The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, November 26, 1913, Image 1

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One Square, one inch, one week...f 1 00
One Square, one Inch, one month. 8 00
One Square, one inch, 3 months.... 5 00
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Two Squares, one year 16 00
Quarter Column, one year 80 00
Half Column, one year - .. 60 00
One Column, one year 100 00
Legal advertisements ten cents per line
each insertion.
We do fine Job Printing of every de
scription at reasonable rates, but It's cash
on delivery.
Published every Wednesday by
' J. E. WENK.
Offioe in Smearbaugh & Wenk Building,
Tera $1.00 A Year, Btrlotly la Utun.
Entored an seoond-olasa matter at the
pOHt-olHue at TluneHla.
No subscription received for shorter
period than three months.
Correspondnnoe solicited, but no notice
will be taken of anonymous communica
tions. Always give your name.
VOL. XLVI. NO. 40.
$1.00 PER ANNUM.
Burgess. H. D. Irwin.
Justices oflhe reaceO. A. Randall, D
W. Clark.
Oouncitmen. J.W. Landers, J. T. Psle,
O. n. Robinson, Win. Huiearbaugh,
R. J. Hopkins, O. F. Watson, J. D.
Constable L. L. Zuver.
Oolleetor W. H. Hood.
School Directors W. O. Imel, J. R.
Clark, 8. M. Henry, Q. JamioBon, D. H.
Member of Congress W. J. Hillings.
Member of denote J. IC. P. Hall.
Assembly K. R. Mec-hllng.
President Jwige W. U. Hinckley.
A ssocvite Judges Samuel Aul, Joseph
m. Morgan.
Prothonotary , Register dt Recorder, te
-8. R. Maxwell.
Hherir Wm. H. Hood.
Treasurer W, H. Brar-oe.
Ctimmmioniirj-Wm. H. Harrison, J,
C. Soowden, II. H. McClellan.
District Attorney M. A. Oarrlnger.
Jury Commissioners J, II. Eden, A.M.
Coroner Dr. M. 0 Kerr.
County Auditor George H. Warden,
A. U. Uregg and a. V. Bulelds.
County Surveyor Hoy S. Hraden.
County (Superintendent J. O. Carson.
Heiulir Term. ( Curt.
Third Monday of February.
Third Monday of May.
Third Monday of September.
' Third Monday of November.
Regular Meetings of County Commls
loners 1st and 3d Tuesdays of montb.
t'knreb a' Mibbalh Nrhaal.
Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:45 a.
m. i M. K. Sablath School at 10:00 a. in.
Preaching in M. K. Church every Sab
bath evening by Kev. H. L. Uunlavey.
Preaching in the F. M. Church every
Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Rev.
M. E. Woloott, Pastor.
Preaching in the Presbyterian church
every Sabbath at 11:00 a. ui. and 7:30 p.
in. Rev. H. A. ISailey, Pa-tor.
The regular meetings of the W. C. T.
V. are held at the headquarter on the
second and fourth Tuesdays of each
TP. NEST A LODGE, No. 369, 1. 0. 0. F.
Meets every Tuesday evening, In Odd
Fellows' Hall, Partridge building.
G. A. R. Meets 1st Tuesday after
noon of each mouth at 3 o'clock.
137, W. R. C, meets first and third
Wednesday evening of each month.
Tloneela, Pa.
Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law.
Offlce over Forest County National
Bank Building, TIONESTA, PA.
Warren, Pa.
Practice in Forest Co.
Office in Arner Building, Cor. Elm
and Bridge Sts., Tionesta, Pa. .
Rooms over Citizens Nat. Bank,
Physician Surgeon,
Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted.
Physician and Surgeon,
S. E. PIERCE, Proprietor.
Modern and up-to-date In all its ap
pointments. Every convenience and
oomfort provided for the traveling public
R. A. FULTON, Proprietor.
Tlonseta, Pa. This Is the most centrally
located hotel in the place, and has all the
modern improvements. No pains will
be spared to make It a pleasant stopping
place for the traveling public
Shop over R. L. Haslet's grocery store
on Elm street. Is prepared to do all
Kinds of custom work from the finest to
the oosrsest and guarantees his work to
give perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten
tion given to niendiug, aud prices rea
sonable. The Right Light
The Bright Light
No odor No eoot
Triple refined Pennsyl
vania crude oil. The best
lamp oil is
N Family Favorite Oil
MEE-320 page book about oil
Pilt.bnrgh, Pa.
Caroline Lubricants
Trade Marks
Ff tf" Copyrights Ac.
Anyone nenrtlng a iketoh and description maf
Ojtilrkly ascertain onr opinion free whether an
Invention t probably patentable, Comrminira
Unnsntrlctlf onntldenttal. Handbook on Patent!
Witt free. Oldenl apem for neruriiiK patent.
Patents taken through Munn A Co. recelra,
tjxrfat nnt tc without chnrne. lathe
Scientific American.
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I,nrvet elf.
dilation of any mitMitilio Journal. Tcrtn, (:i a
yciir; mur niomiiB, f i. poiq uyau newsueaiera
Urmicb omio. IB5 F St.. WuhiiiKluii. l. C.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Cures Colds. Croup and Whuupinj; Cough. -
Claimed Tracts in Florida Ever
glades Were Disposed oi
Using Mails to Defraud la Charge
F'.aced Against Eight Officials ot
the Florida Fruit Lands Company.
Eight officials and agents of tlis
Florida Fruit Lands company wore in
dicted by the federal grand Jury at
Kansas City, Mo., on a charge of con
uplracy to use the malls to defraud
in connection with the sale of 180,000
acres of land in the Everglades of
Florida to 12,000 purchasers in various
Those named in the Indictments are
Richard J. Holies, Jacksonville, Fla.;
George A. Iiraddock, Chicago; Jesse
L. Blllingsley, Jacksonville, Fla., and
John Mathews, J. H. Martin, II. J.
Borders, Edward C. Chambers and A.
U. Hart of Kansas City.
Each was Indicted on twenty-one
The Florida Fruit Lands company
was organized four yeurs ago by It. J.
Bolles of Jacksonville and is said
to control nearly 600,000 acres of land
in the Everglades. It Is alleged that
180,000 acres were placed in the hands
of Robert J. Martin and Joseph H.
Borders, sales agents in Kansas City,
and by them sold in smnll tracts to
12,000 persons, n.ostly in Kansas City
and adjoining territory.
The grand jury investigation was
undertaken at the behest of small pur
chasers who were dissatisfied with
drainage conditions on their tracts. It
was said that more than $2,000,000
was involved in the sales contracts
and that more than $700,000 alreadv
has been paid to the company.
Some of the purchasers said their
tracts were under water and could bo
reached only by boat. Company agents
asserted that the state of Florida was
under contract to drain the tracts and
that canals soon were to be dug and
the land put in condition for cultiva
tion. Herbert S. Hadley, former governor
of Missouri and attorney for some of
the officials of the land company,
charged that Sylvester R. Rush, as
sistant attorney general, was refusing
to admit witnesses who he believed
would testify in the company's favor.
Federal Judge Frank Youmans denied
the petition on the ground that to do
otherwise would unset the entirp sys
To Oil City In The
Beginning Next Monday, December 1st.
Come to Busy Oil City
at Our Expense.
Your Round - Trip
Railroad Fare refunded
from any point within
40 miles of Oil City for
purchases of any or all
of these merchants
amounting to $25.00 or
Show Your Return Ticket or Get
tem of federal grand jury Investlga
No Disasters For 1914, French Seeress
Among Mme. Thebes' predictions ol
1914 are:
The planet Mars will predominate
with war always menacing.
England will suffer critical perils in
India. -
London will be threatened by floods,
a terrible catastrophe taking place as
a result of the inundations, which will
arouse the pity of the whole civilized
Portugal is to see a restoration of
the monarchy. .
Italy will witness a new pope, who
will be friendlier to the monarchy.
France is to be afflicted with
scandals, riotn, bloodshed and in
dustrial troubles in the northeast.
Paris will have a favorable year.
No disaster Is prophesied for
Washington (Pa.) Library Begin War
on Ragtime Tunes.
Believing that ragtime and tango
tunes are gaining too much headway
with the young folk of Washington,
Pa., the authorities of the library in
stalled a circulating musical library
in the library rooms.
The books of music cover a wide
range and have been brought to Wash
ington from England, where they are
printed. There was a general demand
for .books of niurtic from the new de
partment of the library and those in
charge are contemplating sending an
immediate order for more books.
Football Took That Number of Lives
During Season.
A Chicago paper says fourteen killed
find l'i5 injured players comprise the
levy c:;acted by King Football during
the se;;son of 1913, which practically
closed with Saturday's games. This
urini record exceeds that of 1912, when
thirteen players met death and 1S3
were injured.
These figures are taken from-press
reports which often do not give the
full number of injured. The 175 in
jured represents only those who were
incapacitated fur several days at least.
Farmer Accidentally Killed.
John Haines of Weisses Mills, Sny
der county. Pa., a farmer, was shot
dead while moving around somr
brus-h. A party of hunters mistook
him for game.
Oldest Broker Dies.
Thomas L. Lawson, the oldest mem
ber of the Philadelphia stock ex
change, died. He was ninety-six year
Mhals Submits Annual Re
. port on Panama Canal
Treacherous Slides In Culebra Make
It Impossible to Say When Ships
May Pass Through the Waterway
No definite dats for the official
npening of the Panama canal is set
In the annual report of Colonel George
Goethals, chairman and thief engineer
of the canal commission, hich has
just been submitted to Secretary Gar
rison. Neither is there any prediction of
when the shipB may first pass from
ocean to ocean. The first day of the
canal's actual operation still depends
upon the treacherous slides of Culebra
cut and how fast the dredges can keep
the channels open.
"It has been the general belief that
the effect of the water In the cut
would tend to retard slides and experi
ence below the Gatun locks fully Justi
fies this belief," said Colonel Goethals.
"On the other hand the geologist is of
the opinion that the water may to
some extent develop new slides.
"If those things are liable to occur,
the sooner the better, If the official
opening of the canal is to occur Jan.
1, 1915; for If water were not ad
mitted this fall but were deferred until
May 1, 1914, the full height could not
be reached until October, 1914, leav
ing little time for the determination
3f these questions. These considera
tions led to the conclusion that the
water should be turned into the cut
at the earliest date practicable for
jetting the dredges to work on the
"The present plans, therefore, are
based upon the blowing up of GamUoa
dike on Oct. 10, its removal by the
iredges immediately thereafter, the
transfer of two suction dredges and a
ladder dredge to the Cucaracha slide,
the smaller dipper dredges to work
on the other slides until the full width
of the channel is attained, and the
passage of vessels through the canul
as soon as channels of full depth
and of sufficient width have been se
:ured. "The canal proper, exclusive of the
approaches, the machine shops and
warehouses and great ocean docks at
either end, would have been complet
ed during the last fiscal year but for
the extensive slides in the Culebra
fnt. And in deal with the grPat prob
Show Your Return Ticket
and ask for a Transportation Check at the first of
following merchants you visit :
Smart & Silberberg Co., Center and Elm Streets.
The Printz Company, 113 Center Street.
Carlon & Company, 116 Center Street.
The Kinter Company, 112 Center Street.
George J. Veach, Seneca Street.
Arthur V. Lammers, 45 Seneca Street.
Perry & Wurster, 219 Center Street.
Fred H. Lammers, 41-45 Seneca Street.
Stranburg Music House, 110 Center Street.
Harvey Fritz, 32-36 Seneca Street.
Welker & Maxwell Co., 2 East First Street.
Seep Brothers, 27-29 Seneca Street.
(Except on Oil Well Supplies.)
Levi & Company.
Moore & Stevenson, Center and Elm Streets.
R. G. Koch & Company, 9-13 East First Street.
a Receipt From Your Ticket Agent
lems involved in the removal of the
slides no effective way was found ex
cept the bodily displacement of the
vast hill. The slides and breaks In
creased as the rut was deepened. '
"No treatment has proven effective
for slides when once developed ex
i'ept that of excavating and hauling
away material from the moving mass
until the slide comes to rest or until
.lie angle of repose for the particular
material In motion It reached," said
Colonel Goethals.
ron and Steel Continues to Go Down,
Dun's Review Sayt.
Dun's Review of Trade Bays this
"Trade conditions are reflected in
the unseasonably light demand for
money, especially in the east; in the
south and west there Is a little more
Inquiry. The recession in iron and
steel is more pronounced than in pre
vious weeks. Curtailment of opera
tiens in that industry has increased
and working forces are considerably
reduced, with buyers showing a dis
position to hold off still lower prices.
"Current demands from the rail
roads are disappointing and the falling
off in consumption has also extended
to less important lines, while there
has been no check to the declining
tendency In quotations. In copper the
situation continues one of extreme
dullness and substantial concessions
are offered from the values previously
Senator Would Grant Street Car Strap
hanger a Rebate.
"Straphangers" in street cars in the
District of Columbia are cheering Sen
ator Norrls, who introduced a bill in
the senate providing, that anyone en
tering a car and not being able to find
a seat should be given a rebate
check. Two of the checks, in the
terms of the bill, would be legal tender
for one fare.
"I've hung on straps myself and I
know what it is," said Senator Norrls
In declaring his intention of forcing
his proposed measure. It is a well
known fact that the street car corpora
tion makes three times as much on
tli e man who stands in the aisle as on
the woman who occupies a sent.
No More Cheering at Vatican.
Pope Pius X. has forbidden cheering
in the Vatican and Monsignor Ken
nedy, rector of the American college
in Rome, lias been requested to in
form visiting American sailors in
Italy that no cheering will be allowed.
Gompers Reflected.
The American Federation of Labor
meeting in Seattle, Wash., re-elected
Samuel Gompers president and voted
to hold the 1914 conventisn in Phllo
lelphia. ... : ,
Orders For Squadron to Go to
. Vera Cruz Cancelled
Informs English Ambassador InWasn
ington That United States Would
Consider Demonstration Unfriendly.
An abrupt cancellation of the
orders issued to the British squadron
i'rom the Barbadoes to proceed to Vera
Cruz, Mex., was caused by emphatic
protest from the state department in
Washington to the British foreign of
3ce. Sir Lionel Garden's dispatch Insist
ing so emphatically that British war
ships were needed at Vera Cruz to
protect Britisli interests, Great Britain
accordingly issued the rush order to
the squadron.
This was done without consulting
the Washington stnte department. Sec
retary Bryan on hearing of it in
formed the British ambassador that
the United States would regard as an
unfriendly act anything approaching
a naval demonstration by Great Brit
ain in Mexican waters.
The result was that the orders to
the squadron were countermanded.
The manager of the Pearson syndi
cate in Mexico City was infoimed by
General Agullar, the n'-iel commander
at Tuxpam, that the rebels were In
possession of all the Pearson proper
ties, including El Putrero, the biggest
oil gusher in the world.
General Aguilar ordered the man
ager to go at once to Tuxpam and
meet his terms, which evidently means
that he expects the payment of a
large sum of money for the surrender
of the oil properties. No reply was
sent to this message by the Pearson
General Aguilar in his message also
threatened to cut off the supply of oil
for the national railroads. This is
the only source of fuel for "the road:.
He also demands the immediate re
moval of all foreigners employed by
the Pearson syndicates "in order to
avoid International complications."
Congress met again but the session
was adjourned no quorum having been
The impression prevulls here among
the lower class Mexicans that the
British cruisers now on their way to
Mexican waters were sent to drive
out the American fleet, but it is well
known that the real reason for the
dispatch of the soiridron was to pro
and We Will Refund Your Fare
tect the British oil properties.
With the cost of living rising and
business rapidly decreasing there is
great distress in Mexico City. This is
aggravated by the contention held
generally that there Is no hope in. the
International situation.
With the advance of the rebels Into
the oil fields and the destruction of
railroads Mexico City today is facing
a coal and fuel oil famine.
There is less than 1,000 tons of coal
in the city, a city of more than 300,
000 persons. There Is no possibility
of more being brought in. The pro
duction of coal has almost ceased
owing to the damage done to mines
by bandits. The railroads are in such
crippled condition that coal could not
be transported now even If it were
All the oil in the city Is In the hands
of three concerns. It does not amount
to more than 24.M0 barrels. There Is
little likelihood of more coming In at
present as it must come from Tamplco
through a country infested with
rebels. The government has no
guards for trains.
All the large industrial interests
will inevitably come to a standstill
without fuel. There is no relief in
sight. As regards electric power and
light the situation is saved by the
fact that it Is generated by water
power. But if the supply line 125
miles long should be cut at Necaxa
everything would have to stop.
Although there was considerable
ceremony incident with the assembling
of the new Mexican congress there
was little or no excitement and the
small crowd that gathered near the
palace was not demonstrative.
Provisional President Huerta, fol
lowing the example of the president
of the United States, personally read
his message to congress. The reading
occupied only a short time and was
given close attention but evoked little
applause. Although it was professed
ly patriotic, the message was not a
brilliant bit of rhetoric and contained
few thrills.
Summed up in a few words It con
Itituted Huerta's defense of his actluu
(n proroguing the previous congress
and assuming the role of a dictator.
Huerta pointedly asked the congress
to approve his acts. No mention was
made of the United States.
In order to offset President Wil
son's "financial starvation" policy, also
to enable the government to meet the
next pay day and prevent mutiny
among the federal troops, President
Huerta a few hours before the formal
opening of the new congress issued a
decree declaring a tax of eight cents
a kilogram upon the production of
This will be a heavy burden upon
a people already on the verge ot na
tional bankruptcy and it is not ex
pected to decrease President Huerta's
troubles. The decree, the government
explains, is baaed upon military necessities.
to Busy Oil City
Our Expense.
Your Round - Trip
Railroad Fare refunded
from any point within
80 miles and more than
40 miles of Oil City for
purchases of these mer
chants amounting to
$50.00 or more.