THF FOREST REPUBLICAN 4. C. WINK, lOITO rorsiTo. Kellettville. Frank Hutchinson of Salamanca. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18. 1912 1912 DECEMBER 1912 II 254T5"6fl 8-91011121314 151617181921 groin 1 1 1 A Washington dispatch saye that It understood among close friends of Col onel Bryan tbst be is going to publish the Commoner In Washington, and tbst be will be a candidate for Peesident in lfllrt. Hi activity in favor of a single term for Presidents is interpreted to mean tbat be wants to make sure of the shelving of Woodrow Wilson, so that he will not have him as rival candidate. The thing sounds plausible, as there la little doubt tbat Colonel Bryan could be persuaded to accept the Presidency. His actions for the put thirty years would tend to create tbat suspicion, thinks the Pnniy Spirit. Contributions of hissslsry by former Congressman Sibley, when be was elected to go to Washington from the Erie-Crawford district in 189.1, is the basis of bill In equity brought in the Erie county courts yesterday, aays tbe Erie Dispatch. The Erie county and Ci aw ford county Pomona Granges with a number of smaller Granges ask what has become of 4,000 given tbe Keystone Co-operstive Association, Limited, to build a Joint grange ball for them at Curry, or some central point. Harborcreek Union and other granges are mentioned as parties to tbe suit with permission for other granges to join. Tbe sworn statement is made by George C. Reiteof Union Grange No. 764. He ssy the gift came from Mr. Sibley in March, 1893. At the same time Mr. Sib ley gave each fsrmer's alliance county organization $2,000 and each county labor union organisation f 1,000. Tbe defend ant association la given tbe usual thirty days in which to answer. Pennsylvania faroutranka all other States in tbe value ot ita mineral output, Io 1911 this State contributed, exclusive of pig iron, 24 7 per cent of tbe total min eral output of the United States. Tbe reason for Pennsylvania's undisputed leadership lies primarily, according to tbe United Statea Geological Survey, in its great production of coal. It is almost exclusively the source of anthracite, and produces over one-tbird of tbe total bi tuminous output, Pennsylvania ranks second, next to New York, io the value of its manufactures, and stsnds first as a mineral producer in cement, coal, coke, pig iron, lime, mineral paints, sand and gravel, and building stone. Many of these great natural products lie along tbe Allegheny river and its tributaries, and yet the water power thieve would not hesitate to destroy them all by tbe erec tion of great power dams tbat would effectually stop every sort of navigation and make tbem of no use whatever. Y., and Dors Jensen, of this place, were married Thursday evening bv Koulre George Zuendel. They were treated to a rousing serenade by tbe younger element on Friday evening. The groom has been working in town for some time, having employment at tbe kindling wood factory, and they will make their borne here for tbe present Rv. and Mrs. Henry Smallenberger were called to Meadville tbe first ol tbe week by the death of the former' father at that place. narry snannou was taken sick with a cold several days ago which baa devel oped Into pneumonia. Mrs. Maude Berlin and Miss Edltb Gayley lea Saturday for Clarion, where they expected to visit several daya before going to Marienville to attend teachers' institute. The following teachers from town are in attendance at tbe teachers' Institute In Marienville tbta week: Prof. J. L, Sliumone and W. H. P. KeUter, the Misses Kate Guentber, Klauohe Hen dricks, Verna Miller and Lorelta Dunkle. Mr. and Mra. Roy Berlin of Warren are down visiting their respective par enla, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hartman and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Phillips. Frank Nash spent a part of tbe week on tbe farm at Frost. Mra. W. L. Watson spent several days in Warren during the week. M rs. Cbarlea Pope and daughter Flor ence are visiting friends in Sheffield. F. V. Hendrickson was up to Warren over Sunday. Mra. M. F. Catlin and Mrs. F. J. Hen derson were Hickory visitors on Satur day. The M. E. Sunday school I prepsrlng a cantata which wfll be given in tbe church Christmas night. The athletic club la boosting a plan to build a new hall in town. Notices are placed In every corner calling attention to tbe need of tbe town hall and a ther mometer is placed in the post office which shows one hundred shares for sale at ten dollars a share. As tbe shares are sold tbe thermometer I marked and the reg ister showed seventy shares sold on Sat urday evening, which Is certainly a good showing for the first week's work and looks very much as if tbe boys are going to succeed in gttttiug a place for nvm- nasium and basket ball. They expect to build a ball 75x35 feet and will have a large stsge and be equipped for enter tainments, etc Tbe town needs such hsll and every one who can should help tbe boy by taking one or more of the thirty shares yet to be disposed of. Tbe oyster supper given by tbe Ladies' Aid, Wednesday evening, did not draw a very good crowd but tbe records showed f 18.00 to tbe good after overytbing waa aettled up. Mr. and Mrs. John Blum attended tbe funeral ot the former's grandmother at Tylersburg Tuesday. From Washington. N Crystal Falls. Wash . IW 4 lm-x Editor Kohkst Kkpubi.ican; Altera long alienee I will again try, if you see flt to print this, to let the people around Tionesta hear front me through the columns of your paper. Six yeara ago last maroh I left Forest county for this place. Since that time I have gone through all the trials and troubles or holding down a homestead, which I shall not try to give in detail. I have outlived them all and now my family and I are tbe owners of 840 acres ol tbe best timber landa In northeastern Washington, to gether with lbs Great Falls of tbe Little Pend D'Orrlelle River. The falls are about 3.50 feet In one-balf mile, making tbe best water power In Stevens ciunty. Some of tbe people who are fighting so hard Io get a obanoe to dam Tionesta Creek would do well to come out bere where they could get plenty of water power without such dangerous dams. What this country needa Is more capital to develop It. There is pleuty of loom for investments. A n eleclrio road through this valley would be a good paying en terprise. A large lumber company could do well, as there la no less tban 100,000 acrea of timber tbat could txt brought down hill to this place. Cedar, white pine, yellow pine, fir, lamarao and spruce are plentiful. Tbia could be made a great manufacturing plant, aa tbe falls would furoisb a cheap power. Tbia couutry Is destined to become a great fruit country. Nearly all kinds of fruit do well bere, especially winter apples, therefore all kinda of fruit boxes win constantly In demand. Six yeara ago JJ IjflU rll(3Ci wunu i uaiua uere i was ODIIged to out two miles of road to get to my claim and for almost a year it waa a rare thing to see a team in bere. Now we have a state road and it is nv uncommon thing to see six or eight aitomobilea passing my place at one lime. We have a fine sum mer resort here, as the fishing la good from bere to the Little Pend D'Orrielle Lakes, which are about ten miles from bere, and a One drive over tbe state road. There are now two stores, a postotflceand a good school bere and everything looks prosperoua. I bave not regretted coming to Washington, but I bave a very waim feeling for old Pennsylvania and espe cially forest couuty and tbe friends who retnaio there. I would be very glad to bear from any of them. Your sincerely, W. A. Hughes. Nolle of Foreclosure or Chattel Mortgage To George Gilbert!, J. Jr. frbuxh, Z. L. Squire ami Henry O Hank, an u ell an to the milikin Oil anil (Vim CVjwiKiny, a Whereas, on Dec. 8th, 11)11, George Gil bwrds, J. il, Forbush, ',, L. Squires and Henry G. liask executed and delivered to II. O. Mapes, by Instrument of writing, a mortgaice, for oil and gas well supplies furnished by said II. C. Mspes, in the "inn off 1720 00, with Interest from Pec. 5tb, 1911, due in two months from the dBte thereof, said mortgage being record ed at Tinnesta, Foiest County, Pa., on Deo. 7th, 1911, in Mortgage Book Vol. 8, page 18; And Whereas, the snld mortgage was not paid at its maturity, and on the 18lh day of April, 1IH J, the mortgagee. H. C. Mapns, acknowledged in writing that on said dale there was then due on said morlKage tbe sum of f 1709 91, with inter est, and the same was on the 22d day of nnrii, a. u. iiuz, amy recorded lu the otlice for the recording of deeds In aud for Forest Counlv, Pennsylvania, In Mortgage Book Vol. 8, page til; And Whereas, (be Billikin Oil and Gas Com pany, a corporation, has since purchased the property enumerated and mentioned in aaid recited mortgage, and at the time of so purchasing had notice of the mort-a-age upon the property mentioned and described In ssid mortgsge mentioned. Now, notice is hereby given, that there remains due and unpaid on ssid mort gsge the sum of $1778 .10, Including in terest from Apiil 18 b, 1012, and that Ibe goods and chattels mentioned and enu merated In said recited or mentioned mortgage will lie sold ou Saturday, De CTmiwain, 11112,11 one o'clock p. m., unless inesame De paid in mil on or be fnre ssid date, at public auction, as pro. viuea oy aoi 01 Asseinmy in sucu cases provided. II. C. Mai-kn. Per JosKl'U Clapk, Manager. jA 'v$"5 Ji&Ksi When looking for 1 gift useful all the year round, : A Good Umbrella t is a safe purchase. We have them to suit your pocket book, and ask you to note the merits of the New India, the "Little Umbrella with the big spread." $1.50, $2.60, $3.50. 'Till Be Died Taylorsburg, Ohio.-Abe Skinner, the village pessimist, laughed himself to death from reading BIFF I the Great G. W. ROBINSON & SON Executor's Xotlee. Letters testamentary on the estate of American Magazine of Fun which is I VK1 wll'r. late i.f Klngsley Town making greater strides than anv nther ?hl'' ,,or,,t daed. "v- magazine before the American public today. It is a magazine that will keep the whole family in a good humor. The staff of Biff contains the greatest artists, caricaturists, critics and editors on the continent. It is highly illustrated and printed in many colors. It will keep the wnoie iamuy cneenul the year 'round You can afford to spend 60c a year to do this. Send this clipping and 60c today to ineuia rumisning lo., Dayton, Ohio, ior one year s suoscnption lug been granted to tbe undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make psvmeut without dnlav. and those having claims or demands will present Ihem, duly authenticated for set tlement. K. j. W KLLKK. Executor. Noa. 12. 1912. wt,rr, ,, Go to the Vasw Tm, VaJss How's This! Flinnicism. In the course of bis renewal ol tbe oath of allegiance to Theodore Roosevelt, in the Progressive party's experience meet ing at Chicago the other day, William Flinn, the well-known Pittsburg philan thropist, addressed bis brethren and slstern of tbe sacred cause in these in spired words: Now, all you folk? have got to do to carry tbe country as we did in Pennsyl vania is to go out and get 1,000,000 Demo crala with you, and tbe trick is turned. Thus do we learn that election of a president of the United States, in tbe in terest of a movement tbat is based upon tbe Sermon on the Mount and fortified at Armageddon, la essentially a trick. There is no necessity to expound princi ples or to advance ideala. These may be well enough in their way. But tbe real thing to do la to "get" a round million of Democrats, good, essy marks! sod victory will perch on the Bull Moose's antlers. Mr. Fiinn talks so confidently tbat one must believe be has had experience. To be sure, be does not go into details as to method or procedure. And yet, again, after expressing bis contempt for Repub lican standpatters as not "worth bother ing about," be says: If tb-y don't want to come in and be good, then reach out and grab off a few Democrats and you've got everything "j, uu iue ugni is won. Tbe esteemed Pennsylvania national committeeman of Progrebsivism ia right at home when he commends tbe "grab off" policy. In ability to "grab" what he wants or needa Mr. Flinn has de veloped wonderfully. He has winning ways, so to speak. Has he not spent f'JOO.OoO or more Ibis yesr to prove what Pennsylvania needs immediately, if not sooner, ia an air-tigbt corrupt practice actf Decidedly be is a man of principle, pelt either way. He ha Improved on Webster bv sdopling tbe maxim: "I bad rather be right (on the Job) tban be presi dent." The people of Pennsylvania should not worry for a minute. "We've captured our state," says Mr. Flinn, "and we are going to keep It." Whether we are to bave a benevolent despotism or ILe Athenian democracy restored these be minor questions. Let us be happy in tbe enjoytnen' of Fliunicism undiluted aud raw. (ja.stte Times. Cherry Grove. Mra. H. C. Johnson and Mra. Lewis Johnson were Warren shoppers Wednes day. Herbert Littlefield of Frewsbnrg, N. Y., wbo has been visiting Wm. Pope a few days, returned home Thursday. Benry Sorenaon and Sam Hanson took in a play in Warren Friday night, Olive Vaodeoberg and brother Clar ence were visiting at Truman's Sunday. Mrs. Joe flinch spent a lew day wit j her parents, Mr. and Mr. Geo Vaodeo berg, tbia week. Simon Allaire went to Sheffield Friday evening where be met bia two sisters, Anna aud Elizabeth, wbo came np on 'he S. A T. from their schools. Tney tben proceeded to Warren and look In "The Trail ot.tbe Lonesome Pine" at tbe Li brary theatre. Saturday waa the last day of hunt! season, or last bunting day, the last day of tbe season coming on Sunday. We bave heard of no extra large amount of "bunnies" or birds being captured, as it waa a bad day for bunting. G. W. Gitford was a Warren visitor Saturday. Harry Crosura was in Sheffield Satur day. C. L. Farnswortb and Sam Hanson were Sheffield callers Saturday. From all indications at present Santa will bave to use an automobile tbia year. Andrew Johnson departed for tbeCalii fornia oil fields Fridsy evening. He has been home 00 a short visit and returning to bia work where be has been for some time. Several cattle turned out last spring by some of our farmers bave become so wild that tbe owners csnnot capture tbem. One day last week they were rounded up and driven within a couple of miles of home, when tbey became frightened at some clothes banging on tbe line at tbe home of S. A. Allaire. Tbey decided to go back and the owners were compelled to give up tbe chase when they bad gone about eight miles into tbe woods. Sev eral attempts bave been made to get them but all were failures. Everel Gilford, wbo spent Ibe summer with bia aunt, Mra. Deshner, has re turned to bis home at Mayburg. we offer One Hundred Dollars Re- warn ior any cae of Catarrh, thai cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHE5BT A Oo Prons.. TbImIiy r W e, tbe undersigned, have known F.J. Cheney for tbe Ism 15 rearm, and believe him perfectly buoorable io all bnsines transactions and financial y able to carry out any obligaUoDS made bv ibelr firm. W kst t Tsai x, wholesale "drupcist. To- v., " iLBija, HIAX MUMS, wholesale drorciws. Teiedo. O. Hail a Catarrh Cure ia taken iclcrnallr, acting directly upon tbe blood and mu cous surfaces of tbe system. Price 73c per rjotue. bold bv ail druggists. Testi monials free. Hall's Family Pills are tbe best. CCD Christmas! i ne store ha. ucrt vartetts ... . ci ucn excellent ptt tnmps at 5uch prices, you 11 w ant to do jcur Chirstmas shoppTng here. Racket Store for Holiday Goods. silk pi tticoats Choice selection ?:'k Petti coats nicest quality Mesaline plain or changeable colors nar row plaiting tiniiht with small puff. $4 25 Toys, Glassware, Chinaware, Post Cards, Booklets, Dolls, Christmas Tree Decorations, Christmas Stationery, and Tags. Closing out Wall Paper at Vost, The School Clarion State Normal Extending Its Work. At the beginning of tbe winter term tbe Stat Normal School at Clarion will add to ita faculty a new director for Music and a new director for Pbysicial Training for girls. It offer a two year 000 rse for High School graduates, a one year course for those who have attended college for one or more yeara, a four year course for Grammar school graduate and courses for thflM Whn Hmim In nonlalf If you are interested write at oncis for fine fOUlafd Silks 65c room reservation snrl ixt. In. if.... u I " ' ' "w u UJt, $1.25 chocolate sets, 75c Imported China Chocolate ?et full size beautifully decorated tinted Chocolate Tot and six Cups and Saucers nice thin Elm Street, Tionesta, Pa. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THIS PAPKK Cut out being a "Christmas Tree" for everyone who asks you to lend him money. If you want to lose a friend, lend him money; for, when you ask him for it, you will lose both your friend and vour monev. Bank vour monev. You. mir. self and your family are the ones who most desereve what you earn. CAPITAL STOCK, - - - 150.000. SURPLUS. .... 1100,000. Do your banking with us. We pay liberal Interest consistent with safety, 4 per cent. Forest County NattionaJ Bank, TIOM.STA, 1A. Specifications of 1913 "Buicks." "MOIIKL 21." Wheel base 10S inches. 32x31-2 tires. 28 horse nower. NirkU finish full. equipped. Prices: Rodster jgf o. Touring Car $1,050. ".tionix o.' Wheel base 108 inches. 34x4 tires. 32 horse Nickle finish. Fully equipped, including self-starter. Prices: Roadster 1,125. Touring Car $1,285 "jiodki, 4r I ivi: iMssi:.ii:it, toi Wheel base 115 inches, tires 36-4. OUlclf detfichshlf on Himniin(aKt m e Aft horse power. Nickle finish, electric lighting with generator, self-starter. ' Price fully equipped $1,660. Deliveries start August 1. The six-cylinder model will be announced later. Deliveries will not start on this model until January. When Better Automobiles are Built, Buick will Build Them. Ralph A. Cook, Tionesta. China in retrular stock at $1.25 special, ioc set. Halsey. was a Mt, Jewett visitor tbe Re- The attendance and enrollment of the Pennsylvania State Educational Associa tion will be unusually large. Requests have come for more than 10,000 enroll ment blanks and 19,0(10 programs. For tbe first time in the history of the Abso ciation every couuty will be represented In tbe enrollment. Many of tbe super intendents and enrollment committee re port an enrollment or loo per cent, of the teachers in their districts. Educational Interest in Pennsylvania is keenly alive as ia indicated by the stale wide response few,.day w"li "Is parents, which haa come to all requests for co- r'n"! bw beeD ane 8kalln 1: i.n.n I i 1 ,K ... 1. - .. . . J upiiuuamw. mill ui iue Association meeting, December 20-28. Anyhow it is pleasant to reflect that we are rapidly approaching the shortest dsy in tbe year, Den. 21st, and that soon the long daya will be coming again. J. J. Kane Thursday. E. W. Maze baa moved to Hallton, where he will be employed at the new gas station. A very plessauteveningwas spent at bia home Tuesday, the occasion being a farewell party, ending with a fine dance. Tbe gentlemen of tbia place gave bitn a traveling bag as a remembrance. Miss Grace William attended Dcca lodire Fririav evenimr. Miss Helen Kano spent Sunday with her parents here, returning to Mt. Jewett fur school Monday. Miss Msy Njcols is spending a few days with her parents at Wiloi x. Miss Isabel Goodman and Walter Barber attended the dance at Hazelhurst. reporting a fine time. W. J. Kane was In Mt. Jewett on net. Thursday. Luther Maze waa a Kane visitor Satur day. Charley Wood, who bis been very sick foi the past week, is itnnrnvlntr ainwi,, Mrs. Reed, who has bad a light case of iiMitiiiiiin, is improving nicely, Mr. and Mrs. 1)1 1 lion were in Wilcox on business. Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Rusell left Friday for Collons City, where they will spend a Sbafer, Principal, Clarion, Pa. Adv. It His Stomach Troubles Over. Mr. Dyspeptic, would vou not lib. tn feel that your stomscb troubles were over, tbat you could eat any kind of food you desired without ipjurj? That mav seem unnaeiy io you mat you do not even hope for an ending of your trouble, but permit us to assure you tbat it ia not al together impossible. If others can be cured permanently, and thousands bay neen, wDy not your John R. Baker, of uaiue ureeK, Mich., la one of them. He ssva, "I waa troubled with heartburn, in digestion, and liver complaint until I used Cbsmberlsin's Tablets, tben my trouble waa over." Sold by all dealers. Adv. Good Farm Lands For Sale. T .i 1 . .. iu muse woo are loriKing ror an oppor tunity to go Into tbe 'arming business a nne opening lias been provided by the neuy estate, which has lately run off the large tract of land known as tbe Oldtown property, two miles from Tlonetita, Into convenient farming plots of 60 acrea or more to suit purchasers. These landa are an iiiiaDie and will make fertile farms capable of producing any desired crop, and tbe price and terma will be made at tractive to any prospective buyer. In quire of J. H.or H. K. Kellv, Executors. Notice Stockholders' Meeting. The annual meeting or the stock holders of the Tionesta Water Supply Co. will be held at the company's oillce In tbe Bor ough of Tionesta, Pa., on Monday. Jan. 6, 1913, at 2 o'clock p. m., lor tbe purpose of electibg directors for tbe year and the transaction of such other business as may properly come he lore the meeting. G. W. Roiiinson. President. Attest, Samuki. D.Irwi, Secretary, adv Notice. Tbe Stockholders of the Forest County National Bank of Tionesta. Pa., will meet on j uesosy, January 14, 1913, at 2 o'clock p mat the office of ih bank, for tbe purpose of the election of directors lor iue ensuing year. Adv.4t Jambs H. Kklly, Cashier. -" n) vards best water-restst- inp Foulards taken from our retr ular stock of 8oc and $1.00 quali ties one of America s very best water-resistinp; Foulards Navy ciue. also mack and White. hoc and $1.00 Foulard Silks. boc yard. D0GGS & BUHL PITTSBURGH, PA. J. L. Jloplcr LIVERY Stable. r ine carriages for all occasions, with hret class equipment. We can 6t you out at any time for either a pleasure or business trip, and always at reasonable rates. Prompt service and courteous treatment. Conn and see us. Hear of Hotel Weaver TIOITESTA, PA. Telephone 3Vo. 20. Monarch Clothing Co. TREMENDOUS CHRISTMAS SELLING of Men's and Boys' Clothing, Suits and Overcoats. Santa Claus Next Week. ?Tngeildren I 89 VIEAKS i Or HONEST FUR BUYING Sisr. ISMlkniuL f I .L. : f 1 - i . KBn4ai.w mi ui .W r Ufa hMV ml ikr.. .1.. ... .L the UHirance of lixolutdy Ltr indhonnttre.tmenL If you want In f rr uft in . J.imnM.1. A tun of hishetf powble price, and ertty penny that "tonsnsioyou, mm ynr Saw UnSa. You wiu never again trade with any one die. TRAUGOTT SCHMIDT & SONS 136-164 Monro Avsnua DETROIT, MICH. Sit right down now and mail u this coupon before you for get it busi- Xotiee of Appeals). notice is Hereby given tbat tbe Com missioners of Forest County will beat the following places at tbe time desig nsted. for the purpose of holding appeals mu i iib inenniBi Assessment or lDl.i. Tbe Assessors of the different town- snips aie requested to meet with the CnniinisHionnrs at the planes designated. rvuigsiey lownsuip, -Monday, January neutHiviiie. Howe Township, Tuesday, January Hth, at Lynch. Jenks Township, Wednesday, January 15th. st Marienville. .aXTo Thursdy-Jaou Fred. Grottonborgor (Jreen Township, Friday, January 17lh. BLACKSMITH & MACHINIST. Traafott Schmidt & gone, Drtroit, Mich. Dear Sim I want Io ahip my fun where 1 can be aure. of Honert Treatment and the Hiiiheit Prim. Will you tend me price lul. lam, etc., and put me uo youi resular hit t N.tne Addrei. Smii- 10 here for a Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. This remedy has no superior for coughs and colds. It is pleasant to take. Itcon- taiua no opium or other narcotlo. It al waya cures. For sale by all dealers. Ad t. at Nebraska. Tionesta Borough, Saturday, January Mill, at Conn House. Hickory Township, Monday, January 2(Uh, at Kast Hickory. Harmony Township, Tuesday, January 21st, at West Hickory. ' Tionesta Township, Wednesday. Jau uary 22d, at Court House. W. H. Harrison, J. C. ffcOWIIKN, II. H. MfjCLKI.LAN, Commissioners of Forest County. Attest-S. M. Henry, Clerk. Tlonests, fa., Dec. 17Ui, M. All work pertaining to Machinery. F.n. I Well Tools. Gas or Water Fit- glues, Oil tings and General Klauksmithing prompt ly done at Low Rates. Repairing Mill Machinery given special altention, and satisfaction guaranteed. Shop In rear of and lust west of the yhaw House, Tidioute, Pa. Your patronage solicited. FRED. GRETTEN BURGER Nobby Overcoats for Men. Stylish All Wool Grey Cheviot Overcoats, belted back, presto collar; also Brown and beautiful Tan Coats in the most exclusive and desirable styles. January Prices. $25.00 coats are $16.60 16.60 coats are 12.98 13.60 coats are 10.98 11.98 coats are 9.98 10.00 coats are 6.98 Lot $8 to $12 overcoats at 4.98 Boys' Overcoats. Children's Overcoats. Caps Free. $ 6.00 overcoats at $3.98 4.00 overcoats at 2.98 3.60 overcoats at 1.98 7.60 overcoats at 4.98 10.00 overcoats at 6.98 Caps free with all Beys Suits and Overcoats. Where your purchase is $10.00 or over in our Girls' or Boys' Department you receive a Cowboy Belt and Pistol and an Indian Hat free as a Christmas Gift. Free. Free. A Belt with Pistol in real Indian or Cowboy or Broncho style for pirls free with all Children's Clothing. Free. Free. Visit our Girls' Department and make a purchase of a 49c Dress or a $3.98 Dress, buy a $1.98 or $5.98 Coat or any Boys' auu vmiuicu d aun auu get iree witnout cost an Indian or Cowbay Belt, Pistol and Hat Free. These western playthings for children are not sold any where in Oil City. We are exclusive agents for all Indian, Cowboy, Broncho Girl and Children's Play Suits. Play Goods. Boys' Indian Suits 98c Boys' Cowboy Suits 98c Boys' Indian Chief Suits 98c Girls' Squaw Suits 98c Broncho Girls' Suits 98c Belt and Pistol 10c Indian Chief Hats 10c Free. Indian Hat and Belt, with pistol and holder, are given free with Girls' Dresses and Coats or Boys' Suits and Overcoats, matter what the price49c and up. Holiday Presents. Boxed Suspenders 26c Boxed heckwear ; 25c Boxed Handkerchiefs 26c Combinations. Suspenders 50c Gloves 60c Hose 66c Neckwear 60c Jewelry 60c Invariably there are three or four styles of different thin Free with Girls' Coats or Dresses and free with Boys' Suits fch s Suspenders, Neckwear, Hosiery, Jewelry and Hand- and Overcoats. kerchiefs in Combination Boxes boxes of handsome goods.' Monarch Clothing Co. Oil Exchange Block, Oil City, Pa. 4 1 ; ( 4 '5 1 4 1 m lis 1