I THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. 1. I. WINK, Koito 4 PftopmtToa. WEDNKSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1913 1913 NOVEMBER 1933 frMTvntTFTgn n u 1 1 ti 2 5B85 6 7 8 910H12151415 161718192122 M28g9 Up io New York tbe leglalature it alen atrongly anti-Tammany, tba Republicans having a deoiaive majority over all tie menu of the Democracy. It la rumored that Huerla, tbe Meal can dlotator la drinking bavlly. Tliia call for another ultiinatiim from tbe WaDbiniclon White ilouae. TllK Keptihlicana of Venango, Warren and Jflnraon counties elected lbeirenlre ticket butt week, but I lie two latter couo- tie slumped badly oo the vote for good roada, tuore'a the pity. Complktk but unofficial figures make Kepbart'a majority over Orlm 25,000, for Superior Court Judge, Henderson led tbe ticket, having 8,122 more votea Iban Kep bart, both being elected. 8a v the Buffalo Ex press: 'Republi can success waa ppideinlo on Tuesday. There were mine sporadic caaea of Dem ocratic and Progressive triumph, but tbe returna ahow that Republicanism baa come Into ila own again. Tbe pendulum of popular favor haa swung back to tbe Grand Old Partv." On It of (he things that friends of tbe good roads amendment did not aeem to take Into consideration waa tbe quiet op position or moat of tbe big corporations of (be stale. Tbey assumed Ibat tbe cor porationa, upon whom tbe whole burden of state taxation la primarily placed, would have the bill to pay, and inferred that among tbe lirst things tbe legislature would do would be to Increase the corpo ration lax.-Punxy Spirit. Wk have oo great grief over the defeat -1 . i. I, ui iiiu mum issue, we tuiuk It waa great mistake, but It la worth great deal to tbe vntera to have what they want. Aa they drive through slouvbs, aplaab through puddlee, grind In tbe sandy huoi mgnwwoiii noraee strain or autoa allck, they can reflect that tbey voted for It and should feel a quiet con tent. We have no auto, no fine span, but trust tu trolley lines, the railroad trains, and keep to the paved streets and Im proved roada wben we walk. We are sorry for the doctora wbo must plow tbe alusb each winter and for tbe mail car rier, and especially sorry for tbe horses that must bear the heaviest burden aa tbe result of tbe vote; but, somehow or other, the American people alwajs manage to correct their uiiatakea and we hope for good roada by and by.-Franklln Newa. Notwithstanding that a few of tbe big fellows, wbo are expecting to be ele vated a peg or two and reap all the glory, are beating tomtoms to hold their Hues Intact, tbe recent election haa clearly ahown that there la a strong tendency amongst tbe rank and file of iboae wbo "broke over" to get back where tbey belong-In tbe Republican parly-and no longer aid the Democrats, with their ne farious policies, to gobble up everything Insight. Commenting on tbe situation In Philadelphia tbe Preas says: "Many eleinenta contributed to tbe succeas of tbe Republican party in Philadelphia Tuea day. First and foremost was the revival of tbo spirit of Republicanism Itself, clearly diacernable even in States where the Deinoorata atill continue to win elec tions, more clearly defined In the country distrlcta of New York and Pennsylvania and sharply marked, as naturally ought tu be the case, In thiagreat manufacturing city. One of the moat Impressive leaaons on this point may be bad by study of the reversal of the result of two yeara aito In the great manufacturing dlatriotsof the Northeast and of Manayunk and the re turn of tbe worklugmeu In those sectloua to the party ol Protection." Last Week's Election. Aa will be obaerved by tbe official table In thla Issue of the Rkpubwcan, Forest county voted pretty much In tbe affirma tive. M. A. Carrlnger, Esq., the Repub lican candidate for District Attorney, wbo waa also on tbe Washington ticket, carried the county for re-election by 69 majority over T. F. Ritobey, Esq., the T . i . . i'ciu.uriiu canamaie, and Boil over Homer Blair, a Franklin gentleman, wbo waa tbe Prohibition candidate. Judge John J. Henderson lead In tbe vote-getting for Superior Court Judge, be having 73 more votea than Webster Grim wbo was tbe only Democrat oo tbe non-partisan ballot. John W. Kepbart, of Johns town, waa a good third in tbe race, and be and Henderson were elected In the State at large. Dr. Detar, Republican, of Kellettville, waa elected Coroner of tbe couuly. All the amendments carried In the county, Forest being the banner county, outside of Philadelphia, in the State for good roads, our vote being a little more than 2',' to 1 (or tbe amendment. The proposition went down to defeat In the atate by from 15,000 to 20,000, a surpris ingly small majority considering tbe fact that less than one-fourth tbe Interior counties gave msjoritiea favorable to the amendment. Forest, Elk, Cameron and Venango counties were tbe only ones in the northwest to return majority for good roada. Countiea like Clarion, Cra lord, Jefferson and Warren were "Beared of the gran," and voted two and three to one to stay In tbe mud. All of the other amondmejits voted on seem to have gone down wlih the roadmendment In tbe atate. Advices from Forest county are to the effect that the road loan carried la that county by a vote of about four to one. The people of Forest county are evidently anxious to have tbe roada of the state im proved and were willing to belp pull 1'ennaylvauiaout ol tbe mud. Warren Mirror. New Township Officers. BARNKTT TOWNBHIP. School directors, John C. Lyons, A. R Mecbllng; lax collector, Cbarlea Black assessor, W. A. Burkett; assistant assess ora, Frank Irwin, George Holing; audi tor, M. J. Fltxgerald, auperviaor, John UpHnger; Clarlngton, judge of election, S, W. Fltxgerald; Inspectors, R. M. Bren neman, Cbas. E. Matthews; Cooksburg Judge, J. B. Slocum; Inspector, A. M Cook, William Fltxgerald; Redclyfle, Judge, John Gadley; Inspectors, John McCanna, S. W. Boyd. ilRKKN TOWNHHIP. School ditectora, I. II. Allison, Ira 11. Brooks; auditor, 8. H. Secor; auperviaor, Thomas Sibble; tax collector and assess, or, R. W. Ledebur; assistant assessor, II A. Dolterrer; Nebraska, Judge, U. B. Mo- Kown; Inspectors, James Smith, (. K. Burbenn; Oultonvllle, Judge, C.J. Haa. lei; Inspectors, A, C. Whilton, R. E Dotterrer. JKNXS TOW USUI p. School dlrectoia, Leo F. Keating, L. E. Monger; audltora, C. H. Wilton, T. J, Reyner; tax collector, Justine Baxter; assessor, II. A. Sblpe; assistant aaaeaaor. Wm. Cunningham; supervisors, Wm Payne, Alex Bell; Marienvllle, judge, J II. Russell; inspectora, W. W. Wilson, C. II. Wilton; Duhrlng. ludue. F. W. Knupp; Inspector, A. K. Kinney. KINUSLBT TOWNSHIP. School directors, George Kllneallver, G. F. Wallers; audltora, Lewis Arner, W. CSilxle, R. W. Wbllehl.l; tax collector and aaaeaaor, W. J. Detar; assistant as sessors, Frank Kranking, Harry Ru dolph; Kellettville, Judge, Joseph Cun ningham; inspectors, tl. B. Dotterrer, George Zuendel; May burg, Judge, Henry Walter; inspectors, James Babb, Frank Fitzgerald; Newtown, Judge, W. O. Blauser; Inspectora, Harry Rudolph, C. M. Coy. HIOKORT TOWNSHIP. School directors, Mra, N. P. Wheeler, Jr., E. W. Haslet; audltora, G. H. War den, W. G. Flak; tax collector and aa aeaaor, J. L. Kllneatlver; aupervianra, O. P. Lemon, N. P. Wbeeler, Jr.; Judge, M. W, Gorman; Inspectors, J. A. Anderson, John Burns. HARMONY TOWNSHIP. School directora, A. A. Atherton, C. A, Bryan; audltora, M. L. Weikal, L. E. Fitzgerald, F. C. Carson; lax oolleolor, Joseph Greeu; assessor, M. L. Weikal; assistant assessor, J. K, Anderson; con stable, S. F. MoMullen; supervisors, Jamea Mooney, Milon Tucker; Justice of the peace, W. P. Slggins; Weal Hickory, judge, K.R. Morrlaoo; inspectors, Issso Sigglns, W. R. 8mllb; Fogle Farm.judge, D. E. Carson; Inspectors. R. C. Anderson. Nathan Osten. BOWK TOWNSHIP. School directora, O. E. Rupert, D. F, Groscost; justices of the peace, A. C, Gregg, O. E. Rupert; audltora, L. W. Swan, D. L. Bean; tax collector and aa aeaaor, A. P. Anderson; assistant assess or, Carl A. Anderson; supervisors, John GilderBleeve, F, F. Spenoer; Brookaton; judge, Carl A.Anderson; Inspectors, Sam Swanson, Henry Sorenaon; Lynch, judge, D. L. Bean; inspector, C. N. Fulton. For Greater Efficiency Among The Churches. A Religious Survey of Forest County. Two watohworda of our present age are efficiency and co-operation, tbe one In order to tbe other. Tbe religious forces of tbe country are caching tbla same apirit. Church bodies long divided are now learning how to march In atep, aa aeparate regiment in one nnlted brigade. In 1905 the first National Iuteroburcb Conference was held, and the movement thua atarted developed three yeara later into tbe "Federal Council of the Churches of Christ In America," which now repre sents more than thirty protectant denoru luationa. Similar federationa have come Into being in many atatea, countiea and cities. Their object la to cultivate friend ship and good understanding, and to se cure economy and thoroughness In all the service, local and national, which la tbe common responsibility of the churches. The latest step in tbia direction Is tbe organization tbia year of tbe Interoburch Commission of Northwestern Pennsyl vania, In which so far six leading denom inations are oo-operatlng. Its first work Is to be a thorough study of conditions in the counties of Clarion, Crawlord, Erie, Fnreat, tawrance, Mercer, McKean, Ve nango and Warren, to get at tbe facta con earning the overcburcbing of aome sec tions and the neglect of others. These facta will furnish material to guide all the churches to the wisest use ol money and workers for the aaving ol men, the upbuilding of righteousness and tbe highest welfare of each community. Tbe United States Cenaua Bureau pub lished in 1906 two bulky volumes of sta tistics concerning religions work through out tbe country. Certain (acta recorded there concerning the counties now being surveyed ought to be of general interest. For instance, the percentage of the total population enrolled aa commun icants of all churches, protestant, Catho lic and Jewish, varies to a remarkable degree. In Mercer county It is 5i, in Clarion 43, in Venango 41, in Warren 29, and in Forest less than 17. Tbia last la doubtless due In part to tbe floating char acter ol tbe lumbering population, and to the isolation of many families; but it aeema to Indicate that money might be aaved in aome other counties by uniting churches, and wisely apent here among these Forest county hills. At any rate tbe facts are to be gathered and made available for tbe uae of all wbo are Inter ested In them. Tbe committee having thla survey in charge for Forest county consists of Mr. W. K. George and Rev. E. B. Welsh of Oil City. Printed blanka are being mailed by them to representative citizens in each borough and township. Statement. Of the ownership, management, etc, of tbe Forkst Kkitblican, published weekly at Tioneata, Forest County, Pa; Publiabed io accordance with tbe Aotof August 24, 1912. Tbe name of tbe Editor, Managing Editor, Buaineaa Manager and soleOwner of this publication is J, E. Weuk, Tio nesta, Forest County, Pa. No bond holders, roorlgageea or other aecurity holders, and no holdeta of bonds, mort gagee, or other securities of tbia publica tion. J. E. Wbkk. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 5th day of November, 1913. C. M. Arnkr, Notary Public. My Commission Expiree Feb. 21, 1916. Official Vote, Election November 4, 1913. Judge Superior Court. B 2 8 i a V. 3 a a I c B " o DISTRICTS. Baruett Clarlngton Cookabnrg Redely ffe Green tiuitonville Nebraska Harmony Fogle Farm.... Weat Hickory Hickory East Hickory.... Howe Brookaton Lvnob II 10 4 6 3 8 2 J ft 14 11 6 Jenka Duhrlng Marienvllle Klngaley Kellettville Mayburg Newtown Tioneata Township.. 4 Tioneata Borough 6 Totala 106 NOTE. The total vole in Forest County on the oilier proposed Constitutional Amendments is as follows: No. 2, yes 179, 180, no 110; No 6, yes 171. no 105 George SuDerior Court Judue. Dr. C. Y. Detar. oouuty and la elected Coroner, a number Fusion Candi-ale Elected Mayor ol New York Photo by American Press Association. JOHN PURROY MITCH EL. ELECTION AT A GLANCE. Governors Elected. Virginia Henry C. Stuart, Deni. Massachusetts David I. Walsh, Taiu. New Jersey James F. Field er, Deni. Mayors Elected. New York John P. Mitcliel, fusion. Pittsburg Joseph G. Arm strong, Rep. Cincinnati Frederick Spiegel, Rep. Cleveland Newton D. Baker, Dem., re-elected. Toledo Carl Keller, Rep. Columbus Karb, Dem. Indiunapolls Joseph E. Bell, Dem. Senator Elected. Maryland Blulr Lee, Dem. BURNS PROMISES FIGHT Famous Detective to Prosecute Pitts burg Police. Prosecution of Pittsburg's police of ficers through all grades of the depart ment is indicated in a statement given out by William J. Burns, head of the Burns National Detective Agency, through Walter Hochberg, manager of the Burns agency in Pittsburg. Mr. Burns declares that his men while locked up were denied meals or consultation with counsel; that their treatment at the hands of the Pitts burg police was dictated purely with malice, and that he is going through with the prosecution and that nobody will escape. Instructions from Burns followed the arrest on election day of fourteen Burns detectives on the technical charge of being suspicious persons. They were thrown lino Jail, kept In cells until late Tuesday night and, it is alleged, were given nothing to eat or drink. Even bread and water were denied them, it Is claimed. 2,000 Co.-; Miners Quit Work. Two thousand employes of two col lieries of the Susquehanna Coal com pany at Nantlcoke, Pa., quit work. The men made a demand unon the com pany officials that nonunion men be not allowed to enter the mines. The officials refused to take any action and clnim that the employes have vio lated the general agreement entered Into between the operators and miners. How's Thlsl We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any caae of Catarrh, that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Chunky Co., Props., Toledo, O. We, the underxigned, have known F.J. Cheney for the last 15 yeara, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and tlnancially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. Wkst it Traux, wholesale druggists. To ledo, O., Waldino, Kinnan Marvin, wholesale druggists, Toledo, O. Hall' Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Price 75o per bottle. Hold by all druggists. Testi monials free. Hall Family Pills are the beet. adr Rosd Amend B o B a W 4 3 o cr o o a o it cr o o y i 5" JO a y 3 5 cr V 3 3 a a o -I s o a o er District Attorney. 8 12 6 17 19 2 17 10 3 5 7 I 22 ... 18 2 1 9 4 3 13 4 7 7 4 ... 3 3 3 2 7 I 23 14 5 22 43 7 23 25 6 2 II) 13 ... 7 8 13 18 II 44 16 5 42 8 9 25 16 50 84 29 67 37 4 7 ... 19 4 4 6 4 7 14 7 6 7 6 2 14 ... 2 4 9 1 ... 0 41 28 20 61 63 15 67 23 21 25 34 69 45 14 68 13 2 15 4 17 18 3 9 11 12 2 6 9 21 2 14 9 7 62 3 49 17 7 60 9 34 39 87 87 67 6 111 17 200 273 169 465 396 106 601 198 no 125; No. 8, yea 178, oo 111; No. 4, yes W. Hscon received 2 volea at Nebraska for of Kellettville. received 15 volea in tbe of votea being oaat for fourteen other men. TENER'S PROCLAMATION Governor Names Nov. 27 at Date of Thanksgiving. Governor John K. Tener of Penn sylvania issued the annual Thanks giving day proc lamation, calling upon the people of the state to set aside business and render thanks for the blessings vouchsafed to Pennsylvania fa the year about to close. The proc lamation in part is as follows: "The citizens of Pennsylvania have countless reasons for rendering sin cere thanks to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe for the many material blessings which have been enjoyed during the past year. The fertile genius of our people has brought forth inventions, by the use of which the mighty forces of nature are utilized to lighten the physical burdens of man and to promote comfort, health and happiness. "No great calamity or epidemic has visited us to blight the peace and con tent of our people. Amicable relations have generally existed between the employer and employe, labor of every character and kind has been steadily employed and the various products of industry have found ready markets." SHOOTS SELFAFTER ATTACK Girl, Thirteen Yeara Old, Uses Re volver on Herself. After having been criminally at tacked, Lillian Pearl Hineman, aged thirteen, committed suicide by shoot ing herself through the heart with a revolver at her home tn Kane, Pa. Alter the attack the girl went to her home and with her clothes partly torn from her body she related a terri ble tale to her parents and then se curing a hatpin tried to commit sui cide by stabbing herself. The parents saved her life and put her to bed. After a sleepless night the girl arose early and while her mother was using a neighbor's telephone and her father was with the posse searching for her assailant, she got her father's revol ver and fired the fatal shot. Youthful Hunter Shot by Brother, Arthur Kelly, thirteen years old, was shot by his brother, Howard, seven teen years old, while they were hunt ing on a farm near their home be tween Wexford and Warrendale, Pa, The boy died an hour after the ac cident. The brothers had not gone far from their home in their search for game. Howard's gun accidentally ex ploded and the charge entered his brother's abdomen. The Rev. Irl R. Hicks 1914 Almanac. Tbe Rev. Irl R. Hicka Almanao is now ready and will be mailed prepaid for only 35o. Professor Hicka' fine Magazine, Word and Worka, for one year, and copy of thla Almanao for only one dollar, Tbe plain lessons on astronomy, and the correct forecasts of storms, drouths, bill sards and tornadoes, make these publics tions a necessity la every home in America. Send 'to Word and Worka Publishing Company, 3401 Franklin Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. Cause of Insomnia. The most common cause of insomnia la disorders of tbe stomach and oonatipation Chamberlain's Tablets correct these dis orders and enable you to sleep. For sale by all druggists, adv. WEST HICKORY DRUGGIST DESERVES PRAISE Tbe West Hickory Drug Store deserves praise fiom West Hickory people for in troducing Ibere tbe simple buckthorn bark aud glycerine mixture, known as Adler-l-ka. Tbia simple German reme dy first became famous by curing appen dicitis and it haa now been discovered that JUST A SINGLE DOSE relieves sour stomach, gas on tbe stomach and constipation INSTANTLY. It's quick action ia a big surprise to people. ady Legal Xotice. In tbe Court of Common Pleas of Forest County, Pennsylvania. George Enilen Hare va. South Penn Oil Co. No. 14, September Term, 1913. Ejectment. To the above named defendant: Take notice that on October 16th. 1913. the following order waa made bv tbe Court in tbe above entitled case: "And now, to-wit, October loth, 1913. a rule la granted on tbe South Penn Oil Company, detendant, to appear and plead to the writ oi ejectment oblalned by George Etnlen tiara tor tbe following deaoribed land: All that certain undivided seven-tenths part of a certain piece or parcel of land Biluate in the Township of Howe, County of Forest and Stale of Pennsylvania, be- inn tract or Warrant No. 51K, containing 1167 acres of land, more or less, hounded on the southwest by tract No. 6103, on the northwest by tract No. 6101, and on the northeast am southeast by other lands owner or owners unknown. Returnable tbe first Monday of January, 1914." extract iron) the record. 8. R. MAXWELL. Protbonotary. X Shoes For men, women, boys, girls, children To meet the demands for all kinds of service Walk-Overs The leading dress shoe for men Patrician and Radclif f e For women School Shoes Combining style with mater ials to meet the demand for service Work Shoes Splendid values in heavy shoes either regular or high tops. G. W. ROBINSON & SON Money Doubles at 4 compound interest in less than 18 years. This means that if you deposit $100 in this solid bank now, in HM1 you can draw $200, even if you do not add a single cent to your deposit. Write today for booklet tell ing How To Bank By Mail. Pittsburgh Bank for Savings PITTSBURGH, PA. Established In 1862 Oh! Horrors! The new healing product, Prodium will banish pltnplea and unsightly blotches after a few applications. New est and greatest remedy known fur ecse ma and all akin diseasea. Stops itobing Instantly and cures with In a abort period. Prodium ia on aale at R. A. Walker'a Trial package aent, addresa Prodium Company, Plainfleld, New Jeraey. PROCLAMATION. Whkrkas. The Hon. W. D. Hlncklev President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions in and for the county ot forest, haa issued his pre cept lor homing a court orunmmnn Pleas, Quarter Sessions of the Peace. Orphans' Court, Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, at Tioneata, for the County of forest, to commence on the Third Monday of November, being tba 1710 day or rxovember. 1913. No tiee ia therefore given to the Cor oner. Justices of the Peace and Con Btables of said county, that they be then and there in their proper persons at ten o'clock A. M., ot said day with their records, inquisitions, examination, and other remembrances, to do those things which to their office appertain to be done, and to those w ho are bou nd I n recogn izance to prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall be in the jail of Forest County, that they may be then and there to prosecute against them aa shall be lust. Given un der my hand and seal this 20lb day of uctooer, a. u. ivis. W. H. HOOD, L.S. Sheriff. B & B Trw Tnit Voliies new silks 40-inch Crepe Meteor ex cellent assortment exceptional, $1.35. 27-inch dress Velveteen- Black, Navy Blue, Gold, Brown i guaranteed fast pile and fast color, $1.10. Crepe Faconne, Crepe Broche and other novelty effects to combine with plain weaves to match rich, wonderful brocades 1 of royal elegance for coats and wraps, $2.53 to $15.00. Crepe Ananite, Crepe Onde, Crepe Charmeuse, Canton Crepe, Crepe Meteor, Crepe de Chine 40 to 41 inches wide, $1.50, $1.75, $1.00, $2.50. $3.00, 3-SO, $4.50, $3.00 and $6.50. curtain. White and Arab Curtains Cluny, Lacet and Marie Antoin ette, $3.00. Ecru Madras Curtains very neat dainty designs, $1.15. Ecru Scotch Madras all-over and net designs, 18c, 35c, 35c, 50c to $1.50 yard. Colored Scotch Madras beau tiful colors rich designs un usual price, 40c, 65c, 85c, $1.00 to $1.75- Fancy Curtain Scrims excep tional showing hemstitched and fancy drawnwork borders White, Cream or Arab, 15c, 18c, 25c to $1.00. BCGGS & BUHL PITTSBURGH, PA. mmm Promptly olilsliKd, or r RETURN CD. to via' ixriaiiNoi. our oharoib aas THK LOWIBT. Send uodii photo or iki h lor rxMrt mtfuvh and freo report on patpnubillty. INraiNOIMCNT suits conducted before all court. Iaunt8 obtained throuirh na. ADVXR. Til CO and BOLD, fro. TRADK'MABKB, PIN SIONB and COPYRIGHT quickly obtained. Opposite U. a. Patent Office, WASHINGTON, D. C. i j GROWN Our Bank has grown, because the people of this com munity BELIEVE in our bank. We do not solicit your ac count just because ours is a National Bank, chartered by the U. S. Government, but also, because the GOOD NAMES of responsible, upright men, of KNOWN financial standing are likewise behind our bank. We shall welcome you in our bank. CAPITAL STOCK, 150.000. SURPLUS. $100,000. Do your banking with us. A nartf We pay liberal interest consistent with safety, Tt JC1 j Cll li. Forest County Ntiona! Bank, TIOXENTA, 1A. rrpratinff ftliotnuu. .UotlU KS. la a liiicaiiitfai inir. hrantiiiillv. balanced gun, without any objectionable humps or bumps; r.o liolrt on top for gas to blow out through, or water to git in; can't fiiiic up with rain, snow, or alert; it'a aolirf steel breech tnot a liell of wood) permits a thoroughly ayiiimrtiical gun without sacrificing itrcngth or safety; it la lha aaiaat braoch-Joadint ahotgun wwn built. It i Hammartaaa wiiu Solid St.el Braech (.inside H well as nut) Solid Top-Sid Ejection Mattad, Barral (which costs $4.00 extra on other guns) Press Button Cartridge Raleaaa; (to remove loaded cartridges quickly from magazine without working through action) DjuMa Earractora Taka-Dowo F.aturo Trigger and Hammer Safety. Handles rapidly; guaranteed in shooting ability; price standard Send 3 "tamps potsgc for bis; catalog describing No. A. I). C. !. T and Tran Special and all other 27Tari repeating rifles and shotguns. Do it now I 42 Willow Street, New H.T.n. Conn. If wsit alisvnf r'fle P'"'"' or "riolgnn, you rhoulil have a copy of the Ideal Head IT jrOU SnOOl Book 1"0 page of useful information for shooters. It tells all about powders, bullets, primers and reloading tools for all standard rifle, pistol and shotgun ammunition; how to measure powders accurately; shows you how to cut your ammunition expense in half and do more Brd better shooting. This book" is free to any shooter who will send three stamps postage to The Marlin Firearms Co., i'i Willow St., New Haven, Conn. TIlIAIa LIST. List of causes set down for trial in the Court of Common Fleas of Foreat County, fennsyivaiiia. ooiiimenclnir on the Third Monday of November, 11)13: 1. i. Li. Kubna va. Urtenwootl OH and Oaa Company, a corporation, No. 30, Feb ruary term, IWKl. Suujuiona lu fjeot uient. 1. H. L. Hepler va. Tlllle HeDler. No. 33, February term, 11)13 Huuiuiods In a-auoipslt. 3. K. Li. Chapman va. L. W. Dana. No Zd, may term; Win. Hutnmone In trea pass. 4. JnnDle K. Patterson. Ethel Patter. win, J. E. Chiteeter, guardian of Howard Patterson, a minor child nr M. V. Patter. son, deceaaed, va. II. A. Neuland, No. 19, September term, 1U13. rjummooa in aa aumpslt. Attest, D. K. MAXWELL, Protliouotary iioneata, ra., uutooer M, 1113. Made -To -Measure Clothes of the Highest Quality may be purchased here at the most modest prices in town. See our marvels of beauty at $15, $18 and $20 and our wonderful importa tions at $25, $30 and $35 Fit and finish guaranteed. Blum & Anderson, TIONESTA, PA. Fred. Grettenborger GENERAL LACKSMITH& MACHINIST. All work pertaininirtoManhlnerv. En gines, Oil Well Tools, Gas or Water Pit ting and General Hlacksm i thiug prom n( lydone at Low Kates. Repairing Mill Machinery given special attention, and satisfaction guaranteed. Shop in rear of and luat west of the Phaw House, Tldioute, Pa. Your patronage solicited. FRED. ORETTENBERGER X DAVC TO ADVERTISE g IN THIS PAPER CONFIDENCE tuat'c WHY awf V v 12-Gaug Hammerless "Pump" Guns , fiammrrlc IS uniiee Grade A sun,SZZ.u. 77iefflarfm rearms Co., At the Racket Store BARGAINS in Graniteware, Tinware, Glassware, Chinaware, Stationery, Hosiery, Wall Paper, Window Shades Elm Street, Tionesta, Pa. JAMES HASLET, GENERAL MERCHANT. Furniture Dealer, AND UNDERTAKER. ' TIONESTA, PENN J. L. Hepler LIVERY Stable. Fine carriages for all occasions. with first class enuinnient. Wa ran , , .. - fit you out at any time for either a pleasure or business trip, and always at reasouable rates. Prompt service and courteous treatment. Comt aud see us. Rear of Hotel Weaver TIOITESTA, PA. Telephone No. 20. Prescription lens grinders for the eyes, plus C'ollegl ately trained and inter nationally endorsed Behind the Guns. NO DROPS. RESULTS DEFINITE. Artificial Eyes in Ktoek. Both 'Phones. CHICHESTER S PILLS W- TllK IHAMONIt IIRAM. a flil-Hws-trr'a llxmXTlr..dr vSA I'IHs 1 Krd and Void nictalliAV Z,n jvuf., mm with Illu Riuioa. V TyJ Tata aa athrr. Hut r roar V I ruCf l"t- Askfor('ll.'irKN.TFRa IIIAjlOMIt KIIAMt -il.l.H,r. Kik SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERVttHERf