The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, February 26, 1913, Image 4

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    Centre Street at
The Inpour of Spring Stock is Under
Every day now come vast shipments of the new style pro
ducts, shedding their wrappings and untolding their beauty,
Counter after counter has style secrets to tell, and new ideas to
display. Let us show you what iashion has given for this
coming spring season.
Modish Little Dresses for Spring at $5.
Half a Hundred Delightful Early Season Models Bid
Strongly for Your Acquaintance.
Simple yet effective dresses of silk and wool, in old blue,
navy, golden brown, taupe, tan garnet, etc,
One model is of brocaded satin, with lace yoke and cuffs.
Other styles are of good quality woolen serge, with sailor
or Dutch collars piped with red, old blue, or black.
Dresses for women and misses, in all sizes from 11 to 42,
at 5.00 each, a price that does little more than cover the cost
ot the materials.
Combination Sweeper and Vacuum
It runs like a carpet sweeper, and has a suction nozzle and
a revolving brush. It not only vacuum cleans rugs and carpets,
but picks up lint, pins and thread, all in one and the same
The price complete with brush and vacuum cleaner is
The price for the machine without the brush is $7.25.
The Keep At
I Just as the continual dropping of water
I will wear away the hardest stone, so will the
I steady, systematic saving of a portion of your .
income assure you a competence in your -later
4 Per Cent, on your savings.
Oil City Trust Company
Oil City, Pa.
National Vacuum Cleaners.
Many thrifty housewives are showing that they appreciate the FOREST RE
PUBLICAN'S liberal offer. They are responding at even a greater rate than we
had anticipated.
There can be only one reson for the popularity of the National Vacuum Cleaner
and that if its superior efficiency. It is positively the most powerful cleaner built
for operation by one person.
Special Offer.
The REPUBLICAN has only a few of these wonderful labor-saving machines
remaining, which are offered on the following terms:
The REPUBLICAN for one year and one National Vacuum Cleaner, com
plete, $4.00.
The same advantages will be given to all our regular subscribers if arrearages
re paid.
Agents charge you $6.00 to $7.00 for the machine alone.
The Cleaner for Everybody.
The National is really everybody's cleaner.
Here you have a vacuum cleaner that weighs 6 pounds instead of 60. With it
you may clean your carpets and rugs without lugging a 60 pound machine from room
to room upstairs and down. You can carry the National anywhere without fatigue.
The National does all that any vacuum cleaner ran do.
The flexible nozzle adjusts itself to any height of person. It can be operated
with e ther right or left hand.
Don't delay in taking advantage of this splendid offering. Act today. Write,
phone or call.
Tionesta, Pa.
Elm, Oil City, Pa.
It Habit.
County Auditors' Report, 1D12
W. II. Rrasee, Treasurer of Forest Coun.
ty, Id aocouot with the Liquor Licenses for
the year eliding January 4, 19I3.
To amount reo'd of J. W. Dua..$ 100 00
Amount no'dj, J Young 1(10 00
Amount rco'a Jos Pierre 200 00
Amount rec's H. 8. Cantielit 100 00
Amount rec's R. A. Fulton 'J00 00
9700 00
By amount carried to State cl....$ 175 00
Amount carried to County act ltV 00
Amount paid Harmony TwpTreaa DO 00
Amount paid Jeuks Twp Areas. .. r.-u uu
Amount raid Tionesta Boro L'40 00
700 000
W. H. liraaee. Treasurer of Forest Coun
ty, In accouut with the State of Pennsylva
nia, for the year ending January 4, !013.
To amonnt from liquor licenses... $ 175 00
From Mercantile lax appraiser... 911 M
From Mercantile tax Constables. 17 92
From State personal tax 1,433 53
From Mercantile tax wholesale... 671
From Hroker's licenses 20 00
From Kesuurant license WW
From Billiard license- 200 00
From Hunters license H of $50... 1!S 00
From Illegal bunting in UU
From floes flsbiug 140 00
$2,9i!3 57
By State Treasurers receipts $ 2,738 9.1
Printing bills allowed 04 73
Poataae . 8 02
One percent com on $H;!3 63 14 'A3
ITlve per cenl com on siim.iB n i
By balance 35 NS
$2,963 07
To balance January 4, 1913 $ 33 86
W. H. Brazee. Treasurer of Forest Coun
ty. In account with tbe Dog Fund for the
year ending Jauuary 4, 1913.
Amount reo'd of G W. Holemaii$ 194 00
Amouut tax levy 1912 7(m 00
$9;9 00
14 00
6 00
14 (10
11 00
9 00
7 7
By sheep orders redeemed
Three per cent commission
Exonerations Barnett Twp
Exonerations Harmony Twp
Exonerations Howe Twp
Exonerations Hickory Twp
Exonerationa Tionesta Twp
By balance $96 83
$9.9 00
To balance January 4, 1913 $ 896 83
W. II. Brazee. Treasurer of Forest Coun
ty, in account with tbe Redemption Fund
for tbe year ending January 4, 1913.
03 61
20 42
29 00
12 30
117 61
20 42
58 61
40 8.i
11 06
7 98
18 55
IW 78
11 06
97 58
14 55
25 00
23 5
23 75
17 81
147 48
To am't rec'd G. V. HoIeman...$
Amount rec'd M. L. Gilbert.;
Amouut rec'd Hugh Miles
Amount rec'd Soutb Peun Oil Co
Amount rec'd N. P. beeler
Amount rec'd J. 8. Vail
Amount rec'd J. T. Brennau
Amount reo'd S. D. Irwin
Amouut rec'd Minnie Grove
Amount rec'd Edward Burtou
Amount rec'd F. R. Lansoo
Amount rec'd Sam Aul
Amount rec'd F. A. Keller
Amount rec'd S. F.McCalmont...
Amonnt rec'd Cyrut. Hunt
Amount rec'd H. 8 Connely
Amouut rec'd D. B. Shields
Amount rec'd M. A. Carrlnger ...
Amount rec ti W. A. Brown
Amount rec'd A. H. Kelly
$801 27
By amount paid Amos dinger $ 29 00
v. w. AtkinB in ui
" " H. W.Tracey 40 84
' Charles Carlson.. 97 58
" " H. H. Harp 7 98
" " J. V. Knupp 76 C3
" "A. M Doull 18 55
11 H. H. MoClellau 14 55
" A. C. Browo 25 00
" " M. A Carrlnger.. 25 85
" M A. Carrlnger.. 17 81
3 per cent commission on $471.40 14 14
Balance - old i.i
$801 27
To balance Jan. 4, 1913 $ 315 73
W. H. Brazee, Treasurer of Forest Coun
ty, in accouul with said County for tbe year
ending January 4, 1913.
To am't reo'd of G. W. Holeman..$l2,7 i9 54
Transferred from liquor license... 105 00
Sealed lands returned, 1911 217 53
Sixty day list - 22 60
Seated tax, 1912 13 019 14
Unseated tax, 1912 1,3(10 12
Interest on unseated tax 23 65
of $1,419.20 Sate tax returned.. 1,061 40
Jury fees 16 00
Slate ret'd Sept. If II primaries... 4'26 09
State ret'd April 1912 primaries... 481 79
Commonwealth costs 8 50
Commonwealth fines 74 00
Hunters license 25 00
Wilburine Pipe Line Company... 100 00
Harmony twp special election 50 01
Redemption lands sold to County 42 40
Charged Harmony twp error In
assessment 33 06
$29,811 83
By orders redeemed $13,455 65
3 per cent ooniniission 403 67
Paid vital statistics 82 50
3 per cent commission 2 48
Exonerations, 1911 74 93
5 per cent commission on $62.00.. 3 10
fiVrni. In AiuiMUinAtit itt
Exonerations State tax 23 13
3 per cent commission I 15
Col eclors abatement. 1912 549 47
i prct and 5 prct Col. com 3bO
Lands sold to County 24 22
Error in Adv seated lands 12 61
Seated land ret'd to Co. '10 & '1U 164 21
3 prct on $88 00 adv. seated land.. 2 64
Uncollectible accounts 3 00
Balance 1 4,568 29
$29 811 83
To balance Jan. 4, 1913 $14,568 29
W. H. Brazee, Treasurer of Forest Coun
ty, in accouut with the Poor Funds for the
year endiug January 4, 1913.
To am't rec'd G. W. Holeman $ 5,79 56
Seated lauds relurued, 1911 130 71
Seated lax 1912 7,812 60
Unseated tax, 1912 816 02
Interest on unseated tax 14 21
F. Fitzgerald acct Jno. Black 41 INi
l. Wallers acct Mrs. Carson 40 40
H. Warner acct children 10 5!)
A. C. Urey acct Mrs. Urey 91 50
C. Humer acct E Hunter 91 19
Account M. A Cropp 4 35
E. Kudolph acct son 60 00
Lands redeemed from County 20 37
Board 136 70
Hay and straw sold 244 22
Produce sold 215 41
Coal sold 41 53
Pigs sold 6 00
$15,447 32
By orders redeemed $ 9,297 21
3 per -nt commission 278 92
Interest conpons redeemed 400 00
3 per cent commission 12 00
Exonerations, 1911 36 06
Commission 2 54
Seated lands returned to County.. 109 92
5 per cent Collectors abatement ... 329 68
2 pict and 5 prct Col. com 219 92
Lands sold to County 14 53
Error in adv. seated lands 7 67
Error in assessmeuts H0 63
Balance 4,707 74
$16,447 32
To balance Jan. 4, 1913 $ 4 707 74
8. R. Maxwell, Protbonotary, etc., of
Forest County, in account with said Coun
ty for tbe year ending January 4, 1913.
To orders drawn $ 33S 31
By fees allowed $ 3:18.11
W. H Hood, Sheriff of Forest County, in
account with said County for the year end
iug January 4, 1913.
To orders drawn $ 4T6 25
By fees allowed $ 176 25
By iallers salary 300 00
$476 2')
M, A. Carrlnger, District Attorney of
Forest County, In account with said Coun
ty for tbe year ending January 4, 1913
To orders drawn $ 400 00
By salary $ 400 00
The Couuty Commissioners of Forest
County, lu account with .aid County for
tbe year ending January 4, 1913.
W. H. Harrison $ 800 00
J. C. Scowden 800 00
H. H. MoClellau 800 00
$2,400 00
By salaries $ 2,400 00
County and Poor Tax in bands or Col
lectors uncollected January 4, 1913.
Barnett towusblp, 1912 $ 178 C9
Green " 1910 2"0 19
1911 651 58
" 1912 857 73
Harmony " 1912 425 69
Hickory " 1905 45 70
" 1912 3.-8 52
Howe " 1912 140 64
Jenks " 1909. 636 45
' 1910 324 60
' ' 1911 290 99
' 1M2 "73 20
Klngsley " 1910 377 32
' 1911 777 42
" 1912 515 13
Tionesta " 1912 197 80
Tionesta Borough 1903 111 72
" ' 1904 109 75
" 1909 76 41
lfllO 2W1 82
" 1911 232 74
' 1912 519 63
$7,848 02
Slate account $ 35 86
IViK fund 898 83
Kadnmpllun fund 316 73
County account 14.586 29
Poor account 4 707 74
Township school account 6,42190
" " cash account 3.087 88
" building accouut 626 65
" rosd accouut 1 99
boud account 7 22
filL'Sti 09
State of Pennsylvania, )
County of Forest. J '
We, tbe undersigned Auditors In and
for said county, do hereby certify that we
met at the Court House, In Tionesta Bor
ough, in said county, according to law,
and did audit and adjust thn several ac
counts of the Treasurer, Prothonotary,
.Sheriff, District Attorney and Coumy
Commissioners for tbe year A. D. 1912,
and Hud tbem as set forth In tbe foregoing
report. lu testimony whereof we have
hereunto set our bands and seals this the
27l b day ol January, 1913.
U. H. W ARDKN, skal ( County
A. C. GREGG, hkal j Auditors.
Attest-U. W. CLARK, Clerk.
TURES. Commissioners' statement of expendi
tures of Forest County for tbe year elid
ing January 4, 1113:
J utttices of tbe Peace $ 60 80
Constables 173 70
W ltDBHses l6 60
Sheriff 478 25
Protbonotary, Register, Ao 333 81
District Attorney 400 00
Stenographer 162 on
Telephone and telegraph 66 47
Refunding orders 38 47
Soldiers' burial and headstones.. 120 55
Livery 15 00
Road views 136 81
County Superintendent supplies 2 75
Commissioners' trav. expeuse... 11 84
Election expense i
Western Penitentiary 277 42
Reform School 128 67
Sheriff, supplies 57 40
Board of prisoners 77 00
Medical attendance. Jail 2 00
Fuel, lights and water 472 43
Commissioners books, postage
and stationery 375 84
Protbonotary books, postage
and stationery 108 48
Treasurer bonks, postage and
staiionery 25 75
Court House and Jail repairs
' and supplies 155 44
Bridge repairs 177 86
Jury Commissioners Ill GS
Grand Jurors 811 82
Traverse Jurors 856 55
Tipstaves and Court Crier 159 00
Assessors 1.394 79
Commissioners' salaries 2,4oO 00
Commissioners' Clerk, salary ... 900 00
Auditors and Clerk 1 13 24
Insurance 436 10
Janitor 640 (Ml
Court Auditor 10 00
Printing 717 30
April prlmane 490 79
Solicitor.. 100 00
Express and draving 27 36
Grand Army of the Republic 60 00
Repairing time lock, Treas. office 15 00
Attorney'" expense meeting
with Water Commission 137 56
Treas. com. and exonerations ... 413 01
Collectors' commissions 366 66
" abatements 649 47
$14,749 45
Amount In Treasurer's bands ...f 14 586-29
Due from individuals 13 61
Due from Tionesta Township 10 01
$14,619 94
Commissioners' statement of expend!
lures of tbe Forest County Poor District
for the year ending January 4, 1913:
Salaries, wages ami labor $ 1,665 61
Provisions and supplies 849 43
Fuel and light 857 36
Clothing and shoes 42 89
Furniture, etc 11 4:
Medicine and medical supplies.. 126 90
Ordinary repairs 408 54
Commissioners' trav. expense... 66 65
Farm expense 685 43
Physician 150 00
ComnitsaioueiB' Clerk 120 00
Telephone 27 15
Solicitor 50 00
Livery 28 05
Building and improvements 2.244 46
Insurance 258 61
Outside rellel 459 10
Insane in State Hospital 1,506 60
Refunding orders 3 24
Bringing in paupers 12 00
Express and draving 9 14
Justices of Ibe Peace 1160
Burial of paupers 57 00
Inventory at County Home 1100
Prlntinir 13 20
Miscellaneous expense 6 44
Transportation of paupers 69 04
Feeble minded in Train. School 147 65
Treas. com. snd ixonerations 293 46
Collectors' commissions 219 92
" abatements 829 68
Interest on bonds 400 00
$10,540 27
From the above total deduct tbe follow
ing Hems, which will show tbe net ex
penditures of the Poor District:
Amount i f Droduce sold from
County Farm $ 043 86
Amount reo d for support of pa
tients, sucn sin ' t having neen
advanced y the Poor District 329 99
Collectors' abatements and com. 619 60
Treas com. and exonerations ... 203 46
luterest on bonds 400 00
$2,216 91
Net cost of poor for the year 1912 8,323 36
Amount In Treasurer's hands.
uncollected taxes, eio $ 4,707 94
Due from Individuals 747 86
Liabilities 4,644 20
10, 000 00
Suits to Order, $12.60 to $35.00.
We Want to Make You
Know us as a store where you can get anything you need in the
dress line.
The man who insists on made-to-order clothes can do his
choosing from our spring assortment of over 1,200 samples ' priced
A, from $12.60 to $40.
P. "If It Don't Fit You It Belongs to Us."
Our Made to Measure Shirts at $2.50 to $12.50 are splendid
tributes to the shirt making business. '
"A Good Store to Trade At."
Oil City, Pa.
Be Comprehensive.
"Talk to the point, nnd stop when
you have reached It. lie compre
hensive in all you say or write. To
fill a volume about nothing Is a credit
to nobody." John Neal.
Severe Indictment.
Cnlloiis greed of certain Individuals
Is responsible for the loss of more
lives in Great Britain thun Its ene
mies have ever Indicted in the sever
est war. Lloyd-George.
Bonds outstanding f 10,010 00
Sisteof Pennsylvania, )
County of Forest. ( '
We, the undersigned Commissioners of
Forest County, and Forest County Poor
District, do beretiy certify that the fore
goin statement of receip's and expendi
tures and statement of assets and liabili
ties are correct itud true, to the best of
our knowledge and belief.
.1. C. SCOW DEV. sea I.
Attest Coiinlv Commissioners.
8 M. HENRY. Clerk.
Butter and Egg Money
of farmers' wives and daughters
should be promptly sent by mail
to this popular bank, which has
thousands of depositors in the
country. Uncle Sam's rural post
men are thoroughly reliable, and
will register your valuable letter
for a small fee.
4th Ave. and Smithfield SL, Pittsburgh, Pa.
d a d
r.lcacht Muslin Sliefts regu
lar f-heeting of good heavy qual
ity, free from sizing, no center
6eani, hand turn, dry ironed, neat
ly henul ready for use full
double hed size, l!'(4 by "2
yards, fide each.
Pillow Cases to match the
sheets in quality and value
made from regular pillow case
Muslin two sizes, 42 and 43 by
3(i inches;. l'.Mc each.
Bolster ases 42 by 76Va
inches, 2jc each.
: 12', V ''. Pillow' . Cases good
Elcaclit Muslinrriot full of starch
will give satisfactory wear
two sizes, 42 and 43 by oG inches,
10c each.
fine woolens
Wide Imported NTove1ty Spring
Suitings plain Mixtures. Iler
rinubrne Stripes. Self Colord
Shndow'Stripes, Self colord Small i
Checks r.lue, dreen, Brown
Wistaria, and several shades of
Grey. Weight and finish suit
able' for one-piece dresses xr light
weight tailord coat suits all 54
inches wide, $1.30 yard.
44 inch all wool medium
weight sponged and shrunk
Serge, Blue or Black, 75c yard.
"rescript ion lens grinder
fur f he ?ye.s, plus Collrgi
nlely trained and inter
nationally endorsed
Iteli I n d I he Guns.
Artificial ISjesIn Stock.
Both 'Phones.
-iH-ClTY' PaJ
Spring Season "1913"
Advertising columns have been devoted to the task of clearing cloak
room racks of the Winter Coats and Tailored Suits.
Now we are to speak of the New Suits, New Coats and New Dresses
which have been "coming in" every day and almost every express since
January 31.
This does not mean that all Winter Coats or all Winter Suits have been
There are about 60 of the former and about 25 suits the price of which
is half or less. The assortment, however, of New Suits, New Coats and
New Dresses has now reached sufficient proportions to permit our issuing
an invitation to inspect with every assurance of satisfactory style, size
and color selection.
The New Suits, The New Coats,
The New Silk Dresses
Indeed many cf the New Coats, New Suits and New Dresses have al
ready gone out to tell more forcibly than pages of advertising of the dis
tinctive style faultlessly tailored, perfect fitting moderate priced gar
ments that will bear The Kinter Co. label this spring season 1913.
Smoke Pleasure and other Pleasures
for the Man Who Smokes
There s smoke, pleasure ip this pure old Virginia
and North Carolina bright leaf. Thousands prefer it to any
other pipe toiwieco. Thoroughly aged and stemmed and
then groniilnted A perfect pipe tobacco nothing better
rolled if s cigarette.
One ana a ha If ounres of this choice tobacco cost
onlv V, and with escb sack you pet a bonk of cigarette
papers FREE.
The other pleasures are the presents that are secured
with be coupons in each sack of Liggelt Sr Mier,t Duke'
Mixture. These presents delight old and' young. Think
of the plasure that von and vour friends can get from a
trjlking machine, free, or such articles as fountain pens,
balls, skates, cut glass, china, silverware.
Shirts to Order, $2.00 to $12.00.
Oil City, Pa.
tennis rncqnets, fishing
rods, furniture, etc.
An a special offer,
during February
and March only we
will send you our
new illustrated cata
log of presents, FREE.
Just send us your name
and address on a postal.
Cmipnni from Pttke'i Afirtttre may tt
- v Ini with lug i Imm HORSE SHOE,
GRANGER TWIST, cunpont from
FOUR ROSES ( I' -itn d.mhi, mit,m),
nntt ottie tags and coupons issued by tut,
Premium Dept.