i The -Distinctive Garment Store I Shirts made to order $3.00 and upward. Suits made to order $15.00 and upward. Centre Street at Elm, Oil City, Pa. Oil City's Biggest Store Bids You Welcome Next Week at The Great Shopping Festival The Greatest Shopping Carnival ever held in Northwestern rennsylvama starts next Monday To give you an added incentive to come to town, and to make you better acquainted with the store where you "can shop best and most economically, This Store Wiil Hold, Commencing Monday, December 1, A Christmas Preparation Week. A Great Sale to Adjust Our Stocks to the Demands of the Christmas Season. Dozens of small lots and broken assortments but seasona ble, desirable, and stylish merchandise just the same will be closed out at sacrifice prices far, tar below the regular values. Every Department will contribute its full share ot values. There will not be a day next week when anyone who visits this store will not be impressed with the wonderlul op portunities for saving presented on every side. Many of the articles will be especially suitable for Christmas gifts all will be very desirable, This Underselling Event Commennes Monday, December 1st, and Lasts the Entire Week. Let nothing prevent while the Christmas preparation sale is in progress. Oil City merchants will Oil City's Banking Resources Aggregate $11,904,145.35. Of this total $6,277,955.22. With these resources, we invite your business. Oil City Trust Company Oil City, Pa. Better Than Gold. Gold Is generally looked on as the Inst word In costliness, but, ns n mut ter of fact, there lire more metal dear er than gold than there are cheaper. The number of known metnls Is above seventy. Iridium, for instance. Is three times ns expensive as gold. Os mium Is another metal much dearer than pold. It Is by far the heaviest of nil known substances, being more than twenty-two times as heavy ns water. This metal has the peculiar property of belni; able to stand without melting the most intense heat known. Palladi um, which Is twice ns costly ns gold. Is Just the reverse. It Is quite eusy to make palladium vanish In steam. Be ing of n white, silvery color nnd un tnrnishable. It is used for the divl-i$) marks on scales nnd delicate scientific Inst ru incuts. Loudon Answers. When the Britiih Retreated. One of the speakers before the ban quet of the Massachusetts society of the Sons of the American Revolution told of nu experiment which he made several yenrs ngo. He flrst consulted historical records and ascertained the exnet time of day that the British left for Lexington. He then started to go over the same ground. From a fast walk he soon found It necessary to break Into n run and then a sprint. Then he found himself getting go far behind time that he had to take a trol ley cnr. lie left Lexington nt the time of day that the British left, and. al though they nre said to have renched Charlestown nt 7 o'clock In the even ing, he did not get there until nfter 7:30. thus proving that the British beat the time of the modern trolley cars. Boston Traveler. Had to Think Quickly. Maud What In the world made yon buy more postage stamps? Kthel Why. I went Into the drug store to get pome face powder, and who should be there but Jack. Boston Transcript. Angelic Howard Why do you term your wife on nngel? Coward Because she's nl wnys ready to fly. she's continually harping, and she hasn't nu earthly thing to wear Life Perseverance gains Its meet nnd pa tience wlus Uie race. Bernard Burtou. at Oil City. you from coming to town t pay your fare. we have 8pending. Spending to merely putting out your pctsonnlity. It Is like the trailing fen tilers to a peacock like the long tralu to a fashionable woman. Why docs the barefoot negro boy acquire four yellow dogs? They add to his personality. Why do we nil shopgirls nnd plumbers, 'fashionable literary hacks and gentlemanly financial pi ratesspend every cent we get. hon estly nnd dishonestly, wisely nnd otb erwlsely? We stretch out ns far ns we can. nnd vnnlty, my friend, Is the only balloon that never bursts. Why does the stag grow horns until It can hard ly make Its way through the forest7 And why did Absalom wear his locks so long that they caught In nn oak tree nnd held him until .lonb nnd his men ciime up? Vanity! Vnnlty! In some tribes they worship the fat man. who has put much food under his glis tening skin. Among other tribes they worship yon for the servnnts you em ploy without using, for. the food, you purchase without eating. To spend to use Is vulgar; to spend to waste Is the only nil ml ruble nnd admired spending. Rnlsi-Wnlter E. Wegl In Saturday Evening Post Necessitiee of Life. A merchant In the West Thirties tnkes pride lu selling novelties, tricks nnd puzzles things that wiggle or waggle or wuggle or woggle. He buys llistanter those clever mechanical In ventions, toys and devices. They nre originated dally nnd die. perhaps ns quickly. You know the kind. When you see them on the sldewnlks you stop nnd look, then dig your hnnd In your pocket and sny, "That's pretty clever. I'll Just take one of those home." Then you make It wiggle or waggle or wuggle or woggle for the family, nnd the next dny the spring Is broken. now to dlsplny these things nnd mnke a depnrtment of novelties was a poser. Finally, however, he lumped them In one corner of his establish ment and hung over them this descrip tion: "These nre things you don't know you nre obliged to have until you see them." And standing room in thnt corner Is nt a premium. New York; Post 57 l You Always Find SOMETHING NEW IN WAISTS AT THIS STORE. Priced less than elsewhere, of course. The woman who wants a waist who appre ciates cleverness and originality who knows values finds our Waist Department the most interesting in the city our prices the lowest. An Unsurpassed Sale of Women's Coats and Suits. There is no place like the Distinctive Gar-' ment Store for value. The Distinctive Henry J. 111 CENTRE ST., Hopes to Ee First Man to Swim Passf dial IS! 3, by American Press Asaociatloa ALBERT BROWN. NO MORE HANDSHAKING Wilson Abandons Custom ot Giving ' New Year's Reception. The Intention of President Wilson to take a fortnight's holiday during the Christmas recess of congress and to give up the regular New Year's reception at the White House Is gen erally accepted in Washington as marking the termination of the New Year's handshaking which custom has for more than a hundred years been forced upon the president. One objection to the New Year's re ception has been the indiscriminate handshaking. The secret service men have advised against It. They think the chances of some mishap are greater at the receptions than at any other time. President Taft was once compelled to have his hand bandaged In order to allay the pain occasioned by the gripping of 8,000 hands. The president's plans for his Christ mas holiday season are in an uncer tain state. Secretary Garrison is very anxious that the president make an Informal visit to the Panama canal. President Wilson, however, may de cide to accept an Invitation from one of his numerous southern friends to occupy a country house In the gulf section or in Florida. The Parrot's Threat. Among the countless presents sent to Victoria by her subjects enrly In her reign wns a parrot from n bird fnncler at Bristol: ' 'Toll wns too shy on her arrlvnl at court to spenk, but when Victoria, struck with the beautiful plumage and flue symmetry of the newly arrived guest entered, with great condescension, Into conversation with her, Poll's shyness wore off, aud she suddenly screamed. 'If you don't send 20 I'll go bnck." The queen sent the 20 'nn Inducement to nil teachers to Impart profitable Instruction to their pupil.' ""Married Life of Queen Victoria." if qir Y"l A $ Mr mm Garment Store McCarty, OIL CITY, PA., Spoiled His Alibi. A mnn enn't be too careful In the se lection of his nllbls. Recently the head of n family returned home early In the morning. He had lioasted to his wife that he would be home early nnd wanted her to know thnt he bnd kept his word, although he hnd not done so. Very quietly he turned the hnnds of his wntch bnck. then turned ' the hnnds of the parlor clock nnd the clock In the dining room. Then he threw his shoes on the floor nnd awoke his wife. "I.nte again, I suppose," she remarked. "My watch says one minute to 12," he replied. She hopped out of bed nnd sun-eyed the dining room clock. Not believing her sleepy eyes, she turned to the timepiece In the parlor. "All right, but how did yon do It?" she asked, ne wns n bout to give her an explanation, when the chimes of a nearby church sounded two. and his alibi was shat tered. An altogether different explana tion was given, but he was too sur prised to make It convincing. New York Tribune. Portland Cement. The making of it barrel of Portland cement will consume about 450 pounds of limestone nnd "0 pounds of clay or shale. A plant making 1,000 barrels n day will therefore use lu the course of an ordinary year about fifl.000 tons of limestone and 22.000 tons ot clay or shnle. Assuming average density for these mnterlnls, n 1,000.000 barrel plnnt will use up almorft 1,000,000 cu bic feet of limestone a year, together with 250,000 cubic feet of shale, the United States geological survey points out "As the Investment In the plant Is heavy It would be folly to locate a cement plant under ordinary circum stances at a point where less than twenty years' supply of raw materials Is In sight," the government scientists suggest A 1,000 bnrrel plnnt, there fore, should have 20,000,000 cubic feet of limestone and 5.000,000 cubic feet of clny or shnle on Its properties. The Paper Mark Twain Liked. An Interesting nnecdote about Edwin Litchfield . Turnbull, an alumnus of Johns Hopkins university. Is told In the News-Letter, the weekly student publication of his nlmn mnter. Mr. Turnbull, when thirteen yenrs old, pub lished for the benefit of a local chari table organization nn amateur Journal called the Acorn. He ran the pnper entirely, doing the writing, typesetting and subscription soliciting. Among his subscribers were the late Mark Twuln. the humorist, nnd Sidney Lnnler, the "Hopkins poet." One dny be received the following letter from Mark Twain: Dear Sir Youre la the kind of paper for me one that comes but six times a year and can be read In Ave minutes. Please send It to me for ten years. Cheek In closed. Yours truly, S. L. CLEMENS. A 8ate Topic In his book "The Balkan War" Mr. Philip Gibbs, the wnr correspondent, snys thnt the official regulntlons for wnr correspondents who were spnt out to the Balkans were nppnlllngly severe. Mr. Ulbbs found that he wns forbid den to describe the disposition of troops, to give the nnmes of genernls, the nnmes nnd numbers of the wound ed, the success or failure of Bulgnrlnn troops, the state of the soldiers' health, the conditions of tbe climate, nnd so on. When the censor hnd told hlra all this Mr. Glbbs asked him politely: "Will you tell me, sir, If there Is any thing about which we shall be allowed to write?" The censor thought deeply for a mo ment and then answered quite grnvely: "There Is much interest In Bulgarian literature." "Perhaps," Mr. Glbbs suggested snr cnstlcnlly, "I may also be permitted to describe the song of the birds?" "By nil means," said the censor cordially. At the Corner f Seneca Street and Center, At the Union Station, at all the Churches, at the different Lodge Rooms, at the various Hotels, at all places that men gather, you will find T. A. P. Suits and Overcoats. The men who wear them are men qualified to enter anywhere that good clothes are required. Our Suits and Overcoats sell at from $10.00 to $35.00 and are worth every cent of it. New Shirts, New Gloves, New Neckwear, New Hosiery, New Canes, New Hats and Caps, New Collars, New Vests for the man who dresses correctly. T. A. P. Oil Citj, !. Enlivened the 8eene. One night the father of Kitty Ste phens, who nfterwnrd been me Countes of Kssex. went on the stage bctweeh the acts nnd was standing close to the drop scene, with his buck to It. when the stage manager gave the signal fot the raising of the curtain Slowly tli cloth went up, nnd ns It rose the coat talis of Mr. Stephens became Involved In the roller, nnd, feeling himself cnught. he began to struggle for free dom. His efforts were unavailing, however, nnd when the roller renched the top there wns he In full view ol the audience, suspended by his cont ains, his head and feet downwnrd. Ills figure resembling a half open knife Then the stnge hnnds became alive to the situation nnd the drop scene wns lowered ngnin ntnld the boisterous merriment of the nudlence. the sounds of hilarity Increasing as the victim, al most black In the face. Innded on his hanls and knees on the stnge aud crept Into the wings. London Mall. Queer Eskimo Customs. Kery ten yenrs the Eskimos bold the dnnce to the dend. when ghosts nre supposed to come out of their cofllus and visit the Kos-gn. where they are given a fenst. nnd retire well filled for another ten yenrs. Sometimes the food Is taken to the burying ground to save the spirits the trouble of moving. When a child Is born among the Island ers It tnkes the name of the lnst de censed member of the family, and on It devolves the duty of feeding Its fos ter father's spirit. The Eskimos have a horror of being childless becnuse their spirits will languish nnd their name be forgotten. As they any: "S'pose no mlk-n-nlnn (children) ghost plenty hungry." Often an Eskimo will beggar himself, giving a great fenst In honor of his illustrious ancestor, but he gains great renown thereby nnd places all his visitor under lifelong obligations to him. AVIde World Maga zine. The Poor Little Girl In the Story. "Time wns." said Lucindu.."tbtit the poor heroine in tbe story when she had a bid to a pnrty got out her one poor old white dress nnd wore that. It was old. nnd It wns worn and shabby, but she let out a tuck or two. cleaned it and pressed It nnd put on n new bow. and In thnt poor dress thus refurbish ed she wns the belle of the bnll. "But the poor girl couldn't do that now. No, no. In these dnys she would simply have to lie In the fashion, and evcryliody nowadays, rich nnd poor, seems to hnve good clothes, too good, ns well ns In the style. I don't know how they do It but they do. Oh. my. no! The poor girl couldn't wenr thnt old dress now. But I love to read about her In the story." New York Sun. Gasoline Evaporates Rapidly. One pint of gasoline left In nn un covered basin In n room nt n normnl or average temperature will entirely evaporate within twenty-four hours As gasoline vapor is denser than the surrounding nlr, unless disturbed by nctlve air currents. Its presence In the room mny be detected for many hours. One pint of gasoline will mnke 200 cu bic feet of explosive mixture, nnd this mixture Is seven times more powerful than gunpowder. Popular Mechanics Familiar. Yeast Did your wife rend the riot act to yon last night? Crl msonben k No. "Why. you thought she would when fon got In Inte. didn't you?" "Oh. no. She doesn't hnve to rend It to me now: she knows It by henrt." Yonkers Statesman. Comforting, She Here's n story of a mnn who bnrtered his wife for n horse. You wouldn't swnp me for n horse, would you. darling? He Of course not. But I'd hnte to buve any one tempt me with a good motorcar. London Tlt Blts. Corrected. Teacher If I should sny. "Your two sisters nre coming." would thnt be cor rect? .lohhny No, ma'am. I only hnve one sister. Exchnnge. Why They Fail. It takes some people so long to be sure they nre right that they never get time to go ahend. St. Paul Pioneer Press. We must mnke our election between economy nnd liberty or profusion and servitude. Thomas Jefferson. Appropriate Name. Mr. McCorkle wns showing some vis itors over the house. Arriving nt the nursery he remarked. "This, gentle men, is the buwl room." Thanksgiving Thursday The coming of this great national feast day with its round of pleasing social events is an occasion for correct dressing. "What shall I wear?" This question is uppermost in the minds of many. Is it a Coat, a Suit, a Skirt, a Party Dress, a Wool Dress, a set of Furs, a Lace or Chiffon Waist? This Second Floor Garment Section just now is wonderfully well equipped to satisfactorily supply the needed garment IF A COAT Selection can be made here from a well nigh unlimited assortment $6.60, $8.60, $10.00, $12-00, $14.60 to $160.00. IF A PARTY DRESS There's exquisite gowns and dancing frocks most moderately priced. IF A SDIT This sale of high class Tailored Suits at $8.76, $12.76 'and $17.76 will interest you. IF FURS-You'U find every fur Sweater Coats There's scores of knitting mills in America trying to make Sweaters. Trying, we say, for their product is a travesty. There's a mill In Brooklyn makes Sweater Coats for this store garments that dignify the name and become at once a standard of quality. This mtll uses a high grade yarn, their garments are compactly knit, perfect fitting garments. For women, for misses, for girls, for boys and for infants priced less than sweaters of inferior quality. i - Ousted Frcm Cabinet of Prssiden! Hota 9 W. by American Prens Association. MANTEL ALIMPE. TENER TO HEAD NATIONAL Accepts Tender of Big League Base ball Magnates. Governor Tener, in Philadelphia, said he had agreed to accept the pres idency of the National league of base ball clubs for a term of four years. Governor Tener declined to discuss any new policies he may inaugurate when he assumes leadership of the league, saying that probably he would have a statement to make a"ftor his election. The governor's salary will be $25,000 iccordlng to reports circulated, but about which the governor and the representatives would not make any official statement. DUCKS THE PEN SENTENCE Drunkard Prefers to Live in Dry State of Kansas. Given his choice between a thirty year term to the penitentiary and ban ishment to the dry state of Kansas, William Hogan, a drunkard, In Frank lin, Pa., choBe the latter. Hogan had pleaded guilty to larceny and because he had been In the peni tentiary twice before he would have gone buck for thirty years automat ically If sentenced there by the Judge. Hogan will be sent to Kansas by his friends. T. A. P. Oil City, favored of fashion $6.60 to $187.60 set. IF IT HAD, BUT IT DIDN'T 250 Pounds ' Dynamite Failed to Ex r.oJ: In Wreck. A car c:5ng twelve miners col lided with a car hauling P50 pounds of iynamlte 400 feet from the entranca Df the Pultnry mine, near Beiiaire, O. Both cars left the rails. All the men were Injured, six fatally, It Is believed. They were foreigners. The dynamite did not explode. If it had the twelve men would have been killed. MARKET QUOTATIONS Pittsburg. Nov. 26. Cattle Choice, $3.40 8.66; prime, $8 8.35; good, $7.50 7.90; belters. $o (g 6.40; bulls, $4.B07.25;. cows, $3.50 7; fresh cows and springers, $60 85. Sheep and Lambs Prime wethers, $4.60(54.65; good mixed, $4.10(4.40; Talr mixed, $3.25 4; lambs, $57.25; veal calves, $10.75 11.25; heavy and thin calves, $7 8. Hogs Prime heavy, $7.907.95; heavy mixed, mediums and heavy Yorkers, $7.90; light Yorkers, $7.50) 7.60; pigs, $77.15; roughs, $77.36; stags, $6 6.50. Cleveland, Nov. 25. Cattle Cliche fat steers, $8 8.40; good to choice, $7.508.26; choice heifers, $7(7.60; mllchers and spring ers, $60) 80. Hogs Yorkers, $7.75; mixed, $7.75 7.80; heavies, $7.95; pigs and lights, $7 7.25; stags, $6.75. Lambs Good to choice, $8.75) 7.90; fair to good, $3.50 6.50; culls to common, $4.50,5.fl. Sheep Mixed, 1G4.35; bucks, $33.50; culls, $3.75. Calves Good to eUolco. $1111.25; heavy and common, $5iff8.B0. Chicago, Nov. 25. Hogs Receipts, 35,000 head. Bulk of sales, $7.55 7.85; light, $7.257.80; mixed, $7.40 7.90; heavy, $7.357.90; rough, $7.357.50; pigs, $5,7. Cattle Receipts, 16,000 head. Beeves, $6.709.65; Texas steers, $6.60 7.75; stockers and feeders, $4.90 7.50; cows and heifers, $3.358.30; calves, $6.50H0. Sheep Receipts, 40,000 head. Native, $3.!)0(ff5; yearlings, $5.15 J.36; lambs, native, $5.85)7.60. East Buffalo, Nov. 26. Cattle Prime steers, $8.60 8.75; cows, $3.506.75; bulls, $57.23; heifers, $6.507.50; stock heifers, $4.75 5.25; stockers and feeders, $6.f0 7; fresh cows and springers, $40 87. Hogs Heavy, $8; mixed, $7.90 ; Yorkers, $7.508; pigs, $7.26)7.f.O; roughs, $7.15(7.35; stags, $6.60(fc7: dairies, $7.758. Sheep Lambs, $5.5017.50: year lings, $4.50 6; wethers, $4.50)4.75; wes. $3.604.26; sheep, mixed, $4.26 B'4.60.