The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, February 26, 1913, Image 1

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One Square, one incb, one week... 1 00
One Square, one Incb, one month.. 3 00
One Square, one inch, 3 months.... 6 00
One Square, one inch, one year ..... 10 00
Two Squares, one year 16 00
Quarter Column, one year 80 00
Half Column, one year 60 00
One Column, one year 100 00
Legal advertisements ten cents per line
each Insertion.
We do fine Job Printing of every de
scription at reasonable rates, but It's cash
on delivery.
Published every Wednesday by
Office in Bmearbaugh & Went Building,
Tern, 1.00 A Yaar, Mrlelly laUiueh
Entered as second-clsss matter at the
post-oflloe at Tlonesla.
Mo aubaarlptlon received for sborfr
period than three months.
Correspondence solicited, but no notloe
will be taken of anonymoua ooramunloa
. Hons. Always give your name.
$1.00 PER ANNUM.
Burgess. J. 0. Dunn.
Justices of the react G. A. Randall, D.
W. Clark.
Ouuncumen.J. W, tandem, J. T. Dale,
O, R. Knhlimon, Win. 8inearbaugh,
It. J. Hopkins, O. K. Watson, A. B.
Constable 1i. L. Zuver.
Collector W. II. Umd.
(hoot Direclms W. C. Itnel, J. K.
Clark, 8. M. Henry, Q Jainiesoo, D, H.
Member of Congress P. M. Spoer.
Member of denote 1. It. P. Hall.
Assembly A. R. Mechllng.
Pritiitent Judge W. D. Hinckley.
Associate Judge Samuel Aul, Joseph
M. Morgan.
Prothonotary, Register & Recorder, te,
-S. K. Maxwell.
Hheriff Win. H. Hood.
Treasurer W. H.
Commissioner! Wm. H. Harrison, J.
C. Hoowden, H. H. McClellan.
District Attorney M. A. CaTlnger.
jury Commissioners J. B. Eden, A.M.
' Moore.
Coroner Dr. M. O Kerr.
County Auditors -Gnome H. Warden,
A. C. Gregg and H. V. Shields.
County Surveyor Roy 8. Braden.
County Superintendent J. O. Carson.
KeanUr Terns ml Ceart.
Fourth Monday of February.
Third Monday of May.
Fourth Monday of September.
Third Monday of November.
Regular Meetings of County Commis
sioners 1st and 3d Tuesdays of month.
Chare a4 Makknlh Hofeaal.
Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:46 a.
m. t M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m.
Preaching In M. E. Church every Sab
bath evening by Rev. W. H. Burton.
Preaching in the F. M. Church every
Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Rev.
O. A. Uarrett, Pastor.
Preaching in the Presbvterlan church
every Sabbath at U:U0 a. in. aud 7:30 p.
m. Rev. H. A. Bailey, Paxtor.
The regular meetings of the W. C. T.
U. are beld at the headquarters on the
second and fourth Tuesdays of each
m 'nth.
TI' . N ESTA LODU E, No. 869, 1. 0. 0. F.
M sets every Tuesday evening, In Odd
Fellows' Hall, Partridge building.
U. A. K. Meets 1st Tuesday after
noon of each month at 3 o'clock.
137, W. R. C, meets first and third
Wednesday evening of each month.
Tionesta, Pa.
Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law.
OtBee over Forest County National
Bank Bulldiug, TIONESTA, PA.
Warren, Pa.
Practice in Forest Co.
Office In Arner Building, Cor. Elm
and Bridge Sts., Tionesta. Pa.
Rooms over Citizen Nat. Rank,
Physiclau it Surgeon,
Eyes Tented and Glares Fitted.
Physician and Surgeon,
of Oil City, Pa., will visit Tionesta every
Wednesday. See him at the Central
House. Setting bones and treatment of
nervous aud cbronlo diseases a specialty.
GreateHt success In all kinds of chronic
J. B. PIERCE, Proprietor.
Modern and up lo-date in all Its ap
pointments. Every convenience and
comfort provided for the traveling public
R. A. FULTON, Proprietor.
Tionseta, Pa. This is the most centrally
located hotel In the place, and has all the
modern Improvements. . No pains will
be spared to make It a pleasant stopping
place for the traveling public.
Shop over R. L. Haslet'a grocery store
on Elm street. Is prepared to do all
Kinds of oustoin work from the finest to
the ooarsest and guarantees his work to
give perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten
tion given to mending, and prices rea
sonable. JAMES HASLET,
Furniture Dealer,
No odor No soot
FREE 320 pass book about oil
Pittsburgh, Pa.
IIIIANK IMI.I.M, f, lift
years known M Best. Safari, A Iwayi
I Only the best lamp H
I oil can give you the H
I bright, clear flame M,
I you should have. I
II Family L
IJ Favorite Oil
4( I vJi hl-rhM-tri-'l lllanond TlnrndpW
AMiyCj?! I'lll. la Kid nd Uold incttlllcV
CV J, tealH with Hluo Ril-bon.
4m Stefc VvS Tlta no vthrr. Buy or jour
II - nf Urunl.1. A.kfor lll. IIKK.TRRS
. . a .1 1 ..a T ... .1111. JIMI..I.I .V
I C J DIAli.
Tragic Climax to Series ol
Events ia Mexico Ci!y
Government Disclaims All Responsl.
bllity For Deaths of Deposed Presi
dent and Vic President in Capital.
Francisco I. Madero and Pino
Snares, the deposed president and
vice president of Mexico, were shot
to deatli while, a guard of rurales was
taking them from the national palace
to the penitentiary in Mexico City.
General Huerta, the provisional
president, and Franclsro De La Harra;
the premier, have disavowed the kill
ing and have informed the United
States government that Madero and
Suarez were killed by the bullets ol
their own friends in an attempt to
rescue them. They say that the gov
ernment profoundly deplores the oc
currence and will track down and
punish the murderers.
The American ambassador believes
the government had no hand In the
assassinations and accepts the state
ment as accurate and sincere.
There are the ugliest rumors to the
contrary. Many of the people believe
that Madero and Suarez were victims
of the ley de fuga and that the gov
ernment employed a trick frequently
used by Porlirlo Diaz when he desired
to rid himself of people dangerous
to the welfare of the republic. -
The widow of Madero obtained pos
session of his body only after Am
bassador Wilson had Interceded for
her. Nearly prostrated from the
frightful news that had come to her,
she pleaded pitifully for hours for
permission to see the body. The gov
ernment refused. Mr. Wilson called
upon De 1 Barra and persuaded him
to grant Senora Madero's request.
Later General Blanquet delivered the
body to the senora's brother.
In contrast to the widow, whose
grief was of a pitiably silent char
acter, expressed In sobs, Mercedes Ma
dero, a beautiful young woman, edu
cated in Paris, who has been a bril
liant leader of society since the revo
lution of 1910, waB dry eyed and tiger
ish in her emotions. By the side of
the two women whose husbands had
been killed the girl hurled accusations
at the officers who barred the en
trance. "Cowards!" "Assassins!" she called
thera, her voice pitched high. The of
licers stared impassively.
"You! the men who fired on a de
fenseless man! You and your superior
officers sre traitors!"
- No effort was made to remove the
women, nor did the officers attempt
to silence them. Senora Madero con
tinued weeping and the girl did not
cease her-hysterical tirade until the
arrival of the Spanish minister and the
Japanese charge, who came 3ppffer
their services. . ' ''
The government had planned to
accord the body of the ex-president
full military honors on account of Ma
dero's former high rank. A brigade
commanded by General Gaus was
drawn up at the pen. The plan was
finally abandoned as inexpedient.
The city Is quiet today under the
Iron rule of Huerta. The people have
dared not express openly what thou
sands are whispering. The soldiers
of Huerta and Diaz crowd the streets
and the government has announced
that It will brook no opposition. Some
accept as truthful the government's
explanation. Many insist, however,
that thekilling was ordered by. the au
thorities. The ex-president and ex-vice presi
dent were riddled with bullets while
they were being driven in an auto
through the Calle Le Cumberrl In the
Colonia De La Bolsa not far from the
penitentiary, their destination. The
Colonia is the White Chapel district
of the capital. Late at night it Is
poorly lighted and lonely save for the
presence of policemen and unfortu
nates. According to the official statement
made by the government Major Carde.
nas and a force of two officers, an
orderly and Beven rurales were at
tacked In the Calle le Cumberrl by five
armed men who shouted "Viva Ma
dero!" and Instantly discharged their
rifles and pistols at the auto. Simul
taneously aLout thirty men ran from
side streets and fired volleys, killing
Suarez and Madero.
One of the attacking party was
killed, several were wounded and a
(ew arrested by Cardenas and hi?
When the guard left the palace with
the prisoners there were no signs of
disorder or the presence of rebels. It
was a brUht night. The moon fur
nished a clear light. When they ar
rived within a short distance of the
ion five men leaped from an alley and
began shooting at the guards in the
leading auto. Major Cardenas drew
his revolver and discharged It at the
attacking party. The rurales opened
fire wltji their carbines.
Almost at once the attackers were
reinforced by , perhaps thirty armed
men who came running from slue
streets and nil firing upon 'the twe
The prisoners were killed almost at
the outset of .the fight. The govern
inent's statement sas the Maderistaf
delivered a heavy flr upon the cat
ia which, Madero arl uanez ware
rUing and that tb'e w as damaged
Ex-Ruler Bullet Riddled in
Effort to Escape
it. -"" "
by bullets. Each of the prisoners
was hit by many bullets.
After Cardenas hail taken the bodies
to the penitentiary he returned to the
palace and Informed President Huerta
as to wlu't hi;;peneJ. The presi
dent directed his chief of staff to send
for the cabinet ministers. The presi
dent and the cabinet conferred and
then the newspaper men were sum
moned to the palace. This was two
hours and a half after the murder.
It is whispered about the capital
that the execution of Madero and of
Suarez had been determined upon by
the Huerta government because of the
belief that the country could never be
pacified with Madero alive. Many peo
ple expect that the government will
punish Major Cardenas and his men
in order to express official disapproval
and to appease public dissatisfaction.
It is Insistently rumored that Ma
dero's guards had orders to shoot him
and Suarez before arriving at the
Assassinations Shock Washington.
Oflicial Washington was most deep
ly shocked to hear or the killing of
Francisco Madero aud Pino Suarez,
deposed president and vice president
of Mexico, in the streets in Mexico
The word came from President Taft,
however, that the slaying of Madero
aud Suarez, deplorable as the admin
istration regarded it, afforded no
basis for any change in the attitude
of the United States regarding the
Mexican situation.
Although the United States govern
ment had expressed to the Huerta
government in Mexico its earnest hope
that Madero would not be executed by
any summary or illegal process, this
expression of views was not made in
the form of a demand for the preserva
tion of Madero's life.
That the Mexican government will
be severely censured by public opin
ion in the United States for permitting
Madero to be killed while a prisoner,
even though Itself not in a plot for his
death, was predicted. Just as the ex
ecution of Gus,tYO,,Madero; alienated
from the new .Q4njtrienfc. in Mexico
much of the sympathy "which it had
enjoyed In Washington, so the kfTIIng
of Madero and Suarez, It is declared,
will lower Mexico even further in the
opinion of the United States.
It is recognized that it is no real
concern of the United States what
Mexico does with her public men and
that the killing of Madero does not
justify the adoption of any strong
measures by the United States, yet
on the other hand it Is believed his
death will do much to prepare public
opinion for Intervention In Mexican
affairs at some future time. '
National Officials Carry Case to
Higher Court
Following a notice of an appeal to
the circuit court of appeals the bond
ol President John II. Patterson of the
National Cash Register company of
Dayton, O., was fixed at $10,000. Bonds
of twenty-eight other officials were
set at $5,000 each.
Patterson was sentenced by Judge
Hollister in Cincinnati to serve one
year in the county Jail at Troy, O.,
nd to pay a fine of $3,000 for viola
tion of the Sherman anti trust law.
The other defendants, officials and em
ployes of the company, were given
Jail sentences varying from three
months to one year and were ordered
to pay the costs of the prosecution.
Fake "Drummer' at Work.
Scores of Sharon and Farrell (Pa.)
people are reported to have been
fleeced out of their money by a fake
liquor solicitor. Since Feb. 10 Mercer
county has been dry, as licenses ex
pired on 'that date. The police are
trying to locate the man who. it Is
said, received several hundred dollars.
He canvassed the homes, took orders
for liquors and collected the money,
but the goods were not delivered.
Castro Quits New York.
General Castro left New York sud
denly for Havana. He cays he'i
' comiag back in Marti.
Matteawan Superintendent Says
He Turned Down $20,000
. .1.,
'ti,. m.
Dr. Russell "Thinks' John Anhut Is
Name of Man Who Approached Him.
Startling Story Told at Inquiry.
A bribe of $20,000 to release Harry
K. Thaw from the Matteawan State
Hospital For the Insane was offered
to Dr. J. R. Russell, superintendent
of the Institution, last November ac
cording to his own testimony before
the Sulzer committee of Inquiry hold
ing hearings In Albany, N. Y.
This was the result of a charge that
W. F. Clark, a friend of Governor Sill
ier and secretary of the probe com
mittee, had tried to influence Dr. Rus
sell and Dr. James May, the president
of the state hospital commission, to
give Harry Thaw his freedom..
Thaw can only he released upon a
supreme court order or through a cer
tificate signed by Dr. Russell that he
lias recovered his mental balance. It
is this certificate of recovery which
Dr. Russell said an attempt was made
to bribe him to give.
Dr. Russell stated that In an up
town hotel the offer by a lawyer of
$20,000 to release Thaw was made. He
could not recall the name of the hotel.
The offer was made last November
after the last attempt to release Thaw
proved unsuccessful. Later he said
he "thought" the man who attempted
to bribe hlra was named John Anhut.
Asked how he had known this law
yer, Dr. Russell said he had met him
before at White Plains, where he sat
near Thaw during the hearing. He
asserted that he did not accept the
money from the lawyer.
Dr. James May, president of the
hospital commission, corroborated in
detail the testimony of Dr. Russell.
He said Secretary Clark had Informed
him that Governor Sulzer was desirous
of having Thaw discharged.
W. F. Clark vehemently denied the
assertions of Dr. Russell and pointed
out to the committee that he hud gone
to Matteawan in the capacity of a
newspaperman eager to get the facts
of the story of attempted bribery.
John H. Delaney, one of the mem
bers of the probe committee, and Mr.
Clark stated that a Jewish lawyer o!
New York had $2.1,000 to give Dr. Rus
sell and that $20,000 had been give?
to Dr. Russell on conditiou that Thaw
would be released before the end of
December last.
The story goes on that when Gover
nor Sulzer assumed office in January
Thaw had not been released and that
Dr. Russell returned $1 1,0(10 to the
Thaws through Detective Hoffman ol
Poughkeepsle, according to Mr. Clark.
Public Building Measure Too Big by
The omnibus public buildings bill,
passed by the house and carrying a
total of almost $26,000,000, was report
ed to the United States senate.
A total of $20,000,000 has been added
by the senate committee, making i'.n
appropriation bill of nearly $:!6.000,
000. Its ultimate fate is problematical,
although some house Democrats go so
far as to say that the measure will
never become a law.
While a few hold to the belief that
the conference of the two houses will
be able to reach an agreement the
majority expect It to fall and point out
that President Taft will veto it on the
grounds of extravagance.
Of the additions made by the sen
ate committee a total of $707,000 is
for the states of Pennsylvania, Ohio
and West Virginia, distributed as fol
lows: Postofflces at Ridgway. Pa., $80,000;
Phoenixville, Pa., $80,000; State Col
lege, Pa., $75,000; addition to the post
office at Corry, Pa., $:ir),000; building
at Ashland, O.. $100,000; Sandirky. O.,
$150,000; additions ar Dephos, O.,
$7,000; Martinsburg, W. Va., $20,000;
Hagerstown, Md., $;iO.0oo, and Hunt
ington, W. Va., $1.10,000.
West Virginia Republicans Get To
gether on Candidate.
Judge Nathan Goff, selected by the
Republican caucus as the party
nominee for United States senator,
was chosen by the Joint assembly of
)he West Virginia legislature on the
fifteenth ballot.
Judge Nathan Goff received the vote
of every Republican,, He will succeed
Clarence W. Watson, Democrat, for
the six-year term, beginning .March 4,
The final vote was: Nathan Goff, Re
publican, 60; C. W. Watson, Demo
crat, 43; J. M. Hamilton, Democrat,
1; R. W. Daily, Democrat, 1; John W.
Davis, Democrat, 1.
One more Indictment was returned
against a legislator by the special
grand Jury in the Intermediate court
of Kanawha county Investigating the
senatorial bribery charges. The Jury
then announced it had completed its
work and was dismissed.
The indictment was a misdemeanor
against Delegate Thomas J. Smith of
Doddridge county, alleged to have ac
cepted $100 from Guy B. Biddinger lo
vote for W. S. Edwards fcr Unitel
State's Bcnalof.
Victim of Accident Found in Snow
With Feet Cut Off.
Wa!Ulr.g erect at times on the bleed
ing and mangled stumps of his legs
and at other times cra .vllng around in
the snow, Adam Lyons, aged thirty
seven, of McGees .Mills, near Punxsu
tawney, Pa., endurel nine hours
of frightful suffering after being hit
by a freight train. Both of Lyons'
legs were cut off about three inches
above the ankles.
When found by a section crew
Lyons was standing erect on his
stumps, mumbling an incoherent plea
for help and for water to quench his
thirst. He was found more than 200
yards from the spot where he had
been struck by the train. According to
several members of the section crew
the injured man must have been
moving around all night, as the snow
was covered with trails of blood and
had been tramped down over a con
siderable area.
Rope' Breaks and Cars on Incline
Track Topple Over.
Seven men were killed and nine
others Injured seriously when a rope
holding a train of cars on an incline
at the Derry (Pa.) works of the Amer
ican Window Glass company parted
and the cars rolled off the track.
There were five cars In the train and
about forty men seated in the cars
when the train left the quarry to go to
the stone crusher, a mile and a half
distant. The cars are held by a rope.
The first car Jumped from the track
and was followed by the other cars
and their human freight. The train
ii.kI the men were piled In a mass. It
was .some time before aid could be
brought to the scene.
Big Damage Suits Against Pennsy.
Damages aggregating $120,000 are
asked from the Pennsylvania Railroad
company In a number of suits In tres
pass tiled in common pleas court in
Pittsburg In behalf of relatives of per
sons who were killed when a train
struck an automobile at the Wood
street crossing in Wilklnsburg, Oct.
3, 1912.
Asks $25,000 For Death of Husband,
Mrs. Mary Eliza Robinson of For
ward township, Allegheny county, Pa.,
filed a suit against the Pennsylvania
iRailroad company in the courts in
Washington, Pa., asking for $25,000
damages for the death of her husband,
who was killed by a train on Sept. 2,
Roams With Smallpox.
"Doc, I got a peculiar rash," said
Philip Lingenfelter of South Luke'
mont, as he walked into a doctor's of
fice in Altoona, Pa. One look and the
doctor reached for the telephone and
notified the health authorities. Lin
genfelter was suffering from smallpox.
lie was quickly quarantined.
Novel Reason For Attack.
"I hit him because he is a Republi
can aud I am a Socialist," was the re
ply of George Buzzard, Jr., in court nt
Greensburg, Pa., when he was asked
by Justice Truxal why he had attacked
O. P. Seigfried. a Civil war veteran.
Buzzard was arrested in his home In
Arona and sent to jail.
Garment Workers on Strike,
Tbs- garment workers of Philadel
phia are on strike. It Is claimed that
at least 12,000 workers are out and
the officials of the union said that the
entire industry in the city will be tied
up this week. The strikers demand
a uniform work week of fifty hours
and more money.
Seven Children Burned In Home.
Seven children, ranging in age from
one to twelve years, were burned to
death when the home of their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. George Smith, at Eben
ezer, near Harrisburg, Pa., was de
stroyed by fire. The parents were ab
sent from home at the time.
"Stuck" on Mary Garden.
Helen Newby, the nineteen-year-old
daughter of John Newby, one of the
wealthiest Iron masters of Pennsyl
vania, killed herself on the country
estate of her father near Hectors
Mills, Pa., because of a mad infatu
ation for Miss Mary Garden.
New 40-Barrel Oil Well.
A forty-barrel oil well has been
drilled by the Myers Oil company on
the Burgan farm, near Canonsburg,
Pa., and another well on the same
lease was brought in recently and is
pumping fifteen barrels a day.
Girls Jailed For Giggling.
Miss Rose Beatty, aged seventeen,
and Mrs. Florence Aspline, nineteen,
entered on twenty days' Imprison
ment In the enmity Jail for disturbing
religious meetings in the Church of
Christ at Washington. Pa.
Woman's Burns Are Fatal.
Mrs. Margaret Sible, aged sixty-nine,
of Pittsburg, died from burns sus
tained when an open-grate fire In
her bedroom set her night clothes In
flames. Her husband was badly burned
in extinguishing the flrp.
Lid Accidentally Kills Self.
Perry Hook, aged eight, son of Wil
liam Hook of Lewlstown, Pa., while
playing with a revolver he took from
a drawer and loaded, shot himself ac
cidentally through the head. He was
killed Instantly.
Measles Closes Schools.
The Heaver (Pa.) schools were all
closed for a period of two weeks be
cause of the epidemic of measlet
throushout this vUivKy. There sri
more than 150 cases.
Affirmatively Reported to House
by Committee
Prohibition Amendment to Constitution
Recommended by House Law and
Order Committee Other Business.
The Matt bill, to provide pensions
for soldiers, sailors and marines serv.
ing In the Civil war was reported af
firmatively by the house pensions and
gratuities committee. The measure
carries an appropriation of $1,900,000
and the proposed law would go Into
effect on the first of next January. The
first payment would be on the follow
ing April 1.
The pensioners would have to be
honorably discharged soldiers, who
lived in the state at the beginning of
the war and had been residents of
Pennsylvania at leapt one year before
applying for a pension. Those who
served for one year or less would re
ceive $." a month; more than one year
and not more than two years, $6 a
month, and those over two years, $7 a
; The law and order committee of the
house reported the Steele prohibitory
amendment with an affirmative recom
mendation. The club license bills have been re
ferred to a subcommittee of the law
and order body with instruction to
draft a measure. There are three local
optionists on the committee.
. The law and order committee nega
tively reported the Letzkus and Wilt-
bank Sunday baseball bills and the
Dunn measure preventing wholesale
liquor dealers from selling in less than
gallon packages.
The Stein bill, to prevent the state
constabulary from serving during labor
troubles, was referred to a subcom
mittee and the Humes anti-treating
measure was indefinitely postponed.
Representative Ulerich, Westmore
land, whose antl-liqi'or peddling bill
was defeated and then promptly kept
out of the present session when a
motion to reconsider the vote was
voted down, Introduced a new anti-
peddling bill. The new bill would pro
hibit any brewer or distiller from
soliciting orders and provides that the
license of any violator should be re
Pennsylvania's floral emblem will be
the daisy if the legislature enacts the
bill offered by Representative H. C.
Jackson of Wayne. The Keystone
Rtstn Is one of eight. American com
monwealths without a siate flower.- Mr.
Jackson would have June 14 of each
year known as Daisy day.
The senate got through with con
siderable business. Among bills final
ly passed were:
Extending the time for tile report
of tiie building construction commis
sion. Relating to the testimony In pro
ceedings for the condemnation of
roads by the state.
Among bills reported favorably from
committees were:
Prohibiting the depositing of refuse
on highways.
Requiring a written demand for a
jury trial in certain actions.
Relating to contracts made by town
ship commissioners.
Authorizing the state highway de
partment to take over public roads on
forestry reserves.
Providing for holding an annual
state fair.
House bill prohibiting the making
of false or misleading statements con
cerning merchandise.
Runner Catches Boy's Throat and
Strangles Him.
Ray Kenneth Hill, four-year-old son
of Mr. and Mrs. Iluber Hill, living
near Washington, Pa., was hanged
when caught between a sled runner
and a buggy wheel as be tried to climb
out of the buggy.
The sled bad been leaning against
the buggy, and the lad's efforts to get
out of the vehicle caused It to topple
toward him. The sled runner pinned
his neck firmly against the rim of the
wheel and left him suspended by the
nn'k with his feet, dangling a few feet
from the ground. When found by his
mother the boy was unconscious, al
though still breathing. Every effort to
resuscitale him was unavailing.
Beaver (Pa.) Grand Jury May Indict
At a secret hearing held by the
district attorney In Beaver, Ta.,
foreigners and negroes arrested in a
recent raid In Midland arc alleged to
have made confessions which charge
certain borouch officials with graft.
According to information which
leaked out those arrested told the dis
trict attorney they had been paying
tribute to certain officials in Midland
60 that hy could operate their
places and have police protection.
Four Hurt During Blare.
' Four -persons were injured in a fire
which caused $20,000 damage to the
McKim hotel, Hast Pittsburg, Pa. The
fire burned for nearly three hours.
Shortly after it startnd an explosion
of fas tic- out 0119 s'. !3 of tie bu'.M
Pictures Taken During the
Fighting in Mexico City
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Photos S by American Press Association.
Sharpshooter in General Diaz's serv
ice. Men seen In action on roof of
arsenal, Dh'.z's strongiiu'J. picking off
federals in the streets below.
Dun's Review Finds, However, That
Business Distribution Is Liberal.
Dun's Review of Trade says this
"In volume of distribution business
continues on a very liberal scale, al
though the spirit of conservatism
which has characterized the situation
for so long a time still continues.
While there Is a notable absence of
speculative activity, the principal
trades and Industries show a steady
expansion as compared with the cor
responding period a year ago, although
in certain lines, and especially in
some localities, there has been lately
some slowing down in the business
"The heavy railroad purchases of
equipment continue to constitute the
chief feature of the iron and steel In
Government's Charge Against Mc
Caskey Register Company.
Charges of violations of tho Sher
man Hiiti-trust law are leveled at the
Mi'C'askey Register company of Al
liance. ()., in a civil suit filed In Cleve
land by order of Attorney General
W Ickershani.
A campaign of "tierce and unfair
competition" has been planned or con
sented to by olllcers of the company,
the government alleges. A force or
special men, sometimes called the
"Hying squadron," or "knockout men,"
was employed, it is declared, to im
part to salesmen and agents instruc
tions to destroy the business of com
petitors and to Interfere with tho
negotiations of customers of their con
tracts of sale with competitors.
Government's Attempt to Prosecute
. Trust Ends in Failure.
The United States court In Phila
delphia has dismissed the suit of
the government against the Phila
delphia and Reading Railroad com
pany, In which it was charged that the
company was violating the "com
modities clnuse" of tho railway rato
law. Tho government asserted that
the railroad company was violating
that section of the law which forbids
i lino from transporting commodities
n which the company had an interest.
I'ho government sought an Injunction.
The action of the court ends the
government's effort to break up the
so-called coal trust.
Girl Burned to Death.
In a lire which destroyed the home
of David Ritchie In t'onnellsville, Ta.. Ritchie, a daughter, twenty
three years old, was trapped In her
loom and hurned to death. Several
members of the family had narrow es
nutterPrints, HS'if "''; tubs, 38ij)
:SX. Kggs Selected. 2lVii'22. Poul
try liens, live, Voli 17.
C;.:tle Choice, $ S ..'.ii'fi S.S,". ; prime.
$S 1018 !; good, $7 7.Vd8; tidy butch
erf. $7.30; fair, $ti'Tt!.73; common, $5
(36; common to good fat bulls, $4 SO
ft'; roniuion to good fat cows, t'S j0
(5 6.51; heifers. $1.2557.75; fresh
coivs and springers, $ jOS'i 73. Sheep
and Lambs Prime wethers, $6.30(J
6.73; gnod mixed. $6fl6 10; falrmlxed.
13. 23 5. SO; culls and common, $3ift4;
lambs, $0''iS.i3; veal calves. $10.50Q)
11; heavy and thin calves, $7(ff8.
Hogs Prime heavy hogs, $S.90(fi9;
heavy Yorkers, mediums, light York
ers an J vfe". I'-'.OT.fti'UO; rnig'js.
$7,303 S; Etas, $u.30'ti7.
j ii f
ft '