The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, September 24, 1913, Image 4

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f The Distinctive Garment Store f
Shirts made to order $2.00 and
Suits made to order $15.00 and
Centre Street at Elm, Oil City, P.
Autumn Suit Displays
Await You Here.
A , Showing That Includes Every New
No need to go to the big cities for an insight into the won
derful variety of weaves which lashion is favoring this fall.
A halt hour spent here in Oil City's finest Appareling
Section will show every one of the numberless weaves about
which you've read in the fashion boks, and which you have a
natural curiosity to view.
We are ready to show you, among others, new tailored
suits of
Duvtyn, Baby Lamb, Cut. Velour,
Bayadere Broadcloth, Chiffon Broadcloth,
Kitten's Ear, Matelasse, Wafel Eponge,
Brocade Eponge, Ottoman Cloth, .
Wide Wale Cheviot, &c. -
The variety of weaves this tall is the greatest in history.
That is why we suggest an early inspection of these suits,
to the woman who would keep well posted on the styles.
Tailored Suits all the way from $11.75 to 85.00.
Ready With The Latest In New
Ready to show you beautiful examples of every style of
trimming which Fashion has favored this fall, but to describe
them here well, that is another matter. For the colorings are
so rich and harmonious; the patterns are so beautiful; the
styles, in colored trimmings and in laces, are so exquisite and so
varied; that you must view them for yourself, if you would gain
an adequate idea of their charm.
May we make you acquainted with them?
Your Boy
Is very apt to follow the training you give him NOW. If you
do not teach him the value of money he will grow up to join
the ranks of the great army of the Thriftless. Give him a good
6tart toward prosperity Open a Savings Account for him in the
Oil Gity Trust Company
Oil City, Pa.
One-Day Excursion
Sunday, September 28, 1913
Leaves Tionesta 10.56 A. M.
RETURNING, Special Train leaves Titusville 8.00 P. M., Oil City 8.40 P. M.
Tickets good only on Special Train. Baggage will not be checked.
Children 5 years of age and under 12, half fare.
Pennsylvania Railroad
Job Sticks to Him.
Lynn H. First, postmaster at
Henrys Bend, a Rummer colony near
Oil City, Pa., has a Job which he
wants to let ko of and cant. Despite
numerous letters to t!e postofflce de
partment he has not been able to get
an order to close the office. The re
ceipts for the last two weeks have not
averaged two cents a day.
Neither Get 51 Per Cent.
Joseph 0. Armstrong and Stephen
G. Porter, both candidates on the Re
publican ticket for mayor of Pittsburg,
were nominated at the primaries.
Neither man was able to get the
necessary 51 per cent and the battle
will now be fought out In the Novem
ber election.
Child Eats Poisoned Bread; Dies.
As a result of eating bread which
had been saturated with poison, Glenn
Curtis Wilson, three-year-old Bon of
Policeman Bryant C. Wilson of Greens
burg, Pa., died. The bread had been
placed In the cellar of the Wilson
home to rid the place of rats.
Loose Tonneau Kills Autoist.
E. P. Connelly of Brooklyn, N. Y.,
was killed when pitched headlong
from a speeding automobile at Wen
nersville, Ta. K. F. Gaylor of Wood
haven, L. I., and E. G. lleines of Phila
delphia were slightly Injured. The
toDneait became detatched.
Girl baw loo Many Flln.
Placing the cost on the mother ot
Tiiss Edna Moore of Pitcairn, Pa., and
declaring that the girl undoubtedly
had attended too many moving picture
shows and therefore suffered halluci
nations, the jury In tho case of George
Wilson, charged with misdemeanor,
and George Gordon, charged with
sending threatening letters, decreed
that the young men were not guilty.
The girl was found several weeks ago
in the Moore home TviCi her hands
Tima He Quit.
"See here, .voting mini." said the an
gry father, "how ninny times have I
toid you thnt 1 don't want .von to call
on my (In lighter?"
"Oh." replied tho suitor coolly,
"about twenty."
"Well." said the exasperated parent,
"don't you think that's nhoiit enough?"
"Yes. I do,'' was the reply. "When
nro you going to quit?" Magazine of
"I want Home sort of present for a
young hwly."
"Yes. sir fiancee or sister?"
"Er why she hasn't said which she
will be yet." Exchange.
You cannot eat your cake arid have
your cake. Cervantes.
Women's Fashionable Apparel J
Announce An Important View of
New Fall Styles
Women's Coats and Suits.
An extensive showing of the most attractive styles and materials
for early autumn wear.
Distinctive Styles in Tailored I
Reproductions of the smartest foreign models. The skirts are
attractively draped. The coats are all handsomely lined and warmly
X interlined. The materials represent
' eign and domestic looms.
I Top Coats for Street and Motor
Swagger English models, made up in reefer, mannish three
quarter styles, splendid examples of finest custom tailoring. Rich
materials, including velour de laine, cut velour, wool plush, chamois
cloth, peau de peche, duvetyn and chinchilla, in a wide range of
fashionable colorings. Damson, Bordeau, Mahogany, Seal, Horrana,
Oriental Blues and Greens, as well as black and staple shades.
The Distinctive Garment Store
Henry J. McCarty,
pgison flrjy knife
Rev. Schmidt Says He Planned
Huge Job oi Killing
Trial to Be Set For Next Month In
sanity Can Be Schmidt's Only De
fense, Says Attorney For Prisoner.
"I don't see why there is so much
red tape about this. I'm ready this
minute to go to the electric chair. Any
body who thinks that this life is worth
while is mistaken. I have faced death
many times and would face the chair
without a quiver of a muscle."
So Rev. Hans Schmidt, the con
fessed murderer of Anna Aumuller,
told his counsel, Alphonse G. Koelble,
when the latter visited him in the
Tombs in New York.
He declared that not only was ho
alone responsible for the killing of the
girl he loved, but he had been plan
ning to do away with the hopelessly
insane, the permanently crippled and
diseased Incurables by poison or the
The book of- certificates issued by
the board of health had already con
vinced Inspector Faurot and his men
working on the case that Schmidt had
hit upon what he believed an easy
way of getting his victims under
ground without exciting suspicion.
Koelble said he was sure Schmidt's
cool admission of his plan to put
folks out of their misery for their own
good was further admission of his in
sanity. "Schmidt Bhowed spirit for the first
time," said Lawyer Koelble. "He was
mad and very excited. He was dis
turbed because he said the newspapers
were dragging in innocent people and
touching them with scandal."
"Schmidt," continued the lawyer,
"said he did not want to answer the
questions of the district attorney but
simply say 'I did It,' meaning that he
killed Anna Aumuller.
"Then he made this astonishing
statement when I asked him about
the death certificates: 'I was planning
to do away with a knife or by poison
a number of people for whom life
wasn't worth while. What's the use
of living If life Is worthlsss? The
quieter ono goes the better for them.
I believe that the next world Is better
for the hopelessly Insane, the hope
lessly crippled and the hopelessly
"He strenuously denied that Muret,
the fake dentist, is his brother or a
cousin or any relation whatever. 'I
have known him only ten months and
not a day longer,' he said. He said
that he went to Muret one day about
some plates and the dentist told him
he was crazy because he spoke about
St. Elizabeth whereupon they had a
A cable dispatch from Aschaeffen
burg, Germany, says that an invesil
gation there indicates that Ernst A.
Muret, under arrest in New York as a
counterfeiter and an accomplice of
Hans Schmidt, slayer cf Anna Aumul
ler, Is Adolph Mueller of Mainz, Ger
many, and a cousin of Schmidt.
Sciimidt, the priest, and Muret, the
doctor, says the dispatch, occupied
themselves a great deal in Germany
several years ago with hypnotism and
spiritualistic seances. They had a
quarrel and were bitter enemies for
a time, but were reconciled before
r'ather Schmidt left for America.
The priest has said that St. Eliza-
the choicest productions of for-
betu ordained mm una ordered mm to
kill the rectory girl who loved him.
Schmidt will be brought to trial for
the girl's murder next month before
Judge Foster. His defense will be In
sanity because that is the "only pos
sible defense" according to his lawyer.
"I want to get a trustworthy alienist
of the highest standing to examine
Schmidt," said his lawyer. "I appeal
to such a man to come forward anil
give his services without charge."
Father Evers, the Tombs chaplain,
said he is getting more convinced
very minute that Schmidt was never
luthorlzed to assume priestly func
;lons, but believes that the real "Hans
Schmidt," the priest, is dead and that
the murderer of Anna Aumuller Is a
person who perhaps stole the dead
priest's credentials.
The police discovered a fourth flat
which Schmidt used in his crime
operations. It was at 124 West
Eighty-fourth street and Mrs. Hander,
who rented' it to Schmidt, was worry
ing because she had forgot to tell In
spector Faurot that wiien Schmidt
vame to this Ktt he sometimes
drought with him a two-year-old boy.
Man Plunges Into Torrent Above
Whirlpool Rapids.
A man believed by the police to be
John Hawkins, aged sixty-eight, ot
Erie, Pa., Jumped to death Into the
Niagara river from the lower steel
arch bridge. The bridge spans the
river just above the start of the whirl
pool rapids and is 200 feet above the
Hawkins crossed the bridge to
the Canadian side and then started
back for the American shore. A few
minutes later two women Baw a man
climb upon the railing of the bridge,
They notified the bridge ticket takers.
The man sat astride of the rail for
several minutes looking down at the
turbulent waters. When the official
ran toward him he leapsd forward.
Had "Henpecked" Life, Man Avers.
Dishes thrown at him, his life
threatened -And his coat and hat hid
den to keep him at home, locked In
his own house and not allow to peace
fully enjoy a meal In a restaurant!
Such has been the "henpecked" ex
istence of Daniel Drodnos of Pittsburg
for three years, according to his state
ment in a bill of particulars filed
against his wife and from ail these
things Brodnos seeks relief by divorce.
Phone Girl to Get $2,000,000.
Miss Jean Connell, operator at the
private telephone exchange of the Car
negie Steel company in New Castle,
Pa., left her job to get a $2,000,000 be
quest. She joined her mother, Mrs.
Agnes Connell, at Pittsburg whence
they went to Philadelphia to secure
their share of a $10,000,000 estate ot
her grandfather, John Robs, deceased.
His property had been in litigation,
but this has recently been settled.
Reservoir Walls Torn Away.
A cavein in the Butler mine of the
Pennsylvania Coal company at
Hughestown, near Wilkes-Barre, Pa.,
tore down the supporting walls of a
reservoir of the Spring Brook Water
company and 1,400,000 gallons of water
flooded parts of Pittston, Just below.
Residences for three blocks were al
most submerged. There were several
narrow escapes from drowning.
Likes Boy's Garb.
Comfortably ensconced in a box car
on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad in
the Pittsburg yards with two boy com
panions, Mabel Pyles, aged thirteen,
dressed in boy's clothes and ready to
travel, disguised as William Brown,
was discovered by a policeman. The
girl said she had been fatigued by
selling papers and had crawled into
the car to sleep.
No Matter How Severe the Winter
Will Be.
You will never mind it if you are dressed properly for it.
The time to buy is now when stocks are overflowing and the
size ranges are complete.
Our -Mackinaw Coats, Sweaters, Underwear, Hosiery and
other of Men's Wearing Apparel are beautiful to the extreme.
We afe selling lots of Mackinaw Coats these days for men,
women and children, $2.50 and $7.50.
Oil City, fa.
Father Schmidt and Aumul
br Girl, Murdsr Victim
Hans Schmidt, an assistant priest at
St. Joseph's Catholic church at 405
West One Hundred and Twenty-fifth
street, New York, has confessed mur
dering and dismembering the body ot
Anna Aumuller and depositing tho
parts of the torso In the Hudson river.
The girl was a servant In the house
of another priest. Mystery surround
ing the finding of parts of the body
baffled the police departments of two
cities, but New York officers were suc
cessful in finally running down one
clue and after locating Schmidt ob
tained a complete confession from him.
Killed In Dash to Pay Car.
An investigation into the death at
Ellsworth, Pa., of Fred Reeds showed
that Reeds' anxiety to get his pay
envelope led directly to his death. He
dropped his work and dashed between
two coal cars. As he pot between the
care they were run together.
Schoolboy Wins Golf Championship.
Francis Ouimet, a schoolboy and an
amateur coif player, not only out
played but out gamed Harry Vardon
and Edward Ray, the greatest golfers
of England, in tha national golf match
at Brookline, Mass., thereby winning
the American championship,
Pittsburg, Sept. 23.'
Cattle Choice, $S.50(g 8.85; prime,
$S.25'? S.50; heifers, $54i7.75; common
to fat bulls, $4Cj7; common to fat
cows, $4(fi7; fresh cows and spring
ers. $G0ifS5.
Sheep and Lambs Prime wetlmrs,
$4,851(5; good mixed, $4.50 4.75;
lambs, $5(57.50; veal calves, $11.50)
12; heavy and thin calved, $7(8.
Hogs Prime heavy hogs, $8.!)09;
heavy mixed, $9.1 5 (?r 9.25; mediums
and heavy Yorkers, $9.4 5 (?i 9.50; light
Yorkers, $8.75?j9; pig.i, 8(8.25; stags,
i Cleveland, Sept. 23.
Cattle Choice,. HU "Keers, ,m18.25;
good to choice sleers, $7. 75fl8.25;
heifers, $7fii7.50; bulls, $Gf( G.R0; cows,
$5.2516; milchers and springers, $25
Sheep and Lambs- (iood to choir
lambs, $7.25i&7.35; mixed sheep, $4
hogs Yorkers, $9.25; mixed, $9.25;
heavies, $8.50(5; 8.75; light pigs, $7iS;
roughs, 7.75; stags, $7 "5.
Chicago, Sept. 23.
Hogs Receipts, M.OOO. Hulk of
sales, $S.10(f;8.',5; li;;lit. $8.40ffi9.25:
mixed, $7.r5ff !).20; heavv, $7.S0(h 9.05;
roufeh, $7.E0&8; pi, $GS.
f ' '&
" tf-llK IiHii W
fx"' 'r
An Avalanche of New Fall Mer
chandise Crowding every available inch of shelf, rack and counter space. If ever a
store was ready for a season's business this store is. Ready in the Second
Floor Garment Section ready in every one of the down stairs departments.
Come right now, today or any time it, suits your pleasure you'll be most
highly pleased and profitably entertained with the endless variety and as
sortments of choice, carefully selected merchandise we've assembled for
this 1913 fall season.
In the Second Floor Garment
Assortments and prices are the two big factors with which we hope to be
able to command your preference. And a glance will impress you with the
fact that we have brought together the largest and most complete assort
ments ever assembled here. And the prices nice garments are to be sold
for will please and gratify you.
We're out to establish a new high selling mark in this department this
season and garments were never priced so attractively.
Faultlessly tailored perfect fitting Suits-priced $16.60, $18.60, $19.60
and $20.00.
Stylish coats in an endless range of fashionable fabrics $12.60, $14.60,
$16.00, $16.60 and $18.60.
Come in today and enjoy first choice from a $2,000.00 stock of fine furs
we'll guarantee them 20 per cent, under fur prices elsewhere and we'll
give you our's and the best fur manufacturer in America's guarantee.
-M i
Cattle Keceipts, L'-'.oou. ueeves,
$7.10(R9.35; Texas steers, $7i8.10;
tockers and feeders, $5.40(0 8; cows
rnd heifers. $3.75 ffl 8.76; calves, $8.50
Sheep Receipts, 53,000. Native,
$3.75fi4.80; western, $3.90(574.80; year
lings, $4.85 (Ti 5.80; lambs, native, $5.65
7.40; western, $5.S5 7.40.
Wheat Sept.. 87 ',.
Corn Sept., 74 .
Oats Sept., 41'f..
East Buffalo, Sept. 23.
Cattle Steers, $'i?7 9.2D; butchers,
$7fr 8.75; cows, $3.75i 7.50; bulls, $5.25
(8 7.50; heiiers. $C.50r(i 8.50; stock heif
ers. $5.25Cfi 5.75; stockers and feeders,
$6(fi7.40; fresh cows and springers,
$35(fi 90.
Hogs Heavy, $9.10(Ti 9.40: mlxe',
$9,505(9.55; Yorkers, $S.75ffi 9.55; pics,
$7.50T( 8 50; roughs, $?Ji 8.10; stags,
$6.50?i7.59; dairies, $C 9.r.0.
Sheep and Lambs Lambs, $5.50(?D
7.75;yenrlin);s, $4.50(ffi; wethors, $5((i
$5.25; ewes, $2.60(! 4.50; Bheep, mixed,
Her Eight Daily Meals.
Somerset. In Enlnm. Is rich In
mimes fur tho inletvnlntrrt iiienl. In
"Ited Letter Mays" Mrs. Andrew Crosse
give n deln'tiililo sketch of her old
nurse, n Somersetshire woman, "who
lived to he nearly n hundred. She used
to say thai folks should take their
meals reinilnr. All her life she had
eaten 'n dew lilt mid liienkfiist. a stay
lilt and (lianer. a iiioinnict and criim
niet and a hit nfler supper' eight
meals In nil."
Teeth of th- Sperm Whale.
Mislead of having plates of baleen
the square nose.l sperm whale carries
a row of tweniv to twenty five heavy
teeth on each side of the lower Jnw.
These ftt Into soi Uets In the roof ,if Hie
moiitl) and assist 111 Imlillinr the giant
squid n mt i iittlclliih pvii which tlMM-nor-nious
animal feeds. Tlillld seldom
nets a way from tho warm currents;
hence the sperm uv.c;; -eninins In tho
How io Look Yutin j.
She I sent a dollar to n .voting wo
man for a recipe lo make me look
He What did .von get?
Shur A curd saying, "Always nssocl
life' wllh women twenty yours older
thiiii yourself."
She-Wo women are nil misunder
stood. He-Well, you never saw ono
who tried to make herself plain, did
.vou?-Clnclnnntl Enquirer.
No, Indeed.
Sllllciis-llo you believe any man Is
rich enough to do alisolnti ly as he
pleiis-s? '.villous - Not If he's mar-ried.-I'lilladelphla
A coward never forgave. It (g not
his nature.-l'rencli Proverb.
Oil City, Fa.
Ill Fated Explorers.
Annum tlu Spiuiaiils who won fa mo
as ilisi oxoiors mid conquerors In A mer
lon only a very few died peacefully.
Hole Is a ihi of some of the more lin
w'itanl who siilTored at the bunds of
fuio: Columbus died broken lieurttKl,
linliliii and Itiiluiilllla were drowned.
Oviinilo vol harshly superseded, Lns
Casus sought refuge In n cowl. OJedu
died in extreme poverty, Enclso wna
deposed by his own men. Klciicssn per
ished miserably by the cruelty of his
party. Vasoo Xune. de Bullion was dis
gracefully behendod. Narvaez was Im
prisoned In u tropical dungeon and nft
erward died of hardship, Cortes wns
dishonored. Alvarado was destroyed In
anibiish. Aliuagro was garroted.
rn was murdered ami his four brothers
out off. mid there was no end to tho
assassinations anil executions of tho
secondary chiefs mining tho energetic
mid daring adventurers.
Power of a Sunflower.
"One of the most remarkable exhibi
tions ()f )llnt i ft I ever saw." writes
John llnrroughs In it n Atlantic Month
ly article, "was In a western city,
where I observed a species of wild
simllowor forcing Its way up through
the asphalt pavement. The folded and
compressed loaves of the plant, like a
inan'M list, had pushed against tho
hard but flexible concrete till It had
bulged up and then split nnd let tho
Irrepressible plant through. The force
exerted must have boon many pounds.
I think It doubtful If tho strongest
limn could have pushed his (1st through
such a resisting medium."
Remedies That Don't Remedy.
"What's the matter, old top?"
"I have a remedy I wish you'd try."
"I'll put your remedy on my wnltlng
list. At my present rate of progress
I'll got to It In about two years."
Kansas City .loitrmil.
rrcscriplioii lens grlndcrN
for Hie eyew, plug Ctollegl
ntely (ruined and in I or
nationally endowed
Itehiiid the (Jung.
Artificial llj eg in Mock.
Both 'Phones.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Cures Cold, Croup and Whuuping Cough.
t) r,