THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. RATES OF ADVERTISINGS Published every Wednesday by J. E. WENK. Offioe in Smearbaugh 4vWenk Building, LM BTREKT, TI0NE8TA, FA.. Ttiras, f 1.00 A Year, Blrlotlj la AItiim, Entored as enoo'nd-olaHS matter at the poHt-ofllee at TlooeHla. So subscription received lor shorter period than three months. Correapondnnce solicited, but no notloe will be taken of anonymous communica tions. Always give your name. One Square, one hich, one week...f 1 00 One Square, one ineb, one month. 8 00 One Sqaare, one inch, 8 months.... 6 00 ne Square, one inch, one year .... 10 80 Two Squares, one year................. 16 00 Quarter Column, one year 80 00 Half Column, one year 60 00 One Column, one year M 100 00 Legal advertisements ten cents per line each insertion. We do fine Job Printing of -every de scription at reasonable rates, but It's caxh on delivery. ' UBLICAN. VOL. XLVI. NO. 38. TIONESTAi PA., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER b, 1913. $1.00 PER ANNUM. Pores BOROUGH OFFICERS. Burgess. H, D. Irwin. Justices vf the Peace 0. A. Randall, D, W. C ark. Omntnimrn. J.W. Luri'lors. .1. T. rl", O. II. Kohl i hum. Win. hcnearh'iiii-li, R. J. Hopkins. O. K. Watson, J. u, Dm via. Vmmttttte-i I. iiivr. Oylteclor W. 11. Hood. ik'Jioul Pireelntt W. O. Imel, J. R. Clark, 8. M. llunry, Q. Jauileeon, U. 11 Blum. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Mentber of Congress W. J. Hullngs. Member of Senate J. K. P. Uall. Assembly A. K. Mechlin. 7u,lr-W. I). Hlncklev. Associate Judges Samuel Aul, Joseph M. Morgan. Prothonotary, Register Recorder, te, 8. K. Maxwell. Hieritr Wm. H. Hood. Treasurer W. H. Cbwimwwioner Win. H. Harrison, J. C. Soowden, II. II. McClellan. District Attorney M. A. Carrlnger. Jury Commissioners J. B. Eden, A. M. Moore. ' Coroner Dr. M. 0 Kerr. County AwUton George H. Warden, A. C. Gregg and S. V. Shields. County Surveyor Koy 8. Bradn. Grunt) Superintendent J. O. Carson. K.alr Term. f '. Fourth Monday of February. Third Monday of May. Fourth Monday of September. Third Monday of November. Regular Meetings of County Commis sioners 1st and 3d Tuesdays of month. Ckarrk soJ Mabbnlh Mehnl. PreHbyterlan Sabbatb School at 9:46 a. m. t M. K. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m. Preaching in M. E. Church every Sab bath evening by Rev. W.8. Burton. Preaching in the F. M. Church every Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Kev. U. A. Garrett, Psntor. Preaching m the Presbyterian church every Sabbath at 11:00 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. Rev. U. A. llailey, Ta-tor. The regular meetings of the W. C. T. U. are held at the headquarters on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each nn'ntb. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TI . h ESTA I.ODU E, No. 869, 1. 0. 0. F. M eets every Tuesday even I n g, In Odd Fellows' Uall, Partridge building. CAPT. GEOROF.STOW POST, No. 274 O. A. R. Meets 1st Tuesday after noon of each month at 3 o'clock. CAPT. OEORGE STOW CORPS, No. 137, W. R. C, meets first and third Wednesday evening of each month. F. RITCHEY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Tlonesla, Pa. MA. CARRINQER, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law. Ollliie over Forest County National Bank Building, TIONESTA, PA. CURTIS M. SHAWKEY, ATTORN E Y-AT-LA W, Warren, Pa. Practice in Forest Co. AC BROWN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office In Arner Building, Cor. Elm and Bridge Sts., Tionesta, Pa. FRANK 8. HUNTER, D. D. S. Rooms over Citizens Nat. Bank, HON ESTA, PA. DR. F.J. BOVARD, Physician A Surgeon, TION EOT A, PA. Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted. D R. J. B. BIGGINS. Physician and Surgeon, OIL CITY, PA. HOTEL WEAVER, S. E. PIERCE, Proprietor. Modern and up-to-date in all its ap pointments. Every convenience and comfort provided for the traveling publio CENTRAL HOUSE, R. A. FULTON, Proprietor. Tlonseta, Pa. This Is the most centrally located hotel in the place, and has all . the modem Improvement. No pains will be spared to make it a pleaNaut stopping place for the traveling public. pHIL. EMERT FANCY BOOT A SHOEMAKER. Shop over R. L. Uaslet's grocery store on Elm street. Is prepared to do all Kinds of oustom work from the finest to the coarsest and guarantees his work to ?ive perfect satiH faction. Prompt atten ion tfiven to mending, and prices reasonable. " Wavcrly" Prices 76 Gasoline (730-76) 20c Special Gasoline (68-70). . . .18c Motor Gasoline (630-65) 16c Auto Gasoline (60-62) 14c Family Favorite Oil, 160 9c Pittsburgh Lamp Oil, 175. . .7J4c All f.o.b. Pittsburgh, with extra charge for wood or steel barrels. All refined products from Penn sylvania Crude Oil. WAVERLYOILWORKSCO. PITTSBURGH, PA. 0 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE DCSIGNS rrf If Copyrights Ac. Anyone flendlnff t nketrh nnd dMcrlntlon ma qnltikly nflcfirtnin our opinion free whether an Invention in prohnhly putmitahlo. Conirmmicn. tlodBttrtotly (Mintidrtiitlrtl. Hiunlbonk on Patent lent free, Ohlent tiiency for nei-urliiii patent. I'alniiti tnken through Munn 4 Co. ruculve tptcUii tvftc, without chwrge. In the Scientific JImcrican A handsomely Mliintrnted weekly. I.nrirent rlr dilution of any Hi-tentillo journal. Ternii, year; four months, $1. Hold by all newsdealer, MUNN & Co.36,Broad"a New YorK brand OOlce, OilTBt, Wiuhiun iuu, U. U ac: 1 V 0L OW IMWu3 M(POT Oil City, Pennsylvania. Report to the Commissioner of Banking (Condensed) at the Close of Business November 1, 1913. RESOURCES. .$2,932,368.32 Time Loans . . The amount of business paper or acceptances purchased, and loans made to indi viduals, firms and corporations, part of which falls due each day for the next ninety days. Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures 67,061.41 Approximately, assessed valuation. Stocks and Bonds ... ......$570,461.62 High grade investments, having an open market value cf over 26 per cent, above these figures. . Demand Loans 811,204.31 Loans subject to call, and can be collected within forty eight hours. Overdrafts . 3,954.24 Advances to depositors whose checks are temporarily protected in excess of their balances. Cash and Exchange 898,098.83 Money in vaults, and credit balances with various Banks and Trust Companies, subject to immediate withdrawal. Total Quick Assets..-:.. $2,285,719.00 Total . $5,283,148.73 LIABILITIES. Capital . $300,000.00 Cash paid In by the Stockholders. Surplus and Profits 710,622.44 Additional money belonging to the stockholders and allowed to remain in the business, and furnish additional protection to the depositors. Reserve for Interest 14,442,80 Money reserved for interest payable on time deposits. Deposits $4,258.085.49 The total amount of funds left with the Company for safe- keeping by individuals, firms, corporations and municipalities. Total . $5,283,148.73 I hereby certify that the above statement is true to the best of my knowl edge and belief. FREDERICK FAIR, Attest : Treasurer. JOSEPH SEEP, ; ) D. T. BORLAND, Directors. H. R. MERRITT, J Trust Funds not included in above, $994,806.49. Corporate Trusts, $2,372,000.00. MONARCH CLOTHING COMPANY. It Is Here! tVhea? THE GREAT THAIKSGMIG SALE With All Its Wonderful Savings for Economical Buyers. Visit Our Store This Week and Next and You Will Have Something Left With Which to Purchase the Thanksgiving Turkey. HALF PRICE AND LESS Women's Coats, Women's Dresses, Girls' Coats, Girls' Dresses, Furs, Sweater Coats, Petticoats, Dress Skirts, Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats, Underwear, &c, at Nearly Half Price! Women's Coats $30.00 coats sale at $16.50 25.00 20.00 16.50 15.00 12.00 10.00 7.50 14.50 12.98 10.98 9.98 6.98 4.98 3.98 Girls' Cots $10.00 Coats sale at $4.98 7.50 " 3.98 6.00 " 2.98 Women's Suits $40.00 Suits sale at $20.00 30.00 25.00 22.00 20.00 18.00 14.00 12.00 16.50 12.98 11.98 10.98 9.98 7.98 6.98 Dress Skirts $7.50 Skirts sale at $3.98 5.00 " 2.98 4.00 " 1.98 Women's Dresses $20.00 Dresses sale $8.98 15.00 12.00 2.00 1.25 n n 7.98 5.98 98c 69c Girls' Dresses $3.98 Dresses sale $2.98 2.98 " 1.98 1.98 " 1.25 1.50 " 98c 1.00 " 49c Men's Sviits $20.00 Suits sale $14.50 16.50 44 10.98 14.50 " 9.98 12.00 " 8.98 Men'sOvercoats $16.50 Overcoats $10.98 15.00 " 9.98 25.00 " 16.50 Men's Suits, Boys' Over coats and Suits, Sweater Coats and Underwear at the Big Sale. Monarch Clothing Company, Oil City, Pa.
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