I THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. J. I. WINK, (DITO 4 PRO.aitTO. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1013 19I3D15CEMBER 19B1 f ST'Ml TTW rTFTsj I 1 1 1234-56l 1 8 9 10111213 141516171819 piM3fi n Wn are allll fixing to get ready to I gin to do anmxtli'nK about fluerta. Col nnYAif li not the only man at the nation' capital who delight to mount the platform. The chief executive la fan! acquiring the public reading bat It. Thk new army enllMinent law pre aurlhea a term of seven yeara. It (a be lieved by the department that thl will amply oover the content with Mexico, AeooRDlKH to a YVanbington oorrea pondent, not one man In 10,000 under- atanda the currency problem. Hut one aeldom meeta a man wbodoea not know all about It. Thk high coat of living la sure taking tumble. A telegram from WaMiington ad vlsea that egga have dropped 10 centa within a week, and are now down to four and nne-alxtli centa apiece, or 50 centa for 12. Now you aee what free trade In ben fruit doe for ua poor people. Okn, Villa, having risen In a few mouiha from an outlawed bandit to the leading figure of the oonalitutiouaiiat caime, would make an Ideal president of Mexico, one who could be officially reo ounized aa an exemplar of law and order and ooiiHtitulional procedure, by tbe Washington adinlniatratlon. How will Farmer Bryan explain to hie puzzled fellow-agrlculturiata In Ne braska ibe prominence of Mrs. Bryan In tbe egg boycott In Washington T To be sure, a Maryland or Virginia egg is Dill Nebraska egg, to which Mr. Bryan pre sumably would never be disloyal, but Isnners sre beginning to learn that "eggs Is eggs," and that the law of supply and demand ran not be trilled wltb locally without Mtfectiug Ibe whole country. Pennsylvania, Ohio. Illinois, and West Virginia are credited with over 40 per cent, of the total mineral produc tion of Ibe United Statea. Pennsylvania outranks all other atatea, producing nearly 'St per cent, of Ibe total, West Vir ginia cornea second, Illinois third, and Ohio fourth. California, with no stand ins as a producer of pig Iron, iron ore, or coal, stands filth In rank among tbe siatte, owing to ita heavy production of gold and petroleum. Now that Congressman Palmer bat declared that he will not bave the Demo crats fuse with tbe Progressives on one part of the ticket In Pennsylvania, and tbe Bull Moose leaders bave declared that they will not fuse wltb the rest of the ticket, tbe war between tbe Democrats and Progressives Is begun. The Pro gressives bsve nothing to lote and much to gain by deiealing the Deinocrale and electing at least part of their own people lootttre. Tbey can do this by uniting with the Republicans completely as tbey bave already done practically In the late election, and tbey are not so stupid as to miss tbe opportunity. The split in tbe Republican party la passing into history, Franklin News. Thk Democrats appealed to tbe country at tbe last Presidential election on the ground that tbey would lower, by tariff changes and otherwise, tbe bigb cost ol living. Will tbey appeal to tbe voters of this state during tbe coming campaign on tbe record tbey bave made in lowering tbe cost of living? And if not, why noif Tbey bave fixed the tariff, they have bad control at Washington; where la tbe Im provement In conditions for the average man? If it la not in evidence then on wiiHt ground will the Democrats make their appeair-Franklin News. Tbe News mustn't be too bard on tbe Demo crats. Wait till tbey come around to collect aome of tbe income tax. That ought to belp in bringing something down. Maledictions, for Instance. Thr collector of Internal revenue for the 23.1 district of Pennsylvania, which Includes Forest county and all ol western Pennsylvania, Is desirous of furnishing blank forms to all Individuals who are required, under tbe oew federal Income tax law, to make a return of their income for eacb calendar year. For tbe year eudlng December 31, 1913, the return must be filed on or before March 1, MM. All persona whose net income from all sources for the year Is $3,000 or more, Ir respective of certain exemptions allowed by law, are required to make return. On this return, exemptlona to eacb In dividual, can be noted. Tbe collector of this distriot, with bis force of deputies, will make every effort to supply blanks to all those who require tbem. However, failure on tbe part of any one to receive blank will not excuse that one from the penalties provided for neglecting to make return. It la not incumbent on tbe part of the revenue department to aee that every one ia supplied witb a blank, but it Is incumbent on tbe part of tbe Individual to see that he receives a blank. In other words, tbe law works only one way, and that Is to place tbe burdon upon tbe tax payer. Ho that, if your net Income ia 13,000 or more you're expected to settle, and when all bave done so, it Is expected that tbe high cost of living will take a tumble, and our foreign cousins will reap the benefit of the reduction in the tariff. -Dr. R. A. Walker, one of Clarion county'e prominent physicians, died very suddenly on Ibe 2Gih ult , while at the home of a palleul whom be had gone to attend. He was In the OOlh year of bis age, and be bore the distinction of being the lirat Republican ever eleoted to tbe legislature from Clarion county, having served In the seasion of 1005. Ills home was at West Monterey, where be bsd practiced his profession for 87 yaara. An Orderly Retreat The moat significant political happen Ing for several months la the announce' sent of William Preodergeat, controller of New York, that be baa forever aban doned tbe Progreaaive or bull moose party. Aaide from Col. Theodore Roosevelt Mr. Pendergast bad practically all to do wltb tbe organization of tbe Progressive parly, Mr. Prendergaat nominated Col Roosevelt for the Presidency In tbe bolt ing convention at Chicago. Ilia waa the political mind tbat supplied the Inspire tlon for the Roosevelt fight. Mr. Prengergaat, taking alarm at con ditlnna In this country Inalsta that patro tlam demanda less of Armageddon and more concern for tbe best Intereata of the country, lie finds, be aaya, tbat too many of the bull moose rs believe that their whole duty ia to war upon the Re publican party, and In conclusion he In siMs ibat the continued war upon tbe Re publican parly has endangered prosperity and destroyed business confidence, and be therefore returns to tbe Republican party aa a patrlotlo duty. The disintegration of the bull mooae party will be gratilylng to Pennsylvania Republicans. Tbe party In the Stale la Just now glowing with health. It la by long odda the majority party In the Stale and now Ibat tbe leadera of the faction which was responsible for tbe success of the Democrats In the nation are ao rapid ly and clearly seeing the error of their aya the Republicans are certain to oome Into thalr own at tbe next election. Town Sued For vi.i.,333. Suit for recovery of J14G.000 In flr.es was brought ngainst tlio b iruusli ol Coudersport, Pa., by the tstatc attorney general's department, acting for the department of health. It Is charged that the borough failed to observe decree of the povernor, attorney gen err. I and commissioner of health di recting It to cease discharging sewage Into a stream draining Into the Alio gheny river. A fine of J500 an4 pen ally of $50 per day for each day ol failure to observe tlif decree ll claimed. Wife Stays Man'a Second Bullet. Out of work and owing a grocer John Apach, aged forty, a miner o( Manifold, Pa., went to his home and shouting "goodby" to his wife anil family shot himself In the left side be low the heart. As his wife hastened to his side Apach reached for the re volver, which had fallen. After I tussle the wife secured the weapon He may recover. Sleeping on Tracks, Killed. Bewildered after a walk of severe, miles along the railroad tracks be tween Oakdale and McDonald, Pa. Thomas Chappell, eighty years old one of the oldest residents of Mo Donald, lay down on the right-of-wa) of the Panhandle railroad near Mc Donald and while he lay sleeping was run over and Instantly killed by at express train. Gets Her Man Back. Miss Anna Mary Murl, a winsome maiden of Altoona, Pa., sued Benja mln Farrell In the Blair county court to recover $10,000 damages for breaoli of promise to marry her. Farrell ex plained to Sheriff W. H. Orr that II was a mistake. The sheriff effected a reconciliation between them anc they were wedded In St. Mary't church. Unable to Sleep Man Shoots Self. Leaving a note to his brother, for mer District Attorney Joseph O'Brien In which he declared he had died a thousand deaths the last three weekt through his inability to sleep, Edwaro O'Brien attempted suicide by shooting on the courthouse steps in Scranton Pa. It Is said he cannot recover. Tree For Pittsburg Festival. Among the donations announced bj the committee In charge of the mu nlclpal Christmas tree for Pittsburgh celebration Is that of a monster spruce pine nearly 100 feet In height. The tree, which is standing In the moun tains of Vermont, Is given by Mr. O Coggins of Pittsburg. Coroner Finda Boy Alive. Left for dead where he had fallen when a bullet entered his body from a rifle, Melvin Hoff, aged sixteen, was later brought to Erie, Pa., by Coronet Hanley, who found the boy had not been killed, as supposed. After being taken to the hospital it was announced that he may recover. Caaket Cusiness Upsets Mind. The constant sight of coffins at his place of employment In Boyertow,i Pa., is believed to have prompted David Moatz, forty-five years old, tc take his life by hanging himself. His work Is believed to have caused melancholia and a return of peculiat spells. Scolded by Parents, Girl Kills Self. Mary Plitila, fifteen years old, com mitted suicide at the home of hei parents In Monessen, Pa., by shooting herself In the heart. The girl had been admonished by her parents for being In company with a young man who was undesirable to her parents. Sick Headache. Sick beadacbe Is nearly always caused by disorders of tbe stomach. Correct tbem and the periodic attacks of sick headache will disappear. Mrs. John Risbop of Roseville. Ohio, writes: "Ahout a year ago I was troubled with Indigestion aud bad sick headache tbat lasted lor two or three days at a time. I dootored and tried a number of remedies but nothing helped me until during one of those sick spells a friend advised me to take Cbamberlain'a Tablets. This medi cine relieved me In a short time." For sale by all dealers. Statement Of tbe ownership, management, etc, of tbe Forkst Republican, published weekly at Tlonesta, Forest Connty, Pa.: Published In accordance witb the Act of August 24, 1912. The name of the Editor, Managing Editor, Buaioesa Managerand soleOwner of thia publication ia J. E. Wenk, Tlo nesta, Forest County, Pa. No bond holders, mortgagees or other security holders, and no boldera of bonda, mort gages, or otber securities of this publica tion. J. E. Wknk. Sworn to and subscribed belore me tbla nth day of December, 1013, C. M. Arnkr, Notary Public My Commission F.xptrea Feb. 21, 1015. Christmas Giving. Injudicious Christmas giving results Id gloom and not gladnena. To exchange Christmas presents wilb Ibe Idea In mind of giving something as valuable aa you receive, Is not giving at all, but Is merely swapping commodities. Ilia vanity, and not geoeroslty, lbs prompts people to give beyond their means. More heartaches and unchari table thoughts are provoked by efforts to splurge In making Christmas presents Iban by ignoring Christmas altogether. To hamper yourself with debt or to de prive your sell of necessities for the sake of gratifying your desire to be regarded as generous, la foolish. To make Christmas giving and recelv log matter of barter, ia to take all the sentiment out ol It. Tbe sensible thing to do is to give to your frleuda and relations some loving memento, without thought of Ita Intrin slo value, and to endeavor to gladen the hearts of some poor children of your ao quaintanoe by playing Mania Clause to tbem. Uive, to be sure, but do not go about it in a stern, business-like way tbat will re suit In worry and perplexity iusiesd of Joy. Tbe wisdom cf life Is lo avoid extremes In everything, and you can be aa Intern perale In your Cbristmsa giving aa In anything else. It Is the spirit tbst prompts the giver, and not the cost of the article given, that makes the Christmas gill. Punxsulawney Spirit. IOO KKWAHII, IOO. The readers of this paper will be nleaxed to leai n that there is at leant one dreaded disease that science lias been able to cure In all ita stagon, and that ia Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Ih the only positive cure known lo the medical fra ternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Hull's Catarrh Cure ia taken In ternally, acting directly anon the blood and mucous surface of the system, there by destroying the foundation or the ells- eae, and giving the patient atrength by building up the constitution anil assist ing nature in doing ita work. The pro prietors have so much faith in Its cura tive powers that they otfor One Hundred Dollars for any case that it tails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo, Ohio. Hold bv Druggists, 75c Hall's 'Family Pills are the Ixwt. Billy Sunday in Pittsburg. The Rev,'"Bllly" Sunday will stir up Pittsburg with a revival beginning De cember 28 and lasting seven weeks, pos sibly longer. Practically all of tbe Evan gelical churches bave united for tbe event and tbe work of preparation Is under way. Already "Billy Sunday" la in tbe air. Nothing else has so aroused tbe people, whether they approve tbe evangeliBl's methods or not. Tbey want to know all about bim and what be does. For miles around there ia the same demand. Tbe Pittsburg Gazelle Times, wblcb Is devot- ng more space than any otber paper to Sunday and bis work, is feeling results in increased circulation. So much ao thai It realizes tbe "Billy" Sunday revival ia to be the big news event of the winter. Accordingly, It bas arranged for complete reports of bis meetings and sermons, in cluding "side lights," pictures and re sults before, during aud after tbe Sunday meetings. Agents are taking subscrip tions in large numbera front those who wish to follow tbe meetings; many sub scriptions also are coming direct to Tbe Gazette Times office. Tbe Gazette Timea way of doing things insures satisfactory reports of tbe revival. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy The Mothers' Favorite. "I give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to my children when the; bave colds or oougbs," writes Mrs. Verne Shaffer, Van dergrift, Pa. It always helps tbem and is far auperlor to any other cough medt oine I bave used. I advise anyone In need of aucb a medioioe to give it a trial." For sale by all dealers. adv. DON'T KSOWTIIET HAVE APPENDICITIS Many West Hickory people who bave cbiooio appendicitis, which la not very painful, bave doctored for years for gas on tbe stomacb, sour sto nach or consti pation. Tbe West Hickory Drug Store states if these people will try A SINGLE DOSE of simple buckthorn bark, glycer ine, etc, aa compounded lo Adler-i-ka, tbe remedy which became famous by curing appendicitis, tbey will be surprised at tbe INSTANT benefit. adv Notice Stockholders' Meeting. Tbe annual meeting of tbe stockholders of tbe Tlonesta Water Supply Co. will be held at tbe company's office in tbe Bor ough of Tlonesta, Pa., on Monday, Jan. S, 1914, at 2 o'clock p. m , for tbe purpose of eleoting dlreotora for tbe year and the transaction of such otber business aa may properly come betore tbe meeting, O. W. Robinson, President. Attest, Samuel D. Irwin, Secretary, adv Notice of Appeals. Notice Is hereby given tbat the County Commissioners of Forest County. Penn sylvania, will meet at their Otilce in tbe Court House, in Tlonesta Borough, on the 22d, 23d and 24th days of December, 1913, for Ibe purpose of holding a court of appeals from the assessment for tbe year l14. W. II. Harhihon, J. C 8COWDRN, H. H. McClkllan, Commissioners, Attest, S. M. Hknry, Clerk. Tlonesta, Pa., Nov. 2Mb, 1913. At the Racket Store BARGAINS in Graniteware, Tinware, Glassware, Chinaware, Stationery, Hosiery, WallPaper, Window Shades Elm Street, - Tionesta, Pa. Stenotype Notice. The Iloir IIuKliieM College, Warren, Fa., Has adopted in its course this new and marvelous method of I TIACHI.M: NIIOKTIIANI) and shall be pleased to send full particu- : lars to all who are interested. Winter term begins January 8. We still contin ue, however, to teach the World's prize winner, Gregg Shorthand, and the famous Rowe Bookkeeping. Write for catalogue. It's the Simplest Thing in the World to do your kinking by mail; our perfected. system curries every advantage possessed by the city dweller to the resident in the remotest district. May we send you particu lars? Your inquiry involves no obligation. Compound Int.r.M 4 Pittsburgh Bank for Savings PITTSBURGH, PA. Established In 1HSS BABY NEED NOT SUFFER Every mother should know of this new remedy for skin diseases, and keep Pro- dlum on hand. It stops ItubiiiK ' onoe and is known as (lie best remedy for tbe lender skin of infants. It works wonders lo all cases of eczema, tetter, sore feet, split toea, aud all ailments affecting the skin. For ssle at all druKirl'ts for 29 cents, Including R. A. Walker. Trial package upon request to tbe Prodium Company, Plalnfteld, X. J. JAMES HASLET, GENERAL MERCHANT. Furniture Dealer, AND UNDERTAKER. TIONESTA. PENN FREE Monarch Clothing Store. Christmas shopping is now in order at Monarch Clothing Store. Car fare will be refunded to purchasers throughout this store when amounts average $15.00 or over, and following is what we refund on your purchases in any part of our store. . For Christmas Out-of-Town Purchasers Only. Cut Out This Coupon To get free car fare. Good only for tiaders at the Monarch Store and only to residents outside of Oil City. FREE CAR FARE $15.00 purchasers allowed $1.25 !?20.00 purchasers allowed $1.75 $25.00 purchasers allowed $2.00 $30.00 purchosers allowed $2.50 This amount allowed you extra for your car fare and expense at our store only, (Dec. 3) Monarch Clothing Co. Greatest Boys' and Children's Suit and Overcoat Cut Price Sale Boys' Suits $2.00 Suits and Overcoats, worth $3.60 Sale $1.98 $5.00 Suits and Overcoats, worth $5.60 Sale $2.98 $6.00 Suits and Overcoats, worth $7.00 Sale $3.98 $7.00 Suits and Overcoats, worth $7.60 Sale $4.98 Furs for Women and Children. Sale on Ladies1 Suits, Coats, Dresses, Petticoats, Etc. Women's Coats Free Car Fare, $20.00 to $25.00 Coats Sale at $14.60 to $18.00 Coats Sale at $11.98 to $13.50 Coats Sale at $7.98 to $9.98 Coats Sale at $6.98 Coats Sale at $16.50 $11.98 ..$9.98 ...$5.98 ...$5.00 Furs and Sets Off On All Furs Come Here and Save Your Car Fare. Monarch Clothing Company, - Oil City, Pa. i 1VT Tf A The Little WITH Umbrella THI Spread BigJ J The greatest improvement in Um- urcuaa aiute uicii iutouvivu w be found in f The New India. I We are selling many of these Z for gifts Men's and Women's, with Mis sion Handles $1.25 to $3.50 Regular style Umbrellas aulta- ble for gifts $1.00 and higher I G. W. ROBINSON & SON 1 J. L. Hopler LIVERY Stable. Fine carriages for all occasions, wilb first class equipment. We can fit you out at any time for either a pleasure or business trip, and always at reasonable rates. Prompt service aDd courteous treatment. Comi and see ua. Hear of Hotel Weaver TIOIDTIESTJL, Telephone No. 20. CAR PARE TO THE Boys' Overcoats Quality, Price Elegant Chinchilla Overcoats in blue, grey and brown with belt and roll collar of self material are in above lots. There are all styles and colors all styles and sizes in different lots. Boys' Suits There are Children's pretty Velvet Suits, Boys' nobby Norfolk Suits and all styles of fine grades in serges, worsteds and cheviots in all colors for ages 2 1-2 to 17 respectively. Women's Suits $25.00 to $36.00 Suits 5Q $18.00 to $22.00 Suits Sale at $12.98 to $16.60 Suits Sale at $10.98 to $11.98 Suits Sale at $12.98 $10.98 ..$7.98 Dress Skirts $5.00 Skirts Sale at $7.60 Skirts Sale at $8.00 Skirts Sale at $2.98 $3.98 $4.98 tin jr.- ''Vv What would Your WIFE DO IF YOU DIED WITHOUT A DOLLAR IN THE BANK? Can YOU answer this question? CAPITAL STOCK, S50.O0O. SURPLUS, 1100,000. Do your banking with us. A yaot OOTIi' We pay liberal interest consistent with safety, Jt JCi IvCJLL u. Forest County NaLtionaJ Bank, TIOM.STA, PA. Prevent and Cure ROUP COLDS Don't let roup wipe out your birds and your protlu. Use Pith or PowJmr. I5e, tile, and fj.au. It purifln the intern and not only prevent but cure roup, eolda. f .rer, catarrh, dlph tb.ria, te. To Insure perfectly healthy itrong, huiky layera, add to the feed dally PfgS! Poultry Regulator iTV&l'0 Refute .ubatltutee; In.l.t on Pratt a. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Back. SM Cr Pratf 160 Paf Itluitrated Poultry Book. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS. The cut in prices on all winter goods is now at its lowest cut. We Give You Sale Prices and allow extra car fare as in the coupon, which must be presented to the cashier or salesperson at our btore. Notice. We do not have any connections with other stores who have com bined to keep up prices and allow car fare. We are independent and offer free car fare in any part ol the store regardless of what other stores offer you in the free caT lare line. All sale prices in plain figures. Free Car Fare With Coupon From This Pamper. Men's Overcoats and Suits For "Nine Ninety-Eight" the Monarch are selling fine Kersey Overcoats in all styles. They are selling All Wool Chin chilla Coats with the roll collar of self material that come in blue, grey and brown and these coats are a bargain at Sixteen Fifty. The Monarch Clothing Company have cut the price to Nine Dollars and Ninety Eight Cents no more no less. The Monarch are offering the biggest bargains in Men's Suits and Overcoats that ever were offered. The Suits and Overcoats are newest styles and makes and sell in plain figures as follows: $10.00 to $12.00 values, worth $15.00, Sale $7.98 $13.60 to $16.00 values, worth $16.60, Sale $9.98 $16.50 to $18.00 values, worth $20.00, Sale $12.98 $20.00 to $25.00 values, worth $27.50, Sale $14.50 Overcoats and Suits at $4.98, $5.98, $6.98 The above guaranteed latest styles and makes and your money back if not so. Holiday gifts for every one, with free carfare with your purchases when the amount is $16.00. Santa Olaus at Our Store for Christmas. Sale Prices All Over the Store. ""II1 Vi. l ISIIll ft Petticoats $1.00 Petticoats in green, cerise, AQ navy or black. Sale at T $2.98 Silk Petticoats, all colors. Sale at $5.00 Silk New-fit Petticoats, black and colors. Sale . $1.98 $2.98 Sweater Coats 98c, $1.50, $1.98 $3.50 Holiday Gifts Boxed Suspenders, Boxed Neckwear, t Ioxeelaonvdes:rehiefS 50C t)0X Boxed Hosiery, ) What a Lady Said "I never was in your store before, but I will make your store my purchasing place in the future." She will recommend her friends and her friends will do the same in view of tbe big bargains offered in your store. Men's Hats, Ladies' Dresses and Gowns, Fine Silk and Voile Waists and lots of Children's Goods. Umbrellas, Jewelry, Suit Cases, Furs, Fur Hats and Caps for Men and Boys, Underwear, Kid Gloves, Ladies' Dresses and Misses' Dresses, Kimonas, Indian and Cowboy Suits for Children, Play Suits for Girls.