The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, March 05, 1913, Image 3

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1913 MARCH 1913
I S M I TTwTr I F fij
1 I I 1 I 111
2 54 5 6 7 8
16 1711 1920271
Speaking on ibe question of granting
great privilege lo water power com
panies, a embodied in the bill recently
introduced in tlie Senate by (Senator Mo
JNIcbola or Lackawanna county, tbe
PunXiiUawney Spirit among oilier eeri-
oua otijeotiona makna thin strong point
"The building of great damo, that would
inundate thousands of acres of land and
menace tbe lives of thousands of people,
la too Important a matter to be governed
by a law slipped through the Legislature
by tbe friends of those who see nothing
but the millions of profit to thebuilders."
Women should certainly lie allowed to
yote. And they should be permitted to
do all the voting. Tbe men might Just as
well be disfranchised. They are losing
Interest iu the game, since the reform
laws render it almost Impossible to get
anything fur vote. By all meana let tbe
women attend to tbe voting. And other
affairs as well. Tbe men can then lie In
bed until 10 oi 11 o'clock in Ibe morning,
bave their breakfasts brought up to them,
and put in the balance of the day riding
around in automobiles, calling at tbe
atores and talking about what the other
fellows are wearing, the wives In tbe
meantime providing ibe gasoline and
responding to tbe "touch" whenever the
former lords of creation Hod themselves
iu need of funds. Speed the day. Oil
City BliMtrd.
A Vicious Measure.
To the Editor of Ibe Derrick:
I notice the water snake is showing
itself again In Senate Bill No 285. Tbia
grants Ibe right of eminent domain, con
fiscation of property, to water companies
and repeals all laws checking them. It
is a most vicious measure.
If enacted into law it would give Ibe
water grabbers power to wipe out tbe
Allegheny valley for their own private
gain, and I am confident ihey could not
control floods, as United Suites engineers
Hope you are looking after it, as there
is a power back of tbese water grabbers
I do not understand. You think you
have killed tbe snake and it pops lis bead
up somewhere else. N. P.
Ormond Beach, Pla., Feb. 26.
To Other Hands.
With this week about every department
of the Federal government passes into Ihe
bands of tbe Democratic parly. Tbe ad
ministrative and legislative branches
with which tbe fate of iho country must
rest will be entrusted entirely to lieinoc
Peace, prosperity and general good
feeling are the conspicuous features of
existing conditions and there is a general
disposition to be confident of continued
Tbe radical change in government pol
icy does not result from Republican da.
fault. Political discontent has been
largely responsible for tbe changed con
ditions and in banding over to its ancient
enemy the reins of Federal government
the Republican party properly feels that
in tbe last quarter of a century it baa per
formed its bounden duty to all the peo
pie. Ibe Kepoblican party devoted its
energies and intelligence to tbe people's
best interests, always looking to tbe
lights of every citizen and with no sec
tional preferences.
Democracy, therefore, need have no un
easiness about Republican support in
good government movements. The
anagsand hindrances threatening are al
most certain lo come from Democratic
aources and in its efforts to govern Ihe
country ita greatest task is likely to be
found in governing itself.
Tbere will be only a mild form o com
fort for tbe regular Republicans ol Penn
sylvania in tbe change of government
authorities. This Slate will continue to
stand aa it baa stood lor years firm in ita
devotion to Ibe system of protection and
consequent prosperity and Ihe govern
ment now being administered in tbis
Slate is certain to be a guide for all other
States in hurrying back lo Republican
rule and Republican priuciplea of ad
ministration. An
Open Mind Upon The Tuberculosis
Almost rivaling the news of Die dis
covery of Ihe South Pole has been tbe re
port that iu Germany a cure for tubercul
osis has peen disco-ered. The author of
this cure, Dr. Friedman of Berlin, baa
published no authnralive statement gs to
its nature. It is generally believed to be
a serum resulting from experimentation
upon turtles. With tbis meagre informa
tion it is Impossible for any one to lorm a
definite opinion about tbis remedy. It
may be the long sought cure or it may be
a tremendous hoax. Just now the Ihing
to do is lo preserve an open mind upon
this subject. Hope that Ibe cure is teal.
Ou ihe other hand remember that every
year since 18 when Dr. Koch discovered
the tubercle bacilli, tbe cure for con
sumption has been announced. Even Dr.
Koch himself thought that be Lad dis
covered it, only to be disappointed.
Tbe more than five hundred persona
advertising patent medicine cures for
Consumption In this country are taking
advantage of Dr. t ried man's announce
ment lo boom their owu remedies. Have
nothing to do with them. Tbe man wbo
sells you a sugar and water medicine, or
some other mixture as a cure fur tuber
culosis Is taking advantage of your
credulity in the same way that a faker
fools a crowd at a cauntrv fair.
Hliuu tbe patent medicine man but pre
serve an open mind over sgainst Dr.
Friedman's cure. In the meantime do
not stop practicing the rules of health
Live an open air, regular life and the
chances are that you won't have to take
("'vantage nf any cure for tuberculosis.
Karl ie Kchweiniu, executive secre
tary Pennsylvania society for tho pre
voutiou of Tuberculosis.
Proposed State Park.
Aaarmblvmen A. R. Mecbling. of For
est county, has Introduced a hill in tbe
State Legislature lor the purchase of
tract ol land In Forest. Clarion and Jet
ferson counties, consisting of 7,211 acres,
owned by the A. look Hons company
ana utlhise Ibe Name for a (slate park
The purchsse price would tie fm,000 and
Mr. Mecbling would bave a commission
f five persons appointed by the Uover
nor for five-year terms to su pel vise tbt
park - jikwi item.
The Oil City Derrick coplea Ihe above
item and the ' proceeds to condemn Ibe
project on the assumption that the price
is too bigh, Intimating also that tbere is
an ulterior motive bark oftbs plan. As
to the first contention there would seem
lo be little ground for argument, since
ibe price atated is just what Ibe Slate's
own expert timber estimatera bave placed
upon li, and Ihe properly is understood
to be worth it In actual atumpage,
Whether it is or not can easily be as
certained, as it Is an outdoor proposition
opeu to closest inspection, where every
tree can be counted, and those who bave
a lair acquaintance with the property ex
press surprise that tbe price ia not much
greater. As to there being any "scheme
in the pn ject, that would be corjsctured
only in ihe minds of those who are ever
on tbe alert lor something of the sort
themselves and wbo cannot understand
bow anything can be accomplished that
baa not some species of scheming back of
There is scarcely any doubt but that
the Cook estate, with their thorough
equipment, could cut and manufacture
Ihe timber at a good profit over the price
stipulated, so that If Ihey are willing to
pan with ibis vast body ol timber, much
of which la in ita virgin state and largely
of while pine, it la dilllcult to under
aland where tbey would bave any ulter
ior motive in selling it lo the state, or
any one else wbo might waut to preseive
it for all time to come.
We should hate to think that the Per
rick bad been misled Into attacking so
laudable a proposition by any one from
tbis community who may bave had an
itching lo get the knife into Mr. Mecb
ling, Forest county's popular and elfii
cient Representative at Harrisburg, and
wbo had to go outside the county to work
off bis bit of spleen. Forest county ia
proud of its Representative, knowing
that be is tbere to guard the interests of
tbe people under any and all circum
stances and that be has tbe ability and
absolute honesty and courage to do so. It
is proud lo number among ita citizenship
such men as the Cook boys, whose very
name baa been a synonym for honesty.
integrity and fair dealiug for more than
half a century, and against whom tbe
breath of suspicion baa never for a
moment rested. Our county would be
proud and feel honored to kuow tbat a
portion of ita territory bad been selected
by tbe State of Pennsylvania aa a site
for what would be one of tbe moat beauti
ful natural parks in the United Stales.
President Wilson's Cabinet.
Immediately following bia Inauitural
yesterday as President of tbe greatest
Nation on earth, Mr. Wilson announced
tbe personnel ol his cabinet as follows:
Secretary of Stale-William Jennings
Bryan of Nebraska.
Secretary of Ihe Treasury-William
McAdoo of New York.
Secretary of War-Llndley M. Garri
son of New Jersey,
Attorney General-James McReynolda
of Tennessee.
Postmaster General Representative
Albert Burleson of Texas.
Secretary of tbe Navy Josepbns Dan'
iels of North Carolina.
Secretary of tbe Interior Franklin K
Lane of California.
Secretary of Agriculture David F,
Houston of Missouri.
Seoretary of Commerce Representa
tive William C. Kedlield of New York.
Secretary of Labor Representative W,
B. Wilson of Pennsylvania.
On Sunday it looked much aa if March
was coming in rouuh much to the peo
ple'a thankfulness as the old saying gives
ua tbe rule tbat it will go out mild. We
hope to see it go that way and give ua an
early spring.
In a fire at Mayburg early Sunday
morning four Austrian men were cre
mated aud a woman seriously burned.
The urvivors had to walk a quarter
mile in their bare feet, witb anything
they could get to wrap around them, to
tbe Mayburg hotel. The cause of the fire
is said to have been from a lamp explod
ing tbat waa left buruing iu a part of the
Mr. aud Mra. Robert McClelland were
visited by Ihe stork Thursday of last
week aud now have a nice little girl to
comfort them and they are going to do
their level b'tsl lo keep it. They live at
"Cozy Nook."
Mr. and Mrs, F. A. Litllefield were
over from tbe Watson farm over Sunday
to see tbe baby, who i sick at D. W.
Downey'a but is i.ot in danger. They
will not Iske Ibe baby back with them,
but Mrs. Litllefield will stay here until it
is able to move.
J. F. Zittle of Warren waa here two
daya last week while ihe National Transit
Co. men were changing the lines for Ru
pert to pump to Kane If he wants to.
Tbis change will help out as be can pump
out bis stock almost any time be wants
to and it will be more safe for the village
if the stock is low In the tank here. Es
pecially in lightning season.
Last Thursday Miles O'Donnel of Wel
lers received a telegram that bis father
waa dead at Tyleraburg and be went to
that place ou Friday, and tbe funeral was
held over tbe remains on Saturday. Miles
could not get a Irain out of Tyleraburg
and was compelled lo remain until Mon
day. J. W. Litllefield went to Tiona on Mon
day where be has a Job of carpenter work
witb bia son James of that place.
Tbe passenger traiu was late on Satur
day coming down and we understand
some one tried to put the cat onto the S.
it T. out at Sheffield.
Tbe rains of ihe last part or last week
put tbe creek up but did not move the ice
in tbia pait of the country, but down at
Kellettville we bear that it was moving
and made Ihe road impassible for a time,
but later was cleared all right.
Chamberlain's Tablets for Constipation.
For constipation, Chamberlain's Tab
lets are excellent. Easy to lake, mild
and gentle in effect. Give them a trial.
For sale by all iltalein, Adv.
Mrs. Minnie Seakina spent several
daya in Clarendon and Warren during
the week.
Mrs. F. J. Henderson waa a Warren
visitor Wednesday.
The W. C. T. U. held a meeting at the
borne ol Mrs. Asa Barnes, Wednesday
afterunon. Tbe subject of Sabbath ob
servance waa discussed, and a substantial
and toothsome lunch was served by the
hostess and Mrs. Wm. Fitzgerald. Tbe
next meeting will be held at Ihe borne of
Mia. Wm. Maxwell on March 12.
A meeting ol the Epwortb League cab
inet ia called for Thursday evening after
prayer service.
John Rich waa off several daya with
tbe grip.
Mrs. jotio watson la autlerlng with a
severe cold.
Mrs. F. V. Hendricksnn visited friends
at Maylmrg, Friday.
A special train waa run to Mayburg
Wednf sday evening taking the people up
lo attend revival meeting services there
W. A. Kribba had one nf bia legs
broken in seversl places on Friday, be'
ing trampled underfoot by a number of
oolla which he bad out for exercise. He
wss attended by tbe local physicians, and
is aa comfortable aa could be expected.
Frank Robblns of Factory Row Buf
fered a nervous breakdown the last of
tbe week.
Mra. McCullough of Mayburg wan Ibe
guest ol Mr. and Mrs, John Peterson
over Sunday.
Mr. and Mra. G. R. Johnaon returned
from their visit In Ridgway on Thursday.
Dora Lohmeyer ia confined to ber borne
with an attack nf the grippe.
Dolly Bean ia suffering with a severe
Margaret Detar has lieen confined to
ber bed for the past week with a cold on
her luoga. Reed Detar was also kept
boused wilb the grippe.
Mrs. W. L, Watson waa a Warren vis
itor Saturday.
John Blum spent several daya in Tlo
nesta tbe first of tbe week.
Services were conducted in the F. M.
cburch Sunday morning by the pastor,
Rev. Mr. Bryan, for Frances, the four-
year-old daughter of Mr. and Mra. John
Peteraon, wbo died Friday of pleuro
pneumonia, and interment in tbe Zuen-
del cburch cemetery immediately fol
lowed. Frances waa taken with the
measles several weeks ago, which devel
oped Into pneumonia and from the first
she waa a great sufferer. In health she
was bright and sweet tempered and waa
greatly loved by all wbo knew ber, and
n sickness she was sucn a patient, un
complaining little sufferer that she en
deared herself to all who assisted in her
care. Wben tbe end came she met it
Ithout a struggle. Wilb a smile upon
ber lips she went out lo meet Ibe Death
Angel and waa tbua ushered into tbe
presence ol God, leaving behind ber a
loving remembrance of tbe bright little
life which waa so quickly extinguished,
but whose influence will be everlasting.
Besutiful flowers adorned her casket,
among which was a sheatol liMes which
waa exceptionally pretty and appropriale.
Mr. Peterson's brother was down from
Sheffield and attended the funeral.
Mr. W. W.
Hotlel and son
pent Sunday in Warren.
Frank Dillon and Noab
Holmes spent
a couple days in Kane.
Win. Cook of Kane spent Sunday
bis friends here.
Miss Jennie Bundy spent Sunday at
Ml. Jewell with friends.
Rev. L. C. Blake of Mt. Jewett beld
service in tbe school bouse Sunday.
Will Kane spent a week at Smetbport.
Mr. Smith of Kane visited at the boms
of S. S. Eahelman, Monday.
Mr. and Mra. Wood were Mt. Jewett
Visitors Saturday,
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wamaley spent
few days with his parents. .
Change for the Better.
The care of the African population
In the Belgian Kongo in the past hai
been so murderously indifferent thai
It Is a pleasure to note a change foi
the better. An order baa gone lntc
effect to prevent hereafter the Impor
tation, manufacture and transporta
tion of saccharine swets in the Bel
giacLflcan territory. Vsaccharlnv
W" and products sweetened witb
nbntances other than cane sugar,
beet sugar, milk sugar and glucos
sugar particularly those sweetened
with glycerine shall not be imported
It Is specified In the order that it li
meant to Include in general all syn
thetic chemical sweetening which
does not possess food value. We wish
we could believe that this tariff an
iety to protect the Kongo population
against deleterious sweets was some
thing more than an exhibition of th
usual protective philanthropy which
bars a competitive product to mak
sure the sale of something else.
The Future Woman.
"Womnn is loday a parasite. Bul
the woman of the future will work."
The speaker, Lady Warwick, was
narrating ber views of the suffrage
question to a New York reporter. Shi
"The parasitical woman will be ex
tinct jn a generation or two. Then
a certain witticism of Lord Saye and
beic's will be unintelligible.
I'T .1 o . .
i-uiu oaye ana ssele attended r
ccntly a book dinner. At this dinner
everybody had to represent some book
title. Well, Lord Saye and Sele Just
carried on his arm a petticoat.
"He was representing, you gee, Kip
ling s 'Lire's Handicap'."
Elegance in Humility.
"Can anything be ho eli-gunt as to
have few wants, and to serve them
one'a nelf?" Emerson.
Hon ' Thin I
We ofTor One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any cane of Catarrh, that cannot
be cured by Hall'a Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Chunky 4 Co.. Fropa., Tolfdo, O.
We, the unildrKiKiiwI, have known K.J.
Cheney for the I ant 15 yeara, aud Ixtlieve
him perfectly honorable in all iiiiHlncHa
traimactioiiM ami financially alile to carry
out any oblijfatinnH made ly thoir (Inn.
n kht a- j haux, wiioiiwHle (Iruifif lata, To
ledo, U., Wamjino, Ki.n.nak A Mahviw,
wholwtaln druuifWtH, Tounln, O.
Hall'H Catarrh Cure ia taken intcrriall v.
actiiin directly upon the Mood and inu
coua Nurfacea of the Hyxtmn. l'rlce 7!ic
per bottle. Hold by all (lriiKKl"t. Teati
iiioniHla free,
llall'a family I'jlU aie the best. uly
The Mothers' Favorite.
A cough medicine lor children should
be harmless. It should be pleasant to
take. It abould be e lleclual. Chamber
lain'a Cough Remedy In all of tbia and is
Ihe mothers' favorite every hi re. For
sale by all dealers. Adv,
Charier Xollee.
Notice ia hereby given that an applica
tion will be made lo Ihe Governor ot Ibe
.State of Pennsylvania on Tuesday, Ibe
8 b day of April, liUil, nv Oliver W. Pro
per, Forest V. Proper, James O Bowman,
Ernest W, II .wuian, and Mrs. Eihel
Bowman Proper, under the Act ot As
sembly ol tbe Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania, euililed "An Act to provld- for
the Incorporation and regulation of Nat
ural Gas Companies," approved Ihe l!ilili
day ol May, IS85, and the supplements
therein, ..r (lie charier of an Intended
corporation to be called The Prtper Nat
ural Gaa Company, the character and ob
ject whereof Is producing, dealing In,
transporting, storing, and supplying nat
ural gaa In Ihe County of Koie-t, i'enn
aylvanla, and for these purpo-cs to have,
possess, and enjoy all llio rights, benefits,
and privileges of said Act of Assembly
and Its supplements.
A. C IteowN, Solicitor.
Tionesta, Pa., March 1, I'.UU.
No. 0.W2, In Btnkniptcy.
In the District Court of the United
Staltia for the Western District of Penn
sylvania, George Klley Johnson, of For
est County. Pennsylvania, a Bankrupt
under tbe Act of Congress of July I,
18T8, baying applied for a lull discharge
from all lbta provable against bia estaie
ooder aaid Act, notice ia hereby given
to all known creditors and other persons
In Interest, to appear before the aaid
Court at Plttsbu'gh, In said District, on
the l h day or April, 1U3, al 10 o'clock In
the forenoon, In show cause, if any Ihey
have, wby the prayer of ihe said peti
tioner should not be granted.
William T. Linhskv, Clerk.
IHftMolutloii Xotlee.
Notice is hereby given thai Ibe co-part
nerahlp of John Coleman. John F. Mc
Cormick, T. R darter and Harrv II
Waison, doing business under Ihe firm
name or Coleman, Watson v Co. in I n ita
bering operations Iu Forest Count v. I'enn
Irani., is Ibis day dissolved by mutual
agreement net ween the parties coin oris
ni Ibe said firm of Coleman. Watson it
Co. All debts, claims and amounts that
are due or may become line to the said
nrm of coieman. aison v Co. shall be
paid to John Coleman, John F. MoCor-
tnlck and T. R. Harter. and all debts and
obligations of the said firm of Coleman,
Watson A Co. shall be naid bv aaid John
Coleman, John F. McCormick and T. R.
John Colk.uan, skal
T. R. Hahtkr, skal
John F. Mel 'or. Mine. hkai.J
Hakky H. Watson, skal
February !),h, HH.T
See the Government Buildings
Annual Spring Excursions
March 21 and April 15, 1913
Tickets good returning within fifteen
days including date of excursion.
Stop-Over at Baltimore and Philadelphia
returning on deposit of tickets.
Full information of Ticket Agents, or
B. P. FRASER, District Passenger Agent,
307 Main Street, Ellicott Square, BuSalo.
Pennsylvania R.R.
Fred. Grotto nborgcr
All work pertaining to Machinery, En
gines, Oil Well TooIh, (la or Wator Fit
tings and General Klacksin it hi iir prompt
ly done at Low Rates. Repairing Mill
Machinery Riven apeoial attention, and
satisfaction guaranteed.
Shop in rear or and iisl west of tbe
'haw House, Tidioute, Pa.
Your patronage solicited.
I I I Hf. .!.
Are valuable to you. See that you save them.
Surgeon-Dentist. "
(Formerly of Philadelphia.)
Petroleum Phone at
New Castle Portland Cement Co.
Pulverized Raw Limestone, Pulverized Burnt Lime and Burnt Lump Lime for
Agricultural use.
Pamphlets giving full instructions for using Portland Cement on the farm, and
Lime as a Fertilizer, etc., for worn-out and unproductive farm lands, free on appli
New Castle Portland Cement Co.
Our Spring stock is
arriving, and in order
to make room for it
we must dispose of all
odd pairs.
To accomplish this,
we offer about Ten
Dozen Pairs of Men's,
Women's, Boys', Girls'
and Children's Shoes
at prices that effect a
substantial saving.
Call and look them
over, see if your size
is among them, and
see the amount you
can save.
Premium Coupon
Forest Republican Readers
Cut It Out Today
Thl coupon and 10 cents will bring
to you post paid handsome silver
plated Th Spoon, of ibe Rosalie pat
ient, rrent'ii iirav nannie wnn Heavy
eintms-ed rose design on Iront and
back. Six of lhee coupons will ap
pear and Rkpubmcan readers are
urged lo clip them out and send 10
cents with each one lo tbe address be
low and thus secure full set of these
Imauliliil spnona. Tbey will wear a
liln time without losing Ibelr lustre.
The lirt spoon will please lo the ri
ten- that yini will want Ihe oihera.
You can save them and send all six
at once or one at a time, but remem
ber, one omipnn aud ten eenla re
quired for eacn spoon desired.
Herldiig Novell j Co., Ltd.
Warren, Ia.
Muster Seashore Trip
Atlantic City
Cape May
Wildwood, Ocean City
bea Isle City, Holly Beach
Friday, March 21, 1913
Tickets good going on regular trains
March 21 and good returning until
April 4.
returning on deposit of ticket.
Full particulars of Ticket Agents, or B. P.
rraser, u. v. a., 3UY Main St.,
Pennsylvania R.R.
fhamhprlain'a Co"- Ch"1' and
Unamoeriain S Diarrhoea Hetn1y.
Never fails, buy it uuw. It may save life.
Office and Residence.
Before the United States Government granted us a char
ter to do a banking business, they investigated carefully and
made ABSOLUTELY SURE that there were men of high
GHARAGTER, as well as money, behind our bank. A Na
tional Bank is restricted in doing business' according to the
National Banking laws, and the U. S. Government Bank Ex
aminers from the Treasury Department at Washington see
that these laws are observed.
CAPITAL STOCK. 150.000. SURPLUS, $100,000.
Do your banking with
We pay liberal interest consistent
Forest County
Specifications of 1913 "Buicks."
JIOIH.L 21."
Wheel base 105 inches, 32x3 1-2 tires, 28 horse power. Nickle finish, fully
equipped. Prices:
Koadster 950. Touring Car $1,060.
"Modi:l :$."
Wheel base 108 inches. 34x4 tires. 32 horse nower. Gas. oil and electric liehts.
Nickle finish. Fully equipped, including
Roadster $1,125.
"NODKii 4r I ivi: ivivsi:;i:it, toi iuxj.
Wheel base 115 inches, tires 36-4, quick detachable, on demountable rims, 40
horse power. Nickle finish, electric lighting with generator, self-starter.
Price fully equipped $1,660.
Deliveries start August 1. The six-cylinder model will be announced later.
Deliveries will not start on this model until January.
When Better Automobiles are Built, Buick will Build Them.
Ralph A. Cook, Tionesta.
He Likes the Parcel
r ;
Buy Here We Deliver by Parcel Post
Orders by mail or telephone will
be given special attention, and will
be delivered by return Parcel Post
Kepler Block,
At the
Racket Store
Graniteware, Tinware,
Glassware, Chinaware,
Stationery, Hosiery,
Wall Paper, Window Shades
Elm Street,
Tionesta, Pa.
.iiiiiillWiliS; II
i Piii u
, iTfj i.
7" L VPV "
us. A nOT fionf
with safety, a JJCX jjlXi,
NaLtionak.1 Bank,
self-starter. Prices:
Touring Car $1,286
Post. How About You?
" ' If
... ....... ....v....... "..f,. -a'a-tiia
Tionesta, Pa.
J. L. Ilepler
Fine carriages for all occasions,
with first class equipment. We can
fit you out at any time for either a
pleasure or business trip, and always
at reasonahlH rates Prompt service
and courteous treatment.
Conn and see us.
tear or Hotel Weaver
Telephone IVo. 2rt.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Cuies Colds. Cioup and WhSoping Cough,