The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, October 22, 1913, Image 1

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Legal advertisements ten cents per line
each Insertion.
We do fine Job Printing of every de
scription at reasonable rates, but it'a cash
on delivery, j-.
Published every Wednesday by
Offloe in Smeaibangh & Wank Building,
Terms, (1.00 A Year, Strictly la Advaao.
Entered as second-class matter at the
post-office at Ttooesla.
No aubsoription received for a shorter
period than three months.
Correspondence solicited, but no notice
will be taken of anonymous uommunica
lions. Always give your name.
VOL. XLVI. NO. 35.
$1.00 PER ANNUM.
Number One. -
Proposing an amendment to article
nine, section four, of the Constitu
tion of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania, authorizing the State to
issue bonds to the amount of fifty
. millions of dollars for the Improve
ment of the highways of the Com
monwealth. Section 1. Be it resolved by the
Senate and House of Representatives
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
In General Assembly met, That the
following amendment to the Constitu
tion of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl
vania be, and the same Is hereby, pro
posed, In acvoordance with the eigh
teenth article thereof:
That section four of article nine,
which reads as follows: '
"Section 4. No debt shall be creat
ed by or on behalf of the State, ex
cept to supply casual deficiencies of
revenue, -repel invasion, suppress in
surrection, defend the State In war, or
to pay existing debt; and the debt
created to supply deficiency in rev
enue shall never exceed, in the aggre
gate at any one time, one million of
dollars," be amended so as to read as
follows: '
Section 4. No debt shall be created
by or on behalf of the State, except
to supply casual deficiencies oi rev
enue, repel invasion, suppress insur
rection, defend the State in war, or to
pay existing debt; and the debt creat
ed to supply deficiencies in revenue
shall never exceed, in the aggregate
at any one time, one million of dol
lars: Provided, however, 'mat the
General Assembly, irrespective of any
debt, may authorize the State to issue
bonds to the amount of fifty millions
of dollars for the purpose of improv
ing and rebuilding the highways of
the Commonwealth.
A true copy of Joint Resolution
No. 1.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Number Two.
Proposing an amendment to section
seven, article three of the Constitu
tion of Pennsylvania, so as to per
mit special legislation regulating
Section 1. Be it resolved Vr the
Senate and House of Representatives
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
in General Assembly met, That the
following is proposed as an amend
ment to the Constitution of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania, in ac
cordance with the provisions of the
eighteenth article thereof. Amend
ment to Article Three, Section Seven.
Section 2. Amend section seven,
article three of the Constitution of
Pennsylvania, which reads as fol
lows: "Section 7. The General Assembly
shall not pass any local or special law
authorizing the creation, extension, or
impairing of Hens:
"Regulating the affairs of counties,
Okies, townships, wards, boroughs, or
school districts:
"Changing the names of persons or
"Changing the venue in civil or
criminal cases:
"Authorizing the laying out, open
ing, altering, or maintaining roads,
highways, streets or alleys:
"Relating to ferries or bridges, or
Incorporating ferry or bridge compan
ies, except for the erection of bridges
crossing streams which form bounda
ries between this and any other
"Vacating roads, town plats, streets
or alleys:
"Relating to cemeteries, graveyards,
or public grounds not of the State:
"Authorizing the adoption or legiti
mation of children:
"Locating or changing county-seats,
erecting new counties, or changing
county lines:
'Incorporating cities, towns, or vil
lages, or changing their charters:
"For the opening and conducting of
elections, or fixing or changing the
place of voting:
"Granting divorces:
"Erecting new townships or bor
oughs, changing township lines, bor
ough limits, or school districts:
"Creating offices, or prescribing the
powers and duties of officers In coun
ties, cities, boroughs, townships, elec
tion of school districts:
"Changing the law of descent or
"Regulating the practice or juris
diction or, or changing the rules of
evidence in, any Judicial proceeding
or inquiry before courts, aldermen,
Justices of the peace, sheriffs, commis
sioners. arbfWBtwa. auditors, masters
In chancery, or other tribunals, or
providing or changing methods for the
collection t debts, or. tha nf osctog
of Judgments, or 1fc?MHing the effect
of Judicial sales of real estate:
"Regulating. the fees, or extending
tin nnwBr,aLi- doth- f . aldermen,
Justices of the' it'iiratea o
"Regulating the management of
public Bchools, the building or repair
ing of school houses and the raising
of money for such purposes:
"Fixing the rate of interest:
"Affecting the estates of minors or
persons under disability, except after
due notice to all parties In interest,
to be recited in the special enact
ment: Remitting fines, penalties and for
feitures, or refunding moneys legally
paid into the treasury:
"Exempting property from taxation:
"Regulating labor, trade, mining or
"Creating corporations, or amend
ing, renewing or extending the chart
ers thereof:
"Granting to any corporation, ass
elation or individual any special or ex
clusive privilege or immunity, or to
any corporation, association or Indi
vidual the right to lay down a railroad
"Nor shall the Central Assembly in
directly enaot such special or local
law by the partial repeal of a general
law; but laws repealing local or spec
ial acts may be passed:
"Nor shall any law be passed grant
ing powers and privileges in any case
where the granting of such powers
and privileges shall have been provld
'ed.tor by general law, nor where the
courts have Jurisdiction to grant the
same or glve"he relief asked tor."
so as to read as follows:
Section 7. The General Assembly
shall not pass any local or special law
authorizing the creation, extension or
impairing of llenB:
Regulating the affairs of counties,
cities, townships, wards, boroughs, or
school districts:
Changing the names of persons oi
Changing the venue in civil or crim
inal cases:
Authorizing the laying out, opening,
altering, or maintaining . roads, high
ways, streets or alleys:
Relating to ferries or bridges, or in
corporating ferry or bridge compan
ies, except for the erection of bridges
crossing streams which form bounda
rie bet w en Hi m and any other Stale;
Vacating roads, town plats, streets
or alleys:
Relating to cemeteries, graveyards,
or public grounds not of the State:
Authorizing the adoption, or legiti
mation of children:
Locating or changing county-seats,
erecting new counties or changing
county lines:
Incorporating cities, towns or vill
ages, by changing their charters:
For the opening and conducting ol
elections, or fixing or changing the
place of voting,
w Granting divorces:
ii-Breeting new, townships or bor
oughs, changing township lines, bor
ough limits or school districts:
Creating offices, or prescribing the
powers and duties of officers in coun
ties, cities, boroughs, townships, elec
tion or school districts:
Changing the law of descent or suc
cession: Regulating the practice or Jurisdic
tion of, or changing the rules of evi
dence in, any judicial proceeding or
Inquiry before courts, aldermen, Jus
tices of the peace, sheriffs, commis
sioners, arbitrators, auditors, masters
In chancery or other tribunals, or pro
viding or changing methods for the
collection of debts, or the enforcing
of Judgments, or prescribing the ef
fect of judicial sales of real estate:
Regulating the fees, or extending
the powers and duties of aldermen,
Justices of the peace, magistrates or
Regulating the management of pub
lic schools, the building or repairing
of school houses and the raising of
money for such purposes:
Fixing the rate of Interest:
Affecting the estates of minors or
persons under disability, except after
due notice to all parties in interest,
to be recited in the special enact
ment: Remitting fines, penalties and for
feitures, or refunding moneys legally
paid Into the treasury:
Exempting property from taxation:
Regulating labor, trade, mining or
manufacturing; but the legislature
may regulate and fix the wages or
salaries, the hours of work or labcr,
and make provision for the protection,
welfare and safety of persons employ
ed bv the State, or by any county.
oily, borough, town, townnuip. cl I
dWtrlct, village, or mber civil di
vision of the State, or by any contract
or or sub-contractor performing work,
labor or service for the State, or for
any county, city, borough, town, town
ship, school district, village or other
civil division thereof:
Creating corporations, or amending,
renewing or extending the charters
Granting to any corporation, asso
ciation, or Individual any special or
exclusive privilege or immunity, or
to any corporation, association, or In
dividual the right to lay down a rail
road track:
Nor shall the General Assembly in
directly enact such special or local
law by I lie partial repeal of a general law
but law repealing local nr special sols
may be passed:
Nor shall any law be passed grant
ing powers or privileges In any case
where the granting of such powers
and privileges shall have been pro
vided for by general law, nor where
the courts have jurisdiction to grant
the same or give the relief asked for.
A true copy of Joint Resolution
No. 2.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Number Three.
froposing an amendment to section
three of article eight of the Consti
tution of Pennsylvania. ' ;
Section L' Be it resolved by the
House of Representatives of the Com
monwealth ol Pennsylvania (K. -the
Senate concur), That the following la
proposed as an amendment to the Con
stitution of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, in accordance with the
provisions of the eighteenth article
Section 2. Amend section thrd of
Article eight, which reads as follows:
All juuges eiuuieu uy ma civi-iui a v.
the State at large elected at
either a general or municipal election,
tM-CWBnils.nces may nsiiuus.
the elections for Judges of the courts
for the several judicial districts, and
for county, city, ward, borough, and
township officers, for regular terms of
service, shall be held on the municipal
election day; namely, the Tuesday
next following the first Monday of No
vember In each odd-numbered year,
but the General Assembly may by law
fix a different day, two-thirds of all
the members of each House consent
ing thereto: Provided, That such
elections shall always be held In an
odd-numbered year," so as to read:
Section 3. All Judges elected by
the electors of the State at large may
be elected at either a general or mu
nicipal election, as circumstances may
require. All elections for Judges of
the courts for the several Judicial dis
tricts, and for county, city, ward, bor
ough, and township officers, for regu
lar terms of service, shall be held on
the municipal election day; namely, (be
Tuesday next billowing the Ural Mon
day of November in each odd-number-ed
year, but the General Assembly
may by law fix a different day, two
thirds of all the members of each
House consenting thereto: - Provided,
That such elections sha!l be hold In
an odd-numbered year: ProvldqdJyr
ther, That all Judges for the courts
of the several judicial districts hold
ing office at the present time, whose
terms of office may end in an odd
numbered year, shall continue to hold
their offices until the first Monday of
January in the next succeeding even
numbered year.
A true copy of Concurrent Resolu
tion No. 3.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Number Four.
Proposing an amendment to section
one of article nine of the Consti
tution of Pennsylvania, relating to
Section 1. Be it resolved by the
Senate anil House of Representatives
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
in General Assembly met. That the
following Is proposed as an amend
ment to the Constitution of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania, in ac
cordance with the provisions of the
eighteenth article thereof:
Section 2. Amend section one of
article nine of the Constitution of
Pennsylvania, which reads as follows:
"All taxes shall be uniform, upon
the same class of subjects, within the
territorial limits el the authority levy
ing the tax, and shall be levied and
collected under general laws; but the
General Assembly may, by general
laws, exempt from taxation public
property used for public purposes,
actual places of religious worship,
places of burial not used or held for
private or corporate profit, and institu
tion., of purely public charity," so as
to read as follows:
All taxes shall be uniform upon the
same class of subjects, within the ter
ritorial limits of the authority levying
the tax, and shall be levied and col
lected under general laws, and the
sinjeot ol luxation may be classiiied
for the purpose of laying graded or
progressive taxes; but the General
Assembly may, by general laws, ex
empt from taxation public property
used for public purposes, actual places
of religious worship, places of burial
not used or held for private or cor
porate profit, and institutions of pure
ly public charity.
A true copy of Joint Resolution
No. 4.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Number Five.
Proposing an amendment to the Con
stitution of Pennsylvania.
Be it resolved by the Senate and
House of Representatives of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania in Gener
al Assembly met, That the follow
ing la proposed as an amendment to
the Constitution of Pennsylvania, In
accordance with the provisions of the
eighteenth article thereof:
Article IX.
Section 15. No obligations which
have been heretofore Issued, or which
may hereafter be Issued, by any coun
ty or municipality, other than Phila
delphia, to provide for the construc
tion or acquisition of waterworks,
subways, underground railways or
street railways, or the appurtenances
thereof, shall be considered as a debt
of a municipality, within the meaning
of section eight of article nine of the
Constitution of Pennsylvania or of
this amendment, if the net revenue
derived from said property for a per
iod of five years, either before or after
the acquisition thereof, or, where the
same is constructed by the county or
municipality, after the completion
thereof, shall have been sufficient to
pay Interest and sinking-fund charges
during said period upon said obliga
tions, or if the said obligations shall
be secured by liens upon the respec
tive properties, and shall Impose no
municipal liability. Where munici
palities or counties shall issue obliga
tions to provide for the construction
of property, as herein provided, said
said municipalities or counties may
also Issue obligations to provide for
the interest and sinking-fund charges
accruing thereon until said properties
shall hare been completed and In op
eration for a period of one year; and
said municipalities and counties shall
not be required to levy a tax to pay
said Interest and sinking-fund charges,
as required by section ten of article
nine of the Constitution of Pennsyl
vania, until after said properties shall
have been operated by said counties
or municipalities during said period
of one year. Any of the said munici
palities or counties may Incur Indebt
edness in excess of seven per centum,
and not exceeding ten per centum, of
the assessed valuation of the taxable
property therein, if said increase of
Indebtedness shall have been assented
to by three-fifths of the electors vot
ing at a public election, In such man
ner as shall be provided by law.
A true copy of Joint Resolution
No. 6.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
The Advertised
(Is one In which the merchant
himself has implicit faith
else he would not advertise it.
Yon are safe In patronizing the
merchants whose ads appear
In this paper because their
goods are up-to-date and never
for THIS
Whereas, In and by the act of the Gen
eral Assembly of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to amend
r he tenth section of an act, entitled 'An
ct to regulate the nomination and elec
tion of publla officers, requiring certain
expense incident thereto to be paid by
the several counties and punishing cer
tain offenses in regard to such elections,"
approved the 26th aay of June, A. D.,
8115. it Is made the duties of the 8herlfT
f every county within this Common
Health to give public notice of the Gen
eral Elections, and In such to
I. Enumerate the oflicers to be elected
and give a list of all the nominations
made as provided In this act, and to be
voted for In such county, and the full
text of all constitutional amendments
submitted to a vote of the people, but
the proclamations posted in each elec
tion district need not contain the names
of any candidates but those to be voted
fr In such district.
II. Designate the place at which the
election Is to be held.
III. Ho shall give notice that every
person, excepting Juatlces of the Peace,
who shall hold any office or appointment
or profit or trust under the government
of the United States, or of this State, or
of any city, or Incorporated district,
whether a commissioned officer or other
wise, a subordinate officer or agent who
Is or shall be employed under the legis
lative, executive or judiciary depart
ments of this State, or of the United
States, or of any city, or incorporated
district, and also that every member of
Congress and of the State Legislature,
and of the select or common council of
any city, or commissioners of any Incor
porated district, Is by law Incapable of
holding or exercising at the same time
the office or appointment of judge, In
spector or clerk of any election of this
Commonwealth, and that no Inspector,
judge or other officer of any such elec
tion shall be eligible to any office to be
then voted for, except that of an elec
tion officer.
I, W. 11. Hood, High Sheriff ol
the County of Forest, do hereby make
known and give this public notice to the
electors of the County of Forest that a
General Election will be held in said
County, on
Tuesday, November 4, 1013,
between the hours of 7 a. m. and 7 p. m.,
at the several Election Districts.
The following are the officers to be
elected, and a list of all the nominations
made therefor, and which shall be voted
for In the form in which they shall ap
pear upon the ballots:
Officers to be elected
Two persons for Judges of the Super
ior Court of Pennsylvania.
Due person for District Attorney of
Forest County.
At the same time (he qualified electors
will vote on the question of the adoption
or rejection of five proposid Amend
ments I" the Constitution of the State of
List of nominations
J mine of the Nmierinr Conn.
James Alcorn, Non-Partisan.
Webster Hrim, Non-Partisan.
John J. Henderson, Non-Partisan.
Jobn W, Kepbart, Non-Partisan.
District Attorney.
M. A. Carrlnger, Republican.
T. F. Kitcbey, Democratic
Homer Blair, Prohibition.
Proponed Amendments to the Constitution.
Proposed Amendment to the Consti
tution No. 1.
Shall Section Four ol Article Nine of
the Constitution be amended so as to
read as follows?
Section 4. No dent shall be created by
nr on behalf of the State, except to supply
i.'usual deficiencies of revenue, repel Inva
sion, suppress Insurrection, defend the
State In war, or to pay exitlng debt; and
the debt created to supply deficiencies In
revenue shall never exceed. In the aggre
gate at any one time, one million of dol
lars: Provided, howwer, That the General
Assembly, Irresixtctlve of any debt, may
authorize the State to Issue bonds to the
amount of fifty millions of dollars for the
purpose of Improving and rebuilding the
highways of the Commonwealth.
Proposed Amendment to the Consti
tution No. 2.
Shall Section Seven of Article Three of
the Conalitutirm be amended so as to
read as follow?
Section 7. Vhe General Assembly shall
not pass any local or special law authoriz
ing the creation, extension or Impairing of
Regulating the affairs of counties, cities,
townships. Hards, boroughs, or school dls
irlcts: Changing the names of persons r places,
('hanging the venue in civil or criminal
Authorising the laying out, opening. n
terlng. or maintaining ronils. highways,
streets or alleys: .
Relating to ferries or bridges, or Incor
porating ferry or bridge companies, exec-pi
for the erection of bridges crossing
streams which form biuiidailcs between
this and any other State:
Vacating mads, town plats, streets or
Relating lo cemeteries, Kraveyurds. or
public grounds not of the State.
Authorizing the adoption, or legitima
tion of children
I.ocaili g or changing county-scats,
erecting new counties or changing county
lac orpor itlng cities, towns or vlllngea,
bv changing their charters:
For the opening and conducting or elec
tions, or fixing or changing the place of
Granting divorces:
Erecting new townships or boroughs,
.-hanging township lines, borough limits
yr school districts:
Creating ofllees, or prescribing the pow
ers and duties of officers In counties,
cities, boroughs, townships, election or
school districts:
Changing the law of descent or suc
cession: Regulating the practice nr Jurisdiction
of, or changing the rules of evidence In,
uny Judicial proceeding or Inquiry beforo
courts, nlilermen. Justices of the pcuce.
fherl.Ts, commissioners, arbitrators, au
ditors, masters in chancery or other tri
bunals, or providing or changing methods
for the collection of debts, or the en
forcing of Judgments, or prescribing the
effect of Judicial sales of real estate:
Regulating the fees, or extending the
powers and duties of aldermen. Justices
of the M'nce, magistrates or constables:
Regulating the management of public
schools, the I. nil. ling or repairing of
school houses and the raising of money
for such purposes:
Fixing the rate of Interest:
Affecting the estates of minors or per
sons under disability, except nfter due
vntlce to all parlies In. interest, to ba re
cited In the special enactment:
R"mlttlng lines, penalties and forfei
tures, or refunding moneys legally paid
Into the treasury:
Exempting property from taxation:
Regulating labor, trade, mining or man
ufacturing: but the legislature may reg
ulate and fix the wages or salaries, the
hours of work or labor, and make provi
sion for the protection, welfare and safety
of persons employed by the State, or by
any county, city, borough, town, town
ship, school district, village, or other civil
division of the Stale, or by any contractor
or fvih-contractnr performing work, labor
or services for the State, or for any coun
ty, city, borough, town, township, school
district, village or other civil division
tbeieof :
Creating co p ualions. ot amend. ng. re
newing ui extending the charters thereof:
Granting lo any corporation, association
or Individual any special or exclusive
privilege or Immunity, or to any corpora
tion, association, or Individual the right to
lay down a railroad track:
Nor shall tho General Assembly Indi
rectly enact such special or local law by
the partial repeal of a general law; but
laws repealing local or special acts may
be passed:
Nor shall any law bo passed granting
powers or privileges in any case where
the granting of such powers and priv
ileges shall have been provided for by
general law, nor where the courts have
Jurisdiction to grant the same or give the
relief asked for.
Proposed Amendment lo the Consti
tution No. 3.
Shall Section Three of Article Right of
tbe Constitution be amended so as to
read as follows?
Section 3. All Judges elected by the
electors ot the Statu ut lurgu may be
elected ut either a general or municipal
election, as circumstances may require.
All elections for Judges of the courts for
the Bevx-rul Judicial districts, and for
county, city, ward, borough, and town
ship olllcers, for regular terms of service,
shall lie hold on the municipal election
day; namely, the Tuesday next following
the llrst Monday of November In each
odd-numbered year, but the General As
sembly may by law llx a different day,
two-thirds of all tho members of each
House consenting thereto: Provided, That
such elections shall be held In an odd
numbered year: Provided further, Thut
all JudgcB for the courts of the several
Judicial districts holding office at the
present time, whose terms of office may
end In an odd-numbered year, shall con
tinue to hold their offices until the first
Mondny of January In tho next succeed
ing even-numbered vear.
Proposed Amendment lo tbe Consti
tution No, 4.
Shall Section One of Article Nine of
the Constitution be amended so as to
read as follows?
Section 1.
All taxes shall be uniform upon the
same class of subjects, within the ter
ritorial limits of the authority levying
the tax. nnd shall be levied and collected
under general laws, and the subjects of
taxntlnn may be classified for the purpose
of laying graded or progressive tuxes;
but the General Assembly niay, by gen
eral laws, exempt from taxation public
property used for public purposes, actual
places of religious worship, places of
burial not bsed or held for private or
corporate prolit, and Institutions of pure
ly public charity:
' Proposed Amendment lo tbe Consti
tution No. 6.
Shall Article Nine of the Constitution
be amended by adding a Section to read
as follows?
Section li No obligations which have
teen heretofore Issued, or which may here
Ifter be Issued, by tinv cnun'y or munlcl
.villty, other than Philadelphia, to provide
for the construction or acquisition of wa
terworks, subways, underground railways
or street railways, or the appurtenances
thereof, shall be considered ns a debt of
a municipality, within the meaning of sec
tion eight of article nine of the Constitu
tion of Pennsylvania or of this amend
ment, If the net revenue derived from said
property for a period of five years, either
before or after the acquisition thereof, or,
where the same Is constructed by the
county or municipality, after the comple
tion thereof, shall have been sufficient to
pay Interest nnd sinking-fund chnrgos
during Raid period upon said obligations,
or If the said obligations shall be secured
by liens upon the respective properties,
and shall Impose no municipal llnblllty
Where municipalities of counties shall Is
sue obligations to provide for tho con
struction jif property, as herein provided,
said ninnTclpalitles or counties mny also
Issue obligations to provide for the Inter
est ond sinking-fund charges accruing
thereon until said properties shall hnve
been completed nnd In operation for a
period of one year: nnd said municipali
ties nnd conn Ilea shall not be required to
levy a tnx to pay said Interest nnd sinking-fund
charges, ns required bv section
ten of article nine of the Constitution of
Pennsylvania, until after said properties
shall have been operated by said counties
or municipalities during said period of one
yenr. Any of the said municipalities or
counties may Incur Indebtedness In excess
of seven per centum, and- not exceeding
ten per. cent urn. of the assessed valuation
of the taxable property therein. If said
Increase of Indebtedness shall have been
nssented to by three-fifths of the electors
voting at a public election, In such man
nor as shall be provided by law.
The Electors of Ba'rnctt Township ns
follows: Those residing tn the Cooks
burg Election District, to-wit: Those
embraced in the following boundary, viz:
Beginning at a point on the Tylersburg
und Clnrington road where the said road
crosses or Intersects with the west line
of Barnett Twp., thence in a aoutheast
rly direction by the vnrlous courses and
distances of said road to a point where
the said road crosses the East branch of
Coleman Run; thence down the suld run
by Its various courses and meandcrlngs
to the Clarion River; thence down the
said river by the various courses and
distances thereof to the southwest cor
ner of Barnett Twp., thence northerly by
tho west line of suld Township to the
place of beginning, shall vole al A. Cook
Sons Co 's Shop.
The Electors of Barnett Township ns
follows: Those residing In the Redclyffe
Election District, to-wlt: Those em
braced In the following boundnry, viz:
Beginning at a point on the suld Tylers
burg and Clarlngton road where the
same intersects with the northern line
of warrant No. 3305; thence by the north
ern line of said warrant !K!0u, easterly to
the west line of warrant No. 3148; thence
by the west lino of suld warrant north
erly to the northwest corner of said war
rant No. 314R, thence easterly by the
northern line of sulu warrant No. 3148
nnd tho north line of warrant No.
3145 to tho eastern lino of Barnett Twp.;.
thence northerly by the cast line of said
Township to the northeast corner of Bur
nett Township; thence westerly by the
northern line- of said township to the
northwest corner of Barnett Twp.;
thence by tho west line of said Town
ship southerly to tho Intersection of said
Township line with the Tylersburg and
Clarlngton rond; thence southeasterly by
the various courses and distances of said
road to the place of beginning, shall vote
at Joseph Hull's Carpenter Shop.
The Electors of Barnett Township as
follows: Those residing In the Clarlng
ton Election District, to-wlt: Those em
braced in the following boundury, viz:
Beginning at a point on the said Tylers
burg and Clarlngton road where the said
road Intersects with the northern line of
warrant No. 3.105; thence southeasterly
along said road bv the various courses
and dlstunces thereof to a point where
the said road crosses the eastern branch
of Colemnn Run; thence a wn the suld
run by Its various courses and distances
thereof to the Clarion River; thence up
the said Rlvw by Its various courses nnd
dlstnnces to the southeast corner of Bur
nett Township; thence by the east lino
of said Township northerly to the north
east corner of warrant No. 3145; thence
westerly by the north line of said war
rant No. 3145 and the north lino of war
rant No. 3148 to th northwest corner of
said warrant No. 3148; thence southerly
by the west line of said warrant No. 3148
to the northeast corner of warrant No.
3:6; thence by the north line of suld
warrant No. 3.W5 westerly to the place of
beginning, shall vote In the County and
Township House.
The Electors of Green township as fol
lows: Those residing In the Election Dis
trict of Gultonvllle, to-wlt: those em
braced In the following boundury, viz:
Beginning at a post, the north corner of
Warrant No. 51 "3. thence south forty-five
degrees west three hundred and twenty
tods to the west corner of said tract,
thence south forty-five degrees east ulong
the dividing line between tracts Nos. 0133
and 6505 to the north corner of tract No.
Kul, thence by the northwest line of tract
.rjol and the southeast line of tracts Nos.
B5H5 and 5504 to the south corner of tract
No. 5504, thence southwesterly to the
northwest corner of tract No. 3330, and
southeast corner of tract 5502 on the
Clarion county line, thence by the same
east to the northeast corner of Clarion
county, thence north by the Jenks town
ship line to where the said Jenks town
ship line crosses the northeast line of
tract 5500, thence northwesterly by the
place of beginning, shall vote at tin
County House at Gultonvllle.
northeast line of Green township to the
The Electors of Green township resid
ing outside of the territory embraced in
the above described Election District of
Gultonvllle, shall vote at the Township
House, In Nebraska village.
The Electors of Harmony township as
follows: Those residing in the election
district of Upper Harmony, to-wlt: those
embraced in the following boundary, viz:
Beginning on the Allegheny River at the
TloncBta township line; thence northerly
by snld line to the back line of the river
tracts; thence along the buck line of the
river tracts to West Hickory Creek;
thence up said West Hickory Creek to
tho Warren County line; thence east
along said Warren county line to the Al
legheny River; thence down said river to
the place of beginning, at G. W. King's
Hall, West Hickory.
The Electors of Harmony township re
siding outside of the territory embraced
In the nbove described Upper Harmony
shall vote at the Township Election
House on the Fugle Farm.
The Electors of Hickory township at
the Township House.
The Electors of Howe township as fol
lows: Thoso residing in the Election Dis
trict of Middle Howe, to-wlt: those em
braced In the following boundary, viz:
Beginning at a point where the west line
of Warrant No. 319S intersects the line
of Warren and Forest counties; thence
south by the west lines of Warrants
31!, 3193, 318S, 3187 and 3185 to a point
where the west line of Warrant 3185 in
tersects with tho Jenks township line,
thence by Jenks township line east to a
point whore the eastern line of said war
rant 3185 Intersects said Jenks township
line; thence north along the eastern
boundnry lines of warrant 3185, 3187 and
3189 to tho northwest corner of sub
division No. 65 of warrant No. 2993;
thence east ulong the north line of sub
divisions Nos. ti9, 08, 65, 61 and 61 to the
northwest corner of warrant No. 2736;
thence north along the east lines of war
rants No. 2993, the Fox Estate. 2991 and
2735 to where the east lino of 2735 inter
sects the Warren and Forest County line;
thence by said Warren and Forest coun
ty line west to the northwest corner of
Warrant 3198, the pluce of beginning,
and also the 1') lectors of Uowe township
residing in what was formerly the Elec
tion District of Frost's, and those resid
ing in what was formerly the Election
District of West Uowe, aud those resid
ing in what was formerly Ibe 'lough's
Election District, these election districts
having been consolidated, -shall vote at
the County and Towusbip House at
The Electors of Howe township resid
ing In the Election District of East
Howe, to-wit: Those residing within the
territory embraced by the following
boundnry lines, to-wlt: Beginning at a
point in the Warren and Forest county
line where the same is intersected by the
east line of warrant 2735; thence south
along the eastern boundury lines of war
rants 2735, 2991, the Fox Estute, and war
rant 2993 to the northwest corner of sub
division No. 61 in warrant 2736; thence
east along the northern boundury lines
of warrants 2736, 2808 and 2164, to the Elk
county line; thence north along the Elk
and Forest county line to where the same
Is Intersected by the Warren and Forest
county line; thence west along suld War
ren and Forest county line to tho north
east corner of warrant 2735, the place of
beginning, shall vote at Brookston In
Brookston Library Hull.
Tho electors of Jonks township resid
ing in the Election District of Byroin,
shall vote tn Berg's Hall, at Duhrlng in
said township.
The Electors of Jenks township resid
ing in the Election District of Marian
vnle; also (hose residing in what was
formerly the Election District of Lanio
tin, the two districts having beeu con
solidated, shall vote in the Election aud
Township House at Marien ville.
The Electors of Klngsley township re
siding In the Election District of Kollett-
ville, to-wlt: Those embraced In the fol
lowing boundary, viz: Beginning nt the
common corner of warrants 6217, 6218, 5223
and 5234, said corner being on the line di
viding Hickory und Klngsley townships,
thence southeasterly along the line di
viding warrants 5217 and 6234, 5216 and
1235, 5215 and 6236, 6267 and 5266, to the line
dividing Klngsley nnd Howe townships;
thence south along said township line to
a post where the sumo Intersects or
crosses tho southeast line of warrant
5180; thence southwestwardly along the
line dividing warrants 6108 und 6110, 6109
and 5113, 6128 und 6129 and 5135, to the
southwest corner of warrant 6128; thence
along the southwest line of warrant 5128
to the northwest corner thereof; thence
northeasterly along the northwest line
of warrant 5128 to a point where the
northwest line of what is known as the
l'ctreo & Co. land entered tho line be
tween warrants 6I2K and 5169; thence
along said l'ctreo & Co. southwest line
to tho line dividing warrants 52H9 and
5196; thence from said lino to a point In
the public road known as the Tlonesta
creek and Hickory road, whore the sainu
intersects what Is known as the Ball-
town road, thence along the said Tio-
nestu creek and Hickory road northwest
wardly to a point where the same crosses
tho Hickory und Klngsley township line;
thence along said Hickory und Kit gsb-y
township Huo northeastwardly to the
place of beginning, shall vote In An
drews Hall, ut Kellcttvllle.
The Electors of Klngaley Township re
siding In l he Mayburg District, to wit:
Those embraced In the terrltorv ,ylng to
the northeast of the above described
Election District of Kc'il'-ttvHle, shall
vote nt the County House ill said dis
trict. Tho Electors of Klngsley Township re
siding in tho Newtown District, to-wlt:
Those embraced In tho territory lying to
tho southwest of the above described
Election District of Kellottvllle, shall
vote ut the Township House, near the
northwest end of Newtown bridge.
The electors of Tlonesta township nt
the Township House, near the southeast
end of the Tlonesta creek bridge, at the
mouth of said creek.
The electors of Tlonesta borough at the
Court House In said borough.
I also niako known the following pro
visions of the new Constitution of 1'enn-
Sec. 1. Every inulo citizen twenty-one
years of age, possessing the following
qualifications, shall be entitled to vote
nt all elections:
Plrst lie shall have been a citizen of
the United States nt least one month.
Second Ho shall liuvo resided In the
State one year, (or, having previously
been a qualified elector or native born
citizen of the Stato he shall have re
moved therefrom and returned,- then six
months,) immediately preceding the elec
tion. Third He Kl.all have resided In the
election district where he offers to vote
ut least two months immediately preced
ing the election.
Fourth If twenty-two yonra of age or
upwards, he shall have paid within two
years a State or county tax which shall
have been assessed at least two months
nnd paid at least one month before elec
tion. Section 2. The general election shall
be bold biennially mi the Tuesday next
lollowing the first Monday of November
In each even-numbered year, hut the
General Assembly may by law fix a dif
ferent day, two-thirds of a II the mem here
of each House consenting tberet : Pro
vided, That such election shall always be
bold in an even-numbered vesr.
Notice is hereby given. That any per
son excepting Justices of the Peace who
shall hold any office or appointment of
piolit or trust under the United States,
or tills State, or any city or Incorporated
district whether commissioned officer or
otherwise, a subordinate officer or agent
who Is or shall be employed under the
legislative, executive or Judiciary depart
ment of tills State, or In any city, or of
any Incorporated district, nnd also that
every member of Congress and of the
State Legislature, or of the select or
common council of any city, or commis
sioners of any Incorporated district, is
by law incapable of holding or exercis
ing at the time, the office or appoint
ment of Judge, inspector or clork of any
election in this Commonwealth, and that
no inspector, Judge or other officer of
such election shall be eligible to be then
voted for.
The Judges of the aforesaid districts
shall representatively take charge of the
certificates of return of the election of
their respective districts, and produce
them at the Prothonotary's office in the
Borough of Tlonesta, as follows: "AH
judges living within twelve miles of the
Prothonotary's olllco, or within twenty
four miles if their residence be In a
town, village, or city upon the line of a
railroad leading tn the county sent, shall
before 2 o'clock p. m., on WEDNESDAY,
November 6th, lill.'t, and all other Judges
shall, before 12 o'clock in., on THURS
DAY, November 8. 1WI3, deliver Raid re
turns, together with the return sheets, to
the Prothonotury of the Court of Common
Pleas of Forest County, which said re
turn shall be filed, and the day and hour
of filing marked therein, and shall be
preserved by the Prothonotnry for pub
lic inspection.
Given under my hand at my office In
Tioneata, Pa., this lilst day of October,
In the year of our Lord nineteen hun
dred and thirteen, and In the one hun
dred and thirty-eighth year of tbe In
dependence of the United States.
W. 11. HOOD, Sheriff.
With the Passage of Bonds the State
Can Be More Liberal to Aid
the Townships.
When the State is relieved of tho
expenditures now made for the
Sproul rends it will be in a po
sition to extend more liberal
aid to the townships in the
maintenance of the local roads. The
Junes law now in force provides that
the State shall pay to townships an
amount equal to 50 per cent of their
levy fur road taxes up to $25 per
mile, but the appropriation by the
last Legislature as cut down by the
Governor eituilH but $1.75 per mile
and mttkes of tills law a farce. With
the loan in force the Good Roods ad
vocates of tho State will at once turn
tlielr attention to securing from each
Legislature the full 50 per cent nr $25
per mile for townships. This will not
only have the effect of nt onre reduc
ing road taxes in every township In
tho State, but it will Insure to each
township Rood local roads leading to
the main State roads nnd In fact
everywhere throughout the township.
Ileal estate pays no Stato tux, so no
cost of the loan and no part of the
cost of these appropriations to town
ships will fall on the real estate
owner; but they will actually reduce
his road taxes, Increase tlio value of
Ills bind, make It easier to secure anil
keep competent help and make life
easier and happier for his wife, hi.
cliili'.'in and himself.
The State Grang-o officials who op
pee the state loan for Rood roads
fer tho present administration fear
that a new administration will not
properly linntllp. the Highway Depart
ment. For years the Grange has been
a strong advocate for the initiative,
referendum und recall as the great
euro for all political evils. In as
much us the people next year elect
a new Governor who appoints a new
Highway Department, also a new
I rouse of Itepresentatives and half
tlio Senate, tho State Grange oHlcluls
must explain why they think the
voters of the Stato nro incompetent
to do tills. If they are not competent
now when does tlio Grango think
they will bo competent to exercise
the Initiative, referendum and recall?
William T. Creasy In 190.1, In the
House of Representatives, favored a
system of roads connecting every
county sent in the State and said it
could be Pmilt for fifty million dol
lars. Today lie opposes the loan and
Hie very roads he asked for ten years
ago. Why? Somebody wants to be
GuviTH'ir and Is funning the farmer
to d ) it.
Modern Science.
Tlio late Samuel Wllks, Queen Vic
toria's physician, was opposed to di
etary fads. Ho once said: "If a fad
dist tells you to take an ounce of al
bumen, un ounce of starch nnd so much
water, and all that sort of thlug. Just
go und get a uico chop.
New Species of Ant.
Tn the .Malay peninsula an English
naturalist has discovered a species ot
mil that makes Its nest in the fleshy
steins of ferns that grow on the llmba
of ticca high In tbe air.