RATES Of ADVERTISING! One Square, one inch, one week... 1 00 One Square, one inoh, one month- 8 00 One Square, one inch, 3 months.... 6 00 One Square, orfe Inch, one year .... 1010 Two Squares, one year 16 00 Quarter Column, one year SO 00 Half Column, one year 60 00 One Column, one year n 100 00 Legal advertisements ten cents per line each insertion. We do fine Job Printing of every de scription at reasonable rates, but It's cash on delivery. Published every Wednesday by J. E. WENK. Offioe in Bmearbaugu & Wenk Building, LM BTBKKT, TIONBHTA, PA Tern. tl.OO A Yew, Strictly liAOuw, Entered as second-olasa matter at the post-office at Tlonesla. No subscription received for shorter period than three montha. Correspondence solicited, but no notloe will be taken of anonymoua communica tion. Always give your name. PUBLICAN. TIONriSTA, PA., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1913. VOL. XLVI. NO. 39. $1.00 PER ANNUM. THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. Pore BOROUGH OFFICERS. Burgess. 8. D. Irwin. Justices of the react O. A. Randall, D. W. Clark. Oouncumen, J. W, Tenders, J. T. Dale, O, H. Robinson, Wiu. SuiearbAUgh, K. J. tlopkina, G. V. Watson, J. D. Davis. Constable Ti. L. Zuver. Collector W. H. Hood. School Director W. O. Imel, J. K. Clark, S. M. Henry, Q. Jainleson, D. 11. Blum. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Member of Congress W . J. Hullngs. Member of Senate J. IC. P. Hull. Assembly A. K. Mechltnii. President Judge W. D. Hinckley. Associate Judges Mainuel Aul, Joseph M. Morgan. Protfumotary, Register tt Recorder, te. -8. H. Maxwell. Sheriff Wm. H. Hood. Treasurer W. H. Brazee. Con.mwirionerT-Wm. H. Harrison, J. C. Hoowden, II. It. -MoClellan. District Attorney M, A. Carrlnger. Jury Commissioners 3. B. Eden, A.M. Moore. Coroner Dr. M. 0 Kerr. Oountv Auditors -Heorge H. Warden, A. C. Gregg and 8. V. Shields. County Surveyor Roy 8. Braden. County Superintendent J. O. Carson, Kesular Terns ef Curt. Fourth Monday of February. Third Monday of May. Fourth Monday of Hepteuiber. Third Monday of November. Regular Meeting of County Commis sioners 1st and 8d Tuesdays of montb. Church mni Hbbth Mcheel. Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:46 a. in. ; M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m. Preaching In M. E. Church every Sab bath evening by Rev. W.8. Burton. Preaching in the F. M. Church every Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Rev. U. A. Garrett, Pastor. Preaching in the Presbyterian elm rob every Sabbath at 11:00 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. Rev. H. A. Bailey, Pastor. The regular meetings of the W. C. T. D. are held at the headquarters on the seoond and fourttt Tuesdays of each month. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 'TM'.N ESTA LODGE, No. 8H9, 1. 0. 0. F. 1 Meets every Tuesday evening, in Odd Fellows' Hall, Partridge building. CAPT. GEOROF.STOW POST, No.274 O. A. R. Meets 1st Tuesday afier noon of each month at 3 o'clock. CAPT. GEORGE STOW CORPS, No. 137, W. R. C, meets first and third Wednesday evening of each month. F. RITCHEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Tionesta, Pa. MA. CARRINGER, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law. Office over Forest County National Bank Building, TIONESTA, PA. CURTIS M. SHAWKEY, ATTORNEY-AT- LAW, Warren, Pa. Practice in Forest Co. AC BROWN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office In Arner Building, Cor. Elm and Bridge Sts., Tionesta, Pa. FRANK S. HUNTKR, D. D. 8. Rooms over Citizens Nat. Bank, TIONESTA, PA. DR. F. J. BOVARD, Physiolan A Surgeon, TIONESTA, PA. Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted. D R. J. B. BIGGINS, Physician and .surgeon, OIL CITY, PA. HOTEL WEAVER. S. E. PIKRCK, Proprietor. Modem and up to dale in all its ap pointments. Every convenience and comfort provided for the traveling public. CENTRAL HOUSE, R. A. FULTON, Proprietor. Tlonseta, Pa. This lsthe inost centrally located hotel in the place, and has all the modern Improvements. No pains will be spared to make it a pleasant stopping place tor the traveling public pHIL. EMERT FANCY BOOT A SHOEMAKER. Shop over R. L. Haslet's grocery store on Elm street. Is prepared to do all Kinds of custom work from the finest to the coarsest and guarantees bis work to five perfect satis faction. Prompt atten ion yiven to mending, and prices rea sonable. "Wavcrly" Prices 76 Gasoline (73-76) 20c Special Gasoline (68-70). .. .18c Motor Gasoline (63-65) 16c Auto Gasoline (60-62) 14c Family Favorite Oil, 160 9c Pittsburgh Lamp Oil, 176. . .7Mc All f.o.b. Pittsburgh, with extra charge for wood or steel barrels. All refined products from Penn sylvania Crude Oil. WAVERLYOILWORKSCO. PITTSBURGH, PA. j BO YEARS' v Copyrights At. AnvonottenrtlniT a a Vet oh mid drurrlntion mar flu Irk If ascertain our opinion free whether an tnvtmflnn n prohnbly patent hMo. Cnninuinirft. ttmiafttrlctly-fMrntVltHituil. I hind hook on I'tttenU unt frro. (HiiHttt aeiirv for m-runne putentn. I'fitcnts tiikon through Munii A, Co. rucelve tpr-cUiliwtitet without clinrve, ml no Scientific American. A handsomely llhixt rnted weekly. I.nnreftt etr. illation of RiiT orient itl Jmiriial. Term. :t vonr; four mouths, L Sold byull newsdealer MUNN & Co.36-0 New YorR fc-W A -T- . p- Midi. 4)rncb Offlco. fUi V U Wiuhinntuu, D. U WIRELESS AGAIN BRINGS SUCCOR yner fanr.pnia, Receives Dis tress Sipal.a. Responds 103 PASSENGERS ARE RESCUES Spanish Liner, With Cargo of Cotton and Rum, Catchet Fire at Sea and Sends For Help Appeal Answered. Wireless telegraphy has again been the means of having a large number of lives at sea. Tlie liner Pannonla, 1,200 miles south of Sandy Hook, re ceived the distress signal from the Spanish liner Iialmasv on lire ISO miles away. He arrived on the scene at daylight and took off 103 passen gers and stood by to help, later es corting the burning ship toward Ber muda. The call "S. O. S." came out of the placid sky and the operator asked what was happening aboard the luck less liner. The response was from the Spanish liner Iialmas, of tthe Plnillos line, bound for Cadiz from gulf ports and Havana with 103 pas sengers and a large carco of cotton and rum. She reported that she wa on fire and needed help. The moment Captain Robert Cap per learned of the plight of the Span lard he headed for her under full steam. He figured her position to he about 180 rriles to the south. The operator of the Balmes kept up his calls for help, perhaps with the hope of attracting a steamship somewhat nearer than the Pannonla, but he was unsuccessful in this.. Meanwhile, the Pannonla's-wireless man on duty sent messages telling of the Cunarder's progress. The seas were comparative ly smooth and the Pannonla reeled on more than fifteen knots. The Balmes' men were fighting the Are, which was in the cotton in a forward hold, and fearing momentarily that the bla.e would get to the rum that formed a portion of the cargo and cause explosions that would end in the destruction of the ship and all her passengers and crew. Captain Capper of the Pannonla came within Bight of the burning ship before daylight. The Pannonia sin nailed the lialmes that she would stand by till daylight and then take off the passengers if necessary. When say came it was seen that the Span iard was In a srrry plight and Cap tain Capper bejan launching lifeboats. The transfer of the Balmes' passen gers, made up mainly of Spaniards, returning from Cuba to their native MONARCH WE i Continues for another week with its many money-saving opportunities. AT HALF PRICE AND LESS The greatest selection ever shown in this city of Women's Coats, Women's Dresses, Girls' Coats, Girls' Dresses, Furs,J3weater Coats, Petticoats, Dress Skirts, Men's and Boys' Suits and Over coats, Underwear, &c. Just Received 200 new Women's and Children's Coats at nearly Half Price. 500 Men's and Boys' Overcoats at Half Price. Women's Coats $30.00 coats sale at 25.00 " 14.50 30.00 " 16.50 20.00 " 12.98 25.00 " 12.98 16.50 " 10.98 22.00 " 11.98 15.00 " 9.98 20.00 " 10.98 12.00 " 6.98 18.00 4 9.98 10.00 " 4.98 14.00 " 7.98 7.50 " 3.98 12.00 " 6.98 Girls' Cots $10.00 Coats sale at 7.50 " 6.00 " Monarch land, was accomplished swiftly and without accident. Then Captain Ruiz of the Balmes conferred by mega phone with Captain Capper and an nounced that he and Ills crew would stick by the Balmes in the hope of saving her if the .Pannonla would would stand by and give help In case their efforts were futile. Captain Capper agreed and both ships proceeded toward Bermuda, which was about 570. miles west-southwest of the position where the Cun ardor fell in with the Balmes. As he neared Bermuda Captain Capper sent this message, which was received at the ofllce of the Cunard line: "The Sranlsh steamship Balmes, Pllllrios lino, 103 passengers, a cargo of cotton and rum, sent the S. O. S. call on Nov. 13 at 7 p. m. 'Am on fire, need assistance.' "The Pannonla was then 180 miles away. She reached the Balmes late that night and cruised around the burning ship until daylight, when the Balmes' passengers were transferred to the Pannonla. The captain will not abandon the ship unless he is com pelled to do so. I have arranged to accompany htm to Bermuda so as to render It perfectly safe for him. The Balmes Is in a dangerous condition. Average speed about eight knots. All well. Am now at 10 a. m., New York time, 200 miles east of Bermuda. Ex pect to be at Bermuda at 11 a. m., tomorrow." " ' . RAILROADERS GAIN VICTORY Arbitration Board Grants Them Ad vance of 7 Per Cent. The long controversy between rail roads of the east and their conductors and trainmen over the hitter's de mands for t..ore pay is ended. An In crease averaging about 7 per cent was awarded the trainmen. The demands affected 73,206 em ployes, of whom 1!),!)03 are condmtorr and i",2j?, tre trainmen on roads east if the Mississippi and north of tlm I hio and Potomac rivers, if the de l.iands of these employes had been granted in full it would have increased the rny rcli.i $18,000,000 a year and even according to the estimates of the leaders of the trainmen and con ductors wculd have meant increases n pay aggregating 15 per cent. Cicaitis Sent In Postcard. Several grains of cocaine -were! 'ound In an embossed poRtcard which was received fcr a prisoner at the Ohio penitentiary. The warden has the name of the sender of the card and will by the case before the postal au thorities. Pir.dell Cleared of Indiscretion. Following the announcement of ficially made that Henry M. Plndell, tho HKnois editor, had been exoner ated of charges of Indiscretion, his ap point Tent as ambassador to Russia will be sent to the senate. $16.50 $4.98 3.98 2.98 5.00 4.00 Clothing Company, HUERTA MAKES ALDAPE RESIGN Too Friendly to United States to Suit Dictator REBELS CELEBRATE AT JUAREZ City on Border Line Surprised and Taken by General Villa and Many Federal Prisoners Are Put to Death. Manuel Garza Aldape, minister of the interior in the Mexican cabinet, at the request of President HuerU, presented his resignation. The reason is believed to have been due to the activity of Senor Aldape in endeavor ing to bring about compliance by Huerta with the demands of Washing ton to relinquish the presidency. The minister had conferred with Nelson O'Shaughnessy, the American charge d'affaires, on the subject of re opening negotiations with John LInd, President Wilson's personal repre restative, looking to a settlement of the trouble between Mexico and the United States. Senor Aldape was the last remain ing cabinet ollicer appointed by agree ment between President Huerta and General Felix Diaz at the close of the ten days' battle in the capital in February. Foreign Minister Moheno, who Is bitterly anti-American and an avowed enemy of Garza Aldape, is now Gen eral Huerta's chief adviser and the remainder of the cabinet are disposed to support the president's views. It is not expected that General Hu erta will make any definite move for several days, aa influences are still at work looking to a peaceful settle ment. The air is filled with alarming rumors and the exodus of Americans to Vera Cruz continues. The em ployes of the Waters-Pierce Oil com pany believe they are in danger of their lives as General Huerta is gen erally credited with blaming that com pany for the present trouble. Ciudad Juarez has fallen again! For the sixth time in three years the Mexican city across the Rio Grande changed governments when 2,000 rebels, led by General Pancho Villa, attacked and captured the town between 2:30 and S o'clock in tho morning. Taken by surprise the Fed eral garrison of about 400 men put up a weak resistance. So unprepared for battle were the federal defenders that Villa's troops actually reached the center of the town before a single shot was fired. Although an accurate count has not CLOTHING Women's Sviits $40.00 Suits sale at $20.00 Dress Skirts $7.50 Skirts sale at $3.98 2.98 1.98 been coiwnleted it is estimated that forty persons were killed in the fight ing. Thf rebels lost five men, the federal (lead Is estimated at thirty aud four or five noncombatants were killed. Among them was Charles Pefgurson, an El Paso automobile driver, who was on the main street in Juarez in his automobile. The rebels took 125 federal prisoners,- flfi.000 rounds of ammunition, two (ield pieces and two machine guns all in addition to an important border port of entry and a military strategic point. . General Francisco Castro, com mander of the Juarez garrison, is among the missing. It is the general opinion that he escaped. His scab bard, sword and epaulets were found In his residence and General Villa has them for souvenirs. Hundreds of federal defenders and civilian sympathizers became prison ers of the former bandit chief. First of these to receive Judgment at the hands of the new dictator was Cap tain Jose Torres. He was placed against an adobe wall in the plaza in the border of the city and his life was shot out. From that time rifles were pop ping all over the city of Juarez, and river when the embargo on traffic was raised, came with horrifying tales of executions in all quarters. Some told of men shouting "Viva Mexico!" as they knelt before the firing squad and paid the penalty for espousing the Huerta cause in place of Carranza. Others told of men beg ging, with tear-filled eyes, for a chance to send a note to a wife, a child or a father or mother. Others told of piteous appeals for a trial by civil office and jury. No appeals were listened to. Villa was Arm. "It must be done; traitors must pay the penalty," he declared. "Huerta murdered our Con stitutional president; he would mur der the liberty of Mexico. His sup porters must die for the good of our fatherland." Villa did not deny the executions, but declared that only men known to be traitors had been killed. He ad mitted the killing of Torres and also of Colonel Enrique Portillo, but ex cused the rirst execution with the de claration tliet Torres had been a Con stitutionalist and had deserted to the federals at Torreon. He also declared that Portillo, while never actively embracing the Constitutionalist cause since the death of Madero, had done traitorous acts that made his death "necessary" to the liberty of Mexico. Hunters Missing In Storm. Seven hunters are believed to have perished In the hurricane which swept Saginaw Bay, Mich. They were in duck boats on a partly submerged, rush-covered spot half a mile from shore. mm K) Women's Dresses $20.00 Dresses sale $8.98 15.00 12.00 2.00 1.25 Girls' Dresses $3.98 Dresses sale $2.98 2.98 " 1.98 1.98 " 1.25 1.50 " 98c 1.00 " 49c LOSSES ON LAKES MOUNTSTEADILY At Least 15 Ships and 256 Seamen Perish WORST DISASTER IN HISTORY Corpses of Victims Continue to Wash Ashore-All Along the Lakes Work of Identification Proceeds Slewly. The storm which raged over the Great Lakes last week was the worst in the recollection of the oldest in habitants, resulting in the loss of near ly 300 lives, the destruction of at least fifteen vessels carrying crews of from six to thirty men each, and a property loss placed at $5,000,000. The details of tho storm, whlsh literally swept from the western end of Lake Superior to the eastern shore of Lake Erie, became known only when survivors began arriving in various ports with tales of hardship:! and heroic rescues seldom equaled on the lakes. On land the storm hit hardest at Cleveland, where twenty-one Indies of snow fell, five persons were k Med and ten others lost and where SJ.OOO, 0000 damage was caused to property, chiefly telegraph and telephone sys terns, thus cutting that city out of di rect communication for three days. The list of wrecked vessels that re sulted In death and the lives lost fol lows: Lake Huron John A. McGean, 28; Charles S. Price, 28; James S. Car rut hers. 25; Uegina, 20; Wexford, 20; Argus, 23; Jlydnis, 23; Scott, 28. Lake Superior Leafield, 15; Wil liam Nottingham, 30; Henry B. Smith, 30 (prohnbly lost). Lake Krie Lightship No. 82, 6. Total. 27(5. 1 !;n overturned steamer Is also prov ing a serious menace to navigation, It Is charged, but ii has been left without a marker to guide steamers passing up and down the lake. It is claimed there are many captains and wheelmen who are not yet familiar with the location of the derelict. Messages indicate tHaf Late Huron holds another overturned mystery ship besides the one a few miles north east of here a red bottomed steamer having been reported off Harbor Beach. The first report of this vessel came from Duluth. The Detroit head quarters of tho Lake Carriers' associa tion received a message confirming the Duluth report. Many believe she is the James S. Carruthers or Toronto. Besides the foregoing there are more COMPANY. 7.98 5.98 98c 69c Oil than a score of vessels wbieh were either totally or partially destroyed without loss of life. v Interest centered again fipon the identity of the overturned' freighter which lies in the lake a few miles northeast of here. SCORE KILLED, 200 INJURED Excursion Train Wrecked by Broken Rail. Twenty persons were killed and 250 injured when a Central of Georgia passenger train fell through a high trestle four miles east of Clayton, Ala. Five coaches made up the train, 'which was en route from Ozark to Eufaula, Ala. Nearly all the dead and injured were whites. The train was running from Ozark bound for Eufaula, where the Barbour county fair was to open. It was late and going at a high rate of speed. While turning a sharp curv the three rear coaches of the five-car train, all crowded to capacity, were whipped off the track and rolled do-n a forty-foot embankment. The wood en coaches were torn to bits and hard ly a single occupant, including scores of women and children, escaped un hurt. The locomotive and the first two cars remained on the track. J. D. Clayton, a brother of Congress man Clayton, and Sheriff Teal of Br bour county, are among the badly In jured. Railroad officials say a broken re 11 caused the accident. THREE KILLEDJN WRECK Freight Hits Derailed Cars on Penn sylvania Railroad. Three men were killed and five In jured when Pennsylvania passenger train No. 52, bound from Chicago to Pittsburg, was derailed three miles east of Wooster, O., and a westbound freight train crashed into the baggage car of the passenger train. The Dead. Ceorge C. Scheidel, Pittsburg, brake man. J. P. Hammer, Van Wert, O., race horse owner. H. Kreakie, Slireve, O., telegraph lineman. The injured are: Samuel Gascorgne, Avalon, fireman; C. W. Crease, Pitts burg, engineer; Demarest, Mans field, O., express messenger; Harold Waddell, Shreve, O.; J. H. Wellmer, Mansfield, O. Tener Visits Wrecked Bridge. Governor John K. Tener viewed the wrecked "V" bridge in the Shenango river at Sharon, Pa., and promised that it will be rebuilt Immediately. The bridge is partly submerged and the-e Is grave danger of heavy loss In case of a flood. Hindu Wins Nobel Prize. The Nobel prize fcr literature was awarded to the Hindu poet Rabindran Mh Tseere. Men's Sviits $20.00 Suits sale $14.50 16.50 " 10.98 14.50 " 9.98 12.00 " 8.98 Men'sOvercoats $16.50 Overcoats $10.98 15.00 " 9.98 25.00 " 16.50 Men's Suits, Boys' Over coats and Suits, Sweater Coats and Underwear at the Big Sale. City, Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers