THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. J. C. WINK, Editor 4 Proprktoh. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1913 1913 DECEMBER 1913. f s TmI t T wTtTf tt I l2345l6 7 81910111215 l!617jgM 21i222324Bd2627 2891301311 P Thr Puozautawney Spirit ay: "When you bear something striking the earth with a ilckening tbud you may a uoie Ibat it la the high crmt or living com Inn down to oon sequence of having the tariff propi knocked from under It." In tbia Instance the "tbud" baa an up ward tendency, and you have to listen "up" If you want to bear It. An Amusing Cuss. Apparently the new leader of Pennsyl vania's new Democracy, believes tbat It Is possible lo fi' l all the people all tbe time. Just at tbia precious mom.nt A. Mitchell Palmer, keeper of tbe Demo cratic ineiacbest for bia Htale, la thrilling himself and bia Immediate lollowers with the assurance that at an uprisio of five or aiz Democratic Congressman from tbia State be baa been declared to be the fittest material for tbe Democratic nomination for Givernor. Mr. Palmer then talks glowingly of tbe people, their trust in honest men, and finally concludes with the boost tbat be will give "most careful thought" to tbe demands be believes have been made up on him by hi" colleagues in Congreaa. There Is something positively cheerful about Mr. Palmer's confidence. He la really childlike in tbat confidence. He would make the whole State believe tbat tbe voices of tbe few Democratic Con gressmen wbo must go to him for every Federal favor coming to this Slate, la command from all tbe people. Ao immense lot of people In Pen nay 1 vania are just now cbewlog at the bitter root of Democratic policies, and likely tbey are amused at tbe sublime con fidence of tbat overly ambitious stales man, Congressman A. Mitchell Palmer, of Stroudaburg, Monroe county, Penn ylvania Kellettville. Tbe stores have put on gay attire and a fine display n Santa's warea ie shown, tbe vacant store of Mrs. Andrews being used by the other stores aa Santa's head quarters. The stores are thronged with shoppers every day and good bit of Christmas cheer Is manifested In tbe selection of tbe various articles. We do not see tbe weary distressed look on tbe facea of tbe shoppers tbat we often read bout, lut every one spend freely and good-naturedly, manifesting j y in tbe possession of tbeir several purchases. Tbe stork visited the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Orubbs during tbe week and left a precious little parcel there which la causing some anxiety on account of its frailly, but it la showing aome improve ment and it is hoped that it will be per mitted to slay. D. Dunkle moved bis family from Minister Into tbe vacant bouse up Salmon. Mr. and Mra. F. J. Henderson spent several daya in Meadville during tbe week. Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Johnson are spend ing the bolidaya with tbelr daughter at Ridgway. L. Barnea of Salmon Creek bas been In poor health for aome time and for the ptst week baa been confined to the bouse most of tbe time. On account of tbe atorea all being open on Christmas eve and tbe ladies desiring tbe day of Christmas to themselves, It was decided at a meeting of tbe Sunday School board to have tbe annual tree on Friday night, instead of Wednesday night, as first announced. Tbia will give the Kid lets a continued Christmas. Mra. M. F. Cetlin was down from Minister Wednesday and attended the W. C.T. U. meeting. The W. C. T. U. met at tbe home of Mrs. W. A. Kincb, Wednesday afternoon, and the report of tbe atate convention as taken by our county president, Mrs. Myrta Huling, was read and tbe most In teresting items explained and enlarged upon by the local president, Mra. Cora Jones, which made a very pleasant and profitable afternoon. After tbe session Ice cream, cake and coffee were served by tbe h oil ens. The ladies were disap pointed in not having tbe pleasure of hearing the county president read ber own report, but take this opportunity to thank her for her most excellent paper, and express the pleasure tbey bad in reading it. Tbe next meeting will beat the home of Mrs. II. B. Dotterrer, Jan. 7, 1'JH, and the leaders will be Mrs. Minnie Sekins and Mrs. Lucy Day, assisted by Mrs. Lovllla Miller and Mrs, Cora Pope. Mra. W. L. Watson was a Warren shopper on Friday. Leslie Graham, Ethel Rlc.b, Mrs. Chas. I'ope, Mrs. John Blum and Squire Zuen del attended the funeral or Mrs. C, uendel at Starr, Tuesday. Russell, the four-months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Vogua, died Friday and was burled Sunday in the Whig Hill cemetery. Funeral services were held at 8 o'clock Sunday morning In the M, E. church, Rev. Henry Sinalleuberger delivering the sermon. Mrs. John Weant, the child's grandmother, and Mrs. J. Bean of Nebraska, drove op Saturday and attended the funeral. Wm. Silzle spent Sunday with rela tives in Clarion county. Treasa Uendrickson waa down from May burg and spent Sunday with ber brolber, F. V. Uendrickson. Chaa. McCloekey of Tylersburg was a business visitor in town several daya during tbe week. Conrad Ikenburg and son of Muzette, were visitors In town Sunday. Tbe Salmon Creek company has men at work tearing down one of the bouses at Buck Mills to be orected In Kellett ville In the grove near Blyler's, for laa S paint. -- Clarington. Tbe play given by tbe blgb school was a decided success. A large orowd was there and tbe treasury of the class was well replenished, and everybody wa pleased and glad tbey attended. Mrs. Morris Coon, wbo baa been In Pittsburg for treatment, came borne last Saturday much Improved In health and in fair way to recovery. Rabbit hunters are putting In full time and meeting with very good success. W. A. Burket, assessor of Barnett twp. was at the county seal making bia re turns. Phillips A Co. drilled through to tbe Brsdford ssnd on tbe Slaogbeobsopt farm and got from 160,000 to 200,000 feel of gas. Tbey may go on to tbe Kane aand. The well on tbe Maze farm waa finished and will make paying well, but not as big as we would like to bave aeen, Tbe same company's well on the Matbewa farm la not finished yet. Rev. May Is holding revival bere and la having good crowda and good in terest la manifested. John Coon was on tbe aick list last week but Is able to be out again. Mra. E. V. Ileasly la suffering from an attack of rheumatism. James Reed is able to be out aud around after being boused for 10 days. Flossie Braden came home from Beaver county where she is teaching, for two weeks vscstlon. Prof. Carson csme over to see the plsy snd visit tbe schools. He spent Sabbath in town and seemed well plesaed wltb the condition of tbe Barnett twp. schools. W. D. Shields is very busy at tbia time hunting rabbits and looking after their oil interests and usually goes to Brookville to spend Sunday with bia wife, wbo, we are glad to aay, la regaining ber health and will soon be aa atrong aa formerly. Robert Walfnrd and Scott Katz came down from Sigel on Saturday to see tbeir old friends, and by-lhe-way, get good square meal, which Clarington la noted for. Glad to see you, come sgain. Jennie Shields la visiting at Henry Long's, near Sigel. C. B. Kerr came down from Yankee Camp to see tbe oil snd gas developments Tbere is a well being drilled on bis fsrm Harvey Fulton, one of our aterling young men, wandered over to Clarion last week and came borne with a former teacher of Barnett Two. as bis wife. Tbe boys and lasaiea remembered them. Ministers May Lose Half-Rates. Not only may employes who art commuters lose their cheap rate tickets on the Pennsylvania railroad In Pennsylvania on Jan. 1. but the clergy, for years accustomed to paying half-fare, may be forced to pay as much for a seat In a train as any other passenger. Thousands of clergy men In the state would be affected. Wemen Win 8-Csnt Milk Fight. Sharon (Pa.) housewives have won their campaign against the so-called "milkman's combine." Announcement was made that milk ran be bought at 8 cents a quart and cream at 32 rents a quart. Two weeks ago the milk dealers of Sharon raised the price of milk to 9 cents and cream to 36 rents. Yeggs Frightened Away by Woman. Mrs. Sarah L. Pickering, post mistress at Perkville, near Scranton, Pa., saved the postoffice from being robbed by yeggmen. Seeing a lifiht In the office she raised her bedroom window and shouted and then dress ing entered the place. She found nitroglycerin in a pan. Man's Body Stops Feed Chopper. George L. Beers of near Greenville, Pa., was caught in the machinery operating a feed chopping machine. His body being whirled around stopped the engine and the senseless man fell to the floor terribly injured. Five ribs were broken and an ankle fractured. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy The Mothers' Favorite. "I give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to my children when they bave colds or congbs," writes Mrs. Verne Shaffer, Van dergrift, Pa. It always helps them and Is far superior to any other cough medi cine I bave used. I advise anyone in need of such a medicine to give it a trial." For sale by all dealers. adv. LESS BOWEL TROUBLE IX WEST HICKORY West Hickory people have found out that A SINGLE DOSE of simple buck thorn bark, glycerine, etc., as compound ed In Adler-i-ka, tbe German bowel and stomach remedy, relieves constipation, sour stomach or gas on tbe atomacb INSTANTLY. This simple mixture became famous by curing appendicitis and itdiawsoff a surprising amount of old foul matter from the body, It la wonderful bow QUICKLY it helps. Tbe West Hickory Drug Store. adv Mrs. McClain's Experience With Croup. "When my boy, Ray, was small he was subject to croup, and I was always alarmed at such times. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy proved far better than any other for this trouble. It always re lieved bim quickly. I am never without it in tbe house for I know It I a positive cure for croup," writes Mra. W. R. Mo Clnin, Blalrsvllle, Pa. For sale by all dealera. adv. Notice Stockholders' Meeting. Tbe annual meeting of the stockholders of tbe Tionesta Water Supply Co. will be held at the company's office In tbe Bor ough of Tionesta, Pa., on Monday, Jan, 5, 1914, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing dlreotors for the year and the transaction of auch otber business as may properly come betore the meeting. G. W. RoniKMO!, Prssident. Attest, Samcki, D. Irwin, Secreury. adv Sick Headache. Sick headache is nesrly slwsys caused by disorders of the stomach. Correct tbein and tbe periodic, attacks of sick headache will disappear. Mrs. John Bishop of Roseville. Ohio. writes: "A boat a year ago I was troubled with indigestion aud had sick headache that lasted tor two or three days at a time. I doctored and tried a number of remedies but nothing helped me until during one of those sick spells a friend advised inn to take Chamberlain's Tablets. This medi cine relieved me In a short time." For ssle by all dealers. (r for Walker's ad. on page 1. ad Mayburg. Tbe boya are looking forward to tbe time wben the creek and other streams will be frozen over for skating. Old and young are expecting a grand and glorious Christmas, when Santa Claua shall come. Naaman Howard of Cherry Grove visited friends In town tbe latter part of tbe week. Edna Davis Is suffering with tbe tooth ache. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Paul are rejoicing over tbe arrival of a new daughter which came to tbeir borne Saturday morning, December 13, 1013. Edna P. Desbner has returned to ber home in tbis place from Warren, where she bas been taking treatment under Drs, Mr. and Mrs. F. Richards. Mrs. Jaa. Brown waa taken to tbe hos pital tbis week to be operated upon for appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Craft were Shef field shoppers Saturday. Prof. E. C. Terrill wat also a Sheffield sbopper that day. Tbe Misses Msrtha Snyder and Nelle Zuber were Kellettville shoppers Satur day. Mrs. Samuel Cook Is suffering with ber eves. She nssn t been able to see wnn ber one eye for some time. Her daugh ter, Miss C'hloe, baa slso been aick wltb sore throat. Misa Tressa Uendrickson visited ber brother and bis wife, Mr. and Mra. Victor Uendrickson at Kellettville over tbe Sabbath. Miss Belle Kline, with her attendant Mr. Flovde Smith, drove to her borne at Newmauavllle Sunday A. M. I (Ml KKWAKI, l 00. The readers of this paper will be SI eased to leai n that there is at least one readed disoase that science has been able to cure In nil its auges, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure known to the medical fra ternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Mall s l 'alarm uure is taaen in ternally, acting directly anon the blood and mucous surface of the system, there by destroying the foundation of the dis ease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assist ing nature in doing its work. The pro prietors have so much ralth in its cura tive powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure, Seud for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. CH EN EY A CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold bv Druggists, 75c Hall's Fainilv Pills are the best. SEW TREATMENT I OH THE SKIN Prodium, the new healing prod not, baa performed a miracle of beating when ap plied to sores and all skin Injuries, Raw, scorching eczema sores, pimples, scalp Itching, rash, tetter, blackheads, scalds, cracked lips, skin irritation or inflam mations stop almost instantly wben Pro dium is applied. Prndlnm is on sale at all druggists, in cluding R. A. Walker, for twenty-five cents. Trial package sent free by ad dressing tbe Prodium Company, Plain- field, New Jersey. Notice of Appeals. Notice Is hereby given tbat the County Commissioners of Forest County, Penn sylvania, will meet at tbeir OtBca in tbe Court House, in Tionesta iiorougrj, on the 22d. 23d and !Mth days of December. 1913, for tbe purpose of holding a court of appeals from tbe assessment or tbe year 1914, w. 11. HARRISON, J. C. 8COWDKN, H. H. McClbllah, Commissioners, Attest, S. M. Henry, Clerk. Tionesta, Pa., Nov. 2ritb, 1913. Legal Notice. Forest County Common Pleas, No, 2, May Term. 1913. In Kqultv. MARION L. GEROW, Plaintiff, versus KATHERINE FITZGERALD, Widow, JOHN V. FITZGERALD, MARY J. MAN ROSS, intermarried with CHARLES E. MAN ROSS, AGNES MURDOCH, intermarried with WIL LIAM MURDOCH. DORA SIGMAN, intermarried wftb VALENTINE SIG MAN. HENRY FITZ'JERALD, EL LEN MCCAFFREY, Intermarried with john McCaffrey, m aggie oil tin an, intermarried with G. H. GILTINAN. ALICE FITZGERALD, HANNAH FAHEY, Intermarried wltb JOHN FAHEY. heirs at-law of JAMES FITZGERALD, deceased, tbe following minors, children of ELLEN MCCAFFREY, now deceased, THOM AS McCaffrey, mary McCaf frey, sod tbe following minors, children of MAGGIE GILTINAN, now decessed, AGNES GILTINAN, THOMAS WILLIAM GILTINAN, Delendants. To John C. Fitzgerald, Dora 8igraan, Valentine Sigmao, Henry Fitzgerald, John McCaffrey, Alice Fitzgerald, Han nab Fabey, John I aliey, Tbomas Mc Caffrey, Mary McCaffrev, Agnes Gllii nan and Thomas William Giltinan, a number of tbe defendants, take notice tbat tbe bill of complaint of Marion L. Gerow, plaintiff, has been tiled against you in said Court to tbe above term and number, praying tbat tbe partition of a certain piece or parcel of land situate in tbe Township of Tionesta, County of Forest, State of Peonsvlvania, and con taining eighty-seven (87) acres of land. and known as the Fitzgerald Fsrm, aud II same cannot be divided without injury to snd spoiling the whole, then tbe same may be sold sud tbe parties to bave di vided among the several parties, etc., and tbat unless you cause an appearance to oe entered lor ana in saia uuurl or com mon Pleas on or before tbe second day of February next, the said bill of com plaint may be taken auainst you pro oonfesso. D. U. Arird. Dec. 1A, 1913. Solicitor for Plaintiff. JAMES HASLET, GENERAL MERCHANT. Furniture Dealer, AND UNDERTAKER. TIONESTA, PENN J. L. Kepler LIVERY Stable. Fine carriages for all occasions, with brat class equipment. We can fit yon out at any time for either a pleasure or business trip, and always at reasonable rates. Prompt service and courteous treatment. Corns and see us. Hear of Hotel Weaver TIONESTA, 3?.A. Telephone No. 20. That $500 of Yours which is now earning you nothing, will return you $10 every six months if you buy one of our Certificates of Deposit. Interest begins as soon as issued, and checks are mailed every six months. Write for booklet C. D. Pittsburgh Bank for Savings PITTSBURGH, PA. Established In 1862 At the Racket Store BARGAINS in Graniteware, Tinware, Glassware, Chinaware, Stationery, Hosiery, Wall Paper, Window Shades Elm Street, Tionesta, Pa. A WONDERFUL DISPLAY- OF HOLIDAY GOODS To Please the Grown-ups, as Well as the Little Kiddies. Small boys and girls delight in the realm of our Toyland. It's the real thing and U thoroughly up-to-date with complete stocks of Dolls, Steam Engines, Pianos, Drums, Automobiles, Tool Boxes, Magic Lanterns, Games, Puzzles, Rocking Horses, Doll Beds, Doll Carriages, Doll Stoves, Kailroads, and many other; amusing and instruc tive toys too numerable to mention. Do our efforts credit by giving us a call and inspecting our complete line ol holiday fjoods. . Always Remember This Store When in want of high-grade Hardware ! Our methods are progressive and thorough by the use of diplomacy, thereby assuring our friends and customers of the highest quality and lowest prices consistent with good business methods. H. C. MAPES, Kepler Block, - - Tionesta, Pennsylvania. Free Car Fare With Your Purchase Christmas Shoppers ' Shop Here. Monarch Clothing Company's Christmas Sale of Women's and Children's Furs, Coats and Holi day Goods. Shop early and make your selections for Christmas. "Values were never so Women's Furs Handsome Muffs in black and brown Conev. silk linine of beautiful ereen or Drown snirrea trimming, scans to matcn. Muns, 910.0a value at $4.98 Muffs, $15.00 value at $7.98 Sets, $12.00 value at $7.98 Sets, $20.00 value at $10.98 Holiday Suggestions Prices Popular and Pared These goods all handsomely boxed in a presentable pretty box no name of maker, but a handsome card with your own name on it. Suspenders, per box 60c Hosiery 60c Neckwear 60c Handkerchiefs 60c Combination box of Suspenders, Hose Supporter and Garter 60c Combination of Suspenders, Hose and Supporter 60c Combination boxes of Hose, Neckwear and Suspenders all to match 76c Box with Suspenders, Hose, Cuff Link and Tie to match $100 Kid Gloves, boxed, for $1.00 Auto Gloves or handsome Fur Cap, elegantly boxed, at $1-50 Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, Hose, etc., boxed handsomely 26c Indian Suits, Cowboy Suits, Squaw Suits, Policemen's Suits, Play Suits An outfit complete for children, ages 4 to 14 respectively, prettiest outfit ever shown fr Iac than tO Art A . 2m aMI 1 ffi mt st1 at this nrtr.m. w iv uivu f .'wv, ouu m ildvu we will have none left for late shoppers. Special Qjc Come Here and Save Your Car Fare. Monarch Clothing Company, - Oil City, Pa. GIFT SUGGESTIONS For Men Four-in-hand Ties, with Hand kerchiefs to match, in box, 50c. Silk Hosiery, 60c. Mufflers, 26c to $1.60. Sweater Coats, f 1.00 to 97.60. Gloves, 26c to $1.60. Safety Razors, $1.00 to $6.00. Umbrellas, $1.00 to $3.60. Handkerchiefs. Scarf Pins and Sleeve Links. For Women Fancy Neckwear in holiday boxes, 26c and 60c. Hand Bags, 60c to $3.00. Latest Style Shirt Waists, in holiday boxes, $1.00, $1.26, $2.00. Umbrellas, $1.00 to $3.60. Scissor Sets, $1.00 to $3.00. Manicure Sets. Silk Hosiery. Handkerchiefs. Hair Ornaments. G. W. ROBINSON & SON IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN Til 18 PAPKK II HUt I II IMIHIHIHHt 1 1 tl till $30.00 Sets at $25.00 Sets at $20.00 Sets at ..$16.50 ..$14.60 ..$11.98 ...$9.98 $16.60 Sets at auu uuij vv uivi w v " II? . Jt X ti.V . JTStCv. IFYCU PUT MONEY IN THE BaIJK NOW IT WILL GROW IKlTO A FORTUNE AND KEEP YOU The above statement is absolutely true. .You are spend ing not alone the jnoney but the FUTURE of that money. Tt L j ' l j j-y. 1 . i nai money you are now spenaing wouia some aay inane a froodly sum which would insure you GOMFORT IN YOUR OLD AGE or protect your FAMILY should you die. CAPITAL STOCK, 150.000. SURPLUS 1100,000. Do your banking with us. A rtOVfPnf We pay liberal interest consistent with safety, M J51 J OGJ-l b. Forest County NeLtidheJ Bank, TIONEMTA, IA. I j Children's Furs Muff and Scarf in match Special Sets Child Fur Set of Coney, Squirrel, Ermine Child's Fur Set of Brown or iJiacic toney, wnue trmino or uBui rui, Christmas special An elegant assortment of latest makes. $5.00 values in Sets for I -AW', $7.60 Sets for $3-98 $4.00 Sets for $10.00 Sets for $4-98 $3.00 Sets for Our furs represent the latest made by New York's best furriers prices Men's Fur Caps Latest in Fur Coney and Seal Plush Caps, $1.00, $1.60, $2.00 and $2.60 Boys' Suits Boxed presentable fj-ff J3.98 Boys' Overcoats W-8. nd $4.98 Child's Overcoats $1-98, $2.98 and $3.98 Men's Suits $7.98, $9.98, $11.98, $14.60, $16.60 Men's Overcoats $7.98, $9.98, $11.98, $14.60, $16.60 Fur Lined Overcoats $50.00 Coats at $30.00 $40.00 Coats at $25.00 $30.00 Coats at 16.80 Chinchilla Overcoats Roll collar, grey, blue and brown $16.60 $16.60 value.... $25.00 value . Sale on Gloves, Hosiery, Women's Coats, Suits, Skirts, Silk Waists, Kimonas, etc. SOME DAY great. of Ermine, Angora and Coaey. or Angora, -$l-60 and $2.98 ....$1.98 ....$2.98 ....$1.98 ....$1.60 pared. .$9.98