The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, September 24, 1913, Image 3

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Have You Profcctioji
You oanuol allbrd to take your own
rink agalnt lou by Are. Remember that
we represent
and will be glad to call ou you when you
want Are Innuranne that really protects.
Drop un a card and we'll do tbe rest. .
We are agents in thin oounty for tbe
nd can furnish security for County
oIHoIhIh, bank ollloiala, eio.
C. M. ill & IE,
!L J -
In a VIohh Ily Ouraelve.
Every graduate has been provided with
a position, - More than ever, employed in
Warren this year. Our practical methods
have made us leaders.
Warren ISiAlnein College,
Warren, Pa.
Found. Local. , .
Levi A Co. Ad. ,'
lmmers. Ad.
Rngss A Buhl. Ad.
Tbe Prints Co. Ad.
riie K Inter Co. Ad.
Frank Combs. Local.
Oil City Trust Co. Ad.
Kmart it Hllberberft. Ad.
F. Walters A Co. Locals.
Tinneata lloro. Ordinance.
Forest Co. Nat. Bank. Ad.
Heal Estate Hale. C. A. Randall.
Tbe Distinctive Garment Store. Ad.
Oil market oloeed at f 2 60.
Ia your subscription paid?
You can get It at Hopkins' store, tf
Pure drugs at Walker's Pharmacy .-ad
F. R. Lauson sells oleomargerlne.
-Everything in the drug line at
Walker's Pharmacy. adv
6A Horse blankets and robes at 8. 8.
Bigworth's, adv.
Goods delivered to all parts of tbe
town. Walker's Pharmacy. adv
The purest drugs and best service at
the Walker Pharmacy. Adv.
Let us fill your prescriptions. Walk
er's Pharinaey. Both phones. adv
Shot guns snd rifles, ammunition and
bunting ooels at 8. 8. Sigworth'a. adv.
Danoe at tbe platform, German Hill,
Friday evening, SKh lust. All invited.
Good music and good order am u red.
Fall opening of millinery goods at F.
Waltera A Co.'s takes place Friday and
Saturday of this week, Kept. 20 and 27.-ad
Rev. J. O. Wygant bas been returned
as pastor of the LloKlngvllle United
Evangelioal church, by the conference
which met lu Johnstown last week.
Goorge Holeman bas his rig In posi
tion and will begin drilling on a well for
Dr. Biggins of Oil City on a lease out be
yond old Cashup, near Pltbole creek.
Found. Saturday evening, on Elm
street, a gold chain bracelet. Owner can
have aame by proving property at this
oflloe sod psying for this notice. adv
Wantkd. Railroad Crosa Ties. We
buy all kinds and pay cash. Tbe Berry
Co.. Oil City, Pa.
adv L. A. Davis, Agt., Tlonesta, Pa.
A child born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Clasa of the borough on Sunday died yes
terday. The body will be taken to Fry
burg today for burial in Ihe Catholic oein
etery. Oleomargarine always fresh, always
the aame price and making new friends
each day, at 20o per pound in nine pound
lota, at the Salmon Creek Mercantile Co.,
Kellettvllle, Pa. adv
For Sale-Fox or rabbit hound and
Ave puppies, aged about three months.
Two males and three females. Tbe
mother is well trained. Inquire of Frank
Combs, Nebraska, P. adv. 2t.
Committee No. 1 of the Ladles' Aid
of the Presbyterian church will serve a
chicken supper in the church dining bsll
Friday evening next at 6:30 o'clock.
Adults 35 cents, children 25 cents.
Remember the fall millinery opening
at F. Walters & Co.'s, Friday and Satur
day, Sept. 26 and 27. A beautiful line of
hats, the latest creations iu millinery,
will be shown, and It will be your chance
to select the lineal ever. Don't forget tbe
dates. adv
Following is the list of letters lying
uncalled for In the Tlonesta, Pa., post
office for week ending Sept. 21, 11)13:
Mr. William Zearl, Mr. Tom MoCaleup,
Mr. Joe Grove, Mr. Ralph Nelson, Mr.
Emory Lawhead, Mr. Lopardo Giocann,
Mr. Davy Moore (card), Mr. Fred Mo
Klm (card). J. W. Jamieson, P. M.
Tbe Gospel Workers are pitching a
tent for tent meetings near tbe borne of
Nathan Osten, at Stewart Run, beginning
on Wednesday evening, ibis week. The
services will begin at 7:30 each evening
and all are cordially iuvited to alteud.
Bishop N. L. A. Eastman, of Rochester,
N. Y Elder R. Coburo, of Kiuzua, Pa ,
and others will be present to assist in tbe
Acknowledgment of subscription re
newals Is made as follows,, with thanks;
F. O. Fitagerald, Mayburg, Pa.; C. G.
Hays, Cony, Pa; A. H. Dale, Oakland,
Cal.; Henry Kaman, German Hill, Pa.;
Frank Combs, Nebraska, Pa.j W. C.
Imel, Tlonesta; 8. R. Croasmun, Red
ely lie, Pa.; W. F. Junes, Newtown Mills,
Pa.; Mrs. Peter Bradybjugh, Newmans
villa, Pa. (new).
Judge Irwin, who was honored by
his fellow citizens with the nomination
lor Mayor of Tlonesta, during hisabsence
last week, was appointed by tbe court
Monday to All the vacancy in that ofllce.
This honor came to tbe Judge wholly
without his knowledge, under which cir
cumstances he feels be cannot refuse to
accept II in the spirit in which it is given,
and be declares bis intention to faithfully
administer tbe duties appertaining to tbe
ofllce, not harshly, but with rigid firm
ness sod Justice, iu wbicb determination
we are sure be will bave tbe loyal sup
poit of all our good citizens.
l . 'VM
At tbe annual reunion of tbe Eighty
third regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers,
held In Tltusvllle Tuesday of last week,
the following officers of tbe organization
were electad for tbe ensuing year; Col,
C. P. Rodgersof Corry, president; Dan
iel Mitchell of Corry, vice president, and
Dr. Russoll of Union City, secretary and
treasurer. Tbe next reunion will be beld
at Corry.
At the fall meeting of Clarion Pres
bytery, held at Nloklevllle on tbe 15th
Inst., Revs. II. A. Bailey, of Tlonesta,
John F. Cooper, of Jobnsonburg, J. F.
Scberer, of Endeavor, Robert Morrison,
of Bigs Run, and Samuel Davis, of Sene
ca, were eleoted to represent tbe Presby
tery at tbe meeting of the Synod of Penn
sylvania wbicb convenes at Wayneaburg,
Pa., about the middle of October,
A geueral conference of Sunday
school workers will be beld at the Pres.
by lerlsn church nthkt Sunday afternoon
at 2:30 o'clock, to which everybody Is
cordially Invited. Rev. J. F. Scberer, ol
Endeavor, delegate to tbe world's confer
ence at Zurich, Switzerland, will be pres
ent and give an account of this great
gathering, and In tbeevenlng Mr. Scberer
will speak on tbe same theme in tbe M.
E. church.
Mrs. J. H. Fny, of Leeper, Pa., died
Sunday morning st 2 o'clock of typhoid
fever. Mm. Foy and daughter Lucile
were stricken, both about tbe same time,
with the disease. Tbe mother was not
strong enough to stand the ordeal and
passed away, while lbs daughter la In a
serious condition. Hopes are entertained,
however, for her recovery. There seems
to be a serious epldeiuio of the disease in
Leeper, and report says there are six
teen oases In (hat locality.
A change bas been made In the Erie
conference appoinlmeuta of tbe Metho
dist Eplacopal church, as originally given
out. Rev. John R. Rich, who bad been
returned to the Polk charge snd Rev. J.
E. Hillard, who hsd been named as tbe
minister at Cattaraugus, N. Y., bave ex
changed places. Rev. Mr. Hillard Is by
no means a slrauger here, having served
tbe Polk cbsrge some years ago and hav
Ing many friends not only there but In
other places in this vicinity. Franklin
Herald, 22d.
' .1. 8. Thomas, sawyer on tbe Coleman
nilll at Johns Run, met with a painful
accident Friday afternoon. His father,
James T. Tbomaa, of Wllliamsport, U
visiting bim and together they went down
to tbe dam at the mouth of tbe oreek to
enjoy a few hours' fishing, and bad al
ready landed a couple, when Mr. Thomas
slipped on the abeeting of the dam and
fell In such a manner as to dislocate bis
right shoulder joint. Drs. Gregg and
Henry gave the necessary surgical at
tention and neighbor Tbomaa hopes to be
ablo to handle tbe "levors" at the mill
again in a abort time.
Rev. W. 8. Burton bss shipped his
household etlects to Clarendon, Pa., and
expects to leave today with bis family for
his new field of labor. In bis two years'
pastorate here and at Nebraska tbe amia
ble pastor bas made a host of friends both
in and out of the circles of his churches,
all ol whom sinoerely regret his depar
ture from among them. He is not of tbe
blustering kind of ministers and doesn't
believe In doing things with brass band
accompaniment, but goea about hia work
in a quiet, unostentatious way, accom
plishing far more lor the good of bis
church and people than by the louder
method. His report to conference last
week allowed a very healthy state of af
fairs In both the Tlonesta and Nebraska
churches, with a large Increase In tbe
membership of the churches snd Ssbbath
schools at either place. All Indebtedness
baa been paid, and several nl tbe societies
connected with tbo church bave a good
working fund in their treasury. Progress
bas been tbe watch word with Mr. Burton
and right well baa he sustained Ibst idea
In his work bere. Only best wishes from
the people attend himself and family in
their leave-taking.
Louis Dawson Meets Accidental Death.
Louis Dawson, aged about 24 years,
employed at tbe Hotcbkiss Brothers'
warehouse on Mead Avenue, was fatally
Injured about noon Wednesday when be
was struck by Wells Fargo Express train
No. 14 and burled with considerable force
against some cars on snolher train. An
examination made at tbe hospital showed
that Mr. Dawson bsd suffered a fracture
of tbe skull; be was injured about the
cheat and both legs, as well as being hurt
Internally, Mr, Dawson was picked up
by friends and hurried with all possible
speed to Spencer Hospital, where be died
at & o'clock In tbe afternoon, Tbe In
jured man was on bis way home to dinner
at tbe time tbe accident occurred. He
started to take a short cut to his home
and seeing a traiu approaching on tbe
Erie tracka be stepped out of the way of
one traio directly in front of the express.
Tbe accident occurred in the vicinity of
Torbett Alley. Tbe victim of tbe accl
dent boarded at 1152 West Street and has
a large number of friends in Meadvllle,
He is said to be a young man of splendid
habits snd a steady woikman. He has a
brother, who drives for Dreutleio and
Kiehort. Meadvllle, Pa., Journal, Sept.
18, 11)13
Tbe unfortuna'e young man was a son
Isaac U. Dawson, of near Pinevllle,
a , and a nephew of Walter and Jesse
Dawaon of Dawson station, and Mrs. 8.
J. Grove of Tlonesta. Besides bis par
ents be Is survived by lour brothers and
four sisters. Tbe funeral was beld in
Meadvllle Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock,
the body being interred In a cemetery
Mother of Eighteen Children.
"I am the mother of eighteen children
snd bave the praise t f doing more work
than any young woinau In my town,"
writes Mrs. C. J. Martin, Boone Mill, Va.
"I suffered for Ave Tears with stomach
trouble and could not eat as much as
a biscuit without suffering. I baveiakon
three bottles of Cbamberlaln'a Tablets
and am now a well woman and weigh 168
pounds. I can eat anything I want to,
and as much as I want and feel better
than I bave at any time in ten years.
refer to any one in Boone Mill or vicinity
and they will vouch for what I say."
Chamberlain's Tablets are for sale by all
druggists. adv.
Caught a Bad Cold.
"Last winter my son caught a very bad
cold and tbe way be coughed was some
thing dreadful," writes Mrs. Sarah E
Duncan, of Tipton, Iowa. "We thought
sure be was going into consumption.
We bought jut one bottle of Chamber
Iain's (Tougti Remedy and that one buttle
stopped bis cough and cured bis cold
completely," For sale by all druggists.
Sam Haslet was home from Sheffield
over Sunday,
Mrs. W, H. Rogers and aon Thomas
went to Chicsgo Mondry.
Frank Combs of Nebraska was one of
our friendly callers Mondsy.
Born, to Mr, and Mrs. Linus Sbrlver,
of the Borough, Saturday night, a son.
Mrs. Cora Felt and Miss Josephine
Slocum went to Erie Monday evening.
Fred Clark came home from Balti
more Monday night, where be bad beeu
for some time.
J, W. Baxter of Gllfoyle was a Juror
at oourt Ibis week, and enjoyed meeting
a lot of old friends.
J. T. Dale went to Pittsburg yester
day to take In old borne week and Visit
friends lor a month.
--Miss Hauuah Irwin of Franklin waa
a guest several days of last at the home of
her brother, Judge Irwin.
Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Anderson and
daughter Maude Elizabeth spent Sunday
with relatives lu Oil City.
Miss May Lansnn, of Tlonesta, and
Miss Florence Dale, of West Hickory,
went to Oberlln College, Tuesday.
Charles Pope ol Kellettvllle, snd W.
P. Jones of Newtown Mills, were among
those drafted ou tbe jury Ibis week.
W. H. Slilei was down from En
deavor Friday afternoon driving a haod
souie new " Wiuton Six" touring car.
John O. Clark of Lewis Run, McKean
county was home to visit his parents, Mr.
aud Mrs. D. W. Clark, a few days of last
Mrs. 8. M. Wbitebill returned to her
borne lu Marlenvllle this morning after a
few days' visit with her daughter, Mrs.
J. E. Weok.
Mrs. Wm. White, of Tltusvllle, wbo
wsss guest of ber daughter, Mrs. J. J,
Landera, for a few weeks, returned
home Friday.
The Republican acknowledges a
pleasant call yesterday from Ralpb Croas
mun of Redulytfe, wbo waa doing Jury
duty this week.
Mrs, Julia Hepler mother of our
townsman J. L. Hepler, died suddenly of
apoplexy at her home in Franklin yester
day, aged 67 years.
Mrs. L. J. Johnston, of Beaver Falls,
Pa, and Mrs. John McCowo, of Enon
Valley, Pa., are guests of their sister,
Mrs. J. R. Morgan.
C. A. Lanson took an auto party com
posed of Sheriff W. H. Hood, James
Haslet and W, L. Wert down to see tbe
Stoneboro fair last Wednesday.
Bert Fitzgerald came np from East
Liverpool, Ohio, last Saturday, being
called bere by tbe critical illness of bis
mother, Mrs, Solomon Fitzgerald.
J. F. Brown, of Richmond, Vt., Is
visiting tbe family of bis brother, A. C.
Brown, for a few days. This was the first
meeting of the brothers In fifteen years.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Stitzlnger of Deer
Creek, W, Va., left Thuisday for tbeir
borne after a pleasant two week's visit at
tbe old homestead in Tionesla township.
F. O. Fitzgerald brought the election
returns down from Mayburg Wednesday,
and took occasion to call at tbe Repub
lican office and enrolled as a regular
In mentioning some of the students
ho returned to college last week we
omitted the name of Aura Foreman, wbo
entered Allegheny College, Meadvllle, as
a new student.
Mesde C. Stablmsn, of Centerville,
Venango county, Pa., and Miss Margaret
Huddleson, of Tlonesta, were married
by legal acknowledgment at tbe ofllce of
Clerk Maxwell, Saturday.
Mrs. James J. Connelly returned
yesterday to her Pittsburg home after a
fortnight's pleasant visit In Tlonesta. Mr.
Connelly came Saturday and remained
over Sunday at the Robinson borne.
Mra. Mary A, Carringerspent several
days ol last week at Cochranton, being
oiiled Ibere on account of the serious ill
ness of both Dr. and Mrs. Brittain. Mrs.
Brit'.aiu Is a sister of Mrs. Carringer.
Mra. H. A. Adams and daughter,
Mrs. Dora Alexander, of Detroit, Mich.,
former residents of Tlonesta, are here on
a visit and are meeting with a warm wel
come at the hands of many old friends.
Recorder Bassett has Issued marriage
licenses to Mr. August Ltindgren, of
Sheffield, and Miss Mary Olive Porler,
of Parrish, and Mr. William Neil, of
Bradford, and Miss Naomi P. Hulelt, of
Kellettvllle. Warren Times. .
The Eastern Star had a very enjoya
ble social bour last Friday evening, after
tbe regular meeting, when tbey tendered
a kitchen shower to one of their charter
members, Miss Nellie DeWoody,' of Ne
braska, whose approaching marriage to
Mr, Walter J. Kepple, of Corry, Pa., is
to be an event of the early fall. Refresh
ments were served, and tbe shower was
given in tbe form of parcel post,
From a loiter received bere recently
by tbe lamily It is learned that Benj tmln
Charleston, who went to Portland, Ore.,
a few years ago, underwent an operation
for appendicitis at a Portland hospital on
Sept. Htb. Tbe operation was a suc
cess and revealed a condition wbicb bad
made tbe operation imperative. Ilia
many friends bere will be pleased to
learn that be is Improving nicely.
Forest county is quite well repre
sented In the list of Jurors drawn fur tbe
fall term of the U. 8. District court which
convenes In Pittsburg October 20tb, next,
as tbe following names indicate: J. D.
W. Reck, grand juror, Tlonesta; James
G. Carson, West Hickory; R. 0, Carson,
Neilltown; Ernest Sibble, O. W. Proper,
Tionesla; James Hunter, Endeavor, petit
jurors. Vern Cllnger of Tidioute is also a
grand Juror,
Messrs. Charles McNeal and Phil
Ekas of Sheffield, E. A. Yetter and son
Earl of Kane, the latter u-t returned
from a two years' residence in the Coa
lings, California, oil fields, and Frank
Yetter of Butler, were week-end visitors
in Tlonesta where tbey tried the fishing.
Of course it was their luck to drop in just
when the big ones weren't biting, but
they bad a good time, didn't go home en
tirely Ashless, and promised themselves
another try out later on.
Mrs. G. M, Dunk le and son Maurice
Albert, wbo bave beeu visiting her par
ents, Mr. aud Mrs. Andrew Wolfe, of
Tionests township, bave returned to their
home in Wilson, N. C, Mr. Wolfe ac
companied them to Pittsburgh, and Mrs.
Dunkle'a brother, Russell Wolfe, accom
panied her borne, where be will attend
school for a year. Mr. Dunkle is now
traveling for tbe lumber firm by wbicb
he bas been employed at Grifton, N. C,
and changed bis residence to Wilson.
Miss Lizzie Randall returned Friday
from a two weeks' visit with ber sister,
Mrs. Harvey Kiseral Wilkiushurg. Miss
Inez Brownell of Warren, wbo had also
been a guest of Mrs. Kiser, came borne
with MIbs Randall and lemalued as a
guest for the day,
August Strouiquist and L. H. Menscb
of Marlenvllle tried the river tishlug here
Friday, but with iudiffereut results
Thoy induced Judge Carringer to go with
tbem and help out, aud tbero's where
they fell down. The fellow tbey should
bave bad spells his name John Bush, but
Carringer says such poor tl-henneu
would eveu hoodoo John.
At tbe M, K. church, Tiouesta, Key.
Willis 8. Burton performed the ceremony
uniting in marriage Mr. Andrew M.
Sbaderline or Oil City and Miss Sadie
Belle Confer of East Hickory, Pa, Mon
day evening at 5:00 o'clock, Sept. 22, 1013.
Tho happy young people are well and
favorably known In East Hickory and
viciuity, and a host of friends wisb tbem
all prosperity and Joy in their new rela
tion. A large congregation welcomed Rex
Wheeler at tbe Presbyterian church last
Sunday morning on bis first appearance
in the pulpit In Tidioute. He delivered
a very Interesting sermon on tbe healing
of the Syrian General Naaman by the
prophet Elisbt snd it was a sermon
properly classified ss a "single syllable"
addresB. That is, a sermon in tbe plain
est, simplest lsnguage aud oue under
standable by even tbe children. He re
ceived close attention and many words of
congratulation. Mr. and Mrs, Wheeler
may well feel proud of their talented son
aud Lis choice of a life work. Tidioute
Recent Deaths.
Nathaniel Carbaugb, a soldier of the re
bellion and a member of Cobbain Post,
died at bis home two miles south of Fa
gundus last Saturday at tbe age of 71
years. Funeral services were beld at tbe
borne by Rev, S. F, Marka, and tbe body
was Interred In Tidioute cemetery. Ti
dioute News,
Mrs, Mary Glosser, aged 02 years, died
suddenly Thursday night, Sept. 18, 1913,
at the borne of ber son, Fred. Glosser,
near Leeper, Clarion county. Sho was
born In Baden, Germany, and came to
America about seventy years sgo with
her husband, Joseph Glosser. Tbey set
tled on and cleared up tbe farm ou which
she passed ber last days. Mr. Glosser
was a soldier In the Civil war and died in
Pittsburgh, Pa., during, tbe first years of
tbe war, from a disease contracted in tbe
service. Mrs. Glosser enjoyed remarka
bly good health and was about the bouse
all day before ber death. She came of a
long-lived race, ber mother reaching tbe
age of 108 years. She was highly es
teemed In the community tor ber many
excellent qualities. Surviving ber are
five sons and four daughters: Wm ,
Fred., Joseph and Glosser, and
Mrs, Joseph Gatesman, of Leeper; John
Glosser, of CornplAoter township, Ve
nango county; Mrs, Jacob Hoover, of
Lucinda; Mrs. Peter Fisber and Mrs.
Michael Gates, of Erie, Frank Gatesman,
clerk at the Hotel Weaver, is a grandson
and attended the funeral, which was beld
at 9 o'clock Monday morning at St. Jo
seph's R. C. cburcb, Lucinda, Rev. Fath
er Heibel officiating.
Mrs. Margaret Ann Agnew died at ber
late home in Straltonville, last Saturday,
Sept. 13, 1913, after a long illness wbicb
had become serious In tbe last few
months. She was the daughter of Jobn
and Elizabeth McNaughton, having been
born In Mlllcreek towusbip August 13,
1834. She was of Sootoh-German descent.
She was nulled in marriage to Jobn Ag
new June 7, 1855. To them it was granted
to live In happy and prosperous wedlock
for a period of fifty-eight years. Five
sons and four daughters were born to
tbem and all of tbem are living to mourn
the death of their mother. Surely, a re
markable blessing to bave an unbroken
family circle for over half a century. Be
side the bereaved husband and sorrowing
children ahe bad 53 grand children and 2U
great grandchildren. She died at the age
of 79 years aud I month and was laid to
rest at her former home at Hominy
Ridge, Monday morning, Sept. lit, tbe
funeral services having been In charge of
Rev. Glenn M. Shafer, of Clarion. When
a girl of 13 she united with tbe church
For 66 years she bas been a conscientious,
loyal servant of the Master, a lender wife,
a faithful mother, a loving neighbor.
Suah a life does not cease with death, but
as is so well expressed in tbe text wbicb
she ha I herself chosen for ber funeral
text, "The world seetb me no more, but
ye see me; because I live, ye shall live
also," and she bas gone ahead to await
tbe loved ones whom she made promise
to so live as to greet ber there. Mrs. Ag
new was well and very favorably knowu
to a host of Forest oounty people in Har
nett township, Ibis county, In wbicb com
munity the family had lived for a num
ber of years. The surv viug children are:
B. A. Agnew, Fisher; Mrs. W. J. Spence,
Ella; Mrs. J. M. Buzard, Strattonvlllo; B,
L. Agnew, Brookville; H. L. Agnew,
Grauge, Cal ; Mrs. W, A, Mathers,
Bridgeport, III.; Mrs. C. L. Rankin,
Berea, Cal., J. W. Agnew, Clarksburg,
W. VajaudW, M. Agnew, Smitbiield,
W, Va., all but one of whom were present
at the fuueral.
West Hickory people have found out
that A SINGLE DOSE of simple buck
thorn bark, glyceriue, etc, as compound
ed in Adler-i-ka, tbe German bowel and
stomach remedy, relieves constipation,
Bour stomach or gas on the stomach
INSTANTLY, This simple mixture
became famous by curing appendicitis
and it draws off a surprising amount of
old foul matter from tbe body. It is
wonderful bow tjUlCKLY it helps.
The West Hickory Drug Store. adv
Is often caused by Indigestion and con
stipation, and quickly disappears wben
Chamberlain's Tablets are taken. For
sale by all druggists. adv.
David Mintz's Large Department Store
With All Contents Burns.
Marlenvllle has sgain been visited by a
heavy fire losa In tbo burning of tbe large
department store of David Mintz at an
early hour yesterday morning.
Shortly after 2:30 o'block guests at the
Keystone Hotel discovered the lire and
quickly gave the alarm, but when theoit
Izens arrived at the conflagration tbs
whole inside of tbe bnilding waa aflame,
and entrance from any quarter was Im
possible, and tbe only available fire-tight-ng
apparatus at band a couple of chem
ical engines was Inadequate to cope
with tbe seething furnace Inside.
Tbe structure was the largest store
building In the county, occupying a
space 40x150 on tbe corner of Walnut and
Spruce streets, two stories high and of
solid brick. Its cost was at least $25,000.
It was erected In 1902, shortly after the
great fire that wiped out the entire busi
ness portion of tbe town and many of its
be t homes,
Mr. Mintz bad done an Immense busi
ness since occupying tbe new store and it
was tilled from cellar to garret with mer
chandise of every description. Not a
single article was rescued from the burn
ing structure. When the roof fell in tbe
brick walls, exceptiug part of that on
Walnut street crumbled and fell, leaving
only a mass of ruins.
The amount of leas on building and
stock Is only conjecture ss yet, but is
thought to be well up to the $50,000 mark,
with something like 30,000 Insurance in
the H. A. Shlpe Agency. A frame struc
ture near tbe main building used as a
floor and feed store was saved, after
about f 1,000 worth of tbe contents bad
beeu removed.
How or In what part of tbe building tbe
Ureoriginated is unknown, Mr. Mintz, as
Is bis custom, was at the store at a late hour
and knows there was no evidence of fire
when he left for bis borne to retire for the
night. Wben be was aroused from bis
slumbers and reached the store be was
determined, in his excitement, to euter
the building, but was dissuaded by the
cooler heads.
Tbe loss of this elegant block is a ser
ious blow, not alone to tbe owner, but to
tbe business Interests of the town as well,
and whether Mr, Mintz will rebuild is
not yet known, but it is hoped bs may if
even on a less extensive scale. His prop
erty Interests in the town are quite ex
tensive and it is thought this fact may in
duce bim to put up another store build
ing. ! - The only other damage sustained was
by. Editor Pickens of tbe Express, whose
building on the opposite corner suffered
to the exient of about 200.
September Court Was Short.
Tbe regular September term of ciyll
and criminal court practically came to a
olose on Monday evening.
Owing to tbe Illness of counsel in tbe
several civil cases all of these were con
tinued until the November term, with the
exception of that of the Forest County
National Bank vs. Vail, which resulted
In a nonsuit, and all tbe or i in i u a I cases
being of a trivial nature were disposed of
in short order.
Subpoenas In divorce were allowed in
tbo cases of Antonio Donatio vs. Dova
M. Donatio, and Joseph Gregory vs.
Frances Gregory.
Philip Wolf and Joseph Hinderer were
appointed appraisers of the widow's al
lowance in tbe estate of Aaron Fenster
maker, of Tionesla township, deceased.
Tbe widow's appraisement was also
confirmed iu the estate of Nelson Swarlz
faiter, late of Howe township, deceased.
The sale of five pieces of real estate in
tbe estate of A. L. Weller, deceased, in
Kingsley township, was confirmed.
Permission to sell two pieces of real
estate iu the estate ol A. M. Van Horn,
deceased, late of Howe township, was al
lowed. W. J. Campbell was appointed foreman
of tbe grand jury, Tbey acted upon one
bill of indictuieut wbicb waa found a
true bill.
The case of Com. vs. Ray Albaugh and
Cbsrlea Atwell, charge entering, break
ing and larceny, Jacob D. Fries, prose
cutor, was tbe first criminal case cal led.
The defendants plead guilty, sentence
being suspended until November court.
The case of tbe Com. vs. Mrs. Jennie
Brenueman, charge desertion and neglect
of her obildren, Mrs, R. A. Isbuian,
prosecutor, was tried and resulted iu a
verdict of not guilty, and county pay costs,
Tbe case of the Com' vs. Lewis liable,
charge assault snd battery, Lewis Han
nah, prosecutor, was nol prossed upon
paymeut of costs.
In the Juvenile Court, the case of Com.
vs. Lester Hepler, charge larceny, Chas.
Dykeman, prosecutor, the counsel ad
mitted tbe charges made. Sentence was
suspended upon payment of costs, and
tbe defendant committed to the care of
his parents, subject to the supervision of
W, 11. Uoou, probation officer,
The boiler at tbe County Home is iu
bad shape and we recommend tlmt the
old boiler be removed aud some more up
to date besting system installed. Also
the plastering in bad shape throughout
the entire building and should be re
paired. We further report that the glass
on roof of Jail has slipped down and
should be repaired. The jail ought to
haves new sink, and the juvenile jail
needs some repairs.
W. J. C'AMI'HKLL, Furemau.
for Postmaster
at West
The United Steles Civil Service Com
mission announces that on Saturday, Oct,
, 1913 an examination will be Jheld at
West Hickory, Pa. as a result of which
it is expected to make certification to fill
a contemplated vacancy in the position of
fourth class postmaster at West Hickory,
Pa., and other vacancies as they may oc
cur at tbat olllce, unless it shall be de
cided in the Interests of the service to till
the vacancy hy reinstatement. Thecniu
pensa inn of tbe postmaster at this olllce
was f"i7( 00 for the last fiscal year.
Age limit, 21 years and over on thedate
of the examination, with the exception
that in a State where women are declared
by statute to be of full ageforall purposes
at eighteen years. Women eighteon years
ofsgo'in tbe date of the examination
will be admitted. Applicants must re
side within the territory supplied by
the postolllce for which the examina
tion Is announced. Ttio examiuation is
open to all citi.oiiH of Ihe United Slates
who nan comnly with Ihe requirements.
Application forms and full information
concerning the requirements of the ex
amination can be secured from Ihe post
master at West Hickory, or from the U.
S. Civil Service Commission, Washing
ton, I). C.
Applications should be properly ex
ecuted and filed with the Coin mission at
Washington within 7 days lielore ihe date
of tbe examination, otherwise it may be
Impractical to eaauuue the applicants.
Buy this $20 "Eclipse" Graphophone
On Payments
at $5 a month.
This is no mere household ornament
but a continuous all-the-year-round de
light. It is undoubtedly an education to
hear the recorded music of the world's
great artists, bands, orchestras, pianists
and violinists.
Where can you better spend your
money than in this graphophone, which
gives entertainment to yourself and
friends, and positive education to the
Bovard's Pharmacy.
When You
Buy Shoes
You want shoe value. We
can give it to you in the
Strootman Shoe
For Women, stylish and de
pendable, Which Sells at
$2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00.
They have all the elegance
of design of the high-priced
They have comfort, ease
and perfect fit, and they have
the dependability of genuine
"The bass are bitin'," and there is no better sport in
this world than a day spent in a boat on the old Alle
gheny or on Tionesta Creek.
And this brings us to the subject of the proper fish
ing tackle to help make the day a success. We can sup
ply your wants on short notice. iMost anything you
want can be found at our store, and we guarantee the
goods and the prices to be right.
The hunting season will soon be here and you will
need a good gun or ammunition. All kinds of ammuni
tion in stock; also hunting coats. Give us a little time
and we can get you any make of gun as cheap as you
can buy it anywhere. And we're always here to make
good. Come in and talk it over. Always glad to see you.
When you need a new wagon or a buggy, repairs
of any kind, etc., come here. Skillful workmen give sat
isfactory work.
J. 0. S00WDEM,
Fall Overcoats, Box Style, $10.00.
We have a few odd sizes in men's full silk lined tan covert cloth box style knee
length fall overcoats that to the man they fit and suit are worth anywhere front
$16.00 to $20.00 if your size is here you can have your choice for $10.00.
Men's Silk Lined Fall Overcoats, $25.
While we believe a man gets as r.?uch wear and comfort from a fall coat as his
winter garments, he doesn't need silk linings except as a matter of luxury, and a
silk lined coat is luxurious, and for the man who can afford luxuries we advise silk
lined coats, as they look their part we have two or three styles in silk lined coats
at $25.00 and $27.60 and would be pleased to show them.
Stetson Soft Hats.
Wonderful soft hat season - believe we have sold more soft hats this fall than
ever before, and they were all Stetson's, sure to give service and satisfactory wear
-$4.00, $6.00 and $6.00.
Sweater Coats.
Sweater Coats are going to be a repetition of last season if we are to judge
from early indications maroons have the call with the coarse knit and shawl col
lars. We have them as low as $1.00 each in cotton sweaters, and as fine as $10.00
in woolen goods and a particularly good one at $6.00 in all colors and pure wool.
Mrrrf fofii pr ice: clothier
That Are Perfect
? This store has in the past
had the honor of showing the
most noteworthy jewels ever
brought to Oil City but
never in our history have we
ever approached in magnifi
cence our present showing of
Nothing more appropriate
for that gift you are about to
Our Motto :
Lowest Prices, Quality
The Leading Jeweler,
32 Seneca St., Oil City, Pa.
For the Men
Fall Footwear
$4 to $5.
With all the new lasts and patterns to
show you a much larger line than ever to
select from we feel confident that we can
please you in anything you may want
button, lace or blucher all leathers.
Try us and we will "try to please you."
Corner Center, Seneca and Syca
more Streets,
Oil, CITY,