RATES OF APVERTISINCi One Square, one inch, one week...$ 1 00 One Square, one inch, one month.. 3 00 One Square, one inch, 3 months..- 5 00 One Square, one inch, one year 10 0 0 Two Squares, one year 15 00 Quarter Column, one year 80 00 Half Column, one year - 60 00 One Column, one year JP0 00 Legal advertisements ten cents per line each Insertion. , We do fine Job Printing of every de scription at reasonable rates, but it's cash on delivery. v THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. Published every Wednesday by J. E. WENK. Offioe in Smearbaugh & Wenk Building, KLM BTRKKT, TIONKMTA, PV. Pore PUBLICAN Tern CI. 00 A Year, Htrlctly la Advaam. Entered an seooiid-olasa matter at the post-office at Tiouesla. No subscription received for a shorter period than three months. Correspondence solicited, but no notice will be taken of anonymous oonimunlca llona. Always give your name. VOL. XLV. NO. 52. TIONESTA, PA., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1913. $1.00 PER ANNUM. BOROUGH OFFICERS. Burgess. J. 0. Dunn. Justices of the JVuce C. A. Randall, D. W Clark. Qtunatnien. J.W. Landers, J. T. Palp, O. B. KohliiHon. Win. Suiearbaugli, It. J. Hopkins, O. K. Watson, A. B. Kelly. OonsUMe L. L. Znver. Collector W. H. Hood. &:Aoo IhrectmB W. C. Imel, J. K. Clark, 8. M. Henry, Q Jainieson, D. H. Blum. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Member of Congress P. M.Hpeer. Member of tfenaleJ. IC. P. Uall. AtsemblyK. R. Mechlins. President Judge Vi. D. Hinckley. Assocxate Judge-Hmaue Aul, Joseph M. Morgan. rrotlxtmotary , Register A Recorder, re. -H. R. Maxwell. tSheritr Win. H. Hood. Treasurer W. H. Bra.fle. Commissioners -Win H. Harrison, J. C. Hoowden. II. H. MnOlellan. District Attorney l. A. OarrlngHr. Jury Commissioners J. B. Eden, A.M. Moore. Ooroner Dr. M. C Kerr. County Auditors -Ueorge H. Warden, A. C. Gregg and H. V. Shields. County IturveyorKny 8. Braden. County Huperintendent J. O. Carson. Kecular Term mt !awrl. Fourth Monday of February. Third Monday of May. Fourth Monday of Hnptember. Third Monday of November. Regular Meetings of County Commis sioners 1st and 3d Tuesdays of month. Church aad Mabbata Hrhaal. Presbyterian Sabbath School at9:45 a. m. : M. K. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. in. Preaching in M. E. Church every Sab bath evening by Kev. W.N. Burton. Preaching in the F. M. Church every Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Kev. U. A. Uarrett, Pmtlor. Preaching in the Presbyterian church every Sabbath at 11:00 a. in. and 7:30 p ii. Rev. H. A. Bailey, Pallor. The regular meetings of the W. C. T. U. are held at the headquarters on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each in 'nth. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ' PI' N EST A LODUK, No. 369, 1. 0. 0. F. 1 Meets every Tuesday evening, in Odd Fellows Hall, Partridge building. CAPT. GEORGK STOW POST. No. 274 U. A. R. Meets 1st Tuesday after noon of eai-h mouth at 3 o'clock. CAPT. GEORGE STOW CORPS, No. 137, W. R. C, meets first and third Wednesday evening of each mouth. F. RITCI1EY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Tionesta, Pa MA. CARRINGER, . Atinrnnv and Counsellor-at-Law, Office- over Forest County National Bank Building, TIONKSI'A, fA 1URTIS M. 8HAWKEY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Warren, Pa Practice in Forest Co. AO BROWN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW OtHeein Arner Hiiildinu. Cor. Elm and Bridge Sts., Tioneata, Pa. FRANK 8. HUNTER, D. D. S Rooms over OilizeiH Nat. Bank. I ION EST A, PA DR. F.J. BOVARD, PhvHiclan it Nurirnon. TIONESTA, PA. Eyes Tested and Glasses Kitted. D R J. B. 8IOOINS. Physician and Surgeon, OIL CITY, PA DR. M. W KASTON, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, of Oil City, Pa., will visit Tionesta every Wednesday. Se lilin at the Central House. Selling bones anil treatment nl nervous and curonlo diseases a specialty. Greatest success in all kluds of chrouic diseases. HOTEL WEAVER. J. B. PIERCE. Proprietor Modern and up to dale in all its ap pointments. Every convenience and oomlort provided for tne traveling pu ti no CENTRAL HOUSE, R. A. FULTON. Proprietor Tlonseta. Pa. This is the most central I) located hotel in the place, and has all the modern Improvements. INo pains win be spared to make it a pleasant stopping place lor tne traveling puiuio. pHIL. EMERT FANCY BOOT A SHOEMAKER Shop over R. L. Haslet's grocery ktore on Elm street, is prepared do an Kinds of custom work from the finest to the coarsest and guarantees his work to give pertmt satisfaction. Prompt alien lion given to mending, and prices rea sonable. JAMES HASLET, GENERAL MERCHANT Furniture Dealer, AND UNDERTAKER. TIOMENTA. PENN Next to Sunlight the nerer flickvrinff, bright lamp flame 1 from the best 1 riple-Kcf ined Pennsylvania Crude Oil Family Favorite Oil Your dealer ireU it in barrel, direct tromourrcfinenes.---1 J. FREE-320 page book-all about ol WAVERLY OIL WORKS CO. JP?i Pittsburgh, Pa. .'"'VSV. CautinM Lutiru-anlt CHICHESTER S PILLS fm uiriri I1AAHM ItllAM I'll f r Vi yesrs known as Ifcst, Safest, A Iwtys KeHal ! SOLD BY DRIQWSTS EYERYWhTRE radical Ak your I'ruaicut f'tr a hl-olu'i-tt'rV IHummitl Urn nd l'HU in ICi (I ni Hold niri.illicV tiont-s, scale! ilh Ulue Ril.Un. no wthcr. liny of your ItruirirUI. A f T II 1.111 1 k-TFR MEXICO CITY FIGHTRESUivicU Armistice Broken When Madero Seeks to Improve Position AMERICANS NOW IN SAFETY resident Taft In Pursuance of Wi Plan to Be Ready For Invasion Has Arranged For Transport Service. The truce between Madero and Diaz, the contestants for control in 'Mexico City ended by mutual consent several hours be.'ore the time originally agree upon. Machine guns on the roof of tho arsenal at once began sweeping Sail Juan Plaza sou 111 of the Alameda, where the federals had been taking positions for a renewal of the assaults on the rebel fortress. There was little heavy gun firing, but General Hnerta had placed Max ima on the roofs of the tallest build ings In the neighborhood of San Juan market and was attempting to get into closer range with the arsenal. Later there were sortle3 from the arsenal and Feliolstas and Maderistas fought with the bayonet in the narrow Bt reels between the market and the citadel. The hand-to-hand fighting was .uiioub on the west side of the Plaza de San Juan. The ancient church of San Josede LoHiiaturulej was subjected to the in cessant volleys from the rebel guns and was damaged. l he American residents are safer today than at any time since the re volt began. Although the end of the truce came sooner than expected there was sullirient time for the American lmbnssailor to remove hundreds of his countrymen from the center of the ity to the Coiouo Hemaua and the Juarez. The diplomatic corps have not lost hope of bringing about peace, but the difficulties are admittedly enormous. Diaz insists that he will not cease firing on the palace until Madero and the government resign and until he lias received absolute guarantees that the Madero Influence is at an end. i he president, contemptuous of the action, hold. fast to his office support ed by General lluerta. The truce was broken when General Diaz found that the federals were dig ging entrenchments and advancing heavy guns. The rebel commander immediately turned his Maxims upon the .Maderistas, holding that the presi dent had violated the armistice. Nearly 500 Americans have left the city for Puebla. Trains have been running toward the gulf and the frontier with fair regularity, but few people have entered the city. The capital was almost gay on Sun. day for the first time since the re volt began. The armistice encouraged thousands back to the center of the ity. The shops were open, several of the larger markets received supplies rom the country and people were able to buy food and other necessaries. From dawn until afternoon the streets were crowded. There was feverish activity. Citizens staggered under burdens of food and clothing which they were removing to places of refuge. The well-to-do were able to obtain ca.'h from the banks and there was more money in circulation than had been seen In the city fop eight days. The greatest boon of all was the op. portunlty given to the Red and White Jross organizations and to volunteer sanitary organizations to remove such things as Imperilled health and were in a way to produce pestilence. For a week the sanitation has. bees indescribable. The forty acres of the Alameda were strewn with the bodies it hordes. The cavalry had used the ark for bivouacs and their position had drawn destructive shelling from .lie arsenal. In many of the principal streets bodies of soldiers and of citi zens had lain for days buried under wreckage of buildings. In San Juan de I.entran street twenty federals had been killed on Friday by the explosion of a shell In a warehouse, where the men were nunrtered. The volunteers, made up of Mexicans directed by Americans, Gpanish and German doctors, were able to remove many of these bodies and to lessen to some extent the peril of pestilence. Great heaps of garbage were burned In the streets and in the squares. Sani tation experts examined the water sup ply for the purpose of seeing if it had been contaminated. For seven days a city of 500,000 (iople had endured warfare which recognized none of the laws of cU'i llzed lighting. Six-inch field guns had dueled at a range of from four to twenty blocks, sweeping the finest streets of the city with their shells. Night and day the people were alarmed by the terrific roar of the can nonadlng and were driven from quarter to quarter as the zone of fight ing extended. All classes Buffered. Dozens of line residences were wrecked. Some of the most ornamental buildings of the capital will have to be rebuilt at enormous expense. A conservative estimate places the number of dead in the week's fighting at 1,000 and the number of wounded at more than l.iiOO. This Includes citizens and foreign residents as weU as soldiers. The Maderistas were by far the heaviest losers. Diaz 1oct croballv f.0 Ruined Part ot Mexico City; Destination of U, S. Ships i n a i n i 77 yuKzti a l n OA iuhk.il in r The tipper map shows location of the arsenal held by Diaz and his rebels and the American consulate, with the V. M. C. A. building, which was shot full of holes. The lower map shows Vera Cruz, Tamplco and other points where the United States battleships are due to arrive. killed and 200 wounded. The federal troops, because of their hopeless frontal attacks on the arsenal in the face of deadly machine gun Are, lost probably 600 killed and probably 1,000 in wounded. Army Transportation Arranged. Although at Uie siate and navy de partments the impression Is conveyed that the accounts of the fighting coming from the city of Mexico are wildly exaggerated, it became known that as early as last Thursday the government made overtures to the Southern Pacific company for the charter of two of the largest vessels of the Morgan line for the purpose of transporting troops from northern ports to gulf ports. At a meeting of the Southern Pacific directors in New Voik last Thursday the proposition made by the govern ment was discussed, and while it was not acted upon if the government wishes two vessels on a moment's notice as was requested, the vessels will be forthcoming. The government has offered the Southern Pacific $73,000 each for a month's charter of two of Its largest and most powerful vessels. The ves sels mentioned are the Comus and the Antilles, either of which would be capable of transporting about 2,200 troops on each trip and either vessel is capable of making the trip from New York to New Orleans In four days and to other gulf points in a little longer time, providing these points are nearer to the Mexican border. VETO FOR IMMIGRATION BILL Taft Cannot Accept Measure Because of Illiteracy Test Provision. President Taft vetoed the immigra tion bill, believing that the illiteracy test prescribed would not prove satis factory and would be objectionable. Senator Lodge, who has charge of the measure, announced that an effort would be made to pass It over the veto and there is a good chance of success. "I do this with great reluctance," said Taft. "The bill contains many valuable amendments to the present Immigration law which will insure greater certainty In excluding unde sirable Immigrants. But I cannot make up my mind to sign a bill which in Us chief provision violates a principle that ought In my opinion to be upheld in dealing with our immigration. I refer to the Illiteracy test." Allegheny Canal Bill Reported. Canalization of the Allegheny river from Lock No. 3 at Springdale, Pa., to Mahoning, sixty miles from Pitts burg, is given impetus by the action of the senate commerce committee, which reported the bill already passed by the house. As framed by the sea ate committee the measure carries a total of $4ti,572,9.18, which is $."i,700, 000 more than was appropriated by the house and $20,000,000 more than the appropriation of last year. BULGARS REPULSE TURKS two Attempted Sorties Result In Loss of 1,000 Men. Two attempted sorties by the be leaguered Turkish garrison of Adrlan ople last week were repulsed by the Ilulgariaus. . The Turks lost more than 1,000 killed and wounded, according to the official report of the Bulgarian war office. a Castro Given Liberty. Ex-Dictator Castro of Venezuela Is free to roam at will over the country. Judge Ward in N't Yorit sustained ' bis haticas corpus writ. 3 b t iflfZS; L LJ H -j 12 INDICTMENTS AREJjETURNED Six West Virginia Sotons Now Charged With Bribery INVESTIGATION WILL CONTINUE True Bills Quickly Handed Down by Grand Jury at Charleston Colone Edwards Not Among the Indicted Twelve indictments against six mem bers of the West Virginia legislature five brought under a felony statutt and seven charging misdemeanors, ir. connection with the votes taken on the election of a United States senator was the result of the first day's work of a special grand Jury convened lu the Kanawha intermediate court. In addition to Delegates U. S. G. Rhodes, II. R. ABbury, David K. Hill and Rath Ruff and Senator B. A. Smith, the five members of the legis lature who were arrested last Tues day on evidence secured by Burns operatives, another victim fell into the dragnet. He Is Delegate George S. Vanmeter of Grant county, Civil war veteran. Vanmeter was indicted under the misdemeanor statute and stands charged with accepting a bribe oi $2"i0. He is charged in the Indict ment with receiving the bribe rrom Guy Biddinger, the Burns operative, who was supposedly a confidential agent of William Seymour Edwards. No indictment was returned by the grand Jury against Colonel Edwar.is. the senatorial candidate, who was charged in a warrant upon complaint of Delegate F. S. G. Rhodes with the attempted bribery or Delegate John H. Smith. The latter was before the grand Jury and, after his testimony had been received an additional indict ment was issued against Delegate Rhodes, charging him with the at tempted bribery of the Tyler delegate with an offer of $2,000 for his vote. The six accused members of the legislature were arraigned in court before Judge Black, following the re turn of the Indictments and bond In the sum of $2,500 each was given. They must answer to the charges on April 28 at the next term of the in termediate court. Burns detectives are said to have worked up the case and a dictagraph, said to have been placed in Rhodes' room, played an important, part in trapping the accused legislators. Rhodes, the delegate who placed Isaac K. Mann in nomination, is said to have been the game for which the prosecutor played from the beginning, ami it was stated after the arrest that of the $22,000 paid out in marked money to the legislators he received $13,000. Duff, it is alleged, was given $2,000 and each of the others $1,000. "MOTHER" JONES ARRESTED With Several Others She Is Charged With Conspiracy. The arrest of "Mother" Jones', famous agitator; C. H. Boswell, editor or a Socialist paper; Paul J. Paulson of the International Organization of United Mlneworkers of America; Frank Partley, a Socialist leader, and others brought rapid sensational de velopments in the West Virginia coal strike situation. "Mother" Jones and her associates are charged with conspiracy and as accessories before the fact in the death -of Fred Bobbett, bookkeeper of the Paint Creek Colliery company in Mucklow. Four additional companies of militia were ordered to the strike district by Governor Glasscock. Two are from Parkersburg and one each from Mor gantown and Sutton. Six companies are now in the field. BATHTUB TRUST GUILTY Federal Jury Finds Combine in Crim inal Conspiracy. The so-called bathtub trust was found guilty of criminal conspiracy In restraint of trade by a jury in United States district court at Detroit. The act as charged Is a niisilemeanol and the penalty provides imprisonment not exceeding one year, or a fine of $3,000 or both. Last November the so-called trust was dissolved by the supreme court in a civil suit. The criminal case was a retrial, the first trial having result ed in a disagreement. The jury re quired four hours to reach a verdict. Fines ranging from a $1 to $10,000 Were imposed on the twenty-seven de fendants in the convicted bathtub com bine. Greek Fraternities Banned. By a vote or i;! to 10 the trustees of Wooster (O.) university voted to abolish Greek rraternities. Judge Frank Taggart of Wooster and Samuel G. McLure of Youngstown are report ed to have resigned because of the action taken. L. H. Severance, a rich Cleveland man, had refused to con tribute to an endowment fund unless the fraternities were abolished. Wilson Formally Declared Elected. With elaborate ceremony the senate and house in joint session canvassed the electoral votes of the various states of the Union and wflicially do clared Woodrow Wilson ot New Jer sey and Thomas H. Marshall of In diana elected president and vice pres ident of the United States fur the term beginning March 4. INSANE YOUTH SHOOTS TWO i Sunbury (Pa.) Lad Firea Upon Father and Chief of Police. C. K. Rosslter, a business man of Sunbury, Pa., and Chief of Police Kerstetter were bch shot and prob ably Injured fatall when they at tempted to remove Rossiter's six teen-year-old son from Ills I4me to an insane asylum. The boy hid in the garret. When bis father and the chief of police went up for him he opened fire with an old army musket. Rosslter was shot in the neck and Kerstetter received wounds in the head and stomach. Druggists Are Bunkoed. Westmoreland county (Pa.) druggist were bunkoed by a stranger represent ing himself as a deputy sheriff. The man, it is said, would caH on drug gists ami after exhibiting a badge would tell them be had Information they were selling liquor without a license. After a chat the deputy would agree not to make a charge in consideration of a cash payment. Checker Excitement Kills. Seth Wheeler, a patient in the North Warren (Pa.) State hospital, died as a result of excitement due to a game of checkers with another patient. Wheeler's men were in a tight position and he gave the game deep thought His opponent touched him and the body fell to the floor. Wheeler had been dead lor almost ten minutes before his opponent knew it. Eight Prizes For Best Corn. For the purpose or encouraging boys under twenty-one years of age to en gage in corn raising Dr. W. Frank Beck, Blair county (Pa.) representa tive or the Btate board ot agriculture announces the offer of eight prizes for the best exhibit for the year, four for dent corn and four for flint corn. The prizes range from $20 to $3. Deer Dies From Exposure. Despite the fact that it had been blanketed and carefuly nursed, a deer that employes of the Penn Central Light and Power company at Altoona, Pa., rescued from the Juniata river after it had broken through the ice while trying to escape from pursuing dogs, died from exposure. Oil City Man Has Freak Pig. A freak pig, which arrived in Oil City, Pa., addressed to W. E. Chelton, has been attracting considerable atten tion. It weighs 230 pounds, is nearly two years old, is pure white in color, perfect in condition and is possessed of six perfectly formed legs. Leghorn Hen Lays a Large Egg. Daniel Slagle of Templeton, Pa., sent his son-in-law A. M. Dilty, of Vandergrift, an egg which measures 6 9-16 inches in circuniTerence and 814 inches over the ends. It weighs ex actly four ounces. A Leghorn hen produced the egg. Money Gone; Shot Ends Life. Albert Brechtel, forty-seven years old, a rarmer of near York, Pa., after squandering, it is said, several thou sand dollars recently inherited from a relative, killed himself by sending two bullets from a rifle Into his head. Married in Mourning Gown. Believing that postponed marriages are unlucky Miss Sophia Crumb im mately after attending the funera -VlWL$tner in I1allvllIe' 1a- wal married to Frank R.. ilcArran stil wearing her mourning gown. Mimic Duel Leads to Death. Alexander Samik, aged twelve, oi Shoaf, Pa., died as the result of a blow in the right temple given, it Is alleged, by John Bankovich, twelve years old, with a pick handle In a quarrel over a game. Freight Wreck Costs Two Lives. Two were killed, one was seriously Injured and two others were slightly injured in a collision between two Pittsburg and Lake Erie freight trains near Layton, west of Connellsvllle, Pa. Caught by Death at Age of 105. Mrs. Judith Gompton, aged 10"., died at Braddock, Pa. Up until her death she had the record of being the oldest negro woman in Braddock if not in western Pennsylvania. Convicted For Slaying Policeman. Henry Vesber In Erie, Pa., was found guilty of murder In the sec ond degree for killing Detective Ser geant John T. Grant. Tho Jury was out. four hours. Fall Results Fatally. Mrs. Madeline Moritz, aged ninety, one of the oldest citizens of Mead ville, Pa., i: dead, the result of a fall several weeks ago in which she broke her hip. Bride Fifteen, Groom Seventeen. Janet Margaret Mitchell, aged fif teen, and Frank Rhodes, seventeen, both of Waynesburg, Pa., eloped to Cumberland, Mil., where they were married. Little Girl Burned to Death. Franco Cudlc, aged five, died In her home In Pittsburg from burns re ceived when her clothing caught fire while she was playing around a gas stove. Ninety Want License In Beaver. Ninety applications for liquor license were filed in Beaver county, Pa., this year, an Increase of ten over Ipst year. Levi Shoemaker Dies. Levi Shoemaker, aged 0l, of Berlin, Somerset enmity, Pa., Is "ead at his ROCKWELL BILL REPORTED OUT Other Liquor Measures to Rest Awhile in Committee DELAY FOR MOTHERS' PENSIONS Measure That Would Give State Aid For Vocational Education in Penn sylvania Introduced in the House. The house law and order committee reported affirmatively the Rockwell local option bill, indefinitely post poned the Walton measure on the same subject and delayed action for one week on the Steele prohibitory amendment. The action or the committee In re porting the Rockwell bill was unani mous, the liquor men considering it to be the part or wisdom to not oppose the bringing out of the measure. The Walton bill supporters say that It was W. F. Whitman of Venango who voted with the liquor men on this proposi tion. The Rockwell bill would allow boroughs and cities of 10,000 or more population to vote separately on the granting of liquor licenses, the smaller divisions of a county voting together. State aid for vocational education would be provided by bills introduced into the house by C. M. C. Campbell of Allegheny and Harry M. Showalter of Union. The measures are com panion pieces and were prepared In the department of public instruction. They are credited with having the sup port or the state board of education The Showalter bill directs the state board of education to investigate and aid in the introduction of industrial, agricultural and household arts educa lion and to initiate and superintend the establishment and maintenance o' schools and departments for vocation al education. These definitions are set out in the bill: "Vocational education means any education, the controlling purpose oi which is to fit for profitable employ ment. Industrial education means tc fit for the trades, crafts and manii facturing pursuits, Including the occu pations of girls and women carried on in workshops. Agricultural educa tion fits for the occupations connected with the tillage of the soil, the care ol domestic animals, forestry and other wage-earning or productive work or. the farm. Household arts education Is to fit for occupations connected with the household." The judiciary general committee of the house has reported out the Stein resolution, providing for a commission to Investigate the subject of mothers' pensions and report to the next legis lature. This action Indicates that nothing will foe done at this session in the way of mothers' pension laws. Frank Gray of Philadelphia hss put a bill In the house to limit the service of jurors in the common pleas and quarter sessions court to one week. When the lists were drawn the county commissioners would be requested to publish them in the newspaper In the county having the largest circulation. The Leslie resolution to Investigate the charges made against the Mor ganza reform school was defeated in the house. Under a bill by Representative Kern of Montgomery rabbits, squirrels and pheasants could not be killed or cap tured during the season except on Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays, lie also has a measure to make a closed season or five years on quail, begin ning on Nov. 1, 191.1. The old Quay county bill is back again, having been introduced by W. L. Adams of Luzerne. Under Its pro visions a new county would be carved out of lower Lirzerne and upper Schuylkill. Among bills finally passed in the house were: Bigger To prohibit the making or dissemination of false or misleading statements or assertions concerning any merchandise, securities or serv ices and providing penalties. Benson Joint resolution for ratifi cation of income tax amendment. Khrhardt Prohibiting frauds In ob. tainlng minors' certificates required in certain employments, and extend ing to truant officers the enforcement; also bill prohibiting and punishinic frauds where minors are employed In anthracite collieries. Allen-Repealing act of assembly for sale of bread by the pound. Among new bills introduced were: MrAlecr Regulating the custody of records of criminals during trial of cases. Scott. S. R. Amending penal code. Allen Repealing acts for prevent ing clandestine marriages. No Gouging at Inauguration. The Johnson bill to prohibit Wash ington hotels and boarding houses from raising their prices for the inaugma tion and extending the 'ame restr'.c Hons to cabs and taxioabs. with pen alty ot a fine of $100 for each viola tion, was favorably reported to the bouse. Ohio's Oldest Mason Celebrates. John C. Moore of Weston, 0., cele brated his ninety-first birthday. Mr. Moore is Ohio's oldest Mason. General Woodford Dies. General Stewart L. Woodford, ex United States minister o Bpilr., died in New Trk las', week. Mexican Revolt Pictures; in Center John Barrett ami. f. x i ivj.u - ti i.' is r -- - . . 1 1 l'hotiis (i by Anu iUan Tress Association Upper picture shows two types of guns used by the rebels and what the gunners look like. At the left in this picture is an up to date machine gun and at the right an old style muzzle louder. Bo. torn picture shows a street battle in Mexico. The man in the center is John Barrett, director of the Pail-American union, which is support ed by the twenty-one republics of North and South America and the Caribbean, who wrote to President Taft proposing a plan of mediation. PUT UNION JACK AT POLE Captain Scott's Diary Tells of Suc cessful Dash. The disaster which has overtaken Captain Robert F. Scott and four of his companions in the return Journey from tho south pole came as an utter surprise to London and cast a gloom over the community which has been unequalled inre tho death of King Kdward. Confirmation of earlier re ports was received in a message to the Royal Geographical society. Those to die with Scoit were: Dr. 10. A. Wilson, chief of the scientific staff; Captain L. K. G. Oats of the Innisklll ii:g dragoons. Lieutenant II. R. Bowers of the Royal Indian marine, the com missariat olllcer. nn d l'ctly Officer E. Evans of the British Royal navy. Captain Scott's party reached tho exact point where Roald Amundsen planted the Norwegian flag at the south pole. A Union Jack was set up. The first day at the pole, according to the diaries, was cloudy with the sun obscured. The next day was clear and the sun was visible. Sights were taken. Captain Scott used a four inch theodolite. This was different from the course of Captain Amundsen who used u sextant with an artificial horizon, but the location of the pole by tho Norwegian and English ex plorers differed by only hair a mile, and thus both of tlieni were practically at the same spot. These facts were recorded in the documents found on the bodies of the dead explorers. BUSINESS KEEPS STEADY Stirring Events of Week Have Had Little Effect Dun's Review. Dun's Review of Trade says this week: "Business maintains its position of steady, conservative expansion, as yet unaffected in any material respect by the stirring events happening or Im- 1 ding In many parts of the world. Although the renewed war In tho Bal kan peninsula continues to put a strain upon the international markets, it is noteworthy that the situation in Paris seems easier. "While the eastern railroads are threatened with a strike of firemen there Is still a prospect of amicable adjust ment by arbitration. Railroad purchases or equipment continue to be the leading feature of the iron and steel trade, which maintains its favor able, aspects." Turbulence In Japan. Residences of government officials in Japan are under constant guard be cause of the popular unrest now mani fest In that country. Farewell For "Uncle Joe." Attended by notables a farewell banquet was given retiring Congress man "liicle Joe" Cannon In Wash ington. PITTSBURG MARKETS. Butter Prints, :S!lf( .'!!' i : rubs, SSVj fi!!!). Eggs Selected, lMfl-". Poultry liens, live, IS. (Vile Choice, $$.."0-'if 8.85: prime, JCvlOUSiO; good. $7,755.1 S; tidy butch ers, $7.5U; lair, $t)(itl.7i; common, $5 ffrti; common to good fat bulls, $4 SO (fi7, common to good fat cows, $J.50 fiti.50; heifers, l.25'(t 7.75; fresh cows and spriimers. $50JT7j. Sheep and Lambs Prime wethers, $0.50 .75; good mixed, $i!ff0. 40; fair mixed, $ff.V:0: culls and common, $:'.l?4; lambs. $5.50 11 L. 25; veal calves, $10.50 roll; heavy and thin calves. $78. K;s Prime heavy hogs, $S.ti5; heavy mixed. $S.70; mediums, heavy York ers, li'i't Yorkers and l'igs, $8.7"; roughs, $7.50'5j 7.S5; Btas. $0.5037.