Have You Protection AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE 7 . xou oannot afford to lake Tour own risk againm Ions by Bre. Remember that u itiprtsen( 14 OF THE BEST COMPANIES IN THE WORLD. and will be glad to call on you when you want Ore Inauranna that really proteota. Drop ua a card and we'll do the real, we are agenta In tola oounty for the TITLE GUARANTY AND TRUST CO., m i0.11. furnllh aeeurlty for County olHolala, bank olllolalu, elo. C B. All & SOU, TIONESTA and KELLETTVILLK.PA. The (Qualify Nfhool. In a Clas Ily Ourselves. The most orderly and best regulated business training school to be found. Students are enrolled at any time. Warren Ruliies College, Warren, Pa. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. NEW AUVKKTINBMKNTM. Levi A Co. Ad. Lainmera. Ad. Hogg A Buhl. Ad. ThePrlntiCo. Ad. Hie Klnter Co. Ad. Rohlnson A 8on. Ad. Oil City Trust Oo. Ad. Pratt'a RmedlM. Ad. Ralph (iroTB. Rnader. F. M. Hoovler. Local. Hmart HllberberK. Ad. Monarch Clothing Co. Ad. Nicholas I ken burn. Loral. Forest Co. Nat. Rank. Ad. Forest County. Appeal Notice. Pittsburgh Bank for Havings. Ad. Modern Klllolnnov School. Reader. The Distinctive Uarment Store. Ad. Chamber of Commerce, Oil City. Ad. Oil market dosed at 2 60. Ia your subscription paid? You can get it at Hopkins' store, tf F. R. Lanaon sells oleomargarine. -Adv. U SA Horse blankets and robea at S. 8. Blgwortb'a. adv. Shot guns and rifles, ammunition and hunting coata at 8. S. Sigworth'e. adv. The, Hotel Weaver will aerve a tur key dinner at 12 o'clock to-uiorrow, Thanksgiving day. Tbe Kkpubi.ican can furulsh you with the very latest In engraved calling cards or anything else in that line, at reasonable prices, tf. -Tbe Ladles' Aid Society of tbe M. E. church will hold a market in the base ment of the church next Saturday after noon, Nov. 29th, at three o'olock. LIormr for Salk.-A bay mare, 8 yeara old, sound and in good condition. Call on Nicholas Ikeoburg at his farm on German H 111, or address TlonesU, Pa. adv For Salk. A complete new saw mill for aale obeap. Everything needed in a mill. Ilaa never been set up. Call on F. M. Hoovler, Stewart Run, Pa. adv When in Oil City go to The Grotto, next door to the Orpheum, Seneca atreot, for your lunch or dinner. The best of everything to eat, promptly and taste fully served. adv Oleomargarine alwaya fresh, alwaya tbe same price and making new friends each day, at 20c per pound In nine pound lots, at the Salmon Creek Mercantile Co., Kellettvllle, Pa. adv Remember the union Thanksgiving services at the Presbyterian church to morrow evening at 7:30 o'olock. Rev, Mr. Dunlavey of the M. E. church will deliver the aermon, Mr. Gaston's new bouse is so well along toward completion that be ia moving part ot bis goods in this week. He baa been patient and long Buffering, but there ia a limit even to that virtue. Dr. D. Padoll, Optometrist and Opti cian, of Holland Street, Erie, Pa., will beat Kellettvllle Hotel, Kellettvllle, Pa., Tuesday and Wednesday, December 2d and 3d. Eyes examined and glasses fitted. adv2t The best time to order engraved cal ling cards is right now, before tbe holiday rush is on. Tbe Republican Is pre pared to take care of your orders, and can give tbe best and promptest service at easy prices. Dr. D. Padoll, Optometrist and Opti cian, of 4-6 Holland Street, Erie, Pa., will be at Kellettvllle Hotel, Kellettvllle, Pa , Tuesday aud Wednesday, December 2d and 3d. Eyes examined and glasses lilted. adv2t A danoe and oyster supper will be given at the German Hill Platform, Fri day evening, Nov. 28ib, to which all are cordially luvited. Good musio has been secured and a good time ia assured to all who couio. Henry P. Sullivan, whose serious ill ness had been noted, died at bis borne in Erie, on tbe 18tb Inst. He was the father of Mrs. Murray, wife ol Rev. W, P. Murray, formerly pastor of the M. E. church of Tiouesta. His age was 77 yeara. Notwithstanding all that baa been said on the subject there are still some people left who are not aware that news papers will not print unsigoed communi cations. Another such finds its way into tbe waste basket this week at this shop. James Cantield, contractor for M. Finnegan, bad a showing for a good oil well in the third sand tbe last of tbe week on tbe Praxes tract, just below Little Hickory creek, in Hickory town ship, but was delayed in finishing tbe well by some bad hick. - Tbe veteran catcher, Wilbert Robin son, and recently the coach aud trainer for the New York National League base ball club, was last week appoiuted mana ger of the Brooklyn club. This will be of interest bere, as Mr. Robinson is a nephew of ex-Sheriff G. W. Sawyer, of Tionesta, Acknowledgment of subscription re newals is made as follows, with thanks; G. W. Zuber, Mayburg, Pa ; Neil Kun selman, Ann Arbor, Mich.; G. W, Neal, Nebraska, Pa.; C. B. Uorton, Pittsburgh, Pa. (new); M. F. Catiin, Trueinans, Pa.; R. K. Grove, Kellettvllle, Pa. (new; Peter Galmish (new), Judge Morgan, Joseph Clark, Tionesta. Peter Galinlsb, who owns and farms tbe old Henry Kiser faim on German Hill, recently caught a big grey chicken hawk whloh measured three feet eight Inches from tip to tip. Tbe big bird was feasting on one of Mr. Galralsb'a chick ens when be caught him In a steel trap set in tbe orchard. Mr. Galmish also shot a fine red fox a abort time ago. E. A. Yetter, of thia place, and son Earl, of Los Angeles, Cat., who has been visiting bere for some time, went on a bunting trip into Forest oounty, on Saturday, and bad unusually good luck. They returned In the evening with two birds, three rabbits, two large turkeys and a obicken. Tbe latter "birds" being won on excellent marksmanship at a turkey shoot near Tionesta. Kane Re publican, . -George M. Dunkle, of Wllaon, N. C, a former well known Forest oounty boy, is one of the incorporators ol the Newberu Veneer A Panel Co., of Newbern, N. C, with a capital stock of 30,000. His fellow Incorporators are Frank Kainp of Green ville, N. C, and W. W. Dawaon of Grif- ton.N.C. Mr. Dunkle has been in that country a number of yeara and ia fully conversant with anything pertaining to tbe lumber business. LshI December, when tbe Trust com pany announced it would pay out to tbe members of Its Christmaa Saving club the amouut of f73,000, It waa considered Just about the largest and junlest melon that bad been cut iu Oil City at the holi day senson In many years. Tbia year, however, tbe bank comes out with tbe statement the Christmas Savings club for 1013 waa oomposed of 4,050 members, to whom tbe sum of $135,000 will be dis- trlhuted.-Oil City Bllzaard. The annual Thanksgiving treat to the families at Endeavor will not be over looked this year, notwithstanding tbe high price at which turkeys are selling, and so tbe Wheeler A Dusenbury com pany will today present each family in its employ with a fat turkey, all dressed ready for tbe roaster. It will require about 180 of the fowls to go around, and aa tbe birds will average about 14 pounds in weight, the total will be olose to a ton and a half. So long aa turkeys are to be bsd the good people ol Endeavor will en joy their annual Tbankskiving feast. Emory Decker, one of Wblg Hill's prosperous farmers was in (own Monday morning with a "grist" to he ground at tbe Lanaon mill, and among other things hia load contained one of the handsomest Eugllsb fox bound puppies one oould wish to see. He waa shipping him lo a New Castle sportsman. Mr. Decker has become quite noted aa a breeder of thia nlass of dogs, having had orders from widely divergent points of tbe Western Hemisphere, in other words, from Nova Scotia on tbe eastern ooast to Oregon on the western. He has never bad a com plaint from any of bis customers, aud if II have ahown upaa well as tbe one we saw there sure would be no cause for complaint. A large and appreciative audience as sembled in tbe M. E. Church last Friday evening to hear tbe literary and musical entertainment given under tbe direction of Mlsa Olive Lanson. Each one assist ing rendered bis or her part well, and Tionesta peopie should be proud of tbe talent shown by our people both in vocal and instrumental musio. Tbe readings ol Mrs. Abbot ol Oil City were among the very best ever given bere. Each of her selections were tine, but her Interpreta tion of tbe selection from Elizabeth Stuart Phelps was especially pleasing and we are looking forward to tbe pleasure of having her with us again, Mrs. Abbot is a niece of Mrs, A. Carson, the president of tbe local W. C. T. U. Tbe entertain ment was given for the benefit or tbe Local Union, and a nice sum was realized. One of the largest timber deals or the year in which Warren capital Is interested baa just been consummated by J. M. Bemlaoftbis city, and bis son. They have disnosed of their large holdings In Texas and other Western states, the sales amounting to a total considerable lu ex cess or fl, 000,000. These tracts weie purchased by Mr. Bemis more than fifty years ago. At that time Western timber land could be purchased very cheaply and the tracts Mr. Bemis bs just sold were bought for but little more than f 10,000, Mr, and Mrs. Bemis will leave Warren Monday and expect to spend tbe gieater part of tbe next few years In travel, Tbey are among Warren'a prom I nnnt cltizena and will be greatly missed. They will go first lo New York and Washington, D, C, thence to Florida and expeot after a few months to cross tbe continent and spend some time in the Pacific coast states. Warren Times, In Clarion last week the following motion relative to tbe recent killing near Tylersburg was presented at a session of court: Commonwealth va. Joseph Black, In tbe Court of Oyer and Terminer of Clarion county. And now, November 6, A, D. 1013, the Inquest on the body of Jerome Weaver, filed November 3, 1013, at No. 0, December sessions, 1013, in the Court of Q'isrier Sessions or Clarion oounty, I'm., showing that tbe jury did find that Ibe said Jerome Weaver came to bisdeitb in tbe barn of N. F, Hoover, in Farmington township, in Bald county, on November 1, 1013, at 25 minutes alter 10 o'clock p. in., at the bands or Joseph Black "by striking said Jerome Weaver with a three-tine hay fork,, indicting wouuds upon tbe bead or said Jerome Weaver," the district attorney moves for leave to send up a bill of Indictment to tbe next grand jury charging the said Joseph Black with tbe crime of murder at the time and place aet forth In tbe said Inquest. November 6, 1013, presented and filed .in open court and motion granted by tbn court. Strayed Away. Tbe undersigned will be grateful and pay necessary expense to any one wt.o will furnish Information leading to the recovery of a red and white bull calf, aged about 9 months, which strayed from bis premises tbe past summer. Ralph Grove, adv. 2t. Kellettvllle, Pa. A Night of Terror. Few nights are more terrible tlmu that ol a mother looking on ber child choking am) gasping for breath during an attack of croup, aud nothing in the bouse to re lieve It. Many mothers have passed nights of terror In this situation. A little forethought will enable you to avoid all this. Cbamherlaiu's Cough Remedy is a certain cure for croup aud baa uever been known to fail. Keep it at band. For sale by all druggists. adv. PERSONAL. M. F. Catlln of Truemans gave us a brief call Monday, Ralph Grove of Kellettvllle was a business visitor In town yesterday, ! ' Ralph Martin, or Tidloute, was down Monday looking up stock for bis bub factory. 3. J, Amsler of Bruin, Pa., waa a guest over Sunday of bis son, Frsnl Amsler. J. P. Grove and son James are borne from tbe Portsmouth, Ohio, oil fields oo a few weeks' vacation. I M. Mansfield, of Tidloute, was a guest or John Cotter and A. J. Uallioen at the Hotel Weaver, Tuesday. Mrs. Chas, H. Hunter went to Shef field, Saturday, for a week'a vlsrf at tbe home of ber son, George S, Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Walters of Ohio spent a few daya during the past week at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. Daniel Walters. Miss Kaiberlue Gallup, or Youngs ville, waa a guest or Mrs. Robert A, Fulton at the Central House over Sunday. Mr. aud Mra. G, E. Gerow, or War ren, left Friday night for St. Petersburg, Fla,-where tbey expect lo spend tbe winter, Mas. James D. Davia ia fcpeudiug the Tbanksgiviug vacatioo with ber son, Midshipman J. Kepler Davis, at Annapo lis, Md. -Dr. W. G. Morrow or West Hickory was a business visitor in town a few hours Friday, and gave us a pleasant call while bere, Dr. Karl E. Wenk of Kane spent the Sabbath at his Tionesta borne and eu- jnyed a day's tramp in .the woods after game Monday. Mr. and Mra. Perry Smith, of Ridg way, are spending the Thanksgiving sea son with the family or their son, Harry H. Smith, at West Hickory. Mrs, Louis Bourquln of Tidloute, nee Miss Csrrie Stucholl, left Friday to join her husband at Thomas, W, Va., where be is profitably employed. Mrs. Levi Billig, of Greenville, Pa., and Mrs. George Morneweck, of Osgood, Pa., a sister and niece of Mrs. M. Weriz, were guests at her borne bere last week. --Mrs. L. A. Amsler or Marion, Va., was a guest at tbe borne of ber mother, Mrs. Mary Carrlnger, over the Sabbath, going to Clarion to be with friends for Thanksgiving, but expecting to return to complete ber visit with ber mother and brother, M. A, Carrlnger. Hon. N. P. Wheeler, or Endeavor, was a visitor in town yesterday and gave the Rkpublican office a pleasant call while bere. We note with genuino pleas ure a marked improvement lu our former Congressman's health, which bid not been or the most robust sort for a year or more past. -Mrs. A. B. Kelly and Mrs. Suie M. Sharpe left yesterday for Chicago and Waukegan, III., to visit relatives and friends fur an Indefinite period. They expeot to extend their visit to Clnoinnati and Louisville friends, and if tbey don't get homesick may not return to Tionesta until spring. F. R. Lanson very elegantly enter tained his Sunday school bible class at bis home Wednesday evening. Twenty of tbe thirty male members were present to enjoy the hospitality of their teacher, the entertainment consisting or dominos and other games, a royal feast and music. Miss Frances Grove and Miss Olive Lan son rendered a rjuinber of piano selec tions. "Deacon" Pbillipi, the famous ex Pirate baseball pitcher, is finishing the bunting season this week with Charlie Bush at Uldtowo. If the "Deacon'' la aa accurate lo hia delivery with the fowling piece as be was in his palmy days with the bnrsebide there is something likely to be doing afield up where he's camping. He is accompanied by bis buntiug chutn, D. L. Davia of Pittsburg. Forest Mead Zneudet and Miss Ida May Eddinger, bntL of Mead ville, Pa., were united in marriage Nov, 10, 1013, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weriz, in Tionesta, Rev. II. A. Bailey officiating. Tbe newly wedded pair went up to B. J. Weller's on German Hill for a short visit with tbe br'degroom's lath er, Christopher Zuondel, They will make their home in Mead ville, where Mr. Zuendel Is an engineer oo tbe Erie Railroad. The Rkpitblican joins with their many friends in wishing tbem a happy and prosperous journey through life. II. J. Ritzert, for a number of years employed at the Hensbaw blacksmith shop in Tionesta, aud Mis Stella Saeler, or North Oakland, Butler county, were united in marriage at 9: ISO o'clock Tues day morning, Nov. 25, 1013, iu tbe Cath olic church at North Oaklaud. After a honeymoon trip to Toledo, Detroit and other western cities they will return to Tionesta next week lo make their home. Herman haa made many friends In Tio nesta by his quiet and gentlemanly de meanor at all limes and all these will join wlih us In wishing for him and bis bride a long life of joy and prosperity. Joaeph A. Kelly of Pittsburg spent a portion of last week alhisOldtown Lodge having as bis guest Charles B. Horton, also or Pittsburg. They enjoyed every minute of their slay and met with good success in the game woods, takiug with tbem enough lo prove tbecontrary should any of their envious friends declare tbem to be "no good"'lo the woods. Mr. Hor ton is chief of the Boy Scouts In bis' city and in bis rambles over the rugged hills and through the picturesque woods bordering on the beautiful Tionesta creek, be louud much that was new to himself and that will be interesting to relate to the little men over whom he exercises a watchful care. Cause of Insomnia. The most common cause of insomnia is disorders of the stomach and oonstipation. Chamberlain's Tablets correct these dis orders and enable you to sleep. For sale by all druggists, adv. Steam Engineers Attention. Opportunity offered aelect lew lo earn good money easily, without loss of time or interference with duties. Answer quick. Modern Efficiency School, 4(18 Prudential Building, Biiffain, N. Y. adv Tonight. Tonight, if you feel dull and stupid, or bilious and constipated, take a dose of Chamberlain's Tablets and you will feel nil right tomorrow. For sale by all druggists. adv. Recent Deaths. IMHOOP. Mrs, Jeannette Jones Imhoof was born at Beaver Valley, Pa., Deo. 4, 1803, and passed away very suddenly from apo plexy, at her borne near Nebraska, Pa, Wednesday evening at 0:30 o'clock, Nov. 10, 1913, In ber fiftieth year. July 1, 1880, she was married to Samuel Wallace Im boof at Tionesia, and was a devoted and bappy wife to tbe end or ber days. She leaves to mourn their loss, her husband, a son, Albert Jones, of Oil City, ber aged mother; Mrs. Boyd Jones, and three brothers end one sister, as follows : War ren F., Clarence, and Mrs. Adaline Coy, sll of Netown Mills, Pa , James V., of East Hickory, Pa., besides a host ol friends. She was converted In early life aud became a consistent, faithful member of tbe Methodist Episcopal church, , Hei life was an encouragement and an inspir ation to all who came In touch wlih ber. She also was one of Nebraska's active members ol tbe Woman's Christian Tem perance Union, from which society ahe will be greatly missed, Tbe sympathy of tbe entire community is extended to the sorrowing relatives. Funeral services were held st her late home Friday after noon, ber pastor, Rev, H. L. Dunlavy, of ficiating. Interment in Riverside cemet ery, Tionesta. hhbahbr. Mrs. Jennie Shearer, wife of J. W. Shearer, died very suddenly from heart failure Friday morning, Nov. 14, 1913, at the family home near Walkers Corners, Pa. The deceased was a lady well and widely known and was endeared to all by ber loving and cheerful Christian character. Her death will be mourned by a large number of friends and rela tives. She was tbe eldest daughter of Joaeph and Isabella Benn Arteraand was born near Tidloute, Pa., Aug. 13, 1816. She moved with her parents to Venango county lu 1865. She was married to J. W. Shearer in 1867 and settled on tbe turn-pike half way between Waterford and Cambridge Springs, where she lived all ber life, with tbe exception of a few years spent at West Hickory, Forest county. She experienced religion wben about sixteen years of age and joined tbe Meth odist church where she was always a faithful member, doing work in tbe church, Sunday school, Ladies Aid and cboriHter of the choir and a member of tbe Mill Village Grange. She was ever ready to assist in sickness or sorrow, or wher ever help or sympathy were needed, and was always cheerful and bore her trials and sorrows with Christian fortitude. She will be greatly missed in the neigh borhood aud home by a large circle of friend and relatives. She leaves to mourn ber death ber bus band and five children as follows: Mrs. Homer Burton of Youngstown, O ; Ed ward Shearer of M IU Village, Pa,; Mrs. Elmer Lee of Warren, O.; Body Shearer ol Erie, Pa. and Mrs. Rolaod Smith or Youngstown, O. Also one sister and one brother, Mrs. Martha Wait of Edinboro, Pa.; R. B. Arters of Mill Village, Pa., and several grand children. Tbe funeral was held from Monroes church on November 17 and was largely attended. Rev, Porter, ber pastor, preached ber funeral sermon, A quartette composed of Mr. and Mrs. Gsle McCray, Mrs. George Welker snd Monroe Quay sang beautiful hymns, Tbe many aud beautiful floral offerings attested to tbe love and high esteem in which she was held and spoke of spring time and tbe ressurection Irora death. She was laid at rest in tbe Waterford cemetery, where many of ber relatives are buried. Clarington. W. D. Shields is borne from the Adi rondack Mountains, where be spent three or four weeks bunting during the deer season aud of course brought home a nice big buck. Frank Royer, oneof tbe United Natural Gas Co. 's right-band men, came borne from Mercer county with bis orew, hav ing laid nine miles of big line in a very short time. G. B. Dunkle, who was laid up for some time, is around again, December 0th is the date selected for the play to be given by the High School, Chester Callen oame home aud baa re lieved IbeVowiuckel mail carrier. R. D. Henderson came down from Elk county, where be is teaching, to aee bis friends and any others be chanced to meet. Geo. MoMlllen of Corsica came up for a couple daya' gunning. Got a few rabbits and one weasel, which netted him 2 00. Tbe different organizations of our vil lage are becoming quite active. It looks to one on the outside that some good might be derived from it and hotter tbe conditions, which we earnestly hope will happen. The trappers, hunters and butchers are rII discussing their work around ths loafing places, and it is wonderful how hopeful they are. There is a great deal of talk about the high cost of living but II don't seem lo alarm James Royer, aud he hat taken on another boarder. The stork visited our town last week and left a young daugh ter, Jim finally Bet np the tobies. Our town was well represented out st Sigel on Saturday night at the entertain ment given by the Galbreath Brotheraof Brookville. Mrs. Brewer and Mrs. Mechlitig drove over toGill'oyle to a meeting of the W, C, T. U. Mra. Brewer gave ber report of tbe state convention, which was well re ceived, and tbey found a very flourishing organization. Rev. Orlidge preached a temperance sermon to a large audience last Sabbath evening. Rev. May will preach a Thanksgiving sermon Thursday morning. Rev. Humbert will preach on Thurs day, Friday and Saturday eveiilnga, also on Habbatb afternoon, at which time a Presbyterian clasa will be organized al this place. How's This I We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh, that cannot be cured by Hull's Catarrh Cure, F. J. Chknky A Co., Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known K.J. Cheney lor the lasl In years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transaction and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. W kst J raui, wnoiesale druggists, To ledo, O,, Waluino, Rinnan A Marvin, wholesale druggists, Telcdo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally. acting-directly upon the blood and. mu cous surfaces of the system. Price 75o per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testi monials free. Hall's Family Pills are the best. adv I Kellettville. Dr. C, Y. Detar accompanied John Flynn to Oil City Thursday, where be entered the hospital for treatment. John has been In poor health for some time and it Is hoped that he will receive bene fit from his stay at the hospital. Mrs. Bingrasn of Nebraska was a guest of Mr, and Mrs, John Blum, Saturday. Kathleen Daubenspeok leaves this week for Texss, where she expects to spend the winter with ber aunt. Mist Margaret Good fellow spent Sat urday In Warren. Olive Wolfe came borne from Blals ilell, N. Y., during tbe week, Hennie Kifer Is visiting friends in town this week. George Sbepard moved bis family into tbe rooms in Mrs, Harrington's house during the week. Wade Simpson moved into the rooms over Wilbur Miller's pool room and has ented the dental rooms or Dr. H, L. Davis to use as s jewelry store. Mrs. O. R. Johnson Is visiting her sou in Sheffield. Tbe organized classes are doing good work In securing new recruits for the Sunday school at tbe M. E. church. There were 226 present at last Sunday's session. The church is not large enough to accommodate all tbe classes snd the ladles' class meets in tbe parsonage for olass work. Prof. J. C. Titterlngton spent Friday night with friends in Nebraska. Miss Fish of Crown, Miss Bessie Porter or Tiouesta, and Ward snd Edward Bar rett were guests or Mr, and Mrs. Barrett. Tbey also visited Mr, and Mrs. Robert Watson, Porkey. The scarcity or the beautiful snow at tbls time ol the year is making the out side hunters lade from our landscape and which keeps us back to tbe wearing of the regular "louselld" without a red rag on it. L. R. Brennan's good dog, "Bowser," disappeared last week aud it is thought he went out to die and is now "resting with his fathers." This was a very in tellectual dog and bad many friends who will miss bis lovelit eyes. Frank Slaub, who waa so badly injured wben a tree fell on him while filing a cross cut saw in tbe woods at Wellers, Is improving. His mother came to make him a visit on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. R, W. Burdick, Jr., spent Thursday with the J. T. Miller family bere before going to Oil City, their future borne. Tbey left Henrys Mills on Fri day for their new home. There was a sbootiug contest al Blue Jay on Saturday last and all the crack shots for miles around were present. Some fine demonstrations of markman ship were pulled off. There were two oomforter-tying parties bere last week and all concerned bad a pleasant day. It was a reminder of the old quilting parties of bygone days, when the ladies got together and tore up the reputations of those absent, digging up all circumstances where there was a chance to surmise and take it for the truth. Now, at Porkey there never was a clasa of ladies who would do gossiping atuuts, but everything was fun and frolic, wben tbe married ladles oould Joke and appear like a school-girl. Thia Is the way to do it, for we don't know how long we can enjoy each others' company. That old reaper, Death, la liable to get us auy time. Our schools are preparing for an enter tainment to come just before tbe Christ mas vacation, and we hope all the chil dren will get busy and do all they can to make it a success, as tbe older people en joy anything of this kind where their children take part, Vernita Rupert went to Sheffield Satur day for ber musio lesson, but is now uu der the care or Mrs, D. W. Dorn or that place instead of Miss Grimines, who has more pupils than she can handle at the present. Some of tbe Sheffield young men were bunting In the vicinity of Wellars last week, and among tbem were some of R. W. Wbitehlll's new relations, viz: the Klinestiver brothers, including their valuable bounds, Tbey left tbe jungles on Saturday. A pall of chocolate was broken into a short time ago at a freight bouse on the S. it T. railroad, and a resident or anoihe place ran onto a lard pail packed to the top with tbe sweet hlia, and al another place it was rumored that a stomach pump was hired to extract tbe sweets, which csused no small amount or uneasi ness. It Is ea.-iy to locate the trail of the chocolate. The original shipment was close to 34 pounds gross, and we weighed the pail at its destination and found it to be 15J pounds. Some must have a full set ol sweet teeth along the Tionesta creek, Tbe late warm weather has started the grass and flowers to growing, and in places the frogs were singing "Spring is here," Mr, Frog may be off but it won't be ao very long until he can come out and stay. Berks county wants us to know that it is going to be a hard winter but we can't see it, that is, Jim and I, Sunday School was a grand success last Sunday as the gas was good and a good turnout present, We have at times little lire and have lo dismiss without having a session. The footbridge at Minister, across the Tionesta creek, gave away al the western anchor but was repaired again last week. We notice that a lot of people who have no share in tlicne foot-bridges along the creek seem to I e Ignorant or they do not know the principles of mechanics, for tliey run tbe font-bridges and shake them to beat tbe band. This practice Is very hard on the bridge. It makea one tired yelling at strangers to coase shaking the same. We are sorry we cannot have turkey for the day of Thanksgiving, but chicken will have to do this year. We purchased too many good quarts this summer and now have to do without turkey. And it is cheaper than last year, t o. BIG SURPRISE TO MANY IS HIST HICKORY Loral people are surprised at the QUICK results received from simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, elo , as mixed ill Adler-I ks, the German remedy which became famous by curing appendicitis. The West Hickory Drug Store state that this simple remedy draws off such a surprising amount of old foul matter from the body that A S1NGLK DOSE relieves sour stomach, gas on tbe stom ach and coostipatlon INSTANTLY, adv Buy this $20 "Eclipse" Graphophone , On Payments at $5 a month. This is no mere household ornament bat a continuous alt-the-year-round de light. It is undoubtedly an education to hear the recorded music of the world's great artists, bands, orchestras, pianists and violinists. Where can you better spend your money than in this graphophone, which gives entertainment to yourself and friends, and positive education to the children. Bovard's Pharmacy. Beds, Springs and Mattresses. Everybody Owes Themselves A Comfortable Bed. Rex Springs. The Rex Spring is the Spring that makes the easy bed. Mattresses. Mattresses either one or two piece ranging in price from $2.60 to $9.00. Iron Beds. Iron Beds, either plain or brass trimmed, ranging in price from $3.50 to $10.00. When in want of Beds, Springs or Mattresses give us a call. L.J.Hopkins SOLID COMFORT juhjbi wmm A &sJS - liter' i' Make Your Horse Comfortable With some good Blankets. We have them and the quality and prices will be found right. J. 0. SC0WBEN, TIONESTA, PA. The Three Great Factors That unite to complete your satisfaction with our merchan dise are Quality, Style and Price. Each is a permanent and prominent feature of our service maintained, too, in connection with the fairest of prices. At from $10 to $30 for Suits, and $10 to $30 for Over coats, we guarantee exactly and fully what is implied by these three words Quality, Style and Price. The Correct Hats Are here, of course. An uncommonly large assortment of Stetson styles at $4; the famous Stetson "Special" at $5; the smart and durable "Kensington" at $3, and our won derful $2 value. Stiff Bosom Shirts, With a bosom 10 to 11 inches long, open back and front (being a short bosom will not gape open); is a very comfort able and sensible shirt for winter. We have them in several TT r Tl ficzsaf fOfiiZ. PR 4i&43Se:nk;a si We Can Satisfy Your Wants. At the special price of $3.00 per set of half dozen each, Knives & Forks, We are selling 100 dozen sets Rodgers make, guaranteed twelve pennyweight goods. Just the thing for every day use. This price only while they last. II VKVI V FJIITZ, The Leading Jeweler, 32 Seneca St., Oil City, Pa. The Nettleton A Gentleman's Shoe. Patent Leather Model For the dinner, the theatre, the party, the wedding. Men who wish to be cor rectly attired will find this last "meeting all require ments of fashion." Other lasts selected with care to meet your wants. LEVI & CO. Corner Center, Seneca and Syca more Streets, Oil. CITY, FA. Will be found in your home if you invest in one of these Champion Ranges For gas, coal or wood. Changes can be made in a few minutes and with very little trouble. And the saving in your fuel bills will look good to you when the bills come 'round each month. While you are about it why not stock up with a few nw kitch en utensils? We can sup ply them also. pleasing styles at $1.50. ice: clotmTer oil city pa Sri Y-PN l