1 I I iHrt .ylvania, . whole, ha -an lie depended ress in all govern ..d in the real interest of . A earcful scrutiny of the. .1 a century baok will demon .ie iruin ot tins assertion. And, i vermis 10 i ne suhject of nrocress. it nay not be untimely to alUoWto a nam ' graph in my inaugural address of January i li, 1M1, when I said this: J "'We are living in a progressive W, progressive in everything tint tends to the I uplift of man and to a higher and better civilization; and in this forward inarch ' public officials uypt keep pace, not only to be vigilant to see that the laws are faith fully executed, but to give to the people me nest that is in tliem, to see that these ; laws should bear equally upon all and that the ultimate result be the wclfnrai4l- jnncss 01 our people. s "This observation was followed by eer tain specific recommendations as to legisla. tion and policies. Those no.icics have Jeen lived up to with fidelity and most of the legislation urged has been achieved and Pennsylvania needs not apologize to any sister Commonwealth for its backward ness in genuinely sound progressiveness. "We are rather confident in declaring that the United States of America is first among the peoples of this earth in every ..thing that a Christian Nation should rfpre- rtcm, iiiere is every reason lor saying that Pennsylvania is well to the front among the States of the Union in her assurance for the complete liberty and en during benefits of mankind. From the close of the Civil war, at least, this State lias been consistent and strong in its prog ress. "With but brief intermission in these years all this progress has been through and under Republican administrations and in line with Repulican principles Throughout all the changes of time and circumstances purely, steadily and safely - the Uepublininjmrty has piloted the ship of state clear ol rocks and shoals and held lier dead-ahead on a sea of prosperity "What of the future? We are on the eve of a session of the Legislature. For the first time in many years there appears to be acute interest in the veto power of the Governor. Men have raised the ques tion as to whether or not it will be em ployed as a weapon of offense or defense. home seem to think that necessarily it will be used in the interest of a party .thejiepublican party, if you please or to SjTher the ambitions of two or half a doz en' iore or less prominent citizens. "J dislike to use the first personal pro- nonn, anibif l were possible to avoid the capital I. I wovld do so, but it is im portant fortlje members of the General As sembly, and tHl more important for the people over the State, to understand that the 207 representatives in the House and the 50 members of the Senate were elected by the people and that they are responsible to me people omy. u mere ever was a )Une in the development of American politics when men elected to office should appreciate that they are the servants of the public, and not the tools of self-constituted angels of sweetness and light, it is in the year 1012. "It is not necessary to be a prophet nor yet the son of a prophet in order to qnuUfy one to say that no man who has been de nounced publicly by the President of the United States as the worst boss ever known in the history of Pennsylvania a man who lias been pilloried in a formal speech on the floor of the Senate of the United ftates as a corrupter of Legislatures, muni cipal councils and county officials for bis own enormous enrichment no man who lias gone on the witness stand before a committee of Congress clothed with au thority to inquire into campaign slush V lllllns anil has testlheil t.n ins own itiimntv tlttlt ln ailf.li npnutura nan nvnnnt in .1..... . -; , . ; i ? ' contro1 8na "iisusc 'he General As- ' neiAwy 01 rcnnsyivania. "The mere suggestion thai a presumptu ous double dealer, so arrogant in his atti tude, should assume to direct the whole course of legirlation affecting a Common wealth imperial in its resources and institu tions, is repellant and repugnant; and it may as well be understood now as to be de veloped later on that, so far as the present Governor of Pennsylvania is concerned. there will be no traffic with buccaneers. "It will be entirely safe for the peonle of . i live table will be signed without regard to 4 iVlmif r.,..itin(T.. .1. ...ui.ln..u fl... r..- cn""' Pennsylvania is the servant of the ' j-'ii.pic, and not the agent of a party, nor . the representative of a faction, nor the in strument of any particular set of men. It will be entirely safe also for the public to tukc it for granted that any bill which is without merit or is against the general wel fare will be vetoed, no matter what influ ences are back of it. "This is by no means to be construed as a tUircat. It is siintil v a statement mnrlw in formal manner, to remove an impres- n that has been snread about with the dent purpose of inducing people to be ve that the Governor of tins treat State not the master of bis own will. 'I think, not only as to the approaching sum, liutastn everything affecting the te of Pennsylvania and touching us in our lives and condition, a man ought to he, and particularly a public official ought to be, a Pennsylvania!! first anil a party man afterward. "There is nothing in the world tbul I personally want, or on my account have to u-k, from the Legislature, but there are i"uny things, some important, some neces sary, and some that the people arc de termined to have; and God helping me within my proper sphere, and with w hat advice or aid 1 can give legitimately, and with respect to the proprieties, they w ilj j, j it their wish. The times are some what unsettled an.l out of joint politically, far as the State alliiirs of Pennsyl ui 'if,'" concerned and the potentialities there i, '"'ative situation are involved, inisgivii, "'""I ol any apprehension i He shall ar. 4. le , Mrs, Al Jenulp, and .. . i lain Pope of Cherry .18 of the fortner'i uncle, . , during the week. . avs of Vancouver, whoi visit- -er parents at Rons Ron, was a callen j own orkey. d a beautiful day and py without stimulants , r so. The children , hey found what Kama Der ring the night. How lbm40 years ago. Why Jl from 3fl tufld the prosperity. could never h that we did not fare ho " I mink it bet If course we had turkey "unptunn,!,. of meat (list Is Dot too nutanyoldklnA- . ( psoe Al , lr spoiled wH , , , Rnd events everm, .king It the best ihA Haiia. was a town on Tuesdsr- Mrs. K J. Henderson was a Jf visitor last week. '- " On Wednesday anm-nnn.. town and the boys who were rrom had a tussle whh th ket b11 whlcD ended in a victory"' lbe onU'RlMWi "bo won 27 7. and v nMJ n,,,, P,cl,ea team met tM Tidloute boys and slier a rough Mssle trounced Ibem to the tune M 29 On Wedneadsy Ward Barrett received a bunt in the stomach wblcb threw him out of the game at the first rest, but aside from making him sick at the time be was not burt. Oq Friday night Mel flu Dotterier received knock on the bead which "winded mm for a few minute', but be was able to go on with the game. Tbe M. E. Sunday school spent a pleas ant bour Christmas night with Kriskin kle and bia crew. The different parts In tbe cantata were well given for the lengtb of practice reoeived, and after tbe distrl bution of presents 500 boxes of candy and nuts were distributed to the school and visitors. A niiint)er-WHe--unble to get Into tbe church and were compelled to return borne. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hartniao enter tained tbe members of their family at i Christmas reunion. Tbe different mem. bers present were, Mr. and Mrs, Steel and son Francis of Msyburg, Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Foreman of Tionesta, Al bert Uartmao of Washington, D. C, and Mr, and Mrs. Roy Renin of Warren. Tbe mills were shut down two days for Christmas. Miss Blanche Hendrlcksspent tbe week Willi bei parents at Cocbranton. Mat. Cunningham waa up from PUIS' burgb visiting bis brothers for several days. Tbe Misses Anna and Cora Lease and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sbaw spent Christ mas wltb tbeir parents at Uolloza. John Blum has been laid off for several weeks witb neuralgia and liver trouble, Several of Clarence Jenkins' little boys are sick witb congestion of the lungs, Vivienne Dingle, wbn bas been with Mrs. W. L, Watson tbe past season, waa called home last week on account of ber mother's illness. E. E. Daubenspeck was a business vis itor at Tyleraburg . Weduesday and Thursday, Roland Carbaugh visited bis grand parents at Newmansville over Christinas. Friday evening last when log train No, was coming home tbe engine was knocked out on acc unt of a bot box Wbile the engineer, H. B. Dotterrer,' was under tbe engine cooling It tbe passenger train came down and crashed into one of the log cars, smashing tbe car and dam aging the engine so as to throw It out of commission for several' days. Harry Dotierrer, who was under tbe engine, was picked up by tbe machinery and carried several feet but was uninjured. School opened Monday after two weeks' vacation. . Mrs. J. C. Miller was down from Tru- tnans and spent Christmas witb her son, Hi E. Murpby, and called on other friends lo town. J. F. Ray has been on tbe sick list for tbe past week, suffering with a bad cold. Mrs. White or Garland was Ibe guest of her daughter, Mrs. Cbas. Price, during tbe week. Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Ilendrlckson spent Christmas eve witb tbe former's parents at Mayburg. Tbe following young men from town spent Christmas with their areola: R. W. Wbitehill at Truniauss Dr. W. W.I Merrill at Jackson Center, Mercer county; Andrew Cbristensnn at Cherry Grove; Prof. W. H. P. Ktester al Grove City. Prof. Claude Terrill of Mayburg was a visitor In town Sunday. Tbe following young people spent tbe Christmas holidays witb tbeir parents: Dolpbine Smallenberger, a teacher in the Rlmersburg schools; Alia Jensen, who employed in tbe corset works al Corry; John and Julian Bobbins of Albany, N. Y., tbe first a bigb scbi ol student and tbe latter employed in an electrical plant; Alva Watson, accompanied by bis room mate, P. A. Frost, of State College; Pearle Detar, Margaret Lorom aud Harold Fitzgerald, of Hot! 'a Business College, Warren; Lawrence Zuendel, principal of tbe schools at Knox, and Melvln Dotter rer, of Allegheny College, Meadville. Prof. Eakins of Edinboro Normal, visited Rev. aud Mrs. Henry Smallen berger several days during Ibe week. Mr. aud Mrs. Lew H Arner were Mar lenville visitors over Christmas. The merchants in town did a rushing business during Christmas week. Never before bave so many presents been sold in tbe town, Tbe sales at the store where Christmas presents were a spoclalty were as blsb as fSO and f!K) worth in a day, and kept the clerks on tbe bustle, wbile tbe other stores were rushed to tbe full ex tent of their powers. Miss Edith Gayley visited relatives in Kane during the past week. It Is noted that the framers of tbe pro. posed new law providing for a "public utilities commission" in this state, bave aeeu to it that tbe salaries are adequate. It is proposed to put seven members on thecommission atflO.OOO to each gentle man. This is the same as the Governor ol our stste receives, and since the prop osition is put up by the legislative com mittee appointed by ' Reformer'! Klinn, there is no reason wby it should not be thoroughly "progressive" in tbe matter of good fat salaries. Let the high-handed ork go on notwithstanding the bigb cost of living for tbe common Peonle We must be "progressive" al any cost. Notice. or . we have seen for msnv CnrliiM som8 vistltitiK nd touud '. place bad an abundance and no "enl hungry nor no child bad lo cry or presents. Up at Hastings tbe con- Itions were the best they have been for years on aciuniof the prevaling wave of lemperance.af 'Usrry Cbristenson spent tbe day wltb bis parents at bis home at Cherry, Srove and John Phillips helped bim out by running tbe gasoline plant during bis absence. Mrs. Al Burdick waa in bed witb tbe ick headache and did not bave a very Merry Christmas aud bad our sympathy. All was quiet at Blue Jay and there also was ev hi, nee of tbe same temperance wave during the early bours and we hope the reports will bear up good for tbe balance of Ibe day. Mr. and Mrs. L'.o dell aod Miss Shay went to Minister to spend the day witb Ibe Wm. II ess ley family and bad a very nice time, aa tbe wbnle family and a lady from James town were there, also tbe father aud mother, The Sunday school at Blue Jay gave an Interesting Christmas entertainment on Tuesday evening In tbe school building and all the children were remembered. Mr. and Mrs. Showers sent by express to tbeir daughter May, wbo is training for a nurse at a Philadelphia hospital, a box ot Christinas oooklug wblcb no doubt was much appreciated. Our best wishes were omitted but we sent them by wireless and she bas them by this time. At Henrys Mills tbe school and Suuday School bad a doe Christmas exercise on Ttie-day evening and all were well pleased witb it. On Christmas day Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Miller of Porkey were the guests of R. W. Burdick and family, Down at Mayburg there was a couple launched out on the matrimonial ses and tbe best wishes of tbeir many friends ac company tbem on this great undertaking where fierce tbrma may arise snd swamp tbe bark; at any old time, but by care these storms will not in tbe least have any effect on Ibe great ship. Mr. aud Mrs. F. J. Kranking spent tbe day witb C. U. Horner on Hell Hill and bad a fine time. Charlie's Is tbe place to go for a royal good time and it is bard to find a finer man than he. We believe in telling these good things wbile a man lives. Mrs. Krankiug Is a daughter of Mr. Horner. Mr. Wagner was borne from tbe west aud wltb bis family was al so present. Ralph Wbitehill of JKellettville spent Christmas witb friends at Sheffield and missed tbe Christmas tree at bis borne town but some one looked after bis presents. No doubt Rellettvllle would bave a very nice exercise for this is one place where they do things up about right. Watch the next week's items, Mayburg boarding bouse was about out of boarders on Tuesday and Christinas only for brothers, Wilson and Rupert, a travelling man, and a tramp. Clarence anyuer ana truest ilendrlckson were borne from Warren to spend the holidays Nebraska. Misses Ruth Cook snd Grace Reed speqt U)ir holiday vacation witb friends and relatives in Pittsburgh. , AUlwn'v Kllnesilver of Church Hill Is visiting relatives here. ' Miss Nolle Pe Woody spent several days last week with relatives In Corry. Frank Coin lis went to Warren last Tuesdsy to see bis son Koy, who Is in ibe hospital at that place with an injured knee, and reports him getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Carll and son weredown rrom Mayburg over Christmas, Mrs. Robert Sbswkey and daughter of Sigel spent tbe past week wltb relatives at this place. Misses Janet and Wild Thomson came home from Clarion last week to spend tbeir vacation. Addison Reed returned to West Vir ginia, Friday, slier a short visit wltb bis parents. He was accompanied by Albert Doln. Samuel Preston was a visitor In Oil City and Franklin on Thursday last. Robert Jones and Truman Bingman were Tionesta visitors on Friday. Mr. Shaffer of Warren spent the past week witb friends here. I. II. Allison and It. M. Reed attended teachers' institute at Marienville since our last correspondence. Merton Klineatlver left for Lancaster, Monday, to readme bis Httidi.K..ln tbe Pennsylvania Business College. JT Miss Muriel Znck spent Clirislinasitot k.. I.....,- ... VS"" uoi uuiud imi I'll viMiiniB, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Connor are up from i-iiisuurgn on a visit. Carl Jones of Endeavor spent Sunday who relatives Here. M iss Cora Lease has returned to Kel lettvllle after a abort stay witb Mrs. Ly msn Cook. Mrs. Fred Klineatlver left FrVlay morning In see ber sister, wbo bts been ill In the Wllliauispott hospital lor some lime. Harold McKeen, Marie Small and Ma rie McKeen called on friends at Kellett- ville, Sunday. Mis. Clevis Richards Is on tbe sick list at the present writing. The Gazette Times 1913 Almanac. Secrets Of The Underworld. wnn tneir parents, firm Look .Join I or juay be ordered by mail Scran ton, and Miss Delia Cook.rrfja Thsw 1 he All nesta, were also borne for tbe dwy, ' Miss Adaline Campbell was unable to enjoy Chrmnsus tn tbe proper way on so- count of ItayTiaasleJ,. but we are pleased to say tbat she Is getrtng JwRr. Two drunken wefleiBvyioing to turn tbe flea Grace .-Wrolt; I first or tbe week at e .-ftroDf lPjeSiW , li1 I nen in MaybijtbiirdiirJfet Reeker are a few employes that work on' 1 Tbe Stockholders of the Forest County National Bank of Tionesis. Ph.. will meel Kin Tuesday, January 14, l!li:i, at i o'clock p- in., at I he office of the bank, for the pu . pose of tbe election of directors lor the ensuing year. Adv.4t James H. KEt.tY, Cashier. accomplish tbeir hellish puTpoaTa tbeMf n-rt Jou-r' in iuis uiiiiuiug. cuisine on mem 7?r their rowdyism, as a lady also works al this place. There are all kinds of men in this world but not all are gentleman. Reader do you believe this? John Paul was at Cherry Grove on Christmas day calling on bis mother-in-law. Thomas Giflbrd bas taken unto him self a wife ber maiden name waa Carrie Dable, and they are tbe recipients of tbe best wishes of tbeir many friends. MissTwtla Shsy of Wellers attended tbe teachers institute at Marienville last week. Tho private telephone line now ten miles long and working fine, Porkey lo Henrys Mills. This is In a class by Itself costing very little and giving excellent service. Each one owns his telephone and will keep it up, whleb will tie about all the expense to it for time to come. Each one gave a day's line and for green bands bave one of the best wires in tbe country and one on which "rubbering" Is almost entirel absent. Of course It is expected lor a time but soon wears off ex cept in very rare cases, and tbese can be remedied. The management bas a way of its owu In this bothering practice. Tbe end is not yet of this valuable enterprise. The Pitleburg Gazstie Times will mark the advent ol tbe new year by Issuinl its iwu Atmanao, a ouo-psge hook vmfise every page is packed lo the briui with useful Information aud data of everyday value. The Almanac Is well printed. substantially bound, and contained with- lu handsome colored covers. The scone or tbe book Is almost encyclopedic, lie- glnntng witb a calendar, specially pre pared by tbe Allegheny Observatory and based on mean Pittsburg time and in tended for use within a radius of ISO miles of Pittsburg, the Almanac contains a series of interesting surprises as com psred to stock publications of Ibis nature. Tbe book was prepared and priuted by Tbe Gazette Times in Pittsburg. Every line in it is original matter, compiled at great expense and witb minute care. Its data will be found of extraordinary value to tbe residents of Pennsylvania, Ohio snd West Virginia. Not only are the affairs of the general governmentbrnught down to dale, but the affairs of tbe three states as well. Polities, religious matter, complete and authoritative sporting rec ords ol every description, the latest com pilations of the Census Bureau at large and also with relerence to the three states, the public schools, the woman's suffrage movement and a hundred other matters of live public interest are treated ex haustively, and always there are facts. Witb all this tbe Almanac is a mine of general information, splendidly indexed so as to be readily accessible lo tbe busy man snd woman. The Almanac is a book tor the nousewlle, the Isrmer, Hie me chanic, tbe banker, the merchant and tbe professional man. There are a few items of major information in the book which in themselves are easily worth the nominal price wblcb bas been put upon the work. The book will be on sain by all agents of Tbe Gazette Times at 25 cents a copy t r epntH manao will be readiTin a few days Adv For tbe first time tbe country is going to have a clear view of the "seamy side" of New York life the vast ramilicatii.ns of graft and crime of which a gliinp-e was the trials of Police Lieutenant and tbe four gunmen wbo killed Rosenthal. fTbeae relations will be made In a series if8rtlera entitled "My Life in tbe uimnwoeui ' wnicu win appear in ine Philadelphia North American nn suc cessive Sundays beginniug Sunday, De cember 20. The author Is Jack Rose "Bald" Jack Rose, the gambler, who for twenty years lias been familiar wltb every noted in habitant of tbe Btrsnge world of which he writes. It was bis astounding testimony that sent Becker snd the assassins to the desih bnu-n In Sing Sing. Rose will "take Ibe lid off" tbe under world ot New York, and reveal the as tonishing life led by its denizens, the tboussnds wbn live by crime nr by tbeir wits, Adv. A Big Sensation 8IOO HEW AKI, IOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to ieai n tbat there is at least one dreaded disease that science bas been able to cure in nil its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fra ternity.- Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly apon the blood and mucous surface ol the system, there by destroy ing the foundation of tliA dis ease, and giving the patient strength by building up me constitution and assist ing nature in doing its work. The pro prietors have so much faith in its cura tive powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars lor any case thai it inns lo cure, Send for list ol testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Hold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are theliest. California Woman Seriously Alarmed. "A short time ago I contracted a severe cold which settled on my lungs snd caused me a great deal of annoyance. I would have bad coughing spells and my lungs were so sore and Inflamed I began to be seriously alarmed. A friend recom mended Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, saying she bad used it for years. I bought a bottle and it relieved my cough the first night, and in a week I was rid of tbe cold and soreness of my lungs," writes Miss Marie Gertier, Sswtelle, Cat, Fur sale by all druggists. Adv. NoticeStockholders' Meeting. The snnual meeting of the stockholders f the Tionesta Water Supply Co. will be held at lh company's ollloe in tbe Bor ough of Tionesta, Pa., on Monday, Jan. fl. 1013, at 2 o'clock p. in., for the purpose if elentihg directors for the year and the transaction of such other loudness as may properly come noiore itier" -etlng. Jack Rose, the gambling partner of Lleutensnt Becker and tbe chief witness against bim for tbe murder of Herman Rosenthal, has just completed a series of six articles which are Hie most sensa tional ever published. They are entitled "My Life in tbe Underworld" and reveal tbe secrets of murder, gambling, shop lifting, etc. They will give in detail bow lives are put out Tor $10 snd upward. Tbe tragedies of Ihe gambling table, where orlminals are really made, nr wiretapping -really run by the Police Department on a commission basis ot 15 per cent. Jack Rose knows what he writes about as Morgsn knows banking or as Edison kno8 electricity. The series of srtieles have been bought at a tremendous price by The Pittsburg' Dispatch, and will be published in tbe Sunday issue, beginning Sunday, Decem ber 'JO. Arrangements should be made witb newsdealers without delay tor tbe papers containing this series. Adv. Fit His Case Exactly. "When father was sick about six years ago be read an advertisement of Cham berlain's Tablets In the paper tbat lit bis osse exactly," "writes Miss Margaret Campbell of Ft Smith, Ark. "He pur chased a box of them and he has not been sick since. My sister had stomach trouble and was also benelited by them ." For sale by all dealers. Adv. MARRIED. Attest, Sam O. W. RoBlNi. -President, lufx D. Irwin, r 'Nary, all GIFFORD DAHLK.-On Dec. 1H, 101?, at tbe borne of Key. Win. Richards, i;l Hnrizel street, Warren, Pa., Thos. B. Gilford, of Mavburg, Pa., and Miss Caroline H. Dable, of Marienville, Pa., Rev. Win. Richards officiating. CONFER--BRA DYBA UGH. At the Rural House, Tionesta, Pa., Dec. 21, 1012, by C A. Randall. J. P , Frank Outer and M iss Bessie Bradybaugb, both of Tionesta township. O'CONNOR-SWIRES.-In Ja r.estown, N. Y., Dec. 27. 1012, by Justice L. L. Hauchelt, Harry L. O'Connor, of Rrookville, Pa, and Miss Myrna Swires, of Wosl Hickory, Pa. DUNHAM WHITEHILL In Punx sutawnev. Pa., Deo. 21, 1012. by H. M. Means, J. P., Pearl James Dunham, of Bronkville, Pa., and Miss Linda B, Wbitehill, of Endeavor, Pa. MILLER HAIISK. In Oil City. Pa., Deo. 2ii. 1012, by Rev. C. II. Frampton, Fred E. Miller and Miss Ruth Hause, boih of Oil City. Winter Footwear. Proper protection for the feet at this season of the year is highly important. : A few dollars invested may be the means of preventing sickness I and doctor's bills. Consider the following; I Heavy, High Top Shoes. Rubber Overshoes. High Top Arctics. Storm Overs, Cloth or Rubber. Leggins and Gaiters. Rubber Boots. Lumbermen's Outfits. No difference what you do, we have the Footwear suited to your particular needs. G. W. ROBINSON & SON Hikek.caa 4bos J i r. FJ.' LJ 14. "ft A ' ' il af. "it Hs4 . .. :.ftL , 'y mm hds broWh i j il grown, i Our bank grown, because me people of this community believe in onr bank. tered by ponsible, We do not sol! 1 your acrbunt just because ours is i l ational Bank, chartered h SlalDs.Governiient, but also, because ,:he.good names of responsible. the United upright men of Mown finincial responsibility are likewise behind our bank. We snail welcome yaur nana iccouni. CAPITAL SURPLUS, Nlork holders Meeting. The annual meeting, of the stockholders of the Forest Telephone and Telegraph Company will be held in the Directors' 4 too i n of the llld Standsrd National Bank, at Marienville. Pa., January 21, at l::kJ o'clock p. in., 1013, for tbe purpose of electing olHeers for the ensuing year. J. II. Rdsski.l, President. J. B. CoTTLK, Secretary. :i l! ores involution Notice. Tol'ium il Mot) Concern: T The linn of Henderson Miller, com posed of F. J. Henderson, J. O. Miller and K B. Catlin, bas this dsy been dis solved by mutual consent, F. J. Hender son withdrawing, and the debts will be paid and the credits collected by llm J. 0. Miller Lumber Company, Limited, this company continuing the business. F.J. Hkniikrson. J. C. Millkr. E. B Catlin. Warren, Pa , Deo. 18, 1012 Administratrix's Aotiee. Letters of sdmiuisti stion on the estate of A.M. Van Horn, late of Jenka Town ship, Forest County, Pa., deceased, hav ing been granted to lbs undersigned, all persons indebted to as id estate are hereby untitled lo make payment without delay, and those having claims or demands will present them, duly authenticated fur set tlement. Mrs. Taiiitha Batrman, Adin'x, Wilklusburg, Pa. M. A. Carri.nokk, Attorney. Tionesta, Pa , Deu 26. 1012. A UDIIOR8 STATEMENT of Tionesta 4.V J' Township, for the year eudiug Decem ber 2, 1912. Ralance, 101 1. Rec'd- County treasurer.. win. inicoi, duplicate State appropriation Henry Blum, Collector 1911. 170 88 MO 00 2.16 29 1 19 H7 1,781 13 To orders redeemed. Balance -2,4.7 57 . 2,255 65 211 9 We pay libel! it-- 2,467 67 Lands returns $ 115 31 Unseated 186 P8 Due from County treasurer 393 00 Exonerations 3 8 1 District No. land 2 228 40 3 19 92 " " 4 Ml 91 " " 6 108 47 40 HI 7 167 01 " " 3 80 " " 9 1 15 ) " " 10 120 6 " " II 174 II Repairs macadam 67 SI ('nrrigated iron culverts 10ii f 3 Lumber 6 64 Attorney 10 00 Order redeemed, 287.37, $200.00 4H7 37 A minors salary 8 00 Supervisors atieinliug lawsuit l.i 75 Supervisors services 49 00 Repairs 38 15 Treasurers commissions 45 09 Collectors couimbsion 6170 Postage 2 00 Interest 95 50 Commission natb 1 50 J. Wagner making out duplicate 3 01 VViitiug auditors report 2 00 Miscellaneous 13 41 (2,255 65 Money borrowed 1,900 00 We the undersigned and I tors bave ex amined tbe above report and hereby certify tue same to ue correct. Wm. Korb, A. L. I homson . C. H. Lawrence, Clerk. Auditors ftotiee or Appeals. Notice is hereby given that the Com missioners of Forest County will beat the following places at tbe time desig nated, for Ihe purpose of holding appeals from the Triennial Assessment of 1013. The Assessors of the different town ships aie requested lo meet with the Commissioners at the places designated. Mngsiey Township, .Monday, January 13th. at Kellettville. Howe Townsbio. Tuesday. January 14th, al Lynch. Jenks Township, Wednesday, January 15th. at Marienville. Harnett Township Thursday, Jauuary 16th, atflaringtnn. Green Township, Friday. January 17lb, at Nebraska. Tionesia Borough, Saturday, January 18ib. Hi Conn House. UicKory Townsbln. Mnudsv. JlnnnrD 20ih, at liasi Hickory. Harmony Township, Tuesday, January 2Nt, at West Hickory. nonesta Township, Wednesday, Jau uary 22d, al Court House. ' W. H Hahrison, J. C. St'OWDKN, H. H. M;( i,Kl.LAN, Commissioners of Forest County. Attest-S. M Henry, Clerk. Tionesta, Pa., Dec. 17th. 1012. Evidence of Prosperity. When the Nni maT"school Course of Study was lengthened, it waa said that tbe attendance would decrease. The Sluts Normal school at Clarion has main tained it's attendnnne, not withstanding the lengthening of Ihe Course of Study. The work is now distributed over four years so tbat better training is offered prospective teachers than wa possible under the former course. Teaching oilers belter opportunity financially and socially than does busi ness life for the nversge Individual. The demand for both men and women is in excess of the supply. Why not become a teacher? Write for catalog. Harry M. Khafer, Principal, Clarion, Pa. -Ad.. It Gdinty NaLtioruxl Bank, m TIONESTA, PA. TOCK, - - - 150.000. ' " -100,000. Do your banking with us. 1 Interest consistent with safety, 4 per cent. ' --4' ,-- Specificalons of 1913 "Buicks." Wheel base 105 inchcJ equipped. Prices: Roadster Wheel base 108 inct nicKie nntsn. fully eqi Roadster Wheel base 115 incl horse power. Nickle fin 'nomx 2i. 3231-2 tires, 28 horse Deliveries start Aug Deliveries will not si When Better Autonvj Ralp power. Nickle finish, fully $950, Touring Car $1,060. 5IODI.L 30.' 1.14x4 tires, 32 horse power. Gas. oil and electric lights. ped, including self-starter. Prices: . . . $1,126. Touring Car $1,285 1 1 vi: iAssi:ji.u, Touti(j. , tires 36-4, quick detachable, on demountable rims, 40 , electric lighting with generator, self-starter. P4e fully equipped $1,650. 1. Ihe six-cylinder model will be announced later. Deliveries will not strt on this model until January. iles are Built, Buick will Build Them. A. Cook, Tionesta. Si All this ch A Picture of Contentment eti look pleased when thev smoke ie tobacco for all men like the rich qualitysVid true, natural flavor of i n Smoljed in pipes by thousands of men everywhere known tociRiirette smokers as the makings. We take unusual pride in lAggett Myert Duke'l Mixture, j It is our leading brand of granulated tobacco and every sack we make is a challenge to all other tobacco manufacturers. Every 5c sack of this famous tobacco contains one and a half ounces of choice granulated tobacco, in t Very way equal to the hetl you can buy at any price, an J vfith each sack you get a book of cigarette papers ,F j'E. If nil We not smoked the Duke's Mixture made by tbe Ltgqtlt j iVjTt Tobacco Co. at Durham, N. C, try It now. Get a Camera with the Cqupons Save he coupons. With them you can get all sorts of valu- able presents articles luunnie toryoun ano aids men, women, boys and girls. You II be delighted to see what you can gel free with- nit one CCIH OI COSI lo you. on mir uor Illustrated catalog. Aiatpecialoffer. w will tend it free during December and January only. Your name aod address 1 on s postal will bring It to you. Couptmi from Put''- Slit In imM ttl i . TINSLEY'S N GER TWIST ROSES ( ' PLljr W V'"' r Si vx ; i Subscribe Yeai mry xuoZ rtoa7t' :,r I 1 - .