The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, March 26, 1913, Image 4

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    Centre Street at Elm, Oil City, Pa.
Spring Coats for Women and Misses.
3-4 length models, often with high-waisted effects, or full
length. May have collars and cutfs of contrasting color. Fan
cy buttons are liberally used in trimming. .
Among the materials, new eponge cloths, wide-wale diago
nals, serges, and Bedford cords, in new blue, navy,' tan, grpy
and other spring shades.
In the matter of style, workmanship and material, every
coat is the splendid value you have learned to expect at this
wonderful garment store.
Price, $6.50 to $25.00.
Assembled With the Best of Other
Grades In Our Daylight
And if one may judge from the delighted comments by th
crowds that" are thronging this department during Opening
Week, so beautiful an assortment of patterns and colorings has
never before been seen in Northwestern Pennsylvania.
A noteworthy feature of our line of Whittall Rugs is the
wide choice in odd sizes; and surely it is a satisfaction to know
that here you can find just the size you want, and at a standard
Brussels Rugs, size 9x12, $17.50, $18.50, $25.00, $27.50.
Wilton Rugs, size 9x12, $37.50, $25.00, $50.00, $60.00.
Door sizes, $1.25, $2.90 to $4.25.
Archway sizes, $2.75, $3.50 to $9.50.
It will pay you to inspect our line of Rugs before ordering.
Also Carpet by the yard, $1.25 to $3.75.
The Olden Time Miller
took his toll out of every bushel of grain that
passed through his hands. Are you taking ,
your toll out of every dollar of wages or sal
ary that passes through your hands ? Are you
saving for your years of least earning power ?
Open a savings account at once with the
Oil City Trust Company
. Oil City, Pa.
Are valuable to you. See that you save them.
(Formerly of Philadelphia.)
Petroleum Phone at Office and Residence.
New Castle Portland Cement Co.
Pulverized Raw Limestone, Pulverized Burnt Lime and Burnt Lump Lime for
Agricultural use.
Pamphlets giving full instructions for using Portland Cement on the farm, and
Lime as a Fertilizer, etc., for worn-out and unproductive farm lands, free on appli
cation. New Castle Portland Cement Co.
Conference on "Pure Payroll"
Biil to Be Held
Jones BUI Providing For Direct Prim,
arlet Pasted by tht House Mothers'
Pensions Investigation Authorized.
The clash between Governor Tener
and the Pennsylvania house of repre
sentatives on the question of the
authority of the house to compel the
attendance of executive subordinates,
the governor's secretary, Walter II.
Uaither, being directly Involved, be
fore a committee investigating dual
office holding was practically settled
In a strenuous battle on the floor of
the house.
It Is understood that the employes
involved will obey the summons of the
bouse and give testimony before the
investigating committee. If such a
course Is followed It is believed the
house will not press tho matter further
as the members claim this will be a
recognition of their authority.
The contest was precipitated by the
presentation of a message from the
governor in which the executive set
forth that his original communication
on the subject questioning the au
thority of the house to compel recog
nition of their processes had been mis
understood and requesting a confer
ence on the subject. The governor ex
plained that he did not wish to be un
derstood as defying the authority of
the house to compel the attendance of
witnesses, but merely, to protect the
luterests of the state in withholding
books and "apers, which, under the
resolution c eating the investigating
committee, the latter were authorized
to demand.
The Jones primary election bill was
passed finally in tle house by a vote
of 170 to K. The bill would provide
for the nomination of all ofllcers, from
governor to judge of election, and the
election of party officers by a direct
vote. It also contains provision for
I'nited States senatorial and presl
dential preference primaries. When
it returns to the house from the sea
ate the legislation no doubt will be
considerably altered.
The Rockwell bill, to provide that
the appraisers' lists of mercantile 11
censes shail not hereafter be pub'
lished, passed Anally, 147 to 25.
The Stein bill, to authorize the ap-
point ment of a commission to Inquire
into the creating of public pensions
for dependent mothers, passed finally
by a vote o'' 187 to 7.
The last night for the introduction
of bills in the house saw upward of
400 measures dumped in. Tlipy cover
almost every conceivable subject and
many of them are duplicates of nieas
ures now in the legislature.
Something new In the way of liquor
legislation appeared when Piper of
Philadelphia proposed a state board
for the examination of bartenders.
Each examiner would receive a salary
of $1 ,."00 a year. The new crop of bar.
tenders would have to pass examina'
tions on their fitness for the job and
the old ones would have to register,
Each bartender would be given a cer
tificate which would cost him $:!. He
would be required to renew his cer
tifioate each year at the same price.
A new club license bill was present
ed by Augustus Wildnian of Dauphin.
It would fix a fee of $10 for clubs with
a membership of from .10 to 100: 100
to 200 members, $100, and 200 or over,
$150. The license would be granK
by the courts and the fees go to the
municipality. There is no restriction
as to hours or closing on Sundays and
election days in the bill.
Having agreed upon a number of
amendments to the governor's utility
bill all Republican factions in the
state legislature will Join in support
ing the measure and it is practically
assured of passage. The measure is
still In committee, but it probably will
lie reported to the house affirmatively
this week and put through as soon as
The Bigger bill, to prohibit the
making of false or misleading state
ments concerning any merchandise,
securities or services, was slgued by
Governor Tener.
He also approved the concurrent
resolution from the house and senate
requesting the Fiftieth Anniversary of
the Battle of Gettysburg commission
to broaden the scope of the provisions
made for the attendance as guests of
the state so as to Include all Union
soldiers, saliors and marines, in the
Civil war who enlisted from Pennsyl
vania or who are now living in the
state. The resolution also includes
ail men who served In Pennsylvania
commands known as emergency troops
and soldiers who served In the Con
federate army who are now living In
this state.
Snapshot of Or. Friedmann,
Serum Discoverer
!l pi III. mi wwinimi.i ;,. "'W smK.nwunfr ivm
1913, by American Press Association.
lir.' Friedmann is indicated by the
arrow. The physician was snapped:
as he was leaving one of the hospitals
In Xew York. He is carrying the
secret tuberculosis serum in a small
medicine case.
One Hen Laid This Egg.
A white Wyandotte hen owned by
J. L. Bowser of near I.eechburg, Pa.,
laid an egg eight inches in circum
ference one wiiy and six and one
quarter the other. It contained three
perfectly formed yolks.
Weather Man Moore Resigns.
Willis L. Moore, chief of the federal
weather bureau, has resigned. He will
leave the service on July 1.
Pope's Vlcar General Dies.
Cardinal Resplghi, the pope's vlcar
general, died In Rome.
Government Subjecting Friedmann
Culture to Every Prool.
The l'n..ed States public health
service mal es it pbiu that it has not
reached and will not reach any con
clusions to the merit or lack of merit
of the Friedmann tuberculosis cure
until a long series of experiments
shall have been conducted by the ex
perts of the government bureau.
In response to a general demand
for information from the health service
on the treatment as observed thus far
by the government authorities Sur
geon General Blue made his first pub
lic statement on the subject in the
form of a bulletin.
Pr. Blue ventures no opinion and
merely recites the steps that already
have been taken to Investigate the
cultures, serum and treatment, at the
same time suggesting that the public
be patient and that sufferers from
tuberculosis refrain from coming to
Washington In the hope of obtaining
the treatment.
Volume of Trade Mostly For Immedi
ate Requirements, Dun's Says.
Pun's Review of Trade says this
"General business conditions con
tinue in the main excellent. The
volume of trade, both domestic and
foreign, is heavy, although purchases
are mostly for immediate require
ments. While there is less strain u
the European markets and the Baikal.
situation ha Improved, the monetary
outlook abroad is still a matter of
some concern.
"Advices from the principal trade
centers, while showing a recession in
mercantile activity at a few points
owing to adverse weather conditions
and local labor troubles, generally In
dicate a material Improvement. The
distinguishing features of the iron
and steel trade are the heavy pur
chases by tjie railroads and implement
15,154,158 in United States, According
to Official Directory.
There are 15,154,158 Roman Cath
ollcs in the United States proper, ac
cording to advance sheets of the 1913
edition of the ofllclal Catholic direct
ory, and according to the same author
ity there are 23,329,017 Catholics un
der the protection of the I'nited States
There are 14,312 Catholic churches
in continental I'nited States, 17,945-
Roman Catholic priests, 3 cardinals,'-
It active ai'chlrtshops, 3 titular arch
bishops, 104 bishops, 2 arch-abbots and
15 abbots. There are 5,256 Catholic
parochial schools with an attendance
of 1,360,761.
License Is Defeated.
License was defeated in the munici
pal election in Grafton, W. Va., by
228 majority, while 220 majority was
recorded for the commission form of
government which goes into effect
April 19, 1914. W. M. Watkins. Re
publican, was elected mayor over .1. A.
McCabe, Democrat by 129 majority.
Suits to Order, $12.60 to $36.00.
Shirts to Order, $2.00 to $12.00.
This Store Takes Care
of You y
With the Same Interest As You Do of Your Own Health.
What pleases you and creates satisfaction Is our continued aim and ambition. We know
what it means to you and to us to have your good will. Somehow or other it has a tendency
to direct your foots eps in our direction when you need anything in our line in the future.
We are going to continue improving our service, our values and our inducements, as a
fixed principle to get your patronage established. We need it and cannot get along without it.
When we say to you, either personally or through an advertisement, that our suits at any
price from $10.00 to $36.00 are the best in this country, we say it confidently and with full
knowledge that you are qualified to think for yourself, and have "Missouri" vein in your
make up. Come in and be shown. ' -'-"v-
The right idea for the coming season "here plenty." $2.60 and upwards.
"A Good Store to Trade At."
Oil City, Pa.
Oil City, Pa.
Ex-Governor Black Dies.
Ex-Governor Frank S. Black of New
York died at his home in Troy.
Butter Prints, 3716 i 38; tubs, 37i?i
37',. Kgg Selected, 20. Poultry-
Hens, live, I9& 20.
Cattle ( l.oice. fS.7uifjfl.on: prime,
$8.40! 8.50; good, $S.20f8.40; tidy
butchers. S.JO; lair, $77.5 ;
common, $6ft7; common to good f-t
bulls, $5.50Ti7.50; common to good fat
cows, f4 7.50; heifers, f ISO'S 8; fresh
cows and springers, $50Tt75. Sheep
and Lambs Prime wethers. $6.G0ft
5; good mixed, $6.10(5 6.50; fair
mixed, $5.25ifi6; culls and common, S3
(itA; lambs, $609; veal calves, $10.50
fill; heav and thin calves, f7(f8.
Hogs I'rip-! heavy, $9.45; heavy
mixed, $0 TiO-fJ 9.55; mediums, heavy
YorkerS light Yorkers and pigs. $9.55
59.60; roughs, $8fi8.50; stags, $7
(8 7.50.
Djty and Fame.
"Duty well done is noble; if prop
erly advertised it is fame." Georgi
Horace Lorlnier.
Competence and the Morals.
There is no harm in having a com
petence, if it does not produce fattj
degeneration of the morals.
Avoiding Temptation,
Whnt you ought not to do, do nol
'.hi iik about doing. fythagoraa.
Women as Preachers.
One reason why women are forbid
den to preach the gospel Is that they
woud persuade without argument and
reprove without giling offense. John
Newton. .
"Come, the drinks are on me."
"What's up?"
"See that fat woman over there
with those six kids?"
"Ten years ago she refused to mar
ry me."
The Interest You
Get Is Important
but of much greater Importance
is the safety of your savings.
Deposit them in this solid and
popular bank, which has been tak
ing care of the money of thrifty
customers for nearly Fifty Years,
and you need not have the slight
est concern.
4th Avs. and Smlthfleld St, Pitaaurgh, Pa.
An important Coat Sale. Coats will be displayed
in one of our windows and without further comment
we'll let you decide whether the word "important" is
used advisedly.
A sale of Black Handbags at $1. Those women
who want to buy the best all leather and leather lined
Handbag $1 ever bought will wait for this sale.
A sale of Children's Muslin Drawers at 10c pair.
This is an annual drawer event at which mothers lay
in a year's supply.
It will be readily seen from the foregoing that
we've mapped out a most active merchandising cam
paign for this last week of March.
3 & 0
house dresses
House Dros made of c- '
tra quality prints stripes
neck and sleeves finish! with
plain color and tiinwl with
Whtte Cord straight fitted
skirt all sizes, $1.00.
. "Cotton Crepe Kimonos
pet-in sleeve loose effect
trinul with striped ribbon to
blend- with material light
Dine, Lavender, Red, Cadet'
-all sizes, $1.00.
1 PiMiaW
"Thank Duke'sSfl
Mixture for Them" Will
cotton goods
Printed Klaxon White or
Colord grounds with Black
or color neat figure or stripe
printings, lOe yard.
Poplins mercerized Pop-
lins White 27 inches wide
12' ie yard.
Press Linens medium
weight, smooth weave, round
thread, all Linen 43 inches
wide, 3."e yard.
Pessimistic Outcry.
O, woman! woman! thou Bhouldest
have few sins of thy own to answer
for! Thou art (he author of such a
book of follies in a man! Edward
mm r.. O n
I'reNoriplioia leii grinder.
fur flae eyes plus I'ollegi
ntely trained and Inter
nationally endorsed
f ...
Kelaind the iiiin.
Artificial Kyea In Mock.
Both 'Phones.
Every member of your family will appre
ciate the many handsome, useful presents you
can get free with the coupons now packed in
Duke's Mixture is one of the big favorite brands for
both pipe and cigarettes. Men everywhere prefer it be
cause of its true natural tobacco taste. Duke's Mixture
is simply the choice leaves of fine Virginia and North
Carolina bright leaf thoroughly aged, stemmed and
crumbled. It's impossible to get a purer smoke or a
more likeable one than this mild, rich, fragrant Liggett
$ Myers Dukcs Mixture.
One ana a half ounces of this choice granulated
tobacco cost only 5c and with each sack you get a book
of cigarette papers FREE.
The Presents are FREE
They do not cost you one penny. In each 5c sack of
Liggett y Myers Duke's Mixture we now pack a free
present coupon. With these coupons you can get any
article described in our new
illustrated catalogue of pres
ents. As a special offer,
good during March
and April only, we
will give you this cata
log absolutely FREE,
Simply send us your name
and address.
Coupons from DUKE'S MIXTURE may
aborted with Ttiet ttom HORSE
tram KOUR ROSES ( m-lm tkiuhtr cnu
and other taps and mutums mued bit Hi.
Premium Dept
an i