them if it was money they , wanted I would give them all they wanted. I was shoved into the taxi and told if I made a noise I would be shot. I then knew it was serious business. I found two blindfolded men in the taxi, beside whom I was shoved. Then I was blindfolded and bound hand and foot and the two who thrust me Inside the cab went through my clothes." . About $8 in cash, a gold watch and chain and other Jewelry, all valued at about $80, was taken from Mr. Weldon. . Another stop was made and an un successful elfort was attempted to force Oscar F. Grant, aged fifty, In the taxi. Grant resisted and was hit over the head with the butt of a revolver. He was left in the snow unconscious. He Is not seriously hurt. German Journalist Dies. William Rosenthal, ninety years old, one of the. oldest newspaper men In the United States, died In Reading, Pa. In his long career he published several weeklies in the German lan guage. He was widely known In Gorman-American circles. Two Blown to Pieces. William Kennedy and Thomas AV liBon were tliwn to pieces near Dow Ington, Pa., 1 the explosion of dyna mite which i;.ey were thawing out for use in road , repair work. Kennedy was a farme, and contractor. Yeggu Loot , Postoffice. The Cochranlon postoITice, about ten miles from fc'eadvllle, Pa., was entered by yerKmen who blew the safe In the Inner office. Everything of value wai taken. Opera Singer Who Has Sued - HustanJ'For Divorce V I . A(;:;'fc:vv;. - JJt, ' MME. SCHUMANN-HEINK. REBELS LEAVE; QiiNAGA SAFE Fail to Take Town Alter Week ct Fighting Marfa, Tex., Jan. 6. Major Mac Namee, commanding the United States army at Presidio, wires that the rebels have divided into three sections and are hurrying their army from Ojinaga. No reason is given. Having fuiied after a week's assault to take ths- town, they are probably withdrawing for a rest, reinforcements and more food and to await tha coming of Pancho Villa, their com mander. The disappearance of the rebels from OJinuRa followed the hardest fighting of the week's siege. Toward the last the rebels mado tremendous assaults upon the federal strength in a supreme effort to drive them out of their fortifications, using artillery, cavalry and Infantry with terrible ef fect, but without dislodging the enemy. General Inez Salazar of the federal command made a charge against the rebels when he discovered an opening in their ranks and nearly demoralized them by getting between the two rebel wings. He captured several prisoners and executed them. This re sulted In a withdrawal of the rebels and the assault was not renewed, al though the sharpshooters of the two armies continued their exchange of shots. , The rebel casualties have been heavier than those of the federals in the week's fighting, but the federals have lost more officers than the rebels. So far as known the total killed and wounded will not be over 600. Some estimates piace them higher, but this Is believed to be conservative. REYBURN DIES SUDDENLY Heart Disease Fells Former Mayor of Philadelphia. John Edgar Reyburn, former mayor of Philadelphia, died In Washington last Sunday. Heart failure caused his death. Mr. Reyburn was aged sixty-eight and was a native of New Carlisle, O. Mr. Reybum's death wafc very sud den and was a severe shock to his family and friends here. He had been in excellent health. Mr. Reyburn had served In the Penn sylvania house of representatives and senate and also several terms in con gress, representing the Fourth Penn sylvania district. He served as mayor of Philadelphia from 1907 to 1911. Dr. Mitchell Passes Away. Dr. S. Weir Mitchell, noted author and physician, died at his home In Philadelphia. Death was due to an acute attack of grip, the seriousness of which was accentuated by his ad vanced age, eighty-five years. BORROWS MONEY TO DIE Grondek Buys Revolver and Kills Him self; Leaves Change. . Stanley Grondek, aged twenty-eight, of Johnstown, Pa., married four months, borrowed $5 from his wife, bought a pistol and shot himself through the heart in his rooming house. He paid $3 for the pistol and returned $2 to his wife. When she asked what he had done with the rest he said he lent It to a friend. The body was found in a chair. The pis tol was In his right hand and beside him lay a note. "I love my wife and have always been happy with her, but I've got to go." No reason can be determined for the suicide. Hangs Self With Bedclothes. Making a rope of his bedclothes, Alexander Savchut, aged thirty-one, of the city home in l'lttBourg, committed suicide by hanging himself in bed. lid was found in a sitting position. SEE STIMULUS ! EBUSINESS Bankers Comment Favorably on Morgan Firm's Step CORPORATE CORDS SEVEREO That a Long Step in Advance Has Been Made la Consensus of Opinion of Gotham Financiers' Radical Move. That the voluntary and decisive action of the firm of J. P. Morgan & Co. in taking the initiative in adjust ing conditions that has brought the firm under a steady fire of public criticism will result in a greatly im proved business situation is the opinion of New York bankers. The dominant note In the comments of bankers was that the action of the Morgan firm was a long step in ad vance and that It meant that big busi ness was meeting the government and public sentiment more than half way. The opportunity of taking advantage of changed sentiment regarding di rectorships in order to carry out th"ir own preference In the matter Is the reason for the sweeping policy ot withdrawals from corporate director ships of the Morgan house. In the announcement J. P. Morgan said that he and his four partners had retired from thirty directorships In twenty-si-ven of the strongest cor porations in which they were repre sented. They have withdrawn completely In official capacity from the New Have:i the New York Centrrtl and the Ameri can Telephone and Telegraph, three of their leading Interests. The principal companies In which directorship is retained are: Among Industrials: United States Steel corporation, International Har vester and International Mercantile Marine. Among railroads: Northern. Pacific, Lehigh Valley and several st,iU l'ne which were reorganized and In which the firm has therefore a direct re sponsibility. - ' Membership In boards of lendini; banks and trust companies is retained by at least one member of the firm. G. F. Baker, chairman of the board of directors of the First National bank, who Is regarded as the succes sor of the late J. P. Morgan as finan cial leader through his long held posi tion of eminence in the , boards of fifty -seven of the most powerful cor porations of the country, announced informally following the. Morgan dec laration that he Intended to retire from as many boards as he could. OCEAN CLEARS UP MYSTERY Body of Jessie McCann Thrown- on Coney Island Beach. The body of Miss Jessie Evelyn M Cann, the missing settlement worker of Brooklyn, has been found. H!!i waves washed It up on the shore at Coney Island at a point not more than ten feet from where she was last seen alive late In the afternoon of Dec. 4. There were no signs of violence on the body, according to physicians who examined it, and the police have no clue as to the manner in which she drowned. Long immersion had made the features unrecognizable, but Identifica tion of the young woman by her family was made possible by a signet rlrv; with the Initials "J. E. M." and by articles of clothing Miss McCann wore the day she disappeared. WHEAT RECORD BROKEN All Crops Good Year 1913 Banner One, Saya Trade Agency. Dun's Review of Trade bays this week: "At the opening of the new year it is gratifying to note that 1913 was the most successful period from an agricultural standpoint that this coun try has ever witnessed. Notwithstand ing adverse climatic conditions the total yield of wheat surpassed all for mer records and while the corn crop fell considerably below the banner production of the preceding year high er prices more than compensated for any loss In output. Consequently, the value of the nation's farm products reached unparalleled totals, while the export trade of the United States In those staples touched figures never before attained." PRESIDENT HOLDS SECRET Conference With Lind May Never Be Made Public. President Wilson sacrificed not a molecule of the air of mystery with which he has surrounded the con ference off. Gulfport, Miss., with Con fidential Agent John Lind, special ad viser to the American embassy at Mexico City. The president boarded the revenue cutter Winona, sailed ouc Into the Gulf of Mexico and boarded the Unit ed States scout cruiser Chester, which had transported Mr. Lind from Vera Cruz. The conference was held In the. admiral'! cabin of the Chester. Its purport may not be given to the pub lic at all. Schmidt Jury Disagrees. Realizing it was hopeless to keep the Jurymen together longer after they had failed tu reach a decision In tl-.e Hans Schn idt murder c&sa Jud'-a Foster discharged the panel. Speaker's Daughter Makes ; ; Her Debut to Society . i Yy k: ; A Photo by American Press Association. MISS GENEVIEVE CLARK. I The formal presentation of Miss Genevieve Clark, only daughter of the speaker of the house of representa tives and Mrs. Clark, took place with the New Year's reception held at the home of her parents in Washington. REAL WHITE HOPE IS SMITH Knocks Out Arthur Pelkey In the Fifteenth Round. Gunboat Smith is America's best heavyweight. With a powerful rlgnt cross to the Jaw he knocked Arthur Pelkey down In the fifteenth round or their championship mill at Daley City near San Francisco and when the dazed man unsteadily arose a rushing left to the hack of the head toppled him over again. This time Pelkey was stretched full length on the canvas. Ho rolled over, finally resting with one knee on tiih canves when Referee Griffin counted him out. NOW HAS WINELESS CELLAR Biddle Throws Bottled Goods Out of His Home. A. J. Drexel-Blddle, founder of the Drexel-Bidd'.o Bible classes, has start ed the new year by throwing away the contents of the wine cellar at his home In Philadelphia. Mr. Biddle said he had decided that a man was better off in every way if he left lle.ior alone, but he had no criticism to make of moderate drink ers. Years ago Mr. Biddle told friends he drank a quart of whisky a day. Factory Fire at Shenandoah. Two hundred persons were thrown out of work by a factory fire In Shen andoah, Pa. The building was de stroyed. The loss Is $100,000. MARKETQUOTATIONS Pittsburg, Jan. 6. Cattle Choice, $8.60(fi 8.85; prime, $S.40fi 8.60; good, $8.15ffi;8.S5; fair, $7.25f 7.75; common, $G.507; heif ers, $5.r0ffi8; common to good fat bulls, $4.50 ri 7.50; common to good fat cows, $3.R0 7 ; fresh cows and spring ers, $fi0(T(90. Sheep and Lambs Prime wethers, $5.605.75; good mixed, $5.10(fj 5.C0; fair mixed, $4.G0(5; culls and com mon, $3Ci3.50; lambs, $5.50 8.50; veal calves, $11.50jl2; heavy and thin calves, $7C'8. Hogs Prime heavy ar.d heavy mixed, $8.65fi8.70: mediums, heavy Yorkers and pigs, $8.70tfi 8.75; roughs, $7.507.90; stags, $6.75 7.25. Clevelund, Jan. 6. Cattle Choice fat steers, $7.50iftR: good to choice, $7(f7.50; choice heif ers, $6.50 7; milchers and springers, $60KO. Hogs Yorkers, $8.40; mixed, $8.:!5 fff8.40; heavies, $8.25; pigs and lights, $8.40; stags, $6.50 6.75. Sheep Mixed, $4.75 5.25; bucks, $3.504.50; culls, $34. Calves Good to choice, $12 12.50; heavy and common. $fi9.50. Chicago, Jan. 8. ItopRTtecelpts, 4,000. Bulk of sales, $8.10(8.25; light. $7.908.22'2 ; mixed, $7.00 f 8.30; heavy, $7.90(0 8.35; rough, $7.90 8; pigs, $78. Cattle Receipts, 23,000. Beeves, $G.70!9.30; Texas steers, $6.907.90; stockers and feeders, $5 5.45; cows and heifers, $3.50 8.C0; calves, $7 11.60 Sheep Receipts, 33,000; generally steady. Native, $4.75 6.10; yearlings, f5.857.10; lambs, native, $6.708.25. Wheat May, 91. Corn May, 67V4. Oats May, 40'i. Kast Buffalo, Jan. 6. Cattle Prime steers, $8.75fi9; ship ping, $7.S5!fi8.G0; butchers, $77.50; cows, $3,7517.25; bulls, $3ffl7.25; heif ers, $6(Ti8; stork heifers, $5.257.75: stockers Mid feeders, $5.5017; fresh cova and springers, $35,90. Hops !fo:ivy and mixed, $8.65; Yorkers, $8.fl!ffi 8.7B: pigs, $8.70ff 8.75; roughs, $'fi 7.75; stags, $6.25(fi 7; dairies, $S.,r.0Ti 8.75. Shrrp Liinihs, $5.F017 8.6. : year lings. $5fr;.B0; wethers, S5.75tt6.25; ewes, S3fi5.50;. sheep, . mix-d $5.CC 65.75. OIL SHIP SINKS f WITH 22 Sl-IEN .,. ! Oklahoma Bested hy Seas; Only Eight Rescued HEAVY STORM ALONG COAST New Jersey Shores Smashed by Heavy Comber Which, Together With Record Tide, Does Great Damage. New York, Jan. 6. The tank steam er in trouble off Sandy Hook was tlia Oklahoma and twenty-two of her crow perished. Eight were saved. This was the substance of wireless mes sages received here. Although several vessels wore stand ing by the distressed tank liner, tho Hamburg American line freighter Ba varia, bound from Philadelphia to Bos ton, was the only one able to render assistance. The Oklahoma was owned by the Gulf Rcflnltis compnny, was 2,795 tons net burdid) and 419 feet lung. She left here Saturday for Port Arthur, Texas. In announcing the saving of part of the Oklahoma's crew the Bavaria added that the vessel had not sunk entirely, but was partly submerged and drifting helplessly. Among those, who sailed on the Oklahoma and who are believed to bo lost is Captain Luring A. Cates of Boston, former commander of the' steamship Llgonier. Captain Catos was aboard as a passengur on hl3 way to take command of another vessel. The Oklahoma was valued at $700,000. John Kennedy, superintendent of the marine department of the Gulf Refilling company, said li? could not conceive how the ship could have gone down in bad weather. She was equipped perfectly and In good condi tion, he said, when she left. Five lives are known to have been lost and more than $1,000,000 In dam age done by the. storm which, raged from Porth;nd, Mo., to Norfolk, Va. The New Jersey coast, suffered the greatest damage, but with the shift ing of the wind from northeast to due north the high water which threat ened to away many houses on tho New J. rsey coast purti.'.lly sub sided. At almost every point the rain changed to snow. Storm ridden and dismantled Sea Bright struggled for its very existence against the Atlantic. All that fringe of fine summer cot tages on the ocean's edge was in peril of destruction. If tho ocean had had Its way the town would have gone back to the fishing l;.mlet from which It sprang. A half doen of tho smaller houses were swept away while the hotels were underiniied. Furious pounding by tho combers destroyed five cottages In Longport, where the dnmogo Is . estimated at $30,000. The total loss on the Island Is plnced at about $100,000. with At lantic City and Ventnor City sustain ing the least damage. MARTIAL LAW CONDEMNED Senate Probers Flay Officials of West Virginia. Senntor ilorah in Washington made public the report of the subcom mittee bearing on the reign of martial law In the Cabin and Paint Creek coal mine regions of West Virginia from September, 1912, to June, 1913. A senate committee of Investigation of which Senator Ilorah was a member went into West Virginia and conduct ed hearings. The authorities are severely ar raigned in the report, which Is given out as a "statement of fact" by the senator, although the full committee has not Indorsed It. The martial law section of the report was put In charge of Borah. Senator Borah's statement holds that the military authorities, acting under the direction of the governor, super seded all constitutional courts In West Virginia, Imposed sentences not au thorized by any standing laws and took over all the duties of the civil courts of the district, and that at the time Riirh martial law was being en forced there was no e ddenre thut the civil courts had been Intimidated or that they would l ave failed to per form their duties fuithrully. URGES PRECAUTION State Mine Chief Wants All Viola tions Reported. Letters have been sent to the gen eral superintendents and general man agers of every coal (omjany in Penn sylvania by James 1C. Roderick, state chief of mines, urging Hum to take measures to reduce by 5u per cent tliu number of accidents. In the same mall t he chief sent U t ters to tho mine inspectors of the state service directing them to notify the department at cure If ti.ey Ik.u that suggestions for safety are nt being followed out. In ense of por Blstent violation of directions tor safety the Inspectors ure In'iructc.J to Institute suits. In hit letttr to tho mining olncers Chief Roderick tays: "Tho most proline causes of acci dents Inside the mines aro fi.Ils, cars, bhiHts, gas, falling into n)nfts or slopes, suffocation and explosives. During tho first eleven mouths of 1913 510 lives were lost I'f hle the mines as against 4 Jl for the fmt eleven months of 1912." Explanation of Colors of Leaves. In extremely moist atmosphere the color of the leaves are not usually very bright, as in England. And In very dry cllmateB the leaves .dry up sud denly, and their skin, which Is very thick to prevent the escape of moist ure, is not sufficiently transparent to allow the color to be seen beneath. Ia regions where the autumn foliage la most vivid we find that an average sea son produces the most exquisite colors. Neither a very dry nor a very wet sum mer will result In much brilliancy. Marriage Made Easy. Gretna Green, Scotland, became fa mous for its celebration of Irregular marriages. For many years the aver age number was five hundred. The ceremony consisted only of an admis sion, before witnesses, by the couple that they were husband and wife, this being sufficient to constitute a valid marriage. After this the officiating functionary (for many years a black smith), together with two witnesses, signed the marriage certificate. Origin of the Bath Towel. A towel manufacturer found that his machinery was not working right and that his towels were suffering a vast tangUng of the threads. While adjusting the machine he used one of the damaged towels to dry his hands. He found It pleasingly absorbent, and from the Idea to which that gave rise was born the bath towel and a for tune to the patentee. Not for Her. The verger of a large church, see ing an old woman in one of the seats reserved for some Important persons, beckoned her to come out. But just at that moment the organ started play ing. The old woman, never ' having been in a church containing an organ, tartlcd him and the congregation by calling: "Ha, man, get somebody younger; my dancing days are past." One Member All Right. Little Edith, aged three, was sup posed to take her afternoon nap, a thing she dreaded very much. Her mother came into the room, but Edith pretended -she 'was Bleeping.- Her mother could tell by the unsteadiness of nor eyes that she wasn't sleeping, and said: "Mamma knows you aren't sleeping." "Well, I isn't sleeping, but my eyes is." Without the Letter "E." The following verse contains all the letters of the alphabet except the let ter "e," which is the letter more fre quently used than any other: A jovial swain may rack his brain, And tan bis fancy's might; To quiz Is vain, for 'tis most plain, That whit I say Is right. Women Win Rich Prizes. Twelve first-class prizes for excel lence In the mediaeval and modern lan guages at Cambridge university, Eng land, have been awarded this year to women. Prizes of the same class and for the same subjects were given to only eight men. Retail Market Disturbed. English growers are finding It more profitable to send their lavender to market in bunches. Instead of selling to perfume makers, the result being a surprising rise in the price of oil of lavender. Body Blow. A Marylnnd man eloped with his sweetheart's twin by mistake, and is now happy. This will be a body blow for the soul-matlsts. Cleveland Plala Dealer. Flowers Dyed, At a recent wedding In New fork, says an exchange, the bridesmaids curried bunches of chrysanthemums which had been dyed exactly to match their gowns. Use of the Horse. Owing to tho advancement of science It would bo possible to get along with out horses now, if it were not for the necessity of having a few ot them at the annual horse shows. Divisions of the World. Roughly speaking, the would is di vided Into two classes of people the people who can shut doors and the peo ple who cannot. True Patriotism. Patriotism is not boastfulness nor the depreciation of other nations. The patriotism that tells is that which Is felt, not proclaimed. Eacy to Pronounce. Tho easiest word to pronounce In tho English language Is said to be "murmur." It Is Blmply an expulsion of the breath repeated. Why? Why Is it that the average man is always willing to spend $ti worth of time trying to get a 40-cent reduc tion in his gu bill? Of the Same Shape, Customer "What have you in the Bhnpe of oranges?" Grocer "Well, we have baseballs." Harlem Life. New Saying. Man's Inhumanity to man makes to'iuttuss thousands of dollars. Lite. i