ONE WAY TO BUILD A ROAD. NOVEL EYEGLASSES. Centre Street tt We Give Special Attention to Mail Orders. The mail will bring you anything lrom the SMART & S1LBERBERG STORES. Sit down and write. The order will be filled promptly by competent persons. Remember we send any purchase over $ 1.00 by Parcel Tost PREPAID. This places you on the same economical footing enjoyed by our customers who live in town. Lowest Prices Now Rule in Blankettown. The housewife with an eye to economy can ' come to this store today, and lay in enough blankets to last her through the remaining winter months, and in many cases through several winters to come all at very emphatic savings. The choice is almost as satisfactory as it was last Septem ber, but the prices have shrunk to dimensions considerably less than formerly. One-Third Off on Imported Dress Goods Patterns. We have left a number of very handsome dress patterns, brim full ot style, yet conservative enough to promise more than one season of satisfactory wear. The. fabrics are diagonals; diagonal two-toned suitings; wide cords; whipcord serges; and wide-wale diagonal boucles. Among the colors are some of the season's latest shade combinations. The prices were from $12.50 to $17.50 a pattern. Select any now at off. $34.64 If all the money in circulation in the United States were divided equally, each - person would have the above amount. Most of our depositors have much more. Why not start an account Oil City Trust Company Oil City, Pa. HIS THOUGHT 22 Henson He said he could never for get his alma mater. I wonder what he meant? llenpeck His mother-in-law, 1 guess. Hospital Service for Dcgi. A special ambulance service has recently been started In London for wounded dogs. It la run In connection with the Animals' Hospital and Insti tute at Klnnerton street, Plmllco. .When a dog la run over In the street or Injured In any way, the hospital may be 'phoned and a motor ambu lance Is Immediately despatched. A qualified attendant always accom jpanles the ambulance. Must Do Without Almanac. It looks as if the Chinese public In the south will be In a fix this year for the want of the usual almanac, which is an indispensable requisite in every household In order to distinguish be tween lucky and unlucky days and the like. The little kobos are sold by the hundreds of thousands and the trade got them ready as usual. To meet the situation new covers were put on with the new dates, while the inside remained the same as if there had '"en no change. The sale of these Is sti'ictly interdicted and nothing hat bt-en provided to take their place. l'ekln Dally News. Elm, Oil City, Pt. REAL STAGE TRAGEDY Manager You think you could play "Hamlet!" Go to Tragedian (hissing) S'death! You sordid managers do but envy me fame, Then, forsooih, swalllng me just ran cor and proper pride, may I bespeak a minor part? Manager Too bad; you haven't enough brains to be Hamlet, and have too much to be the skull. On Sanity's Border Line. Experts can hardly define the thin line that separates the Insane from the sane. There is a twilight of th mind In which many people buy and sell, love and divorce, marry and give In marriage and live and die. At no time in their lives are they really In sane more than a few moments at a time and yet they live In a world that Is jangled, . out of tune and different from that all around them. Evidently a Diplomat. A courtier taking leave of Louis XIV., who was sending him as an am bassador to a foreign court, was told by the king: "My most important In struction for yc is to pursue a policy entirely different from that of your predecessor." "Sire," said tho diplo matist, "I will endeavor to do so, that your majesty may not repeat the ad vice to my successor " ty f . i How Some Kentucky Women Suc ceeded Where Men Failed. Everbody is in favor of good roads as an abstract proposition, but when it comes down to the concrete that Is to say, to sand and gravel there are differences of opinion. Some Kentucklans there are who declare themselves strongly for good 'roads, but say they do not know how to go about getting them. One way to go about It has been ex emplified recently by the Federated Woman's Club of Brandenburg. The members of that live organization felt the need of a good road from Brandenburg to Woldon, a station on the Louisville, Henderson and St. Louis Railroad.- Brandenburg has no railroad and when the citizens of that town go travelling they either take l steamboat or drive over to Weldon to take the train. Meade county mud possibly Is a few degrees worse than the mud any here else in Kentucky. The male jltizena of Meade have been handling the rond question In the snmo way Jiat many other Kentucky counties have been handling it. Mud multiplied by mud produces more mud. but the male citizens of Meade didn't seem to know it. The women woke up to the situa tion first and they determined to "like" the from Brandenburg o Weldon. They ra'scd move than ,1,200 by private subscription ind iiey asked the Fiscal Court to do the est. The court came across n appropriation of $3,000 as an ovl of good faith. The ro d will le built. It will be possible to travel .rom : nrandenbuig to Weldon with itit breaking a hamesiring or stratn ns a singletree. A wagon will not 'oe a load for a four horse team, nd walking will not be an Inipossl- jility, when a big thaw comes. Louis ville Courier-Journal. Working Backward. A Japanese house is built quite lin'erently from an English one The oo.', which with us is the last Im portant part of the outward structure .o be completed, is with the Japanese the first thing to be finished. All the tools used by the carpenters and joiners have a reversed action. The Japanese carpenter does not push a plane a way from him, but pulls It toward him. The gimlets are thread ed in the opposite way to ours; the saws are made so as to cut on the upward pull and not on the down ward thrust; screws have their threads reversed, and keyholes are always made upside down and the keys turned backward. Iu the house if the clock is an old one It will have stationary hands, with the face re volving backward and the hums marked 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 and so on, reckoning onward from noon.--London Globe. Vicar of One Parish 71 Years. The Rev. Henry Martyn Sherwood, who recently completed seventy-one years as vicar of the parish of White Ladies, Aston, placed his resignation in the hands of the Bishop of Worces ter. Mr. Sherwood was graduated from Oxford seventy-six yearn' ngu and was ordained deacon 'n 183S. He accepted the living of White Ladies in 1839, and four years later was also appointed to the Incumbency of Broughton Hackett, which he held until 1898. It is claimed for the re tiring vicar that he Is the oldest clergyman In the diocese of Wor cester. London Evening Standard. A Royal Sportswoman. The Couitesse de Paris, who went shooting at Wood Norton with her grandson, King Manoel, ranks with the Duchess of Bedford and a lew other society leaders as one of the best lady shots In England. The Orleans and the Bourbons have always been devoted to sport, and the Com tesse has been an enthusiastic and clever shot since her early girlhood. A good many years have passed since the Comtesse when staying at Sand ringham astonished the natives of orfolk by her prowess with the gun, ew members of the royal shooting parties acquitting themselves better. Westminster Gazette. Cheese - Boxes Imported. About two thousand Imported ?mpty Camembert cheese boxes, bear ng the names of well-known French i:heese3, were Imported at New Yoik on one steamship recently. Duty had to be paid on the printed matter on their two thousand labels, and an other duty on the Imported hoxe.j. According to a New York trade journal, these boxes are rilled in New York State and sold as coming from abroad. Girl Slaves. In Yunnan, China, girls are still sold into slavery. In one year about 300 children for this neighborhood were sold to dealers and carried to the capital in baskets like poultry At ordinary times the price for girl is 3s. 2d. for each year of their age. but in tlme of famine children be come a drug on the market. Tit-Bits. Bull Trout. Only about 20 per cent, of almor, spawn before they return up tht river form the sea, and those that c'o return after spawning are coarse, and when cut up, white in the llesh; in fact, are known as bull trout, for fo called "bull trout" are not a different kind of fish, but are plainly salmoc which have spawned. There Is only one sudden death among women to eight among men. Convenient Shoe Horns. A problem which has agitated the feminine mind for some time has been successfully solved at last.' A way in which women may reach their feet un aided, even though corseted, comes to relieve those who are overburdened with obesity. How is this feat accom pllshed? It's simple If on possesses one of the new shoe horns which have a three-foot wooden handle attached to the horn. This novelty is Imported, and though the price may seem high, the relief purchased with one of these toilet accessories Is certainly worth tho price. German Inventions for the Near Sighted and for the Police. A German inventor has devlsod what he calls telescope eyeglasses. They are Intended for the use of .short sighted persons by the very oimple means of enlarging the Image on the retina. They are especially de b f ed for that class of near sighted 1 ci pie who cannot wear the ordinary i.ic ply correoted glasses. The monocle combination consists of two parts united In a single metal frame, a front objective leiu or col lector and a second nearer the eye tj disperse the rays at the proper angle to make the correction for the degree of uiyopy In question. When properly prescribed and made, says the "Scientific American," the two lenses have such rolatlon to each other that there Is no distortion, astigmatism or colored border to the Image obtained. Another C.ermnn hns Invented what he calls police eyeglasses. On the side next the face they have tiny con cave mirrors which may bo extended sidewlse or be folded back so as not to show. They give the wearer if he has normal sight an Image of whn' is going on almost directly betilnd him. They are proposed for tho Her man secret police. Primitive School Books. The horn book Invented in Hf.O and used considerably up to the close of the eighteenth century was the usual text book of the elementary school. A thin slab of hard wood was cover ed with parchment, on whl 'i wi re printed the capital and small letters, numerals and some elementary syllables and words. Over this a thin sheet of trans parent cow's horn was placed and firmly bound so that no moisture could penetrate. To this the Bible and the sampler on which little girls painfully stitched the letters of the alphabet, some "Godly saying" and a border' of herring stitch, or some conventional pattern of ImptiFsib'e flowers and folluge and the ?gend "Mary Smith, her sampler." or the like, were about all that the child ren used up to the beginning of the eighteenth century. London C.lohe. Birds Rob Ohio Farmers. Margaretta township farmers went out with guns for a pair of thieving blackbirds. Fred Blair saw one of the two leaving his dwelling through a window with his razor in its mouth The birds Inhabited a big elm tree In a field near the outskirts of the villaee of Teenies. A search recover ed plunder In a crotch several feet above the ground. There were num erous spools of thread, several thim bles, pins, needles, hairpins, small articles of wearing apparel, collar buttons, a pair of scissors and two case knifes. The blackbirds saw the posse of farmers coming and by dodging bi k shot managed to make (heir escape. Thr are helieved to have established a new "fence." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Louisiana Figs. Figs as large as a hen s egg and iully ripe were on exhibition here, having been raised on the place of Martha Franklin In this city. The tig Is the best crop of this section, and one crop that never fails. The trees grow from sprouts and thrive under any and all conditions. The fruit matures especially early and could be made the source of great rev enue if uted as the basis for canning and preserving for the market. Tree that are affected by the laie frosts and freezes have put forth a second crop Baton Rouge florresponuence New Orleans Times-Democrat. Doctor the Best Pie Mzker. Dr. Silas E. McDonald is Oak Park's star pumpkin fie maker. 11 lu recip. won the prize position in the Euclid Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church's cook book. He said his mother made gooi piuni.kin pie, but his wife's was bei ter, and he followed her plan. Hen it is: "To one quart of properly stewei. pumpkin, pressed through toliniier, add enough good rich milk to It, a teaspoonful of salt, one half c i. ; of molasses, one tablespotmful o. ginger and one teaspoonful of iiu: meg. Bake in moderate oven." Only a Summer Dog. A little boy was euteita nir.3 the minister until his r.:o(.her to.,'.ii co.u plete her toilet. The minis. er to make congenial tunveisation inquired: "Have you a dog?" "Yes, sir, a dachshund," responded the lad. "Where Is he?" questioned tht dominie, knowing the way to a boy'. heart. "Father sends him away for tin winter. He says it takes him so Ion; to go in and out the door he cools the whole house off." Success. . Easing a Conscience Mrs. A. T. Cheaault last week re ceived a letter, postmarked Clucin'iat' containing a $10 bill and tin follow ing letter: "A long time ago 1 cheated you Now I am growing old and my ion science hurts me for it. I am seuuin.'. you $10. May God forgive ire." Mrs. Chenault has no clue to tlit sender. Richmond (Ky.) Reg'slor. Reade's Appeal to Book Thieves. Charles Reade's copy of "London Labour and London Pool1" is to be sold. It contains the following note: "Charles Reade Please steal some body else's copy. I am weak enough to have a value for mine." West minster Gazette. Hopeless Case. "De trouble wid me and mub. wife," admitted old Brother Gaumpers, "am dat, whilst we 'gree most o' de time, we don't 'gree at de same time. I kin 'gree 'bout anything, and she kin 'gree 'bout anything, but we kaln't 'gree wid each udder 'bout It. When I'm wlllin' to 'gree wid her she won't 'gree wid me, and when she is ready to 'gree wid me I've changed muh mind and kaln't 'gree wid her. We kin bofe 'gree sep arate, but we kaln't 'gree together on de same thing at de same time, and de mo' we tries de wuss we gits." Suits to Order, $12.60 to $36.00. The Make Behind the Man Behind the SaJe. The quality of our Suits and Overcoats is well known. The make behind the quality is of more importance than the quality itself. Because there are thousands of dollars worth of goods ruined in the making. This is the class of clothing that finds its way on the shelves and generally stays there. T. A. P. Suits and Overcoats are made honestly and honorably. They are sold by men who realize and are instructed to lose a sale rather than make any misrepresentation. T. A. P. Suits and Overcoats $18.00 to $40.00. Now 25 per cent. less. Other good makes of Suits and Overcoats $8.00 to $15.00. Also 25 per cent. less. "A Good Store to Trade At." T. A. P. Oil Citj, l'a. 4AM1 NO WORRY 4 This strong bank, with assets . of more than Seventeen Million Dollars, managed by successful and conscientious business men, assumes all the care of your sav ings and the risks of invtttment. It pays you 4 interest, and guarantees the safety of your principal. WRITE FOR BCOKLET F. L. PITTSBURGH BANK FGR SAVINGS 4th A. ini Sraithfiilo SL, Pltbbsrfi, Pa. Tr., B li B Trm. V.I..I V'a.ati angle lamps The best oil burning lamp at any price. Angle Lamps are different Tom other oil burning Lamps they cast no shadow, con.ume enough less oil for the same il lumination to soon pay for their cost; non-explosive; odorless; easy to care for; guaranteed. We're sole Pittsburgh dis tributors for Angle Lamps and would like to send you the Angle Lamp Booklet, describing in de tail the various sizes and styles. Angle Lamps, $3 :2b to $1:2.00. curtain scrim Lot Printed Curtain Scrims 40 inches wide White or Cream grounds Ultie, Brown, Pink or Green border, loc yard. 40 inch plain Curtain Scrims White, Cream or Arab heavy quality, 12Hc yard. Scrim Curtains White or Arab sill length 2z yards long, $1.50 pair. D0GGS & BUHL PITTSBURGH, PA. At the Racket Store BARGAINS in Graniteware, Tinware, Glassware, Chinaware, Stationery, Hosiery, Wall Paper, Window Shades Elm Street, - Tionesta, Pa. V . r n Ire-ritiou lens grinder, lor the eye, plus i'ollejjl alely trained and inter nationally endorsed Ileli I nd Hie Ouun. NO DROPS. RESULTS DEFINITE. Artificial Ilyes In Slock. Both 'Phones. T" DA VC TO ADVERTISE I I M 1 O in THIS PAl'EH till I. TV ISA J (P) "Odds and Ends" Sale Wednesday, Jan. 29th; Thursday, Jan. 30th; Friday, Jan. 31st. The "Odds and Ends," "Broken Assortments," "Rummage and Riffraff" left from our January Clearance Sale will be gathered on center aisle tables and sold for just half the regular price. I iiitS'll il ii ii i ii ill ii ii 1 1 1 1 ii iv iv r i r iw 1M1 "I Got This Fine Pipe With Liggett & Myers Duke's Mixture" All kinds of men Bmoke Duke's Mixture in' all kinds of pipes as well as in cigarettes and they all tell the same story. They like the genuine, natural tobacco taste of i a n I I 8 mm- himmiiL in Choice bright Irsf aired to mellow mildness, carefully stemmed and then ffinniilated every grain pure, hih-grade tobacco that's what you get in the Liggett & Myert Duke's Mixture sack. You s;et one and a half ounces of this pure, mild, delightful tobacco, unsurpnssed in quality, for 4c and with each sack you get a book of papers fn: Now About the Free Pipe In every sack of Liggett &Myen Duke's Mixture we now pack a coupon. You can exchange theso coupons for a pipe or for many other valuable and useful articles. These presents cost not on'o penny. There is something for every member of the family skates, catcher's gloves, tennis rackets, cameras, toilet articles, suit cases, cones, umbrellas, and dozens of other things. Just send us your name and address on a postal Dtirrtnm.NC Shirts to Order, $2.00 to $12.00. T. A. P. Oil City, l'a. m i m r s m and as a tpeciat offer during Jan uary and February only w will fnd you our new illustrated cata logue of pretent FREE of any charge. Open up a sack of Liggett $ Myr$ Duke's Mixturo today. Coupons from Puke's flftrrttre may ht assorted with tors from HORSE SHOE. J.T.. TINSLEY'S NATURAL LEAF. GRANGER TWIST, and Coupons from FOUR ROSES (.'Or tin douhlr couton). PICK PLUG CUT, PIEDMONT CIGA. RETTES. CUX CIGARETTES, and other tags or coupons issuer by us. Premium Deot. .J$M