RATES OF ADVERTISING! One Square, one inch, one week... 1 00 One Square, -one Inch, one month. S 00 One Square, one Inch, 8 months...- 6 00 One Square, one inch, one year .... 10 1 0 Two Squares, one year......... 15 00 Quarter Column, one year 80 00 Half Column, one year. MM 60 00 One Column, one year . 100 00 ' Legal advertisements ten cents per line each Insertion. : ' We do fine Job Printing of every de scription at reasonable rates, but it's cash on delivery. ' t Published every Wednesday b; J. E. WENK. 4 Offioe in Smearbaugh & Weak Bailding, ELM BTRKBT, TI0MK8TA, FA, Ttrmt, tl.OO A Ymi, Strictly UA4tum, Entered as second-class matter at the post-offloe at Tlonesla. No subscription received for shorter period than three months. Correspondence solicited, but no notloe will be taken of anonymous eommunioa lions. Always give your name. RORE THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. R. EPUBL VOL. XLVI. NO. 41. TIONESTA, PA., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1913. $1.00 PER ANNUM, BOROUGH OFFICERS. Burgess. 8. D. Irwin. Justices of the Peace C. A. Randall, 1). W. Clark. OouneUmen. J.W, Landers, J. T. Pale, O. B. Robinson, Win. Sinearhnugh, K. J. Hopkins, O. F. Watson, J. D. Davis. Constable L L. Zuver. Collector W . U. Hood. , School Director W. O. Imel, J. K. Clark, S. M. Henry, Q. Jamieson, D, H. Blum. ICAN. CONGRESS AGAIN GETSTOGETHER Special Session Ends and Regu lar Starts ONLY FEW MINUTES ELAPSE ASKS FOR TWO DREADNOUGHTS Secretary Daniels Submits First Report to President NAYAL PROGRAM IS REDUCED A COMPLETE LINE OF - Holiday Goods on Display j AT t r FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Member of Congress W. J. Hulings, Member of Senate J. K. P. Hall, Assembly A. R. Mechllnsc. President Judge W. D. Hinckley. Associate Judge Samuel Aul, Joseph M. Morgan. Pr othonotary, Register & Recorder, l. -S. R. Maxwell. - UherUr Wm. H. Hood. Treasurer W. H. Braisee. Commissioners V rn. H. Harrison, J. C. Soowdeo, 11. H. McClellan. District Attorney V. A. Carrlnger. Jury Commissioners J. B. Eden, A. M. Moore. Coroner Dr. M. C Kerr. County Auditors George H. Warden, A. C. Gregg and S. V. Shields. County Surveyor Roy 8. Braden. County Superintendent J. O. Carson. K.iular Teras mt Caart. Third Monday of February. Third Monday of May. Third Monday of September. Third Monday of November. Regular Meetings of County Commis sioners 1st and 8d Tuesdays of month. Charch aa Sabbath Hch.al. Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:45 a. m. t M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m. Preaching in M. E. Church every Sab bath evening by Rev. U. L. Dunlavey. Preaching in the F. M. Church every Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Rev. M. E. Woloott, Pastor. Preaobing in the Presbyterian chnroh every Sabbsth at 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Rev. U. A. Bailey, Pastor. The regular meetings of the W. C. T. D. are held at the headquarters on the seooud and fourth Tuesdays of each month. , BUSINESS DIRECTORY. '"PI' .N ESTA LODU E, No. 369, 1. 0. 0. F. JL Meets every Tuesday evening, in Odd Fellows' Hall, Partridge building. CAPT. GEORGE STOW POST, No. 274 Q. A. K. Meets 1st Tuesday after noon of each month at 3 o'clock. CAPT. GEORGE STOW CORP8, No. 137, W. R. C, meets first and third Weduesday evening of each month. F. RITCHEV. TlnnaalA Pas . MA. CARRINQER, . Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law. Office over Forest County National Bank Building, TIONESTA, PA. CURTIS M. SHA WKEY. ATTORN EY- AT- LA W, Warren, Pa. Praotioe in Forest Co. AO BROWN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. OIBoeln Arner Building, Cor. Elm and Bridge Sis., Tlonesta, Pa. fRANK 8. HUNTER, D. D. 8 Rooms over Citizens Nat. Rank. TIONESTA, PA. DR. F. J. BOVARD, Physiolan it Surgeon, TIONEdTA, PAr Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted. D R. J. B. BIGGINS, Physician and Surgeon, OIL CITY, PA. HOTEL WEAVER, S. E. PIERCE, Proprietor. Modern and up-to-date in all Its ap pointments. Every convenience and oomfort provided for the traeling public. CENTRAL HOU8E, R. A. FULTON, Proprietor. Tlonsela, Pa. This is the most centrally located hotel lu the place, and has all the modern Improvements. No pains will be spared to make it a pleasant stopping place for the traveling public pHIL. EMERT FANCY BOOT SHOEMAKER. Shop over R. L. Haslet's grocery store on Elm street. Is prepared to do all inds of custom work from the Burnt to the coarsest and guarantees his work to ?:ive perfect satisfaction. Prompt atton ion given to mending, and prices rea sonable. rpupiowwjM! Next to SunlightXi the nvr flick rinr, bright lamp flame I Peotuylvani Crude Oil Family Favorite Oil Your d.aler gal. it in banrala direct from our refineriea. worn me oesi iriDia-Ketintd FREE-320 mm book-.ll .koui 1 MS WAVERLY OIL WORKS CO, Pitt.burc h. Pa. CtolilMfl LoBrieMt.'- Vk'4 60 YEARS' V . EXPERIENCE A Trade Marks iHaw .wv Designs rrr?1 Copyrights Ac. Anyone ftenrllng a iketrh and description mnf quickly aaoertnln our opinion free whether an Invflntton It probably pntentsble. Comnninlpa tlonnntriotiyoontldflntlal. Handbook on Patents tent free. 011ent nuenry for serurtnit patents. Patents taken throuirh Munn A Co. rooelre Iprrirtl nrtic, without ch'irge. In the Scientific American. A bnmlsomely Mluntrated weekly. I.nnreht fit til I Ht Inn of any ni'lentitlo Journal. Ternm, t yeiir: four months, L Sold byall newsflenlern. MUNN & Co.3618"1'' New YorK llrauch Ultlcu. 625 V St. WaahiuKluu. D. C. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Cures Colds. Croup and Wbuoping Cousa. Christmas stock replete with beautiful gifts. " ; This Department contains everything for the among which, might be mentioned : Toilet Sets and Manicure Pocket Books from Fountain Pens from . . Safety Razors from . Perfumes in fancy Boxes Jewelry. Watches from. Diamonds from $7.50 Cut Large assortment of best Hand Painted China. Mrs. Lewis' Hand Painted China, all , prices, very reasonable. Many other Christmas articles too numerous to mention One lot Pocket Books, prices from 25c to $5.00 . ....... . ;.sale price 59c One lot Novelties, prices from 25c to $3.50 -" ... . sale price 43c Many other bargains which are real bargains. AH these goods will be sold regardless of cost. Purchasers should not delay making their selection until the last moment, but call and inspect goods while stock is complete. Goods will be laic, aside until called for, upon the deposit of a smnll ruth W Wo a. ffW I ilMiraruittOi Mil l MM I u UIIj ml I In' thie G react Holidscy Shopping Festival Any Dacy This Month. Show Your Return Ticket and ask for a Transportation Check at the first of following merchants you visit : Smart & Silberberg Co., Center and Elm Streets. The Printz Company, 113 Center Street. Carlon & Company, 116 Center Street. The Kinter Company, 112 Center Street. George J. Veach, Seneca Street. Arthur V. Lammers, 45 Seneca Street. Perry & Wurster, 219 Center Street. Fred H. Lammers, 41-45 Seneca Street. Stranburg Music House, 110 Center Street. Harvey Fritz, 32-36 Seneca Street. Welker & Maxwell Co., 2 East First Street. Seep Brothers, 27-29 Seneca Street. (Except on Oil Well Supplies.) Levi & Company. Moore & Stevenson, Center and Elm Streets. R. G. Koch & Company, 9-13 East First Street. Come To Busy Oil City At Our Expense Your Round - Trip Railroad Fare refunded from any point within 40 miles of Oil City for purchases of any or all of these merchants amounting to $25.00 or more. Show Your Return Ticket or Get a Receipt From Your Ticket Agent and We Will Refund Your Fare. Sets- : lall prices . 25c to $5.00 $1.00 to $10.00 ..$1.00 to $15.00 from 25c to $5.00 Thermos Bottles, all sizes $1.00 to $50.00, special orders to $1,500.00, special orders Glass. grade Cut Glass$1.00 and up R nss A. The Drug Store On the Corner, TIONESTA, PA. Cigars in Christmas boxes from $1.00 to $4.50 Fancy Box Papers from 25c. to $3.00 Christmas Seals, Christmas Post Cards, Paper, Gold and Silver Cord. Christmas Books, all the latest, prices from. 25c to $1.50 $1.50 and up Special Prices and a saving of 20 to 30 per cent. Jewelry, Including all the Latest Novelties. Special Prices on Ladies' and Gentlemen's Huyler's In boxes of 1 lb., 2 lbs., and early for this high grade Walktir' Your Round - Trip Railroad Fare refunded from any point within 80 miles and more than 40 miles of Oil City for purchases of these mer chants amounting to $50.00 or more. : Holiday Trade, I f Rings. Candies 5 lbs. Orders must be in candy. Commander of Rebels Who Hold Mexico Oil Districts GUNERAL AGUII.AR. RACE RESULTS IN DEATH Freight and Automobile Meet on Grade Crossing. Tlireo wonu'ii wcro killed and a man and woman w?ro probably fatal ly Injured when a frelt;lit train on tin; I'ennsylvanla railroad Ktruc:k un auto mobile at CanoB Creek crotwlng, be tween Hollldaysburg and Hunting don, I'a. Tlio dead arn: jMrs. Alary lioHHell of Alloona. Miss Annie IleHsell, aged fifteen, Mrs. licsscli'8 daughter. -Miss Frances Secrist of Altoona. The injured are: Walter Azingnr, proprietor of the Franklin hotel, Al toona, right leg broken, Injured in ternally, taken to Altoona hospital, and Mrs. Walter Azinger, Injured In ternally, luken to the hospital. Tlie party was In Azinger's. car and was motoring from Huntingdon to Hollidaysburg. For a mile or more the road runs parallel with the Penn sylvania rail.'oad tracks from the Canoe Creek crossing. When Azinger was about a half mile from the cross ing he saw the long freight train, a short distance ahead. Azinger wished to reach Hollidays burg before dark and did not wish to be delayed by the long freight traiu. Me threw on the highest speed and the race for the crossing was on. When the automobile was in the mid dle of the crossing the train crashed Into It, hurling all the occupants from the machine. s. "Edge" Taken Off Monday's Cere monies Because of Long Protracted Special Session Much Work Ahead, For the first time in many yearn congress on Monday stepped over from one session into another with out a break in the routine and in con sequence the interest usually sur rounding the opening of a new con gress wi.s absent. The second or regular session ol the sixty-third congress was ushered in by formal proclamation of the vice president and speaker in the senate and house President Wilson appeared at 1 o'clock on Tuesday to read his annu il message at a Joint session in the house chamber. Aside from this formality the first days of the new session will be scarcely distinguishable from the closing days of the old. The extra session just ended was limited, by informal agreements with President Wilson, to the considera tion of tariff and currency reform, and nothing that might interfere with these Issues was taken up. The cur rency bill still dominates the situa tion as the new session begins but the administration program of antitrust and railroad legislation, which is to follow, must share the field with u score or more of other Important sub jects. It Is the hope of the Democratic leaders that the currency bill can bo disposed of in the senate by tho end of December and can be completed by botli houses of congress and signed jy tie president In January. In an ticipation of this the plans for anti trust legislation will be taken up this week by President Wilson, in confer ence with Representative Clayton, Senator Newlands and other members of the Judiciary and Interstate com merce committees of the two houses. Other important projects Include: Further regulation of railroads as to rates and stock issues, government owned railroads for Alaska, regulation of trading in cotton and grain futures, federal aid for vocational education, establishment of a system of rural land banks, independence of the Phil ippines, constitutional amendment foi woman's suffrage, regulation of work ing conditions of merchant sailors legislation to promote safety at sea: two battleship naval program, estab lishment of a federal armor-making plant, good roads legislation, Investi gation of cost-of-living problems and all the annual appropriation bills. The bill to give Sun Francisco water Bupply rights in Hetch-Hetchy valley, over which a conservationists' fight has waged for more than a year, Is set for a vote In the senate Dec. 8. Another agreement calls for consider ation Immediately afterward of the bill to authorize construction of gov ernment railroads in Alaska. A similar measure has been favorably acted unon by a committee of the house. These bills, with the "seaman's servi tude" bill which recently passed the senate, probably will be the first meas ures of a general character considered by congress. Investigations to determine the cause of Increased prices In food prod ucts are expected to begin soon. Resolutions demanding such Inquiries are now before congress. President Wilson has Indicated his keen Interest in the development of a system of rural land banks or credit agencies that would meet the needs of country districts more adequately than can existing commercial banks. The recent recommendations of the commission that studied rural credit systems of other countries have em phasized the need of such a system. It is expected that soon ufter the pas sage of the currency reform bill the work of devising un adequate system of rural banks will be undertaken by congress and an effort made to enact legislation before adjournment next summer. Plans have not yet been matured by the administration for the handling of the Philippine problem. It Is expected that renewed efforts will be made early In the senate to pledge congress to a measure giving early inde pendence to the islands. This light will be led by Representative Jones of Virginia, chairman of the house fxnmlttee on Insular affairs. The new session probably will wit hesB more activity prior to Christmas lhan any session of recent years. Dein-ocrat-j leaders propose to hold the senate to thirteen hour sessipns, with no Christinas vacation unless? tlm cur rency bill Is passed before the time set for the holiday. In the house meantime an effort will be made to dispose of several of the annual ap propriation bills before Christmas so that appropriation legislation will In terfere as little os possible with th-J consideration of other matters. No Union pf Brotherhoods. F.mphatlc rieninl that the five rail road brotherhoods are to be united in one railroad organization was made In Altoona, Pa., by W. H. Pierce, president of the Brotherhood of Loco motive Firemen and Kiiginemen. "There Is absolutely no truth In such a report," he detiured. Uncle Sam Won't Be Rich Enoujh to Go Too Far, Secretary Declares. Naval , Holiday Idea Is Indorsed. In his first annual report to tho president Secretary of the Navy Dan iels recommends a navy building pro gram considerably less than that recommended by the navy general board. Two dreadnoughts, eight destroyers and three submarines is as much as Uncle Sum's pocketbook will stand ac cording to the present estimate of revenues, according to the secretary. Despite this curtailment the naval sec retary believes the program he recom mends Is a progressive one. Regarding his building program Sec retary Daniels nays in part: "With the authorization of two of the largest battleships ever construct ed, before the close of the present administration, the United States will have enough ships to have always a creditable and capable fleet In both the Pacific and the Atlantic oceans. These, together with the smaller Bhlps under construction, will make the American navy one of strength and power, ready for the protection of American shores and American in terests. "Those who bid us stand still In construction will not approve this con- servative program. Those who wish to hasten more rapidly in construction will not give It their approval. It Ims been recommended, after mature con sideration, as a middle course of wis dom." Second only in interest to the sec retary's building program is an In dorsement of Winston Churchill's pro posed "naval hollduy," with a recom mendation thut the United States take the initiative anfd" that President Wilson ask congress to authorize him to invite all the powers to a confer ence to disruss the project. In Indorsing a naval holiday the secretary says: "The growing cost of dreadnoughts, of powder and of everything that makes an efficient navy give reason for pause. This heavy expense com mands national and International con sideration. The naval appropriation has doubled In thirteen years and yet this country has not Joined the ex pensive competition and race for over large navies to the same extent as have some other great nations. "I venture to recommend that tho war and naval officials and other rep resentatives of all the nations be in vited to hold a conference to discuss whether they cannot agree upon a plan for lessening the cost of prepara tion for war. "I trust the tentative suggestion for a naval holiday by the strongest of the powers will be debated and the matter seriously considered by an In ternational conference looking to re duction of the ambitious and costly plans for navy increase. I trust that this country will take the initiative and thut steps will be taken by a conference of all the powers to dis cuss reduction of the heavy cost of the army and navy." Immediate acquirement and opera tion of oil wells and refineries to fur nish fuel for the navy, government manufacture of armor, more naval chaplains, better educational facilities for enlisted men and a graduated re tirement law are the other chief recommendations. Tho secretary thinks that tho time bus come when the navy should bo freed from excessive prices charged by prlvuto manufacturers of armor plate, guns and gun forgings, powder, torpedoes and other supplies and munitions, so he recommends appro priations for an armor plate factory and an Increase in tho gun factory, the powder factory and torpedo works. NO GINGER TO BUSINESS Situation Is Flat Because of Prevail ing Uncertainty. Dun's Review of Trade says this week: "Lessened activity in industrial channels reflects prevailing uncertain ty regarding the future. The distribu tion of merchandise for Immediate re quirements coptinues large, Vftfl re trenchment rather than expansion characterizes the situation. Caution in entering upon forward commit ments in general and new enterprises are limited, while economy is prac ticed in numerous quarters. Labor is not so well employed and more ma chinery Is idle In iron and steel, the leading mills now running cousider ably below their full capacity. "Curtailment of operations results mainly from the restricted buying on the part of the transporting com panies, which experienced difficulty In obtaining needed funds for equipment and extensions. The opening of tho eastern freight rate Inquiry and the beginning of the currency debate in the senate attracted attention." Sayres Go Aoroad. Mr. and Mrs. F. 1!. Sayre, White House bride and groom, sailed for Eu rope on the George Washington to spend their honeymocu abroad.