f The Distinctive Garment Store Shirts made to order 2.00 and upward. Suits made to order $15.00 and upward. Centre Street at SHOP HERE IN PERSON OR VIA UNCLE SAM. YOU'LL BE SATISFIED IN EITHER CASE. Do you realize that you can greater than falls to the lot ot Oil to the amount ct ?-10, we II pay chases ol $20 or over mean that But if you can't come in person mail us your order. It will be forwarded the same day it is received, and delivered to you free of charge by Uncle Sam SMARTEST SUIT STYLES, $11.75, $14.75, $18.75, $23.75, $25.00. In special groups at the above prices are many different styles ot suits that ate creations from some of the best designers in the country. You will find them showing that gives them tone and entirely lacking in that sameness that is usually found in women s Any one would be a bargain its marked price. GIVE THE YOUNGSTERS A TREAT Buy Them Underwear They'll Like To Put On. Kiddies are always ready and anxious to slip into the sort of underwear that is sold at this store, The garments are so warm, soft and snug-fitting, that you don't have to coax the children to dress, as you often must with harsh, uncomfortable garments. And then you'll find the underwear we sell decidedly economical for wear. It's long-lasting, strongly-made; retains its shape and does not shrink. For your children's comfort and your own convenience, visit our Undewear Section today and select from such famous makes as the Munsing, the Globe, the Richelieu, etc. jsnnm The Currency Bill Will not lay the foundation of your future prosperity. You must do that yourself by acquiring the Habit of Saving. Begin now. Open an Account With the Oil City Trust Company Oil City, Pa. Why do you put up You don't have to if with a Cole's Original Hot Blast Heater w S. S. SIGWORTH, Tionesta, Pa. See the name "Cole't" on the feed door of each ttove. None genuine without it Subscribe for the Republican This Year. $1. All the News. Elm, Oil City, Pt. shop here at an expense no City lolks If you purchase lor your one-way ticket pur we pay your fare both ways. s Parcel Post. much originality, a something ready - made clothes. at several dollars more than Wowl Cold as the dickens! with such a nuisance? you furnish your house You build only one fire each winter. It is never out from Fall till Spring. You get up and dress in rooms warmed with the fuel put in the night before. This is not possible with other stoves. Burns anything soft coal, hard coal or wood. Come in and see this great fire keeper and fuel saver. MS?' 4 Distinctive Individual Suits f At Prices Others Ask for Ordi nary Why pay $15.00, $20.00 or $25.00 for an or- X dinary suit the same as can buy f A Distinctively That has style, individuality and all the newest fashion touches and ideas carried out the same as a $40.00 or $50.00 suit? Even at these low prices you need not be afraid of seeing half a dozen suits like yours at church, on the street, or at the theatre. No, Not Even Two Alike. We have the greatest collection of one of a kind suits ever displayed in Oil City. Let us demonstrate to you as we have to hundreds this season the pleasure and satisfac tion of wearing a Distinctive Individual Suit. i The Same We Can Proudly Say j of Our Coat Line. i The Distinctive Henry J. 111 CENTRE ST., NOT A DEFENSE, ONLYTHE FACTS Has the Highway Department Been Unduly Extravagant PRELIMINARY WORK IS DCNE Accurate Road Map Required Before Construction of Good Roads Could 6 tart Otherwise Funds Would Be Expended Improperly. Notwithstanding the fact that Gov ernor Tener plainly Btated, at the Harrlsburg Good Roads Convention, September 18, that the Legislature of 1915 wl!i have the work and responsi bility of enacting the laws authoriz ing and regulating the issuing of the proposed road bonds, and a new ad ministration the duty of putting them into operation, provided the constitu tional amendment is carried, there are still unthinking people who at tempt to argue otherwise. Whether rightly or wrongly, a senti ment seems to exist in the minds of some persons that the State Highway Department has been unduly extrava gant In the expenditure of the State's highway funds, but few of the persons making such suggestions have ever read the highway law, or know the details of its provisions. While this phase of the road sub ject has no direct bearing on the constitutional amendment, which must be passed if the roads are to be built for the use of the present generation, it is wise to correct mis apprehensions which may exist in connection with highway subjects. One of the provisions of the Sproul highway law was that accurate road maps should be made ot every county in the State. This is a work of great magnitude, requiring the sur vey and measurement by skilled sur veyors of every mile of road in Penn sylvania. Not only must the location of the roads be established, but the width; the radius of curves; the Ir regularities of property lines; the streams; the drainage area and water outlet, all must be included in this permanent record. Its immediate practicability concerns mostly the roads included in the State highway system, for it will frequently be neces sary, in improving these highway, to change locations to secure better grades, correct the alignment, avoid grade crossings, and secure better lines of sight for the avoidance of accidents, buying or exchanging road property. In order to do this the maps must be perfect and must bo kept corrected as such changes are made. This surveying and map making, requiring the services of skilled and competent men, is expensive. Up to the date of the last report of the De partment more than thirty-five thou sand miles of the highways of the State had been surveyed and placed on the maps, and the cost of survey lny and mapping each road can be found In the published reports. A close study of the reports dis closes the fact that in nearly every instance, the work was done at a cost considerably less than would have been charged by an engineering and map-making firm. Wherever coun ty surveys were available In accurate form they were utilized; but it fre quently occurred that there were errors in these county surveys that had to be corrected, and in most counties the surveys were so incom plete as to be of little use. This is not Intended as a defense of the present highway department, Ones. you have had when you Individual Suit Garment Store McCarty, OIL CITY, PA. out merely designed tT how the facts to those who openly allege that the highway funds have been squandered, and who argue against the proposed amendment to the State constitution on the ground that much of the money might be wasted or worse. The Sproul law and the 1911 appro priation contemplated the making ot these surveys and maps. They are necessary in building a State road system. Every State which has built good roads has had to make similar maps of its highway. Without them the roads could not be improved, nor could intelligent plans for good road construction be made. In this, as in a great variety of other subjects connected with the roads there is only needed a plain statement of the facts to change an objector into a good roads advocate. There seems no possible argument against the contituttonal amendment providing fifty million dollars with which to build the roads that a close study of the facts themselves will not overcome. The exercise of ordinary horse sense in getting at the truth of the subject in all its phases will compel every voter to see for himself that not only his own best interests, but the best interests of the Common wealth as a whole are in the direc tion of the adoption ot the constitu tional amendment; the issue ot bonds by the Legislature of 1915, and the building of a system of highways which will develop Pennsylvania's resources, and place its people on an equal footing with those of other advanced States in the pursuit of wealth, health and happiness. FfRMERS FAVOR BONDS The Defeat of Bonds Would Possibly Mean a General State Tax. No farmer should vote against the Bond Issue, for its defeat may mean a general State road tax which wonir l.-.ce the burden on the land not o '( corporations. DIVORCED FROIvTdEAO MAN Queer Requirements Made In France That Official Records May Be Completed. In France, as in some other coun tries, every citizen has an official his tory. Not as varied and Interesting as his real history, but atlU import ant. From this there follow at times quaint consequences. If a woman is married, for example, a wife she re mains officially though the husband may be missing. Consider the case of the paintet who went fishing on Anthle bay. H has not since been seen. The body ol one man who went with him was washed ashore lifeless. You would call this tolerably convincing prool that his wife had been made a widow. She thought so and in due time she sought to have it recorded in her of ficial history that she was a widow. We are familiar with applications to a court of justice for leave to pre sume the death of persons who have vanished. But the French Judge was not to be so easily persuaded as our courts. The wife was in her official history a wife and there was no certifi cate to justify her appellation being changed to widow. Without a certlfl cate or reasonable documentary evi dence no man obviously ought to die. There was a way round. The be reaved woman applied for a divorce on the ground of desertion. Since death is beyond dispute the most complete kind of desertion, the court of Mon treal decided that she could not be denied. So the widow is recognized as an independent woman and apparently both the law and she are satisfied. But you will observe that the official his tory must now record the wife of a dead man as a divorcee, which does not seem very creditable to official history. Some Tailors Know As Much About Making Stylish Clothes As the Deck Hands on a Tramp Steamer. The men who design T. A. P. clothes, and the men who sew them together, are engaged only after they have proven to possess brains and ability. "A Jack of All Trades" tailor stands co show whatever in the factory that makes T. A. P. There is no discontent, no petty jeal ousies, no spite nor ill temper sewed in a T. A. P. garment. The men are hired for their ability and intelligence. The high grade character of T. A. P. clothing is manifest in every detail of the garments themselves. T. A. P. is the kind of clothing that lifts a man from the commonplace to the dressed circle of distinction. Suits and Overcoats $20 to $35. Bristling with crispness and freshness. T. A. P. Oil Citj, Pa. True Vuluft Trui Vuluti dress goods liiack and White Shepherd Checks imported and hue do nicotic makes 50 to 56 inches wide. $1(HJ. $1J5, $150 and $2 00 yard New Imported Taffeta satin Mripe, all wool lustrous, soft Cadet, Taupe, Plum, Olive, Hrown, Navy 43 inches wide, $l '.)o yard. Wool ".pontes solid colors medium weight for dresses or light weight tailorings all col ors, P.lack or Cream 54 inches wide. $'2.00 yard. children's dresses r reach Nainsook Dress 4 inch skirt hem, hand embroid ered yoke neck and sleeves trimmed with embroidery and lace edge sizes 0 months, 1, 2 years, if 1.50. Handmade Nainsook Dresses neck and sleeves lace trimmed 4 inch hem fine tucks at front neck and rows of hand embroid ered garlands sizes 6 months, 1, 2 years. $2 25. Nainsook Dresses pretty model for boys or girls tucked back and front turn-over em broidered collar sizes 6 months, t, 2 years. $2 00. BOKGS & CUML ITTSBURGH. PA. Made - To - Measure Clothes of the Highest Quality may be purchased here at the most modest prices in town, See our marvels of beauty at $15, $18 and $20 and our wonderful importa tions at $25, $30 and $35 Fit and finish guaranteed. Blum & Anderson, TIONESTA, PA. Prescription lens grinders Tor the eyes, plus C'ollegi ately trained and Inter nationally endorsed Behind the Guns. NO DROPS. RESULTS DEFINITE. Artificial Eyes In KJock. Both 'Phones. 3BS Showing New Trimmed Hats at $3.50, $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00 Shipped us last Friday by a prominent New York milliner. Mid-season styles, many of them with a touch of fur trimming. Hats with some style to them original in design and no matter how large the variety there's never two alike. We shall show you hats at these prices worth from $6.00 to $8.00. $20.00 Astrachan Coats $14.50 Coats bought through the large buying syndicate of which this store is a member. Brilliant closely curled Astrachan in black, navy blue and brown. Coats are full satin lined. Shawl collar, reveres and cuffs of plush. Draped back with double rows large velvet buttons. Ladies' Tailored Skirts $2.75 Here's a wonderfully nice skirt made of a good quality navy blue serge nicely tailored and a splendid fitting skirt. Skirts very little better are being sold for $5.00. Forest Mills Union Suit $1.00 We consider this far and away the best $1.00 Union Suit on the market. Full bleach fine rib snug fitting garment, beautifully finished. High neck, long sleeve low neck, short sleeve high neck, elbow sleeve high neck, short sleeve. Regular and "Out Size" $1.00 garment. LAST EXCURSION of the Oil City and Titusville Sunday, October 26, 1913 SPECIAL Fare to Oil City or Titus- I ville and return Glade 9.43 a. ra. $1.00 Mruthers. . . 9.46 a.m. Warren 9.63 a. m, Irvineton 10.06 a. m Tidioute 10.30 a. m, l.uo 1.00 1.00 -751 Returning, Special Train leaves Titusville 8.00 P. M., Oil City 8.40 P. M., War ren 10.00 P. M. Children 6 years of age and under 12, half fare. Baggage will not be checked. Pennsylvania Railroad Great Writer' Idea. "There is an idea- abroad among moral people that they should make their neighbors good. One person I have to make good: myself. But my duty to my neighbor is much more nearly expressed by saying that I have to make him happy if I may." Robert Louis Stevenson. f hnrb Istnition xjt. PowtWui. dean exolotioa. b.i no car d on Hvt 1 EWaverly Gasoline 13 feli refined distilled not crude f-vl M'i compressed gas. C? MX. FREE-320pwbook-.il WAVERLY OIL WORKS CO. 1 LAMP OILS LUBRICANTS LAMP OILS LUBRICANTS JAMES HASLET, GENERAL MERCHANT Furniture Dealer, -AND UNDERTAKER. TIONESTA. PKNN Fred. Grettenborgor GENERAL BLACKSMITH & MACHINIST. All work pertaining to Machinery, En gines, Oil Well Tools, Gas or Water Fit tings and General Hiacksmi thing prompt ly done at I.w Kates. Repairing Mill Machinery given apecial attention, and xatiHfrtction gtiarantneil. Hhop in rear of and hint wextof the haw Uotinn, Tidioute, Pa. Your patronage solicited. I' RED. UKISTTENBEHUEK T. A. P. Oil City, l'a. 4 Season to TRAIN LEAVES Fare to Oil City or Titus ville and return West Hickory 10.46 a.m. $0.76 I iionesta 10.66 a. m. Oil City Ar. 11.32 a. m. I Titusville Ar. 12.20 p. m. .76 At the Racket Store BARGAINS in Graniteware, Tinware, Glassware, Chinaware, Stationery, Hosiery, Wall Paper, Window Shades Elm Street, Tionesta, Pa. J. L. Hepler LIVERY Stable. Fine carriages for all occasions, with first class equipment. We can 6t you out at any time for either a pleasure or business trip, am) alwavg at reasonable rates. Prompt service and courteous treatment. Coon aud see us. Hear of Hotel Weaver TIOUESTA, IE?A.. Telephone No. 20. CHICHESTER S PILLS W TUB IHAMOND IlKAM. A DIAMOND lilt AMI IN 1,1. for tt& year, known as lint. Safcit. Alwtvt Kellal l i,aui'l At I your UruccUt for a 'ills in lU'il ft.i-i (.ulj meulliAX l, imIcI with Htue Ril'bott. Y TuL no til her. Ituy of jour " SOLD BY DRUGGISTS tVERVWHLRf