The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, December 03, 1913, Image 5

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    5foe Smarts Silkdm &
: The Distinctive Garment Store ::
. .
Shirts made to order $2.00 nd
- upward.
Suits made to order $16.00 and
Centre Street at Elm, Oil City, P.
The Shopping Festival
Continues All This Month,
And Oil City's Biggest Store Extends a Hearty
' . Welcome to Visitors from Out of Town.
.- ,
When you come to town at the expense of Oil City's mer
chants to do your shopping today, or any day this month
you are cordially invited to make this store your headquarters,
Leave your packages here. ' Ask for any intormation you
may desire. "Look around" to your heart's content.
You will find here broad Christmas stocks, from which you
may select gilts lor every member of the family, at very moderate
prices. You will be able to fill your household and appareling
needs at a very attractive savings. And you will find a large
sales-force attentive, courteous, and efficient.
Ask For a Transportation Rebate Check As
Soon As You Enter the Store.
Silk Hosiery Suitable for Christmas.
Not a bad idea to make the selections now, while the stock
is unbroken.' In such new shades as terra cotta, Nell Hose, new
blue, old blue, sky, emerald; also black, white, navy, tan, etc.
Beacon Bath Robe Blankets $2.50.
Everybody knows what Beacon Quality means. We want
everybody to know of the superb line of these blankets that's
carried here, at a price considerably less than you'd have to pay
elsewhere. Beacon Robe Patterns, complete with cord and
tassel a dandy Christmas gift" at $2.50.
A PraccticaJ
Christmas Present
one that will long be remembered and fully appreciated.
A Savings Department Book,
with an initial deposit. Any amount will answer and we add
Four Per Cent.
Oil City Trust Company
Oil City, Pa.
l ...y.m l'i. . il
,' . m ni.YrU - J
Will be found in your
home if you invest in one
of these
For gas, coal or wood.
Changes can be made in
a few minutes and with
very little trouble. And
the saving in your fuel
bills will look good to you
when the bills come 'round
each month. While you
are about it why not stock
up with a few new kitch
en utensils! We can sup
ply them also.
Make Your Horse Comfortable
With some good Blankets. We have them and the
quality and prices will be found right.
bnds Life by Bullet.
Frank F. Sorver, for Iwenty-niiio
years a conveyancer connected with
the city solicitor's office In Philadel
phia, was found dead with a bullet in
his brain in one of the record rooms
of the municipal law department. No
reason for his act could be ascribed
by his wife or friends. He left no
note of explanation.
Bank Clerk Suicide.
George Mercer, aged twenty-six, a
well known bank clerk of Sharon, la.,
committed suicide by shooting him
Belt In the head with a revolver.
East Buffalo. Dec. 2.
Cattle Steers. $8.65(5 8.85; ship
ping. J7.75p8.60; butchers, $7T8.50;
cows. $3.65(7.60; bulls, $57.25; hell
ers, $5.757.75.
Hogs Heavy and mixed, $8.10$
8.15; Yorkers, $S(ff 8.1S; pigs, $7.758;
roughs, $7 35 S 7.50; stags, $6.50
7; dairies, $8(B8.15.
Sheep Lambs, $5.508.25: year
ling, J-4.50fa6.50; wethers. $5C'5.25;
ewes, I2.50&4.75; sheep, mixed, $4.65
Of Individual and Distinctive
I This Great Clearance Brings Winter Wearing ' Apparel to Lowest
Price Levels.
You will find the savings in this sale greater than you expect.
Perhaps tne very garment you have looked at and desired is among
the lots reduced.
These garments were not bought (or the excuse of a sale because
ob lots and garments bought for sale purposes are usually imperfect
n materials, colorings or tailoring.
These are absolutely from own stock bought montns ago and
made esneciallv for this store.
As this is the last general mark down before Christmas it is an V
excellent cnance to secure mnsimas gins.
Tailored Suits.
Every suit in stock is included none reserved not even black
suits. Made up in all the newest materials and colorings. A large
variety of the latest models, black, navy, seal, brown, taupe and other
principal colors; fur trimmed suits an important feature; latest draped
spiral and two-tier skirts and newest costs.
Sale Prices $14.60, $16.60, $19.75, $22.60, $27.60, $30.00 to
$60.00. Actual values $20.00, $26.00, $30.CO to $86.00.
All alterations made free.
Winter Coats.
Hundreds tf coats to select from in Rough Cheviot "Bumono"
Coats lined with satin, black, navy and brown also' Tweed
English Walking Coats snd Soft Woolen Street and Motor Coats. A
complete line of Fur Collar Coats in all colors. Evening and Party
Coats in a variety of fabrics and colorings high grade fabrics and
Sale Prices $12.60, $16.00, $17.60, $20.00, $22.60, $27.60 to
$40.00. Actual values $16.60, $18.00, $22.60, $30.00 to $60.00.
All alterations msde free.
f The Distinctive Garment Store f
Henry J. McCarty,
To travel hopefully Is better than to
arrive and the true success is to labor.
Robert Louis Stevenson.
Loss of Life in Battle Near
Juarez, Max., Net Great
About 200 Rebel Wounded Have Been
Cared For in Juarez While Federal
Wounded Were Taken With Army.
The victory of General Villa, rebel
leader, over Huerta's federals who
were marching on Juarez, Mex., was
When the federals fell back Villa
was too well satisfied to follow up the
victory and be and his men returned
to Juarez.
After a brilliant coup that enabled
him to capture Juarez and a defense
of the place that was as brilliant as
the capture he stopped lighting when
the federals retreated.
The number of dead as a result of
the federal assault upon Juarez will
never be known.
Excited people from the Held de
clared the dead would total six or
eight hundred. They reported the
wounded lying everywhere without
medical attention or assistance.
Today there are 184 wounded men
In the improvised hospitals In Juarez
under treatment. The rebels say
there are no more on the field. About
ten have died In the Juarez hospitals,
bringing the total number of men
wounded on the field to about 200. '
In the ordinary fortunes of war the
dead Bhould number about a third of
this, or not over seventy. The list of
those actually killed In battle could
not have been much above this figure
or the bodies could not have been
Newspaper men covered the battle
field from east to west and from north
to south In an auto yet failed to dis
cover more than two dead bodies, both
corpses of federals. They had their
hands tied and had been executed.
Dead horses, possibly ten or fifteen,
were discovered. Entrenchments were
Inspected, empty cartridges found,
exploded shrapnels were discovered
but nowhere were dead bodies found.
There undoubtedly were dead as a
result of the battle. These, it was
explained, were gathered up by a train
and taken to one point and burled.
Automobiles by the thousands from
El Paso visited the battlefield. Men,
women and children made up the
parties. It has been a holiday for El
Paso. Souvenirs of exploded shells
are common on the streets of El Paso.
All the visitors were surprised at the
failure to find hordes of dead.
The visitors were compelled to ac
cept the general belief that Mexicans
are bad marksmen and that the fed
erals were probably as hungry as
decimated when they quit the fight
and retreated to Chihuahua.
Open empty ammunition boxes were
scattered a''out. There was evidence
that the ennon had been hauled up
and down the various hills. Between
the two lines of the opposing forces,
a distance of six miles, the country
was seemingly undisturbed.
That there were some burials that
were not of the bodies of battle vic
tims Is admitted by the rebels. They
say they executed a number of fed
erals, but that they were promptly
buried In a ravine. The visitors did
not find this community grave.
The rebels said they had captured
500 federals, but they brought onlv
snout zoo reaeral prisoners Into
Juarez. If they captured the full num
ber claimed the rest can be accounted
for but In one way the firing squad
and the trench but the mystery of it
all is where are the graves?
Once Dictator of Nicaragua Arrested.
Officers Find Him Asleep.
Jose Santos Zelaya, former presi
dent of Nicaragua, was arrested in
New York city on a requisition of his
country honored by the United States
charging him with murder. He was
found asleep by special agents of the
department of justice in the apart
ment of Washington S. Valentine in
West End avenue.
The room was dark when the agents
entered. They turned on the light
and Zelaya was disclosed peacefully
sleeping. Chief William Offley, chiet
of the eastern branch of the depart
ment of justice, recognized him and
woke him up and arrested him.
Mrs. Pankhurst Departs After Profit
able Visit Here.
Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst, the Eng
lish militant suffragist who has been
lecturing in this country since late in
October, sailed for England on the
Majestic. Mrs. Pankhurst said she
would land at Plymouth, which Is the
Majestic's first top, despite the fact
that she expects to be arrested as
soon as she puts foot on English soil.
There was only a small demonstra
tion at the pier before the English
leader sailed. She said that she was
taking back $20,000 for the cause as
the result of her work in this country.
Son Thrashes His Mother.
Thrashed by her son until she was
unconscious because his dinner was
not ready, Mrs. Anne ' Duffy, ' aged
fifty, lies at death's door In a Phila
delphia hospital.
Pittsburg, Dec. 2.
Cattle Choice, $8.5008.70; prime.
$8.20i8.50; good, $7.758.15; heifers,
$5 (S 7.50; common to good fat bulls,
$4.50ffi 7.26 ; common to good fat cows,
$3.507; fresh cows and springers,
$60(7? S5.
Sheep and Lambs Prime wethers,
$4.S04i5; fcjod mixed, $4.357.25; fair
mixed, $3.G0(g4.25; lambs, $5.50S;
veal calves, lK&ll.uO; heavy and
thin calves, $7(&8.
Hogs Prime heavy, heavy mixed,
mediums and heavy Yorkers, $8.05jJ
8.10; light Yorkers, i8.05; pigs,
$7.25 7.75; roughs, $77.50; stags,
$6.50 6.75.
Cleveland, Dec. 2.
Cattle Choice fat steers, $7.50 8;
good to choice, $77.50; choice heif
ers, $6.50 7; milchers and springers,
$60 80.
Hogs Yorkers, $6.75; mixed, $7.65
7.75; heavies, $7.75; pigs and lights,
$6.50 7.26; stags, $6.50.
Sheep Mixed, $3.854.15; bucks
$33.50; culls, 2.503.
Calves Good to choice, $10; heavy
and common, $3 8.50.
Chicago, Dec. 2.
Hogs Receipts, 40,000 head. Bulk
of sales, $7.607.85; light, $7.15)
7.80; mixed, $7.45 7.95; heavy, $7.50
7.95; roughs, $7.507.60; pigs, $5
Cattle Receipts, 26,000 head.
Beeves, $6.609.50; Texas steers,
$6.657.70; stockers and feeders, $4.80
7.60; cows and heifers, $3.oO8.10;
calves, $6.5011. '
Sheep Receipts, 47,000 head. Na
tive, $3.905; yearlings, $5.106.40;
lambs, native, $67.60.
Wheat Dec, 86.
Corn Dec, 70.
OatB Dec, 37.
In Soliciting Public Favor By
' There Must Be No Space Between Your Promise and Performance.
' I ' If you will take the time to read our advertisements during the month of December you
will find in the announcements numerous articles offered tor sale that you heretofore thought
had to be bought in Europe or the large cities of America.
You will also learn that the very articles you always thought you would like to own are not
so expensive that you be deprived of your wish.
P. The Arrangements for Christmas
s we understand it will be elaborate to a fault at this store the stocks shown will be a reve
lation to sightseers as well as buyers. Both of whom we hope will participate with us in the
feast of good things prepared for your delectation.
Every promise made will be absolutely fulfilled by thoroughly raliable performers.
"The Drama of Christmastlde is on."
Oil City, Ta.
Oil City, Pa.
D & B
christmas furs
priced low
Beautiful fur sets
sure to delight women
and little girls, specially
priced for Christmas
givai&T-;..' .
Women's Black
French Coney Sets
rich and glossy fur,
large pillow muff and
scarf to match beauti
fully lined with satin.
$5.50, $10.00 and
Women's Natural Red
Fox Sets very stylUh
and effective, scarf
made of two skins, large
pillow muff wiih head
and brush, $25.00.
Child's Natural Coney Sets
very pretty brownish Grey fur
muff and collar handsomely
lln;d with satin j to 6 year
siies, $J.J0.
of the Better Sort
We have assembled what is without question the handsomest assort
ment of Christmas merchandise ever displayed here.
We have found from experienbe that most people prefer to buy some
thing of a real value something useful or practical.
We have, therefore, completely eliminated everything of a knick knack
or a namby pamby nature.
The Christmas merchandise shown here is of a truly representative
character new, clean, crisp and of good quality.
Hundreds of articles are put up in tasty most presentable manner
which without question adds much to any gift.
There's pretty Christmas card with each article bought for gift pur
poses. There's to be
Ladies' Christmas Umbrellas
Friday at $1.75
Made- To - Measure
Clothes of the
Highest Quality
may be purchased here at the
most modest prices in town.
See our marvels of beauty at
$15, $18 and $20
and our wonderful importa
tions at
$25, $30 and $35
Fit and finish guaranteed.
Blum & Anderson,
PreNcrlptloii lens grinders
fur I he eyes, plus Collegl
alely trained and Infer
nationally endorsed
Behind the Guns.
Artificial Eyes In Mock.
Both 'Phones.
!T.T J. :W X
V - I
Guns '
. litmmerlrM 12-(rniise
rrnratinff siiuikuii. .muui-i va. m a intcanucaTtim. bcautitu iv-
balanccd guu, without any objectionable humps or bumj; no holt on top for gas to blow out
through or water to get in; can't frceie up with rain, snow, or gleet; it's nhd steel breecli
(tint a tliell of wood) perm Hi thoroughly symmetrical gun without sacrificing strength or
safety ; it to th safest brooch-loading shotgun vr built.
It is Hammerless with Solid Steel Breech iinside as well as nut) Solid Top Side
Ejection Matted Barrel (which costs J4.00 extra on other gum) Press Button Cartridge
Releaa 10 remove losded cartridges quickly from nmsaiine without working through action)
Double Extractora-Take-Dowa Feature Triiier and Hammer Safety. Handles rapidly;
guaranteed in shooting ability; price standard Grade "A" gun, $22.60.
$rl'CW??"nT "pi" 77ie Warin firearms a,
27Itnjt repeating rifles and shotguns. Do it now I 42 Willow Street, New Haren. Conn.
If rifle, pitol or shotgun, you should have a copy of the Ideal H.nd
It yOU SnOOt Book ICO pages of useful information for shooters. It tells all about
powders, bullets, primers and reloading tools for all standard rifle, pistol and shotgun
ammunition: how to measure powders accurately; ftmws you IW to cut ymir ammunition
rxnensr in half and do more avd better shooting. This book 1 free to any shooter who will
send three stamps postage to The Marlin Firearms Co.,
it Willow St., New Haven. Conn.
Henderson and Kephart Win For Su
perior Court Judges.
Judge John J. Henderson led John
W Kephart by 9,338 votes fn the bal
loting for superior court judges ut the
recent election. This Is shown by the
oillclal returns.
The vote was as follows: Hender
son, 220,843; Kephart, 211,445; Grim,
180,174; Alcorn, 147,373.
The $50,000,000 loan amendment was
defeated by 41,383 votes. The voto
was: For the amendment, 259.C42;
against, 300,435.
Fight Spectators, Suicides.
An unidentified woman, about forty
five, jumped from a bridge into the
Schuylkill river at Philadelphia after
breaking away from, two boys who
tried to prevent her, from, taking the
leap. Harbor police recovered the
body. The boys were crossing the
bridge when they noticed the woman
climbing the railing. They ran to her
and pulled her back. She fought them
and after a struggle released herself,
managed to get over the railing and
dropped into the vvater.
Record Postage Stamp Order.'
The Philadelphia postmaster Is
taking no chances of running short of
postage stamps for Christmas busi
ness. He hag ordered 90,230,000
stamps, valued at $1,616,000, the larg
est single order ever made by a post
master. In July, 1912, the Chicago
postmaster sent In a requisition for
71,800,000 stamps, valued at $1,53S,000,
establishing a record now broken by
Didn't Forget Her Huaband.
A bequest of $1 for her husband,
Frank Miraglia, Is made In the will of
Mary Miraglia, late of Pittsburg. Her
estate Is valued at $lfl,00.
Fred. Orottonborger
All work pertaining to Machinery, En
gines, Oil Well Tools, Gas or Water Fit
tings and General KlackHmithing prompt
ly done at Low Kates, Repairing Mill
Machinery given special attention, and
satisfaction guaranteed.
Shop in rear of and list west of the
Shaw House, Tidioute, Pa.
Your patronage solicited.
n-i-i-i-ii mn.iiunui
successfully used
for 34 .years
4246 Fifth Ave.Pittsburch. Pa.
Iiodlt-Hi Ank jToiir llruBf InI for a
hl--lim.trr Diamond TtrndV
IMIU in Kid ftml Cinld mrtalllAV
Ix.irs, scale-1 with Itlue RiUm. i
Tube no olhcr. Hny of your " ,
lriiiiirt-(. Ask for Ml l-Mf K-TFR A
nirlnt. Ask for l lil-l ll r M.Tr.K R
years known a Best, Safest, A twtys KelliU
Promptly obtained, or FEE RETURNED.
THE LOWEST. St'nd Uludul. phutu or nketi'h for
exiH-rt WRivh anil fitw rvirt on pnlrittAijUlty.
INFRINGEMENT suits roniluitwl before all
courts. Talents obtained through us. ADVER.
ions and COPYRIGHTS quickly oUtalued.
Opposite U. 8. Patent OfTlos),