The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, March 12, 1913, Image 3

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    Have You Protection
You dun not, afford to take your own
rink against loss by tire. Remember (bat
we represent
and will be glad to call on you wben you
want lire insurance tliat rosily protect!.
Drop u a card and ae'll do the rent.
We are agent In this oounty for tbe -
and can furnlHh aeourlty for County
otHolala, bank olllolals, elo.
C. M. All k IE,
The people are taking notice of the
wonderful results derived by our students
during the short time they are with us.
This is a good time to start a course in
Warren Ilusliiens College,
Warren, Pa.
Idkinmera. Ad.
Tbe Prints Co. Ad.
Hoggs & Bubl. Ad.
Tbe K Inter Co. Ad.
M. Ij Rhodes. Loral. '
Duke's Mixture. Ad.
Newark Hboe Co. Ad.
Oil Cltv TruM Co. Ad.
J. M. Nugent. Header.
Grant Sinister. Header.
Mmartct Sllberberg. Ad.
Forest Co. Nat. Hank. Ad.
Anderson ft Carlson, laical.
Orpbana' Court Sal. Legal ad.
Oil market closed at f J 50.
Ia your aubacrlptioo paldT
You can Ret it at Hopkins' store, tf
F. K. Lauson sella oleotnargerlne.
-Adv. tf
Baled Hay and Straw, at 8. 8. 8lg
wortb'a. adv
O Cedar Hops and Dual Cloth at 8. 8.
Slgworlb's. adv
Waktkd. Beam bouse and soiub
house men, at Boward Tanneries, Corry,
Pa. adv3t
Butler county has gone dry, the court
having refused all applications for liquor
license at Its sitting last week.
For Sai.b. -A desirable lot fronting
on east Bridge street, at a bargain. In
quire of M. L. Rhodes, Ttooesla. advtf
There will be preaching aervloea at
tbe Evangelical oburcb, ou Uernian U ill,
March llltb, at 10:30 a. in., by Rev. T. B.
Tbe senior class of the Tionesta high
aohool will give a four-act comedy enti
tled "Topp's Twins," at Bovard'a bail,
Friday evening, Maron 28ib.
Wantkd.-Railroad Crose Ties. We
buy all kinds and pay cash. Tbe Berry
Co., Oil City, Pa.
adv L. A. Davis, Agt., Tionesta, Pa.
For Salb -Sears Motor Car, run one
season, iu good condition. Canvas cover
for same, and a 00 gallon gasoline tank,
Write or Inquire. D. S. Yager, Eo
deavor, Pa. advlit
On account of the oomlug conference
on Evangelism and Missions, tbe Ladles
Aid of the M. E. church will give their
annual Easter anpper Saturday evening
at 5:30, March 13. , ( ,
Oleomargarine alwaya fresh, alwaya
tbe aame prloe and making new frienda
eaob day, at 20o per pound in nine pound
lots, at tbe Salmon Creek Mercantile Co.;
Kelleltville, Pa. . .. adv
The Tionesta Gas Co. on tbe Aj).aaJ
Wagner farm, Tionesta township , ly
drilling Its last well through to the
Speech ley sand, tbe well being a failure
in the Clarion aand.
The well on the Duncan traot, near
the State bridge, Green township, was
finished yesterday at 18o0 feet alter golug
through tbe Cooper sand and was dry.
Tbe bole waa plugged and abandoned.
Hugh, the 7-year-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. Matthew Cunningham, of this place,
fell from tbe aidewalk on Vine street
yesterday and fractured a bone In his left
arm above the elbow. Dr. Bovard at
tended him.
Hon. P. M. Speer has forwarded to
this office a consignment of government
garden seeds, which will be given out to
those who desire to make garden wblle
tbey last. No paokeges will be delivered
to children.
Michael Fmnegau of Pittsburgh ia
preparing to start two strings of tools
drilling for oil in Hickory township, tbe
Brat on tbe P. A. Anderson farm, oppo
site Truokeyrilie, snd the second up
Queen creek, where be haa 1,100 acres
under lease. James Canfield of tbla
place has the contract for tbe Anderson
well and will move his rig Ibis week.
E. O. Pequignot's well on tbe King
tract, adjoining tbe Baird lease just north
of Dawson run,' Harmony township,
which has been awaited with considera
ble interest, came in dry Tuesday. He
la preparing to drill another well. Tbe
Slggins well, drilled by James Canfield
near West Hickory, was ahdt Thursday.
While there was a fair showing of oil It
failed to respond in paying quantities.
George Wagner, the 18-year-old son
of Jacob E. Wagner, of River Hill, had
three ribs fractured In bis left side Mon
day afternoon wben a ouug team he was
driving along tbe road near bis home ran
way and threw him from a load of corn
fodder. A younger brother riding with
blm was also thrown out but waa unin
lured. Tbe team ran foul of a tree and
stopped, with no more damage than a
broken neck yoke. Dr. Bovard went out
and attended tbe injured boy.
Beginning July 1, Ihe C. O. D.ayslem
will be inaugurated lu connection with
tbe parcel post. Hy this plan a person
fully prepaying a parcel may have ita
price collected upon delivery, provided
tbe sum does not exceed f 100. Tbe parcel
may be Insured, as other parcels are, to
a value of not exceeding 50, at tbe regu
lar insurance fee, Tbe receiver of the C.
O. D. package must pay fur tbe tnonev
order necessary to remit. Tbe new plan
la effective only at money order post-o'ujcea.
Tbe Supreme Commander of the La
dles of tbe Macoaheea of the World, Blna
M. West, Port Huron, Mich , will be at
Franklin, April 7th. Reviews will be
held afternoon and evening. All mem
bers are Invited to attend,
Tbe Huree chair factory at Uuion
City, aaid to be tbe largest wood sent
chair plaut In tbe world, waa destroyed
by Are Sunday night, Tbe loss Is placed
at $400,000, with :00,O00 Insurance. Tbe
plant la likely to be rebuilt.
Next Sunday being Palm Sunday
the evening service at the M. E church
will be in keeping with the day. Tbe
pastor, Rev. W. 8. Burton, will preach a
sermon from tbe theme the day auggests
and will receive a olasa of probatinnera.
-In last week'a issue of the Rkpuhm
OAN mention was made of a Warren
oounty man named Myron Snapp who
had hla back broken by a fall from a tele
phone pole at Henry's Mill, and of bis lie
lug takeu 10 I'blladelpbia for treatment
by a specialist. A dispatch from that jlty
yeaternay morning statea that tbe unfort
una e man died aa a result of bis Injuries.
Acknowledgment of subscription re
newals is made as follows, with thanks:
W. S. Hendricks, Coohranlou, Pa ; W. S.
Gillespie, Blr'h, Mlob.l Mrs. P. Moor,
Tionesta; Geo. Sbotta, Tyiersburg, Pa.;
Miss Minnie Hholls, Brookville, Pa.,
(oew); Robert K, Bean, Starr, Pa., (new);
Misa F, B. Slgglna, West Hickory, Pa.,
(new); Mra. K. W. Fitzgerald, Kane, Pa.
Ksa-Tee-Dee, tbe dandruff cure that
ourea dandruff, la a balr tonic. It curea
Itching heada. It make) tb scalp healthy,
and atopa tbe balr from falling. It makes
tbe bead happy. Anderson ft Carlson,
barbers, Tionesta, bsve used it fur Ave
years and recommend it very highly as a
cure fur any scalp disease. - One-dollar
bottle can be had at their tonsorial par
lore. Adv.
-Owing to tbe special meetings that
were held In tbe Methodist and Presby
terian churches it waa necessary to post
pone the lecture dale of Dr. W. P. Mur
ray. We learn Dr. M urray la now in a
aeiiea of evangelistic meetinga and can
not give a lecture date at present. Those
having tickets are requested to bold
them, aa the lecture will be given aa soon
aa a date can be arranged.
Since extracting tbe tools from the
deep well on tbe German Hill road the
drilling baa progressed quite favorably
aod a depth of near 1500 feet baa been
reached. Up to thia lime no "signs" of
an oleaginous nature have gladdened tbe
hearts of tbe operators, and of course none
have yet been looked for. A close record
ol the formations ia being kept, and that
there will be some extra enlightenment
on what Ilea under tbe ground iu thia
neighborhood wben tbe well haa reached
its tioal depth a to be expected.
Although more than three weeka
have elapsed sinoe tbe disappearance at
OH City of Miss Marie Dunn, daughter of
Jainea Dunn the well known Pennsyl
vania railroad conductor, ao far aa known
not a clue has been discovered aa to the
missing girl's wheresbouts. Pennsylvania
railroad detectlvea are assisting tbe rela
tives in looking for tbe absent young
woman and a brother of Miss Dunn has
mime from Michigan to aid in the search.
Tbe family Is nearly distracted over the
mystery aurroundiug tbe case aud tbe
suspense is nearly killing the girl's
' While performing his duty as a train
man Tuesday of laat week, on tbe S. ft T.
tiain at Sheffield, James McMlllen of Ne
braska, sustained a Iracture of two ribs.
Tbe 8. ft T, engiue was doing some
awltohlng on Its siding near Mainwalring
and Havens' machine shop and McMil-
len, who waa performing tbe duties of
brakeman and riding on the side of a box
car, aupportlng himself with one baud
and leaning out to watch and give aignala
leaned too far and came In contact wltb a
nearby building. He was knocked from
bis position and thrown violently to the
ground and In the mixup sustained the
Injury wblcb will lay him up for several
About two weeka ago, Mra. C-irrine
B. Kobrer of Franklin fell on the ice
outside her residence and sustained aseri
ous Injury. -At last account she was
suffering Intense pain and it la feared tbo
outlook Is not as encouraging as it might
be, owing to her weakened condition, aa
well as ber advanced age, she being in
ber elgbty-fourtb year. Tbe readers of
tbe Republican will remember ..Mrs.
Robrer as tbe widow ofSamuel F. Kolirer
deceased, late of Marlenvllle, and at one
time one of tbe best known citizens of
Forest county, and also as (be only sur
viving member of tbe family of Cyrus
Blood, tbe honored founder of our county.
To know Mrs. Rohrer is to love ber, and
her many frienda in thia county will
anxiously await the uewa of ber com
plete recovery.
St. Patrick's Day Supper.
Following ia tbe menu for tbe St. Pat
rick supper to be given by Committee
No. 4, In tbe Presbyterian church., Mon
day evening, March 17, beginning at 5:30.
Tickets, 85 cents:
Shamrock Puree. Shillelsha.
Chicken Paddies. M nulled Murphies.
Emerald Isles. Shamrocks.
Blarney Stones.
Killarney Salad. St. Patrick's Wafers.
Dublin Sponge.
"Erin-go-Bragb" Cake. Cape Clear Coffee
Pal'a Bonbous.
Horse Owners Notice I
Do your borse'a teetb need attontim T I
will be at McCoy 'a or Hepler'a livery,
Monday, March' 17th. J. M. Nuqrnt,
Veterinary Dentist. advlt
Big Sale of Two Carloads of Horses at
Brookville, Pa.
Ranging in weight from 1,000 to 1,700
lbs. Drivers, matcbed teams and draft
horses. All kinds of horses and brood
mare. Sale beglna Monday, March 17,
for two wetk only. The last chance of
tbe season to get a horse cheap aud the
best lot ol tbe aeasou. All horses guar
anteed as represented. Come quick
Edelblute Barn, Brookville, Pa.
adv 2t Grant Shusteh,
The Forty Year Test
An article must have exceptional merit
to survive for a period of forty years.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy was first
offered to tbe publio in 1872. From a
small beginning It has grown in favor
and popularity until It bs attained a ujhla Ntniilatinn. Ynil will Unit
nothing belter for a cough or cold. Try
II ami you win unuerstanu way 11 is a
lavorite alter a periou 01 more loan mriy
years, it not oniy gives renei 11 cures
For sale by all dealers. Adv.
W. M. Wolcotl went to Pittsburgh
Monday evening.
Mra. AliceSwanson la viBlting friends
In Jainxatowo, N. Y.
John N. Gerow spent Sunday with
relatives at Grand Valley,
Miss Bessie Hopler returned home
from Akron, Ohio last week,-
J. C. Scowden was a week-end visitor
wltb relatives and friends at Meadvllle.
Misa Marie Smearbaugh la visiting
ber slater, Mrs. D. H. Edwards, at Wash
ington, Pa.
Hubert Williams, of Oil City, s eut
Sunday at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. A.
Ij, Thomson.
Mrs. L-na Farmer and sons Arthur
and Edward were home Irum Tidioute
over Suuday,
Wm. F. Blum spent Sunday in Oil
City vlsltlug bis sons, ol whom lour ate
located Iu that city.
John Hood went to Youngsville laat
Wednesday for a visit with bis daughter,
Mrs. Lee Andres.
Miss Colyu Clark returned last week
from a visit wltb ber alster, Mrs. David
Edwards, in Sharon.
Archie Hepler left Monday lor St.
Petersburg, Fla., to be engaged fur
awhile in carpenter work
Rev. and Mrs, W. O. Calbouu, of
Linesvillo, Pa., were guesla of Mrs. G. F,
Watson over Tuesday nigbt.
N. F. Hoover of Marlenvllle, aud G.
C. Miller of Tyiersburg, were buaioesa
visliors in tbe oily last evening,
George Sbotta of Tyiersburg waa a
Tionesta business visitor Saturday aud
found time to give us a welcome call
wblle beie.
Misa Olive Lanaon gave a very pleas
ing piano recital at her home Tuesday
eveniug for Misa Marie Abbott, a large
number of guosta being in atleudance.
Miss Lulu Robbiua, ol Port Alle
gheny, Pa., visited at the home of A.
Carson, Saturday, on ber way to Mariaa
ville to resume ber school, closed on ac
count of measles.
Mrs. E. S. Bullock of Brocktou, N.
Y., Mra. Jerome Hyatt of Tituaville, and
Mra. G. W. Binuey of Oil City, were
guesla of Mr. and Mra. Thomas Sood
grass over Sunday.
Frank Walker, who enjoys tbe salu
brious cllinale of Lamison, Alabama, In
winter, and swelters some In the summer,
remembered a number of bis northern
friends in a shipment of several caua of
delicious southern caue syrup a few daya
ago, tbe Rkppblicaii office being
amongst tbe favored. Many Ibauks,
Will 8. Gillespie a former Forest
county citizen, but for several years past
located in tbe Michigan lumber regions,
with headquarters at Birch, in that state,
notes that tbey have had steady sleighing
there aince tbe 10th of December, and at
present tbey have about three feet of
snow. He reports bis family all well and
Tbe Franklin Newa of Monday notes
tbe marriage at Meadvllle, March 81b, of
Ray H. PHeuger, of Covington, Ky., and
Miss Eva L. Carr, or Franklin. The
bride is a daughter of Mr. an d Mrs, An
drew Carr, former residents ol Tionesta.
The groom holds a responsible position
with a Cincinnati firm. After May 1st
Mr. and Mra. Pfleuger w 111 be at home at
Covington, Ky,
'The Republican waa In error in re
porting the arrival of a son at tbe home
of Mr. and Mra. Ray Rlrtoil last week.
Dr. Dunn gave tbe item to a reporter ol
the Republican in almost tbe language
in which it was stated and itsautbanticity
waa not questioned. Tbe birth of a son
to Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Zints, who
occupy a part of Mr. Birtcll's home as
their home, is responsible for the mis
statement. We offer abject apologies to
Mr, and Mrs. Birtcil, and congratulations
to Mr. aud Mrs. Zenls.
Dr. J. C. Dunn, for the past sixteen
years a prominent resident of Tionesta,
and In which community be haa enjoyed
a large medical practice, has disposed of
bis practice to Dr. C. E. Gregg of P.tta
burg wbo npw ocoupiea the former's of
fice iu reanf the Craig drug sttire. Dr.
Dunn habot announced bis plans for tbe
future, but we understand he expects to
laave within a day or two fpr Chicago to
take a pustraduate'eourse in medioioe.
"JlJfaruHy will remain herd lor a time
until he gets permanently located. Our
best wishes go with tbe affable Doctor,
and may tbe lines fall to him In pleasant
Mayburg Holocaust Aftermath.
Tbe fifth victim of tbe Ore which
burned tbe wood outters' camp at May
burg early Sunday morning 00 tbe !M of
March succumbed to her injuries Tues
day evening of last week at tbe Kane
hospital, wben death relieved Mra.
Michael Sbuster of ber sufferings. Every
thing possible was done for tbe woman
but ber burns were of such a serious
natme tbat tbe saving of her life was dis-
paired of almost from tbe first. Tbe
husband and 7 day-old babe have about
recovered from their burns.
A new camp building to take tbe place
of the one destroyed ia well under way of
reconstruction and will be made larger
than the original one. Already tbe men
are all bacK to the work, temporary
sheltei having been provided for them
by tbe company. Several new bands
have been taken on aud ten or twelve
more workmen are coming next week.
Sheffield and Clarendon business profited
by tbe disaster as for several days after
the fire these towns were flocked with the
victims ot the disaster replacing tbelr
wardrobes and working implements,
wbi 'h were sll destroyed in tbe lire.
A story Is going (be rounds to tbe ef
fect Ibat tbe Aostriana had converted all
their savings into gold coin and made
Mrs. Sbuster their "banker;" tbat she
had kept the coin 10 a receptable and In
Ibe tire thia money bad all melted into
oue nugget, which had been found
amongst the ashes a few daya after tbe
Ore. This is proven to be a hoax and
originated iu some Vamarty'a" Imagina
tion. It ia true, however, tbat quite a
large sum of money was burued up,
representing tbe men's savings, but it
was mostly in paper ourrency. A few
nickels and quarters bsve been raked out
of tbe ashes by the boy a In their search
for souvenirs, but tbe bulk is gone for
ever, and is variously estimated at from
1000 to f20UU.
,'; ...
Conference on Evangelism and Missions.
Among thoae who will participate in
tbe great gathering to be held in the M.
E. church next Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday, are men who have bad a wide
experience and stand aa great leaders of
tbe church.
Bishop Wm. Burt, of Buffalo, N. Y.,
wss for a number of years resident bish
op at Zurich, Switzerland, and had super
vision of tbe work of the oburcb in Eu
rope, Tbe remarkable advance of the
church in Italy and tbe establishment of
a college in a prominent quarter of Rome
is due to bis untiring effort. No man ia
more familiar with tbe work of the
oburcb in Europe than Bishop Hurt.
Hia lecture on "Romanism" Ib timely
aod most Instructive.
Bishop W. F. Oldham was for years a
resident of India. During his residence
In India tbe church made a remarkable
advancement. Tbe establishment of
christian colleges snd extension of mis
sionary activity was the result of bis wise
direction. As Missionary Secretary he
ia in touch with tbe great problems of tbe
church throughout tbe world.
Dr. J. O. Randall, Secretary on Evan
gelism, is sounding the evangelistic note
throughout tbe church. Aside from thia
trio of great leaders tbe conference will
include many of tbe leading divines of
Erie Conference. Leading laymen are
expected, Including Dr. Welch, of grape
juice fame. Following la Ihe program:
Tuesday Evening, March 18. 7:30. De
votional exercises, Rev. W. W.Dale; Ste-
Weather Record,
From observationa taken at 8 o'clock a.
commenced cold. Early In tbe month tbe
stored. With tbe exception of two or three
at tbe boura named:
February 1
" 2
" 3
" 4
" 5
" 8
" 0
" 11
' 13
" 14
" 15
" 18
" 17
" 18
" 19
" 21
" 22
" 23
" 2tl
' 28
10, clear, Noon
4, clear, N.
80, N.
24, ' clear, N.
8, N.
4 below Z. N.
6 above Z, N
10, N.
12, N.
4 below Z, N.
40 above Z, N.
I!, N.
2, N.
2 below Z, N.
10 above Z, N.
34, N.
24, N.
12, N.
34, N.
44, X.
40. N
50, N.
20, N.
14, N.
0, X.
18, X.
32, N.
34, X.
530 plus
Observations: By the above record it is seen that the sum of the degrees, lor the
morning of each day is 530, after deducting 10 degrees minus or below zero, which
divided by 28, number of days In tbe month, give tbe mean temperature of morning
temperature as 19 degrees, and of noon temperature In like manner, 31 degrees,
Tbe snowfall during the month was very light, vanishing under Ihe rays of the sun,
or the melting effects of tbe raio, letving the ground bare a large part of tbe month.
The raiufali far exceeded tbe snow; very light winds, wesihercslm, especially dur
ing tbe ooldest days. After the middle of the month change was apparent, aa bees
were seen, crows cawing in the morning, and owls hooting up the run valleys at
night, tokens of tbe coming spring. Samukl D Irwin.
Death From Exhaustion.
Samuel Weaver, a well known and
lifelong resident near Golinza, about
midway between Ibat place and Tyiers
burg, where, until recently, be owned a
small farm, came to bia death in a de
serted lumbering sheck, near the mouth
of Lamentation creek, Kiogsley town
ship, last Friday evening shortly after 8
o'clock. Wiib him at tbe time was a
woman, Mra. Earl Albaugb, and wbo
ran back to Newtown Mills for assistance
and to apprise the people. It seems that
tbe woman and Weaver had been going
about from place to place for a week or
two past, and In tbe lore part of last week
had started to wend their way down Tio
nesta creek occupying such places at
nigbt aa afforded shelter and some
warmth. One nigbt was spent in a sand
bouse of tbe S. A T. railroad near Hast
ings station, and on Tuesday nigbt they
slept in the Kribbs & Ray livery barn at
Kelleltville. Wednesday night tbey
were given ledging at Brewster'a below
Kelleltville, and Thursday night at C. M.
Coy's at Newtown Mills.
When at Kelleltville a physician pre
scribed for Weaver who waa very sick
and greatly exhausted. Before leaving
Newtown Friday afternoon they were
offered money to pay their fare on tbe
railroad he to go aa far as Nebraska, and
she as far aa Rosa Run. Thia tbey re
fused, stating tbey did not wish to be
separated. Wben tbey reached Lamenta
tion Weaver waa ao exhausted tbat he
oould go no farther and tbe woman
kindled a fire before a cave which Ibe
sick man had entered and where in a
abort time, evidently, he expired from
exhaustion and exposure to tbe biting
oold. He was also severely allllcted with
kidney trouble.
Wben men arrived at tbe place they
arranged tbe body as best tbey could, but
did not remove It, pending tbe summon
ing of tbe coroner, but under the clreuui
stauces that official did not deem ao In
quest necessary as there seemed lo be no
tragedy connected with his death, aud
on Saturday eveulng the body was taken
by train to Nebraska and from there to
the home of bia brother living near
Tyleretrurg, where the fuueral was bald
reopticon Address, "Tbe Awakening of
tbe Orient," Rev. W. S. Mitchell.
Wednesday Morning, March 19, 0:00.
Geueral Theme, "Men and tbe Church;"
Consecration Meeting, Bishop Burt; "Tbe
Adult Bible Class Movement," Mr. Col
camp; "The Brotherhood Movement,"
Rev. N. A. White, Rev. J. R. Rich; "Tbe
Br itlierbood in the Country Churcb,"
J. R. Robinson.
Wednesday Afternoon, 2:00. Devotion
al Exercises, Rev. Henry Smallenberger;
"World Wide Evangelism," Bishop Old
bam; "Tbe Budget," Rev. A. C. Ellis;
Boys' Woik - "Evangelistic Appeal,"
Rev. W.S. M itcbell; "Recreational Activ
ities," Kev. R L. Fou Ike.
Wednesday Evening, 7:30. Devotional
Exercises, Rev. R. W. Skinner; Address,
"Tbe Demand of Opportunity," B shop
Thursday Morning, March -0, 9:00.
Devotional Services, Kev. W. E. Dsvis;
"The Church Paper," Rev. O. 8. W. Phil
lips, T. D. Collins; "The Work of the
Sustentatlon Society," F. X. Kreltler, D.
E Byles; Echoes from Ibe Buffalo snd
Pittsburgh Commission Conference, Rev.
J. P. Burns, Rev. A. R. Rich.
Thursday Afternoon, 2:00. Devotional
Exercises, Rev. W. E. Frampton; "Per
sonal Evangelism," Dr. J. O. Randall,
Secretary of Ibe Commission on Evan
gelism; 4:00, Women's Meeting, Dr. Ran
dall; -1:00, Men's Meeting. Bisbop Burt.
Thursday Eveniug, 7:30. Devotional
Exercises, Rev. Geo. Fuller; Addresses,
Dr. Randall, Bishop Burt.
February, 1913.
iu. and noon of each day. The month
river was frozen over and much ice was
days tbe thermometer ranged above zero
38, rain at night and heavy fog,
20, sunshine afternoon.
32, 3 inches snow, cloudy.
24, light snow, evening cooler.
20, morning clear, aliernm u cloudy.
14 above Z, clesr and cold.
20, clear and cold.
21), light clouds afternoon.
30, clear and cold.
30, clear and oold, evening cloudy.
40, mild day.
Hi, evening 12, oold.
I t, some water pipes frozen in town.
24, clear and cold.
30, sunny afternoon.
40, rain most of tbe dsy.
20, very light snow in morning.
40, afternoon and evening warm,
64, warm day, bright, clear.
61, warm day, bright, clear.
ftO, light rain, ibeu suuny and clear,
tiO, riiii, cloudy, light snow 10 p. m.
24, light snow.
22. afternoon clear and sunny.
IX, cold, northwest wind.
84. alternoon mist and rain.
40, foggy dark day.
30, hazy and cloudy, light snow at night.
ou Monday, the burial taking place at tbe
Hagen cemetery.
Samuel Weaver was born In the vicinity
where his life was spent about 48 years
ago. His father, Thomas Weaver, died a
number of years ago, and hia molbet,
who lived with bim on a small farm, died
last summer. He was a hard worker,
and always1 accounted strictly honest in
bis dealings. After the death of bla
mother be sold bia farm and bad intended
taking a western trip, but tbe breaking
up of bis home seems to have upset him
and the giving away of hia naturally
strong constitution left bim a physical
wreck, while tbe money wbioh be had
accumulated was sooj exhausted. He is
survived by one brother, Thomas, and
one sister, Mrs. Cbsrles Nellis.
Mr. and Mrs. elainuel Wood were Brad
ford visitors Haturday.
Mrs. Mays, who bas been visiting witb
friends at Smethport, returned borne Sat
urday. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Williams were
Wilcox visitors Saturday evening.
Will Kane returned borne Thursday
alter a few days of business atSmetbport,
Mra. J. J. Kane and son Jay were Mt,
Jewett visitor recently.
How's This! .
We offer Oue Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh, that cannot
be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Chunky A Co., Props., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F.J.
Cheney for the laxi 1 years, and believe
him perfectly honorable in all business
transactions and iiiiiim-iiilly able to carry
out any obligations made by their firm.
Wkht C Thaux, wholesale druggists, To
ledo, u., Wai.kino, Kinnan A Marvin,
wholesale druggists, Teledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting diroctly upon the blood and mu
cous Hiirfacos of tbe system. Price 7fio
per bottle. Sold by all druggista. Testi
monials free.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. adv
The Mothers' Favorite.
A rough medicine lor children should
lie nannies. It should be pleasant to
take. Il should be ellectual. Chainher
Isiu's Cough hetnedy is all of tins and ia
the mothers' favorite everywhere. For
sale by all dsajera. Adv.
Holly Stationery.
Everything in China.
Comb and Brush Sets.
Cigar Cases.
Toilet Sets.
Music Rolls.
Framed Pictures
Pictures for Framing.
25c Books 20c.
50c Books 40c.
New Editions $1.10
Bovard's Pharmacy.
Between Season
In order to keep business going
through the dull month of February, we
are going to make some
Eye Opener Prices
on all Odds and
about the store. Especially in Ladies'
Shoes. We have a lot of odd sizes, one
pair of a kind. If we have your size, the
price will be the persuader.
A lot of Men's and Boys' Winter Un
derwear. See the goods and learn the
Remnants all over the store.
Come Early.
L. J. Hopkins
This Is It.
The Champion
Gas and
Coal Range.
Can also be fired with Wood and
all changes are made in a minute.
Guaranteed to save fuel, time
and trouble.
We claim it to be the best Range
n thA marlrar onrl urmtM lilrA a
si ui v iiiui n unit vvvmsu
chance to demonstrate its good
points to every housewife.
' Come in any time and let us
show you.
Blankets and Robes.
You want to keep warm when you are driving and we can furnish the
necessary Robes to make you comfortable.
Don't let your horses suffer these cold days. We have Stable and
other Blankets and the prices are reasonable and right.
Now You're Face to Face With the
Question of a Spring Hat
What's your style? What's your color? What's your price? They're
all here!
Stetson a name that's an essay in itself on Hat style and goodness
$4, $6 and $6 in either derbies or soft hats, and what is more important,
this is the only store in Oil City you can buy the Stetson, as we are sole
We were looking for a better $3 hat than we'd ever seen before. When
we saw the "Kensington," we stopped looking and secured the sole agency
for Oil City.
But we couldn't better our $2 values. They're still on top.
Cloth Hats
As popular as ever, and justly so, as no one article that you buy from
$1 to $2 that will show more value and style than a cloth bat.
New Caps
New fad this season is the
pleated top cap $1.00.
41 Sc5ENf.aA ST.
Our repair department is splendidly
equipped to do the most difficult repairing
At Reasonable
We use only the
Best of Material
And take a pride in our workmanship.
Once we have done your repair work
you'll not have it done anywhere else.
Try us and see if we cannot more than
please you.
The Leading Jeweler,
32 Seneca St., Oil City, Pa.
A Characteristic
is extra good workmanship.
Wonderful accuracy of fit;
artistic shaping, a clean-cut
finish show the expert hand
work in them. They are
made of the best grades of
leather. They give long ser
vice. Price, $5.50 and $6
Corner Center, Seneca and Syca
more Streets,
Oil, CITY,
P t
Norfolk Cap which means you miibt have
-.i .w - i i . jj.
' r 'li rvr 1m ..m.