The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, December 17, 1913, Image 1

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One Square, one Inch, one week... 1 00
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Two Squares, one year 15 00
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One Column, one year .. 100 00
Legal advertisements ten cents per line
each Insertion.
We do fine Job Printing of every de
scription at reasonable rates, but it's cash
Published every Wednesday by
Offioe in Bmearbanga it Wenk Building,
Term, 01. OO A Year, gtrletlj l AItun,
Entored aeoond-olew matter at the
post-offloe at Tlonesla.
No subscription received for shorter
period than three months.
Correspondence solicited, but no notloe
will be taken of anonymous oommunloa
llons. Always give your name.
VOL. XLVI. NO. 43.
$1.00 PER ANNUM.
on delivery.
" JT
, , 1
Burgess. 8. D. Irwin.
Justices of the react 0. A. Randall, D
v. uiara.
Ctmittitwn. J.W.Lamlers, J. T. Dsle,
u. H. Koblnson. Win. Suiearbnugb,
R. J. IJopklns, U. K. Watson. J. D.
rims table Xj. L'. Zuver.
Collector W, 11. Hood.
School Director W. C. Imel, J. K,
Clark, 8. M.' Henry, Q. Jainieson, D. II
Member of Congress W. J. Hullngs,
Member of Senate 1. IC. P. Hall.
, Assembly A. R. Moctiling.
PresKtvnt Jwioe W. D. Hinckley.
Associate Judges Samuel Aul, Joseph
lu. Morgan.
rr othiwlary. Register dt Recorder, te
-8. R. Maxwell.
MenT-Wm. U. Hood.
Treasurer Vf . H. Braxee.
OmmMjioner Wm. H. Harrison, J.
C. Hoowden, U. H. Magellan.
District Attorney M. A. Currlnger.
Jury CbwuntMioner J . B. Eden, A.M.
. Cbroner Dr. M. 0 Kerr.
County Auditors George H. Warden,
A. C. Uregg and t. V. HUields.
County tturveyor Roy 8. Braden.
Cbun.y Superintendent J . O. Carson.
Kf ular crat f Csnrt.
. -
Third Monday of February.
Third Monday of May.
Third Monday of Hnptember,
Third Monday of November.
Regular Meetings of County Com u) Is
loners 1st and 8d Tuesdays of month.
Church ftal Makkalh MehMl.
PreHbyterlan 8abbath School at 9:16 a
m. t M. E. Sabbath Bohool at lOtOO a. m
Preaching In M. E. Church every Sab
bath evening dv Kev. h. l. uuniavev
Preaching In the F. M. Church every
Habbatn evening ai me usual nour. nev
M. E. Wolcott. Pastor. -
Preaching in the Presbyterian chureta
every Sabbath at 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p,
m. Rev. H. A. Bailey. Paetor.
The regular meetings of the W, C. T.
V. are held at the headquarters on the
second and rourtn Tuesdays 01 eacn
TV . N ESTA LODU E, No. 869, 1. 0. 0. F.
Meets every Tuesday evening, In Odd
Fellows' Hall, Partridge building. ,
Q. A. R. Meets 1st Tuesday after
noon of each month at 3 o'clock.
137, W. R. C, meets first and third
Weduesday evening of each month.
Tlonesta, Pa.
Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law.
Otfce over Forest County National
Bank Building, TIONESTA, PA.
Warren, Pa.
Practice in Forest Co.
Office In Arner Building, Cor. Elm
and Bridge Sts., Tlonesta, Pa.
Rooms over Citizens Nat. Bank,
Physician A Surgeon,
x iuntus i A, rA,
Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted.
U Physician and Surgeon,
8. E. PIERCE, Proprietor.
Modern aud up-to-date in all its ap
pointments. Every convenience and
oomfort provided for the traveling public.
W R. A. FULTON, Proprietor.
Tionseta, Pa. This is the uiont centrally
located hotel in the place, and has all the
modern Improvements. No pains will
be spared to make It a pleasant stopping
place for the traveling public. -
Shop over R. L. Haslet's grocery store
on Elm street. Is prepared to do all
Kinds of custom work from the finest to
the coarsest and guarantees hia work to
give perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten
tion given to mending, and prices rea
sonable. successfully used
tor at .years-
ftfwesAU DE5JirrroiiDftiNKoDusi
Pa. I
4246 Fifth AvlPittsburgh. I
years known a Best, Ssftst. Always Kel1atl
Vy" Trade Marks
Df 11 CoMRWHTa'Afi.
Anyone nrttng ahAh n(l fledcrtptlnn roar
quloklr lurertHln our oilnlnn free whether an
Invention tfl probably patentable. Communlra
tlnnsatrlctlTonnOclentlal. Handbook on Patents
ent free. Ol'lent apenry foraecunnK patenta.
Patenta taken throuirh Munn A Co. recelrs
wprrui wiice, mi noub cname, in me
Scientific American.
, handsomely Illustrated weekly. I.arceat rlr.
illation of any arlLMitide Journal. Terms, la
pur: four months, II. Sold by all newsdealers.
Urauct) omce. IBS F St.. Washinnton, M. t'.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Cures Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough.
Muimi AftK your rult for a
ti1-hr-t-r' Diamond It ran
I'lIU In IOd ami Uol4 nulllc
h.t, tealnl ith Itlue Ribbon. J
Take no othrr. Iluy of y oar "
Dnmtftt. AkforllI.I'IKM.TPn ft'
Holiday Goods on Display
' Christmas stock replete with beautiful gifts.
This Department contains everything for the
among which might be mentioned :
Toilet Sets and Manicure
Pocket Books from,-.
Fountain Pens from .
Safety Razors from
Perfumes in fancy Boxes
Watches from.
Diamonds from $7.50 to $1,500.00, special orders
Cut Glass. '
Large assortment of best grade Cut Glass$1.00 and up
Hand Painted China.
Mrs. Lewis' Hand Painted China, all orices.' vrv
. reasonable.
Many other Christmas articles too numerous to mention
One lot Pocket Books, prices from 25c to $5.00
One lot Novelties, prices from 25c to $3.50 ......
Mflnv nfhAr harcoino whirh ara
j b i v-iu uoigouia. . n.u wc&e guuus win oe sola regaraiess 01 cost.
; Purchasers should hot delay making their selection until the
last moment, but call and inspect goods while stock is complete.
Goods will be laid aside until called for, upon the deposit of a
small sum.
R.oss A. Walker,
The Drug Store On the Corner,
Kalian. Suspacted of Horrible
- Tragedy lnsfiew York
Infernal Machine Kills Office Girl
When She 1 Opening Package.
Her Body la Almost Unrecognizable.
Commissioner Dougherty of the
New York police department expects
tq hare in custody within a' few hours
an Italian who is suspected of sending
the death dealing Infernal n?r.hine to
the office of the O. K. Bottling com
pany and which caused the death of
Miss Anna Anusewitj.
Ths man for whom the detectives
are hunting is said by Commissioner
Dougherty to be one of the most
desperate criminals of the age. His
Bending of the Infernal machine shows
him to be cunning and devilish, savs
the commissioner.
With no motive even conjecturablo,
with the usual clue? lost in the wreck
of the office, the police had one defi
nite lead and one only that the in
fernal macHne was contained in a
package delivered by a driver for an
express company. But inside of four
hours Commissioner Dougherty and
his detectives had accomplished a
splendid plee of work. They had ob
tained a description of the young
Italian who took the package to a
branch office of the express company.
And while this hunt for the man
Is on many side Investigations are
being undertaken in the hope of es
tablishing a motive. To the police
this Is the inexplicable thing of the
whole horrible affair.
Miss Anusewltz, not long graduated
from high school, devoted to her first
employment. Interested in the word of
the Educational alliance, fond of
music and of thoughtful literature, a
teacher in the neighborhood of her
home, was not the sort of girl with a
past that could react so violently. Mr.
Callanan, her employer, expressed the
belief that she had not an enemy in
the world.
It was mere chanc6 the accidental
detention by a young man who wanted
advice that saved Mr. Callanan, the
owner of the factory, from Miss
Anusewltz's fate.
The police believe that the infernal
machine or bomb there weren't
enough fragments left to determine)
precisely what sort of murderous ma
Walter's Drug Store
' t
Sets all prices
26c to $5.00
$1.00 to $10.00
. $1.00 to $15.00
from 25c to $5.00
Thermos Bottles, all sizes
$1.00 to $50.00y special orders
' r 7 - -J
chine it was was meant for Cal
lanan himself. :-i
The maker with frightful irony had
written on the cover of the parcel,
along with the address of the bottling
company, "Surprise Independent com
pany." Miss Anusewltz was hardly recog
nizable as anything human. Her body
crumpled in front of the office safe.
Iron and Steel Business Experiences
Change For Better.
Dun's Review of Trade says this
"While evidences accumulate of the
reactionary trend of business a dis
position is manifest in some quarters
to take a more hopeful view of the
general outlook. Sentiment in finan
cial circles has Improved noticeably
of late aud it is significant that a bet
ter feeling exists in the iron and steel
trade, particularly In the Pittsburg
district. Reports from that center in
dicate larger, buying of railway equip
ment than for several months and
concessions in prices are of less fre
quent occurrence, thus suggesting that
the bottom point has about been
reached. s
"Additional encouragement is de
rived from the fact that the decrease
in the unfilled tonnage of the lead
ing Interest last month was consider
ably smaller than anticipated, al
though restriction of output held the
decline In check,"
Florence Italian Was Thief of Famous
The famous "Mona Lisa," stolen
from the Louvre in Paris more than
two years ago, has been found and is
now in safe keeping at the prefecture
of police In Florence, Italy. It is in
perfect condition.
The man who stole it was arrested.
He Is an Italian.
"I stole the picture," the man said,
"In order to avenge the thefts which
Napoleon I. committed in Italy."
The thief said he lived in Paris for
a long time. Ever since he stole the
picture, he said, he had kept It in his
Found Dead in Pool of Water.
August Johnson, aged thirty-three;
was found oead in Altoona, Pa., with
his face in a pool of water near the
city limits by men gathering Christ
mas greens. The police are invest!
Two Lodgers Killed by Fumes.
Two men were asphyxiated In a
rooming house at Falrchance, Pa. A
gas stove had not been properly con-
aected to carry off the fumes. The
men were: William Lunn of Jeannette
and Charles Costcllo of Point Marian.
Cigars in Christmas boxes from $1.00 to $4.50
Fancy Box Papers from 25c to $3.00
Christmas Seals, Christmas Post Cards-, Paper, Gold
and Silver Cord.
Christmas Books, all the latest, prices from. 25c to $1.50
$1.60 and up
Special Prices
and a saving of 20 to 30 per cent.
Including all the Latest Novelties.
Laaies and uentlemen's
1 Htiyler'S
In boxes of 1 lb., 2 lbs., and
early for this high grade
Forces Combating Liquor De
scend on Congress
That Congress Pass Resolution Sub
mitting to . States Prohibition
Amendment la Demand of Marchers.
Enemies of the liquor traffic from
every Mate in the Union came to
Washington'2,000 strong and petitioned
congress to . pass a constitutional
amendment forbidding the manufac
ture and sa-le of all intoxicants.
The gathering was one of the most
remarkable ever seen in the national
capital. There have been similar
demonstrations in the recent past, but
this display saw more real results in
a shorter time than any similar move
ment in years.
The petitions were received by Rep
resentative Richmond Pearson Hobsnn
of Alabama, author of the proposed
amendment, and Senator Morris Shep
pard of Texas. The legislators also re
ceived a copy of another resolution to
prohibit forever the . manufacture or
sale of intoxicating liquors except for
sacramental and medicinal purposes.
In their march to the capltol the
Anti-Saloon league forces were led by
Brigadier General A. S. Daggett. Mrs.
Lillian M. N. Stevens of Maine, presi
dent general of the W. C. T. U.,
marshaled the women.
Following the presentation of peti
tions, which, were filed In the sennti
and house, prohibition speerhes were
made. Tha speakers were Ernest H.
Cherrington of Westerville, O.; former
Governor M. R. Patterson of Tennes
see; Mrs.' Ella A. Doole of Brooklyn,
N. Y., and Mrs. Mary Harris Armor
of Georgia.
"We are against the liquor traffic
because it is the worst enemy of our
civilization; because wo want a drunk
enless republic and an untainted flag,"
said Senator Slieppard.
Formor Governor Patterson of Ten
nessee declared that nine states al
ready hat1 prohibition. "Civilization
and humanity," he shouted, "now de
mand a new amendment to the con
stitution, one that will wipe this evil
business tran. the land."
Mrs. Stevens deolnred the women of
ti e nation "know that the liquor traf
fic Is the great home destroyer," that
the women of the ration had begun
w ... . . . . 1 -n-n-n-M
Holiday Trade
Special Prices on
5 lbs. Orders must be in
.sale price 69c
.sale price 43c
the fight to overthrow , the liquor
business and that its end was certain
to come. Mrs. Armor and Mrs. Doole
both spoke' for the proposed amend
ment. . 1 - - 5
Many of the men and women dele
gates from various states sought out
their congressional delegations and
urged passage of the necessary reso
lution for the submission of the pro
nosed constitutional amendment to
the states for ratification.
Senator Slieppard introduced the
proposed constitutional amendment In
the senate late in the day. Galleries
were only half full, but his address
in support of the amendment was
punrtuated with outbursts of applause,
which Vice President Marshall made
no effort to stop.
"Prohibition will embrace the wholo
United States within a comparatively
short time," said Senator Slieppard.
"The movement is so strong through
out the nation that nothing in tho
world can prevent its ultimate com
plete success."
Senator Slieppard declared "the only
safe way to handle the liquor traffic
is to destroy it."
Senators Thompson and Owen
Joined in the Indorsement of the pro
posed amendment.
Doctor After Pronouncing Life Extinct
Learns Differently.
Twice pronounced dead, Charles
Hughes, a Cheater (Pu.) park guard,
1b still alive.
A week ago a nurse who was In
charge of hughes summoned members
of his family and they watched as he
apparently breathed his hist. An un
dertaker whs summoned. He noticed
a slight twitching In the man's arm
aud called the nurse, who restored
him to coin',c!ounneH8.
Again Hughes sank into uncon
sciousness. A physician pronounced
him dead and a:aln the undertaker
was sumnioiied. While the physician
was bending over ti e supposed dead
man he received a kick In the stom
ach that convinced htm Mr. Hughes
was no dead one. Restoratives were
applied and the patient was revivcu.
The doctors think he has a good
chance to recover.
Man Murdered; Pay Envelope Stolen.
Stephen Lucas, watchmnn nt the
Central colliery, Avoca, near Sharon,
Ta., was murdered while on his way
home from work. Robbery was the
motive. He was shot from behind
and his pay envelope taken.
Jury Acruits Dairyman Long.
Joseph W. Long, aged forty, a dairy
man, of Jerome, near Somerset, Pn.,
on trial for the murder of Carl Phil
lips, an Italian, July 20, was acquitted.
Long testlf.ed that the Italian drew a
revolver first.
Refugees From Chihuahua, Mex.,
Arrive in Texas
Secretary Bryan Sends Emissary tl
General Warning Him That He
Must Adopt Less Drastic Measures
Between 200 and 300 German refu
gees from Chihuahua arrived in
Juarez on the special refugees' train.
There were several American, Italian,
Spanish and Mexican families on the
train. They immediately crossed over
to El I'aso, Tex.
Members of the German colony said
that after Hie rebels made the Span
lards leave the city they realized that
they would be the next nationality to
be ordered out of the country.
Many of tliem said their places of
business had been seized and that
their homes were being used for
stables for the horses of the Consti
tutionalists' cavalry and that their
household effects had been thrown
into the streets. They were beiiis
forced to take rebel money which
amounted to confiscation.
Rebela Beaten Back.
Beaten In their attack on Tampico
the Constitutionalists have moved
back some distance from the city.
Messages corroborated the report
of the rebel defeat as a result of a
heavy and sustained bombardment by
two federal gunboats and federal
field artillery. They do not, however,
bear out the idea of a rout.
In possession of the railroad yards
throughout the battle, the rebels,
when they were driven off, remained
sufficiently cool in the fate of the
furious tire to take away with thm
every locomotive and most of the
rolling btock.
That the rebel loss was great is
also emphasized in these advices,
which add that buzzards flouted over
the battlefield in numbers so great as
to present the appearance of low-lying
black clouds.
According to the federal report 80(
rebels were killed before' they could
get out of range and this would mean
many other hundreds wounded and
probably left behind.
It is regarded as probable that
tho relief of Tampico is only te;n
porary and that before many days the
rebels will resume the attack in
greater numbers, although the three
days' battle has materially cut down
their supply of ammunition.
Bryan Sends Emissary to Villa.
Secretary Bryan is sending G. D.
Carrothers, formerly consul at Tor
reon, Mex., as special representative
with a protest to General Villa
against the hitter's harsh treatment of
the Spanish residents of that city.
Carrothers carries instructions to
make vigorous demands upon Villa
for decent and humane treatment of
all foreigners lu Chihuahua and the
respect of the persons and their prop
erty. He has been instructed to inform
Villa thut it is beyond doubt that Ills
treatment of the Spaniards will create
a most pa in I u l impression in the Unit
ed States when his acts are compared
with the principle on which the Con
stitutionalists' leaders are supposed to
be proceeding. Carrothers is proceed
ing by way of El I'aso.
The depart ment has received np-
peals for aid on behalf of the Spanish
colony of Chihuahua, members of
which were forced by Villa to leave
the city under penalty of execution.
Reports from the border are to the
effect that Villa has been guilty of all
sorts of outiaes in iiis treatment of
the Spaniards. It is alleged that lie
has threatened to accord similar
treatment to Americans and other for
eigners as soon as he has disposed of
tho Spaniards.
The sending of the envoy raises tho
question whether Spain may not have
requested that, this government take
more vigorous steps to proteu Span
ish life and property in Mexico.
The failure of the Constitutionalist
attack upon the city of Tampico was
confirmed in dispatches received at
the navy department from Admiral
Fletcher, commanding tho American
squadron in Mexican waters.
Admiral Fletcher stated that the
fighting between the revolutionists and
federals has ceased and the attacking
forces withdrawn from the environs
f the city. The federals are left in
full possession of Tampico and are
apparently Kale for the present.
Floods in Texas Going Down 16S
Lives Were Lost.
One hundred and sixty-live persons
perished, 20,000 people were driven
from home and property was damaged
to the extent of $, 0110.000 by Hoods
that have torn through several sec
tions of Texas. Tills was the esti
mate compiled from reports received
from the afflicted territory.
The crest of the tlood slowly was
passing through the Itrazos river
delta into the gulf.
Goulett and Fogler Winners.
Alfred Goulett of Australia and Jne
Fogler of Drnoklyn won tho six-day
race, which came to an end in New
Pictures of New York' Girl
Who Is Missing
I V v' 1
I t v
C 1913. bv Ampiicin I'rrss Association.
Missing from her home for nearly
two weeks, Miss Jessie McCann's dis
appearance lias baffled the New York
police. She has been reported as hav
ing been seen in Coney Island and
Hounds Fail in an Attempt to
low Trail.
Lake Shore railroad detectives put
bloodhounds on the track of the train
wreckers who loosened the rails at
Wick Cliff, east of Cleveland, and
ditched passenger train No. 16 on
which President Alfred II. Smitn,
newly elected head of tho New York
Central lines, was a passenger. No
one was hurt.
The hounds took the scent and
traced it for an hour, but finally lost
It. Other hounds will be employed.
Police and detectives have the descrip
tion of a man seen running away from
the wreck and are trying to locate
Lake Shore officials still cling to
the belief that the train was wrecked
In an attempt to kill Mr. Smith.
Saloons Must Close Mingo
Junction Won by Wets.
Steubenville, O., voted dry by 1G6
majority, the vote being 2,541 to 2,375.
It closes fifty saloons. Women worked
at tho polls with the dry workers.
Mingo Junction voted wet by twelve
Pittsburg, Dec. 16.
Cattle Choic; JS.'iO'i) 8.70; prime,
$8.201 S.C0; good, $88.25; heifers,
$5 'ri 7.511; common to good fat bulls,
$4.fi01i 7.25; common to good fut cow3,
$3. 504 G.DO; fresli cows and springers,
Sheep and Lambs Prime wether),
$4.S5tfi5; good mixed, $4.40(94.75;
fair mixed, $:t.75f 4.25; lambs, $5(?i8;
veal ( calves, $U.u0412;: heavy and
thin calves, $7 fit 8.
Hogs Prime heavy, heavy mixed,
mediums,' heavy Yorkers, light York
ers and pigs, t'MCd 7.8,5; roughs, $7
47.26; stags, $ti.25ra 6.73.
Cleveland, Dec. 16.
Cattle Choice fat steers, $7.508;
good to choice, $7(f 7.50; choice heif
ers, $6.50'!i7; milchcrs and springers,
Hogs Yorkers, $7.80; mixed, $7.90;
heavies, $7.!0; pigs and lights, $7.75
(Q7.00; sta?s, $6.50 i 7.90.
Sheep Mixed, $4.25ii 4.50; bucks,
$3i3.50; culls, $2.50 W 3.
Calves Good to choice, $ll(gll.50;
heavy and common, $5i?iS.50.
Chicago, Dec. 16.
Hogs Receipts, 58,000. Hulk of
sales, $7.5fi7.80; light, $7.40i?( 7.72Vj :
mixed, $7,504( 7.80; heavy, $7.50W
7.85; roughs, $7,6047.60; pigs, $6.25
Cuttle Receipts, 36,000. Beeves,
t6.50fi 7.50 ; Texas steers, $6.604i 7.65;
Blockers and feeders, $4.!)04i7.40;
cows and hellers, $3,304( 8.20; calves,
$7,504( 11.25.
Sheep Receipts, 50,000. Native,
$4.40k7 5.60; yearlings, $5,504( 6.73;
lambs, native, $6,404( 8.
Wheat Dec, 89 "4 .
Corn Dec, 60'j.
Oats Dec, 30.
Fast Buffalo, Dec. 16.
Cattle Prime steers, $8.65(88.75;
shipping, $S4jS.50; butchers, $74(8.25;
rows, $3. 504(7; bulls, $5T(7; heifers,
$6T(7.75; stock heifers, $54( 5.75;
stockers and feeders, $5,504( 7; fresh
cows and springers, $354T90.
Hogs Heavy and mixed, $7.90;
Yorkers, $7.00(7(8; pigs, $7.954?8;
roughs, $7,264 7.35; stags, $67;
dairies, $7.75(i 7.00.
Sheep Lambs. $5.50477.85; year
lings, $4,504 6.75; wethers, . faff 5.26:
ewes-13414.75: sheen mis
v. r .