i The Distinctive Garment Store t Shirts made to order $2.00 and upward. Suits made to order $15.00 and upward, Centre Street at Elm, Oil City, Pa. Shopping By Mail. "Ordering by mail from this store is just about the same as shopping in person," said a customer from out ot town. "1 al ways feel assured that my order will be filled as satisfactorily as though I'd bought the goods myself, and there's no expense for transportation." It you can't come in person, let us show you how prompt ly and well we can fill your order. And we'll deliver it at your door free ol charge, via Uncle Sam's Tarcel Post. MORE THAN STYLE IN THESE HATS. There's an indefinable "difference" brought about, it may be, by a new color combination; a novel use of trimming; a feather applied at a new and effective angle. In short, whether it be an elaborate pattern hat, a copy of some Paris model made in our own wookrooms, or an inexpen sive hat, you may look for a touch of individuality that none but an expert could produce. Can you wonder that our Millinery Department is break ing every previous record? WOOL BLANKETS, SPECIAL, $3.90. The Best Value You'll Meet With This Winter. It is to housewives with fall bedding needs in mind that these blankets will make an especial appeal. They are extra warm and fleecy, of generous size, and come in the following colors: Blue and White Plaid, Pink and White Plaid, Black and White Plaid, Grey and White Plaid. White with Blue Border, White with Pink Border, Grey with Pink Border. Let us show you these exceptional blankets today. 13 Cents The increase in circulation of money in the United States during the past year has amounted to 13 cents per capita. Do you realize that this small amount, allowing for increase in pop ulation, aggregates $70,000,000.00 and means that much more money in circulation than a year ago. Oil City Trust Company Oil City, Pa. 1 fl To OLE AN or BRAD pl.JrJ FORD and return, $1.00 To WARREN and return, Sunday, October 12, 1913 SPECIAL TRAIN Leaves Tionesta 9.02 A. M. Returning, leave Olean 8.00 P. M., Bradford 8.00 P. M., and Warren 10.00 P M. Tickets good going and returning only on Special Train. No baggage checked Children, 6 years of age and under 12, half fare. Consult Ticket Agent. Pennsylvania Railroad. PORTLAND CEMENT PULVERIZED RAW LIMESTONE PULVERIZED BURNT LIME BURNT LUMP LIME FOR AGRICULTURAL PURPOSES New Castle Portland Cement Co. Manufacturers THE BEST QUALITY PORTLAND CEMENT ALSO - Pulverized Raw Limestone, Pulverized Burnt Lime and Burnt Lump Lime for Agricultural use. Pamphlets giving full instruction for using Portland Cement on tin farm, and Lime as a fertilizer, etc., for worn-out and unproductive farm lands, free on applica tion. New Castle Portland Cement Co. NEW CASTLE, PA. AN Unusual Collection OF One-of-a-Kind Suits. Tust to see them is to be impressed with their richness and beauty. When one closely examines the beautiful materials, the braidings, embroidery and' fur trimmings, the cleverness of cut and the unusual colorings one marvels at the ingenuity of the designer. Extra Size Suits Made With An Understanding of the Unusual Figure. Some built for the smart stout figure, with the long bust line and the narrow hips. Others built for the elderly stout figure, with extra wide hips. All are made with an appreciation of the cur rent styles and an idea that extra size suits may be as up-to-date as those of ordinary size. The Distinctive Garment Store Henry J. McCarty, 1 111 CENTRE ST., OIL CITY, PA. A Saving of Yb In Fuel With Soft Coal, Slack or Li&nite. I You get back the original cost of your stove in the fuel money saved each winter. Could you ask for more? Here is the Guarantee on Cole's Original Hot Blast Heater Backed Up in Every Particular by the Makers: "1 A saving of one-tliird in fuel over any lower draft stove of the same size, with soft coal, slack or lignite. "2 That Cole's Hot Blast will use less hard coal for heating a given space than any base burner made with the same size tire not. "3 That the rooms can be heated from ne to two hours each morning with the soft .oal or hard coal put in the stove the evening before. "A That the stove will hold tire with soft coal from Saturday night until Monday morning. "5 A uniform heat day and night, with soft coal, hard coal or lignite. "6 That every stove will remain absolutely air-tight as long as used. "7 That the feed-door is and will remain smoke and dust-proof. "8 That the Anti-Puffing Draft will prevent puffing. "All we ask is that the stove shall be operated ac cording to directions and connected with a good flue. "(Signed) COLE MANUFACTURING CO." Not Inc. (Makers of the Original Patented Hot Blast Stove.) This Guarantee can not be made on any other heating stove. If you want economy and real home comfort, come in mm and let us sell you one of these stoves. S. S. SIG WORTH, Tionesta, Pa. S tht nam "Co.V on fe,J door of ocA itov. Nonm gtnuinu without it T. A. P. Some Styles Pop In For a. Day and Then Pass Into Utter Darkness. Some men also pop into prominence and then shoot the chutes to oblivion. We believe the merchandise we sell keeps a man's ambitions alive longer than any other thing we can think of Don't let your spirits or your clothes run down at the heel T. A. P. clothes are sold to red-blooded fellows who won't trifle and don't want to be trifled with They are (he "live wires" who make our city , Beautiful Fall Models . ,,r,lV Suits and Overcoats $15 to $50 for young men between fifteen and fifty. T. A. P. Oil City, Pa. Oil City, l'a. Valuta B 6 B Talua misses' suits and coats Misses' Suit, made of plain or brocaded F.ponge in navy, taupe, c'ffn and brown. Smart model with high waist line fullness on front belted in inlaid plush collar, curls and belt peau de cy;;ne lined skirt gracefully draped c.-cr hips- price, $35.C0. Misses' Coats of rich, lus trous black Xiheline cloth, smart lhree-u;rter length larfe con vertible coliar inlaid with black seal plush plush covered but tons hpecial price, $3.50. Five Aces May Cause Man's Death. ICdward Carter, who is said to havo hold Ave aces in a poker game, is now In a serious condition in Sharon, Pa., with a dozen knife wounds covering his face, hands and body. ICdward Davidson, who is alleged to have used the knife, was arrested at Hubbard, O., and has boon charged nth aggravated assault and battery. At the Racket Store BARGAINS in Graniteware, Tinware, Glassware, Chinaware, Stationery, Hosiery, Wall Paper, Window Shades Elm Street, Tionesta, Pa. Fred. Grettonborger GENERAL BLACKSMITH & MACHINIST. All work pertaining to Machinery, En gines, Oil Well Tools, Oas or Water Kit- tings and Ueneral Klacksinitbitig prompt' ly done at Low Kates. Repairing Mill Machinery given special attention, and salistactlon guaranteed. Shop in rear of and lust west of the Nliaw House, iklioute, fa. Your patronage solicited. KRKn. ORETTKNRRRORR J. L. Hcpler LIVERY Stable. Fine carriages for all occasions, with li rat class equipment. e can lit you out at any time for either pleasure or business trip, and always at reasonable rates. Prompt service and courteous treatment. Comi and see us. Hear of Hotel Weaver TIONESTA, Telephone No. 20. comforts Sterlized Wool Filled Comforts broended messaiine top and back, variotn coloring Tl by P4 inch sizes, $7-50. Down Filled Comforts figured mercerized sateen top and back plain 9 inch sateen border 72 by 84. $6 50. B0GGS ft DUJL PITTSBURGH, PA. Made -To -Measure Clothes of the Highest Quality may be purchased here at the most modest prices in town. See our marvels of beauty at $15, $18 and $20 and our wonderful importa tions at $25, $30 and $35 Fit and finish guaranteed. Blum & Anderson, TIONESTA, PA. Prescription lens grinder for the eyes, plun C'ollegl ately I rained and Inter nationally endorsed Itehlnd the (Suns. NO DROPS. RESULTS DEFINITE. Artitielal Eyes In Ntoek. Both 'Phones. 385- . 45-Inch Suitings 59c Part wool only, but a splendid wearing material. Especially adapted for children's school dresses or any other purpose for which a strong durable fabric is required. It's woven like a ladies' cloth light grey, navy blue, Oxford grey, dark red and garnet. 54-Inch $2 and $2.50 Coatings $1 Plaid coatings, heavy enough to be made without lining. A coating chance that will not be duplicated soon again. Ladies All Silk Hose 50c Pair Fiber silk thread silk hose same style and weight sells for $1.50 pair. We Want YOU to own one of these Cars and act as our representative in your town METZ $475 , Winner of the GLIDDEN TOUR mm mm Equipped Complete 1914 Improvements The METZ "22" is the most economical ami pmctical Car cm the market. Travels 28 to 32 miles on one gallon of gasoline ami 10.001 to 13 OfO miles on n single set of tires. Is filled with standard equip ment throughout, i icludiug 4 -cylinder 22' i h. p. wnter-cooled motor, Posch mag neto, wind shield, extension top, artillery wheels, best quality ('..aaliich clincher tires, 5 luti.ps and wis generator, horn, pump, tools, rtc, Three regular atovk METZ curs won America's greatest annual Road Contest I si July and carried oil the famous Olid dm trophy, never losing n single point f: m s'art to finish, the route from Minneapolis to Glacier Tarlt, Montana. I 09 miles, comprised alt kinds and con dilion of roads from the gumho mud of Minnesota to the rocky hills of western Montana. Many makes and prlcet of cars competed, including the pick of Aiuriica s best, hut the METZ team Wat fie only team that went through with a perfect score. The METZ 2- is a fully K'mrantei d car, mnkes S to 50 miles per hour on the IukIi speed, climbs hills ns fitst as ANY regular stock car made, ami is equipped with GHARI.KSS transmission no clutch to slip, no gears to strip. Write for our new illustrated Catalog " No. 22," and full par ticulars regarding SPECIAL OFFER TO REPRESENTATIVES METZ COMPANY, WALTHAM, MASS. 1 2-Gauge Hammerless Guns it i i rer.-.ihn iiUi?1i... i is. ,s a an,--.-,,,,,,,-,, ,. h. auiTiuTPv! ' nnianci-u uu . wunom b v uii inmah l i i . . . through or .cr tu get in; can't frecxe u . with "1 , , .1 . I' r FV "'l' I not a .hell uf wood) permit, a thorougl y ,, , Ll m Jo? 1 '"'"'-I breech P- "Hm"5ilu bohd Steel Br.ech Vinsidc as well as onO Solid Ton-Sid. E,eel,on-M.tt.d Barr.! (winch cost, 4.tf extra on o her tuns)-PreM Button clrTridg. Rsl.y-uo remove loaded cartridge quickly from marine w.ihont ",,g through", UjjjW, ETtr.ctor.-Take-t)own Fe.ture-Tri.ger and Hammer Safety. Handle, rapidly; guaranteed in ahuoting abihl) ; price ManUard Grade "A" gun, $22.60. nymiy, Send 3 stamps potage for lig e.itnW lU.eriMng No. -77 777 r. r r 1A. it, r, i. t and Trap Special and aii oti.er ' S'tanin firearms Co., Iffarin repeating ritles and shotguns. Do it now I 42 Willow Street. New Haren, Conn. If VOU shoot ri'1c' ri"to1 or f,"M'!"n- '"' should have a copy of the Ideal Hand 1 ii, .Book lt'U pages of useful information for shooters. It tells all about .Tmmdiinr; J''"' Vnnu"r" " -'-'""'liB tools for all standard rille, pistol and shotgun ' 'n"'"11'",' '," 'I'""'!""re ,'U-" aeenrsiely; -W, you how to cut your ammunition e ; in half and do more ard Ivtter -h, . th . TW hook i free to a. y shooter who will e,,d three stampa postage to T!:e Martin Fiiearm Co.. a Willow St.. Sew Haven, Conn,