The 'Distinctive Garment Store I Shirts made to order 12.00 and "upward. Suits made to order $16.00 and upward. Centre Street at Shop In Person The Best of Service Oil City's Greatest Store. Don't forget that we are to pay all your shopping expenses. On purchases amounting to $10, we shall be 'glad to pay your fare one way ; on purchases oi $20 or more, you are entitled to a rebate covering the amount ot your round-trip ticket. But it you can't come in person, mail us your order. It will be filled by capable, experienced shoppers,' and mailed to you the same day, free ot charge, via Uncle Sam's Parcel Post. Are You Going to Buy a NeV Sewing - Machine Be Sure to See the Free. We sell this wonderful sewing machine at a price way be low the amount asked for the other best makes. It has 32 distinct important improvements, all combining to help you to do every stitch of every kind ot sewing easier, better, and taster than you ever did it or ever saw it done before. Come to our store and see The Free in operation. $1.00 down puts The Free into your home. $1.00 a week for a limited time pays for it. January White Sale Starts Monday, January 5th. It will be the biggest winter White Event this store has ever staged so big and out of the ordinary that we are men tioning it at this early date, in order that you may plan for it. A ProLcticoJ Christmas Present one that will long be remembered and fully appreciated. A Savings Department Book, with an initial deposit. Any amount will answer and we add Four Per Cent. Oil City Trust Company Oil City Pa. !apans. Food Box. "Japanese dishes full to satisfy Anier cud cravings,' says no o Ulcer Id the United Stutes army. "Imagine a diet without milk, bread, butter. Jam. cof fee, naiad or any siilllelent quantity of nicely cooked vegetable without pud ding.' stewed fruit and with compara tively little fresh fruit. The European vegetarian will tlnd as iniii h dllliciilty lu making anything out of it as the ordinary went enter. Along the malu railroad artery ueat little boxes of Japanese food ibeutoi lire offered for tale nt the principal stations at a cost of 7',i cents; also ot.s of tea. including teapot and earthen teacup, for 2 cents. The lieuto may contain In neat sepa rate compartments prawn tlsh. chick en, rice, preserved ginger, Johnnycake. omelette, n broiled mushroom, a slice uf radish, glazed I wans, kind of sweet pickle, tripe, a slice of vooked chest nut, licorice, etc. The bento Is Invit ing to the eye. Is garnished In green. Is neatly wrapped and the contents varied as the resources of the locality adrulf-New York Mall. A Famous Window. Turk minster. In addition to Its many other notable features, contains one of the most remarkable windows In tlie world- the east window, which is tlie largest in Kngland. except that In Gloucester cathedral. It is seventy five feet high and thlrtyBve feet broad. The window Is divided Into 2m compartments, nil of which Illus trate leading events lu sacred history. Each pane of glass Is three feet square, the figures measuring two feet four inches high. The upper part Is filled with beautiful tracery and Is divided from the lower by the narrow stone gallery which runs across. John Thornton of Coventry begun the win dow In the year 1405. The ancient glazing, nil of which he executed with his own hands, stands tinequnlcd to the present day, and for this enormous task he received as wages 4 shillings a week for three years and 10 on completing his work to the satisfaction of the cathedral authorities. London Graphic. Just Whiri H Sweep. Stude Dod'I you ever sweep under the carpet! Janitor Yessuh: I always sweeps everything under the carpet. Yale Record. Elm, Oil City, Pa. Here Or By Mail. in Either1 Case at , A Strong Argument. Pianos on the Installment principle arns his theme. You pay &j u week und torture (he neighbors. As he knocked gently at one door be suddenly remembered he had been here Ix-fore and received a curt refusal. This time It was different, says the .New York Mall. "Uh. It's you again. Is It?" asked the housewife cordially. "Come in. won't youV" Full of hope he entered and followed her down a dimly lighted hull. She threw ohmi a door and he walked In. id bear the key click sharply In the lock behind Dim. lie was locked In a room with five children, all bowling, who beat even their own records at the sight of a stranger. . , And the woman resumed her wash lug. An hour Inter she came to bis res cue. 'Now," she snld sweetly.. "If you still think I need more music In this house I am reudy to listen to you." It ut he hud gone before she bad fin ished. Now and Than. A young wife after n stormy scene cried: "It was different before we married. Ah. yes. you loved me then and now!" "I love yon now and then," said her husband calmly. "Revised version, don't you know." A Mystery. "There's one thing I can't under stand." What's that?" "Why any man ever mnkes up his mind to be a cook." Detroit Free Press. Always Something. I find his life upsetting, quite. Things never seem to come my wny. It's hard get asleep at night and hard to keop awake by day-Washington Herald. Argument, M'lhbft When it comes to nn argu ment a man generally gives In. Slobbs -Yes. R:U have you noticed that a woman seldom gives out? London Tlt-Blts. As You Enter the Store Furs and Marabout Sets in front of you ! Neckwear, Hosiery and Bags to left of you! Japanese Robes, Kimonas and Petticoats to right of you ! If you knew the values are the greatest in the city you'd come at once do so. Hundreds of Happy Christmas Shoppers are daily saving money by trading here. The Distinctive Fur Store. Decide on the kind of furs you want. Come here and find the proper size. That's all you need do. A season lengthened by warm weather has fixed the prices for you. It's a good time now to buy furs. The Corset Store. Money saved on a corset is as good as money saved on anything, if you get a proper corset, and the one proper corset is a GOSSARD. The Distinctive 1 1 ' Henry J. t 111 CENTRE ST., Monarch In Mourning. I'erlods ill court mourning are apt to he regarded with something akin to Harm by people in the otlii-ial wh-Iiii world, for court mourning menus to them submission to published rules und regulations, from which theiv is no apiK-al. In most eastern capitals white gar ments are the usual sign ol mourning, and purple Is rr- in-iit ly lu F.iimpi given preference to Pluck. Mourning of course. Is strictly enforced in the court of St. James; also in that al .Madrid and In the Austrian i-mirl Al the latter, by the way. etiquette Is e nggerated to an extreme. At the court ot Merlin, where i-ere-niony Is regarded as the language ol Hiwer, the blackest ot mourning Is worn during the day. but md in the evening. The empress objects to black evening frisks and Insists on her in ("cs wearing white dresses trimmed with black. lu IX' n mark also black Is not allow ed, but the wives of high olllelals and of noblemen are permitted to wear a high ie:ikcd headdress when In mourn ing Pearson's Weekly. Montanegro' Stone. .Montenegro has. after nil. some rea son to be grateful for Its stones. "It Is hi these stones." writes William Mil ler. "that the Mlnck mountain bus found Its best fortifications -for art I ti dal forts it has none -and It was not till the time of the present prince tnow King Nichohisi that the Napoleonic idea or making n road across the coun try wits carried out. Even now it Is not by any means certain that this Im proved means of comiuunlcutlon will not be a source of danger lu the fu ture." Napoleon In the early years of the nineteenth century offered to construct a roadway across the principality at bis own exeiise, but his overtures were summarily rejected, lie then threatened to lay waste the couutry with fire and sword till Its name be came Monte itosso ("the red moun tain"! instead or Mouteuegro. The threat, however, was uever carried out london Chronicle. 'Sightseeing. The visitor from Wyoming was see-. Ing New York under the guidance of his friend Washington Stptare. "I'd like to see the Bronx too." he said. "I have rend about It for years. How do we get to It?" "Search me." said Mr. Square. "I've never been there." . "And you have lived In New York all your life? That's humorous." Later the New Yorker confided to bis friend that one of his fondest ambi tions wan to see Yellowstone park. "It must be glorious out there amoug all those mountains and geysers, and lakes." be said "Yon know all about It, of course, coming from Wyoming as yon do." "To tell the truth." replied the west erner, "that's n place where 1 have never been. Newark News. Th Baautiful Lyra Bird. The largest and handsomest of all the song birds is the lyre bird. Its home Is lu Australia, where Its song is heard morning and evening. It Is beard oftener In winter than In summer. The chief beauty or the lyre bird Is In the plumage of Its tail, which is ele gant and In the form of an ancient lyre. While singing the lyre bird spreads Its tall over Its bend like a peacock and droops its wlugs to the ground. This bird Is not only a fine songster, but can Imitate the songs or all birds. One living near a wood sawyer's hut even Imitated the sound of the filing of saws. The crowing of cocks, the cackling of bens, the bark ing of dogs and the mewing of cats are within Its range. Its own song is also different from that of other birds, being a louder and fuller tone. Garment Store McCarty, OIL CITY, PA. Norway and Trotting Horse. From talc of travel aud other sources of Information It apiiears that Norway was one of the first countries to develop seed lu the trotting borne, which ceuturies ago seems to hure beeu common to the nations of north ern Euroe. Slgvrled Petersen says that as early as the beginning of the eighteenth century there were inform al trotting races lu Christiana. The principal name In the history of the sport is that of Jacob Meyer, chief of the royal mounted militia, who was born lu 1781. He owned the noted horse Sleljtier-Varg that on March 15, 1811). trotted an English mile In 2:37 and reiented In the same time. This was raster than any horse bad then trotted In America, so far as Is known. In Sweden and in Finland the sport f trotting horses dates back. It is said, to prehistoric times. With long win tent n ud nothing else to do the people raced their horses to sleighs on the Ice. Sunday morning was the great occasion, men and horses coming from miles u round to take purt In or witness the sHjrt. New York Herald. Her Early Life In Germany. In her book entitled "Scenes and Memories" Wnlburgo Lady Paget has this to sny of her enriy life In Ger many: "We ran about wlthont shoes or stockings, lu the grass; we wore a minimum of clothes; lu summer we were plunged Into the river, a wide and rushing mountain stream; In win ter we bad to break the Ice In our tubs and our uurses dashed basins of icy water over our backs. I can still feel the tbin bits of ice mixed with the wa ter slithering down over me. A fire in our bedrooms was never thought of. and the schoolroom was never more than 9 degrees Reaumur (52 F.I. I was fourteen or fifteen before I knew what It was to bave something to drink ut breakfast, as I did not like milk. Bread, with a little butter, was all 1 ever bad. An egg for a child. If it was not 111. wns considered quite ubsurd. Between meals we were given abund ance of fruit" Romance of a Picture. Onlf a century ago a medical stu dent lodging In London so ingratiated himself In the eyes of bis landlady that on bis departure for Hobart to practice she usked bim to accept a sou venir or his Ixindon home, and he took a picture which had been In bis sit ting room. This picture remained In bis house for upward of forty years without attracting any particular no tice, but then Its hour struck, for a visitor detected merit in It and advised the owner to forward a description of It to London He did so. and the pic ture, which turned out to be a Rom ney. fetched 3,.ri00 guineas! The best of the story Is that the Tasmonian editor who printed an account of the matter gave the price as 3.7) guineas, saying that he did so because he did not believe that any picture could be worth the larger sum. London Sphere. Balked. "There are some things." said the man with the high brow, "that money won't buy." "1 s'pose there are." replied the one with tlie overlapping chin, "but there's no use tryln' to use 'em to get an ex tension of your credit "Chicago Rec ord Herald. Lincoln' Desire. pie when I may. I want It said of uie by those who know me best that I always plucked a thistle and planted a flower when I thought a Mower would gro w. A bra hn m Lincoln. Odd Caae. "The mnti they ejected from the ball was burning with rage." "Yes. and. strange to sny. he was full of tire after they put him out"- Balti more Aroriciiu. The Fellow Who Stole The Feed From his best race horse didn't have anything "on" the person who gives a present just as a matter of form. Jn either case the "comeback" is disappointing. Gifts for Men should be bought at a store that sells men's goods. Because the goods are bought by men who know what men want; who know what men wear; who know what's what In the correct things for men to wear. We would sell ladies' goods but we don't know what ladies want; it's not our buiness. You can'f be a "Jack of all trades" any more; you must specialize in one line and then you have to hustle and think in order to be nearly successful. The place therefore to A. P. Buy Your Gifts For Men- SilkHose, Gloves, Suspenders, Shirts, Sweaters, Neckwear, Pullman Slippers, Or the things you want a man to appreciate is at a store that sells ashamed of. See that your gift to him bears the Prints Co. label Oil City, Pa. A Surprlte For Her. One of the greatest wingers of France was returning from New York ou a German lluer. One evening, glancing at the program of the concert that was to be played ut dinner, she saw a tri umphal march celebrating the German victory of 1871. She Immediately conceived that tlie selection of such a piece was nn Insult to her and announced to a friend that she would express her disapproval at the proper time. The captain noticed the great artist's agitation and glanced at the program to see what caused It; then, with a faint smile, he spoke to one of the waiters In a low tone. At the moment when the German triumphal march was due to begin the French singer, who could not control her agitation, prepared to leave the table. The first chord was played, the artist arose and stood, pale, agitated und suiazed. while the olllcers and other passengers ulso got up aud smiled sympathetically at her. And the baud played "The Marseil laise!" Prompt Lesson, Some years ago there wns in a cer tain town a Judge whose Ideas of the majesty of the law ut the time of his accession to olllce were unUumdcd. and his sense of his own Importance as the representative of justice was also great. At one time two persons quarreled In tlie judge's presence. One man strut', the other, and tho Judge Immediately ordered his urrest on a charge of Hssault and buttery. On the day of the trial the defendant pleaded not guilty. Instantly the Judge, who was a short, stout man. was on his feet, crimson faced and pulling with Indignation. "What do you mean?"' be demanded of the prisoner without any preamble. "What do you mean by saying that, when I saw you and had you arrested? I flue you $100 for breach of pence und another $100 for contempt of court, sir. I reckon," said the Judge, his nostrils dilating with rage and Injured dignity "I reckon that'll teach folks to be careful how they call this court a liar!" Not a Thunder Expert. The masterful manner in which some people evade an Issue was men tioned at a recent dinner when this one wns recalled by a naval ottlelal; "In New Orlentis one night." the officer snld, "there was a man on the stage who offered to answer by men tal arithmetic any question that might be asked by the audience. Just so long as the questioner remained In the expected channel the sailing was easy, but Anally one man got beyond the bearings. " 'If you please, sir,' said the man. rising from his Reat 'How far off can you hear thunder?" " 'I can't tell you, sir, was the prompt response of the wonder on the stage. " 'You can't tell me?' responded the fan. 'Why. I thoughf- "'Not about thunder,' replied the stage party, doing a quick piece of dodging. 'You see. 1 am a lightning calculator.' "Washington Post Would Take a Long Chance. John D. Rockefeller once called two little boys over to him. He said to one: "Johnnie. If I give you a dollar what will you do with It?" Johnnie said: "I'll put It In the bank and let It draw Interest until it gets to be a hun dred, then a thousand and so on until I get as much as you got" "Very good," said John D. "Mere's the dol lar. Now, Tommy, what would you do with a dollar?" Tommy said: "First I would change the dollar Into two halves, the two hnlves Into four quar ters, the four quarters into ten dimes, the ten dimes Into twenty nickels, the twenty nickels Into u hundred pen nies." "Why would you do all this?" asked John D. Tommy replied, "Well, somebody may make a mistake." Kansas Cltr Star. Crime and Penalty. When Mrs. Willies recently meted out punishment to Master George Wlf fles with a carpet beater that young gentleman gave vent to such weeping nnd walling that the ludy next door wns constrained to perk her head over the back yard fence.and Inquire what was the matter. . "Got about a couple o' 'undred feet o' gss Inside him. that's" wots the mat ter." Mrs. Wiffles replied. "Couple o' 'undred reet o' gas!" echoed the lady somewhat Incredu lously. "Wot on earth's 'e been do In', tnkln' the gus pipe for a feedlu' bottle?" "No. e ain't!" snapped Mrs. Wlflles. "'E's beeu swallerln' the ahlllln' wot I laid by for the gas meter." London TU-Eitt. December In Floor Garment Section While Down Stairs Departments are putting forth every effort to entertain the Christmas crowds a vig orous pruning campaign is under way up stairs. Very much after the manner of pruning hedge or fruit trees we "weed out," "lop off" or "clear out" Cloak Room Cabinets during the month of December. It's a Good Time of Year to Buy a Suit or Coat While not every garment up there is reduced a sufficient number have prices cut and cut forcibly enough to make it well worth any person's time to pay a visit to this store's Second Floor Garment Sec tion during December. Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some $40.00 $40.00 $35.00 $36.00 $36.00 $32.60 $32.60 $32.60 $27.60 $27.60 $27.60 $25.00 $26.00 $22.60 $22.50 Suits $27.60 Suits $25.00 Suits $27.60 Suits $25.00 Suits $22.60 Suits $27.60 Suits $25.00 Suits $22.60 Suits $22.60 Suits. ...$20.00 ...$17.60 Suits Suits.... '..$20.00 Suits $16.60 Suits $17.60 Suits $14.60 Prescription leu grinders Tor the eyes, plus Collegl ately trained and Inter nationally endorsed Behind the duns. NO DROPS. RESULTS DEFINITE. Artificial Eyes In Stock. Both 'Phones. Fred. Grettenberger GENERAL BLACKSMITH & MACHINIST. All work pertaining to Machinery, En- ? ;ines, Oil Well Tools, Gas or Water Fil ing)) and General Klacksinitbiug prompt ly done at Low Rates. Repairing Mil) Machinery given special attention, and satisfaction guaranteed. Shop in rear of and Just west of the .Shaw House, Tldioute, Pa. Your patronage solicited. FRED. GRETTENBERGER Promptly obtained, or FEE RETURNED. fO VIARS' IXPIRIINOI. UurCHARCIS ARK THK LOW1ST. Send model, pnoto or BkeU'h for expert eearrh and free report on patentability. INFRINOIMINT enlM coudui-ted before all court. Patent, obtained tnroutrb u, ADVIR TISCD and SOLO, free. TRADI-MARKA, PEN SIONS and COPYRIGHTS quickly obtained. Opposite U. 8. Patent Office, WASHINGTON, D. O. mmwa T. A. P. Underwear, Collar Bags, qualities that nrne is ever that's all the proof he wants. Oil City, Ta. The Second I Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Srme Some . Some $35.00 $36.00 $35.00 $32.60 $32.60 $27.60 $27.60 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $22.60 $22.60 $22.60 $20.00 $20.00 Coats $32.60 Coats $30.00 Coats $27.60 Coats $27.60 Coats $25.00 Coats $25.00 Coats $22.60 Coats $22.60 Coats. . Coats.. ...$20.00 ...$16.00 ...$20.00 Coats Coats 117.60 Coots $14.60 Coats $16.60 Coals $14.60 Made -To -Measure Clothes of the Highest Quality may be purchased here at the most modest prices in town, See our marvels of beauty at $15, $18 and $20 and our wonderful importa tions at $25, $30 and $35 Fit and finish guaranteed. Blum & Anderson, TIONESTA, PA. IT DAVC TO ADVERTISE I I rM 1 O in '.'HIS PAPER Chamberlain's i)"lr7hn0,Kem"dny. Never fail. Buy It now. It may Bave life.