The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, February 26, 1913, Image 2

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t. C. WINN, toiTo P.o.airroe
1913 FEBRUARY 8913
1, 8 Mj tTwTt, I F Sj
2 5?56 7 81
9 10;ntMl5l?15j
Bill To Grab The Entire Water System
of The State Is Introduced In
The Senate.
In the Senate of 1'ennitvlvinii lien
Introduced a bill which ha fur It pur
pone the reorganization of tbe Salae Water
Com in Union and whlL-h I without doubt
the moat lar-reat'liliiR and wilhall the
most virtou In It provlBioin of any
proportion ever net before a leKlnlailve
body. It provldfn lor the placing of the
entire water ayatein of the alate In the
handi of the water cotnmisHion, which la
ootnpoHnd of live peruana, any three of
whom, a majority, can an on all inaltera
pertaining to Ihetr riiibta or diitlea, and
wlione acta hIihII he binding on the whole
board. All the Htreaum, rlvern, creek m,
aprlng and aouicea of water aupply are
under the ooinuiiaaiuiia control all
aoluely. Tina coiiiinitudon of live per
aona (or any tbree of lliem, for that mat
ter) la given the power uuder Ihia bill to
grant tbe right of eminent domain to any
private corporation, a power which for
year was exercined only by railroad,
and then under certain rentrlctiuuH. Willi
a charter tiiid ir thin law any corporation
could condemn and lake property wher
ever, whatever and whenever It o desired,
pving for only auub damage aa the
ordinary condemnation proceedings
might aet.
The building of great dams for power
devek piuent la provided for in tbe bill,
and the taking over of any stream, great
or small, for the mere ai-king would be
possible under ita provixious. Could a
greater lnruity be conceived in tbe
minds of uieiif
This la the bill which the water power
grabbera are wailing fur. Under It tbe
rape of the rivera and creeka ot tbe alate
will begin at once. Could tbe right of
euiineut douiaiu bave been granted here
tofore, we have uo doubt but that the
hideous dams proposed in tbia section
would have already been under way.
We read much iu tbe atate press about
other formi of Iniquitous legislation that
must be stopped or w itched st MarrU
burg tbls winter, but nut one word iu
condemnation of Ibis gigantic outrage.
Many, no doubt, are unaware of what Is
going on, but most ol the big dally
papers are not Ignorant of the provisions
ol this outrageous bill. Will they keep
silence and let 11 go througbf
(lod forbid that such a law should ever
be fastened upon the people of Pennsyl
vania! Speaking of Ibis bill the Titusvilie
Herald aays :
"This legislation la of particular Inter
eat to tbls section of (ha slate, in view of
tbe efforts to dam tbe Tlonesta Creek and
the Clarion Klver, which have been vig
orously opposed. .Should the McNichols
bill been in e a law it will wiie out the
preaect Water Supply commission, and
substitute tho Slate Water commission,
witb enlarged powers, duties and author
ity over the water courses, water compa
nies, etc , of tbia staie. Th bill is sweep
ing in character, but look like legMa
tion that la needed to prevent a wbok aaie
raid upon the water power resources of
tbe state."
We desire to call the Herald's attention
to tbe lact that "a raid upon the water
power resources," is the very Intent of
this Iniquitous bill, and under It the raid
will be on at once. Hut under tbe law aa
it now stand no raid can be made, for the
reason that tbe power to grant the right
ol eminent domain is denied the present
State Water Supply commission.
Local Option Bill Defeated.
The Hock well local option bill was de
feated In the House at Harrlsburg last
evening, tbe vole being 121 against adop
tion to H4 for It. The bill was on tbe
second reading calendar.
A hill has beeu introduced In the
House at Harrisburg providing that the
daisy be the official atate (lower and that
June 14, be deaignated a "daisy day,"
Tbe lather of that proposition must aure
be a "daisy." Why non't some member
move to strike out "daisy" and Insert in
lieu thereof "Cauada thistle," or
"skunk's cabbage?"
Our Representative at Hairisburg,
Hon. A. K. Mechling, has introduced a
bill appropriating fi:M,000 for purchase of
7,210 acres In forest, Clarion and Jetl'er
son con nt lea to constitute tbe Cook State
park and providing lor a State commis
sion on parks. The bill ought to pass
that this great body of limbor might be
preserved for all time.
M Anaukhh of the live big express eoni
psnies have been keeping laba on the
parcel post since it went into operation.
Tbeir agents all over the country bave
studied and reported the effect of the
system on their business and the general
verdict on the package delivery service
of the companies is that It is negligible
If this Is ao it Is strange that the prices of
express stock should bave tumbled great
ly. However, it Is clear that the parrel
post business does not represent that
much dead loss to the express companies.
It la to a large extent a new bualnea-,
that camo Into existanco hecauao of tbe
Utilities ulleied (ut il.
Samuel Preston Is home from Reno
where he has been employed for some
Miss Mable Karn, ot near Pleasant-
ville, visited ber friend, Miss Anna Cole,
during the past week.
I'an let Small raine home from Olean.
N. Y., last week lor a short visit. He
was accompanied by bia lulde who, un
III a abort time ago, was Mi-a Kulh
Kalterly. Our best wishes go with tbia
young rouple.
Klza Chitlster and Miaa Willa Kerr at
tended the local institute held at Glaring
Ion Saturday.
1. D. Bean had one of hla lega aeverely
pinched between two log one day last
Mlsa Klla Klabbslx was home from
Clarion over Sunday.
Dr. Detar and Frank Darkless, of Kel-
letlville, were callera in town last week
J. K. Keed expert to leave this week
for a visit wilb re ativea In St. Lawrence
county, N. Y.
Mra. M itcbelen spent Sunday with her
daughter, Mra. Percy float, at Newmans
Win, Meyera waa a business visitor at
Mayburg di.riug the past week.
Mra. Keek Weaver and daughter were
visitors at Sbellield last week.
Unite number of our townsmen are
acting aajurora at the county seal this
week, namely: Edgar (loodwln, K. I.
Kerr, A. 11. Hunter and C. M. Jones.
Cherry Grove.
Mrs. Grant Sutton Is on the sick list.
Henry Desnuer of Mayburg spent Sun
day In town.
Simon Allaire, Jr., Henry Sorenaon
and Wm. Pope attended the P. II. C.
supper al Slietlleld Wednesday evening.
The Km broidery Circle met al the
home of Mra. Hannah Johnsou Saturday
afternoon, owing to the Illness of Mra.
(iiant Sutton, at whose borne it waa
N. L. Howard took in the P. II. C. ball
at Sbellield Wednesday night.
11. W. Uillord was in Warren Friday.
The HirtLday Club met at the borne of
Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Johnson Saturday
evening. There was a written contest In
which Mrs. Klir.a Sutton carried off tlrst
honors, a pretty valentine. The consola
tion prir.a went to Mrs. Pesrl Pope. A
dainty supper was served and all report
an excellent time.
tleorge Sbay was up from Trumana
It la au old saying that good things
comalowly. Suppose that la why we
are ao long gettiug rural delivery.
Another citizen in Cherry Orove and a
brand uow one loo, sin 'e a young son
came to the home of Mr. and Mra. Fred
Howard last week. All are getting along
Simon Allaire, Jr., Is driving team for
U. W, Gilford.
Harry Sorenscn was a Clarendon
visitor Wedne, day.
Miss Nellie Msrtink is stayiug witb
ber mother a few days. She Inten Ja en
tering the Warreu Business College attain
Mra. U. W. Ciltord and Mist Cora
drove to Pcrkey one -day last week and
brought home a new telephone purchased
from 0. E. Rupert. They are now wait-
lug for its installment. The one put In
by tbe company owning ibe line does
not ring properly.
Mrs. H. B Rowley of Warren is visit
ing her parents, Mr. and Mra, Christ
Henry Sorenaon waa Tlona visitor
Harry Nelson was in Tiona Saturday.
Again we report that Mr. A. White la
in a aeriotia condition. A trained nurse
is in attendance and it la reported tbat
tbe doctors give little hope of recovery.
Latkr Mr. Wbiledied at bia borne In
8ayhrook Saturday, the 22nd, at 4:80.
Death was due to pneumonia from which
he had Buffered for several days. He has
been among ua for aeveral years, having
timber land and a small saw mill here.
We shall greatly misa our genial friend.
T. B. Cook was called to Harrisburg on
business this week.
Mrs. John Lyons, Mrs. Squire Cook
and llaltie Cook spent a day witb Mrs.
Fulmer last week.
Bessie Chitegter spent Sunday with her
parents at Greenwood, Her brother
tClr.a was also home from bia school at
Mra. Squire Cook ia making canvas
gloves for sale.
It. W. Welsh took diuner with Mr.
and Mra MacBetb, Sunday.
Hattie Conk helped at the Hotel Agnew
to get supper Saturday evening.
Q'lile a number from Cooksburg at
tended the lecture at Clarlngton Saturday
evening. All report a good time.
Joe Cook and family rpeut Sunday at
Cue Cook 'a.
Evan Morrison spent Sunday at the
home of W. C. Cook.
There was no church at tbe school
bouse on account of bad roads.
Mrs. Jack Cook was called toSbippena-
vllleto attend the funeral of her aunt,
Miss MrClain.
Flossie Braden came home Iroin Clar
ion to attend the local Institute
John Dahle made a Hying trip to
Leeper, Saturday.
State ok Ohio Citv, okTolkdo, I
Lwuh County, j
Frank J. Chrnky makes oath that he
Is the senior partner of the lirm of F. J.
Cheney A Co., doing business in the
City ol Toledo, County and State afore
said, and that said linn will pay the sum
each and every rase of Catarrh that can
not be cured by tbe use of 11 all's Ca
tarrh Curb.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence, this tith day ol December,
A. D. IHIHi.
A'olnry Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
and acts directly on the blood and inu
cous surl'acesof the system. Solid tor
testimonials, free. ' adv
Old Age.
Old age as it comes in the orderly pro
cess of nature is a beautilul and msjestic
tiling. It stands for experience, knowl
edge, wisdom, counsel. That is old age
as it should be, but old age as it olten is
means poor digestion, torpid bowels, a
sluvgisli liver and a general leeling of III
health, despondency and misery. This
in almost every instance Is wholly un
necessary. One of Chamberlain'aTablela
taken iinmndiatily after supper will im
prove tbe digestion, tone up the liver and
regulate tha bowels. Tbat feeling of des
pondency will give way to one of hope
aud good i-heel. Sold by all ileleis.-Ad.
Local Institute Great Success.
Tbe teachers of Harnett township held
their annual Ixnal Institute at daring
ton, Friday and Saturday, Feb. SI and
22. Although weather conditions were
very unfavorable and the road were
worae (ban "bad," nevertheless It wa
said by all present to be the gteatest In
stitute ever held in Clarlngton. One ol
the most pleasing features was the Inter
el displayed in the Friday evening ses
sion by the local leachera. Another good
feature wa the great Interest shown by
the people ol Clarlngton and vicinity In
attending all sessions of the Institute,
After a welcome song ibe session ou
Friday evening was opened by an ad
dresa "Five Polnta In Discipline," by
.Yilss Matthews, the Ova points, borne,
school, director, teacher and rqulcinenl
were eacb carefully dwelt upon. The
next wa a paper by Mis F.kl. This
wa a well prepared essay on "uenlua."
Dr. Brewer then gave a very Interesting
talk, "Some l-scts In Astronomy." He
pointed nut thsl tbe study of the slara
anil planet win reveal some wonderful
lads. If any (ins miuhl doubt the exist
ence of a Divine or Supreme being, that
dtiobt will be destroyed by a study of
astronomy. Next Tints. K. Knight gave
some good Btiguestions for opening exer
clses. First tiling, go Into the school
room with s smile on vour face. Solo,
Miss liunkle Next Supt. Csrson ex
plained the "Course of Study."
Saturday morning the session opened
by devotional and a short address by
Kev. P. t May. Next Prof. K. D. Hen
derson of I.ske City discussed Auririil
ture. Teach It practical, nut Iroin lbs
text hook. Agriculture in tbe rural
school may not make more farmers, but
It will make better farmer. Miss Knl
necky red a paper on NatureSludv. Site
told ol the many beauties of tisuire we
may see ir we only observe more closely.
Esssy, "The Child," Mrs U. K. Ilrsden.
Supt Carso t spoke on "Association In
Oeograpby." Uet so e base mark,
meridians and parallels, associate facts
with latitude. Roy S. Braden gave a
short talk on "Preparation for High
School; ' prepare the director, parent and
teacher, then theappllcant. r.ssay, Mary
Coon, "The DavaThat Are." "Teaching.
Studying, Testing," Prof. Henderson;
don't give long lessons In spelling, have
bookless lescber, book I esse Issues Read
ing, Sadie Dunkle Nolo, Christine Hess
ley. "The Poedo Art," Supt. Csrson.
It was a very Interesting talk on English
and American liter nure. As In his other
talks, the audience waa deeply Interested
and showed their anrreulatlon of the earn
est etlorts nt the Superintendent by their
sppln-e. Reidlna. Flossie Braden. Mr.
K. I). Woltt then took up the closing per
iod In discussing "The Succasslul Tesrh-
er and hi School." He pointed out tbat
woman as having as great auocese In
teaching aa la man. The choir furnished
Mood singing during the-e sessions
r.vening session After solos by Mary
Fulnecky and Uladys Braden, and a
reading by Flossie Braden, Mr. Wollf
nave hi popular lecture, "My BeslGirl."
in pointing out some of the abnormal
specimens, ss the man-hunting, iruin-
chewing, lliriing, slsng using, athletio
and society girls, he kept the audience
iu a roar of laughter thai bronuht lorib
Ir (iiient appla se. Ha took the closing
period In praising bia "Best Girl." The
audience sst in breathless silence while
he lifted the true, sweet, womanly, vir
tuous and ideal woman to belgbta sub
lime, where she rules aa queen of her
race. Mr. Wollf baa come aud gone but
be has made friends In this vicinity l.v
bis personality and good advice. We
hope thai be may return some day, aa he
gave us some sdvlce Hist may lead some
of us to take a belter view of lite a. d tbe
world around us.
Tionesta Farmers Institute Program.
Following is the program of Ibe Farm-
era' Institute to be held at Tionesta,
Wednseday and Thursday, March 5th
aud titb:
General Farming Session, Wednesday
Afternoon, March 5 -2:1)0. Music; Pi aver,
Rev. W. 8. Burton; Address of Wei
come, T. F. Rilcbey; Respnuse, L. W.
Lighty; Soil Management, J. A. Kunk;
Soiling Crop-How to Handle and Feed
Tbem. L. W. Lighty; How to Buy Com
mercial Fertilizer and How to Use II, E.
L. Phillips.
Edtiettional Session, Wednesday Eve-ning.-7:4o,
Music; Question Box; Begin
ning the Poultry Business. 10. L. Phillips;
Agriculture in the Public Schools, Prol.
L. P. White; What Shall We Teach, Prof.
.1. O. Carson; Tbe Rural School Aa It
Should Be, L. W. Lighty.
General Farming Session, Thursday
Morning, March Hth. -9:30. The Need of
Lime in tbe Soil, K. L Phillips; Corn
Seed Selection, Growing and Improve
ment by Breeding, J. A. Runk; Exper
ience Wilb Altalla on a Forest County
Farm, Fred. Weiniiard; Maintaining and
Improving the Fertility of tbe Soil, L.
W Lighty; Discussion on above subjects.
Thursday A fternoon. 1:45, Question
Box; Construction f Poultry Houses, E
L. Phillips; Producing and Selling Hood
Milk, Cream and Butter. L. W. Lighty;
Alfalfa, J, A. Runk; Value, Care and
Handling of Farm Manure, L. W. Lighly.
Ladies' Session, Thursday Evening.
7:30, Music; Question Box; Improve
inentof Farm Home and Farm Condi
tions. J. A. Runk; Esay-Tbe Real Fac
toia of a Country Home, Mrs. E. Myrla
Huling; Wbal Are Some of the Benefits
of Medical Inspection of Schools, K. J.
Bovsrd, M. D; Essay Appreciation and
Protection of Bird Life, Miss Blanche
Pease; The Women of Our Day Their
opportunity, Rev. H. A. Bailey; The
Farm Home As It Should be, L, W.
Death of Mrs. Christina Brewster.
Mrs. Christina Brewster was born Jan,
01, 1838, and died al Clarksburg, W, Va.,
at the borne of ber daughter, Mrs. J. C.
Church, Feb. 18, 1913. aged 75 years and
18 days. She suffered a stroke of pa
ralysis last Msy at ber home near New
mansville and in tbe fall was Isken to Ibe
borne of her daughter at Clarksburg,
where as. con d stroke sustained six weeks
was the cause of her death. Mrs. Brewster
was a dsughter of the late Daniel and
Elizabeth Knisley and was born in Bed
ford county, Pa. When a child she re
moved with ber parents to Clarion coun
ty and grew to womanhood on what ia
known aa tbe Knisley farm, near New
mansville. She was united in marriage
with Joseph R. Brewster, who died seven
years ago last July. To this union four
sons and one daughter were bora, as fol
lows: N. W. Brewster, of Endeavor, Pa..
S. K. Brewster, of Tyleisburg, Pa., D.
M. Brewster, of Oil City, Pa . E. H.
Brewster, of Newsmansville, Pa, and
Mrs. J. C. Church, of Clarkahurg, W, Va.
Mra. Brewster had live sisters and one
brother, who bave all passed on before
her to rest and await her coming, witb
the exception of Mrs. Ssrah Barnett, of
Tylersburg, and Solomon Kni-ley, of Rt.
2, Brnokvllle, Pa. She was a member of
the M. E. church, n which fsiih she died
and left a blessed testimony that she was
ready to go and meet her Father in
Heaven, which e a great comfort to those
left behind, and an assurance that we do
not part forever If we are aa ready as
mother waa. The body wa brought to
Tylersburg on Thursday aud the funeral
was held the same afternoon in the Pres
byterian church, the service being con
ducted hy Rev. G. D. Walker, pastor of
the M. E. church. Interment wss made
in the cemetery connected witb tbe
church Tbe service was largely attend
ed by her late neighbors and friend) to
show their last respect lo Grandmother
Brewster, as she was known. J. C.
Church and little son, Gale H., accompa
nied the remains, Mrs. Church not being
able to come along, being too much worn
nut with tbe care of a loving mother,
Don't You Believe It.
Some say that chronic constipation can
not be cured Don't yon believe It.
Chamberlain's Tablets bave cured others
why not youT Give them a trial. They
cost only a quarter. For sale by ail
dealers Adv.
The Best Cough Medicine.
"I have used Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy ever since I have been keeping
bouso," saya L. C. Hsmes, of Msrbury.
Ala. "I consider II one of the best rein
ed iea I ever used. My children have all
taken It and II work like a charm. For
fold and hooping rough it Is excell
ent." F'or sale by all dealers. - Adv.
No. &W2. In Bankruptcy.
In the District Court of the Colled
State for the Western District of Penn
sylvania, tieorire Riley Johnson, or For
est County, Pennsylvania, a Bankrupt
under tbe Act of Congress of July I,
1HHH, having applied for a lull discbarge
from all debts provable against bis estaie
under said Act, notice Is hereby given
to all known creditors and other perwon
In Interest, to appear before the said
Court at Pittsburgh, In said District, on
the Hlh day of April, 11113. al It) o'clock In
the forenoon, to show cause, If any they
have, why lite praver of the said peti
tioner should not be uraiited.
W li.l.MM T I.imiskv. Clerk,
Ilftoliilloii Xolice.
Notice is hereby given that the co-partnership
of John Coleman, John F. Mn
Cormick, T. R. Ilsrter ami Harry II.
Waison, doing business under the linn
name of Coleman, Wslson t Co. In I u ill
berlng operations In Forest County, Pen n
ilvanl, Is Ibis tlsy dissolved by mutual
avreeinent between the parties roiuprl
log tbe said firm ol Coleman, Watson A
Co. All debla, claims and amounts thst
are due or may become due lo the said
Drm ol Coleman, Wstson (f Co. shall be
paid to John Coleman, John F Mi'Cor
mlck and T. R llsner, and all del. is and
obligation of the said llrm of Coleman,
Wstson .t Co. shall be paid by said John
Coleman, John F. Met 'ormick and T. R.
John Coi.kuan, skal
Joint K. Mt'CoK.MICK jsKAI.j
Hahrt II Waison, sKAL
February 111 h, 1IM3
Premium Coupon
Forest Republican Readers
Cut It Out Tod.iy
This coupon and 1(1 cents will bring
to you post psid a handsome sliver
plated Tea Spoon, of the Rosalie pat
tern. French gray handle with heavy
embossed ro-e design on Iroot and
hack. Six ol the-e coupons will ap
pear and RkI'UULR'AN renders are
urged to clip them out and send 10
cents with each one to tha address be
low and thus secure a lull set of these
beautiful spoons. They will wear a
life time without losing their lustre
The tlrst spoon will please lo the fx
ten, that yon will want the nihera.
You can save them and send all six
at once or one at a time, but remem
ber, one coupon and ten cents re
quired for eaun spooi. desired.
Bcrlniig Novelty Co.. Ltd.
J. P. LN(il)0S, Mgr.
Warren, Pa.
Ilaster Seashore Trip
Atlantic City
Cape May
Wildwood, Ocean City
Sea Isle City, Holly Beach
Friday, March 21, 1913
Tickets good going on regular trains
Mr.rch 21 and good returning until
April i.
returning on deposit of ticket.
Full particulars of Ticket Agents, or B. P.
Fraser, D. P. A., 307 Main St.,
Pennsylvania R.R.
Are valuable to you. See that you save them.
(Formerly of Philadelphia.)
t 205 CENTER ST.,
Petroleum Phone at
New Castle Portland Cement Co.
Manufacturers .
' y ' i
Pulverized Raw Limestone, Pulverized Burnt Lime and Burnt Lump Lime for
Agricultural use.
Pamphlets giving full instructions for using Portland Cement on the farm, and
Lime as a Fertilizer, etc., for worn-out and unproductive farm lands, free on appli
cation. New Castle Portland Cement Co.
Our inventory dis-
g closed a large number
of short . lengths of
j Dress Goods, Percales,
Uutings, ana otner
We have marked
each piece showing the
length, and a price
that should move them
X quickly.
See the Government Buildings
Annual Spring Excursions
March 21 and April IS, 1913
Tickets good returning within fifteen
days including date of excursion.
Stop-Over at Baltimore and Philadelphia
returning on deposit ot tickets.
Full information of Ticket Agents, or
B. P. FRASER, District Passenger Agent,
307 Main Street, Ellicott Square, Buffalo.
Pennsylvania R.R.
Fred. (Jrcttenberger
All work pertaining to Machinery, En
fines, Oil Well Tools, Uaa or Water Kit
tiiiKsand General Hlacksmltbln prompt
ly done at l.ow Kates. Repairing Mil)
Machinery given special attention, and
satisfaction guaranteed.
Shop In rear of and lust west of the
'haw House, Tidioute, Pa.
Your patronage solicited.
March 1, 2 and 3, 1913
' , Tickets sold from stations beyond 260
miles from Washington on above dates,
good returning until March 8, inclusive.
Pennsylvania R.R.
Chamberlain's "rhSlTkniHy.
Never tails. Kuy it uow. It may aave life.
Office and Residence.
You hear them say that "So and So" gave "What's His
Name" his first start by taking him into partnership. No !
The MONEY HE HAD IN THE BANK gave him his first
start. "So and So" needed him and could use him and his
money in the business. Besides, the boy who is putting
money in the bank can be trusted. Rich men are hunting
for them.
Do your banking with us. A "nOT PDnf
We pay liberal interest consistent with safety, Tt JC1 1CLLU.
Forest County NaLtionoJ Bank,
tio.i:nt., r.4.
Specifications of 1913 "Buicks."
nii:i, ai.M
Wheel base 105 inches, 32x3 1-2 tires, 28 horse power. Nickle finish, fully
equipped. Prices:
Roadster $960. Touring Car $1,060.
UOIKL 30."
Wheel base 108 inches, 34x4 tires, 32 horse power. Gas, oil and electric lights.
Nickle finish. Fully equipped, including self-starter. Prices:
Roadster $1,126. Touring Car $1,285
Wheel base 115 inches, tires 33-4, quick detachable, on demountable rims, 40
horse power. Nickle finish, electric lighting with generator, self-starter.
Price fully equipped $1,660.
Deliveries start August 1. The six-cylinder model will be announced later.
Deliveries will not start on this model until January.
When Better Automobiles are Built, Buick will Build Them.
Ralph A. Cook, Tionesta.
He Likes the Parcel Post. How About You ?.
4 i " ' y :
t .....i
v . ...
Buy Here We Deliver by Parcel Post
Orders by mail or telephone will
be given special attention, and will
be delivered by return Parcel Post
Kepler Block, Tionesta, Pa.
At the
Racket Store
Graniteware, Tinware,
Glassware, Chinaware,
Stationery, Hosiery,
Wall Paper, Window Shades
Elm Street,
Tionesta, Pa.
J. L. Hcplcr
Fine carriages for all occasions,
wilb 6 rat class equipment. We can
fit you out at any time for either a
pleasure or business trip, and always
at reasonable rates Prompt service
and courteous trentmeut.
Corai aud see us.
Hear of Hotel Weaver '
Telephone Wo. iiO.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ,
Cuie Colds. Cionp and Whooping Coi.jh. '
I "A.