The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, October 29, 1913, Image 2

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t. I. WINK, Editor 4 Proprietor.
196 OCTOBER, 1913
"Si M I flw I tTf Ts1
I I l234j
5 6f7 8 9i0TT
Republican Ticket.
District Attorney,
Tlonesta Borough.
Ik you are io favor of good roada say ao
by your vote next Tuesday.
THKPittaburgb Chamber of Commerce,
one of the mnal Influential organizations
in the aiate, passed resolutions Monday
night strongly endorsing the good roada
Rkmkmbkr, if tbe good roada propo
sition Is voted down now it will be about
nine years before tbe question can again
be submitted to a vote. A whole lot of
people now living may not be bere to
bother about good or bad roada then.
Makk a cross (x) in the square opposite
the word "yes" in voting for tbe good
roads amendment, wblcb la the first or
No. 1, on your ballot. It l taken, as
matter oi oourae, that every good ciliaen
wants the gocd roads, and now Is tbe
time to get them. Get out of tbe mud.
Likk all other questions there ere two
aides to the good roads proposition. One
la, to carry tbe amendment and secure
tbe best rosds possible for absolutely no
oost to any individual taxpayers. Tbe
otber aide is, to defeat the amendment,
keep tbe mud roada you now have, and
go down into your pockets and dig up
the cash to keep them lu merely paasable
condition lor about eight months in tbe
year. Take your choice.
A Votk for M. A. Carringer is vote to
retain a careful, painstaking and efficient
man In the District Attorneys office. One
who believes in keeping expensea down
to a minimum, and while maintaining
the peace, dignity and good order of tbe
county, be will still be a terror to evil
doers. Mr. Carringer baa faithfully
served the people of bia county through
one term and baa done an well that be
auie deserves another, and II tbe votera
believe in helping themselves to tbe best
tbai'a to be bad he'll be elected by arous
iDg majority.
Don't Fail to Vote "Yes" on Amend
ment No. 1.
The Adams Express company baa of
fices and does business at over twtuty
five different points in tbia county.
At a number of tbem it cleara more
money each year than any half dozen of
tbe best farmers in tbe county doe.
At all of tbem it baa a clear profit on
every dollar's wortb of business it does.
It has horses and wagons, and possibly
other property, but not a cent's worth of
ita property is represented on any tax
duplicate in tbe county.
Not a penny of tax for either road,
school, poor or otber local purposes does
it pay or baa it ever paid.
If an assessor make a mistake and
values its horse or wagon as he does that
of tbe farmer or drayman, application ia
at once made to bave it stricken off the
assessment on tbe ground that tbia
property goea to make up tbe valueaof ita
capital stock that cannot be taxed for local
purposes. And off it cornea, and you
con't find the name of the Adams Express
company on any tax duplicate in Centre
county, or in tbe State of Pennsylvsnia.
And it'a tbe same with tbe Pennsyl
vania i ill road, tbe Telephone companies,
the El. clric Light concerns or any otber
corporations whose wealth is represented
by "capital stock."
And yet when proposition ia before
tbe people to ao amend tbe Constitution
that these corporations can be required to
help build our roads tbere are tarmera
and others, who are taxed on every dol
lar's wortb of property they possess, who
refuse to vote for such amendment, and
by such refusal, assist in exonerating
these corporations from the payment of
local taxes of any kind.
Mr. Voter, are you one of these?
Don't you think that these corporations
ought to be taxed io aome way that will
help lessen tbe burden that ia being im
posed upon you?
If you do make a cross (X) io tbesquare
opposite the word "Yfs" at amendment
No. 1, on tbe ballot that you will vote on
election day. Belefonte Watchman.
Tbe same is true in a greater or leaser
degree In every county In tbia state, In
cluding our own county of Forest. Tbink
of this when casting your ballot next
Good Short Stories.
Readera of short stories, and there are
many of them, should be interested to
know that The Pittsburg Dispatch ia
printing daily tbe beat short stories that
are being written in these modern times.
In response to a great and growing de
mand for tbe best fiction In tbia form,
Tbe Dispatch baa taken a great deal of
pains to round up tbe best short story
writers. Among the aulbora secured who
are well known to magazine readera are
Charles Battel I Loom is, William Wallace
Wbitelock, Everett B. Htackpole, Morely
Rober'a. Nina Wilcox Putnam, William
LtQuex, Tom Gallon, Beatrice Harraden,
W. II. Hodgson, A. W. Marcbmont,
Frank Harris, Leonard Merrick, Edmund
Vance Cooke, Agoea and Egertou Caatlei
Sewell Ford, Grace MacGowan Cooke,
Baroness von Ilutten, Baroneaa Orczy,
Melville D. Post, Frank Condon, Crude
llaskins Calhoun, Hugh Pendexter,
Ilspsburg Lleve, Don Marquis, Erie Sal
vias and otbera.
Ask your newsdealer to serve you
regularly with Daily and Sunday Dispatch.
The Return of Chadman.
I barejuat read io the Rkpttblicah
that tbe game aeaaon la open for ruffed
grouse and I sure am homesick lo go up
back of Judge Irwin's place and bag one
ol those big cocks that baa fattened him
self on berries and nuta and wild grapes.
Tbe ascent of tbe bill I know would do
me good and so would tbe feaat on the
baked bird whether bot or cold. We bave
no hills or tnountaina bere to ollmb, and
even the making of a living in tbe pro
fessions or the vocations la not op-htll
work. Soyouaeewe get little exercise
and In fact do not want very much.
Energy, induatry, even ambition deserts
one In tbe semi-tropics, and lassitude and
fatigue follow alight exerciae or labor.
But no one who baa not pent a year or
so In this climate can believe what lux
ury there ia Id these cool, clear, trans
cendent nights, and these never falling
balmy, sunshiny days. After October
cornea tbere la no end to either of them
until June, and that monlb of tbe past
summer was one of continuous aun by
day and brilliant stars sod moon fclow by
night. Ordinarily, heavy showers begin
early in June and continue through July,
August, and well into September, but the
past season baa been a marked exception
to tbe rule. Very little rain fell, and
while the people to the north were suffer
ing from unusual beat we experienced
lovely, breezy daya and cool, placid
The citrua crop ia little below the
average in tbia Immediate vicinity, but
farther up Peace river, and along tbe
Calooabatobee and Ita tributariea, tbe
treea are beavily laden, sod bundreada of
thousaoda of boxes of tine oranges and
grapefruit will be shipped to tbe markets
of tbe big cities. Tbe truokers and farm
ers are now putting In tbeir aeed and
setting out their planta, while tbe farmera
of "Little Forest" are putting in tbelr
coal and sitting behind tbeir kitchen
stovea. In the latter part of January our
farmera will be shoveling their potatoes,
beets, beans, cucumbers, tomatoes, and
ao forth into crates snd nailing and mark
ing them forabipment, while youra will
be ahoveling anow and Inquiring for
cbllblalne liniment. But for all that I
long for a sniff of frosty air and a glimpse
of a grotesque anow man. It la 88 tbia
afternoon with a delightful air moving,
and for tbe next six months we shall
hsvs Identically tbe aame temperature,
with tbe possible exception, perbapa, that
in February tbere may be a few nlgbta
when an extra light cotton quilt will add
to your comfort.
Ponta Gorda bas improved very much
In tbe past two years. Msny fine bouses
bsve been erected and several new blocks
io progress. We sre now voting an l-sue
of sixty thousand dollars of bonds for
wster works sewers, snd street improve
ment, ami I bave been quite busy, ssoity
solicitor, in looking after tbe legal roattera
In connection therewith. I am glad to
see so many people moving toward thla
part of Florida. Tbe Eaat coast used to
be aa far as any one got, but it ia different
now, Hundreda of people of very
moderate meana are purchasing lots and
building Inexpensive bouses bere. Tbey
use them io tbe winter and rent them
during tbelr absence io tbe summer. It
is conceded by even selfish St. Petersburg
that Punta Gorda and tbe small towna
aurroundlug bave a auperlor climate for
winter tourists and pleaaure aeekera. We
are really below tbe frost line and the
most delicate tropical planta grow In
luxurious profusion.
Ex-Governor Gilchrist, whose borne ia
in Punta Gorda, baa entered tbe race for
United States senator, and aa be ia a
neighbor of mine, a mighty good fellow,
and a bachelor like myaelf, I am for him
until tbe last vote ia counted. He will
see to It tbat aouthern Florida gets all that
la coming lo it. Not that we bave been
neglected, for Senators Bryan and
Fletcher bave been very attentive to the
needs of thla section, but aomebow we
will feel safer when we get our own
townsman into tbat branch of tbe law
making power.
Wallace Chadman.
Punta Gorda, Fla., Oct. 19, 1913.
Owing to the diasgreeableness and
dampness of the weather many people
bave been afflicted with colds and ton-
ailitia. It ia also difficult to travel these
wet and rainy daya. Sometimes we feel
like saying with the poet, "Rain! Rainl
Go away, come again aome otber day,"
Helen DeBhner, daughter of Mr. and
Mra. Wm. Deshner, has been on thealck
list with tonaililia for a lew daya.
Mrs. George Waltera and daughter
Katbryn were Sheffield visitors Ihurs
Miases Edna and Bertha Deshner,
daughters of Mr. and Mra. Charlea Desh
ner, were visiting tbeir grandma and
other relativea at Cberry Grove during
tbe past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwsrd Mealy of Beaver
Valley, tbeir son and bia wife of Frank
lin, were Mayburg visitors Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday.
Frank Borrows waa a Kinzoa visitor
one day last week.
Lottie Deshner called a few of ber
young friends In Saturday evening last
lo spend the evening In making candy.
All report a good time.
Dura A. Mealy la visiting bis parents at
Beaver Valley.
Hunters are very numerous these daya
as the bang of guns csn be beard far and
near, although none aeem to bave very
good success in catching any large game,
all game being email, eucb as squirrels,
rabbits, pheasants, etc Tbe report of
two bears being killed this season ia tbe
only large game known of in tbia place.
The mill baa been ahut down for a few
daya for repairs.
Delia Cook was borne from Tlonesta
visiting ber parents. It being Institute
week abe waa off on ber vacation, aa she
ia a student In tbe Tlonesta biuh school.
Tressa Hendrlckaon, tescher at Porkey,
has returned to her borne bere after at
tending the Institute at Tlonesta.
H. L. McKindrey baa moved his fami
ly into tbe house vacated by Frank
Mealy at the upper end of town.
Perry Britiin spent a few daya with
relativea In Tiona and Warren last week,
Mra. li,D. Smith and daughter Clare
were Warren vlsitora one day last week,
A Marvelous Escape.
"My little boy bad a marvelous es
cape," writes P. F. Bastiams of Prince
Albert, Cape of Good Hope. "It occurred
In tbe middle of the night. He got a very
severe attack of croup. As luck would
bsve it, I had a large bottle of Chamber
laln'a Cough Remedy in tbe house. After
following the directions for an hour and
twenty tnlnutea be was through all dan
ger," Sold by all druggiata, adv.
Tbere waa no preaching service at
Minister Sunday as tbe preacher bad a
call to Byromtown tbat day, but we will
bave prea'blng every two weeka bere.
Miss Lottie Llltlefield went to Sheffield
Saturday and -will spend a few daya wltb
ber brother Claude at Hoover'a before re
turning. Mra. 8. W, Llltlefield returned from a
visit wltb ber son James at Sheffield
Our old Iriend Sam Oberman, of Titus
vllle, waa in town Saturday and did a fine
N. Clark, Sup't. and J. F. Little, fore
man, for tbe National Tranalt Co., were
bere taut week and lound tbe pump sta
tion running finer thau a allk fiber with
tbe gauger as engineer. It ran day and
night almost all week to move out tbe
stock In tbe Iron tank.
Miss Alios Bloaa of Sheffield, a aister of
Mra. Rupert, is making the family a visit
while enjoying a abort vacation from tbe
(arm. Her ability as a musician ia being
enjoyed by oar people these evenlugs.
James Welsh of Bslltown entertained a
party of relativea from Sheffield last week
who bunted and spent a pleasant few
daya. Tbey did not bave to charter a car
lo take out the game they got, at Ihey ex
pected to do when tbey were coining In.
' A boiler on tbe J. J. Halght lease near
here went up wltb a loud report on
Thursday, but tbe two men who were
uear escaped without Injury. Tbey were
covered with mud and dirt and looked
like teamalera In spring or fall. It was a
narrow escape but tbey are forluuale.
Tbey abook banda with themselves after
tbe steam cleared away to know tbat tbe
"bller busted" and tbey were alive lo tell
Messrs. Mike Ewing and Grant Mealey
were up from Mayburg Friday calling on
Mr. and Mra. Brennan spent a few daya
last week tbe guests or relstives st May
vllle, N. Y., but Mr. Breunao leturned
Saturday evening and spent Sunday at
Mra. D. W. Downey baa been at Pleas
antville for aeveral daya with ber mother,
who ia suffering from a paralylio atroke
and la growing weaker. She ia past
eighty-five and the chancre of recovery
are against ber.
Miss Edna Albaugb of Welters, who
Is working at tbe Brown boarding bouse
at Mayburg, bad an attack of heart
trouble aod waa near death'a door aeveral
times last week, but the last reports are
more enooursglog and it is thought tbat
she will recover.
Marian Rupert spent Sunday with the
H. E. Gillespie family at Kellettville.and
would bave a good visit, as tbey are very
pleasant people lo be with.
Jobu Llltlefield baa purchased a fine
muley milker and the family will now
bave real butter for tbeir bread, and not
be compelled to eat tbe grease substitute
now on tbe market in place of butter,
Leltera from B II. Kinney, who ia 25
miles from Maricopa, Cel., aay tbat be ia
living in a fine climate and enjoying life.
He expects to make tbe east a visit after
tbe Exposition In 1915.
E. L. Litllefleld ia preparing lo move
bis family to Mayburg ao as to be near
bia work tbia winter.
Tbere waa a scientific b (inter spent a
nlgbt Ij our town last week and waa wel
posted on any old subject pertsining to
tbe bigber arts and electricity.
Tbe atork waa at Hastings Sunday
morning and left a fine girl with Amos
Llndburg and family. All concerned are
doing nicely and Amoa walka very erect.
Mra. Elmira Whitebill and children at
tended the Klinestiver-Wbilebill wed
ding at Sheffield last Thursday. Thla la
tbe third of ber children that la married.
Right Giving.
Our giving must be such as truly to
enrich both giver and receiver. But
we can all judge those things fairly
well for ourselves; if we make mis
takes sometimes those mistakes will
be forgiven to us where the motive
waa right.
Pleaaure In Life.
The life of a good man Is not at
all in want of pleasure, as a certain
appendage, but contains pleasure in
itself; for he Is not a good man who
does not rejoice In beautiful actions;
and actions according to virtue will
be In themselves delectable. Aris
totle. Strange 8lght
"When we were on Lake Michigan
last summer," says Mrs. Maxlgram
mar, "we saw a beautiful sight one
afternoon. We were away out In the
middle of the lake, and we steamed
past a schooner with a woman on It
full of brick and lumber." Judge.
One Thing Worth Having.
In this world the one thing worth
having Is the opportunity, coupled
with the capacity, to do well and wor
thily a piece of work the doing of
which Is Qf vital consequence to the
welfare of mankind. Theodore Roose
velt. Men Who Make The World.
Men who make the world of to-day are
making Tbe Youth'a Companion wbat it
la to-day. It la very much more than
Tbe Companion you may remember; no
bigber In purpose, but more lavish In
material larger and improved wltb
special Family Pages, Boys' Pages, Girls'
Pagea, and a constant supply of aerials
and shorter atories.
Tbe editorial page of information, com
ment, acience and events will keep any
man well informed, while tbe Family
Page helps on borne Improvements snd
Ideas, and both boys and girls bsve speo
isl pagea for themselves.
Yon do tbe family a good turn when
Tbe Youth's Companion "as It is to-day"
is sent to tbe borne. Fllty-two issues a
year not twelve. More reading than la
found in any monthly magazine at any
You may not know The Companion aa
it ia to-day, Let us send you tbe An
nouncement for HtU, wltb sample eoplea
containing tho opening chapters of A. S.
Pier's fine story of St Timothy's School
"HlaFather'a Son."
New subscribers who send 2 00 for tbe
fifty-two issues of l'JM will receive free
tbe remaining Issues of 1913, sod a copy
of The Companion Practical Home Cal
endar In addition.
Th e Youth's Companion,
144 Berkeley St., Boston, Mass.
Nsw subscriptions received st this office.
If we depend on each Legislature
to appropriate from one-twentieth to
one-fortlcth the amount necessary to
take rare of the main highways a
large part of it will not only be
wasted in needless repairs every
yer to roads unsultcd to our needs
but each county will get just one
twentieth to one-fortieth the amount
it should have, and every county
will represent part of a patchwork
plan instead of a system of modern
An Expert Name Manufacturer.
At a dinner in New York William
Ray Gardiner, the advertising expert,
scored neatly off an advertising fad
that has of late been rather overdone.
"A young couple," he began, "had
been blessed with the advent of a
little son, and the wife, at dinner one
evening, said:
" 'What shall we name our darling,
"Jim wrinkled hia brow and re
plied: " 'Well, I submit Chllda. Flrstbornlo,
Thebol, Allours, Sunne, Ourown, Our
ownson "But at this point his wife shut hlra
up. He could, of course, have kept on
indefinitely. You see, he was one of
thoe advertisement writers who In
vent new names for breakfnst foods,
tinned soups and patent medicines."
Chronic Dyspepsia.
Tbe following unsolicited testimonial
ahould certainly be sufficient (ogive hope
and couraue to persona afflicted with
cbronin dyspepsia: "I have been a
cbronlo dyspepllo for years, and of all tbe
medicine I bave taken, Chamberlain's
Tablets bave done me more good than
anything else," eaya W. G. Mattlson, No.
7 Sherman St., Hornellsvllle, N. Y. For
aale by all druggists. adv.
John W. Kephart
Candidate Tor Judge of the
Superior Court.
John W. Kephart, candidate for Judge
of the Superior Court, was born in Wil
more, Pa. Left an orphan at the age of
two; at five sent to the Soldiers' Orphan
School at McAUisterville, Pa.; at sixteen
a telegraph operator on the Pennsylvania
Railroad earning money for college. Two
terms at Allegheny College followed by
two years at the Dickinson Law School
completed his education. Admitted to
the Bar in 1891. A practicing attorney
for over nineteen years, ten of which he
was Solicitor for Cambria County. In
the recent contest for the nomination,
extending over the entire State, Mr.
Kephart, outside of Philadelphia, led the
entire field of fifteen candidates. He
deserves your vote.
Under the new law, in order to vote
for Mr. Kephart
You Must Put An X After His Name
Every qualified voter in Pennsylvania
can vote for this office at the election
Nov. , 1913.
Bank Statement.
No. 6038.
of Pennsylvania, at tbe close of business
October 21, 1U13.
Loans and discounts $321,741 40
Overdrafts, secured and unse
cured 27 25
U. S. Bonds to secure circula
tion 50.00J 00
Bonds, securities, Ho., 64,536 39
Banking-house, furniture, and
fixtures 17,214 35
Due from approved reserve
agents 152,033 OA
Checks and other cash items .... 37168
Notes of other National Hanks... 1,950 00
Fractional paper currency,
nickels, and centa 388 62
Lawful money reserve in bank,
Specie $28,917 80
Legal temler notes. 3,500 00 32,417 80
Redemption fund with U. ft.
Treaa'r(5perct. of circulation) 2,500 00
$643,180 60
Capital stock paid in $ 50,000 00
Surplus fund 100,000 00
Undivided profitless expenses
and taxes paid 29,777 90
National bank notes outstand
ing 50,000 00
Dividends n tips Id 5 00
Individual deposits subjoct to
check 165,275 29
Time certificates ol deposit 248,122 31
$643,180 50
State of Pennsylvania, County of Forest,
I, James H. Kelly, cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that the
above statement is true to the best of my
knowledge snd belief.
J A M Ed H. KELLY, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
27th day of October, 1013.
C. M. Arnkr, Notary Public,
Corroct At est:
G. W. Robinson,
Wm. Smrardauoh,
T. F. Hitch ey,
Legal Notice.
In the Court of Common Pleas of Forest
County, Pennsylvania.
George km len Hare vs. South Penn Oil
Co. No. 14, September Term, 1913.
To the above named defendant:
Take notice tbat on October 16th, 1913,
the following order waa made by Ibe
Court in the above entitled case: "And
now, to-wlt, October 16tb, 1913, a rule la
granted on the South Penn Oil Company,
defendant, to appear and plead to the writ
of ejectment obtained by George Em len
Hare for tbe following described Isnd:
All tbat certain undivided seven-tenths
pari of s certsin piece or parcel of land
Bituate in tbe Township of Howe, County
of Forest and State of Pennsylvania, be
ing tract or Warrant No. 6103, containing
1167 aorea of land, more or lesss. bounded
on tbe southwest by tract No. 5103, on Ibe
northwest by tract No, 6101, and on tbe
northeast and southeast by ofber lands
owner or owners unknown. Returnable
ibe first Monday of January, 1914."
Extract from the record.
Every mother should know of tbia new
remedy for skin diseases, and keep Pro
dium on hand. It stops itching at once
and is known as the best remedy for the
tender skin or Infauts. It worka wondera
In all cases of eczema, tetter, aore feet,
split toes, and all ailmenta affecting Ibe
For sale at all druggists for 25 cents,
including R. A. Walker. Trial packsge
upon request to tbe Prod I urn. Company,
Plainfield, N. J.
For men, women, boys, girls,
To meet the demands for all
kinds of service
X The leading dress shoe for X
For women
School Shoes
Combining style with mater
ials to meet the demand for
Work Shoes
Splendid values in heavy
shoes either regular or high
NOTICE is hereby given tbst an appli
cation will be made lo the Governor
of Pennsylvania, on Monday, the Third
day of November, A. D. 1913, by John
Coleman, Tbomaa K Uarter and John K.
McCoomlck, under the Act of Assembly
entitled "An Act to provide for 'be in
oorporalian and regulation of certain Cor
porations," spproved April 29, 1874, and
tbe supplements thereto, for Ibe charter
of an intended corporation to be called
"Coleman, Harter dt McCormick, Incor
porated," tbe character and object of
wblcb la to manufacture latb, atavea,
props, polea, Ilea and lumber or any otber
article of commerce from wood, and for
these purposes to have, posaeaa and enjoy
all tbe rigbta, benefits and privileges ol
ssid Act of Assembly and supplements
thereto. R. B. McCormick, Solicitor.
Greatest Sale Ever Held
on Women's Coats
and Suits.
Women's Boucle,
and Astrakhan
Prettiest Styles Ever
100 Coats in all new styles and prettiest coats ever
shown for women, ladies and misses.
Sale at $7.98
260 Coats in all of above cloths, new styles, pretty satin
Sale at $9.98
200 Pretty Coats, all newest styles and makes.
Sale at $11.98
Other Pretty Coats,
$5.98, $14.50, $16.50,
$25.00, $18.00
Men's Suits
$7.98, $9.98, $16.50
Men's Chinchilla Overcoats
$7.98, $9.98, $16.50
on Sweater Coats, Men's Underwear, Hats and Caps.
Monarch Clothing Co.,
' SKI li
' :ZyW
, '",
FIRE I FIRE! FIRE I Ifyour house should take fire
you are apt to be so excited that, even though you have plen
ty of time, you will rush out and leave behind, to be burned
up, YOUR WILL, other valuable papers and jewelry. The
best way is to put them into one of our SAFETY DEPOSIT
BOXES in our fire and burglar-proof vaults.vA private box
will cost you only a small sum per year.- ''
Do your banking with us. A y-p rCmf
We pay liberal interest consistent with safety, JCJL uCllbi
Forest County NaLtionad Bank,
Furniture Dealer,
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Cure Colds. Croup and Whooping Couch.
Ever Made,
the Big
t mm
It cant burn YdUrVM
Fred. Grottonberger
All work pertaining to Machinery, En
gine, Oil Well Tooln, Uaa or Water Flt
tiriKaiil General HlRckHmlthlng prompt
ly ilone at Ixw Kates. Repairing Mill
Machinery given special attention, and
satisfaction guaranteed.
Shop In rear ot amltuat west of the
haw Houao, Tidloute, Pa.
Your patronage solicited.
1 I fv. " t-t
Women's Suits
Prices Nearly Cut In Half
A Great Sale
$40.00 suits are $18.00
$ 9.98
$ 7.98
Big Sale on Girls' and Chil
dren's Coats
$2.98, $3.98, $4.98
v , Boys' Overcoats
$2.98, $3.98, $4.98
Child's Overcoats
$1.98, $2.98, $3.98
on Women's Dress Skirts, Petticoats, Kimonas, Flannelette
Gowns, Silk, Lace and Voile Waists, &c.
Oil City, Pa.