Have You Protection AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE? You cannot all'ord to take your own rink against loss by fire. Remember that we represent 14 OF THE BEST COMPANIES IN THE WORLD, and will be glnd to call on you wben you want Ore Insurance that really proteota. Drop ua a card and we'll do the rent. We are agents In tbla county for tbe TITLE GUARANTY AND TRUST CO., and oan furnish security for County officials, bauk olllciala, eio. ' C. II. Ail k SON. TIONESTAand R ELIETTVILLE, PA. T,ie (- quality, (School. In a C'lasH Ily Ourselves. Every graduate has been provided with a position. More than ever, employed in Warren this year. Our practical methods have made us leaders. - f Warren lSuIneis College, Warren, Pa. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. NEW ADVEKTIMKiHBNTN. Metz Co. Ad. Levi & Co. Ad. iJktnmers. Ad. ProdluinCo. Ad. Harvey Fritz. Ad. Hoggs A Bubl. Ad. The Prints Co. Ad. The Kinter Co. Ad. W. A. Korb. Reader. Robinson A Son. Ad. Oil City Trust Co. Ad. Tabltha Rateman. Hale. Grant (Sinister. Reader. Hmartct Sllberberg. Ad. V. K. Voorhles. Reader. Hlgworth Hardware. Ad. Marlln Firearms Co. Ad. Forest Co. Nat. Bank. Ad. Penn's Ry. Ad. and Reader. The Distinctive Garment Store. Ad. Pastime Theatre. Local and Reader. Oil market closed at (2.50. Is your aubacriptlon paldf " You can Ret it at Hopkins' store, tf F. R. Lanaon sells oleomargerlne. -Adv. tf 5A Horae blankets and robes at 8. 8. Blgworth'a. adv. Shot guns and rifles, ammunition and buuting coats at 8. 8. 8igwortb'.-adv. George Burhenn, of Starr, shot a fiue red fox near bis farm last Saturday morning. . , Coal bills) are a large part of your liv. Ing expense-reduce both by using Cole's Hot Blast Heaters. adv. Mrs. 8. E. Pierce sold her automo bile last Thursday to J, B. Lynch, pro prietor or tbe Imperial Hotel, Oil Cllyu Be methodical and devote a certain hour each evening to relaxation, comfort and pleasure at tbe "Pastime." You will benefit 'hereby. adv The fetVDBLrtXif'eau tUTulsb yoo with tbe very latest in engritVed calling cards or anything else In that line, at reasonable prices. tf. If any of our readers should be in need of a gas range, In good condition, and at a bargain price, tbla office cau put them wise. Apply early. adv. Tbe new Nebraska high school is now running in good shape, having opened on Tuesday of last week in charge ol Charles Johnston aa principal. Wantkd. Railroad Cross Ties. We buy all kinds and pay cash. Tbe Berry Co.. Oil City, Pa. adv L. A. Davis, Agt., Tloneata, Pa. A pie social will be pulled off at the Hunter station school bouse, Friday eve ning, Oct. 10, for the benefit of beautify. Ing the school house. Everybody oor dially Invited. Wantkd. Girl or middle aged worn sn, for general housework. Good wages to competent person. Addresa Mra. Gen. N. Reed, 601 West 2d St., Oil City, Pa. Bell phone 281-J. adv Oleomargarine always fresh, always tbe same price and making new frienda eaob day, at 20o per pound in nine pound lota, at the Salmon Creek Mercantile Co., Kellettville, Pa. adv Mr. Gaston's new domicile Is now In the banda of Frank A msler who Is doing tbe plastering, and tbe oommodious new borne will be ready for occupancy wltbin the next three or iour weeks no doubt. Surveying sud setting tbe grsde stakes for tbe Sheffield A Tlnnesta rail road is be Dg done through tbe borough flats, and it Is given out that the grade will be completed without undue delay, with tbe hope of having the rails laid and cars running before winter sets In. Electrical Contractor Beck ley has a gang of men at work at Tionesta install ing a complete electrio lighting plant in the store of Mr. Robinson. In addition to furnishing power for bis own store, Mr. Robinson will furnish lights for sev eral other stores. Warren Times, 7th. Acknowledgment of subscription re newals is made as follows, with thanks; Thos. W. Corah, Hamilton, Ontario, Can ada; R. D. Henderson, Portland Mills, Pa; S. E. Paul, Mayburg, Pa.; M. O. Erlckson, Maricopa, Cal. (uew); Mrs. W. J. Bleakley, Franklin, Pa.; L. E. Fitz gerald, West Hickory, Pa ; A. C. Shan non, Kellettville, Pa; C. B. Znendel, Starr, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Rodda werecalled to Bradford Sunday on account of tbe death of the former's sister, Mrs. John Pattison. The deceased was aged about 60 years, and had been an Invalid since lsst Christmas. She Is survived by six child ren, five daughters and one son, all ol Bradford. She was a member of the Pres byterian church. The funeral was held yesterday afternoon at her late borne. The delivery team of tbe grocery hrm of Wilson A Taylor, of Marlenvllle, be came frightened at a train Monday after noon and Indulged in a lively runaway. In rounding the corner at their store tbe driver, John Myers, was thrown out and struck his bead against a sewer. A bad gasb was cut in bis forehead and be was otherwise bruisod. He was bleeding profusely wben picked up. Dr. O'Dell attended hint and thinks his Injuries will not prove serious. Tbe wagon was some what broken up the team stopped after reaching their barn. Friday being the last day for tbe pur pose, County Commissioners Harrison and Scowden and Clerk Henry drew off a number of ties tbst occurred on tbe primary ballot throughout tbe county, tbe interested parties falling to appear after due notice. This was necessary to complete tbe tickets for the fall election. Robert Lowers, the four-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. 8. W. Lowers, of Al baugb Hill, was kioked In tbe right side by a horse, Monday afternoon, and seri ously luured. Dr. F. J. Bovard was summoned sod found the boy uncon scious, and with a broken rib. The final result of bis Injuries is rather uncertain. The boy was chasing tbe horse in a field when it playfully kicked aa be got too close to its heels. According to a Washington special, Postmaster W. H. Baker of Rldgway has been removed from nttice and B P. Mo Nully hns been appointed to tbe place, Bro. Baker's sins consisted mainly In beiug a Republican, although a pretense waa made at trumping up some sort ol charges against bim. He had something over a year yet to serve, but the "refor mers" needed the office and so "Billy" had to walk the plank, -Four cars and tbe tender of a dead engine in a northbound freight on tbe P. R. R. jumped tbe track at tbe upper awltcb bere at 8 o'clock last Friday nigh;, causing an all night delay of trsffia on the road before the oars were replaced on the raila and tbe track repaired. No one was Injured In tbe derailment. The cars were not much da pi aged bnt tbe track and switch waa considerably torn up. It was necessary to bring a special train from Oil City to transfer tbe passengers and mail of train No. 34. wbicb did not leave bere until 12:30 a. m. Saturday. State Commissioner of Health Samuel G. Dixon on Saturday announced the ap pointments of Inspecting physicians for ten counties of the state. Those for For est county are as follows: Baroelt town ship, Dr. J. J. Brewer, Clariiigton; Tio nesta borough, Gieen, Harmony, Hickory and Tionesta townsblps," Dr. t . J, Bo vard, Tionesta; Jeoks township. Dr. J. E. Beck, Marlenvllle; Klngsley and Howe townships, Dr. C. Y. Detar, Kellettville. The Inspection work will beglu In a short time. Miss Marie Brehm, who waa a prom inent figure at tbe International Con gress on Alcoholism, recently In session at Milan, Italy, read a paper on "Tem perance Teaching" before that body on Saturday which attracted wide attention. Miss Brelirn's report urged that temper ance ioatruction should be bssed on strictly scientific grounds. Tbe fight for temperance in the United States, she said, hsd given encouraging results during tbe past thirty-three years. Workmeu in America were more temperate than in any other country, abe declared. Misa Brehm, whose home Is in Pittsburg, is to be one of tbe attractions at the ap proaching teachers' county Institute to be held in Tionesta Oct. 20 24, baying been engaged to deliver an addresa on tbe eve Bhlg ol tbe 20th. As an orator she is world-famous having talked to immense gatherings In all parts of tbe globe. To bear ber la a rare treat. Her subject on this occasion will be "Tbe Voice of Sci ence. John 8. Carr, a lifelong resident of Warren county, died at 8:30 o'clock, Sat urday afternoon, Oct. 4, 1913, at bis home uear Lotlavllle, Pa. He bad been in failing health for tbe past year, the direct otUBe of his Uesth being dropsy, Mr. Carr was tbe son of William and Mar garet (Todd) Carr and waa born nesr Lotlavllle in February, I860. He was a highly successful farmer and dairyman, being famona In bia section fur tho good butter, aa well as maple sugar and syrup produced from bis farm. As a citizen bia character was above reproach and be bad many frienda in Tionesta, wbtre he was a frequeut visitor at tbe homes of bis brothers-in-law, F. R. and C. A. Lanson. He is survived by bis wife, who waa Misa Elva Lausou, and one daugb'er, Misa Genevieve; also by his mother and one brother, Forest, of Lottsvllle. Tbe fun eral waa held Monday afternoon at his late home, tbe service being oonducted by Rev. W. 8. Burton. Interment waa made in the Bear Lake cemetery. County Commissioner Scowen has lately come In possession of a amall docu ment wbiob be prizes quite highly as a souvenir. It is iu the form of a county warrant, or order, and was issued in 18C3, wben bis father, Joseph Soowden, was a member of tbe board of County Com missioners of Crawford County. Tbe order is engraved and quite resembles the old fashion "shin-plaster," or script of war times. Tbe warrant was Issued Feb. 18, 1863, to C. G. Mott or bearer, and calls for the paytneut of & 00 It bears tbe siguature of M. Waruer and Jos. Scowden, Commissioners, end Is attested byTbns. T. Minnla, Clerk. The writ ing, though faded considerably, la still quite legiable. Strnuge to say this order was unt presented to tbe Treasurer of tbe Couuty for payment until last year, forty uine yeara alter its Issue, when it was re deemed and so marked In red ink. Mr. Scowden Sr. Is the only one now living whose name appears on the order, and he Iibs reached tbe remarkable age of 00 yeara. Afer cancelling tbe paper the present board ol Commissioners of Craw ford county sent It to our towusman as an heirloom and keepsake. The opening mi eting of Tbe Tionesta Reading Club for the year 191314 was held at the home of Mra. J. 11. Derickson, Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 1st, at 2:30 o'clock, with all tbe members present ex oept two. A very interesting program was carried out. The greeting by tbe President, Mra. Brown, was well re ceived. Among other things she called attention to tbe benefit to be derived from women's clubs. Tbe work of the olabs not being confined to literary sub jects, they have taken the Initiative In a great many reforms, and leading ques tions of the day. Tbe topic study being Canada, Mra. J. F. Proper read a well prepared paper on "Tbe Dawn of Dis covery," glviog good Idea of that inter esting country. This was followed by the reading of an Interesting psper by Mra. A. B, Kelly, ber subject being "Early Explorers." She gave a sketch of the early history of Canada, ita early explorers, and a vory interesting sketch of Carller. Having become a lederated organization, it is hoped that in tbe fu ture our club will be represented at the Slate Convention. Tbe next meeting will be held at tbe homo of Mrs. George Holeman, Wednesday afternoon, Octo ber 15th. Press Supt. Contractor Lundager finished the concreto work of the bridge at the Cole man mill at Johns run and returned to his borne at Franklin Saturday. Tbe piers are substantial structures and will withstand tbe heaviest possible weight. Tbe iron for tbe superstructure is mostly on the ground, and tbe work of erecting tbe spans will begin in a few days and It is expeoted to have cars running over tbe bridge wltbin tbe next month orso. C. H. Horner, of Trumans, nesr Sheffield, bad four fingers or bis right band badly smashed while assisting in some work on a well on his lease near Trumans, this forenoon. His ha.id was caught In a wlie line, and tbe fingers were so badly lnured that amputation may be necessary. Mr. Horner is well known in Kane, end bis son Fred, who resides beie, left for ShelHeld on the noon train to aee his father. Kane Republican, Tuesday, Two large, 20 borse power pumps were taken through bere yesterday and will be instslled at tbe lease of tbe Tio nesta Gag Co., in Tlnnesta township. Tbee pumps will have a dally capacity of 1,200,000 feet of gas, which is more than double tbe consumption of the gas useia on tbe Tionesta lines, and there should be no audi thing as a shortage tbia winter. All of tbe wells on the lease are being hut In the best condition possible and the management estimates that the production will be far larger than the consumption. A very enjoyable evening was spent by tbe young folks of Guitonnille and vicinity by meeting at tbe Guitonvllle school house, Sept. 27lb, to partake of a pie social. Tbe social was arranged by the teacher, Misa Nora Haslet, In order to get Boine things much needed in tbe schoolroom. Tbe young men certainly did tbeir part and all paid a good price for a pie, Miss Mabel Haslet's pie going somewhat the highest. Warren Hoover was tbe lucky bidder, paying the sum of 8 25. Tbe total receipts were $32 81. Not so bad for old Guitonvllle, after all. The Forest County Woman'a chris tian Temperance Uuion Is represented at the State Convention at Johuhtown,' this week, by Mrs. Myrta Hulings, County President, Mrs. Mabel Henderson, Recording Secretary, Mrs. Cora Jones President of Kellettville Union, and Mra, Mary Brewer, Superintendent, from Clarlogton. Aooording to statistics given at this Convention the state now has 80, 282 members of the W.C. T. U having tbe largest gain for tbe year of any state in tbe Union, leading with 2,860 uew members in tbe last year. In addition to tbe enthuslastlo regular work, tbe con vention is Inspired by help or Madam Layau Barakat with t.e celebrated Bible Readings, Rv. Robert C. Patterson, of Belfast, Ireland, author of "Catch My Pal" movement, and Mrs. Mary Harris Armor, of Maoon, Ga. County Teachers' Institute. The forty-seventh annual session of tbe Forest County Teachers' Institute will convene at tbe Court House, Tionesta, Monday, October 20tb and continue till Friday noon, 24th, 1013. Superintendent J. O. Carson has arranged an exception ally good program for tbe week, and be has been most fortunate In the selection of bis corps of Instructors and tbeevening entertainers. Competent Judges believe that In both these featuna the Institute will be stronger than any ever heretofore held In tbe county, and that tbe gather ing will be a pronounced success goes without tbe saying. Tbe program fol lows: Monday, Oot. 20, Forenoon Session. 10:30, Enrollment st Court House. Afternoon Session. 1:30, Devotional exercises; 1:50, Vision and Prevision, A, S. Martin, B. 8., A. M., Superintendent, Norristown, Pa.; 2:30, Literature as a Culture, J. G.Carter Troop, A. M., Pb. D., Professor or English, Trinity College, University or Toronto; a: 20, The Traces of a Man, Harry M. Sbafer, A. M., former Principal Clarion Normal; 8:00, Lecture, Misa Marie C. Brehm. Tur sday, Oot. 21, Forenoon Session. 0:00, Devotional; 0:15, History-What and How, Supt. Marlln; 10:00, Popular Poetry for Children, Dr. Troop; 11:20, Some Homea and Haunts of Abraham Lincoln, Prof. Shaler. Afternoon Session -1:15, Tisls or Teach ing, Supt. Martin; 2:00, The New Rural School, Prof. Sbafer; 3:00, Sir Walter Scott, Dr. Troop; 8:00, DeKoven Male Quartette. Wednesday, Oct. 22, Forenoon Session 0:00, Devotional; 9:15, The Modern Steerage, Prof. Sbafer; 10:00, What is Education? James J. Palmer, A. M., Superintendent Oil City Publio Schools; 11:00, Tbe Story of Poetry In tbe Upper Grades, Dr. Troop. Afternoon Session. 1:15, Type Study In Geography, Supt. Martin; 2:00, Tbe Place or Fiction In tbe Schools, Dr. Troop; 3:00, Along the Mexican Bolder, Prof. Sbafer; 8:00, Lecture, Dr. Edward Am erext Ott. Thursday, Oct. 23, Forenoon Sessl.in. 9:00, Devotional; 0:15, Teaching Writing, Supt. Palmer; 10:00, The Fairy Story, Dr. Troop; 11:00, The Liucolu-Douglas Debate, Prof. Sharer. Alternoon Session. 1:15, Tbe American Policy, Supt. Martin; 2:00, Tbe Poet or the Sierras, Prof. Sbafer; 3:00, Shakes peare In the School, Dr. Troop; 8:00, Metropolitan Musical Club. Friday, Oct. 24, Forenoon Session. 9:00, Devotional; 0:15, The Child or the Immigrant, Prof. ShBfer; 10:00, Critics, Supt. Martin; 11:00, Reports and Ad journment. numerous' convention program. Wednesday, Oct. 22.-1:15, Election or Officers; 2:00, Characteristics of a Teach er, Prof. Shafer) 3:00, School Supervision, Supt. Palmer. ' ' Thursday, Oct. 23.-9:00, Address, Dr. Troop; 10:00, Marks of a Good School, Supt. Martin; 11:00, General Discussion. Men Wanted. Men for Brakemeu and Firemen on Al legheny division of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. Report to Agent, Tionesta, or Assistant Train Master's of fice, Stnltb Brothers block, Elm St., Oil City, Pa.-sdv. 2t Horses For Sale. Twenty-five head of draft general busi ness horses. Two mated pairs of three-year-olds, blacks. These borses are all bioken and ready for work. Will sell and trade all week, beginning Tuesday, Ojt. 14. 1013. Don't miss this great auc tion sale, Saturday, Oct. IHtb, 12 o'clock, at Edelblute's Hum, Brookville, Pa. I adv2t Grant Shuster. PERSONAL. I Harry H. Watson went to Pittsburgh Tuesday nigbt, on business. -L. E. Fitzgersld of West Hickory was one of our welcome cal lers yesterday. Mra. James T. Breunau of Warren was a guest of Mra. A. M. Dontt over the Sabbath. A. C. Shannon of Kellettville was a pleasant caller at this office yesterday afternoon. County Commissioner U. H. McClel lan and C. C. Aul were down from Mar lenvllle Tuesday. Mrs. D. H. Edwards of Washington Pa., Is visiting her parents, Mr. aud Mra. Wm. Smearba'igb. Prol. F. W. Gill was down from Tl dioute to spend Saturday aud Sunday with Tionesta fi lends. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. L'.ng, or Oil City, were guests of Mr. aud Mrs. Howard U. Donley, Saturday and Sunday. FranK Nelson, construction loreman of tbe 8. T. railroad, has moved into tbe Mealy house, on Vine street. Mr. and Mra. Adam Mealy or the Township went to Corry Saturday for a few days' visit witb relatives sod friends. -Mr. and Mrs. W. II . Wolfe, of Tio nesta township, spent a part of the past week with their daughter, Mrs. Roy Mong. in Franklin. Mrs. H. A. Sblpe of Marlenvllle, who had been tbe guest of Mra. J. B. Cottle for several days, returned to her home Thursday morning. - W. 8. Nealy of May bur a, and Martha M. Desque of Hallton, Pa., have been granted a licenae to wed, by Clerk of Courts Hunter, of Jefferson county. 8. E. Paul and family motored down from Mayburg Saturday and spent the afternoon In Tionesta, and Mr. Paul gave tbe Republican office a pleasant call while bere. Mr. and Mra. F. R. Lanson, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lanaon, Miss Olive Lanson and Arthur Lanson went up to Lottsvllle to attend tbe funeral of tbe late John 8. Carr, held Mouday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ferran and daughters Misses Eva aud Nellie, mo tored to West Hickory Sunday, spending the day witb Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mo Mullen. Seneca Kicker. Mrs. G. F. Watson is entertaining at a noonday luncheon today Mra. N. P. Wheeler, Mrs. Carl Smith and Mra. G. W. Warden, of Endeavor, and Mrs. Orion Siggina, of West Hickory. -Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen, of Warren, aud Mis. Dr. Colton of Trenton, N. J., mo tored down yesterday and enjoyed tbe perfect autumnweatber. Dr. Mitchell Is the auperlntendent of the Warren stale hospital. Dr. and Mrs. John Scott, Mr. and Mrs. L. Crosby, Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey D. H ilea and Jay Gould, alt of Jamestown, N. Y., enjoyed tbe beautiful scenery of Tionesta creek in an auto ride Sunday afternoon and were guests at tbe Hotel Weaver over night. Mrs. A. M. Saylor, of No. 225 Depot street, wbo wss engaged to keep house for Rev. and Mrs. A, H. M. Zabniser during thelt attendance at conference tbia week, was taken very ill Tbursdsy morning, necessitating the calling of a pbyilciau. Rldgway Advocate. Cbarlea and Frank Richards, for merly of Mayburg, wbo for tbe past year bave been at Davenport, Iowa, where tbey were attending college arrived In Warren tbla morning with tbelr families and will spend some time bere until tbey find a place to locate. Times, 4th, Mrs. J. P. Grove today accompanies ber daughter, Misa Genevieve, to Erie, where she later will enter St. Vincent's hospital to take a course In nursing. Mrs. C. M. Arner goes along to visit her daughter, Misa Emma, who will have completed her first year's training at that hospital some time in January next. -Mr. and Mra. W. R.Stranford, Sr., and daughter Mary Pauline, of Oil City, with their guests, Mr, and Mrs. Cbarlea Crow oble and daughter Edna, of Fern City, re turned Monday from Eat Hickory in tbe Sir an ford automobile, after spending Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Albaugh or that place. -Derrick. Martin T. Rodda and Miss Martha I. Sbriver, both or Tionesta, were married October 1, 1013, at tbe Methodist Episco pal parsonage, Franklin, at 11 o'clock a. m., Rev. J. D. Clemmons officiating. Mr. and Mra. Rodda will reside in Tionesta where both are justly popular and blgbly respected by our people. Tbe Repub lican Joins tbeir many friends in con gratulation and beBt wishes for their com plete happiness. Eugene L. Biown or Chicago was the guest of Supt. Cottle or tbe Forest Tele phone company a day or two of last week. He represents tbe American Electric Co., and while bere arranged for the installa tion of a new switch board at tbe Tionesta central exchange. It waa Mr. Brown who superintended the erection of tbe first line between Tionesta and Marlen vllle, and which has since been extended to nearly all aectioua of the county. The borne of Alonzo Hulett at Kellett ville waa the scene of a quiet wedding Wednesday noon, Oct. 1, 1913, wben Mr. William Neil and Mrs. Naomi P. Hulett were united In marriage by. Rev. H. Smallenberger. Tbe ceremony waa wit nessed by the members of tbe families of the bride and bride groom. Tbey left on a wedding tour at 3:00 p. m. After their return they will leave for Taft, California, where they will make tbeir future home. W. W. and James U. Carson, left West Hickory Monday on tbeir return trip to tbeir homes in Brittlsb Columbia, near tbe Pacific coast. "Sam" Is located fifty or sixty miles from Culville, Wash., and James' home, at Okanagan, is about 150 milea farther out. The boys are ac companied by their mother, Mrs, J. G. Carson, wbo will spend a part of tbe winter witb them, or aa long aa she feels the change Is agreeing witb her. Mr. Carson may also go out on a visit later on. Pastime Theatre Program. THURSDAY. "Theresa, the Adventuress." 3 -Reel-3 FRIDAY. "Two Souls." "Witb Honor at Stake." 2-Reel-2 SATURDAY. "As tbe Bella Ring." "The Triumph of Strength." 2-Reel-2 Pictures Every Nigbt. adv I G. A. R. Meeting. Capt. Geo. Stow Pobi274, held lta reg ular meeting at the ball on Tuesday after noon at 2 o'clock, Lyman Cook, Com mander presiding. Present, D. W.Clark, Adjl; 8. D. Irwin, Q. M.; W. W. Walford, O. D. In the absence of tbe 8. V. and J. V. Commanders, H. W. Ledebur and John B. Eden were appointed to till those offices pro tern, respectively. Chaplain Feit gave a feeling and highly appropri ate invocation. A communication from C. A. Watera of Warren a state amis' set inspector, was read, to appoint a member of tbe Post aa inspector, whereupon G. W. Robinson as duly appointed and proceeded upon bis duties, which be conducted with bis ususl ability. The Inspector's report shows 16 members in good staudlng. Adjutant Clark read an able report, and the Quarter Master reported the cash funds of tbe Post on bauds at $20 .75. That the expenses of Memorial Day were: tbe band fO, aud 125 dinnera at a cost of 40 making the expenses exactly f 43. Post In good order considering tbe age, and scattered condition of tbe members. A stated meeting was appointed, to be held on tbe 1st Tuesday in December, at tbe ball at 2 o'clock in tbe afternoon, for tbe nomination and election of officers for tbe ensuing year, after which Post adjourned in F. L. A T. Kellettville. Mrs. Brinton of Stewart Run was tbe guest or Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Gillspie several days during tbe week. Ida Brewster has been sick for tbe past week with pneumonia, but la Improving. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Ellison Watson, Friday, a baby boy, Wm. Neil of Bradford and Mrs. Naomi Hulilt were married at the home of the letter's son, Wednesday noon, by Rev. Henry Smallenberger, in tbe presence of the immediate relatives. Tbey left on the noon train and will make tbelr future home In California. Mra. F. B. Robbins is on the sick list this week. Mrs. Minnie Sekina is visiting her niece In Wsrren. Mrs. Kelley is confined to ber bed, suf fering witb a nervous breakdown, A number of our people were up to Warren during the week shopping. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Watson and daughter Flossie were up Tuesday, Mrs. F. E. Harklesa and Mrs. Wilbur Miller, Thurs day, Mrs. W. L. Watson and son Floyd, Maude Berlin and Margaret Good fellow, Saturday. Mrs. Painter, who has been tbe guest of ber daughter, Mrs. Lewis Arner left Saturday for her borne in Marionville. The W. C. T. U. bcid a mothers' meet ing at tbe home of Mra. Albert Dunkle, Wednesday afternoon. Subjects discussed were "Work for the adolescent boy," and "How lighten work for busy house wives." A dainty lunch was served and tbe meeting adjourned to meet at tbe home or Mra. May Lorom, Oot. 15. Sub ject lor this meeting, "Temperance Liter ature," In charge ol Mrs. Mabel Hender son, superintendent or tbia department, assisted by Mrs, Martha Dunkle. E. E. Daubenspeck's family were over to Tylersburg, Sunday afternoon, taking over Mrs. D.'s sister, wbo has been tbe guest ol tbe family for the past week. Chas. D.iubenspeok and Willis Dunkle were Tionesta visitors Suuday evening. Mrs. Roy Sbimmel and children re turned from a two weeka visit witb her sister at Endeavor. Tbe men's Adult Bible Class will bold a business meeting at tbe home of the teacher, W. L. Watson, Thursday eve niug at 8:30. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shaw visited tbe letter's parents at Gnlinza, Sunday. Mr. aud Mrs. F. V. Hendrickaon drove to Mayburg Suuday alternoon. Rayuor Lorom bas been confined to his borne for tbe past week witb cold on his lungs, Meda Detar left Tuesday lor Philadel phia, where Bhe enters the Memorial Hos pital to learn child nursing. U. 8. Day lost bis cow Sunday. She had found tbe chop and ate an overdose. John Peterson's moved into their home Wednesday aud Guy Brady moved the same day into tbe bouse they vacated. Mrs, F.J. Henderson was in Johustown tbe last of the week taking In the State convention of tbe W. C. T. U, Timber For Sale. All tbe white oak and pine timber on the farm of tbe late Christian Korb, in Tionesta township, will be sold to tbe bigbest bidder, bids to be opened Nov, 15, 1913. Tbe right is reserved to reject any or all bids. adv3t W. A. Korm. AUCTION. Tbe Ulster Lumber Co. wish to an nounce they will hold a sale for one week starting Oct. 20th to Oct. 25th, or their en tire plant and 1.100 acres or vlrgiu forest timber. Anyone wanting a plant for manufacturing lumber, squares, turned goods, shingles, lath, flooring, etc, should come aud look the whole over during week previous to sale. Over !K) 000 in vested. Must be sold regardless of cost. Over 30,000 worth or personal property. Farms, bungalows, real estate and fishing shacks. Any one Interested iu wood working machinery, automatic and band latbea, traction engines, gasoline engines, steam engines, boilers, electrio light plants, saw mills, blauksm'th shops, plumbing goods, dry kilns, steam fitting, farm barn and wood equipment, house hold goods and office equipment should not fail to attend our big sale. Send for catalogue describing plant at Turnwood, Ulster Co., N. Y., full details for reaching Turnwood, liveries and boarding accom modations. V. R. Voorhiks, Agent, adv. It Livingston Manor, N. Y. Chronic Dyspepsia. The following unsolicited testimonial should certainly be sufficient to give hope and courage to persons sllllcted with chronin dyspepsia: "I bave been a chronic dyspeptic for years, and of all the medicine I bave taken, Chamberlain's Tablets bave done me more good than anything else," says W. G. Matlison, No. 7 Sherman St., lloruellsville, N. Y. For sain by all druggists. adv. The Philadelphia Athletics defeated the New York Natiouals 0 to 4 in the first of tbe world'a aeries baseball games at New York, Tuesday. Batteries, Bend er and Schang; Marquard, Crandall, Tes reau and Meyers. Hits, 11 each. Errors, Athletics 1. Attendants over 40,000. Buy this $20 "Eclipse" Graphophone On Payments at $5 a month. This is no mere household ornament but a continuous all-the-year-round de light. It is undoubtedly an education to hear the recorded music of the world's great artists, bands, orchestras, pianists and violinists. Where can you better spend your money than in this graphophone, which gives entertainment to yourself and friends, and positive education to the children. Bovard's Pharmacy. When You Buy Shoes You want shoe value. We can give it to you in the Strootman Shoe For Women, stylish and de pendable, Which Sells at $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00. They have all the elegance of design of the high-priced shoes. They have comfort, ease and perfect fit, and they have the dependability of genuine material. L.J.Hopkins FOR THE HUNTER OR FISHERMAN "The bass are bitin'," and there is no better sport in this world than a day spent in a boat on the old Alle gheny or on Tionesta Creek. And this brings us to the subject of the proper fish ing tackle to help make the day a success. We can sup ply your wants on short notice. iMost anything you want can be found at our store, and we guarantee the goods and the prices to be right. The hunting season will soon be here and you will need a good gun or ammunition. All kinds ol ammuni tion in stock; also hunting coats. Give us a little time and we can get you any make of gun as cheap as you can buy it anywhere. And we're always here to make good. Come in and talk it over. Always glad to see you. A WAGON, A BUGGY, OR REPAIRS. When you need a new wagon or a buggy, repairs of any kind, etc., come here. Skillful workmen give sat isfactory work. J. 0. SCOWDEN, TIONESTA, PA. A Man's Style Show Adler-Rochester Clothes We have sold clothes for many years, but never believed garments like these were possible. Each one is a real masterpiece of tailoring art- each seems to have its own individuality. Slip on just one coat, and you'll see what we mean. For "fineness" of lines, accuracy of fit, correctness of style, Adler-Rochester Clothes bave been without rival for nearly half a century. You have got to see Adler-Rochester Clothes try them on, in fact to realize their many over-shadowing superiorities. That's why we urge you to come in if it is only for a glance over our new stock. Further interesting facts are contained in "The Book of Men's Fashions" for Fall and Winter 1913. Ask us for a copy, when you pay your visit, or write for one direct to L. Adler, Bros. A Co., Rochester, N. Y. Suits and Overcoats, $20.00 to $30.00 HAMMERS 11 -t foFi'Z. PR ICE CLOTHIER 41 X43 SENfSft .ST. OIL CITY. PA Wedding Gifts We've made a specialty of wedding gifts for years and know just what is the proper thing We have some very appro priate pieces of Jewelry, Silverware, and Cut Glass that will prove most accepta ble gifts. We will be pleased to show them to you if you will call. HARVEY FRITZ. The Leading Jeweler, 32 Seneca St., Oil City, Pa. Women's Finer Footwear. We specialize in Shoes of higher quality and are able to show those who wish them models of individual styles and elegance of finish. (Bench made shoes) made for us and under our name represent the highest attainment in the art of shoemaking built over lasts chosen especially for higher grade shoes. Prices $1.00, $1.60, $5.00 and $6.00. Ask to see them. LEVI & CO. Corner Center, Seneca and Syca more Streets, OIL CITY, IA.