t The Distinctive Garment 1 Store t Shirts made to order f 2.00 and upward. Suits made to order $18.00 and upward. Centre Street at Elm, Oil City, Pa. Noteworthy Values Are Presented In Women's and Misses' Smart Suits in the season's fashionable models and materials. I If you can't como in person, mail your order. We'll 1 fill it satisfactorily and deliver it at our expense, via Uncle Sam's Parcel Tost. i Women's Coats $10 to $25 A Showing That HasrNo Counterpart. This Fall and Winter display of Women's Coats centers around the garments that are priced from $10 to $25 lor within this range of prices the greatest number are sold. It is a showing, we believe, that has no counterpart in Oil City. The manufacturers who supply us with' most of our coats, confine their lines to us exclusively in this city. And they are big makers who produce a tremendous variety of styles, all ol which works to your advantage. We get very few of one thing. The styles oi this season are exquisite. Heavy appearing cloths give a richness to the garments that is superb; and yet most of them are not heavy, when it comes to weight. It's sim ply a matter of appearance. May we fit you to a coat while the assortment is at its best? Fall and Winter Gloves. Gloves for every fall and winter occasion; faultlessly fash ioned, well-made, reliable, and backed by house always ready to make good any imperfections that vigilant scrutiny may have failed to detect. ASSETS EXCEED FIVE MILLION DOLLARS. Oil City Trust Company Oil City, Pa. Now You Know. Ones, after exposing the Tldleuloue blunders of the editor of certain old play, James Russell Lowell conclud ed with the remnrk, "In point of fact, e nniHt apply to this gentleman the name of tho flmt Kin of Sparta." No one remembered, of courie, what tills wii, but when they looked It up they found It was Rudnmldaa. To Admire and Remember. "I would then have our ordinary dwelling houses built to last and built to be lovely, as rich and full of pleaa antneaa aa may be within and with out. . . , with such differences aa might ault and express each man'a character and partly hla history."- Ruskln's Seven Lamps of Architecture. New Knowledge Used. One day Barrett, who stores up ev ery big word he hears for future use. asked me the meaning of the word "elaborate." I told him It meant "fus sy." A few days later hla baby brother was crying, and he said, "Mother, Keith Is an awfully elaborate baby, Ibn't he?" The Millennium. There can be no Industrial peace until labor and capital have attained to the very highest pinnacle of Intel ligence and undiluted Justice and un til there Is sclf-convlctlon on the part of both that they nniat deal justly with each other. New York Tribune. Submarines Dive Deep. Deep diving Is the special mark of progress In building submarine ves sels now. Tho Snlmon went down 144 feet recently, off Prudence Island, end remained at that depth 20 min utes. Hla Sacrifice. "I suppose, like all government offi cials," said tho man who sneers, "you are making personal sacrifices In or der to serve your country." "Yes," replied the village postmas ter; "It's pretty hard to have to keep reading addresses when I'd rather be looking at the pictures on the postcards." HER IDEA. Mr. Hicks I see that the police are going to atop begging on the itreets. Mrs. Hicks I hope so. I never did approve of policemen begging. Starving Out Troublesome Pigeons. City hall pigeons are once more un der the ban in Philadelphia, and Di rector Porter Is the man who Is trying to get rid of them. Instead of at tempting to do this, as Mayor Rcyburn and Director Clay did, by putting up wire screen at the entrance and turn ing the hose upon the pigeon roosts, the director proposes to try the star vation plan upon the flocks. He has Issued orders to the city hall guards to stop all persons from feed ing the birds In the courtyard and on the northeast pluia and to arrest those who persist in throwing corn, peanuts, cakes and bread to them. Woman Bootblack. London la to have Its first woman bootblack. A woman has just com pleted arrangements to set up a boot blacking stand at one of the busiest corners in the West End. She be lieves herself to be the pioneer woman bootblack in England and declares that the men In the business need not fear her competition, since she In tends to devote herself exclusively to polishing the footwear of women and children. I Tailored and Semi-Dress Suits I of broadcloth, velour cheviot, needle cord suede cloth, velour de laine and velvet in distinctive styles and all prevailing shades. Misses' and Girls' Smart Appar elSuits, Coats and Dresses. VERY SPECIAL, Dressy Fur Collar Coats, suitable for afternoon and evening wear. New Waists, New Sweaters, New Neckwear, New Fur Coats, Scarfs, Muffs, and Sets moder ately priced. f Agents for the I The Distinctive Henry J. i 111 CENTRE ST., Picture oi L-.u.hi Arr Leader New in Africa if'A' Oi ty- 1313, by American Pri-wi Association BRAMWKLL 1100TH. EXPECT SALMON SHORTAGE Blasting Washington Kills Over Million and Affects Spawning. Railroad blasting operations on a tributary of the Kraser river li the state of Washington having killed more than 1,000,000 salmon and pre vented the spawning of between 000,000,000 and 3,000,000,000 cockeye salmon eggs, the department of com merce announced that Americans might expect a shortage In its favorite article of food three to five years hence. The department pronounces the slaughter of the fish to be a "catastrophe." "The effects of this catastrophe," It was declared, "will be seen three to five years hence, when the 1913 progeny come back to the river to spawn. How serious the outcome will be can only be surmised. The llveli hood of thousands of persons in the state of Washington and In British Columbia depends on the annual "run" of these fish, which return year by year to the same spawning grounds. Nome and Bones Broken bv Thuas. Heat en into unconsciousness by two times. John Pornliolt. aued lirty. watcli man at a brick plant Just outside of Altoona, Pa., was found In a ditcli with his nose broken and several ribs frac tured and Ills watch and papers stolen. Cupid Sets Record. The renort of the Pittsburg mar rlae.e license office for October showa 1,103 licenses issued, an increase of 140 over tho samo mouth last year. MARKET QUOTATIONS Pittsburg, Nov. 4 Cattle ChoW, $8.50r 8.75; prime, ISW8.40; sailors r;-;7.50; common to (at Vvua. !4JSiSi.-5: common to fat 4UMU-1,.' ''.A JtW v Gossard Corsets. Garment Store McCarty, OIL CITY, PA. covs...tlPf iresli cowa and sprint; erti, ((iuvLtu Sheep und Lambs Prime wethrra, I4.70lfi4.80: eood mixed, $4.25f4.60; lunibs. J57.25; veal calves, $110 11.60; heavy and thin calves, 7T. JIorb Prime heavy, heavy mixed, med'.ims and heavy Yorkers, J8.20 8.22 'j; light Yorkers. $7.50 7.75; pigs, !7i.(7.50; stags, J6.BO07. Cleveland, Nov. 4 Cattle Choice fat steers. $Sfi8.40; good to choice steers, 7.608.25; heifers, 77.50; bulls. $6(?i6.75; cows, $6.75ii6.G0; niilchers and Bpringers, 36((80. Sheep and Lambs Good to choice lambs, J7.107.25r mixed sheep, 14 25 4; 4.50. Hoes Yorkers. $8.15; mixed, $8.15 & 8.20; heavies, $8.25; roughs. $7.60. Chicago, Nov. 4. Hogs Receipts, 36,000. Bulk ot sales. $7.758.10; light, $7.608.10; mixed. $7.5557 8.25; heavy, $7.95j8.25; rough. $7.457.65; pigs. $5.607.60. Cattle Receipts, 22,000. Beevea, $6.60ifi9.70; Texas steers. $6.657.70; stackers and feeders, $5(&7.45; cows and heUers, $3.30 8.15; calves, $6.50 (f 10.50. Sheep Receipts. 55,000. Native, $4 Iff 5; yearlings, $5(5 6; lambs, native, $6(f) 7.45. Wheat Dec, 85. Corn Dec, 69. Oats Dec, 37. East Buffalo, Nov. 4. Cattle Prime steers, $8.40 8.60; 8.25; cows, $3.25i6.50; bulls, $4.T5(?1 8.25: cows. $3.25(ff6.50; bulls,$4.76ff 6.75; heifers. $5.5007.25; stock heif ers. $4.75 ft 5.25; stockers and feeders $5.507; fresh cows and springers, $35 tf? 90. Hoes Heavy. $8.25; mixed, $8.25; Yorkers. $7.75(fi 8.25; plgB, $7.5007.75; roUKhs. S7.40(iT7.50; stags, $6.507.25; dairies, $8(f?8.25. SheeD Lambs. $5.60Ji7.10; year lines. S4.K0ffi5.7B: wethers, $4.7Bf(5; ewes, $2.504.50; sheep, mixed, $4.D0 5. To Arouse Missionary Enthusiasm Preparations are being made lor the nationwide united missionary cam psign, the purpose of which is to arouse' more missionary enthusiasm in the country. It will open in Pittsburg Nov. 8. The movement is not con lined to any denomination, but is taking in all of tiie Protestant churches. Blrst Opens Up Mine Workings. Several miners had narrow escapes in the Diamond mine of the Lacka wannu Coal company when men blast lng for a sewer in Scrsnton, Pa., lired a heavy charge, the impact blowing a hole five feet long and uliuost as wide Into the workings below. Men were mining coal only a few feet away. Englishmen Buy Coal Acreage. A British syndicate has secured con trol of the vast output of the New Illver coal field amount lng to 7,000,000 tons annually in West Virginia. Tho coal deal Is said to be the largest ever made In the bituminous coal lields of America. It Involves 500,000 acres. r- . . O 1 D.1. I. rU..rl The Kdlnboro (Pa.) Savings bank -ll...t . It., Aff m Mn Blalottinnl IHIIt'U iU lprll ILn Utwio. ... was given out. Isaac R. Reeder, the president, Is in New York visiting his son. An air of mystery surroundB the closing of the bank, but officials re- luse to give any iniuruiuiiun. McManiaal May Go Free. Ortle K. McMunigul, whose confes slon as an accomplice of the McNa- iiiura brothers figured in the trial at Indianapolis of the union labor lead ?rs. may be releaned within b!x day hoin the Los Angeles (Cal.) jail. Buckwheats and Syrup Will Warm You From the Inside Out, But It Takes Good Woolen Clothes to Warm You From the Outside In. You can get warm clothing anywhere, but you can't get stylish warm clothing everywhere. We would be Just like every other dealer If we sold you the product of one concern. We scour the markets of the country to get you better and warmer goods than others offer. We do our choosing from the finest products in this country. Commencing from your underwear out and your overcoat in, we ask you In justice to yourself and to us to look over our stocks, and whether you buy or not, remember the welcome s just as hearty and sincere. We are certainly. Selling Lots Sweaters. We have them from $1.00 to $12.50. We have an extraordinary special "Jumbo" Knit Sweater at $3.60. "Sure we have your size." T. A. P. Oil City, Pa. FAMILIAR EPiaODB. The court cUrk ays In accents slow; "Your'r chrrd with spccdlnf Richard Hot," Tti coppor says In accents sour: "The rat waa dshtMn miles an hour." The chauffeur murmur with a whlnei "t waan't folng over nine." Th Judge aald hi law book lay And sayi "Ten dolWr or ten days." DIDN'T SHINE AT IT. Do tou think you could sell our enamel for stoves?" the manager asked. 'I'm afraid not." answered ths salesman. "I can't talk Polish." Her Crime. Bh maaqueraded In men' attire But th police dropped to her little plan. And she waa fined by a heartln Judge On th chart of being a lelf-mad man. Almost Providential. 'I understand your house was en. tared by burglars last' night, Mrs. Jlpes," said the reporter. "What did they carry awayr "O, they got a gold spoon or two, I believe, and a lot of silver plate," an swered the smiling matron; "but thank goodness, they overlooked two books of trading stamps that I've been nearly three years in filling!" Ail-Around. 'Julius Caesar," said the teacher who was showing her class through the museum, "was the greatest all- around man the world baa ever known." "If he waa built like this statue of him," replied little George, "Taft has him beaten to a fratsle." Hla Ways. "My husband," sobbed Mrs. Frivol, "Is the most contrary kind ot a man." "How so?" asked her sympathetlo friend. "Why, every time," responded the aggrieved wife, "that I begin dressing up he Is sure to give me a dressing down." Not Happy. Dill And you say Jack and Tom threw dice to see which would marry the girl? Jill Yes, and Jack won. "And was he happy?" "No; after the marriage he accused Tom of working loaded dice on html" Yonkers Statesman. Accents. "Baron Fucash speaks English with a alight accent," said the young woman. "Well," replied Mr. Cumrox, "so do I. Put It seems to make a great deal of difference whether an accent balls from southern Europe or the banks of the Muskingum." Ultra Refinement. "Mrs. Jobbles is extremely sensitive about her manners. What do you think she aald the other day when I advised her to use crude petroleum as a polish?" "What did ahe say?" "How could I expect she would use aa a polish anything so unrefined?" Of Course Not. "It Is rumored that Andrew Carnegie doesn't read many books," "Why should he? There isn't much advertising to be had from reading many books." The Dreaded Ordeal. Baohe I hear thnt Runlor didn't Show up for his wedding? Nillln No; he claims that his alarm clock failed to go off. Dache Huh! I btt he failed pur posely to wind It. WANTED ninety-seven women interested in Tailored Suits to inspect here at once ninety-seven as handsome Tailored Suits as any store anywhere ever of fered for $25.00 to $30.00, At the Price of $21.65 We say at once because while every one of these 97 suits is a value very much out of the ordinary there is an advantage of choice in early se lection. This should prove far and away the most important suit opportu nity of the season. We shall not attempt explanation or detail of this re markable suit announcement. We doubt if a single reader of this adver tisement would care to know the why or wherefore of this transaction. Simply request you to put upon us the burden of demonstrating to you that there are 97 handsome Tailored Suits priced here and until sold $21.65 Suits that would command regularly from $3.36 to $8.35 more. The styles are distinctive not a single duplicate in the entire 97 suits. There is a broad range of fabrics and colors. And no question about the sizes. If you are not interested, you can do a friend a great favor by sim ply mentioning the fact that Kinter's advertise a special sale of Tailored Suits at $21.66. It is a suit sale extraordinary. Free Art Between the hours of 9 and 12 in the morning our Miss Haugh will give all Art Lessons Free. This is an opportunity many will be pleased to take advantage of. This New Art Department is located on the first floor just at the foot of the stair case. A careful study will be made of just what is wanted by those who do art needlework and it will then be our pleasure to supply those wants. We will be pleased to entertain a suggestion from you. Sodden Death Ends Career ol Nctad Spendor fr Vv i -' ' : 9 lit. by American 1'rcMH Amoclstlon. CHARLES G. CATKS. Moisture of the Eye. The moisture of the eye I ne:iuine solvent. Mmiy persons have Rime Ut bed troubled with n foreign substance In the eye mid have wnxed In the moi'tiliiK tci Mud It cone In tunny cases of this kind t lie foreign mutter liiis been dissolved by the moisture of the eye. Not What She Meant. "I think the baby has. your hair, cin'nm." said the nurse clrl, looking Illegally at lier mistress. "Oracloiis!" exclaimed the lady, Klnwliii; up from her novel. "Kim into the nursery anil take It nwny Irom him. What will that child do next?" ' Ambitious, "And is It your exportation to sup port mo in the manner to which I have been lUTiislomed ':" "Indeed It ls"- "Tlien let's cull It off. If yon can not do belter than that I uiny Just us well remain where I nni " - Houston Post. This Is It. Row A chap cave me some money yesterday for n Joke. Wow Pretty lllicuiriiioti sort of Joke. How Oh. I don't know, lie was editor of u funny miner. Miiaiiliie of I'un. I :' w T. A. P. Oil City, r. Lessons Vuliire winter rompers P.ruwn Corduroy Suit for liv:5 2 to l years made in the popular belted style with a yc!;e and narrow standing col lar, Vvhioli i lay be finished wi.h a liateli collar and Wind sor Tie. Very desirable for kindergarten or school wear ie:;;iar ijJ.CO valuo ulTercd at .Vl..")i). Other attractive romper suits of dark blue broadcloth and soft prey flannel all in the favored belted Katzcnjam nier style, and wear well sizes 2 to 8 years, $100 and $l.f)l). personal christmas cards We are booking orders for personal or individual Christ mas (ireeting Cards. Now is the time to make your choice from out card designs. Moderate prices o r d e r s should be placed early to in sure proper and prompt atten tion. BCG33 & BUHL PITTSBURGH, PA. J lYompny olilKlnnl, or ftt RETURNED. SO VtHS' IXPERIINCI. OurCHARQtS AI THE LOWEST. St'lu! iikn1,'1, photo or ttkvtch (or pxHrt Miin-h mid ftvo report on pntrntAlitllty. INFRINGEMENT ulla romlui'U'd bvfnra all pourta rntcnti ohlAftlril thromrh tin, ADVER. TUEDailil SOLD, fnw. TRADE-MARKS, PEN SIONS and COPYRIGHTS quickly obtained. Opposite U. 8. Patent Offloe, WASHINGTON, D. O. CHICHESTER S PILLS TIIK III A MONK II It AND, llruciclit. Ask fnrMI l- lfiTFIt W r tni tHIMtlW lllt:nit 'l I.I.N, for U yeari known ns Hcst, Safest, A I way. KelUM SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE Chamberlain's Cei'gh Remedy Cures Colds. Croup and Whooping Counh. "3B& mmm I.ttUltnl Asm your I'ruvflNt f-f A rilUm Htd ani mrt.illicV t...rs, cc with It hie RliitKtn. V