The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, November 19, 1913, Image 3

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    Have You Protection
You oauuot afford to lake your own
fink airatnat losa by Are. Remember that
we repreaeni
and wilt be glad to call od you when you
want Are Insurance tbat really protects.
Drop un a rard and we'll do the rest.
We are airenta In tbla county for the
and oan furnlHlt security for County
officials, bank olUolala, elo.
CM. Hi & SOI,
In a Clan Ily Ourselves.
The most orderly and best regulated
business training school to be found.
Students are enrolled at any time.
Warren IluNlneMM College,
Warren, Pa.
Levi A Co. Ad.
I ammeri. Ad.
Rogga A Buhl. Ad.
The Prints Co. Ad.
J. O. Heowden. Ad.
I'be K Inter Co. Ad.
Hopkins More. Ad.
Koblnmm A Hon. Ad.
Dr. D. Padoll. Locals.
Oil City Trust Co. Ad.
Penna. Hurler Co. Ad.
Keeley Treatment. Ad.
Nmart Hllberbera;. Ad.
Monarch Clothing Co. Ad.
Knreal Co. Nat. Hank. Ad.
Warren BuaiiieM College. Ad.
Pittsburgh Hank for Having". Ad.
The Distinctive Garment Hlore. Ad.
Oil market closed at $2.50.
Is your subscription paid?
You can get it at Hopkins' store, tf
F. R. Lanson sella oleomargarine.
-Adv. tf
-6A Home blankets and robes at 8. 8.
Hbot guns snd rifles, ammunition and
bunting coats at 8. 8. Sigworth's. adv.
Up to the boar of going to press we
have no authentic report of the killing, of
a deer thus fur this season in Fdrest
The Rbpubmcan can furulsb you
with the very latent in engraved calling
cards or anything else In tbat line, at
reasonable prices, tf.
-Committee No. i of the Ladiea' Aid
will hold a market and pie social In the
basement of the Presbyterian church on
Saturday evening, Nov. 22d, at 7:30
Wben In Oil City go to The Grotto,
neat door to the Orpbeum, Seneca atreet,
for your lunch or dinner. The best of
everything to eat, promptly aud taste
fully aerved. adv
Oleomargarine alwaya fresh, always
the same price and making new frienda
each dsy, at 200 per pound in nine pound
lots, at the Salmon Creek Mercantile Co.,
Kellettvllle, Pa. adv
-Dr. D. Padoll, Optometrist and Opti
cian, of 4J8 Holland Street, Erie, Pa.,
will be at Kellettvllle Hotel, Kellettvllle,
Pa., Tuesday and Wednesday, December
2d and 3d. Eyea examined and glasses
fltted. edvlit
A dance and oyster supper will be
given at the German II 111 Platform, Fri
day eveolbg, Nor. 28tb, to which all are
cordially Invited. Good musio bas been
secured and a good time Is assured to all
who come.
The best time to order engraved cal
ling carda Is right now, before the bolidsy
rush is on. The Rkpdblican Is pre
pared to take care of your ordera, and can
give the best snd promptest service at
easy prices.
Albert Lawrence left Monday even
ing with a fleet of four barges, the last of
the season's run from the Forest Barge
company's yards. His orew consisted of
Jaa. B. Hsgerty, Ed. Conger, Ed. Law
rence and Robert Hunter,
Everyone la cordially Invited to at
tend a musical entertainment to be given
In the M. E. church, Friday evening,
November 2lst, at eight o'clock. Mrs.
Allison Abbott, Reader, of Oil City, will
assist. Benefit W. C. T. U.
The construction gsng of the 8. A T.
railroad bas been engaged the past week
In putting In a concrete retaining wall at
the Tietswortb bill at the font of Elm
street.wbicb Is Intended to keep the road
way from toppling over onto the railroad
We are promised all klnda of weather
for the balance of thla week, rain, snow,
sleet, aud whatnot, by the weather wise.
And by the appearance of things we msy
get whsl's coming to us whether we
want it or not. But its getting that time
o' year ou know,
The Tidioute News of last week re
ports that on Tuesday at the Queen sta
tion or the United Natural Gas Co. In For
est county, E. W. Haslet got two beara
with an Interval of only about ten min
utes between shots. One weighed 250
pounds, the other 200.
Acknowledgment of subscription re
newals is made as follows, with thanks;
J. O.Carson, West Hickory, Ps.; J. H.
Csrson, Oksnsgan, B. C; R. E. Jones,
Nebrsska, Pa.; Mrs. D. A. Edwsrds, Ix
naconlng, Md.; V. T. Zahniser, East
Hickory, Pa.; R. W. Ledebur, Asa Heath,
Charlie Bush of Oldtown is mourn
ing the demise of bis fine seller dog
which passed to the bsppy bunting
grounds Monday afternoon, a couple of
hours after eating a piece ol bog liver to
which the gall bladder was still attached.
Charlie knowa of no other cause to at
tribute tbeaudden fatality.
The band boys will serve au oyster
supper at the Llghtuer restaurant Satur
day evening, beginning 6:30 o'clock.
Oysters in all styles will be served, and
the fact that Howard Donley will fry the
oysters ought to Insure a large patronage.
Turn out and get a good feed while
glvlug the faithful band boys a deserved
Although Kane produces an Immense
quanity of natural gas, it is stated that
bard ooal is being uaed there for ful this
winter for the first time. The fact that
so much of the gaa produced Is aent to
distant polnls tbst not enough Is left for
borne consumption Is given as the reason
for the ahortage of the supply there.
-Writing from Clifton,, J. H.
Hagerty, a former resident of thla oity,
aays be observed tbat a correspondent of
The Newa asked what bad become of the
wild pigeon, aod tbat tbe same question
often occurred to blrn wben be lived here.
Hessys they are very plentlfnl in the
Blue Ridge mountains of Arlzoua.
Franklin News.
Reoeutly while Fred Howard a pum
per for tbe Cham bera eatate, was on tbe
Chamberlain farm property in Cranberry
township, be waa struck by a number of
pellets of shot, fired by a careless hunter.
Aa a result of thla Incident ihe manage
ment of the estate has posted nolicea for
blddiug any bunlers trespass lug on any
of tbelr properly In either Forest, Warren
or Venango counliea.
J. L. Kllneativer baa our thanks for
a geuernua supply of nice eating applea of
Ihe Northern spy vsrlety. His farm is lo
cated on Church Hill, Hickory township,
and bis orchard is sbout tbe only one thst
produced any applea this year worth
speskingof in tbat locality, and there
were only a few bushels at that. And
Mr. Klinesttver baa one of tbe finest or
chards In the county.
Roy Grubbs, tbe freight conductor on
Ihe Sheffield snd Tionesla road was
puoobiug tickets and taking care of Tip
Hunler'a place during tbe absence of tbe
latter, who was off on a vocation. Roy
bad many Iroublea of bis own tbe past
Saturday, when tbe fast raltlera were so
full tbat tbey bad to open tbe baggage car
and allow the passengers to ride in that
car on account of the congested condition
of the train.
The new train schedule on Ihe river
division of tbe P. K. R. which will go
Into effect on the last dsy of November,
takes off two trains, maaing no change
In Ibe lime of traina remaining. The
trains to be discontinued sre what is
known as the summer run, passing this
station at 7:08 In Ibe morning south, and
6:03 In tbe evening north. This leavea
two traina north, 7:48 a. ui.and 3:33 p. m.,
and two aoutb, 11:01 a. in. and 9:02 p. m.
John, Alvln and Fred Thomas have
purchased a ssw mill from Andrew
Wolf snd are setting it up on tbe Curtln
tract at Myera Hollow, a mile up Little
Tioneata creek irom the river, Tionesla
township. .The. boys bsve a cootrsct
from the Berry Lumber Co. to ssw out a
large' amount .of hardwood Umber, to
gether with some pine' and hemlock, to
be cut from tbe Curtin lands. They ex
pect to have the mill In operation soon
and Ihe contract will keep them busy for
some time.
Three large backs loaded to the hsl
yarda with men, (strangers) dogs, guus
aud other bunting paraphernalia, went
out from bere Monday morning bound
for Ihe slaughter. Saturday night the
waiting room at the Tionesla atation was
so congested with hunters and game,
mostly rabbits, as lo make it almost a
burden ior the ordinary traveler to shift
about or find a aeat. With this sort of
"Modouking'' going on for tbe bslauce or
tbe season there will scarcely be breeders
left for nexlyesr.
Simon Brevier, a resident of near
Nellltown and a patieut of Dr. Lupber of
Pleasautville, waa yesterday afternoon
brought lo the local hospital lor treat
ment. Mr. Brevier was brought to the
city by John Uaban A Co., In the hospital
ambulance. Tbe nature of the patient'a
ailment waa not given out. Dr. Rua
sell of Cincinnati performed a very deli
cate and aerious operation upon Mr.
Brevier, and be la expected to reoover,
unless unforseen complications arise.
Tituaville Herald, Saturday.
A resident of West Hickory, who
came to Warren Saturday lo see the
eights, took too uiuob "joy Juice" aboard
and fell Into the bands of the police. The
fellow waa given a bearing yesterday
morning In sunrise police court snd waa
aeoteuced to pay a line of f3 50 for bla
evening's fun. Tbe man had used up all
his cash iu bis efforts to have a good time
aud he did not have tbe necessary each
with which to pay bis tine but Justice
Wheeler gave him bis liberty nu his
promise to send tbe amount. Warren
Raymond C. Lund of Warren, who
baa filled the position of court sten
ographer during the past several terms in
this county, owing to Ihe Illness aud
death of W. B. Weed for more than thirty
yeara the regular Incumbent, bas accepted
an appointment In tbe government ser
vice In the Philippines, and expects to
sail from San Frauoiaco for Manila on
Thanksgiving day. His work for Uncle
Sam will be in the line of stenngrapbio
work In wbiob profession be is very ex
pert. Mr. Lund waa born and reared in
Warren, where he baa many friends.
F. W. Perklus, au oil well contractor
of Eldred, McKeau couuty, was bere
yesterday to look over the ground with a
view to drilling the well on tbe Daniel
Creswell farm near the mouth of Little
Tionesla creek, deeper. This well was
drilled to wbst was supposed to be the
Speechley ssnd last spring, and It is the
intention of tbe operators, who are Mo
Koan couuty people, to drill it at least 128
feet deeper, snd tbey may decide to go
atill deeper, depending on the prospects
ofatrikinga pay atieak. Mr. Perkina
will begin work as soon as be can get
rigged up.
Nebraska W. C. T. U.
The Ladies or the Nebraska W. C. T. U.
met at tbe home of Mrs. Potter Thursday,
Nov. 13. Devotional exercises were con
ducted by the president, Mrs. Allison,
with prayer by Mra. Hinderer and Mrs.
Small. This was followed by a temper
ance song, "Wiud the Ribbon around tbe
Nation," by Mrs. Marie Kllnesllver. The
special feature of tbe meeting was tbe
resding of report ol Ihe Stste convention
by Mrs. Myrta Huling. We fell much
honored lu having our county president
with ua and gave ber a vote ol tbanka for
ber most excellent report. This message
waa an Inspiration lo nil present and we
want to have more zeal in our work the
coming year. At Ihe closing asocial hour
was passed at which time One refresh
ments were served, and all went borne
feeling Ihe alternoon bad been pleasantly
and moat profitably spent. Press Supt.
W. E. Morgan of Syracuse, N. Y.,
arrived Monday on a visit to old Tlonesta
friends, '
Misses Ruth Dlmond, Ethel McGin
nls and Colyn Clark spent Saturday and
Sunday at Miss Dlmond'a bome In Oil
Mr. and Mra. George Thomson, of
Tidioute, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
George Drake, In Tlonesta, Thursday and
H. A. Yetter, of Kane, waa summoned
aa a witness bere at court Monday, but
learned ou arrival tbat all cases bad been
continued and tbe jurora excused from
Mrs. C. A. Lanson entertained her
lady frienda Tuesday and Friday after
noon at fancy work, and Monday even
ing of this week Mr. aud Mrs. Lanson en
tertained Ibe former's Sunday School
Fred F. Schifferd, well known to Tio
neata people as one ol our good-habited
and energetlo young men, aud Anna L.
Bender of Ferligs, Venango county, were
granted a license to wed by the clerk of
courta at Franklin, Monday.
Mr. and Mra. A. H. Hunter of Ne
braska are visiting frienda at Pittsburg
and suburban towns Ibis week, the for
mer, who Is the psssenger conductor on
Ibe Sheffield A Tlonesta railroad, taking
bla annual two weeks' vacation at ibis
Rev, and Mrs. W. P. Murray, at one
time stationed in Tlonesta but now of OH
City, on Monday were called to Erie by
Ihe critical Illness of H. P, Sullivan, Mrs.
Murray's father. The gentleman la
known as a visitor In Tlonetta while bia
daughter resided bere.
-Sheffield Observer: Mr. and Mrs. W.
O. Skellon and Mr. aud Mra. W. L.
Kllneativer made an automobile trip into
Forest county and visited friends Friday
and Saturday. Mr. and Mra, R. W.
Wbltebill bave returned from tbelr wed
ding lour, which extended to Florida,
and will go to housekeeping in Kellett
vllle, where Mr. Whileblll Is manager of
a store of the Salmon Creek Mercantile
Hon. N. P. Wheeler of Endeavor is
in Wssblngton, D. C as a delegate from
Pennsylvania lo tbe National Conserva
tion Congress in session in tbat city thla
week. The National Forestry associa
tion, of which Mr. Wheeler is also a
prominent member, holds its annual
meeting in the city tbia week alao. Mra.
Wheeler acoompauied ber busband and
tbey will remain in Washington for a
week or more.
Sam L. Pickens for a number of years
managing editor of the Clarion Republi
can and one of Its largest atock-bolders,
baa disposed of bis Interests In tbe plsnt
to Norman C. Bell of Wllklnsburg, Ps.,
who baa assumed the management of the
paper. Sam was once a Forest county
citizen snd aa such bis friends in these
parts will wish him success in whatever
business be msy embark. While to bis
successor beet wishes are extended for a
prosperous career In bis new bome.
Fifteen of their lady frienda from
Tidioute and West Hickory dropped io
on Mr. and Mra. W. C. Imel last Friday
noon for a "tureen dinner," thla particu
lar form of party being one In wbicb Ihe
guests come unannounced and bringing
their own refreshments. And they bad
fine weather and a Jolly afternoon. The
members of the party were, Mra. 8. F.
Marks, Mrs. Joseph Martin, Mrs. Ralph
Martin, Mra. Charlea Fuellbart, Mrs. W.
G, Morrow, Mrs. L. J.Oibb, Mrs. R. II
Linton, Mrs. Edmund Magill, Mrs. F. R.
Jenniugs, Miss Martha Jennings, Miss
Anna Grandiu, Misa Ida Deeae, Miss
Alice Garrett, Miss Harriet Gardner and
Misa Emma Weseley,
Homer Lewis, contractor for the Braden
Oil Co., after fishing for two weeks, got
Ihe tools out of the well on Ihe Mary M.
Maze farm, which should be completed
tbia week.
Geo. Phillips baa a rig up .on A. R.
Slaugenhaupt'a farm and will get to drill
ing soon. This well Is locsted nesr town.
Geo. B. Dunkle is on the sick list at
present with lsgrippe, which Is claiming
a number of victims.
Parties from Erie and Pittsburg were
here lor. 10 days buuting and more came
this week. Game is fairly plentiful.
Our schools are progressing finely. Our
corps of lescbers is up to date and well
qualified for their work.
Tbe high school is working on a play to
be given some time soon.
Mr. and Mra. Isaisb Cassatt have gone
over near Geistville, Jefferson county,
for a visit with their daughter, and may
stay all winter.
H. N. Henderson was a visitor lo the
county seat last week.
A. R. Slaugenhaupt and family re
turned from a trip through Armstrong
and Allegheny counties visiting relativea.
Geo. Thrush, Ihe blacksmith, miller,
etc., is braucbing out In another line. He
is opening a coal mine on bis farm over
in Jefferson county.
Tbe W. C. T. U. held a meeting in the
cburcb last Saturday. Mrs. Brewer gave
ber report of the state convention, w hich
was very good.
Tbe family of David Shaffer near bere
bave bad their share of atlliction this fall.
Mrs. Shaffer end three children bad tbe
fever, and one child died. Now Mra,
Shaffer's sister Is down with Ihe same
Mrs. Wm. M. Coon is visiting in Pitts
burg at her son's.
The heavy rain we have had for some
time gave the boat men a chance to get
tbelr boata down the creek and to Pills
burg. Declare War on Colds.
A crusade of education which aims
"tbat common colds may become un
common within tbe next generation" baa
been begun by prominent New York
physicians. Here is a list of tbe "don'ta"
wbicb the doctors say will prevent tbe
annual visitation of tbe oold:
"Don't sit in a draughty car."
"Dou'l sleep io hot rooms,"
"Don't avoid the fresh air."
"Don't stuff yoursell at meal lime.
Overeating reduces your resistance."
To wbicb we would add when you
take a oold get rid of ii as quickly as
possible. To accomplish that you will
find Chaujberlnln'e Cough Remedy most
excellent. Sold by all druggists, adv.
Jas. E. Gaul Dead From Heart Failure.
James E. Gaul, a lifelong resident of
Jenks township, died from besrt failure
near bia home, Saturday afternoon, Nov.
15, 1013. He bad left bis bome shortly
after dinner lo drive to Marlenville, about
three miles distant, and must bave ex
pired within a few minutes after starting.
About five o'olock in tbe evening one of
bia sons notloed tbe borse and buggy
standing some distance out and near the
McCray atation and called his mother's
attention to tbe fact. The son went Im
mediately lo aee what tbe cause might be.
Wben be reached the spot bis father was
silting In tbe buggy but be did not notice
at tbe moment tbat anything waa wrong,
but supposed his father bad beeu over
come by an attack of illness. He hacked
the bor,e and aa be cramped Ibe buggy
to turn It around, bis father fell forward
and the aon sprang lo bis assistance to
find that be waa cold in death. Investi
gation showed that Ihe borse had wan
dered aimlessly about the open fields,
finally stopping where be waa found.
Although in hla usual health wheu be
left bome, Mr. Gaul bad experienced a
good deal of pain about the heart and
chest for several years back, and there
aeams no lobut but tbat it waa heart
disease that caused his death.
The deceased was tbe aon of Ibe late
Col. John F. and Deborah Eldrldge Gaul,
and was born 54 years ago on tbe farm
wbiob be owoed and occupied during tbe
years of bis manhood, three miles north
or Marlenville, nu tbe Big Level road.
He waa united lo marriage with Miss
Edith 8cntt, who, with four sons and
four daughters, all at bome, survives.
Mr. Gaul was one of Jenks township's
most highly esteemed citizens, honored
snd respected lor bis sterling honesty aa
a man by all wbo knew bim. In bia life
time be bad been honored by many offices
of trust by bis lei low citizens, and at tbe
time of his death be was a member and
treasurer of tbe school board of hi town
ship. Hla audden taking away la a
serious blow to his family and the com
munity aa well, and he will be greatly
Funeral services in bis memory were
held yesterday afternoon in tbe Marlen
ville Presbyterian church, the pastor,
Rev. H. F. Earseman, officiating, after
wbicb tbe body was laid to real in tbe
cemetery at that place.
Mr. and Mra. R. W. Wbltebill leturned
from tbelr trip to the aoutb Friday and
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George
Klinesttver over Sunday. Tbey will be
at home with Mra. Mary Fly on until
their bouse Is oompleted. On Saturday
evening the younger element of tbe town
treated them to a rousing serenade.
The first number of tbe lecture course
was given in Andrews' Hall, Friday eve
ning, and all were pleased with the en1
tertalnment given, Tbe speaker was at
home with Prof, and Mrs. Simmons while
in town.
The stork visited tbe bome of Mr.' and
Mra. Harry Wilson last Tuesday and left
a fine baby girl with them for keeps.
About seventy of the friends of Rev.
and Mrs. Henry Smallenberger met at
tbelr bome Friday evening and assisted
them in celebrating their silver wedding.
Ice cream and cake were aerved, Mrs, W,
F. Jones furnishing Ihe wedding cake. A
silver collection was taken, which
amounted to $15 50, and waa presented to
tbe bride and groom of twenty five yeara
as a slight token of appreciation.
Tbe members of Cbas. Daubenspeck's
Sunday school class met Thursday eve
ning and organized with Dewey Detaras
president, David Dunkle, vice president,
Ethel Rich, aeoretary, and Lottie Fitz
gerald, treasurer. They bave an enroll
ment of twenty-one members.
Mrs. F. J. Henderson returned from a
week's visit In Meadville, Sa'urday, She
waa confined to ber borne Sunday with a
severe cold.
At a meeting of the Sunday school
board held at tbe M. E. church, Thursday
eveuiug, it was deoided to celebrate
Christmas on tbe evening of Dec. 24tb,
and the following committees were sp
pointed; Program Miss Kate Guen
Iher, Mrs. C. Y. Detar and Mra. W. L.
Watson. On Treat-W. L. Watson, R.
W. Wbltebill and U. 8. Day.
Mr. aud Mrs. W. E. Carbsugb drove to
Newmanaville Sunday and spent tbe day
with tbe latter's parents, bringing ber
mother, Mrs. McKenz'e, bome with
Mrs, Ricbard Ledebur and eon Ray
mond or Starr spent tbe ween with Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. Kinch and other frienda
in town,
Isaac Siggins spent Sunday with his
family at West Hickory.
Mrs. M. F. Catlln and Mrs. J. C. Miller
of Minister were business visitors in
town Saturday. Tbe former spent a por
tion of the time aa guest of Mrs. Mary
Tobey, wbile tbe latter took dinner with
Mra. A. II. Downing.
Mrs. Fred McNaughtnu of Nebraska
was a visitor in town Saturday.
One of the ladiea of town has asked me
to notify the weather man that she would
like lo bave bim settle tbe quarrel be
tween ihe great chieftain aud bis squaw,
tbat we may not bave such mixed weath
er aa we bave been having for the past
week, but may be able to tell which is
squaw winter and which Indian aummer.
From the genial atmosphere this week I
think the old chief is having bia own way
about it.
G. R. Johnson spent a few days with
bis daughter in Ridgway, last week.
Jay Catlin has returned from Niagara
and gone to work bere and In conse
quence will not move his family as be
bad Intended. A part of their goods were
pscaed ready to put on tbe car and Geo.
Shepard had moved some of hla goods
into the bouse. The different arrange
ments will necessitate the latter'a getting
another bouse which will be no easy task
as there are no empty houses at present.
Dr. D. Padoll, Optometrist and Opti
cian, of 426 Holland Street, Erie, Pa.,
will beat Kellettvllle Hotel, Kellettvllle,
Pa., Tueaday and Wednesday, December
2d and 3d. Eyea examined aud glasses
fitted. adv2t
A Night of Terror.
Few uigbts are more terrible than that
of a mother looking on her child choking
and gasping for breath during an attack
of croup, aud nothing in the bouse to re
lieve It. Many mothers bave passed
nights of terror io this situation. A little
forethought will enable you to avoid all
this. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is a
certain cure lor croup and baa never been
kuowu to fail. Keep it at haud. For
sale by all druggists. adv.
November Ceurt Minutes.
The regular November term of court
was convened Monday morning with
President Judge W. D. Hinckley and
Associate Judge J. M. Morgan in attend
ance. All grand and petit jurors were notified
Isst week not to attend, as there waa no
business requiring their atteutino.
All caaea on the civil list were contin
ued, with tbe exception of that of U. L,
Hepler va. Til I ia Uepler, which was ruled
out for arbitration. ;
The coustaWes' quarterly returns were
then presented to the court and upon ex
amination showed some infractions of
tbe law.
Tbe report of tbe vlewera to vacate and
and supply a part of tbe public road lead
lug from Lynch to Frost station, in Howe
township, was confirmed nisi. '
The esse of Mary R. Hepler vs. Orris
Walters and otbera, an action brougt.t for
partition or real estate in Green township,
was presented aud on motion a judgment
pro confesso waa obtained.
Subpoenas in divorce, returnable at
February court, were granted in tbe
casea of Joseph Gregory va. Frances
Gregory aod Antonio Deoato vs. Dona
Denato. -
Widows' inventories and appraisements
were allowed In the estates or J. N. Hand
rock, late of Jenka township, deceased,
and Fred. C. Davla, late of Tlonesta Boro,
A sale of real estate was confirmed in
the estate of A, M. VanUorn, late of
Howe township, deceased.
M. A. Carringer filed bis official oath
for the office or District Attorney of For
est county for a term of four years.
Samuel F. MoMullen was appointed
Constable of Harmony township to fill a
The Sheriff's sale of real estate in the
eatate of John Hoover, late of Jenks
township, deceased, which waa held at
Marlenville on Saturday, resulted as
follows: Albert Hoover, W. II. Slater,
J. M. Baugbman and George Baughman
each purchased tracts of unimproved
property, while George Baughman pur
chased a bouse and lot lo Marlenville,
and H. N. Henderson a one-fourth in
terest In the American Hotel in Clar
Tbe following order waa made changing
tbe dates of Ihe regulsr terms of court
and adjourned courts lor Forest county:
Aud now, tn-wil, Nov. 17, 1913, it is
ordered tbat for Ihe year 1914 aud until
further order of Court, tbe number of
regular terms of couit esch year In the
county of Forest shall be four, aa follows:
One term commencing on the third
Monday of February; one term .com
mencing on the third Monday of May;
one term commencing on the tbird Mon
day of September; ono term commencing
on the third Monday of November.
. A court for tbe hearing of license ap
plications is fixed for the fourth Tuesday
of April.
Argument courta shall be held aa fol
lows: Tbe fourth Thursday of June, tbe
third Thursday of October, and tbe tbird
Tuesday of December.
Naturalization courts shall be held on
the fourth Thursdsy of June and tbe
tbird Tuesday of December.
By tbe Court. W. D. Hinckley,
President Judge.
Halsey. .
Harry Stover spent Sunday with bia
wife in Bradford.
Mr. and Mra. Read, Misa Tirsla Read
and Roy Stanley attended tbe dance and
oyster supper at Hazelhurst Friday eve
ning. J. J. Kane, Jr. attended tbe play at
Bradford Saturday evening.
Mr. Groschupp, Albert Anthony and
Gordon Anthony were calling on frieuds
at Mt. Jewett Saturday evening.
Mrs. R. J. Williams and Mrs. S. 8.
Esbelman were shopping at Mt. Jewett
Wednesday afternoon.
Elmer Wood, Nellie Wood, Dessie
Hottel, Helen Kane, Edna Dundy aud
Isabella Goodwin spent Sunday with
tbelr parents and returned Monday to
school at Mt. Jewett.
Mra, Frank Buudy, who has been oon
fined to ber bed for the past week, is im
proving slowly,
Harry Hottel called on friends at Mt.
Jewett Saturday night.
Frank Bundy speut Sunday with bia
family, roiurning Sunday evening to bis
work at Mt. Jewett.
This season's crop of gun accidents
promises to be fully up to previous
records, though fortunately so far tbia
Immediate viciuity bas not contributed
any. In other sections however, two
more fatalitiea and two serious accidents
are charged to accidental shooting. At
Silver Creek, Harold McCarthy didn't
know that a double-barrelled shotgun
was loaded and Edwin No:uan was in
stantly killed. Both boya were about 14
yeara of age, and were inseparable play
mates. Edward Hurley, aged 11, of
Siuethport, lost tbe sight of one eye wheu
be attempted to jam a load of small shot
Into an air rifle. He placed ibe stock or
the gun on the floor and waa leaning over
it when it was discharged. Koy Kt
ohurch, of Marshburg, was not so un
fortunate, but be will be orippled for
many weeks as a result of the aocideutal
discharge of a guu wbile he was bu lling
in the woods near his bome. The load
blew off one of his toes. The lifeless body
of Harry II. Brown, a well known young
man of Canonsburg, near Washington,
Pa,, was found in a field near a wire fence
with a great hole torn In the side. Brown
bad been bunting and it is supposed that
the gun was discharged while be was at
tempting to crawl through the fence.
How's This
We oiler One Hundred Dollars Ho
ward for any case of Catarrh, that cannot
be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
K. J. Chunky A Co.. Props., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F.J.
Cheney for the lasl 15 years, and believe
him perfectly honorable in all business
transactions and financially able to carry
out any obligations made by their firm.
Wkht Traux, wholesale druggists, To
ledo. O., Waldino, Rinnan A Marvin,
wholesale druggWts, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the systom. Prion 7ftn
per bottle. Hold by all druggists. Testi
monials free.
Hall's Family Pills are the best, adv
Agents to sell and Install the Boston
Starter on Ford Cars In Forest County.
It can be easily Installed. Every Ford
owner will be interested. Big profits.
Write at onoe for County proposition.
Penna. Hlarler Co., 27:w N. Broad St.,
Philadelphia, Pa. adv
... Buy this $20 "Eclipse" Graphophpne ....
On Payments
at $5 a month.
This is no mere household ornament
but a continuous all-the-year-round de
light. It is undoubtedly an education to
hear the recorded music of the world's
great artists, bands, orchestras, pianists
and violinists.
Where can you better spend your
money than in this graphophone, which
gives entertainment to yourself and
friends, and positive education to the
children. -
Bovard's Pharmacy.
Beds, Springs and
Everybody Owes Themselves
A Comfortable
Rex Springs.
The Rex Spring is the Spring that
makes the easy bed.
Mattresses either one or two piece
ranging in price from $2.50 to $9.00.
Iron Beds.
Iron Beds, either plain or brass
trimmed, ranging in price from $3.60 to
When in want of Beds, Springs or
Mattresses give us a call.
L. J. Hopkins
i 1 'Vi-EJ .:
'da,..! ""
Make Your Horse Comfortable
With some good Blankets. We have them and the
quality and prices will be found right.
J. 0. SC0WMN,
Be Sure of Your Overcoat
We take into account the fact that a winter overcoat gets hard, continuous usage.
Every overcoat we offer for sale is made of a fabric that will keep its color and
fresh appearance when exposed to winter weather. Every overcoat is sure to hold
its shape because of high-grade tailoring and solid construction.
Overcoats for $15.00
There are heavv. handsome cheviots in the new shades of brown and gray;
young men's fashionable form-following
a broad array of good styles.
Overcoats for $20.00
This price gives you a good selection of the ever popular chinchillas. Made up
in all wanted models; with belts, pleated backs, shawl collars and other up-to-date
features. Many other weaves, showing fashionable colors.
Overcoats for $25.00
Splendid, hand-tailored coats at this fieure; all from Adler-Rochester heavy
chinchillas, Scottish cheviots and English
and black-and-whitus. Split sleeves, plaid
We Can
Satisfy Your
At the special price of $3.00 per set of
half dozen each,
Knives & Forks,
We are selling 100 dozen sets Rodgers
make, guaranteed twelve pennyweight
Just the thing for every day use. This
price only while they last.
The Leading Jeweler,
32 Seneca St.,
Oil City, Pa.
Shoes that are right, style
right, built right,
Nobby Snappy
our $4.00 and $5.00 line can
not be beat in finish, work
manship and quality.
All the new lasts in stock
to show you.
Corner Center, Seneca and Syca
more Streets,
Oil, CITY,
Will be found in your
home if you invest in one
of these
For gas, coal or wood.
Changes can be made in
a few minutes and with
very little trouble. And
the saving in your fuel
bills will look good to you
when the bills come round
each month. While you
are about it why not stock
id with a few new kitch
en utensils? We can sup
ply them also.
coats; long coats for those who want them;
weaves, in the new browns, grey, blue
backs and other notable style points.