The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 09, 1913, Image 4

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Centre Street at Elm, Oil City, Pa.
Spring Garments in Newest
Eacli day sees new additions to this superb assemblage of
VT WHICH 9 ailU llllOOCO kJUl LO, VUlO, HliU VlVnuu. A vta
the standpoint of novelty and exclusiveness it's a remarkable
showing even for a store with the enviable reputation enjoyed
by this house, of leading in everything that pertains to matters
of fashion.
Tailored Suits for Women.
In quality and wear, and that perfect style and finish
which the best-dressed women demand, these suits are very
rarely to be lound duplicated at prices such as ours. Priced
from 12 to $40 and up.
Afternoon and Evening Gowns.
A collection limited in number, but one that shows the
prettiest and most graceful of the spring fashions. And the
prices are very modest.
Panama Hats, Values $7 and More, at
During his recent trip to the Isthmus of Panama our Mr.
Smart got into touch with a manufacturer who was particularly
anxious to convert his stock into ready money. By paying spot
cash for the entire assortment Mr. Smart secured these hats at
a price which enables us to offer them for little more than half
their true worth.
There are a number of grades in the lot, the lowest of
which would ordinarily be considered a bargain at $6.00. The
shapes are all ultra new, and very attractive.
You'll need a Panama hat a little later in the season. By
exercising a little forethought today, you can obtain a far better
quality hat than would otherwise be the case, and save substan
tially at the same time.
Coats for Women and Misses.
J length models, often with high-waisted effects, or full
length. Many have collars and cuffs of contrasting color. Fan
cy buttons are liberally uspd in trimming. Among the mater
ials, new eponge cloths, wide-wale diagonals, serges and Bedford
cords, in new blue, navy, tan, grey, and other spring shades.
Exceptional values at $6.50, $8.75, $10, $12, $15, $20, $25.
Their Method of ' Working Copper
Deposit of Lake Superior Region.
The copper mines In the Lake Sir
perlor region were most Important to
the Indians. When we remember
that they did not understand the
smelting of ores we ran appreciate
the value of these mines. In them
the native metal occurs both In small
pieces and great masses. The Indians
had only to dig away the earth and
smash the rocks with stones, some of
which they provided with a groove
and attached to a handle by means
of a withe around the groove
Archaelogists have found that they
also built tires upon the rocks and
thus cracked them that they might
more easily be smashed with ham
mers. One piece of copper propped
upon poles over fifteen feet below
the surface of the ground was found
by explorers where It had been aban
doned by the Indian quarrynicn.
Weighing almost three tons, it was
i monument to the industry of the
N'orth American Indians, who have
;oo often been considered lazy, and
who, we must remember, had only
the simplest tools with which to raise
this heavy mass. One of their shafts,
vhlch contained a mass of copper
webbing several tons, was twenty
dx feet deep and the mass of copper
lad been raised several feet, probably
the only means the Indians had of
moving It being wedges and sticks.
These were exceptionally deep
shafts, many others being smaller.
In one place an area of about 40rt
acres had been worked over. Judg
ing from the number of stone ham
mers or mauls found in a given bulk
of the debris excavated from these
ancient diggings thousands and thou
sands of the hammers must have been
used, and may be found by clearing
out the old workings. Southern
"It will never rain roses. When we want
To have more roses we must plant more trees."
George Eliot.
It Will Never R.cdn Dollars.
When we want to have more dollars
we must earn them and SAVE them.
Plant a few regularly in a Savings
Account. They will grow.
Oil City Trust Company
Oil City, Pa.
a t 4 j v in rr a rTM t
April ist i win move my ornces to ine mew
Veach Block, Seneca St., (next City Hall.)
Oil City, Pa.
Petroleum Phone.
New Castle Portland Cement Co.
Pulverized Raw Limestone, Pulverized Burnt Lime and Burnt Lump Lime for
Agricultural use.
Pamphlets giving full instructions for using Portland Cement on the farm, and
Lime as a Fertilizer, etc., for worn-out and unproductive farm lands, free on appli
cation. New Castle Portland Cement Co.
A Find of Old Coin.
Workmen In demolishing an an
cient house situated in the Rue da
Strasbourg, opposite the old Mont de
Plete at Nantes, have made an In
teresting discovery which Is likely to
attract considerable attention, since
the find was at once dispersed by the
men. It consisted of a number of gold
and silver coins of different epochs.
The most Interesting bore the etflgy
of Alphonso VIII, King of Gallca and
Castle, who resigned from 1128 to 1158.
They bear on the exergue an Inscrip
tion in Arabic in these terms: "The
Emir of the Catholics Is aided by
Allah, and Allah protects him." The
find Is Interesting In more ways than
one, and It Is likely that evonomlc
writers will not fail to make use of
these coins to show the trade rela
tions of Nantes about the period of
the Hundred Years War. I.ondon
A Sermon Syndicate.
A method of sermon collaboration
which may exercise great Influence
upon the vexed problem of church at
tendance was recently tried at Los
Angeles. Nine ministers of that city
got together and produced one sermon
and on the next Sunday nine congre
gations listened to the same sermon,
one of the best they had ever heard.
Such a plan makes good use of
diversified gifts. One preacher may
be skillful In the use of illustrations,
another particularly happy In literary
and historical allusions, a third a mas
ter in theology, another gifted with
evangelistic fervor, and so on through
all the elements that may enter into
a sermon. Leslie's Weekly. :
Pennsylvania Hunters.
The extent to which the State's
forestry rese.-ves are used by hunting
and camping parties is shown bv the
fact that over 600 permits t enter
btate land have been Issued so far
this year. These permits include
3,5"0 persons, many of them hunters.
The Increase of visitors to State
lands for the purpose of recreate n has
been notable and some of the nroD-
erties which the State has acquired
to safeguard water sheds and timber
supplies have proved to be popular
camping grounds Philadelphia
Negro Criminals.
The number of arrests of negroes
In all the cities Is much larger than
the arrests of whites In proportion
to the population. In 1900 the negroes
comprised 1.8 per cent, of the popula
tion of Chicago, but 7.8 per cent of
those arrested; In New York City
negroes were 1.8 per cent of the popu
lation but i" per cent of the arrested;
In Philadelphia negroes comprised 4
per cent of the population In 1900
and Just a little less than 10 per
cent of those arrested. Southern
Joan of Arc's Sword.
A sword In the Dijon museum has
been identified as that used by Joan
of Arc and presented to her by
Charles VII of France. On one side
of the hilt is engraved a figure kneel
ing before a cross and the inscription
"Charles VII.," while the other side
bears the name "Vaucouleurs." The
sword also bears the arms of France
and of the town of Orleans and the
date of 1419. London Dally Mall.
Westinghouse a Marvel.
It Is not fair to call George West
inghouse a human dynamo, because
a dynamo must be driven by some
thing and Westinghouse drives him
self. He Is a human power plant, a
living force. If he were not a man
he would be one of the mechanical
marvels of the world. He owns more
than 1 .'.0 HO patents, and his own in
ventions number 300. Hampton's
The Strong Point.
"I have found Just the party foi
you, Lord Duncan a lady with a dow
ry of half a million." "And when can
I see this lady?" "Just keep think
ing of the dowry don't ask to set
her." Fllegende Blaetter.
Cook De Close Is a mean man. 1
lon't believe he ever did anything
:hat did anybody any good.
Hook Yes, he did.
Cook What was It?
Hook He fell down one time, and It
ltd me good to see him. .
' Woodpecker's Hearing.
' It la not easy to explain why wood
peckers select one tree rather than
others of the same kind In the for
est upon which to begin their opera
tions, or why they attack one side of
tree and leave the other untouched.
Commonly It will be found, no doubt,
that worms or anta are concealed be
neath the point selected and that the
woodpecker is guided In bis search by
the sense of hearing. '
Qualities That Make for Success.
"The qualities of honesty, energy,
frugality, integrity, are more necet
sary than ever today, and there la
no success without them. They are
so often urged that they have become
commonplace, but they are really
more prized than ever. And any good
fortune that comes by such method!
Is deserved and admirable." Mar
shall Field.
A New York Journal says there are
cornstalks in Connecticut "as large
as a small tree." How convenient!
Now, In the Ohio valley bottom lands
the chief draw-back to corn raising la
that the squirrels climb the stalks
and when safely out of rifle range
eat the ears, while the airship in ita
present development wabbles so that
it is no good to shoot from. Louis
ville Courier-Journal.
Dally Thought.
Nothing in the world Is so hard to
counter as suspicions that cannot in
the nature of things be disproved or
brought to the test of fact, that relate
less to the present than to some In
definite future, and that tend through
Infinite repetition and by their very
eluslveness to acquire a certain credi
bility. Sydney Brooks.
Prescription lens grinders
for the eyes, plus Collegl
ately trained and Inter
nationally endorsed
Behind the Guns.
Artificial Eyes In Stock.
Both 'Phones.
Suits to Older, $12.60 to $35.00.
Shirts to Order, $2.00 to $12.00.
The Thirvgs We See
Through the Smoke of a Corncob Pipe.
First and foremost is the inflexible, unalterable resolution to NEVER allow mercenary or
underhand methods to creep into our business. To never impose on public confidence and to
always give the best values obtainable at any specified price. To cater to no particular class.
But rather to always maintain complete stocks for the man with a dollar or the man with a
The man who, with pick and shovel, earns his bread and butter or the man who, sur
rounded with luxuries, pulls the strings or gives orders, either is welcome to this store and get
the same courteous treatment.
We cannot afford and never intend to make fish of one or flesh of another, but always
stick to the basic principle of earning our right to business prestige by having what people
want when they want it, and at a fair, square price.
Every dealer in our line has the same range of prices on his goods as we have. Our dis
tinction comes from the knowledge that at any special price from a 6c handkerchief to a $60
suit no dealer in the United States offers better value than you can get here every day our
doors swing open for business. In a great many instances we know our prices are considera
bly lower, or the quality considerably better, than those offered elsewhere.
"A Good Store to Trade At."
Oil City, l'a.
Oil City, Pa.
Her Fault.
' A certain Scotch professor was left
a widower in his old age. Not very
long arte he suddenly announced his
intention of marrying again, half apol
ogetically, adding, ."I never- would
have thought of it, if Llxzle hadn't
died." Harper's Magazine.
Nonsense That Deceives.
"Nonsense when earnest is ImpreS
Rive and sometimes takes you In. II
you are In a hurry, you occasionally
mistake It for senpe." Disraeli.
V irt
$4 00 silk petticoats,
ffssa1ine Petticoat excep
tionally good quality made in
the new narrow styles with puf
fing at bottom of skirt Navy,
Emerald. Hlue and Green change
able. Red and Green changeable,
or Black, $275.
Soft and lustrous Messaline
and Jersey Petticoats Silk Jer
sey top Petticoats messaline
flounce or flat pleating Grey,
Wistaria. Kmerald, Navy or
Clack, $2-75.
tub silk shirtwaists
Those new and smart satin
stripe effects one of those strict
ly . tailord shirts, pleat over
shoulder length sleeve
Robespierre collar, low neck
focket all sizes Light Blue,
.avender and (.irey, $1.73-
s A,tf)
A Diversified Suit Sale.
Suits adaptable in price, in style and in color to the requirements of
every woman the plain neatly tailored suits at $18.00, $16.60 and $18.60.
Suits that leave nothing to be desired in the manner of fit or quality.
At those same prices suits designed to please those who prefer some
thing more fancy or striking.
And in these the many and original ideas incorporated cannot fail to
impress most favorably.
Then at $22.60, $26.00, $27.60, $30.00, $32.60 and $36.00 two distinct
different ranges of suit style and character.
The strictly plain severely tailored suits of materials confinhd to a cer
tain class by very reason of their high cost and superior quality.
And at those same prices suits more elaborate much more striking in
design suits that reflect the highest skill and ingenuity of America's fore
most suit makers.
Suits that bear plainly stamped in every line the mark of distinctive
style and quality.
And at every price suits faultlessly tailored perfect fitting.
The Bulgarian Vogue.
Every wsr c! history has left Hi stamp upon Fashion contemporary with
the period. The present Turkish-Bulgarian war is prominently reflected in
current Fashions. This is most prominently indicated in the fancy Bands
and Allovers being shown. The bright brilliant colors of Bulgaria have been
deftly and artistically combined. See the display here in Bulgarian Bands
and Allovers.
hand made chemise
Hand made Chemise laree embrold-
crd der.lgn in front, neck scallopt with
dot. armseve scallopt tape at necit
a'l sizes, 75c.
Hand made fine French Muslin
Chemise dainty designs in front
scallopt around neck and armholes
with ribbon run thru all sizes, 75c.
The Saving Element.
"The party'll go to pieces In this
reform wave unless the boys can get
a plank in the platform to protect
thpra." "I see. A sort of gangplank,''
Baltimore American.
Parcel Post System
Made Entirely Clear
The Parcel Post Chart
THIS chart has been added to The Ohio
Farmer's Geographical and Anatomical
Wall Chart. The Parcel Post Chart
fully explains the Zone System Postage
Rates What is Mailable Preparation of
Packages etc. Will enable anyone to
quickly grasp the details.
W hv just completed rranemenU with THE OHIO FARMER which
enable ua to offer
The Parcel Post Chart pilno
The Forest Republican, One Year
The Ohio Farmer, One Year
All for $1.60.
The best aid most complete collection of charts ever brought to
gether. Cost $10,000 to prepare.
A Whole Library of Information 7 Big Charts, each
28x38 inches, Printed in Colors
1 Parcel Poit Chart 425 Live Stock Plates
2 State Map 5 Farmers' Handy Atlas
3 Latest Census 6 Atlas of World and U. S.
7 Chart of Panama Canal
THINK OF IT! A year's subscription to two big papers. The
Parcel Post Map and the Geographical and Anatomical Chart, nil
for about one-fourth their actual value.
If you are already a subscriber to either paper your time will be
THIS ASTONISHING OFFER will be open for a very short
time only. Our chart supply is limited and will be exhausted quick
ly. Make Sure by sending your order NOW.
The Forest Republican, Tionesta, Pa.
1 This is
Duke's Mixture Umbrella
Whether you smoke Duke's Mixture fn pipe or cigar
ette, it is delightfully satisfying Kverywhcre it is the
choice of men who want real, natural tobacco.
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In each Ac sack there are one and a half ounces of
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many good, satisfying cigarettes the kind that makes
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coupon and a book of cigarette papers free.
Get an Umbrella Free
The coupons can be exchanged for all sorts of valu
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but .many desirable presents foi women and children
umbrellas, cameras,
toilet articles, terms
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During March
and April only, tve
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