The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, December 03, 1913, Image 3

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t. t. WINK, . Cdito Paosairro.
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Th k cost of tbe new Investigation ol tbe
hnt trust will likely be added to tbe price
of meat.
It la about time for the Department ol
Agriculture to recommend a cheap and
harmless substitute for fug.
Cot,. Gokthals' fame as miracle
worker reHta largely on the fact that the
cost of oanal Construction work baa been
kept within ibe appropriations.
Tbb best time for breaking the bold of
the egg trust is along about tbe middle of
March. Then tbe bena in every chicken
coop will be helping out on tbe Job.
A Kansas City Judge must decide
which side of tbe bed belongs to the wife,
It Is singular tbat with all the legislative
activity the last few years this matter baa
not beeo fixed by statu e.
Thanksgiving wait very quiet day In
Kellettville. The school was vlosrd, the
mores were closed, the mill and shops
were nlosed, tbe phone was closed and
goodly number of the lives of turkeys,
geese, ducks and chickens came to
close tbat day. In fact about tbe only
thing tbat was open waa the overhanging
clouda from nbicb a drizzling rain de
scended upon tbe earth, and I think
every one was thankful tbat they could
ait by tbe tire and did not have to go out
In tbe rain.
Plummer Wilson and Julia Silzle re
turned Monday from few daya' visit
witb tbe latter's sister In North Warren.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Arner were Tlo
nesta visitora Friday,
Mra. E. Urubba of Hickory waa the
guest of Mrs. John Blum, Wednesday.
Thomas Raptle of Warren spent
Thanksgiving with bia daughter, Mra.
Geo. Kllneetiver.
Mra. W. A. Kribbs and Julia Lobmey
er are visiting relativea in Philadelphia
tbie week.
Mr. aud Mrs. F. J. Henderson spent
Thanksgiving In Hickory.
Prof. J, L. Simmooa bad aa house
guests lor Ibe paat week bia mother and
aisler, of Warren,
Tbe W. C. T. U. met at Mrs. C, Y. De
tar's, Wednesday afternoon, and held an
Interesting business session. They will
meet again on December 10th at Mra. W,
A. K inch's, when tbey expert to bave
tbe county president with Ibera and a
pleasant and profitable time la expected.
Seventeen new members were taken
into tbe Epworth League on Sunday eve
ning. Dr. and Mra. C. Y. Deur and Mra. W.
E. Carbaugh were Oil City viaitora Satur
day. Mrs. Printz Philips baa returned from
a visit witb ber parents In Buffalo.
Tbe Willing Workera Class No. 8 of the
M. E. Sunday school met at tbe borne of
their teacher, Mrs. W. E. Carbaugh,
Wednesday evening. A very pleasant
evening waa spent and a tine lunch waa
served, which added to the enjoyment.
Rnlan Butler waa quite seriously In
jured while at work In tbe board yard on
Monday and has been confined to bia bed
Mra. Moses Mealy of Newmsnsvllle
visited ber brother, Mr. Merchant, and
other relatives in town last week.
Mr. and Mra. Amos Mealy and chil
dren ol Tiona were visiting relativea in
town the past week.
On Thanksgiving day Frank Miller
killed a pig weighing 410 pound. Hia
neighbor, Wm, Fitzgerald, also killed
one which weighed 418 pounds and to
outdo the rest Wm. Maxwell killed bis
and reports 440 pounds. So there is
some pork in their corner,
Raymond, tbe young eon of Mr. and
Mra. Perry York, died Tuesday of spinal
trouble. Funeral fiervicea were conduct
ed by Rev. Henry Smallenberger,
Wednesday afternoon, and Interment was
made in tbe Marieoville cemetery on
Clara Wilson of Hickory attended tbe
funeral of ber nephew, Wednesday,
Bald B. to B., Thanksgiving day,
These pigs will bave to die today;
Ol meal and corn they've bad tbelr fill
And are, I think, about right to kill.
Ho they began as aoon as 'twas light.
To get tbeir knives all sharpened right.
Tbey worked away and never ceased
Though floating odors proclaimed a feast;
And when at last tbe pigs were bung
And the cooks' cried out "the turkey's
Tbey washed their banda and gathered
Tbe board where good eats did abound.
Tbe dinner over, the diHbes done,
The Isdies tbo't they'd have some fun,
While wondering how, they all decide
Tbat Mrs. H. should take a ride.
The laughing group stood roundabout
While a Texas broncho was bro't out.
The pony tbo't, "My! What a fat!
Am 1 to carry all this weight?"
He went up behind and down in front
And then lie just reversed the stunt.
Mrs 11. was greatly surprised of course
To find she'd mounted a rocking borse.
The frightened crowd stood looking on
And calling out "Hold otil Hold on!"
ltut hia heels went up, bia head went
And Mrs. B. was on Ibe ground.
His heels went bsck to take tbelr toll
But Mra. B. bad taken a roll.
When a fair young lady from out tbe
Mounts thia aame pony, be steps 'round
You never'd bave guessed tbat be of
So lately had been a rocking horse.
He carried bia load witb care and ease
As if the young lady be tried to please.
Now Mrs. B. take myiadvioe,
rlefore you leap again think twice;
And the time to think la before you
For thinking then will surely count.
Your Btying qualities be aure to decide
Before a bucking broncho you try to
Two Amendments Were Adopted.
Two of the five proposed amendments
to tbe constitution were adopted and
John G. Henderaon and John W. Kep
bart were elected judges of the superior
court, according to tbe otbclal count ol
the votea of tbe 67 counties of Pennayl
vanla made at Harrlsburg Wednesday
Immediately after tbe receipt of tbe
official returna from Allegheny county,
the last to be received.
Tbe amendments that carried were
numbers tbree and five. Number three
extends for one year terms of judgea
whose terms expire In odd numbered
years. Thia amendment waa propoaed to
carry out tbe Intent of tbe constitutional
amendmenta of 1909, providing tbat elec
tion of judgea, other than State Judgea,
abould be held In odd numbered yeara.
If tbe amendment bad been defeated, tbe
governor would bave been required to
make appointments until all Judgea now
in olUoe and affected by ihe amendment
served their terma. The vote on this
amendment waa 217,815 In favor and
195,179 against.
Tbe second amendment to carry pro
vides tbatdebta Issued by municipalities
for public works, which carry themselves
by providing for sinking fuuda and in
terest charges, abalt not be otnsidsred In
calculating debt limit outside of Philadel
phia. Philadelphia waa given certain
privileges by a former amendment and
this exteoda to tbe rest of tbe State. Tbia
amendment waa adopted by a vote of 208,
063 for, to 201,605 againat.
The proposed amendment fur tbe issu
ance of $So,000,000 bonds for road con
struction went down by 41,393 majority
againat it.
Tbe preaching In the U. B. Church by
tbe Presbyterians was well attended and
great interest was manifested. Rev. Hum
bert and tbe elders from Tabor congrega
tion were present and organized a class of
50, which number wss very gratifying to
all concerned. Thia Class starts off with
bright prospects, and It Is hoped that tbey
will keep up tbelr work and grow and
become a factor for good in thia com
mnnlty. W. D. Shields spent Ssbbatb at Brook
Title. F. A. Hon baa finished bis painting tbe
township bridge.
Tbe rosd supervisors met for settlement
and organization on Monday.
Hazel Branch of Jamestown visited
friends here a lew daya and spent
Thanksgiving at East Brady witb ber
Prof. Braden la doing some surveying
between showers and school days.
Don't forget tbe plsy on Saturdsy
night, Deo. 6, to be given by tbe blgb
Morris Coon and boys are borne for a
abort stay having run tbeir boata to Pitta
burg on tbe last flood.
Tbe two wells being drilled by tbe
Braden Oil Co. are still unfinished but
both show for oil, and If gasaera are not
found in tbe Kane sand tbey will be abot
In the speechly sand for oil.
Phillips A Co. are getting along ninety
with tbeir well near town. Tbey atruck
a good flow of gat in tbe first Clarion
sand but it did not last long.
J. W. Donaby and wile of Elk county,
were visiting and looking after church
matters he being one of tbe trustees of tbe
U. B. parsonage, and as tbe U. B, class
here Is disolved, wss looking sfter tbe
disposition of tbe proierty. All inter
ested parties interviewed him but noth
ing wss done.
As Turkey waa ao high on Thanksgiv
ing, many of aa were not able to reach it,
but all enjoyed the day just the same.
Prof. E. C. Terrill waa tbe gueat of
friends in Warren tbe latter part of tbe
Leslie Paul Is on tbe sick list.
Mr. and Mra. William 8takely and
daughter Mary Naomi, were guests of the
former'a parents, Mr. and Mra. H. Stake
ly, over Thanksgiving, returning to
tbelr borne at Sharon, Pa., Saturday
morning on tbe 8:00 o'olock.
Tbe revival meetings are being car
ried on In the M. E. Cburcbyet, resulting
in five being forward for conversion.
George Shepard is again working in
this place, and expecta to move bis
family here In the near future.
H. W. Deahner visited bis wife at
Cberrygrove over tbe Sabbath a week
Mrs. P. E. McCulIougbof East Hickory
la visiting old friends in this place at
Rev. Bryan, who has been holding re
vival meetinga at Beaver Valley, returned
Sunday afternoon to fill hia regular ap
pointment in tbe F. M. church of this
Victor Hendrickson filled tbe appoint
ment of Rev. Smallenburger at the M. E.
church Sunday afternoon, A large at
tendance waa present and all were well
pleased with tbe sermou.
Audrey Peterson of Kellettville, visited
friends in this plsce over Sunday,
Fred Halterman Is very ill with tbe
$3,000,000 Coal Deal Is Closed.
One of the largest coal deals in
Greene county. Pa., waa completed
when J. V. Thompson and forty-aeven
other prominent Greene county resi
dents conveyed 6,500 acres of coal
land to the Youngstown Sheet and
Tube company. The land Is worth
from $625 to $700 an acre and it Is
understood the purchase price was
about $3,000,000, payable in from three
to ten years.
Food Expert Has Ptomaine Poison.
James Foust, Pennsylvania state
food and dairy commissioner, was
confined to his home following an at
tack of ptomaine poisoning, from
which he collapsed on the street. Hiti
condition was grave for a time.
Sick Headache.
Sick beadacbe Is nearly always caused
by disorders of tbe stomach. Correct
tbem and the perlodio attacks of alck
beadacbe will dissppear. Mrs. John
Bishop of Koseville, Ohio, writes:
"About a year ago I waa troubled with
indigeatlon aud had alck headache that
lasted for two or tbree'daya at a time. I
doctored and tried a number of remedies
bnt nothing helped me until during one
of those sick spells a friend advised me to
Uke Chamberlain's Tablets. This medi
cine relieved me in a short time." For
sale by all dealers.
Mias Jeasis Woodrow Wilaon Becomes
Mrs. F. B. Sayre.
Miss Jessie V. Wilson, the presi
dent's second daughter, became the
wife of Francis Bowes Sayre last
Tuesday alternoon. The ceremony
took place in the historic East room
of the White House.
An altar had been erected beforo
the broad window at the east side of
the room, as was done for the Roose
velt wedding. Before the altar a
broad dais, on which the bridal party
stood, had been erected.
Miss Wilson's trousseau was elabor
ate, despite announcements from the
White House that the wedding was
to be a simple and quiet one. The
wedding gown worn by Miss Wilson
was the fashion for brides this
winter. It was of heavy satin of a
cream white tint so faint that it seems
almost pure white. Rare old lace,
heirlooms in the family of Mrs. Wil
son, was freely used in embellishment
of the bridal gown. This lace had
been used many times before for wed
ding gowns of Miss Wilson's an
cestors. The wedding presents were put on
view at the White House. It
was a source of deep gratification to
Washington society to have this
chance. Exaggerated stories as to the
elaborateness of the gifts and the ex
travagance displayed by the donors
needed contradiction. Those who saw
the presents say that the $2,000 dia
mond pendant from the house of rep
resentatives was far and away the
most valuable gift.
Facing Impeachment Shank Resigns
in Indianapolis.
Samuel Lewis Shank resigned as
mayor of Indianapolis.
The resignation is the result of
labor troubles and a threat of im
peachment proceedings by a commit
tee of business men unless further
disorders were averted.
Harry R. Wallace, city controller,
succeeded to the mayor's chair.
Shank resigned after he had con
ferred with union labor officials re
gardlng an impending strike of team
titers. They told him there was little
hope of averting the strike.
Mayor Shank's attitude during the
recent street car strike, when he let
it be known that he did not wish po
licemen to ride on the cars manned
by strikebreakers, caused the resigna
tion of Superintendent or Police Mar
tin J. Hyland and President William
E. Davis of the board of public safety.
Owners of Austin Dam Freed.
G. C. Bayless and F. M. Hamlin,
president and general manager of the
Bayless Pulp and Paper company,
were acquitted on charges of involun
tary manslaughter brought as a result
of the great dam disaster at Austin,
Pa., Sept. 30, 1911, when seventy-four
persons were drowned, the villages of
Austin and Costello wiped out and an
entire valley laid waste.
Eighty Prisoners Given Freedom.
Eighty prisoners were paroled at
Ihe Western Pennsylvania peniten
tiary on the Northslde. Pittsburg, and
at Center county. Sixty-seven prison
ers were liberated at the Northslde
prison and thirteen at the prison in
Center county.
Losing $60,000, Man Ends Life.
Theodore Weiland, tax collector ot
Dickson City, near Scranton, Pa.,
ended his life at his home by
Inhaling illuminating gas. Financial
troubles are believed to have un
balanced bis mind. Charges of mis
appropriating funds of the borough
were made several months ago. He
is said to have lost $60,000 in a min
ing venture in the west during the
past year.
We always advise people who bave
stomach or bowel trouble to see a doctor.
But to those who do not wish to do this
we will aay: try tbe mixture of aimple
buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc, known
aa Adler-i ka. This simple new remedy
is so powerful tbat JUST ONE DOSE
relieves soot stomach, gas on the stomach
and constipation INSTANTLY. People
who try Adler-i-ka are surprised at its
QUICK sction. The West Hickory Drug
Store. sdv
Mrs. McClain's Experience With Croup.
"When my boy, Ray, waa small he waa
subject to croup, and I wss always
alarmed at such times. Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy proved far better than
any other for thia trouble. It always re
lieved bltn quickly. I am never without
it In the bouse for I know It Is a positive
cure for croup," writes Mra. W. R. Mc'
Claln, Blairsville, Pa. For aale by all
dealers. adv.
Notice of Appeal.
Notice Is hereby given tbat Ihe County
Commissioners of Forest County, Penn
sylvania, will meet at their OtUce In the
Court House, in Tionesta Borough, on
the22d, 23d and 24th days of December.
1918, for Ibe purpose of holding a court of
appeata irom tbe assessment for tbe year
an. w. n . hakrimon,
H. H. McClkllaw,
Attest, S. M. Henry, Clerk.
Tionesta, Pa., Nov, 2Mb, 1913.
At the
Racket Store
Graniteware, Tinware,
Glassware, Chinaware,
Stationery, Hosiery,
Wall Paper, Window Shades
Elm Street,
Tionesta, Pa.
Stenotype Notice.
The Iloir BualneHs College,
Warren, Pa.,
Has adopted in its course this new and
marvelous method of
and shall be pleased to send full particu
lars to all who are interested. Winter
term begins January 6. We still contin
ue, however, to teach the World's prize
winner, Gregg Shorthand, and the famous
Rowe Bookkeeping. Write for catalogue.
Money Doubles
at 4 compound interest in
less than 18 years. This means
that if you deposit $100 in this
solid bank now, in 1931 you
can draw $200, even if you do
not add a single cent to your
deposit. .
Write today for booklet tell
ing How To Bank By Mail.
Pittsburgh Bank for Savings
Established In 1862
Prodium tbe new healing product, la
the newest and most remarkable skin
remedy today. It heals all forma of akin
eruptions, eczema, tetter, milk crust,
ring worms, barber's itch, pimples,
blackheads, chilblains, cracked lips, re
lieves frost bites, and ia a reliable reme
dy to use on tbe tender skin of la Ian Is.
For sale at all druggists, 25 cents, In
cluding R. A. Walker, Trial package on
requeat to the Prodium Company, Plain
Held, N. J.
Furniture Dealer,
Monarch Clothing Store.
Christmas shopping is now in order at Monarch Clothing Store.
Car fare will be refunded to purchasers throughout this store when
amounts average $15.00 or over, and following is what we refund on
your purchases in any part of our store.
For Christmas Out-of-Town Purchasers Only.
Cut Out This Coupon
To get free car fare. Good only lor traders at
the Monarch Store and only to residents outside
of Oil City.
$15.00 purchasers allowed . $1.25
$20.00 purchasers allowed $1.75
$25.00 purchasers allowed $2.00
$30.00 purchosers allowed $2.50
This amount allowed you extra for your car
tare and expense at our store only,
(Dec. 3)
Monarch Clothing Co. Greatest Boys'
and Children's Suit and Overcoat
Cut Price Sale
Boys' Suits
$2.00 Suits and Overcoats, worth $3.50
Sale $1.98
$5.00 Suits and Overcoats, worth $5.60
Sale $2.98
$6.00 Suits and Overcoats, worth $7.00
Sale $3.98
$7.00 Suits and Overcoats, worth $7.60
Sale $4.98
Furs for Women and Children.
Sale on Ladies' Suits, Coats. Dresses.
Petticoats, Etc.
Women's Coats
Free Car Fare.
$20.00 to $25.00 Coats
Sale at
$14.60 to $18.00 Coats
Sale at
$11.98 to $13.60 Coats
Sale at ,
$7.98 to $9.98 Coats
Sale at
$6.98 Coats
Sale at
Furs and Sets
Off On All Furs
Monarch Clothing Company,
for cold, rough weather.
You will find here a
class of
Sweater Coats,
Aviation Caps,
that will meet with
your approval in every
Pure Oregon Wool
in genuine Indian de
signs and colorings.
An ideal gift.
J. L. Hepler
Fine carriages for all occasions,
witb first class equipment. We can
fit you out at any time for either a
Dleasure or business trio, and always
C s ' f
at reasonable rates. Prompt service
and courteous treatment.
Conn and see us.
Rear of Hotel Weaver
Telephone No. 20.
Boys' Overcoats
Quality, Price
Elegant Chinchilla Overcoats in blue,
grey and brown with belt and roll collar
of self material are in above lots.
There are all styles and colors all
styles and sizes in different lots.
Boys' Suits
There sre Children's pretty Velvet
Suits, Boys' nobby Norfolk Suits and all
styles of fine grades in serges, worsteds
and cheviots in all colors for ages i 1-2
to 17 respectively.
Women's Suits
$26.00 to $35.00 Suits
Sale at
$18.00 to $22.00 Suits
Sale at
$12.98 to $16.60 Suits
Sale at
$10.98 to $11.98 Suits
Sale at
Dress Skirts
$6.00 Skirts
Sale at
$7.60 Skirts
Sale at
$8.00 Skirts
Sale at
Come Here and Save Your Car Fare.
. J" i warn at-r t i 1
1 ywBmmC
The National Banking Act, under which our bank oper
ates, has many restrictions for safeguarding our depositors.
Several times each year Bank Examiners, representing the
Treasury Department, examine our bank and see that we
conduct our business in conformity with these laws. Be
sides, there are capable business men of upright character
behind our Bank. We solicit your accounts, both business
or personal. -
CAPITAL STOCK, S50.00O. SURPLUS, 1100,000.
Do your banking with us. A qti nOVsT"
We pay liberal interest consistent with safety, TC 1CU U.
Forest County Nation! Bank,
Prevent and Cure
Don't let roup wipe out your birds
and your profits. Use
nil. or rfmr. .n , ovv, .no f i .iaa.
It purlfls th. system and not onlr prevents but cures roup, colds, fever, catarrh, diph
theria, etc Tolniure perfectly healthy strong, husky layers, add to the feed daily
pt$!i2 Poulfiry Regulator t&.Zh.tt00'
Refute substitutes; Insist on Pratt. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Back.
&M C.t Prallt 160 Paf IllmtrattJ Poultry Booh.
The cut in prices on all winter goods i9 now at its lowest cut.
We Give You Sale Prices
and allow extra car fare as in the Coupon, which must be presented to
the cashier or salesperson at our store. . . ..
We do not have any connections with other stores who have com
bined to keep up prices and allow car fare. We are independent and
offer free car fare in any part ot the store regardless of what other stores
offer you in the free car fare line.
All sale prices in plain figures.
Free Car Fare With Coupon From
This Patper.
Men's Overcoats
and Suits
For "Nine Ninety-Eight" the Monarch
are selling fine Kersey Overcoats in all
styles. They are selling All Wool Chin
chilla Coats with the roll collar of self
material that come in blue, grey and
brown and these coats are a bargain at
Sixteen Fifty.
The Monarch Clothing Company have
cut the price to Nine Dollars and Ninety
Eight Cents no more no less.
The Monarch are offering the biggest
bargains in Men's Suits and Overcoats
that ever were offered.
The Suits and Overcoats are newest
styles and makes and sell in plain figures
as follows:
$10.00 to $12.00 values, worth $16.00,
Sale $7.98
$13.60 to $16.00 values, worth $16.50,
Sale $9.98
$16.60 to $18.00 values, worth $20.00,
Sale $12.98
$20.00 to $25.00 values, worth $27.60,
Sale $14.50
Overcoats and Suits at
$4.98, $5.98, $6.98
The above guaranteed latest styles and
makes and your money back if not so.
Holiday gifts for every one, with free
carfare with your purchases when the
amount is $15.00.
Santa Claus at Our Store for
Sale Prices All Over the Store.
Our national bank
charter from the.
m -
$1.00 Petticoats in green, cerise, AQ
navy or black. Sale at i"w
$2.98 Silk Petticoats, all
colors. Sale at
$5.00 Silk New-fit Petticoats, C'J QO
black and colors. Sale . ,$u,yO
Sweater Coats
98c, $1.50, $1.98
Holiday Gifts
Boxed Suspenders,
Boxed Neckwear, ,
Boxed HandkerchiefsA SflP nfiY
Boxed Gloves, I VV UUA
Boxed Hosiery, J
What a Lady Said
"I never was in your store before, but
I will make your store my purchasing
place in the future."
She will recommend her friends and
her friends will do the same in view of
the big bargains offered in your store.
Men's Hats, Ladies' Dresses and
Gowns, Fine Silk and Voile Waists and
lots of Children's Goods.
Umbrellas, Jewelry, Suit Cases, Furs,
Fur Hats and Caps for Men and Boys,
Underwear, Kid Gloves, Ladies' Dresses
and Misses' Dresses, Kimohas, Indian
and Cowboy Suits for Children, Play
Suits for Girls.
Oil City, Pa.