The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, January 29, 1913, Image 2

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J. t. WCNK, . Coitom 4 Pkopni
1915 JANUARY 1913
I f I PI2I5I41
J5 6 7 8 9ffi
L2 13141516 17 II
Utah Is Ibe first state to select
woman to carry tbe electoral vote to
Washington, alter helping by her ballot
to decide it. There ban been In Utah a
wide departure from tbe views of Joseph
Smith and Brlgham Young on tbe status
of American women.
Thk phenomenal succens of tbe parcel
post is very Kratlfying to Postmaster
General Hitchcock. Tbe system went
into operation on the first of January,
and the first three weeks resulted in sell
ing 840,000,000 parcel post stsmps and in
collecting over 1 1 8, 000.000 revenue for the
Post Office Department from this service.
Tbis is an exceedingly large showing snd
it Illustrates bow popular tbis service has
Th k average good citizen of Pennsyl
vania, we surmise, is not concerned about
what particular boss is credited with
having secured tbe passage of any par
ticular act of Assembly. All we want is
good legislation, and as we are all opposed
to tbe boss system, we want tbe credit to
go to tbe members of tbe Legislature,
and the people wbo elected them, to whom
alone it belongs. Punxy Spirit. And so
we all say. Tbe members of the legisla
ture are responsible to tbeir constituency
lone, and no boss has a string on any of
them If they know their business.
A Real Remedy.
Tbe advocates of tbe dam system to pre
vent floods at Pittsburg, say tbey will not
be thwarted in their efforts to educate tbe
people to accepting their views and sup
porting tbeir plant, by the action of the
Federal engineers in disapproving of the
scheme. Tbese advocates live in Pitts
burg and have a fund to pay their ex
penses. Tbey are prepared to destroy
tbe lndutries, homes, farms snd towns
long several hundred miles of tbe Alle
gheny river and its tributaries to save a
mall portion of tbat city Irom getting
wet feel once year. The flood lug of
other sections give tbese psrties material
for argument but tbey are interested only
in Pittsburg's troubles.
Tbe fact is that tbe industries of tbat
city in reaching out for more land, have
encroached upon the beds of tbe rivers
until they are narrow to a danger point
and add to tbe b-igbt of tbe floods. Every
time the rivers get low a few more feet
re taken from them and this encroach
ment amounts to good sia.d dam to
throw watera higher upon the banks and
into tbe streets. With tbe old natural
channel tbedaoger would not be wholly
eliminated but would be lessened. It
would be cheaper in the end fur Pitta
burg to move back upon high ground out
of tbe flood region, Tbis would prove to
be a real remedy for tbeir troubles and
would not annoy tbeir neighbors. Oil
City Derrick.
The Figbt Against White Plague
On November 18tn last the Ural meeting
of tbe new board of directors of the
Northwestern Anti-Tuberculosis League
was held in Oil City, and on that date the
society took the management of the
Grand View sanatorium near tbat plane.
The instituiion wm theo caring for five
patients. Today, two months later, there
re twenty-three patients receiving tbe
benefits of this tine sanatorium. In tbe
reorganization of tbe league it becomes
o institution In which every man and
woman in Northwestern Pennsylvania
should be interested for it promises a
plsce for those who. are uolortunsle
enough to suffer this disease to lake cure
near at home. There are now nearly
seventy patients In tbe two sanatoria, all
of which are being cared for at a loss to
the Society of about $3.00 per week.
That beautiful bird called the stoik was
gain at our town and left a male child at
tbe borne of "Dode" Dunkle on Pious
Avenue, Saturday. All are doing well.
We wish tbe boy a long Hie of prosperity
nd hope be will be son lor bis dad to
be proud of when be grows up.
L. 8. Trimm of Jamestown was a visitor
t Minister Friday over night, looking
after work in bis line, wbich is orayon
nd pastel work of a bigb class. Websve
samples of it and can produce tbe gooda
to those wbo are In doubt.
Mrs. Geo. Shsy was visitor at Blue
Jay Friday, where she baa a daughter
keeping tbe Chemical Works Hotel, and
another daughter wbo is dining room
Mr. and Mrs. Al. Marbaugh of Pitts
burg are visiting relatives In this section.
Miss Edith Durnell returned with them
and is looking well. Tbe female portion
ol tbe parly are at Hastings for a few days
nd Mr. Marbaugh isal Mayburg to call
on old friends there.
Messrs. Warren Conk and Fred Camp
bell of Mayburg were visitors at Mluister
Tbursdsy evening, calling on friends.
Tbey came in rigs but lound the roads in
tine shape.
O. E. Rupert spent Friday night at
Mayburg running his station there on
some oil for the Cook Lease that is very
D. vV. Downey was connected onto the
new telephone line Saturday and has now
direct connection on "the main" as It
is called.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. LittleUeld drove
down from Watson Farm Saturday even
ing and spent St.udsy with friends in
R. W. Burdick of Henrys Mill spent
Sunday with his (laughter, Mrs. J. T.
Miller, and visited bis old neighbors
W i
bile bere.
Mrs. Theo. Cell of Mayburg and Miss
arie Shay spent Saturday and Sunday
u tbe Dunkle family here, and were
lust lu llioe to Keh'oine the new relative
lbt arrived Saturday uighl.
Engineers of United States Army
Severely Condemn Plans.
Tt will be pleasing news to residents of
this entire section of Pennsylvania to
learn tbat the plan of tbe Pittsburg Flood
Commission to build a number of dams
on the upper Allegheny, tbe Clarion
river and Tionesta creek for the purpose
ol controlling fl.iod waters has received
the severe condemnation of United States
Army engineera. The Associated Press
report from Washington ssys:
Tbe United States Army engineers, in
a report submitted to Congress Tuesdsy
by Brigadier General W. H. Bixby, op
pose the plsns of the Pittsburg Flood
commission to harness tbe high water in
the Allegheny, Monogahela and Ohio
rivers and by tbe same system impound
sufficient water Insecure a navigable stsge
in tbe rivers during the reasons of drouth.
An interesting feature of tbe report
is tbe fact that private capital has
under consideration the building of
water power plants aloug these rivers,
one mentioned in psrticular being at tbe
headwaters of tbe Cheat river in West
Virginia. The engineers say their Infor
mation on this subject was received from
confidential sources and tbey therefore
cannot reveal tbe identity of tbe finan
ciers Interested, the exteut to which they
might invest or tbe ultimate purpose of
the promoters.
Tbe Investigation of tbe engineera
covers tbe eutire scheme of 17 reservoirs
for the three rivers, and estimated to cost
21,000,()00. While this sum is not ques
tioned, there is a wide difference of opin
ion aa regards tbe laod and properly
damage Involved in Ibe undertaking.
Tbe Flood commission estimates tbe
dsmage at $7,666,100 and Ibe engineers de
clare tbe sum would be at loast three
limes ibst amount, or in tbe neighbor
hood of 122.000,000. The general plan of
building the reservoirs, their rapacity al
flood time and tbe probable benefit to
navigation, is gone into at length.
Tbe engineera question the advisabilily
of relying upon reservoirs for tbe dual
purpose of harnessing tbe high waters
and of supplying sufficient water to mske
any perceptible effect upon tbe lower
Ohio river during drouth, Tbe reser
voirs in their opinion, could not be so
utilized, and tbey declare that to solve
both problems would require two sets of
reservoirs, one lo harness Ibe Hoods and
the other to furnish water supply when
tbe rivers are low.
Tbe utter absurdity of the Pittsburg
scheme is shown in the following extract
from tbe Engineera' report: "In order to
be used for tbe benefit of navigation
reservoirs must be kept at all times full
as possible. In order to be useful to pre
vent floods, reservoirs must be kept at
all limes as empty as possible, so lo be
ready for tbe floods when ihey occur.
Tbese two uses are thus seen to be quite
Incompatible, snd where reservoirs are
actually used for both purposes, it will be
found tbat certain amount of tbe total
capacity is reserved for flood purposes
snd tbe remainder ia all tbat is actually
useful for navigation purposes. A Mate
of atfaira which does not differ in princi
ple from having one system of reser
voirs for flood control and another for
navigation purposes."
Misses Wilda Thomson and Ella Klab
bata were home from Clarion Normal
over Sunday.
F. X. Kreitler returned from New Ro
obelle, N. Y.J last week.
Wm. Delo was down from Kellettville
over Sunday.
A yonng son of John Grubbs bad tbe
misfortune to get bis right band cangbt
lu a cutting box one day last week. Tbe
back of his band and index finger was
badly cut.
Word was received here Saturday tbat
T. D. Collins aud Mrs. Fred Klioesliver
hsd arrived at tbe Pacific coast,
John and Callie Moore wera borne from
Mayburg over Sunday, . .. , ,
Mr, and Mrs. S. H. Secor were called to
Kidgway last week ou account of Ibe Ill
ness and death of Mr. Secnr's mother.
Rolland Carbaugb of Kellettville at
tended church bore one night last week,
Samuel Damn ol Newniansville was
caller in town Mondsy morning. . .s. -
David Bly returned from "Venango
county last week, after a visit with rela
tives. Roy Reed was borne from Oil City o-er
last Sunday.
George Kerr is preparing to move his
family to one of tbe Win. Kribbs farms
on Whig Hill.
Roy Combs came home from tbe War
ren hospital last week and is getting
around nicely with ibe aid nforutches.
Miss Stella Hottel, who has been em
ployed at tbe Brush Block for tbe past
year, has come home lor a few weeks
Mrs. Leemsn of Wilcox visited friends
at this plsce over Sunday.
W. J. Williams spent a pleasant day at
Wilcox Sunday with bis newly wedded
wife. She is unable to join him here at
present as she is leaching school at East
M iss Heleu Kane is home over Sunday
from Mt. Jewett.
J. J. Kane was a business caller at
West Line Thursday and Fridav.
Miss Veda Roberts hss returned to Oil
City, where she will take op her course
to nign scnooi sgain.
Mrs. W. W. Hottel snd Miss Mae Esb
elinan were In Kane Saturday.
We were very glad to see the Porkey
Items last week, wbicb we bad missed
lor some time. Hope the writer will not
go down the 8. A T. line when the high
water comes, so we can bear from him.
$100 KEWARII, 8100.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to ieai n that mere is at icaHt one
dreaded disease that science has been
able to cure in nil its stages, and that is
Catarrh. Hail's Catarrh Cure is tbe only
positive cure known to the medical fra
ternity. Catarrh being a constitutional
disease, requires a constitutional treat
ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in
ternally, acting directly apon the blood
and mucous) surface of the system, there
by destroying the foundation of th dis
ease, and giving the patient. Htrengtli by
building up the constitution and assist
ing nature in doing its work. The pro
prietors have so much faith in its cura
tive powers tbat they offer One Hundred
Dollars for any case that It fails to cure.
Send for list of testimonials.
Address, F. J. CH EN EY A CO.,
Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are thebest.
Cured of Liver Complaint.
"I was suffering with Ilver.cnniplainl,''
says Iva Smith of Point Blank, Texas
"and decided to try a 'io box of Cham
herlain's Tablets, and am happy lo say
that I am completely cured and can
recommend tbem to every one." For
sale hv all dealers. -Ad v.
Thirty-Two Years Ago.
Items taken from the tiles of the Rr
publican of Jan. 26, 1881:
Jimmy Clark found bran, splinter
new umbrella belonging to some one of
tbe Neilltown sleighing party Friday eve
ning. The occupants of tbe sleigh doubt
less got too much interested In tbe sur
rounding scenery lo note Ibe loss.
Jim Huliugs, that Is young Jim, came
home from Bradford last week bringing
wltb him a severe attack ol rheumatism,
wbich has kept blm Indoors since,
Mr. John Hsrt and Miss May Shawkey
were taken Into the M. E. church in full
communion Sshbatb evening last.
Tldloute Is afflicted with measles,
Geo. Hood's colt took 11 v lo himself
Sunday afternoon last. Geo. bad been
sleigh-riding and was unhitching the
animal when It took fright, broke tbe
thills and atarted down street with the
cutter still hanging to it. No serious
Calvin Arner met with quite a severe
accident Saturday evening, by having
large aaw log roll over bis left leg, bruis
ing it badly. Dr. Blaine tbioks Ilia
wound will lay Mr. Arner up aboul three
weeks. Tbe place, Fork Run, where
Calvin was hurt has been named "cal
amity hollow," on account of so many
accidents happening there tbis wiuter,
Mr. Arner's accident afterwards resulted
in the amputation of bia leg above tbe
Teachers' Training Class.
Tbe union Sunday School Teachers'
Training Class, composed of tbe M. E,
nd Presbyterian Sunday Schools of Tio
nesta, baa completed the course of study
laid down by Jesse Lyman Hurlburt and
approved by the Pennsylvania State
Ssbbalb School Association for tbe train
ing of Sunday School teachers. Tbis
class was organized some time ago, but
some of its members appeared to grow
weary in well doing and fell by the way
side. Those who continued and passed
all the examinations very creditably and
with high grade marks are: Reuben W.
Moon, Charles A. Lanson, Miss Blsncbe
Mae Pease, Miss A. Lenore Ritcbey,
Harry T. Klinestlverand the undersigned
teacher. There were no failures and the
following diploma was awarded lo each:
"Pennsylvania State Sabbath School As
sociation. , bsving satisfactorily com
pleted Ibe course of study in the Teach
ers' Training Department of the Penn
sylvania State Sabbath School Associa
tion, is entitled lo this Diploma. In tes
timony of whicb we have hereunto affixed
our signatures this S!d dsy of January,
litis. H. J. lleins, President, w. u.
Lsndes, General Secretary, Charles A.
Oliver, Superintendent of Teachers'
Tbe course of study has been foond
very Interesting, instructive snd profita
ble. It Is beneficial to both mind and
spirit and better prepares those wbo
study it for lescbing and Sunday School
work. There are 44 Sunday Schools re
ported in tbe county ol Forest. To keep
Ibe county In tbe front line, position It
bat beld for the last two years, 25 per
cent, or one-fourtb of the schools must
have teachers' training clsssea. Eleven
classes were reported last year. Each
class must have at least one examination
each year to qualify. Instead of one
fourth of Ibe schools having teachers'
training classes, every school should
have one, and every teacher and every
one wbo intends to teach should be In
class, Tbe cry for better teacbera and
more systematic work comes from all
parts of the state. It is gratuitous
work, bnt Ibe benefits received by tbe
earnest teacher and worker, both men
tally and spiritually, is good reward
for tbe time and energy spent.
T. F. Ritch by, Teacher.
Whereas, The Hon. W. D. Hinckley,
President Judge of the Court of Common
Pleas and Quarter Sessions in and for
the county of Forest, has issued his pre
cept for holding a Court of Common Pleas.
Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans'
Court, Oyer and Terminer and General
Jail Delivery, at Tionesta, for the
County of Forest, to commence on
the Fourth Monday of February, being
the 24 h day of February, 1913. No
tice is therefore given to the Cor
oner, Justices of the Peace and Con
stables of said county, tbat they be then
and there in their proper persons at ten
o'clock A. M., of said day with their
recorda,'. inquisitions, examination, and
other remembrances, to do those thing
which to their office appertain to be done,
and to those whoare hound in recognizance
to prosecute against the prisoners that are
or shall be in the jail of Forest County, that
they may be then and there to prosecute
against them as shall be lust. Given un
der my .band anaVeeal this 27 lb day of
January, A. l. Ji'is.
W. H. HOOD, L.8. Sheriff,
List of causes set down for trial in the
Court of Common Pleas of Forest County,
Pennsylvania, commencing on the
Fourth Monday of February, 1913:
1. J. C. Dunn, J. J. Landers and J. F.
Proper, doing business as Dunn, Landera
it Company, to use of J. F. Proper, va.
Keystone Handle Company, of Corydnn,
a corporation of the State of Pennsylva
nia, No. 9, September term, 1912. Sum
mons in assumpsit.
2. Union Machinery A Supply Co.,
corporation of tbe State of Washington,
vs. W. J. CamDbell and D. J. Croon, do
ing business under tbe firm name of
Cropp A Campbell, no-partners, No, 16,
September term, 1912. Summons in as
3. Tbe Borough of Tionesta vs. Ida
Paup, No. 5, November term, 1912.
Summons in trespass.
4. Jsmes Wray vs. Daniel McKenna.
Thomas McKenna. James McKenna,
Daniel McKenna, Jr., Mary Black, Agnes
Campbell. Maggie Campbell, Mrs. Wallle
Haines, No. 3, November term, mz.
Summons in ejectment.
Attest, S. R. MAXWELL,
Tionesta, Pa., January 27, 1913.
March 1, 2 and 3, 1913
Tickets sold from stations beyond 250
miles from Washington on above dates,
good returning until March 8, inclusive.
Pennsylvania R.R.
Andltori' Report.
Auditors' settlement wltb J. C. Scow
den, Treasurer of Tionei Borough, for
tbe year ending January 6, 19i:t:
To balance last settlement $ Ml 6"
Rent liorongh building Hii 04
Liquor licenses !M0 00
W. H. Hood, Collector, lax ltHHt... 100 00
" " " 1910... 200 00
" " " " Hill... 200 00
" " " " 1912... IWK) (Ml
Loan Citizens National Batik 1000 00
(4109 till
By orders redeemed 13295 10
Commission 2 per cent 65 90
Balance lo treasury 748 1)9
ft 109 09
Financial Statement.
W. H. Hood, Collector, 1906 tax... 2 45
" " " 1007 lax... 7 64
" " " 1908 tax... 8 23
" " " 1909 tax... S53 05
" " " 1910 tax... 471 (12
" " " lllll lax... 738 23
" " " 1UI2 tax... 1100 87
S. J. 8elley, 1904 lax 1 50
Presbyterian Church 10 00
It. L. Zuver, rent 120 00
M. A. Carringer, Secretary 7 50
Municipal liens I'H 75
Balance In treasury 744 09
Execs of liabilities 11895 68
-,' ' ' 115,620 81
V- Liabilities. .
Order No. 897 1188 91
Order No. 1 123 1300 lit)
Order No. 1304 ifl-.'u 90
Order No. 1205 500 00
Order No. 1206 6(H) 00
Other orders 17 00
Bonds, ls series 3000 00
Bonds, 2d series 7500 00
Streets $ 648 60
Light 113 43
Bosrd or Health 85 89
Interest on floating debt 4S6 00
Interest on bonds IU0 00
Water 204 (Ml
Secretary and Attorney 51 95
E gineer 4 25
Paving Contract ltW 80
Fire Hose 262 50
Auditors 14 (H
Printing 16 00
Graham case 943 i4
Slate tax 30 01
Incidental expense 47 10
' ' 3295 10
We, tbe undersigned Auditors ol Tio
nesta Borough, hereby certify that we
have examined and audited the loregoiiig
accounts and found tbem correct as shove
stated. J. G. Jamikmon,
R. L. Hablkt,
Jay Bankhkad,
Attest Auditors.
M. A. Carrinokr, Clerk.
Confirmation Xotlce.
Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing accounts have been tiled in my office
and will be presented at the next term of
Court, beginning cm the Fnurtb Monday
of February, 1913, for confirmation :
rirat and tiual account of Cbas. C.
Frederick, executor of tbe estate of
Elizabeth Frederick, lata of Green Town
ship, Forest Couuty, Pennsylvania, de
ceased. 8. R. MAXWELL,
Clerk of Orphans' Court.
Tionesta, Pa., January 27, 1913.
Parcel Post
There'i big money in the '.
Parcel Potl for live nwn '
snd women. Get in the!
game early. I
First I earn what th actual I
conditions are. Subacrib. lot !
tha Parcel Poll Review a I
weekly. $1.00 pet year 52,
copie. TcDi all you seed lo -know
to operate ucceaafully.t
Outline plana, Irlla where to,
buy container!, what lo adl,
five you full details, contain!
list of city buyers, etc. etc
233 Fifth Jlot Approved by Marketing ClMb.
PUhkargh, Pa. Pittsburnn, Pa
3 moi trial Subscription 25
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Cures Cold. Croup and Wiiuopiug Cough.
Are valuable to you. See that you save them.
(Formerly of Philadelphia.)
Petroleum Phone at Office and Residence.
Orders by mail or telephone will
be given special attention, and will
be delivered by return Parcel Post
Kepler Block, Tionesta, Pa.
Every Fur, Scarf and
Muff reduced.
$5.00 Sr; $3.50
: $10.00 rnorws $7.00
I Prices on other
Furs reduced accord-
l ingly.
Adiiiliiiatratrlx's Notice.
Letters of administration on the estate
of A. M. Vanllorn, Uto of Jenks Town
ship, Forest County, Pa., deceased, hav
ing been granted to the undersigned, all
persons indebted to said enisle are hereby
notitied to make payment without delay,
and thoae having claims or demands will
preaent then), duly authenticated for set
tlement. Mrs. Taiutiia IUtkman, Adtn'x,
Wilkinsburg, Pa.
M. A. Carri.nokr, Attorney.
Tionesta, Pa., Deo. 2t), 1912.
Fred. Grcttonborger
All work pertaining to Machinery, En
gines, Oil W ell Tools, Gas or Water Fit
tings ami General Klricksmlthing prompt
ly done at Low Rates. Repairing Mill
Machinery given special attention, and
satisfaction guaranteed.
Shop in rear of and just west of the
Shaw Ilouse, Tidinute, Pa. -
Yonr patronage solicited.
J. L. Hcplcr
Fine carriages for all occasions,
with fust class equipmeot. We cao
Gi you out at any lime for either a
pleasure or business trip, arj always
at reasonable rates. Prompt service
ami courteous treatment.
Cotm and see us.
Hear of Hotel Weaver
Telephone No. tiO.
Uncle Sam's New
Parcel Post Is
Now In Operation
Wc Have the Best Goods,
the Lowest Prices
and Uncle Sam's
Delivery System
II! -
7T M- .3
: V ,.fi;-, Hf l
'KW i &; it
Witt1' ! ! Ml
n u in i 1 1 in . i : r ,l - n v
" -k .V aC r ,,;, I Ajor-.-
lour Money"
Perhaps a burglar or a fire has not invaded your home, but if they should, they
would get all of your money and valuables. Do not be one of those who lock the
stable after the horse is gone, but put your money where preparations have been
made for protecting it, not only from fire and burglary, but from your own extrava
gance. It will be safe in our bank.
Do your banking with us. A y, ndV
We pay liberal interest consistent with safety, Jt JC1 u.
Forest County Naioned Bank,
Specifications of 1913 "Buicks."
moii:Ij 21."
Wheel base 106 inches, 32i3 1-2 tires, 28 horse power. Nickle finish, fully
equipped. Prices:
Roadster $950. Touring Car $1,050.
MOII.I. 30."
Wheel base 108 inches, 34x4 tires, 32 horse power. Gas, oil and electric lights.
Nickle finish. Fully equipped, including self-starter. Prices:
Roadster $1,125. Touring Car $1,285
"Modix 40" I ivi: iMSHi:ii:u, Tontixj.
Wheel base 115 inches, tires 36-4, quick detachable, on demountable rims, 40
horse power. Nickle finish, electric lighting with generator, self-starter.
Price fully equipped $1,650.
Deliveries start August 1. The six-cylinder model will be announced later.
Deliveries will not start on this model until January.
When Better Automobiles are Built, Buick will Build Them.
Ralph A. Cook, Tionesta.
f jiff" '
iiiVr-i--'-- - - t-'' :
You Will Have to Hurry if You
Want One of These
National Vacuum Cleaners.
Many thrifty housewives are showing that they appreciate the FOREST RE
PUBLICAN'S liberal offer. They are responding at even a greater rate than we
had anticipated.
There can be only one reson for the popularity of the National Vacuum Cleaner
and that i? its superior efficiency. It is positively the most powerful cleaner built
for operation by one person.
Special Offer.
The REPUBLICAN has only a few of these wonderful labor-saving machines
remaining, which are offered on the following terms:
The REPUBLICAN for one year and one National Vacuum Cleaner, com
plete, $4.00.
The same advantages will be given to all our regular subscribers if arrearages
are paid.
Agents charge you $6.00 to $7.00 for the machine alone.
The Cleaner for Everybody.
The National is really everybody's cleaner.
Here you have a vacuum cleaner that weighs 6 pounds instead of 60. With it
you may clean your carpets and rugs without lugging a 60 pound machine from room
to room upstairs and down. You can carry the National anywhere without fatigue.
The National does all that any vacuum cleaner can do.
The flexible nozzle adjusts itself to any height of person. It can be operated
with e.ther right or left hand.
Don't delay in taking advantage of this splendid offering. Act today. Write,
phone or call.
Tionesta, Pa.
I 1, ;A- J. .
Mm :v jji j Jb
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