RATES OF ADVERTISING! One Square, one inch, one week...f 1 00 One Square, one Inch, one month- 8 00 One Square, one inch, 3 months.... 6 00 One Square, one inch, one year 10 10 Two Squares, one year ... 15 00 Quarter Column, one year 80 00 Half Column, one year .. 60 00 One Column, one year . 100 00 Legal advertl aementa ten cents per line each insertion. We do fine Job Printing of every de scription at reasonable rates, but it's cash on delivery. Published every Wednesday by J. E. WENK. Offioe in Smearbaugh & Wank Building, BLM 8TRKKT, TI0NK8TA, FA. Fore PTJBL Tern tl.00 A Year, Btrlotly la A4tum. Entered seoond-clasa matter at the poat-offloe at Tioneela. No subscription reoelved for shorter period than three months. Correspondence sollolted, but no notloe will be taken of anonymous communica tions. Always give your name. VOL. XLVI. NO. 44. TIONESTA, PA., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1913. $1.00 PER ANNUM. THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. st ICAN. I BOROUGH OFFICERS. Burgess. 8. D. Irwin. Justices of the Peace C. A. Randall, D. W. Clark. Oouneiimen. J. W, Landers, J. T. Dale, O. H. Robinson, Win. Smear baugh, R. J. Hopkins, Q. V. Watson, J. D. Davis. Constable L. L. Ztiver. Collector W. H. Hood. School Director W. O. Imel, J. U. Clark, 8. M. Henry, Q. Jamieson, D. H. Blum. FOREST COUNTT OFFICER. S. Member of Congress Vi . J. Bulings. Member of Senate 3. IC. P. Hall. Assembly K. R. Meohling. Presulent JtulgeW. D. H Inckley. Associate Judge Samuel Aul, Joseph M. Morgan, Protionotary, Register A Recorder, te. -S. R. Maxwell. Sheriff Wm. H. Hood. Treasurer W. H. Brar.ee. Commissioner. Wm. H. Harrison, J. C. Hoowden, II. H. MoClellan. District Attorney M. A. Carrlnger. Jury Commissioners J. B. Eden, A.M. Moore. Cbroner Dr. M. 0 Kerr. County Auditor -George H. Warden, A. C. Gregg and 8. V. Shields. County Surveyor Roy 8. Brsden. County Superintendent J . O. Carson. Reaalar Terse t Caart. Third Monday of February. Third Monday of May. Third Monday of September. Third Monday of November. Regular Meetings of County Commis sioners lnt and 3d Tuesdays of month. Chares and Habbalh Hrhaal. Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:46 a. m. t M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m. Preaching In M. E. Church every Sab bath evening by Rev. U. L. Dunlavey. Preaching In the F. M. Church every Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Rev. M. E. Woloott, Pastor. Preaching in the Presbvterian church every Sabbath at 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Rev. H. A. Bailey, Pastor. The regular meetings of the W. C. T. tJ. are held at the headquarters on the second and fourtn Tuesdays of each month. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TP. NEST A LODGE, No. 869, 1. 0. 0. F. M eets every Tuesday evening, In Odd Fellows' Hall, Partridge building. CAPT. GEORGE STOW POST, No. 274 G. A. R. Meets lat Tuesday after noon of each month at 3 o'olock. CAVT. GEORGE STOW CORPS, No. 137, W. R. C, meets first and third Wednesday evening of each month. TF. RITCHEY, . ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, Tioneata, Pa. MA. CARRINGER. Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law. Otflee over Forest County National Bank Building, TIONESTA, PA. CURTIS M. SHAWKEY, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, Warren, Pa. Practice in Forest Co. AO-BROWN, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. Office In Arner Building, Cor. Elm and Bridge 8ts., Tlonesta, Pa. FRANK 8. HUNTER, D. D. 8. Rooms over Citizens Nat. Bank, TIONESTA, PA. DR. F. J. BOVARD, Physician A Surgeon, TIONESTA, PA. Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted. D R. J. B. BIGGINS, Physician and surgeon, OIL CITY, PA. HOTEL WEAVER, 8. E. PIERCE, Proprietor. Modern and up-to-date in all Its ap pointments. Every convenience and oomfort provided for the traveling public. CENTRAL HOUSE, R. A. FULTON, Proprietor. Tlonseta, Pa. This is the most centrally located hotel in the place, and has all the modern improvements. No pains will be spared to make It a pleasant stopping place for the traveling public pHIL. EMERT FANCY BOOT A SHOEMAKER. Shop over R. L. Haslet's grooery store on Elm street. Is prepared to do all Kinds of custom work from the finest to the oosrsest and guarantees his work to give perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten tion given to mending, and prices rea sonable. r -for 34 .years' 1 4246 Fifth Ave.Pittsburgh. Pa. CHICHESTER S PILLS ural-t. DIAMOND II IH Nil PI U.K. (at Iflk ' yearsknownM lint, Safest, Always KellaHo SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE j7 Copyrights Anyone Bending a sketch and (Inscription mf quickly amwtJitn our opinion free whether an 1nTntlon 1b prnbnnly patentable, Communlm-tlnnn-itrlctlyoontlilentla. Handbook on Patent ent free. OMent nirency for nerur.iig patents. 1'atentd taken thrnuirh Munn ft Co. receiT) tprciat nrtice, without charge. In the Scientific American. A handsomely tlluatratpfl weekly. I.nnrest rlr. filiation of any nclt'iititln Journal. Terms, .'( ynr; four months, $L Sold byall newsdealer MUNN & Co.36,Broa1- New YorR Kronen Oftlou. (83 F St.. Wanhiiimuu, I). C Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Cures Colds, Croup' sod Whooping Cough. succcssTuiiy usea 1 I l.aillml Ark ynar intirylitl for A I'hl-rhra-lrHa IMamond TirmndV 1-1 lis In llrd mt Hold mclalllcVX him, Kaleil ilh Illua Kllilnn. f Take no olhrr. liny of yoar " , llruiriil.l. Askfnrf'IIM'IfKN-TKRS tm SENATE PASSES CURRENCY BILL Measure Indorsed . by Demo cratic Caucus Successful 54 TO 34 IS PASSAGE VOTE Hitchcock Measure, Urged as Sub For Currency Bill. Given Creditable Sup ' port, 44 to 41 -CM I 8ervice Ignored. The ' administration currency bill was passed In the senate by a vote of 54 to 34. The senate adopted, as a substitute for - the house - bill, the . measure framed by the Democratic Benate- cau cus, which Is considered satisfactory to President Wilson. The Democrats voted solidly for the measure. Senator Poindexter, Pro gressive, and six Republicans Joined the Democratic majority In- the final vote. Immediately after the announcement was made that the bill had passed the senate named nine conferees to act on behalf of the senate with a con ference committee of the house to ad Just the differences between the sen ate and house bills. When the vote on the currency bill was announced there was enthusiastic, even uproarious applause on the Dem ocratic side and in the galleries. Secretary McAdoo was on the floor of the senate and Joined In the Jubila tion. He occupied a chair on the floor between Senators Owen and HitA'i cock. In the reserved gallery were Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, Miss Eleanor Wilson and Secretary Tumulty, all of whom seemed as phased as anybody. There was a surprisingly close vote on the bill offered by Senator Hitch cock of Nebraska as a sub for the measure. The Hitchcock bill was sent to the senate by the five Republicans who make up the minority of the banking and currency committee and by Senator Hitchcock. It was defeat ed, 44 to 41. All of the Republicans and Senator Poindpxter. the Progres sive, voted for It. The forty-three votes caBt against it were by Demo crats. There was one tie vote recorded In the closing hours of the consideration. It was on an amendment offered by Senator Brandagee of Connecticut re quiring that all appointments made by the' federal reserve board shall be made under the civil service law. Vice President Marshall voted in the nega tive, thus Wplng the appointments out of the civil service law and making them the spoils of the Democrats. Immediately following this vote Sen ator Jones of Washington offered an nmendment providing that nothing In the act should be construed as to pre vent the president from placing these employes within the classified service after they had been selected. Sena tor Jones, who Is a Republican, insist ed that this amendment was a neces sary complement of the bill, which had made the appointments the prey of the spoilsmen. But nearly all of the Democrats voted for It with the result that the amendment received 63 votes and was carried in the midst of hilarity on the Democratic side. Its effect will be to permit Presi dent Wilson after all the places have been filled by Democrats to cover tbem with the civil service and Insure their permanency. The passage of the currency bill through the senate marks, the second notable victory for President Wilson. The bill as It emerged from the strug gle In the upper house carries all of the fundamentals upon which Mr. Wil son and his advisers Insisted, but Is admittedly a better and safer measure than the one which left the house of representatives. This action by the senate practical ly ends a fight for currency reform which began soon after the 1907 panic and which has been agitated sporadic ally before that year. President Wilson and the Demo cratic leaders see in the measure a stimulus to business and are confident it will soon end the cries of calamity howlers. FIND BROKEN RAIL Boyt Stop Passenger Train in Time to Prevent Wreck. Two boys, one eight and the other ten years old, who refused to give their names, saved Big Four passon ger train No. 48 from a disastrous wreck near .iderson, Ind. The boys were taking a short cut along the rat:road track on their way to school and found a rail sixtbPii Inches out of place. They knew the passenger train was about due and rushed down the track to meet ic. When they saw the train approaching the boys took off their coats, stooj In the middle of the track and waved them until the engineer brought his train to a stop. Passengers climbe.l from the couches and a large pur.su was made up for them.' They went to school without telling their names. Franklin (Pa.) Woman Kills Self. Mrs. Charles E. Frledhaber, aged forty, of Franklin, Pa., killed herse'.f by inhaling natural gas. A prospec tive operation had been preying heavily upon her mind. - Let. ha n Gees Free. William Luelian, charged with 'mur dering Mrs. Caroline Turner on a lonely road near Toms River, N. J In 1911, wit acquitted by the Jury. Girl Author Is Winner of $10,000 Prize : m O 1913, by American Press Asuoclittlon. MISS LEONA DALUYMPLE. Ten thousand dollars for a single story! That is the reward for excel lence. It was won by Miss Leona Dalrymple of Passaic, N. J., in a story writing contest. The author Is a young woman scarcely over twenty, and a bright literary career has been fore shadowed by this early success. Th8 small picture shows ' her winsome smile. URGES PURCHASE OF WIREBUSINESS Burleson Believes Government Should Be Owner The Wilson administration has de cided to ur6 government ownership of "the telegraph and telephone lines of the United States. This conclusion is forced upon Washington by the an nual report of Postmaster, General Burleson. In It the postmaster general flatly advocates government ownership of. the extensive wire facilities in this country. Mr, Burleson has held several long conferences with the president on this subject and his strong advocacy iff this radical Innovation would hardly have been incorporated In the report If it had not already met with the in dorsement of the president. Furthermore Mr. Burleson now his the draft of a bill before' him designed to bring about the transfer of thesa enormous interests from private to public hands. It is understood tli.it Mr. Burleson is considering whether this bill should be endorsed by the ad ministration or whether another meas ure should be framed. Mr. Burleson contends that the gov ernment already has legislative authority .to take over the telegraph and telephone lines. He Insists that this authority Is contained In a statute passed by congress In 1866. Of course, though, further action would be necessary by congress to authorize the necessary bond issue. Mr. Burleson reports the postal serv ice self-supporting for the first time since 1883. He says that for the fiscnl year, which ended June 30 last, the department had an actual surplus of $841,906. DROPS WESTERN UNION Telegraph and Telephone Company Agrees on Dissolution. On last Friday Attorney Gen eral McRe; Folds made public details of an agreement for reorganization ol the American Telephone and Tele graph company the "telephone trust" whl' !i. will prevent litigation to dissolve that corporation under the anti-trust act, and under which com petitive conditions will be restored in the telephone service of the entire country and the combine will dispose of Us holdings in the Western Union Telegraph company. The reorganization plan originated Hth the company, although It followed many reports that a suit against It might be filed. This agreement is the first impr Bive evidence of the administration's new policy to co-operate with "big business" in the matter of readjust ments under the Sherman law. It is the most u.couraglng step thus f,r taken by the Wilson administration to restore the confidence of the busi ness Interests of the country. Sausage 42 Feet Long. Mrs. A. a Bash and Miss EllzabetV. Bash of Fi fMieltbwn, near. Saltsburs, Pa., are boi.cved to have established a record b' making a string of stu sage 42 f-.-ut long. Man 7? Is Father of Boy. Charles i'nlmer, aged scventy-t'o, Of Indiana, V Is the father of a by baby born several days ago. SAY MILITANTS SET OFHLASTS Two Explosions Under Walls ot Holloway Jail in London (ITTLE DAMAGE TO PRISON Window Glass In Houses Within a Big , Radius Suffers Explosive Had Been Placed In Holes Under Walls. Residents within a wide radius of Holloway Jail, London, were startled by two tremendous explosions in quick succession. The crashing of window glass and the shouts of the police added to the confusion. It was so. in learned that an attempt to wreck the outer wall of Holloway Jail had been made and failed. Hun dreds of window panes were shat tered, however. The outrage was doubtless t!e work of militant suffragettes, but up to the present there Is no clue as to the Identity of the perpetrators. It is impossible ns yet to say whether or not the explosion was In tended as a serious attempt to wre"U the wall of the jail or n mere "demon stration" by the militants. If it was the former it was ignorant ly conceived. The damage to the w;ill was lnslgnulcant and the chief mis chief was in the smashing of windows. The police found two holes at the bsse of thn orison will about a font square and six Inches deep where the .-xplosives had been s?t off. The wall of brick Is very thick and was not pierced. It Is understood that there Is only one suffragette now in Holloway Jail, a member of the arson squad known as "Rachel Peace," wliose real name Is unknown. The suffragettes who be lleve that this woman Is being f.wmn fed are furious because they nre'un able to learn the facts. '.' ' S0L0NS ALWAYS WINNERS New Haven Employes' Card Methods Are Hinted at. Explanation of certain payments made by the New Haven railroad to newspapermen and former legislators was sought at a hearing In Boston bo fore the Massachusetts state public service commission. George H. Sar gent, a newspaper reporter, testified that he received money from the ra'l road in return for a weekly letter which he mailed to newspapers in small towns. John A. Alarby, who described him self ns a legislative messenger, ssiil that he had rp-eived $750 a year for following legislation. Information regarding card games, alleged to have been conducted by employes of the New Haven company at a hotel, at which members of tho legislature were said to have been allowed to win large sums of money, was sought from Henry E. Bowden, another "messenger." Bowden declined to answer questions on the ground that the answers might Incriminate him. SLOWER THAN USUAL Holiday Season Dullness In Business la On. Dun's Review of Trade says this week: "With the approach of the annu-U Inventory period a feneral slowing down of business Is to be expected, yet more ;;ian seasonable quietness now prevails., both In commercial and Industrial ciioiinels. Christmas sales compare fairly well with those of a year ago, although the activity is not general. "Although the running schedule of steel mills ih likely to be reduced be fore the year end producers seem to be more confident as to the outlook. Demand from the railroads is broaden ing and thtru has recently bnen so!r. large buying of pig Iron; hence, IV..1 situation &i.pears more encouraging and prodiiicrs are less Inclined to grant price concessions." NO PRESIDENCY FOR HIM Senator Root Not Young Enough, He Says. Amid silence so profound that his remarks could have been heard even If they had been whispered Senator Ellhu Root informed his colleagues In the cliambw that there was no possi bility of his nomination for the presi dency. "My personal and my public career are drawing to a close," said Senator ftoot. The senator pointed out that he would i j past seventy-two years old when .:- next president is in augurated ...! that he would be seventy-six ears old before the close of the adrii..ilstration Immediately fol lowing the present one. Pardon m -anted to McMurray. Governoi Tener of Pennsylvania signed t.".. pardon o' George W. MrMuirty, Jr., of Allpghpny coun ty, coiivlit--! of uuirdpr in 1900 and sentenced :o be lianged. but after ward romif ed. He will be release.1 before Chi '-.-nas. It Was .-.other Michael Downs. Notified .' tt her son Michael was dead, at KfJalo, . N. Y., Mrs. Jotir, Downs of 'fyrone, Pa., hastened Ir Buffalo. X'" Hi she arrived she fou her son and well and an Inve'-.' gation eh;). - that another Mich,-. Downs ba i.ni. Mexico's Richest Man Who Escaped Rebels' Clutches J ,?' ''"''S Photo by American Prena Association. LUIS TERHAZAS. AGREE ON REAPPORTIONMENT Southern Delegation to Next Republi can Convention Will Be Cut. A new basis of apportionment to govern the selection of delegates to Republican national conventions was adopted by the Republican national committee In session in Washington. The new p!an reduces southern repre sentation to about 16 per cent of the total number. Formerly it Wds S3 per cent. The committee agreed upon a plan of reapportionment providing for four delegates at large from each state, one from each congressional district and one additional from each district where tTie total Republican vote was 35 per cent or more of the total vote cast. No district, however, would have more than two delegates, states having con.-.i pssnicn-at-large to be en titled to one', vofe for each. Territorir-'a and the District of Co lumbia would have two delegates each. The plan provides also that It shall become effective when it 'Is ratified by states representing a majority of the electoral college. ' Under thfs' plan' 'represenlatlon in national conventions Is - reduced by seventy delegates. The' plan" of the subcommittee to recdgnlze 'T-Hniary laws and change the rules governing conventions was adopted by tiie committee. On a point raised by Committee man Chubb of Florida it was an nounced that the resolution would be changed so that In states where It Is optional whether a party shall hold primaries lor the election of delegates they Bhall be selected in the old man ner and the primary plan shall be ob served only in states where the,law provides specifically for such action. MARKET QUOTATIONS Pittsburg. Dec. 23. Cattle Choice, .$S.2Gifi.50; prime, $8.20((S.50; good, $SjiS.:!5; heifers, ta'alM; common to good fat bull, 4.60?i7.25; common to good fat rows, $3.50(?i 6.50; fresh cows and springers, JG0fiS5. Sheep fti;;! Lambs l'riino pti1(i ... $55.25; good mixed, $4.G0W 4.90; fair mixed, $4Ci 4.50 ; lambs, $5ti 8; veal calves, $W.;iH(! 12; heavy and thin calves, $74iS. Hogs Prime heavy and heavy mixed, $7.Puy7.95; mediums, heavy Yorkers, ligr.t Yorkers and pigs, $7.'J5 (g8; roughs, $7fe7.25; stags, $66.C0. Cleveland, Dec. 23. Cattle Choice fat steers, $7.50 3; good to cnoue, $7(Jj 7.50; choice hell ers, $6.50(7; milchers and springers, $00 r so. Hogs Yo: kers, $7.80; mixed, $7.80; heavies, $7.t0; pigs and lights, $7.80; stags, $6.50. Sheep Mixed, $4.25(54.50; bucks, $303.60; culls, $2.50ffi3. Calves Good to choice, $11.50 11.75; heavy and common, $5F?8.50. Chicago, Dec. 23. Hogs Receipts, 34.000. Hulk of sales, $7.607.75; light, $7.357.75; mixed, $7.45ff7 7.85; heavy, $7.45i7.85; roughs, $7.45fi7.55; pigs, $6.25fl7.C3. Cattle Receipts, 17,000. Beeves, f6.70ro9.80; Texas steers, $6,7017.75; r.tockers and feeders, $5iJ?7.50; co,j and heifers, $5.35(fi 8.50; calves, $7Q 10.50. Sheep Receipts, 20,000. Native shppp, $4.40 5.65 ; yearlings, $5.50 C.G5; lambs, native, $0.40f 7.90. Wheat Dec, 87TJ. Corn Dec, 69. Oats Dec, 39'. KaHt Buffalo, Ppc. 23. Cattle Prime steers, $8.50 fir 8.6-: shipping, $7.75!?8.25: butchers, $70 8.15; cows, $3.65ft7; bulls, $5M7; lipll'crs, $fif 7.75 ; stock heifers, $5'r 6.75; stockers and feeders, $5.50 'Si 7 ; fresh cows and sprlngprs, $:5 Tr !I0. Hogs Heavy and mixed, $8; York ers and i)i:.s. $88.10; roughs, $7.20 iff 7.35; stags, $Gf?6.75: dairies, $7.90 (fJS. Shppp Lr.nbs, $fi.nOfi 8.25; yp-ir lings, $4.50nf,.75; wethers, $4.7541 B; ewes, $3fff60; sheep, mixed, $4.50 04.75. TO LAY NORTHERN MEXICOIN WASTE Sherman's March to Sea Tame lii Comparison FEDERALS FORMULATE PLAN Villages to Be Razed, Farms to Be Ruined and Railroads to Be De stroyed as Column Moves South. Complete destruction of northern Mexico to render it untenable for Panclio Villa and other rebels has been ordered by Victoriano Huerta and his army at Ojinaga is to carry out the orders. Villages are to be laid In waste, farms swept off the map and desola tion will be left in the trail of the federal army, similar to that whichj marked the campaign, a few niontUC ago against Zapata In southern Mexico. The Mormon colonies In the vicinity of Casas Grandes are to be particular marks for the destruction that is to be carried on. Inez Salazar Is to com mand the column that la to make Sherman's march to the sea look like a Sunday school picnic. General Salvador Mercado, supreme federal commander In Chihuahua, has been Ignored and Is to be recalled to Mexico City because he evacuated Chihuahua and fled to the border. Sal azar's orders, according to secret In formation gathered by United States officers, are to sweep a path twenty miles wide for the entire distance from Ojinaga to Casas Grandes. Both the Mexican Central and Mexican North western railroads are to be destroyed as they are crossed, according to the plan of the campaign, cutting the rebels off from Juarez and Chihuahua. All men found In the path of the Sal azar column are to be impressed into service or shot and the women and children left to shift for themselves. All rebels found within the zone are to be executed without trial and all known rebel sympathizers are to be arrested. After the battle at Conception del Oro, Mex., 200 rebel and federal dead were burned. The federals were vic torious, routing the Constitutionalists after ten minutes' fighting. OHIO TO BETTER LIVE STOCK Eugenics Will Be Enforced by State Authorities. "Live stock-eugenics for Ohio after Jan. 5," was the announcement of A. P. Sandles, president of the State Agricultural commission of Oliio. Live stock owners will pay the state a $2 fee for "a certificate of health" for their sIMlions and breeding ai.i mals. If the animals do not approach the standard required by law they enn not be utilized. "It will eventually make Ohio live stock as good as Imported stock," Sandles de-lared. SHOT FIRED INTO CAR Trolley Passenger's Right Eye Is Knocked Out and Skull Fractured. While a suburban trolley car bound for Huffalo was spending thirty miles an hour east of Krie, Pa., someone fired a bullet through one of the win dows and Pody Churchill, aged twenty-seven, of Harbor Creek, fell from his seat, perhaps mortally wounded. The car was stopped and backed to the scene and passengers searched for the person who had fired the bullet, but to no avail. Refused Cigaret, Shoots. Because eighteen-year-old William Erownholtz of Germantown, Pa., re fused to give him a cigaret Michael Gallagher, tnirty-elght years old, shot the boy in the breast. Gallagher was arrested and held in $800 bail for court. Two Killed by Fall of Slate. Steve Vrros, thirty-five years obi, and John Sbtimtck, forty, were instant ly killed by a fall of slate in the No. 1 mine of t'ne Sunnyside Coal com pany at Johnstown, Pa. Taylor M: Creary was slightly injured at tlia time. Charges Against Darrow Dropped. The Indictment against Attorney Clarence B. !arrow on a charge of bribery in connection with the y.c Namara dyi.runlting rase, has be.m dismissed and the record of tho court at Los AnsrU-s, Cal.. cleared. Drops and Minims. Drops' vnry In size iicconliiig to the conditions under which they are pro duced. Some lire largo nnil some aro small, some long n ml some short. The drop or the druggist Is called a "min im," of which 4HO go to make- n tluM ounce nnil 7(i.siiii to make u gallon. An actual experiment In filling n one oiineo measure will probably show that 4)0 drops makes a fluid ounce. Tim nvernge drop is L'O per cent larger than the minim. Pompey'i Example. Pomppy. being commissioner for sending grain to Rome in tiinu of dearth, w hen ho came to the sea found It very tempestuous ami dangerous. Insomuch as those about hlin advised him by no means to embark, but Pom pey mi til. "It is of necessity that I go, not that I live." Lord Bacon's "Apothegms." WHEN OLD AGE IS A CURSE When it has lost self-respict. When they have no aim In life. When hope and cheer have fled. When ambition and aspiration are dead. When the imagination is foul and the thought impure. When young people cannot live with It with any comfort. When they do not stand for any thing In their community. When they have lost the zest for life, the desire for usefulness. When it has developed only vulgar ity, coarseness and animality. When their neighbors would not consider their departure any loss. When all the youthful fires have gone out and only embers remain. When the Individual has not learned the art of self-control and patience. . When the Individuality has been burned out by the fires of dissipation.. When the sap of life has gone and the Individual Is like a Julceless orange. When all the reserves of energy and force have been prematurely exhaust ed by a vicious life. When It has left the Individual ugly, disagreeable, touchv. cvnlrni, critical, uncharitable, unkind. When the old have not won the re- pect, the confidence and the admira tion of relntlves and those nearest to them. When all that Is good, sweet and noble has evaporated and life Is empty. Orison Swett Marden, in Success Magazine. DISCHARGING OBLIGATIONS. He can always send his hostess books, candy or flowers or fruit. For a girl It is perhaps easier to make some return for hospitality, as much less Is expected of her. Sometimes If she shows a willing ness to mnke herself useful to the older woman It will be much appre ciated. For a man to continually accept hospitality and never return It In any way makes him known as a social grafter. Flowers nent tinder all conditions discharge an ordinary obligation if one does not care or has not time to call personally. Busy hostesses often find little time to shop ami are glad to have some body willing to relieve them of this necessary duty. Then there Is always a tempting little tea shop where a girl may take her older friends for a few stolen minutes sxnt in a cozy chat. If his pocket book will admit he may arrange a theater party and Invite his hostess and a few others to whom he may feel himself under obligation. HOMEMADE PHILOSOPHY If you feel like swearing, why, swear. It's the feeling, and not the words that do the harm. Prayer alone won't move a country, nny more than a lone dove can repro duce her kind without a companion. When a man has no longer nny de sire to live, his heart Is as lonely as tho grave which looks so restful to him away out In the shadows. Scientists are now attempting to give reasons for Noah's flood. Some time I hope tho flood will be able to give excuses for the scientists. Mow useful nre you In the world, young man? On this point hnngs all your future success. Not how beau tiful or dainty, but what force are you? If you can't do any good yourself, persuade your neighbor to do all the good he ran. Drownpd bodies nro often used ns n bridge for the living to escape tho flood. CURIOUS CONDENSATIONS The Chinese cultivate an odorless onion. From the Aztec tchotcolatl conies our word chocolate. The British museum's library boasts 33 miles of shelves. Tim annual consumption of wine In France Is 23 gallons a head. The diamond called a brilliant has 5b facets. A rose diamond is faceted only on the top; It has a flat bottom. The rye crop of the Tnlted States In 1910 amounted to 33,039,000 tons, valued at $23,310,000.