The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, December 10, 1913, Image 1

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One Square, one inch, one week... 1 00
One Square, one Inch, one month.. 8 00
One Square, one Inch, 3 months.... 6 00
One Square, one inch, one year-... 1010
Two Squares, one year 15 00
Quarter Column, one year 80 00
Half Column, one year 60 00
One Column, one year 100 00
Legal advertisements ten cents per line
each insertion.
We do fine Job Printing of ever de
scription at reasonable rates, but It's cash
on delivery. iy.
Published every Wednesday by
Offioe in Bmearbangli & Wesk Building,
Vrrmm, (1.00 A Ytmr, Btrtotly IiIItum.
Entered soeond-clas matter at the
poat-ofnce at Tlonesta.
No aubaoriptlon received for a ahorW
period than three moatha.
Correspondence aollaited, but no notice
will be taken of anonymoua communica
tion. Alwaya give your name.
VOL. XLVI. NO. 42.
$1.00 PER ANNUM.
Burgess. D. Irwin.
Justices vfthe Peace O. A. Randall, D.
W Clark.
Councumen J.W, lenders. J. T. Pale,
O. B. Robinson, Win. Scnearhaugh,
K. J. Hopkins, U. K. Watson, J. D.
Constable h. Tj. Znver.
Collector W. H. Hood.
ScJtoot Directors VV. O. Imel, J. R.
Clark, 8. M. Henry, Q. Jainieeon, D. H.
' Blum.
President's Answer to Woman
Suffrage Delegation
May Be Forced to Resign
His Office
Member of Congress Vf. J. Hullngs.
Member of Senate J. IC. P. Hall.
Assembly . R. Mechlin.
President Jwlge-tW. D. H inckley.
Assocwte Judge Samuel Aul, Joseph
M. Morgan. v
Prothonotary , Register Recorder,
-8. R. Maxwell.
tfherig Wm. U. Hood.
Treasurer W. H. Brasee.
CbmmtMtoner-Wm. H. Harrison, J.
C. Hoowden, II. U. MnClellan.
District Attorney -M. A. Can-Inner.
Jury Commissioner! J, B. Eden, A. M.
Coroner Dr. M. C Kerr.
Countv Auditors -Ueotie H. Warden,
A. C. Gregg and 8. V. Shields.
County Purveyor Roy 8- -Braden.
County Superintendent J. O. Carson.
Kaaalar Teraa mt Oart.
, . .. .. .
Third Monday of February. -'
Third Monday of May. . v ,
Third Monday of September. -Thlr.l
MnnHsv nf November.
Regular Meetings of County Commis
sioners 1st and 3d Tuesdays of montn.
I 8hMl.
Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:45 a.
m. M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. in.
Preaching In M. E. Church every Sab
bath evening by Rev. H. L. Dunlavey.
Preaching In the F. M. Church every
Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Rev.
M. K. Wolcott, Pastor.
Preaching in the Presbyterian church
everv Sabbath at 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p.
m. Rev. H. A. Bailey, Pastor.
The regular meetings of the W. C. T.
U. are held at the headquarters on the
second and fourtn Tuesdays of each
TI-.N EST A LO DO E, No. 869, 1. 0. 0. F.
M enta every Tuesday evening, in Odd
Fellows' Hall, Partridge building.
G. A. R. Meets 1st Tuesday after
noon of each month at 3 o'clock.
137, W. R. C, meets first and third
Wednesday evening of each month.
Tlonesta, Pa.
Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law.
Olllne over Forest County National
Bank Building, TIONESTA, PA.
Warren, Pa.
Praotioe in Forest Co.
OlHceln Arner Building, Cor. Elm
and Bridge Sta., Tlonesta, Pa.
Rooms over Citizens Nat. Bank,
Physician A Surgeon,
Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted.
Physician and Surgeon,
8. E. PIERCE, Proprietor.
Modern and up-to-date in all Ita ap
pointments. Every convenience and
oomfort provided for the traveling public.
R. A. FULTON, Proprietor.
Tionseta, Pa. This la the most centrally
located hotel in the place, and has all the
modern improvements. No pains will
be spared to make it a pleasant stopping
place for the traveling public.
Shop over R. L. Haslet'e grocery store
on Elm street. Is prepared to do all
Kinds of custom work from the finest to
the coarsest and guarantees his work to
give perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten
tion given to mending, and prices rea
sonable. Only the best lamp
oil can give you the
bright, clear flame
you should have.
Favorite Oil
No odor No toot
f REE-320 pace beok about sH
Pittibarik, Fa.
wVJ4v 60 YEARS'
Vr" i Tradc Marks
Design"- ,
"flttl Copyright. AV
Anyone nenrtlng a nkeloh and dMcrlntlnn maf
quirk If anrartMln our opinion free whether an
Invent If m in prohnhly patentable. Cirninmnlra
tloimntrtctly onin1iittfl. Ilnntlbookon I'atenU
ent free, ultlpst nirency for RMurtiiir patent.
TntRntfl taken tbmmrh Munn A Co rwcelT
$prial mAie without clinrae. In the
Scientific American.
A hnnrtdomely lllnnlmtml weekly. Lnnreat elr
titlntlon of iiny nrlontitlo Journal. Term. :
yeur; ffur months, L fckild by all newsdealer
Branch Office. 183 t St- Wuhlnmoii. II. C.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Cures Colds, Croup and Whooping CouKb,
Holiday Goods on Display
Walker's Drug Store
Christmas stock replete with beautiful gifts.
Thig, Department contains everything for the Holiday Trade,
among which might be mentioned :
Toilet Sets and Manicure Sets all prices Cigars in Christmas boxes from $1.00 to $4.50
Pocket Books from 25c to $5.00 Fancy Box Papers from 25c to $3.00
Fountain Pens from 1 $1.00 to $10.00 Christmas Seals, Christmas Post Caidc, Paper, Gold
Safety Razors from $1.00 to $15.00 and Silver Cord.
Perfumes in fancy Boxes from 25c to $5.00 Christmas Books, all the latest, prices from. 25c to $1.50
; v; i Thermos Bottles, all sizes $1.50 and up
: .
Jewelry. Special Prices
Watches from $1.00 to $50.00, special orders . a . n( 0rt . n
Diamonds from......$7.50 to $1,500.00, special orders and a sav,nS of 20 t0 30 Per cent
Cut Glass.
Large assortment of best grade Cut Glass$1.00 and up
Hand Painted China.
Mrs. Lewis' Hand Painted China, all prices, very
Many other Christmas articles too numerous to mention
One lot Pocket Books, prices from 25c to $5.00
One lot Novelties, prices from 25c to $3.50
Many other bargains which are real bargains.
Purchasers should not delay making their selection until the
last moment, but call and inspect goods while stock is complete.
Goods will be laid aside until called for, upon the deposit of a
small sum.
R.oss A. Walker,
The Drvrg Store On the Corner,
Makes His Annual Report to
President Wilson
Secretary Propose to Carry Out Work
in Hit Department in Six Groups.
Give Hi Idea on Good Road.
Reorganization ot the department
of agriculture is foreshadowed in Sec
retary Houston's first annual report
presented to President Wilson.
A plan to be submitted to congress
In the fiscal estimate for 1916 pro
poses to carry out the work of the de
partment in five or six main groups,
such as tesearch, state relations, rural
organization, forest service, weathet
and regulation. Such a plan, Secre
lary Houston believes, will promote
Free distribution of seeds by con
gressmen should be discontinued, the
secretary recommends. He would
conduct In Its stead a constructive
work In securing and distributing new
seeds and plants.
Conditions vary widely in the Unit
ed States, says the report, because
farmers do not equally need better
credit arrangements and all sections
are not similarly circumstanced. It
contends that, when all necessary al
lowance has been made for funda
mental factors. It. Is probably clear
that the rural communities are not
as efficiently served as they should be
by existing financial arrangements.
Plans for redisricting the country
for the enforcement of the pure food
law are announced and the secretary
announces his Intention to ask for
authority to prepare amendments" to
the pure food law to Improve the food
supply, protect the public health and
promote uniformity In food legislation.
The secretary, believes there does
not appear to be need for unique or
special legislation or for legislation
which shall aim to give the farmer
credit on easier terms than other
members of society. What Is needed
Is the creation of conditions and ma
chinery which shall enable him on
similar credit foundations to secure
money at the same rates as those that
prevail for other classes and for other
"Even though the problem of how
the farmer can best sell Ills produce
and can secure the necessary capital
were solved there would still remain
vital things to be accomplished be
fore rural life can be made fully ef
ficient, profitable, healthful, pleasur
able and attractive, and before a
larger disposition to remain on the
farm develops. Good roads are pre
requisite for better marketing, for bet
ter schools and for more comfortable
rural living. Better sanitation and
hygiene In the home. In the school
and In the community are just as vital
for the rural community as for the
urban," says the report.
Further along the report reads:
"To gain Information to enable the
department better to serve rural wo
men the secretary has addressed let
ters of inquiry to the women of 55.000
selected farms covering every county.
Other surveys and studies were also
conducted. Analysis of the small pa-t
of the letters as yet digested shows
that farm women desire assistance In
all phases of home management.
"Others ak the department to prove
to the man that their work Is worth
something In dollars and cents. The
overwork of women and children and
difficulty of securing domestic help are
mentioned by a number of the
writers.' T''e department believes that
Intelligent help to women In mattei3
of home management will contribute
directly to the agricultural success of
the farm."
As to federal aid for good roads
the secretary says the federal govern
ment should deal with the state as the
lowest unit through an expert hlch
way commissioner as Its agency. The
plan should provide for maintenance
as well as construction.
Preferenco should be given to the of roads over which
products from the fnrnis can be taken
to the nearest railway station. A
scheme of road construction and main
tenance within a stats should be, da
veloped and mutually agreed upon.
Money appropriated by the federal
government should be apportioned on
the basis of such factors as total
population, farm population, area, tax
able valuation and mileage.
"Fred Last Fight."
When his little nephew and niece
went to the home of Fred Greenwood,
aged fifty-tl.ree, near Johnstown, Pa.,
to tell him that his wife hid
died they found the man's body hang
ing by a rcje. He left a note which
read: "Broken hearted. Fred's las!
fight. Goodby everyone."
' Son Thrashes HI Mother.
Thrashed by her son until she was
unconscious because his dinner was
Dot ready, Mrs. Anne Duffy, agej
fifty, lies at death's door In a Phila
delphia hospital.
Hunters Slay 6,891 Rodents.
A two weeks' rat hunt came to a
close at K'-v, near Washington, Pa.,
1,891 roilems being killed.
Including all the Latest Novelties. Special Prices on
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Rings.
In boxes of 1 lb., 2 lbs., and
early for this high grade
All these goods will be sold
Leaders Underwood and Mann
Have Lively Spat
Texas Congressman Thinks Removal
of the Tax on Colored and Un
colored Oleo Would tower Price.
; A verbal clash between Representa
lives Underwood of Alabama and
Mann of Illinois took place in the
house of representatives. 1
" The l? trouble arose over the bill
carrying about $2,000,000 In' payment
of claims against the government. As
a result of the row Mr. Mann started
a filibuster that caused the bill to go
Mr.' Mann opposed nn amendment
offered by Mr. Underwood Incorporat
ing In the measure a $13,000 claim
payable to persons In Mr. Under
wood's district in settlement of dam
ages to property in Alabama caused
by United States troops after the
close of the war.
Mr. Mann pointed out that the Ala
bama claim was not reported by the
claims committee and he expressed
doubt that It was a just claim. Mr
Underwood replied that the claim wif
just and should be p'lirt and he took
exceptions to the criticisms of the Re
publican leader.
Representative Cnrlln of Virginia
attempted to smooth the differences
but dropped Into his seat with a thud
as Mr. Mann shouted at him: "You're
too small to get Into this."
Suffrage Hearing Ended.
The committee on rules of thehmiss
concluded Its hearlims nn woman suf
frage. It became known the commit
tee Is not disposed to grant the full
request of the suffragists that a spe
cial house committee be cheated to
take up the consideration of the suf
frage problem and to be known of
ficially as "the house committee on
equal suffrage."
It is pointed out by several mem
bers that the answer to the women's
plea will be a specific recommenda
tion by the rules committee that an
other committee take under consider
atlon the suggested suffrage, amend
ment to the constitution.
Attacks Cost of Living.
A bill designed to reduce the cost
Of living was Introduced in the house
5 lbs. Orders must be in
sale price 59c
. i sale price 43c
regardless of cost.
by Representative Buchanan of Texas
It proposes to repeal the law that
levies a tax of cents a pound oi
uncolored oleomargarine and 10 cents
a pound on oleomargarine colored In
imitation of butter.
Mr. Buchanan contends that oleo
margarine Is "the poor man's butter.''
The dairy industry of New York and
agricultural states have for years re
sisted the passage of bills proposing
the repeal of the 10 cents tax law.
Currency Doesn't Need Speed.
A speech by John Weeks of Mas
sachusetts In the senate contained an
Impressive answer to those who have
been urging haste In passing the cur
rency bill because of a fear of con
traded credits and business depres
slon. Senator Weeks read into the
Congressional Record telegrams from
bankers in different sections who
supplied statistical Information to
show that credit was not being con
tracted by the larger banks or busi
ness depressed by delay In passing fl
currency bill.
Frown on Common Drinking Cup.
A prohibition against the use of the
common drinking cup on railroad
trains and steamship lines Is proposed
in a bill reported favorably by the
house committee on Interstate and
foreign commerce.
"Don't Sell Your Coal and Move 'to
Town," Minister Advises.
Urging farmers to remain on their
farms and not move to town, even if
they sell their coal and become
wealthy. Rev. C. h. McKee of Wash
ington, Pa., created a stir in the week
ly meeting of the Washington County
Pomona grange.
Mr. McKee declared the custom of
fanners to sell their coal and then
move to town was resulting In un un
desirable element coming Into control
of farms. He admited the farmers
had a right to sell the coal and live
ji comfort on the proceeds, hut he
jiposed their leaving the farm. He
nsked the farmers to be loyal to the
Commissior Name Millar Secretary.
The public service commissioners
of Pennsylvania took steps to com
plete their organization by elect
ing Archibald It. Millar of Philadel
phia as secretary and reassigning the
duties of clerks and attaches. The
commission will enter upon Its full
powers Jan. 1.
10,000 Miners Idle.
Ten thousand employes of the Le
high Coal and Navigation company In
Vie Panther creek valley at Pottsvlllo,
Pa., are Idle as a result of what the
company calls a strike and what the
men call a lockout.
President Doe Not Include Suffrage
Recommendation in His Message to
Congress Because He Dare Not Co
Beyond Baltimore Platform Declara
tions Some Little Cheer For Dele
gation in Hi Talk.
Washington, Dec. 9. President Wil
son refused the request of a delega
tion from the National American Wo
man's Suffrage association that he
send a special message to congress in
connection with the proposed woman
suffrage amendment to the United
States constitution.
Marching by twos and fours, with
banners afloat, the suffragists were
ushered into the president's private
office. Dr. Anna Howard Shaw sum
marized their appeal.
"I want you ladles," said the presi
dent, "if I can make It clear to you,
to realize just what my present situ
ation in.
"Whenever I walk abroad 1 am not
a free man; I am under arrest. I am
so carefully and admirably guarded
that I have not even the privilege of
walking the streets alone. Tint is
typical of my present transference
from a private Individual to being an
official of a great government, and,
incidentally, spokesman of a party.
"I set myself this strict rule when
I was governor of New Jersey and
shall follow 't as president that I am
not at liberty to urge upon congress
in messages, polities which have not
had the crgpnic consideration of those
for whom I am spokesman.
"In other words, I have not yet pre
sented to any legislature my private
views on any subject, and I never
shall, because I conceive that to be
part of the whole process of govern
ment that I shall be spokesman for
somehody, not for my"lf. It would
he an Impertinence. When I spetik
for myself I hid an in l I idual. when
I am spokesman of an org.niir body
I am a representative.
"For that reason, you see, I am by
my own principles shut out, in the
language of the street, from 'starting
anything.' I have to confine myself
to those things whl-h have been em
bodied as promises to the people at
an election. That is the strict rule I
set for myself.
"I want to say that with regard to
all other matters, I am not only glad
to be consulted by my colleagues in
the two houses, but I hope they will
often pay me the compliment of con
sulting me when they want to know
my opinion on any subject.
"One member of the rules commit
tee did come to me and ask me what
I thought about this suggestion of
yours of appointing a special commit
tee of the house as the sennte has al
ready appointed a special committee
for the consideration of woman's suf
frage, and I told him that I thought
It was a proper tiling to do. So, thnt
so far as my personal advice lias been
asked it has been given to that effect."
Pr. Anna Shaw asked:
"Since we are members of nn
political party, who Is to speak for
us if we do not speak for ourselves?"
"You do that very admirably," re
marked the president and the entire
assemblage joined in a laugh.
Pr. Shaw expressed the view later
that the president's interview was
"It was all that we could ask for,"
she said. "He Is in favor of a com
mittee of the house: that was our
chief purpose In coming to see him."
Apparently Foreign Governments Are
Weary of Mexican Policy.
Washington advices indicate that
rertain foreign governments have
reached the conclusion that the Unit
ed States Is again contemplating
recognition of the Constitutionalists
as a step toward a solution of the
Mexican problem and eliminating IIu
erta. There Is some reason to believe,
however, that this Idea of other inter
ested governments is In part due to
their intense desire that the United
States do something to bring relief to
the situation.
Their Impatience at the "watch and
wait" policy is well known and It is
understood there has been no hesita
tion on their part In making this
feeling known to the United States.
The result has been a sort of Indirec t
pressure on the administration to do
something to solve the difficulty in
Recognition of the Constitutional
ists lias appeared to some Kuropean
diplomatists as the net likely mov.i
of President Wilson as long as their
government adheres to Its policy of
acting only Indirectly upon lliierta.
No confirmation of the reported in
tention to recognize the Constitution
alists could he obtained here. It is
regarded as likely, however, that some
steps will be taken to assist the
revolutionists short of actual recog
nition. Advices nt the state department re
ported that the situation In Acii-iilca
district Is growing worse. Tills lm
been a center of antl-Ainerlcaiilf-m.
A f 1
Sit if , a
Chancellor of the Empire.
Orders Army Regiment Removed From
Emperor William of Germany has
ordered the transfer of the entire gar
rison ut Zabern, Alsace, owing to the
trouble between the soldiers and the
citizens there. He also directed that
the court-martial proceedings in con
nection with the recent rioting be
The reichstag adopted by an over
whelming majority a vote of lack of
confidence In the imperial chancellor
and the government, an expression
bv pnrliiiment of its disapproval of
the sovrrmie nlV support, of t!'f
military hshIiisi Hie civil aiitliorit
The vote was to 14
Fifty Saloon Must Close Mingo
Junction Won by Wets.
Steubenville, O., voted dry by 16fi
majority, the vote being 2,541 to 2,373.
It c loses fifty saloons. Women worked
at the polls with the dry workers.
Mingo Junction voted wet by twelve
Mustacheless Man Not Real.
Kaiser Wilhelm's dictum that "every
real man wears a mustache" has
spread rapidly anion? the army of
ficers and there is a strong demand
for hair tonics.
Cardinal Orerlia Dies.
Cardinal I.uigi Oreglia, dean of the
Sacred college, died in Rome, lie
was eighty-five and was the only sur
viving cardinal created by Tope
Plus IX.
Pittsburg, Doc. 9.
Cattle Choice, ?S..".iKii S.70; prime,
J8.20fi8.50; good, $Sfi8.25; heifers,
$." f? 7.r0 ; common to good fat bulls,
fiMti 7.25; common to good fat enws,
J:!.50fi7; fresh cowa and springers,
Sheep and Lambs Prime wethers,
$4.805; good mixed, f4.::5r!( 4.75; fjir
mixed, :!..'0fft.4.25; lambs, 5fJ7.!IO;
veal calves, ' $1 lfa 11.10; heavy and
thin calves, $7fi S.
Hogs Prime heavy, heavy mlxd.
mediums and heavy Yorkers, $7.0F)ffi
8; light Yorkers, $7.S0fi 7.90; pigs,
$7.50 fa 7.75; roughs, $77.35; stags,
Jli'r 6.50.
Cleveland, Pec. 9.
Cat tie Choice fat steers, $7.75fftS;
good to choice, $7fc 7..ri0; choice heif
ers, $6.50Cfi 7; tnilchers and springers,
Hogs Yorkers, $7.70; mixed, $7.70;
heavies, $7.70; pigs and lights, $7.40
((17.50; Btags, $0.50.
Sheep Mixed, $4. 25 (it 4.50; bucks,
$3i 3.50; c ulls, $2.50(h3.
Calves (iood to choice, $114jll.S0;
heavy and common, $5f? S.50.
Chicago, Dec. 9.
Hogs Receipts, 45,000. Hulk of
s.iles, $7.70(t 7.A0; light, $7.30(?i 7.85;
mixed, $7.550i7.95; heavy, $7.550iS;
roughs, $7.5501 7.70; pigs, $5.5001 7.40.
Cattle Receipts, 25,000. Beeves,
$ti. 50i 9.70; Texas steers, $ti.fi50j 7.70;
Blockers and feeders, $l.8O0i'i.65; cows
pud heifers, $3.30fij 8.20; calves, $.50
Sheep Receipts, 38,000. Native,
$40 5.35; yearlings, $5,300( 6.65; lambs,
native, $6.30017.70.
Wheat Dec. 88.
Corn Ileo., 71.
Oats Dec, 39";.
East Buffalo, Pec. 9.
Cattle Prime steers, $8,750 9; ship
ping, $50::.7O; butchers, $707 8.60;
cows, $3.75017.15; hulls, $50( 7.25:
heifers, $50 5.75; stockers and feed
ers, $5,5007.25; fresh rows and
springers. $400( 87.
Hogs Hiavy mixed, Yorkers and
pigs, $8; roughs. $7.25077.35; stags.
$6,500(7; di-.lrles, $7,750 8.
Sheep Lambs. $5,500( 8.25: year
lings, $4.50 (6.75; wethers, $5.25(f?
5.50; ewes, $30. 5; mixed, $50j5.25.
h f
I v .- ti" .-
2.j$ t