The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, January 15, 1913, Image 4

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$k Smarts
Centre Street tt
Beginning Next Monday
The Most Impressive Clear
ance Sale
Ever Inaugurated by This or Any Oth
er Store in This Section of the State
Every Department
Reductions That
Approach Actual Cost.
It is the yearly January clearance movement to which
thrifty folk throughout this vicinity have learned to look for
ward, but an event that in every way surpasses all previous el
forts. The character of the goods reduced, the range of assort
ment, the decisiveness of the reductions all will appeal irre
sistibly to the woman for whom the word Economy has a
For there's no time to think
costs a price must be found that
ONCE, evpn if it mpans a direct money loss to us. And so in
every department of the store prices have been cut far below
regular values, in many instances,
One Thing More.
The goods involved are the same high grade, dependable,
seasonable and stylish sort you've been accustomed to getting at
this store, the very goods you will surely need during the next
three months. A little forethought and quick action now will
net you the very greatest possible
The Sale Starts
January 20th and lasts throughout the
week. You'll surely be here if you'll
read the savings printed on hand bills
which will be left at
Persons joined our Christmas Savings Club.
scale. Open a Savings Department Account,
eacb month. Your money will earn you
Four Per
We invite you.
Oil City Trust Company
Oil City, Pa.
Get Twice As
Your Hides
We buy cattle hides, furs and calfskins. It is no longer necessary for farmers
nd small dealers in hides and furs to give away their wares by selling to peddlers
or snipping to some large city nrm, who will
Just send at once for our price list and circulars. Get on our mailing list. We
will keep you POSTED. We will show you how you may ship us your hides and
furs right here to Corry, CLOSE TO HOME, and be sure you get the FULL
value, ot tne goods or bave them returned WITHOUT EXPENSE TO YOU.
For we hold ALL SHIPMENTS SEPARATE until we know whether or not the
shipper is satisfied. Any time we don't send you what you think a shipment is
wortb we will return it promptly and pay all charges BOTH WAYS. So you gam
these advantages by selling in Corry:
1. Higher Returns.
2. Quicker Returns. :v,V
3. Fair Dealing.
4. Your Goods Returned Without Expense If Not Satisfied.
WE HAVE NO BUYERS. To deal with us you must ship direct. Any one
claiming to travel out of Corry buying hides and to represent us is a FRAUD.
DON'T SELL TO HIM. You must ship
day for particulars. GET POSTED. Costs you NOTHING.
17 E. Pleasant St. Cony, Pa.
ll'e Have The Fluent Fur House In The
World Give Us A Call When In Corry
And Let Us Show You Through Our
Fine A'cw Jluilding Just Built.
City, Pa. J
Presoriptlou lens grimier
fur the eyeN, plus C'ollegW
ately trained and Inter
nationally endorsed
Itehlnd the 3uhn.
Artificial Eyes In Nlork.
" , Both 'Phones.
''ain'e Colic. Chotoa ami
7 3 Diarrhoea ReitiwJy.
' nuw. It may save life.
SiUtcdm &
Elm, Oil City, Pa.
Offering Its Best at
in Most Instances
of profits now, or even actua!
will sell every article AT
to actual factory cost and
Monday Morning,
your door.
You can save just as easily on a larger
and deposit some amount regularly
Try it.
Much For
and Furs
send about ball what their bides are
DIRECT to get FULL value.- Write to
The Interest You
Get Is Important
but of much greater importance
is the safety of your savings.
Deposit them in this solid and
popular bank, which has been tak
ing care of the money of thrifty
customers for nearly Fifty Years,
and you need not have the slight
est concern.
4th An. and SmlBifiH St, PitUburjh, Pa.
Tides In the Atmosphere Similar to
Those on the Sea.'
ln til men began to navigate the
air and study its currents and move
n nils little attention was paid to the
conditions of the upper atmosphere
and such matters as atmospheric tides
and top currents completely encircling
the earth were at seemingly llttlo lb
Since men have flown, and especla
ly since men have flown and fallen
ve have heard a great deal in a vague
way of air currents. Recently Law.
rrnce Hodges in a paper before an
English scientific body gave som
unique facts about air tides which
are not generally known.
The moon, we know, causes th
rarlne tides by Its attraction. I
'Iraws the water on the surface of
'e earth toward It In a hump on the
e that it exposed to the lunar in
u.ence, and draws the earth Itself
'-.way from the water on the opposite
iidc, leaving a corresponding hump of
The air, it seems, Is afTected In the
san e way. The layer of atmosphere
'ibout the earth rises, falls and flows
r.ore freely than water, because It la
lighter, so the tide comes more quick
y in the air at a given spot than the
marine tide.
The air, It seems. Is affected In the
same way. The layer of atmosphere
nboiit the earth ris'.s, falls and flows
more freely than water, because it is
lighter, so the ti'ie comes more quick
ly in the air at a given spot than the
marine tide.
This rise and fall, however, means
Just as much to the navigator of the
air as the tide In the sea does to the
sailor, nnd has to be accounted for.
The most remarkable current, how
ever, is one constant stream In the at
mosphere running from west to east
completely around the earth In the
upper atmosphere.
This was first brought to public at
"ention when the volcano Krakatao
blew a cubic mile of matter Into the
.ipper atmosphere In the '80s. The
lighter pnrticlea were seen to make
a complete circuit of the earth seven
times In this circumglobular current
before they finally disappeared. Chi'
cago Tribune.
Stopped Train to Recover Poodle.
Mrs. Richard Buckles of Taylor
ville, III., caused a passenger train
on the Bluff Line to be stopped be
tween Alton and St. Louis while she
got off to search for a pet French
poodle dog which she had Intrusted
to the baggage man and which es
caped through the open car door.
Mrs. Buckles was going to McClusky,
111., to visit and had put the dog In
the baggage car. While the baggage
man had the door open the dog leaped
out and the baggage man went back
to notify Mrs. Buckles of the loss.
Mrs. Buckles insisted that the conduc
tor stop the train while she got off.
She found the poodle, only slightly
injured. She then drove to Alton,
where she waited for another train.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
The Wedding Cake Pagoda.
At Mingun, on the right bank of
the Irrawaddy River, about five miles
from Mandalay, In Burma, there
stands a peculiar pagoda known as
the Wedding Cake Pagoda because It
looks like a marvellously magnified
bridal cake. It was built In the early
part of the nineteenth century and is
In thoroughly good preservation, only
a few of the Images inside having
been broken. The extreme height to
the top of the minaret Is eighty feet
and the circumference about 600 feet
The pagoda stands back fronthe riv
er some 300 feet and is hidden from
It by a grove of teak trees. Close to
it is the famous Mingun bell. Wide
Old War Shell Exploded.
The explosion of an old war time
shell filled with powder almost caused
he death of Ernest Patterson and his
young wife at Dundee, a small coun
try hamlet near here. The shell had
lain In an unfrequented spot for years
ind was found by Patterson while he
was hunting. The explosion followed
'lis attempt to nry It oDen with a
ratchet. The concussion knocked the
ouple several feet, causing dangerous
njuries. Two of Patterson's flneera
vere torn off and his wife's face was
mangled. Central City Argus.
Only Deer In a Wisconsin County.
Calumet county's onfMieeur rs dead.
Old age and the rigors of a hard "wm-
er proved too much for the animal
hat has been the object of solicitude
of the State Legislature and the pro-
ectton of the game wardens of two
.ounties. The people co-operated with
he game wardens to such good effect
hat for years the deer has been safe
rom hunters. Hayton correspond
ence St. Paul Dispatch.
Yield of One Pennsylvania Oak.
The largest oak tree In Huutineton
township, Adams county, was cut re
cently on the farm of John R. Sadler.
The tree was five feet across the
stump and took the men several hour?
to place it prostrate. Eleven hundred
and three large wagon spokes were
taken from the trunk and twelve
cords of wood were cut from the tor
and branches. Philadelphia Record
, 3 , '
Tobacco for British Smokers.
More tobacco is aparentlv beinc
smoked, for in November 8,?10,n08
pounds were cleared for home con
sumption, the largest quantity for one
month under normal conditions.
Since April 61,359,1118 pounds have
been cleared, as against CS.596,91 1
pounds last year. Tobacco Trade Re
Strong Inducements.
An Indianapolis woman answering
an advertisement about the rental of
rooms offers the following Induce
ments: "Myself and husband are
away all day with steam heat, hot wit
ter and all modern Improvement!,"
A Toot
King Olaf "What ho. varlett Brlna
forth my drinking horn." The Varlet
"Here with the drinking horn, kid.
i ne old man a golDg to have another
Also Beneficial to the Brain Worker
of Sedentary Ways.
Speaking of conjuring, the allied
art of juggling Is one of the most
amusing and valuable of diversions
especially to the sedentary. Many
physicians become expert In juggling,
but It Is to their patients that it is
most useful.
The bedridden, If they retain the
use of their hands, may beguile many
a weary hour in learning to keep
three or four tennis balls In the air
at once and in balancing sticks and
other simple objects on the forelluei
or on the chin.
For the Walnworker who does not
care for walking there is no better
recreation. It has often occurred to
us that In cases where there Is any
reason to fear some form of paralysis
the educating of disused cerebral.
carebellnr and spinal centres by the end complex movements re-
Itiired In Juggling might serve to act
s nn efficient preventive.
We do not wish to claim too much
o" luminal education of this kind, but
.0 may point out that It tciulh to
e .e.t nervous poise nnd that no
isgllng trick can be properly done
i l.e performer Indulges hi 01s
pvtj.n even bo mild as beer and
.jjaiettes. American Medicine.
Expanding Bullets Used.
One of the worst features of the
rms traffic on the Arabian sea coast
..' Dnliuhiftnn and In the Persian gulf
.s that the ammunition from Europe
or.sists of expanding bullets. The
Jritish government has forbidden the
ise of dum-dums, but no prohibition
?xisis in the tribal country. British
roops will thus be handicapped in
uture frontier operations. Tens of
housands of magazine rifles have
eached Afghanistan and the trlba.1
linterland, but the danger will be ag
gravated If dum-dums be.ome com
ncn. Traders undertake to give at
east one hundred cartridges with
jach rifle.
Lattice Screens for Inns.
Many quaint old inns are to be seen
in King's Lynn and the sign of the
Lattice Inn Is one of the oldest In
existence. In the nl.len limes the
vindows of Inns were kept open, and
n order to hide the revellers within
i lattice screen, painted red, was
heed in the window. There is an
jld saying: "As well known by my
vlt as an alehouse by a red lattice."
i'he lattices continued up to the be
jlnnlng of the eighteenth century
nd when they disappeared from the
Aindows they were adopted as signs.
Hie latter are very scarce and It Is
niestionable whether half a dozen
ould be found In this country. Cycl
Airship's Lifting Capacity.
An airship was made for the British
navy -which had a lifting capacity of
twenty tons. In many lespects this
Is the largest ever constructed and
s the first built for the English gov
ernment. The usual load which this
itachine will be called upon to carry
111 never be more than five tons, the
remainder being a margin of safety.
It will be five hundred feet in length,
and will have two motors of a total
of 40 horse-power, capable of driving
the machine at a rate of forty-flve
miles an hour in still air.
The Black Canary.
A black canary comes of a cross
between the wild British goldfinch
and a cage canary. As black as coal.
this crystal palace songster shows no
trace whatever In feathers of the
colorings of either of Its parents.
While more or less dark finches are
not so rare, still this Is the first time
that a bird with canary blood in Its
veins has ever been produced Jet
black. Snow white canaries, as
"sports," come ome in a while, and
white black-birds and white Jackdaws
are orcas'nnal. New York Press.
Kentucky Game Preserve.
Thirty-five deer purchased by W.
E. Whit'.ey were placed on a large
tract of land, located about ten milei
east of Owensboro, which Mr. Whitley
will make one of the lureat and most
iboundantly stocked game preserves
n this section of the country. This
purchase of deer is the first that has
been made, but innnv more deer are
n be put on the land, and the owner
itates that he will not permit any
hunting on the land for some time.
Louisville Courier-Journal.
Killed a White Partridge.
A white partridge i:. the, curiosity
hat J. William Kabbitt. a well known
sportsman of this vicinity, was ex
hibiting in Itoikville. He killed the
bird on bis farm, near Rockvllle. He
says another of the flock was also
vhlte. The bird's plumage is entirely
A'hlte with the exception of the head.
Its legs are pink.-Rockvllle corres
pondence Washington lost.
Virtuous New Erg'and.
Up here in New England, where
our ancestors to loved the Indians
that they gave them sometimes ns
nuch as a string of beads and a
pocket mirror for a few square miles
of exceptionally good land, we can
not understand how tho-e Westerners
ould have been so hcrtles as to
try to cheat Poor I.o in the Oklahoma
land deals. Springfield I'nlon.
. Russian's Wolf Team.
A Russian named Peciienko, travel
ling by road from Kra.noyask to St.
Petersburg with a little cart drawn
by two wolves, arrived at Omsk safely.
The wblves were captured live years
ago and are perfectly tame. Pall Mall
Sitting on the Beach,
A bottle of ardent spirits floated
across the Atlantic In a little over
two years. And we can Imagine tbere
are men with sufficient patience and
leisure to sit down on the pebbly
strand and wait for the next one.
Cleveland Plain Dealer,
Daily Thought.
Every soul has a landscape that
changes with the wind that sweeps the
sky, with the clouds that return after
lta rain. George McDonald.
Suits to Order, $12.60 to $35.00.
All our $35.00 Suits and
All our 30.00 Suits and
All our 25.00 Suits and
All our 20.00 Suits and
20 Per Cent. Reduction Allowed on Blue and Black Suits for Men,
Young Men and Children.
All Boys' and Children's
All Boys' and Children's
All Boys' and Children's
All Boys' and CHIdren.s
Goods Reserved
Oil City, Pa.
His Aunt Now, Willie, never try to
deceive anyone. You wouldn't like to
be two-faced, would you?
Willie Gracious, no! One face Is
enough to wash these cold- mornings.
Where Russian Officer of Embasi)
Proved More Than a Match
for Abdul Hamld.
D.plomatlsts abroad tell how a dis
tinguished member of the Russian
corps diplomatique cleverly outwitted
Abdul Hamld. the late Sultan of Tur
key. The Russian displayed a curious
Ingenuity In Introducing the business
of his country In the guise of personal
It appears that the Sultan had abso
lutely refused to grant an audience to
any member of the diplomatic body at
Constantinople and that during the
period In question Abdul Hnmld spent
the greater part of his time In cock
fighting, an amusement whereof he
was passionately fond.
The Russian henrd that his imperial
majesty stood In need of fresh birds
to supply the place of those killed In
fight, whereupon the wily Muscovite
procured a fine-looking white fowl of
the barnyard species, caused It to be
trimmed and spurred to resemble a
gamecock, and sent It In a richly deco
rated cage to the Sultan.
The ruse was successful, but the
Sultan, nt first delighted with the gift,
soon sent for the diplomatist to ex
plain, If he could, why his bird had
shown no Inclination to fight. The
RusBlnn went, examined the bird In
the presence of Abdul Hamid, and
with great astonishment and regreti
acknowledged that It was quite unable
to cope with the royal gamecocks,
which were undoubtedly of a superior
A conference followed on the subject
of gamecocks In general; and when
this was finished the Muscovite suc
ceeded In drawing the Sultan In a
mood for conversation of a different
character, and In time adroitly Intro
duced the political matter he had so
long awaited an opportunity to discuss.
After a long Interview he returned to
his embassy triumphant over his col
leagues. Harper's Weekly.
fchool Children Handicapped.
"Fully one-third of all children in
the primary and grammar grades ar
physically or mentally incapacitated,
or both," says Rheta Childe Dorr, In
nn article on "The Child That Is Dlf.
ferefct," In the Century. "These chil
dren, approximately one-third of all
children under fourteen years of age,
cannot keep up with the ordinary
school curriculum, which Is devised to
meet the needs of perfectly healthy,
normal, average, well fed, well cared
for youngsters."
Chinese Complexions.
A French writer has given in La
Presse Medlcale the results of his ob
servations on massage in China. He
remarks that the exquisite complexion
of the young Chinese women Is due !
not to enameling, as has been sus
pected, but to careful manipulation of
the face done by expert masseuses.
They begin by a gentle pinching of
the cheeks between the tips of their
fingers, which lasts fully ten minutes;
then apply lotions on absorbent cot
ton, then an unguent, and finish by
kneading the cheeks with an extreme
delicacy of touch, always proceeding
from the nose and commissures of
the lips toward the ears.
This Is a harmless and physiologic
ally correct process which can ba
recommended In caRes, rarer than
they should be, where the physician
Is consulted concerning a faded or
otherwise unattractive complexion.
The Printz Co. Announce a Reduction on
All Suits and Overcoats
which commenced on Saturday, January 11th.
Overcoats at . $26.26
Overcoats at. 22.60
Overcoats at. 18.75
Overcoats at. 15.00
All our $18.00
All our 15.00
All our 12.60
All our 10.00
$12.60 grades. $9.00
10.00 grades. 7.60
9.00 grades. 6.76
7.60 grades. 6.60
All Boys' and
All Boys' and
All Boys' and
All Boys' and
on Deposit. Alterations Free.
No Goods on Approval.
"A Good Store to Trade At."
Cleroice SaJe
For the Balance of This Week :
Wednesday, 15th. Notions, White Goods, Cos
tume Velvets, Fancy Waists.
Thursday, 16th. Leather Bags, Fancy Waist
Goods, Flannelette Skirts.
Friday, 17th. Curtain Goods, Neckwear, Silko-lenes.
Saturday, 18th. Knit
You Ought to Attend These Sales.
is Mv Choice of
Duke's Mixture Presents"
Among the many valuable presents now given away
with Liggett & Myers Duke's Mixture there issomething to
suit every taste and in this all-pleasing satisfaction the
presents are exactly like the tobacco itself. For all classes
of men like the selected Virginia and North Carolina bright
leaf that you get In
Now this famous old tobacco will be more popular
than ever for it is now a Liggett & Myers leader, and
is equal in quality to any granulated tobacco you can buy.
If you haven't smoked Duke's Mixture with the
Liggett & Myers name on the bag try it now. You
will like it, for there is no better value anywhere.
Kor Sc you get one and a half ounces of choice granulated
tobacco, unsurpassed by any in quality, and with each sack you
get a book of cigarette papers FREE.
Now About the Free Presents
The coupons now packed with Liggett & Myers Duke'a
Mixture are good for all sorts of valuable presents. These pres
ents cost you not one penny. The list includes not only
3 w55
Shirts to Order, $2.00 to $12.00.
Suits and Overcoats at. 13.60
Suits and Overcoats at. 11.26
Suits and Overcoats at. 9.00
Suits and Overcoats at. 7.60
Children's $6.00 grades. .$4.60
Children's 6.00 grades. . 3.75
Children's 4.00 grades.. 3.00
Children's 3.60 grades.. 2.66
No Goods Charged.
Oil City, Pa.
Underwear, Corsets, Flan-
few: j
smokers articles but
many desirablepresents for
women and children fine
fountain pens, umbrellas, -cameras,
toilet articles.
" tennis racquets, catcher's
gloves and masks, etc.
As a special offer daring
December and January
nnfv. turn mill mni vnn ai
new illustrated catalogue of
presents FREE. Just send
name and address on a postal.
Coupons from Duke's Mixture may
he assorted u tlh tars from HORSE
llat. unvnvjtn ivvioi, coupons
from FOUR ROSES IOr-lin double
and eiher tags or ciiupons usutd sy its.
Premium Dept.
S.Uol.,Mo. M