The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 09, 1913, Image 3

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    Have You Protection
You imiinol all'uril to take your own
rlHk agaium Uma by Are. Kemeiu ber that
wh rrtit
and will be ill Ad to call on you when you
want tirn liiHiirmicd Hint rmlly proteins.
Drop ua rard and we ll do ths rwt.
We lire aitxntn In thin oounty lor the
and can rurnlxh security for County
ofHolalH, bank olIloialN, eic,
The people are taking notice of the
wonderful results derived by our students
during the short time they are with us.
This is a good time to start a course in
Warren Iliilnes9 College,
Warren, Pa.
Ijammnrs. Ad.
Levi A Co. Ad.
Siudxhakxr. Ad.
Ohio Farmer. Ad.
The Prlntifin. Ad.
Bohii A Buhl. Ad.
J. 0. S(!owdnn. Ad.
Thn Klnlxr 'o. Ad.
Llpt-rtMH Application.
Iu' Mixture. Ad.
Oil City Trust Co. Ad.
Mmartdt Mil berbery. Ad.
Rev. O. A. Uarrott. Loral.
KoreMt Co. Nat Bank. Ad.
Urand Union Tea Co. Loral.
Oil market closed at $2 60.
Is your subscription paid?
You can net it at Hopkina' atore. tf
K. R. Laimoo sella oleoraarierlne.
-Ad. . . , tf
Jardinieres, Flower tflUvttahlDic
Haskels, Caaarole Kettles, at S. 8. Big
worth's. adv
Chirk Feed, Meat Meal, Poultry
Wire, Oyster Shell and Grit, at 8. 8.
Slgworth'a. adv
Hon. C, A. Randall baa . been ap
pidnled trustee in (he bankruptcy case of
J. S Vail ol West Hickory.
Kok8ai.ii -Admirable lot fronting
on east Bridge street, at a bargain. In
quire of M. L. Rhodes, Tlonesla. advtf
For Sale, at a low prire if taken soon,
a flue, b inh priced top cutler, good aa
new. O. A. Garrett, Tlonesla, Pa.-Adv.
Farmer Henry Ulassner of German
Hill has our tbanka for a basket of tne
nicest "Northern Spies" we've seen or
tasted In a long time.
The Epworth League will have a
dime social at the Methodist parsonage
next Friday evening, April 11. Every
body oordially iuvited.
We have in a car of El wood Seed
Oats, grown in northern Illinois, and
guaranteed pure. Price 52o per bushel.
Lauson Bros., Tlonesla. adv-lf
Wanted. Machinists, Moulders and
Laborers. Apply: Oil Well Supply
Company, Imperial Works, Oil City,
Penna. dv4t ' .;
C. A. Lauson Is eHwiinga garage for
bis o "mlng new y.H, thgjbHildlufc being
located on Bridge street, between the
Mapes planing mill and the Hill barn.
Wanted. -Railroad Cross Ties. We
buy all kinds and pay cash. The Berry
Co.. Oil Clly, Pa.
adv L. A. Davis, Agt, Tlonesta, Pa.
Wantkd-A. Bowl 'Salesman to run a
well established tea and eotTee; route.
Good commission paid. Small bond re
quired. Inquiie, Grand Union Tea Co.,
Oil City, Pa. Adv. .
Oleomargarine always fresh, always
the same prioe and making new friends
each day, at 20a per pound in nine pound
lots, at the Salmon Creek Mercantile Co.,
Kellettville, Pa. adv
-The Presbytery of Clarion will meet
in the Presbyterian cburch of Tlonesta,
Monday, April 21st, at 7:45 p. tn. The
report of the committee on arrangements
will be published next week.
-Rev. W. P. Murray, D. D., of Titus
ville. will give bis lecture on "Lincoln,"
Monday evening, April 14, at Ibe Court
House. This is the last number ou the
lecture course. Members of the G. A. R.
and W R. C. have been Invited to attend
in a body.
The senior class of the Tlonesla high
school had a good audience at tbeir plav,
"Topp'a Twins," which they gave at
East Hickory last Saturday night, con
sidering the very inclement weather.
After paying expenses tbey were enabled
to add I'io to their fuud.
The Fe'sler No. 'i well, Clapp tract,
was drilled through the fourth sand last
week. A shot was put in the second
sand, where there was a slight showing
of oil, but hardly enough to make a pro
ducer. The company's next location
baa not been determined.
George Holeman, who recently pur
chased E. K. Fleming's drilling outfit,
went up lo Jamieson run Monday morn
ing to tinish up a well that had been
started by Mr. Fleming early in the
winter, George expects to drill three or
four other wells in that section before
moving bia rig.
Acknowledgment of subscription re
newals is made aa follows, with ihauks:
Wm, Hlncum, Henrys Mills, Pa. (new);
John U. Matha, Endeavor, IV (new);
Gordon A. Williams, Jenniiigton, W.
Va.; Wm. Harringtou, Coalinga, Cal.j J.
8. Vail, West Hickory, Pa.; F. P. Ams
ler, Henry Nibble, Citizens National
Bank, Tlonesta; John M. Zuendel, Starr,
Pa.; Roy Mong, Frankliu, Pa, (new.)
Willsrd Ash, the man rbarged wilb
having caused the death of Mra. Christina
Peters, a 72 year-old woman of near
Chandlers Valley, Warren county, and
whom a coroner's jury held responsible
for Mrs, Peters' demise through heart
failure following and assault, was arraign
ed Saturday al Warren, before justice of
the peace Wheeler, and waived a hearing.
Tbo accused was committed to the county
jail to await trial at the next court of
rjuarter boshIous.
( ' Qualify
V Nohool
-The wintry blasts of Saturday night
and Sunday, when the weather man gave
us a taste of a real blizzard, put a check
on all sorts of vegetation, which was
making rapid strides under the' warmth
of April sunsblne and showers. But it
was perhaps just as Well for it Isn't best
for even old Dame Nature to get too freb
Trout-flsblng will be legal next
Tuesday, 15tb, and not a day sooner. You
may catch 40 lo one day and they uiu-t
betrix inches or over in length. The
uma 10 quit catcning trout is ou tne last
day of July. A strict observance of these
facts wiy save you from getting into the
clutches ol the fish warden, or the bastile.
After shutdown of nearly three
weeks, while waiting on a delayed wire
-cable, drilling on the Council run well
will be resumed tbla week, and Manager
Richards hopes there will be no more
Interruption from this on. The well is
down 1D00 feel and It la expected every
known sand will - have been passed
through In thn next five or six hundred
feet. We still predict a hundred barrel
well, at the very least.
D. B Tobey, acting for the Korh and
Beery Lumber Company, of Fryburg,
sold to Coleman and Harter, of Williams-
port, last week, the Kahle tract of timber
on Hemlock run in Piuegrove township.
Tbla tract comprises 700 acres ol pine
timber, and the amount involved in the
sale is approximately f:)0,000. Seneca
Kicker. This tract lies adjacent to the
Clap, timber lands, now owned by Cole
man, Harter A Co., and adds a nice lot of
timber to tbeir already Hoe. possessions.
Our former Forest oounty citizen,
Geo. W. Mong, who has spent the past
eight or ten years In the far western oil
regions, his last residence being at Mari
copa, California, has gone tn Burma
India, under a three year contract, to
drill 0!iie wells for the Burma Oil coin-
pauy, extensive operators in that country.
George has tie -o me quite expert lu the
western atyle of nil ell drilling, and it
was doubtless bla knowledge of the busi
ness that got him into this job, which we
hope will turn out to bis liking, and that
be may keep bis health and come home
with a good bunch ol "scads." His
family will remain In California during
b's absence.
At tbe annual congregational meeting
of tbe Presbyterian church Thursday
evening, Mr. W. C. lmel waa elected a
ruliug elder ol I he church. The board of
trustees was Increased from three to five,
and four now members were elected, as
follows: Samuel D. Irwin, C. M. Arner,
S. 8 Sigworlb and Jas. H. Kelly, toserve
for one, three, four and live years, respec
tively. Mrs. Jennie E. Agnew was
elected treasurer fur the ensuing year
Thn reporta of tbe aeveral societies and
ofUcisIs connected with tbe church were
received, all showing a very beallbv con
dition of affairs. At Ibe morning i-er vices
Sunday Mr. Imel was ordained as Elder
in accordance with the usually Impressive
services of tbe Presbyterian church.
Landlord Pierce had a narrow escape
from a serious accident with bis auto
Saturday evening. In coming up tbe
approach at the west end of the river
bridge he was obliged to atop to avoid
a collision witb a number of rigs and got
out to crank the machine. The brake
was accidentally released and the machine
backed down the incline and over tbe
sleep bank above the bridge, going al
most to the water's edge, where It was
stopped by a big rock. Mra. Pierce and
Miss Edna Cropp were In tbe machine at
the time. ..Tbo former jumped out but
Mlss-Oropp stuck to the machine until it
stopped. Neither was Injured. After
the machine was hauled nut by a team it
was found it was not injured in Ibe least.
Standard Oil officials at Wood River,
III., have announced thai 40 oewatllla will
be erected at Wood Kiver during the com
ing summer to manufacture motor spirit,
tbe newly discovered substitute for gaso
line. The first of the 40 stills will be In
operation by April 1, aud otheis will
follow lu rapid order. Motor spirit, ac
cording to tbe manufacturers, ou be
obtained for 3 cents less a gallon than
gasollue and will run a motorcar 23 per
cont farther tbao gasoline. It is designed
especially for use in motor trucks. Tbe
new oil does .nnievaporate as readily as
gasoline. Tbe officials say that tbe
scarcity ol crude oil Is becoming alarm
ing, aud ibat unless the process proves
successful, It will be but a few years
when all the oil fields are dry. A gentle
man who baa seen a sample of this new
essence ssys as a producer of smells it
heats the proverbial tan-yard -tbe odor
belug far more pungent and disagreeable
than gasoline.
Bro. White of tbe Tidioute News
offers the following suggestion which
might be a good ont: Fallowing tbe
lead of Pittsburg, wby not construct a
ee' enly foot dam at some point on Oil
Creek above Tiiu-villtf It such a dam
will keep Pittsburgh from being drowned
out every time there is a heavy dew along
tbe upper Allegheny, wby wouldn't a
similar structure ssve Titusville aud Oil
City from an annual Hood? Following
along further, wby not two hundred fool
damson the Allegheny and Monongahelia
above Pittsburg to rave Hoods In I lie
Ohii? If the Pittsburg "cat will fight"
wby not Ibe otherr? Of oourse all these
dams would go out, but ibe undertaker's
lees are just aa high at one point as an
other and wby should Pittsburg ssve ou
Its mortuary fees and not the other places?
A satisfactory answer to these queries
sent Tbe News will entitle the sender tn
a plate in Allegheny cemetery, Pitlsburg,
provided we can get tbe Slate to furnish
Of the ownership, management, etc., of
the Forkst Kkpubi.iuan, published
weekly at Tlonesta, Forest County, Pa:
Published in accordance with the Act
of August 24, 1!H2.
The name of the Editor, Managing
Editor, Business Manager and sole Owner
or this publication ia J. E. Wenk, Tio
nesla, Forest County, Pa. No bond
holders, mortgagees or other security
holders, and no boldera of bonds, mort
gages, or other securities of this publica
tion. J. E. Wenk.
Sworn to and subscribed before uie
this 2d day or April 1013.
C. M. Arnkr, Notary Public.
My Commission Expires Feb. 21, 1015.
Notice to Stockholders.
The annual meeting ol the stockhold
ers ol the Tionesta Gas Company will be
held at the otllce of the company on Mon
day, April 21, 11113, at 2 o'clock p. m.
sdviit J. U. KKILT, Secretary.
Win. Sinnarbaugh spent last week in
Pittsburg on business.
.Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Haslet leturned
last week from tbeir stay In Florida.
-Mr. Williams of Licklngville was a
guest of bis son, Philip, over Sunday.
Miss Jessie Mitcb II, of Decatur, 111.,
Is the guest of ber aunt, Mrs. Jsmes J.
Waller Crouch and Charlie Gesin of
East Hickory were Tlonesta yisitora
Saturday. '
C. B. Kerr, of Burnett township, waa
a guest of his sister, Mrs, 8. M. Henry,
last week.
'Squire Leon Watson and Ray Weller
were down Iroin Kellettville Wednesday
on business.
Mra. Cora Wataou Felt went to Brad
ford. Pa, Tuenday evening, for a viait
wilb MIks BelleTitua.
Hon and Mra. N. P. Wheeler, who
spent the past winter in Florida, are on
their way bmneand expect to reach En
deavor about the 15' b.
E. E Norton, residing at Titusville,
but engaged In lumbering at Tldioote,
waa attending to business and shaking
hands with od friends here Monday.
Mra. Clenrga II. Killinerspenlseveral
days of last week in Oil City, and at
tended the fine rendition of "The Mes
siah," by the Oratorio society of that oily.
Married, at the Free Methodist par
sonage, Tlonesla, April 3, 1013, by Rev.
G. A. Garrett, John Pleraon, ol Kellett
ville, and Mra Edna L. Ehlera, of Starr,
Citizen Thomas Mays, who baa been
ailing for some time, Is being treated by
an Oil City physician and has been In the
city for a week or more. We are pleased
to learn tbat be is improving.
W, A. Grabsui, Insurance manager of
the Pittsburg Coal Co., was a guest at tbe
borne of C. M. Arner over the Sabbath.
His company baa some lsnded interests in
Hlekoiy township, which be waa looking
Mrs, Nelson MscDonald, who has
been with ber father, Jamea Elliot, at
Stewart Run, for some lime, left last
Thursday to join ber husband at Ottawa,
Kansas, where be is employed in tbe oil
Miss Marin Smearbaugh returned
home Wednesday from a month's visit
wilb ber sister, Mrs. D. II. Edwards, at
Washington, Pa, tbe latter leturniug
with ber for a two week's visit at ber old
home here.
Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Watson received
a message yesterday tbat tbeir son-in-law,
W. A. Shewinan, waa ill and in a hospital
at Portland, Ore., no particular a being
given. His many friends in this section
will hope for bis speedy recovery.
Prof. Jobn F. Bigler, a member ol tbe
faculty of Grove City college, spent
Wednesday here as tbe guest of Prof.
White, principal of tbe borough school.
Prof. Biglnr was principal of tbe Edin
born normal for a number of years, from
which school Prof. White ia a graduate.
W, G Wymao shipped his household
goods to Erie yesterday, an I as soon aa
they arrive there, Mrs. Wyman and
Corrine will join husband and father in
their new home Dr. C. E. Gregg will
move Into Mr. Wyman'a bou-e, as was
mentioned in the Rkpuslican last week.
Misses Elbel Connelly, of Ludlow,
and Marjorle Miller, of East Hickory,
were guesta at tbe New Thomson last
night. They left on tbe early train this
morning for Slate College to resume tbeir
studies. They had been borne on tbeir
Easter vacation. Kane Republican, 4th.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Small of Nebraska
were Tlonesla visitors Wednesday, Mr.
Small has been appointed overseer of
quite a stretch of the State road running
through bis section, and expects to be
kept busy tbe greater part of the summer
in keeping tbe loads in first class condi
Henry Sibhle of German Hill was in
Monday to square up bia subscription ac
count for another year. Henry has been
a subscriber lo tbe Republican for more
than 32 years, and during tbat time we
don't believe be has been an hour In
arrears, but baa always bad the comfort
of reading bia own paper. . '.
Among Ibe out-of-town relatives In
sttendanoe at the luueral of tbe late Mrs.
Moody, were: Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Dahle, Tylersburg; Mrs. W. H. Weiser
and H. G. Smstbers, Helen Furnace; W.
C. Smatbers and Miss Viunie Smstbers,
Cooksnurg; W. 8. Smatbers, Indiana,
and Miss Blanche Shadel, Brookville.
John H. Matha was a Tlonesta vilsfor
Friday and gave tbe Republican a
friendly call while here. He is making
a full band In ibe lumber woods up on
Otter creek, Hickory township, and for
one of bis age, and who spent three 'good
years of bla life in defense of Uncle Sam,
be is standing Ibe work iVst rate aud
looking like a youngster.
Roy A. Mong and Miss Marie J.
Wolfe, both well known and popular
young people of 'I lonesta Twp , were
united In marriage at tbe United Evan
gelical parsonage, Franklin, Pa., April 2,
1013, the pastor, Rev. C. D. Slagle, offici
ating. Tbe bride was attended by Miss
Nora Mong, and the groom by Mr. Archie
Wolfe, brother and sister of the contract
ing parties. The bride was elegantly and
tastefully attired in a robe of white satin
messaline. and the groom in black. The
bride carried a bouquet of white and
pink carnations. After the ceremony tbe
happy couple came to Tlonesta lo spend a
few days with their parents, where they
were remembered by tbeir friends wilb
many useful and valuable presents. Tbe
wedding party left for Franklin on Mon
day, where Mr. and Mra. Mong expect to
make their future home, and where ibe
groom holds a good position with the Ad
ams Express Co. The best wishes of a
host of friends for a long and bappy wed
ded life are extended to tbem on this
happy occasion.
Plants and Seeds for Sale.
Pansy Plants iino per dozen, f 1 60 per
100. These are lall transplants and are
very strong and healthy. Early aeed po
tatoes, Dieer's and Burpee's garden
seeds, and lawn grass seed; onion sets;
rhubarb roots 10c each or f 1 00 per dozen.
C. A. Anderson's Greenhouse, Tlonesta,
Pa. adv-tf
Found a Cure For Rheumatism.
Too much care cannot lie lined In select
ing a cough medicine for children. It
should be pleasant to take, contain no
harmful subsianceand be most effectual.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy meets
these requirements snd is a favorite with
the mothers of young children every
where. For sale by all dealers, Adv.
I. O. 0. F. Installation and Banquet.
Tlonesta Lodge, No. 309, I. O. O. F.,
held an open-bouse aession Tuesday eve
ning, the occasion being the formal open
ing of their newly retinlshed quarters in
tbe Partridge block, now ihe sole prop
erty of tbe lodge under a recent purchase.
Tbe members have a justifiable pride in
tbeir ue.v home, which will be second to
none in all this section of tbe state when
all contemplated Improvements are
completed. Tbe regular meeting place
has been retained on the thiid floor,
which has been their abiding place for
many years. The second floor nf the
building baa been transformed anil now
contains a fine large dining room, parlor,
kitchen, lavatory and cloak room.
Last night marking tbe time nf thn an
nual installation cf ('Ulcere, It was decided
to hold a publio Insinuation, and an au
dience of about 125 waa present, consist.
Ing mainly of members of ibe local
lodge and visiting members, w ith their
wiveaand sweethearts.' Tbe installation
began at 8:30 and was in charge of L L
Zuvnr, District Deputy Grand Mauler,
who was ably assisted by T. F. Rilchey,
District Deputy Grand Warden, 0. A.
Randall, District Depnly Grand Secre
tary, and Archie Clark, Distr ct Deputy
Grand Marshal, and tbe following officers
were duly installed with impressive cer
emonies: N. G., Harry Jamieson; V. G,
D. H. Blum; Seo'y, W. H. Hood; War
den, Cbas. Carlson; Conductor, J. G.
Jamieson: R. 8. N. U., T. F. Ritcbey; L.
S. N. G., C. A. Randall; R. 8. V. G., 8.
R. Maxwell; L. 8. V. G Fraok Ann
strong; Chaplain, C. A. Cbilds; O. G.,
Wallace Mealy; I. G., Cbas. Clark; R. 8.
8.. R. L. Haslet; L, 8. 8., Jesse Graham.
Followiug these ceremonies a number of
bright and interesting speeches were
given by T. F. Ritcbey, Ei-q., Hou. C. A.
Randall, Rev. W. 8. Burton, Rev. H. A.
Bailey, F. R. Lanson, W. C. Iuiel, and
Samuel D. Irwin, E-q., which were much
An adjournment waa then taken to tbe
dining room where all did full justice to
an elegaot banquet until near Ibe mid
night hour. The culinary arrangements
were made by wives of tbe members of
tbe order under the capable dlreollon of
Mrs. R. L. Haslet, and from the prepara
tion in tbe kitchen to tbe service by Ibe
handsome young ladies in the dining
room the banquet was perfect In all its
appointments, being only another evi
dence of tbe accomplishments of our
lsdies tn this line. As a social and fra
ternal event Ibis installation and banquet
will go down in the annala of the lodge as
one long to be remembered.
Recent Deaths.
Orpbia Jan Smatbers, daughter of Da
vid and Marlba Smatbers, was born at
Heleo Furnace, Clarion county, Pa.,
August 8. 1855, aud died at Tlonesla, Pa.,
April 3, 1913. She was married in De
cember, 1883, at Corry, Pa., to Harry E.
Moody. Alter their marriage Mr. and
Mrs. Moody msde their home for about
three years at Beaver Valley, then moved
to Hickory, where tbey remained about
the same length of lime. From here tbey
took up tbeir residence at Little Tlonesta
for a lime and then moved to Tlonesla,
where tbey have resided lor a number ol
years. Mrs. Moody was of a Methodist
family, ber father and mother being well
known Methodists of Clarion oounty. A
number of years ago she united with the
Methodist Episcopal cburch of Tlonesla
and remained a member nf tbe church of
ber choice until ber death. For many
months she had not been able to attend
tbe servioes of the cburch but bad mani
fested a keen interest in all of its work.
Al tbe time nf tbe last quarterly meeting
she requested ber pastor to call and ad
minister tbe Sacrament, and after ber
death ber husband found ber cburch en
velope containing her subscription for
tbe benevolent collections of the cburch.
She was a deeply religious soul and ex
tremely patient io ber suffering. Her
sickness manifested the truth nf tbe
scripture "He is a present help In time
of need." Tbe Isst time ber pastor called,
only a couple days before her death, she
expressed ber desire to depsrt this lite
and be at rest.
Mrs. Moody waa one of a family of
thirteen children and is survived by four
sistdrs and fonr brothers; Mrs. Joseph
M. Morgan, of Tionesta; Mrs. D. R.
Shadel, of Brookville, Pa ; Mrs. W. A.
Dsble, of Tylersburg, Pa; Mrs. W. U.
Weiser, of Helen Furnace, Pa ; Albert
Smatbers, of Foxburg, Pa.; William C.
Smatbers, of Cooksburg, Pa.; H. G.
Smathere, of Heleu Furnace, and W. 8.
Smatbera, of Indiana, Pa. Tbe devotion
of Mr, Moody to bis suffering wife waa
so impressive sight. Her every wish
was gratified and everything possible
done In relieve ber Buffering.
Tbe funeral service was held from her
late residence on South Elm street, Sat
urday alterooon, April 5, at two o'clock,
her pastor, Rev. W. 8. Burton, snd Rey.
G. A. Garrett, or tbe Free Methodist
church, participating in thn services.
Thirty-Two Years Ago.
Items taken from tbe files of Ibe Re
publican or April 13, 1881:
Miss Maude Davis returned Friday
from a four week's visit with friends in
8. J, Wolcott baa moved into ihe Harlan
house, recently occupied by Geo, Scott's
Our jail was occupied by a lone tramp
Sunday nigbt, tbe first tenant it has bad
for several weeks.
Mrs. J. H. Darljkson, wbo has been
quite ill for several daya past is now Im
proving. The snow is yet abundant In the big
woods, although (rom the bills bereaboul
it has about disappeared.
G. W. Robinsou, Zacb Shriver and
Billy Blum were out spearing Thursday
nigbt and brought in 55 nice suckers.
This Is tbe esrliest we have known spear
ing to begin in many yeara. '
One of Hon. E. L. Davis' twin boys,
Don, b as been very ill with diphtheria
for several days past, but is now better.
D. W. Clark's little boy, Bruoe, was
taken ill witb the same disease Sunday
and has been very sick since, but his
physician believes be has the disease un
der control and that Ihe child Is going to
get well,
John Cobb it Sons sold tbeir lumber
Intere-ts on Coon creek last week to
Miles A Hlinasley of Franklin
Will Hulings, Zacb Shriver and Frank
Hunter caught a yearling buck deer In
the river Just above Ihe bridge last Satur
day. The deer had been run In by dogs,
aud coming down the steep bluff bad
fallen aud broken oue of its le.
We will also claim tbat the Hood waa
the cause of no news letter from us for
last week, same as all late trains, etc.
But we lirmly believe ours is a good ex
cuse aa we were compelled to work on
ihe Lord'a Day to get caught up witb our
work. We leave the judguieut to you,
dear reader.
The old stork baa been about tbe bus
iest thing down this creek tbe last few
months and the baby crop was large.
The last, visit was at tbe borne of Cliff
Bsbli, ut Mayburg, where the third boy
was left contrary tn tbe order, which was
fo, a iiirl. But it must be ren embered
that lu a rush season like this the stork
has to deliver what be has in stock-
male, female or both -and we should be
thankful lhat It has tbe right number of
fingers, toes. elo. And thn end is not yet.
Fishing season Is not far away and our
people should get their tackle ready and
get out before daylight on April 15, so as
to be ready to come In before tbe 11
o'clock train pulls In, so as to get some
lih. Generally this train brings a mob
from the outside to get the game and our
people have lo take Ibe leavings. The
limit loone person is 40 In one day, but
six of a family can lake in 241) in all, and
if it is arranged right our people can get
tbe cream and let 'he outsiders take the
skim milk this year. Look out for tbe
wardens for they are possibly balf starved
about this time of tbe year and will be
ou the job at the opening. Also watch
tbe snakes. I have seen several Ibis
spring already.
Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Rhoades have
moved to Clarion county after selling out
thnir household goods sod borne at Min
ister. F. C. Proper is going to rebuild his
summer residence at M inister this sum
mer, and will clean out several of bis
wells and build a gasoline works here.
Tbls will make a decided increase iu bis
Vivian Brennan and Marion Rupert
were at Warren on Friday and Saturday
last visltlug Vivian's aunt and making
some purchases in Ihe oily of cleanliness.
Tbe much abused 8. A T. Railway Is
called by some Teddy's Streak of Rust,
but wben the facts are known it waa tbe
only railroad tbat was on the job during
tbe lale flood and made every trip Ibe
same as in g od weather. This was at
times a seeming impossibility but thanks
to tbe dauntless engineer and conductor,
assisted by Supt. Fred Kiinestiver In
high top rubber boots, the trains were
safely hauled over tbe bad places and
through water. We must realize tbat
although our coaches are not as beautiful
aa other more prosperous roads and we
do not make as good an appearance as
others, we are on tbe job almost at all
Mrs. C. L. Littlefleld went to Kellett
ville on Saturday to oonsult tbe doctor in
regard lo a bad cough she has had for
some time.
Tbe school will soon bn closed and the
youngsters are planning on the great fun
tbey will bave when it closes, fishing and
other sports.
J. C. Miller is moving a mill from
Beuver Meadows to Minister and the
sawdust will fly faster than It did last
summer with the one-horse affair be had.
The new one will do better work and
make more steady time for the men who
work there.
We bear that Jamea Welsh is selling
bis White Steamer and we congratulate
the purchaser on his good lock, for this
is a good machine and will be for many
Mrs. Ricbard Fair, who has been at
Wellers since last fall, returned to Con
neaut, Ohio, last Saturday with ber two
youngest children. All Ihe girls are
married now, leaving only two children
at borne.
E. L. Lltllefield has a new wheel that
is a dandy, and will help him considers
bly lu his trios lo Mayburg, where be Is
working for the Tlonesta Valley Cheml
cal Co,
Jobn Jordon Is working for Mr. Miller
on ibe grade at Klngsley, around the
chemical plant there.. This will be a nioe
village wben all tbe new residences are
built and the grounds cleaned up, and
will be a pretty place lo live. We gl
most envy the men wbo will work there
in the grandpa chemical works. They
say It Is tbe granddad of tbem all.
Mr. Brlggs and sn have returned from
Ridgway, where the father was taking
treatment in the hospital for bowel
trouble whirh atone time was thought to
he appendicitis, but they are not yet sure.
He is not well yet aud may bave to re
turn later on.
Willie Dillen went to Bradford and
purchased a new driving borse Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Stover spent Sunday witb
their parents In Bradford.
J. J. Kaue went Rasselas Saturday on
Mrs. Dillen and Mra. Bundv went lo
Mt. Jewell ou Thursday and attended
the mission.
Mrs. WMxl went tn Bradford lo attend
Ibe l.arly Maocabee lodge meeting last
Ten of our young people attended Ihe
mission at Mt Jewell, Saturday.
Mrs. J. J Kane visited friends In Mt.
Jewelt s lew days last week.
Harry Hottel was calling on Wilcox
friends Saturday.
Miss Helen Kane was borne to spend
Sunday with her parenta.
Mr. Smith gave our town a pleasant
call last week.
Will H'igeraon purchased a Victrola
talking machine Inst week.
8 8. Eshelman, who has been on Ihe
sick list, is able to be at bis work again.
Mr. Williams, who Has been on the
sick list, Is improving nicely.
Koyal Stanley was called to oil city to
see his grandmother, who was seriously
ill, returning lo his work here Thursday,
Charley Wood and Albert Anthony
were in Mt. Jewettou business Saturday
Straight at It.
There is no use of our "heating around
the bush." We might as well out witb it
lirst as last. We want you to try Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy the next time
you bave a cough or cold. There is no
reason so far as we can see wby you
should not do so. This preparation by Its
remarkable cures has gamed a world
wide reputation, and people everywhere
speak of it in the highest terms of praise.
It ia for sain hy all dealers. Adv.
Cough Medicine for Chilvren.
I'T milTurafl ailtl, rltuilnintlmn fop Iwn
years and could not get my right hand lo
my mouin tor mai lengin online, writes
Ijia I. ('(itiiiniuii Ki unlutr... I.tuia f
milTered lrr I hit tinin nil I ..fiiil.l nut alunu
or lie still at night. Five years ago I be
gan using v (isomerism i.miiiieni anil
in two months I was well and bave not
antiererl with rheiitiiutiMiii hIiii-h " fc'itr
sale by all dealers. Adv.
Buy this $20 "Eclipse" Graphophone
On Payments
at $5 a month.
This is no mere household ornament
but a continuous all-the-year-round de
light. It is undoubtedly an education to
hear the recorded music of the world's
great artists, bands, orchestras, pianists
and violinists.
Where can you better spend your
money than in this graphophone, which
gives entertainment to yourself and
friends, and positive education to the
BovarcPs Pharmacy.
Between Season
In order to keep business going
through the dull month of February, we
are going to make some
Eye Opener Prices
on all Odds and
about the store. Especially in Ladies'
Shoes. We have a lot of odd sizes, one
pair of a kind. If we have your size, the
price will be the persuader.
A lot of Men's and Boys' Winter Un
derwear. , See the goods and learn the
Remnants all over the store.
Come Early.
L. J.Hopkins
To Paint Your House or Refin
ish the Interior?
We have most everything you need in the paint line.
We sell the very best lieady Mixed Paints, Var
nishes, Paint Brushes, Turpentine, Linseed Oil, &c.
And you will find that our prices are as low as any
first class goods can be sold lor.
Before you buy paint be sure to come in and see
what we have to offer.
Is It a Good Plow
A Harrow, a Lawn Mower, a Wheelbarrow, or any kind
of Garden Tool ? We have them all at right prices.
We also have the best Garden Seeds.
Come and See Us.
3. 0. SCOWDEN,
What's the use of cautioning him to "be careful of his clothes?" The wise
way is to put him into one of our boy-proof suits and wish him a good time.
We Have a Great Suit Value at $5
Combination style, Norfolk or double-breasted, with two pairs of trousers. Sizes
6 to 18 years. Materials and manufacture
uthers t.uu, y.uu to tiu.uu.
Boys' Raincoats
With new shape Scout Hat to match. Every youngster wants one of these rough-and-ready
outfits. Sizes 4 to 12 years, $3.76; 14 and 16 size, $4.00.
With detachable collars; sizes 6 to 16 years.
things in detachable collar Blouses at $1.00.
In cloth, felts and straws at popular prices,
lyroiene styles at ouc ana $i.uu.
IttZZf trOh. CL PR
4l&.4:3SOC;;A ST.
Our repair department is splendidly
equipped to do the most difficult repairing
At Reasonable
We use only the
Best of Material
And take a pride in our workmanship.
Once we have done your repair work
you'll not have it done anywhere else.
Try us and see if we cannot more than
please you.
ii urn; v i khz,
The Leading Jeweler,
32 Seneca St.,
Oil City, Pa.
There's a Lot
of Style
In a new Shoe model we are showing.
And there are a lot of men who will
like it.
You will when you see it.
Flat Heel. Receding Toe. Invisible
"The world's best" Shoes for Men.
Corner Center, Seneca and Syca
more Streets,
OIIj city.
are exceptionally good for the price.
A special value at 50c. Some new
reds, browns, blues and greys ia felt.