THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. J. I. WINK, Editor PaoraitToa. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1913 1913 NOVEMBER 1953 I I Til 23678 9 10 U121314I5 16 17 202 Forest County Believes In Good Roads Tbe reault in Korenl county on the question of good roads I just about what Ita frlenda hoped and predicted it would be, giving a majority lor tbe amendment of over 3(H), judging from figures now at band, which Is in tbe neighborhood of 3 to 1. It la apparent from (bin vote that tbe people believe in pulling tbe county out of tbe mud, and if it'a progressive dm you want you'll And It right here Tbe contest on this question furnished the only life tbere was In ihe campaign, and tbe friends ol the measure did them selves proud in bringing about a reault tbat probably makes our tbe baoner county of ibe state for good roads, Tbe only other contest in tbe county was on tbeolUoeof District Attorney be tween M. A. Carringer, Republican and Washington, and T. F. Ritcbey, Demo crat. Mr. Carringer has apparently been re-elected by 40 to 60 majority. Judge Henderson, Republican, carriea the county on Ibe non-partisan ticket for Superior Court Judge, and Grim, Demo crat, la ahead at this writing aa second high man. Below we give the result of tbe voting In tbe county aa far aa could be anoer tained before going to press. Also tbe result of the election of municipal offi cials in some of the townships; Claringtoo. Superior Court Judge, James Alcorn 1, Webster Grim 8, Jobn J. Henderson 12, Jobn W. Kepbart 6; District Attorney, M. A. Carringer 17, T. F. Rilchey 19; Rosd Bond Amendment, yea 17, no 10; 2J, yea 6, no 5; 3d, yes 4, no 4; 4ib, yes 5, no 6; 6tb, yes 4, no 5. CookHburg. Judge, Alcorn 4, Grim 6, Henderson 9, Kepbart 4; District Attor ney, Carringer 1, Ritcbey 22; Road Amendment, yes 22, no 2; no votes cast for others. Redely He. Judge, Grim 1, Henderson 9, Kepbort 4; District Attorney, Carrin ger 3, Rilchey 13; Hoad Amendment, yea 7, no"; 2d, yes 2, no 3; 3d, yea 1, no 3; 4th, yea 2, no 2; 5lb, yes 2, no 3. Nebraska Judge, Alcorn 11, Grim 28, Henderson 14, Kepbart 5; District Attor ney, Carringer 22, Ritcbey 43; Road Amendmeut, yes 23, no 25; 2d, yea 11, no 13; 31, yes 9, no 10; 4ib, yes 11, no 11; 5th, yet 11, uo 11. Guitonvllle, Judge, Alcorn 4, Kephart 3; District Attorney, Carringer 2, Ritch ey 3; Road Amendment, yea 7, no 1; 2d, yea 3, qo 0; 3d, yea 9, no 0; 4tb, yea 2, no 2; Sib, yes 1, no 0. West Hickory. Judge, Alcorn 4, Grim 13, Henderson 18, Kephart 11; District Attorney, Carringer 44, Ritcbey 16; Road Amendment, yes 42, no 8; 2d. yea 10, no 1; 31. yes 8, no 6; 4lb, yea 10, no 6; Stb, yes 9, no S. Fogle Farm Judge, Alcorn 10, Grim 6, Henderson 6, Kephart 2; District Attor ney, Carringer 19, Ritcbey 13; Road Amendment, yes 7, no 8. Kelleltville. Judge, Alcorn 14, Grim 21, Henderson 25, Kepbsrt 34; District Attorney, Carringer 59, Ritcbey 45; Road Amendment, yes 68, no 13; 2d, yea 20, no 11; 3d, yes 22, no 10; 4th, yes 23, no 10; 5th, yes 20, no 9. Newtown. Judge, Alcorn 6, Grim 12, Henderson 2, Kephart 6; District Attor ney, Carringer 9, Ritcbey 21; Road Amendment, yes 14, no 9; 2d, yes 6, no 7; 3d, yes 5, no 6; 4th, yes 6, no 6; Stb, yea 5, no 6. Mayburg District Attorney, Carringer 17, Ritcbey 18; Road Amendment, yea 9, no 11; 2d, yea 6, no 9; 3d, yea 6, no 9; 4th, yes 6, no 7; 5th, yes 6, no 11. Tionesta Boro. Judge, Alcorn 6, Grim 31, Henderson 89, Kepbart 37; District Attorney, Carringer 87, Ritcbey 67; Road Amendment, yea 111, no 17; 2d, yes 55, no 10; 3d, yea 56, no 7; Jib, yea 55, no 9; 5tb, yes 61, no 9. Tioneata Township. Judge, Alcorn 4, Grim 7, Henderson 52, Kepbart 3; District Attorney, Carringer 49, Ritcbey 17; Road Amendment, yes 50, no 9; 2d, yes 9, no 3; 3d, yes 10, no 3; 4tb, yes 9, no 4; 5lb, yea 9, no 4. Hickory-District Attorney, Carringer 50, Ritchey 31; Road Amendment, yea 67, no 37. Marienvllle-Jndge, Alcorn 16, Grim 41, Henderson 28, Kepbart 20; District Attorney, Carringer 61, Ritcbey 53; Road Amendment, yea 57, no 23; 2d, yes 18, no 15; 3d, yes 18, no 15; 4tb, yes 18, no 16; Stb, yea 18, no 16. New Borough Officials Elected. Burgesa, S. D. Irwin; high constable, L L. over; Justice of tbe peace, D. W, Clark, C. A. Randall; school directors, D. H. Blum, Q. Jamieson; council, J. B. Muse, G. W. Holeman; auditors, J. G. Jamieson, J. N. Bsnkbead; tax collector, W. H. Hood; assessor, H. E. Moody; judge of election, R. B. Crawford; In spectors, W. A. Burrows, A. W. Stroup. TIONSTA TOWNSHIP, Sohool directors, N. R, Emert, I. F. Slilzinger; auditors, H. O. Blocber, Ar thur Mealy; collector, Henry Blum; aa sensor, Henry Blum; supervisors, Wm. Korb, J. B. Eden; (udi'e of election, J. D. Wentworth; inspectors, Charles R. Korb, J. O. Mong. KINOHLEY TOWNSHIP, School directors, Geo. Klinestiver, G. F. Walters; supervisor, Joseph Brewster; collector, W. J. Detar; assessor, W. J. Detar; auditors, Lewis Arner, W. C. Silzle, R. W. Wbltebill; udge of election, Joseph Cunningham; inspectojs, H. B. Dotterrer, Geo. Zuendel. Thb innately dishonest person is at wiji tbe moat suspicious of others. He Imagines everybody Is a grsfter, and wonders how it happens that he cannot net in on some of the "good things." Punxy Spirit. Strange but migbty trne. About nine out of every ten who yell the loudest about graft are those who are lookjng for a share of It. Good Roads Probably Lost In The State The proposed amendment to the State constitution authorising a bond issue for good roada in Pennsylvania it apparently defeated, although returna on that vote are yet very meagre. Unless tbe cities and towna voted heavily for tbe amend ment It baa gone down to defeat, for the country districts, to which Ibe proposi tion meant so much for good, seem to have voted largely against It'a adoption. Throughout the State many hot con tests were waged, notably In Philadelphia and Pittaburg. In Philadelphia tbe Re publicans defeated tbe fusmnlsts backed by Ihe present "reform" administration, re-electing Samuel P, Rotan diatrlot at torney by about 40,000 majority and elect ing James B. Sbeeban register of wills, William McCoach city treasurer and W. Freeland Kendrlck, receiver of taxea. An unusually bitter oonteat In Pitts burgh rtaulted in the election of Joaepb G. Armstiong aa mayor over Stephen U. Porter, backed by Filnn and Magee. In New York City, Mitchell for Mayor, wine over Tammany by 100,000 majority. Suiter, the ousted Governor, wins tbe Assembly light and will be In the next legislature to get revenge. In New Jersey, Fielder, Democrat, la elected Governor over Stokes, Republi can, by about 15,000 votes. Colby, Pro gressive, ran over 100,000 behind tbe vote of tbat party last year. Porkey. The stork again missed Porkey but lit at Mayburg and left fine girl at tbe A, M. Van Marter borne Al. la going to move up to tbe chemical worka soon aa a bouse is completed tbere. He ia work ing at the plant. Elmer Mealy of Newmaoavllle waa in town Thursday with a load of lubera which he deposited In tbe Rupert cellar, Tbe potato crop in Rupert's patch waa a failure tbia year. Those plaoted by D. W. Downey were bllghtproof and did well. Miss Alice Bloea and her aiater, Mrs. 0. E. Rupert, went to Sheffield Thursday lor few days' rest and recreation for Mra. Rupert and todnberfall abopplng. Miss Bloea bad a delightful visit out in tbat part and bopea to be able to come again. Mr. and Mra. D. W. Downey returned from Pleasant Tills Saturday where tbey were attending tbe funeral of Mra. Downey'a mother, wboee death occurred on Thursday last. Ssmuel Lobaugb visited friends In Porkey Sunday, having been absent from our place for some time. Absent but not forgotten. Samuel Cook and daughter Chloe of Mayburg spent Sunday with tbe Rupert family here, and aa be brought bia cornet along they bad a musical time long to be remembered. It ia a long time since tbey came together to play and it certainly waa a pleasant day for tbem all. Tbe children of tbla place bad a bot time in tbe evening of Oct. 31, when tbey masked and dressed in funny costumes and called on tbe people of tbe town, after which all went to Rupert's wbere they guessed on a cake and afterwards cut the same and ate It. There were 20 children in the parade and all ate with tbe Rupert children. Tbere waa no damage done to anything In the village like upaetting necessary buildings, eta eto. We are glad our young people are getting manly, which ia a great Improvement over other placea where they do those out of date tricka. E. L. Llttlefield will move bla family to Mayburg on Monday ao aa to be oloser to bis work tbla winter and eave tbe long walka be would have by living here. Mra. W. B. Card of Grand Valley la visiting the E. T. Downey family at tbat place, arriving here Saturday, Rev. Spring waa again with ua Sunday and preached Hue sermon. Misa Sbay acted aa organist during tbe absence of Prof. Rupert, who waa detained at home owing to the absence of his beloved wife. Tbe services seem to progress just Ibe aame whether we are all tbere or not. Mra. J. T. Miller visited ber mother at Henrys Mills laat week and did some shopping at Sheffield while away. L. R. Brennan waa a Warren business visitor Saturday, Tbe whistles at Mayburg were kept blowing lor a few boura Friday night by tbe young men of tbat place, and at first we thought tbere might be Ore, but after looking on tbeaky for light tbo thought came to ua that tbe trouble waa only false alarm. Honor Roll, Tionesta School. Secind month, ending Oct. 31. Room No. 1 -Ellison Abbott, Clarenee Aronson, Ralph Butler, Ronald Cbilds, Charles Ellis, Charlea Heosbaw, Glenn Hunter, Artie Kennedy, Forest Kennedy, Wade Lusher, Donald McCoy, Floyd Tbomaa, Raymond Davenport, Dorothy Amsler, Francea Blum, Eleanor Brown, Myrna Graham, Myra Hood, Ethel May Lindell, Myrna MoWilliams, Bertha Rhodes, Lucile Towna, Vira Walters, Winnlfred Waltera, Evelyn Dunlavy. No. 2 Henry Watson, Forest Wbitton, Willis McKee, Ray Amsler, Geo. Hen shew, James Bowman, Maurice Rhodes, Jobn Fleming, Maude Elizabeth Ander son, Marie Blum, Mildred Brszee, Hor ace Bailey, Forest McWilliams, Wayne Ball, Theodore Klrkwood, Donald Glass ner, Everett Arouson, Martha Bailey, Marguerite Fleming, Margaret Werlz, Anna Blauser, Ruth Thomas. Room No. 3-Leroy Blum, George Watson, Harold Amsler, Leon McWill iams, Harold 8igwortb, Elizabeth Butler, Ernestine Bowman, Genavidve Mong, Orpha Wbitton, Mae Lusher, Mildred Towna, Grace Zuver, Barbara McCoy, Room No. 4 -Elizabeth Bowmao, Ja mlna McKee, Viola Sibble, Marlon Car aoo, Ruth Ball, Martha Brown, Leon a Dickrager, Mary Ilensbsw, Mary Bur rows, Gorald Fleming, Omar Dickrager, Joseph Landera, Alon Shewman, Bow man Proper, Robert Thomson. Room No. 5 -Viola Dreyer, Margaret Bowman, Marie Jaun, Anna Huling, Owen Riser, Fred Zuver, Leroy Thom son, Edna Cropp, Delcle Korb, Elsie Woloott. Room No, 6, Senior Clasa Raymond McWilliams, Forest Wertz, Esther Jam ieson, Erdie Shaffer. Tonight. Tonight, If you feel dull and stupid, or billons and constipated, take a dose of Chamberlain's Tablets and you will feel all right tomorrow. For aale by all druggists. adv, W. C. T. U. Work. CLARlHOTOPt. Tbo W. C. T. U. has Just closed a mem berehlp contest, gaining forty members, twenty-eight active and twelve honorary Among tbe honorary are, Measrs. Roy S Rraden, Floyd Fitzgerald and Thomas Knight. These young men are all teach' era In Barnett towoahip. Speaks well for Ibe young men. Ob, that otbera might follow tbelr good example. We need men In the fight against this giant monster. Saturday, Nov. 1st, in tbe U. B. church, reception waa given to tbe new mem here. A very good dinner waa served, after which Mra. Brewer gave ber report of tbe atate o invention held at Jobnatown It waa good and full report. Misa Franti, our auperlntendent of Ihe S. T, I. department, gave glimpses of Miss Brehm'a lecture delivered al Tionesta. PrkssSupt. nkhhaska. The W, C. T. U. of Nebraska have rea aon to be proud of Ibeir Union. Recently It baa been doing more than lla usual amount of work, our acribe not having reported our last three nieetinga. Tbe meeting on antl Darcollcs waa held at the home of Mrs, Netta Imhoof. The attend anoe waa good and tbe usee of narcotics were discussed In all Ihe various phrasea. A mothers' meeting al the borne of Mra. Emma Recor, Subject, "keep mother and me Intimate." Several appropriate articles were selected and read. A profita ble aa well aa a pleassnt lime was passed in disousvlng the dutlea of mnthera to tbetr familiea and surroundings. Our Due aoclal, held In tbe basement of Ihe ohnrcb Oct. 18th was well attended The best of vianda aa well as the best of order prevailed, and a general good lime waa had by all present. The amount cleared waa about $18, which will be used to furnish table ware for tbe ba emeul of church. A meet ng was held Thursday, Oct. SO, at borne of Mra. Ida Soia'l. We bad a very good attendance although a atormy afternoon, and a very good meet ing. Subject, Training tbe Appetite, af ter which a dainty lunch waaaerred, with Mra. Kate McNaughloo aa helper. The next meeting will be bold Thursday, Nov. 13, at the home of Mra. Harry Pot ter, at which time onr County President, Mra. Myrta Hulings, will be present to give a report of our State convention held at Jobnatown, Pa. Prksm Si' it. TIONESTA. The regular meeting ol tbe Tionesta W. C. T. U. waa held in W. R. C. ball Tues day evening, October 28tb. About tiny persons were In attendance, including tbe members, their gueata and school teachers, Devotional exercises were con ducted by tbe president, Mra. Clara C, Caraon, with prayer by Mra. Craig. Tbe important feature of the eveuing'a pro gramme waa the report of the atate con vention, which waa read by tbe delegate, Mrs. Myrta Huling. Tbe report in itself waa most excellent and brought out many encouraging facta concerning the cause of temperance, but when we real ize tbat ninety per cent, of all tbe orimee committed are caused directly or indi rectly by tbe use of liquor, we feel tbat yet there ia a great woik to do. Tbe so ciety felt that tbey had not made a mis take In aendlng aa a delegate one who ia ao thoroughly Interested In temperance work and capable of bringing back so fine a report. Mra. Huling was given a rising vote of tbanka. Remarka were made by three honorary members, Messrs. Cbaa. Lanson, F. R. Lansoo and R. Moon, which were well received. Mra. Kate B. Craig, a former membbr of our society, but now of Los Angeles, Cel., made neat little speech telling some interesting things about tbe women votera of ber atate, ahe herself having cast a ballot for tbe President of tbe United States. Alter repealing the Lord's Prayer the company weie Invited to remain for a social hour, at which time delicioua refreshments were served. PrkssSupt. IDEAL COUNTRY THIS Spirit Led United States to Conquer Diseste at Panama. Ambassador Page, speaking at the cutlers' banquet in Sheffield, England, said he readily accepted the designa tion of President Wilson as an idealist and of the United States as an Idealist republic. Nothing but idealism, said Mr. Page, led Americans to conquer disease on the Isthmus of Panama, the most un healthy part of the world, making it more healthy than many cities in the British empire and then put men' to work there to build a canal. What does the cost matter? he asked. It was an ideal and when an ideal seizes the mind of the American people a hundred million pounds Is nothing. STUDENTS LOSE ALL Main Hall of Moravian Seminary De stroyed by Fire. The main buildings of the Moravian college and theological seminary known as Comenius hall at Bethle hem, Pa., was destroyed by Are. The loss it is believed may reach $100,000. No loss of life is reported. It is be lieved all the students got out safely, but several firemen were hurt In light ing the flames. The students lost all but the cloth ing they wore. Most of them are being cared for in the homos ot local citizens. A Night of Terror. Few nights are more terrible tban tbat of a mother looking on her child choking and gasping for breath during an attack of oroup, and nothing In the bouse to re lieve it. Many mothers bave passed nights of terror in Ibis situation. A little forethought will enable you to avoid all this. Cbamborlaln'a Cough Remedy Is a certain cure for croup and has never been known to fail. Keep it at hand. For sale by all druggists. sdv. LESS BOWEL TROUBLE IX WEST HICKORY West Hickory people bave found out that A SINGLE DOSE of simple buck thorn bark, glycerine, etc., aa compound ed in Adler-i-ka, tbe German bowel and stomach remedy, relieves constipation, aour stomach or gas on the stomach INSTANTLY. This simple mixture became famous by curing appendicitis and It draws off a surprising amount of old foul matter from Ihe body. It ia wonderful bow QUICKLY it helps. Tbe West Hickory Drug Store. adv JAIL FU.1 SiL;.Li..o L.CLE Foreigner Waa Attempting to. Sell the Beak. Clurged with the theft of a Bible. which he was trying to sell, John Ver- tovic was placed in the Washington fi.urtty (Pa.) Jail to Berve a sentence if ten days. The Bible w.-s the prop erty of Ramon Klstler of Houston, a Uttdont in the Pittsburg Theological seminary. It was in a suitcase which was taken fro.n the train on which Klstler was riding from Pittsburg to his home Fight For Million Dollars. A cr.veat was filed In Plilladclphl against the probating of the will of the lute John Q. Watmough, who left an estate valued at more than $1,000,000, to persons other than those who are considered l.elrs at law. To his wife's maid, who remained In his employ as a nurse after Mra. Wat mough's death, he loft $100,000. Sev eral servants were given from $200 to $1,000, and the residue of the estate wns left to Ferdinand Keller and his wile, art collectors of Philadelphia. Keeps Engagement In Armor. Wearing a coat of mull under his clothing, Sclvatore Stica. one of the rli'l.eft Italians in Philadelphia, kept .1 lUnt k II .:::! engagement to enable nolire to mnko nn arrest. While jrs(it to'd!: vn wns accepting a park ago containing H-500 from St lea detec '..ves err a; it! him. Stun rr.u.'fd to p::'.y h:a tart for fear of death until ;l.e idea of wearing armor was bug res'.cd. Train Collide; Man Killed. One nii.n w.-s killed and another ns urobubly l;.:;-.lly Injured in a rear ?nd ft Uislon of two freight trains on the Panhandle division of the Penn ylvnti:n ra.I.vr.d one mile from Me-Don.-.ld, Pa. Albert Ro;rnburg. thirty two years old, of Pittsburg, flagman, died soon a:ter being taken from the wreckage. J. II. King, brakeman, was burned on tin body by escaping steam. Curious About Dynamite Cap. When Josenh Moseneheek of Ed- wardsville. near Wilkes Earre. Pa.. picked a dynam.te cup w.tli a hat pin ha lost three fingers. Injured one of his eves and his wife and ten-year-old son were hurt. Roseucheek wanted to find nut what waa In the ran. In the excitement a lamp was upset and the house was burned. Takes Poison For Headache Tablet. Going to a medicine chest In a dark room to get a headache tablet. Miss Daisy Baker, aged thirty-six, of Al toona, Pa., swallowed a bichloride of mercury tablet instead. She was rushed to the hospital and the con tents of the stomach pumped out. It la believed prompt attention saved her life. Man Succumb to Rare Disease. After an illness of five years Fred erick A. Pietsch, aged thirty-eight, a Pennsylvania railroad shopman at Al toona, Pa., has succumbed to an at tack of the rarest of diseases. It localizes the fat in the neck and body, which grow to enormous proportions, while the legs become emaciated. Noted Composer Dies in Poorhouse. William Paris Chambers, who during his younger days was one of the most accomplished cornetists in the world and played before most of the crowned heads of Europe, died In the Cumber land county poorhouse, Carlisle, Pa., from paresis. Chambers was also a noted composer. Despondent, Kills Self. Despondent because he could not accompany his brother to the old coun try three weeks ago, Paul Heydo, thirty-eight years old, a Slav, commit ted suicide In his room in a boarding house at Star Junction, near Connells vllle, Pa., by shooting himself twice over the heart. Careless Huntera Kill Pacer. Careless hunters shot and killed a valuable pacing mare owned by Charier Robinson near Orangevllle, Pa. How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh, that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Chknkt & Co.. Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F.J. Cheney for the lasl 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financial ly able to carry out any obligations made by tbeir firm. WkstATraux, wholesale druggisU, To ledo, O., WAI.DINO, KlNNAN A MARVIN, wholesale druggixts, Teledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testi monials free. Hall's Family Pills are the best, adv Legal Notice. In the Court of Common Pleas of Forest County, Pennsylvania. George Emlen Hare vs. South Penn OH Cn. No. 14, September Term, 1013. Ejectment. To the above named defendant: Take notice that on October lfith, 1013, Ihe following order was made by Ihe Court in the above entitled esse: "And now, to-wit, October IHth, 1913, a rule la granted on tbe South Penn Oil Company, defendant, to appear and plead to the writ of ejectment obtalued by George Emlen Hare for tbe following described land: All tbat certain undivided seven-tenths part of a certain piece or parcel of land situate In the Township of Howe, County of Forest and State of Pennsylvania, be ing tract or Warrant No. bWi, containing 1167 acres of land, more or leass, bounded on the southwest by tract No. 6103, on the northwest by tract No. 5101, and on Ihe northeast and southeast by other lands owner or owners unknown. Returnable tbe firat Monday of January, WM." Extract from the record. 8. R. MAXWELL, Prothonntsry. m:u treatment for the huis Prodium, the new healing product, baa performed a miracle of healing when ap plied to aorea and all skin Injuries, Raw, scorching eczema sores, pimples, scalp itching, rash, tetter, blaok heads, sea I da, cracked lips, skin Irritation or loHatn matlons stop almost Instantly when Pro dium is applied. Prodium is on sale at all druggists, In cluding R. A. Walker, for twenty-live cents. Trial package aent free by ad dressing Ibe Prodium Company, Plain field, New Jersey. Shoes For men, women, boys, girls, children To meet the demands for all kinds of service Walk-Overs The leading dress shoe for men Patrician and Radcliffe For women School Shoes Combining style with mater ials to meet the demand for service Work Shoes Splendid value In heavy shoes either regular or high tops. G. W. ROBINSON & SON PROCLAMATION. Whkkkah, The Hon. W. D. Hinckley, President Judge of the Court of Common Pleaa and Quarter Sesalona in and fur the county of Forest, has issued his pre cept for holding a Court of Common Pleas. Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court, Over and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, at Tionesta, for the County of Forest, to commence on the Third Monday of November, being the 17th day of November, 1013. No tice In therefore given to the Cor oner, Justices of the Peace and Con stables of said county, that they be then and there in their proper persona at ten o'clock A. M., ot said day with their records, inquisitions, examination, and other remembrances, to do those things which to their office ancertain to be done. and to those w ho are bou nd in reoogn iaance to prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall be in the jail of Forest County, that tney may ue then and tbere to prosecute against them as shall be justs,- Given un der my band and seal this 20th day of uoiooer, a. u. lifts. W. U. HOOD, L.s.j Sheriff, TRIAL LIST. List of causes set down for trial In the Court of Common Pleas of Forest County, fenusvlvama. commencing on tbe Third Monday of November, 1913: 1. J. L. Kubna vs. Greenwood Oil and Gaa Compsoy. a corporation, No. 30, Feb ruary term,' 19!3. Summona Id eject ment. 2. H. L. Hepler va. Tillle Hepler. No. 33, February term, 1013 Summona in aisumpsit. 3. E. Li. Chapman va. L.. W. Dana, No. 23, May term, 1013. Summona In ires- pans. 4. Jennie K. Patterson, Ethel Patter son, J. E. Chitester, gusrdlsn of Howsrd Patteraon, a minor child of M. V. Patter son, deceased, vs. H. A. Neulsnd, No. 19, September term, 1913. Summons in as sumpsit. Attest, S. R. MAXWELL, Prothonotary. Tionesta, Pa., October 20, 1913. Made -To- Measure Clothes of the Highest Quality may be purchased here at the most modest prices in town. See our marvels of beauty at $15, $18 and $20 and our wonderful importa tions at $25, $30 and $35 Fit and finish guaranteed. Blum & Anderson, TIONESTA, PA. Prescription lent grinder for the eye, plu C'ollegl alely trained and Inter nationally endorsed Helilnd the CJuiin. NO DROPS. RESULTS DEFINITE. Artificial Eye In Ntoek. Both 'Phones. IT D A V C TO ADVERTISE I. IN THIS PAPKK r 74 TM , il77 1 LIT C. I IMC AIW m&l A y 17 "Of all sad words of tongue or pon, the saddest are, it might have boon." The biggest and best fortunes were not made over night; they began by small deposits in the bank. After you have put your savings into some "Get-rich-quick" scheme and lost it, you lose your heart and ambition with it. Put your money in the bank, and fortune will come as surely as does a planted seed and come when you need it. CAPITAL STOCK, 150.000. SURPLUS, 1100,000. Do your banking with ua. A nflvlf We pay liberal interest consistent with safety, Tt UUilU. Forest County NaLtionod Bank, TIOM..STA, VA. . ft you. Burns soft coal, hard S. S. SIGWORTH, (ZMMm Tionesta, Pa. WHk! S th nam "Cole's" on fA of acA atovt. Won ganuinm TKy1 rvp ating blioiKtiu, .Wutkl is a linc halancrd gun, without an)r objectionable humps or timiins; i o Imlis on ton for (tas to blow out niriiUKil or airr iu ijii in, can l Irene up i!n ram, snow, or il. it; it s jolij steel breech (not a .lull of wooii; ihmv.iu a thoroughly ryimnciiical gun without sacriliciug strength or lately; It utho safest brech-lodin( sholiiun ever built. It is lUmmcrk-M a 6olld Steel Ureech llliMilc a well as out) Solid Top-Sid. Ejection Matted b,UT.I (which CObls $4.00 extra 00 other guns) Pre.. Button Cartridica Ruleasaj 'to remove loaded cartridges quickly from magazine without working through action) DjubU Extractors Take-Down Feature Triegor and Hammer Safety. Handles rapidly; guaranteed ii shooting ability; price standard Crada "A" iun, 22.60. Send I Ftamp pn.fnirr for bio; ruffling describing No. 77,a 777sr; JTi f S A, II. C, 1. T ard Tra Soecial and all other tartlli fireOTmSLO., 27!arlut repeating rifles and shotguns. Do it now I 42 Willow Street, New H.Ten, Conn. If vrtl, eVinnf1 n r'e P'"1"! or shntnin, ym thou!. I have a copy of the Ideal Hand It yUU 8I1UOI Book H'.O pages of ireful information for shooters. It tells all about powders, i bullets, primers and reloading tools for all standard ride, pistol and shotgun ammunition; how to measure powders accurately; rhows you how to cut your ammunition expense In half and do more aed better rlienii.-ir. Tl'is bonk is free to any shooter who will end three stamps postage to The Marlin l'iicarnn Co., 44 Willow St., New Haven, Conn. J. L. Hepler LIVERY Stable. Fioe carriages for all occasions, witb firat class' equipment. We can fit you out at any lime for either a pleasure or business trip, and always at reasonable rates. Prompt service and courteous treatment. Corm and see us. Hear or Hotel Weaver TIOIsrESTJL, JPJ. Telephone No. 20. , Fred. Orettonborgcr BLACKSMITH & MACHINIST. All work tirUtiiiiiiK to Miicliiiiriry, Kn- ?;lnoH, Oil Woll TooIh, (Ihm or Water Kit lriKHaiil(liiorul Bliic'kHiiiilliini; prompt ly done at liow KatoH. KHirinf Mil Machinery jrivon special altmiLioii, and aatiHl'aotlou KiiHraiiloml. Nhop in rear of hiiiI uut west of the Shaw Houhb, Tiilioute, i'a. Your patronage Holiclted, KRKD. ORKTTICNHKHtlKIl THE CHANCE OF A m worm I J f" A k I P . i .ki DOLLAR IN THE BANK TO kiVNTAKEl7 um JltjrftV' i GLT RICH OUICI SCHEMES GOT IT jOfe Houseivfes Dream NO SMOKE, NO DIRT Hang up the dust J pan and the turkey wing their day is past. Cole's Original Hot Blast Heater allows no smoke or gas to escape into the room. It scatters no soot or ashes. It can't. It's nuidt that way. That is one of its virtues. It has many more. Come in and let us demonstrate them. After that no other stove will suit coal or wood. ftej door without it 12-Gauga Hammerless "Pump" Guns Iiammcrlcm lt-niiee - nupcai inti, heautitully. At tbe Racket Store BARGAINS in Graniteware, Tinware, Glassware,. Chinaware, Stationery, Hosiery, WallPaper, Window Shades Elm Street, - Tionesta, Pa. JAJIES HASLET, GENERAL MERCHANT. Furniture Dealer, AND UNDERTAKER. TIONESTA, PENN