The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, October 23, 1912, Image 1

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Legal advertisements ten cents per line
each insertion.
We do due Job Printing of every de
scription at reasonable rates, but it's cash
on delivery.
Published every Wednesday by
Office in Bmearbaugk & Wenk Building,
Teras, il.OO A Year, Mtrlocly la Advanw.
Entered aa aeoond-olasa matter at the
poat-offloe at Tlonesla.
No subscription received for shorter
period than three months.
Correspondence solicited, but no notloe
will be taken of anonymous communica
tions. Always give your name.
VOL. XLV. NO. 35.
$1.00 PER ANNUM.
Burgess. J. C. Dunn.
Justices of the react O. A. Randall, D.
W. Clark.
Cbuneumen. J.W, Landers, J. T. Dale,
O. It. Robinson, Win. Smearbaugh,
K. J. Hopkins, O. K. Watson, A. B.
Omtablti. L. Zuver.
ChHeewr W. H. Hood.
AcAool Director W. O. Iuiel, J. K.
Clark, 8. M. Henry, Q Jainleson, D. II.
HUl in.
. Member of Congress P. M. Hpeer.
Member of .Yenufe-J. K. P. Hall.
Assembly V. J. Campbell. .
President Judge V. D. Hinckley.
Associate Judges Samuel Aul, Joseph
M. 'Morgan.
Drothimntary , Register dt Recorder, te,
-H. K. Maxwell.
tfheritrWm. H. Hood.
Treasurer W. H.
Commissioners 1 m. H. Harrison, J.
C. Soowdeo, II. H. MoClellan.
District Attorney M. A. Carrlnger.
Jury Commissioners J. U. Kdeu, A.M.
Moore. .
Coroner Dr. M. O Kerr.
County jluditora George H. Warden,
A. C. Gregg and-H. V. Shields.
County HurveyorKoy 8. Braden.
County Superintendent J. O Carson.
Kcanlar Tr f ('
Fourth Monday of February.
Third Monday of May.
Fourth Monday of September.
Third Monday of November.
Regular Meetings of County Commis
sioners 1st and 3d Tuesdays of montn.
Chara aaa Hakkaia Hekaal.
Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:45 a.
oi. l M. K. Sabbath Hchool at 10:00 a. in.
Preaching In M. E. Church every Sab
bath evening by Rev. W.8. Burton.
Preaching In the F. M. Church every
Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Rev.
U. A. Garrett, Pastor.
Preaching in the Presbyterian church
every Sabbath at 11:H a. ui. and 7:30 p.
in. Rev. H. A. Uailey, Pastor.
The regular meetings of the W. C. T.
(J. are held at the headquarters on the
second and fourtb Tuesdays of each
TI'.NE.ST A LODUE, No. 389, 1. 0. 0. F.
Meets every Tuesday evening, in Odd
Fellows' Hall, Partridge building.
O. A. R. Meats 1st Tuesday after
noon of each month at 3 o'clock.
137, W. R. C, meets first and third
Wednesday evening of each month.
Tlonesla, Pa.
Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law.
Otllee over Forest County National
Bank Building, TIONESTA, PA.
Warren, Pa.
Practice in Forest Co.
OIHoeln Arner Building, Cor. Elm
and Bridge Sts., Tionosta, Pa.
Rooms over Citizen Nat. Bank,
Physician it Burgeon,
Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted.
R. J. B. 8IGGIN8.
Physician and Surgeon,
of Oil City, Pa., will visit Tjonesta every
Wednesday. 8e him at the Central
House. Setting bones and treatment of
nervous and chronic diseases a specialty.
Greatest success in all kinds of chronic
J. 11. PIERCE, Proprietor.
Modern aud up to-date in all its ap
pointments. Every convenience and
oom fort provided for the traveling public.
W R. A. FULTON, Proprietor.
Tionseta, Pa. This is the inostceiitrally
located hotel in the pi. ice, and ha all the
modem improvement!. No pains will
he spared to make It a pleasant stopping
place for the traveling public
Shop over R. L. Haslet's grocery store
on Elm street. Is prepared to do all
Binds of custom work from the liuest to
the coarsest and guarantees his work to
give perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten
tion given to mending, aud prices rea
Racket Store
Can supply your wauls in such staple
lines as Hand Painted Chins, Japan
ese China, Decorated Glnsswaro, and
Plain aud Fancy Dishes, Candy, as
well as other lines too numerous to
Time to Think of
Paint & Paper.
Before you plan your spring work
in painting and papering let us give
you our estimates on the complete
job. Satisfaction guarauieed.
Next Door to the Fruit fitore,. Elm
Street, Tionesta, Pa.
k TV 1 I A.L . IK I.. .
l.nUI At
yeits lc nown tn best. Safest, A Iwtyr. KelftM
Number One.
Proposing an amendment to article
niue, section four, of the Constitu
tion of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania, authorizing the State to
Issue bonds to the amount of fifty
millions of dollars for the Improve
ment of the highways of the Com
monwealth. 8ection 1. Be It resolved by be
Senate and House of Representatlveg
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
In General Assembly met. That the
following amendment to the Constitu
tion of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl
vania be, and the same Is hereby, pro
posed, In aevcordance with the eigh
teenth article thereof:
That section four of article nine,
which reads as follows:
"Section 4. No debt shall be creat
ed by or on behalf of the State, ex
cept to supply casual deficiencies of
revenue, repel invasion, suppress In
surrection, defend the State In war, or
to pay existing debt; and the debt
created to supply deficiency In rev
enue shall never exceed, in the aggre
grate at any one time, one million of
dollars," be amended so as to read as
Section 4. No debt shall be created
by or on behalf of the State, except
to supply casual deficiencies or rev
enue, repel Invasion, suppress Insur
rection, defend the State In war, or to
pay existing debt; and the debt creat
ed to supply deficiencies In revenue
shall never exceed, In the aggregate
at any one time, one million of dol
lars: Provided, however, '.mat the
General Assembly, Irrespective of any
debt, may authorize the State to Issue
bonds to the amount of fifty millions
of dollars for the purpose of Improv
ing and rebuilding the highways of
the Commonwealth.
A true copy of Joint Resolution
No. 1.
eecretary of the Commonwealth.
Number Two.
Proposing an amendment to section
Beven, article three of the Constitu
tion of Pennsylvania, so as to per
mit special legislation regulating
Section 1. Be it resolved by the
Senate and House of Representatives
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
in General Assembly met. That the
following Is proposed as an amend
ment to the Constitution of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania, In ac
cordance with the provisions of the
eighteenth article thereof. Amend
ment to Article Three, Section Seven.
Section 2. Amend section seven,
article three of the Constitution of
Pennsylvania, which reads as fol
lows: "Section 7. The General Assembly
shall not pass any local or special law
authorizing the creation, extension, or
Impairing of Hens:
"Regulating the affairs of counties,
cities, townships, wards, boroughB, or
school districts:
"Changing the names of persons or
"Changing the venue in civil or
criminal cases:
"Authorizing the laying out, open
ing, altering, or maintaining roads,
highways, streets or alleys:
"Relating to ferries or bridges, or
Incorporating ferry or bridge compan
ies, except for the erection of bridges
crossing streams which form bounda
ries between this and any other
"Vacating roads, town plats, streets
or alleys:
"Relating to cemeteries, graveyards,
or public grounds not of the State:
"Authorizing the adoption or legiti
mation of children:
"Locating or changing county-seats,
erecting new counties, or changing
county lines:
"Incorporating cities, towns, or vil
lages, or changing their charters:
"For the opening and conducting of
elections, or fixing or changing the
place of voting:
"Granting divorces:
"Erecting new townships . or bor
oughs, changing township lines, bor
ough limits, or school districts:
"Creating offices, or prescribing the
powers and duties of officers In coun
ties, cities, boroughB, townships, elec
tion of school districts:
"Changing the law of descent or
"Regulating the practice or Juris
diction of, or changing the rules of
evidence in, any Judicial proceeding
or inquiry before courts, aldermen.
Justices of the peace, sheriffs, commis
sioners, arbitrators, auditors, masters
in chancery, or other tribunals, or
providing or changing methods for the
collection of debts, or the enforcing
of Judgments, or prescribing the effect
of Judicial sales of real estate:
"Regulating the fees, or extending
the powers and duties of aldermen,
Justices of the peace, magistrates or
"Regulating the management of
public schools, the building or repair
ing of school houses and the raising
of money for such purposes:
"Fixing the rate of Interest:
"Affecting the estates of minora or
persons under disability, except after
due notice to all parties in interest,
to be recited in the special enact
ment: "Remitting fines, penalties and for
feitures, or refunding moneys legally
paid into the treasury:
"Exempting property from taxation:
"Regulating labor, trade, mining or
"Creating corporations, or amend
ing, renewing or extending the chart
ers thereof:
"Granting to any corporation, asB0
elation or Individual any special or ex
clusive privilege or immunity, or to
any corporation, association or indi
vidual the right to lay down a railroad
"Nor shall the General Assembly in
directly enact such special or local
law by the partial repeal of a general
law; but laws repealing local or spec
ial acts may be passed:
"Nor shall any law be passed grant
ing powers and privileges in any case
where the granting of such powers
and privileges shall have been provid
ed for by general law, nor where the
courts have Jurisdiction to grant the
same or give the rellof asked for."
bo as to read as follows:
Section 7. The General Assembly
shall not pass any local or special law
authorizing the creation, extension or
impairing of liens:
Regulating the affairs of counties,
cities, townships, wards, boroughs, or
school districts:
Changing the names of persons oi
Changing the venue In civil or crim
inal cases:
Authorizing the laying out, opening,
altering, or maintaining roads, high
ways, streets or alleys: '
Relating to ferries or bridges, or. In
corporating ferry or bridge compan
ies, except for the erection of bridges
crossing streams which form bounda
ries between this and other States:
Vacating roads, town platB, streets
or alleys:
Relating to cemeteries, graveyards,
or public grounds not of the State:
Authorizing the adoption, or legiti
mation of children:
Locating or changing county-seats,
erecting new counties or changing
county UneB:
Incorporating cities, towns or vill
ages, by changing their charters:
For the opening and conducting ol
elections, or fixing or changing the
place of voting.
Granting divorces:
Erecting new townships or bor
oughs, changing township lines, bor
ough limits or school districts:
Creating offices, or prescribing the
powers and duties of officers in coun
ties, cities, boroughs, townships, elec
Dion or school districts:
Changing the law of descent or suc
cession: Regulating the practice or Jurisdic
tion of, or changing the rules of evi
dence In, any Judicial proceeding or
inquiry before courts, aldermen, Jus
tices of the peace, sheriffs, commis
sioners, arbitrators, auditors, masters
In chancery or other tribunals, or pro
viding or changing methods for the
collection of debts, or the enforcing
of Judgments, or prescribing the ef
fect of Judicial sales of real estate:
Regulating the fees, or extending
the powers and duties of aldermen,
Justices of the peace, magistrates or
Regulating the management of pub
llo schools, the building or repairing
of school houses and the raising of
money for such purposes:
Fixing the rate of interest:
Affecting the estates of minors or
persons under disability, except after
due notice to all parties in Interest,
to be recited in the special enact
ment: Remitting fines, penalties and for
feitures, or refunding moneys legally
paid into the treasury:
Exempting property from taxation:
Regulating labor, trade, mining or
manufacturing; but the legislature
may regulate and fix the wages or
salaries, the hours of work or labcr,
and make provision for the protection,
welfare and Bafety of persons employ
ed by the State, or by any county,
city, borough, village, or other civil di
vision of the State, or by any contract
or or sub-contractor performing work,
labor or services for the State, or for
any county, city, borough, town, town
ship, school district, village or other
civil division thereof:
Creating corporations, or amending,
renewing or extending the charters
Granting to any corporation, asso
ciation, or Individual any special or
exclusive privilege or immunity, or
to any corporation, association, or in
dividual the right to lay down a rail
road track:
Nor shall the General Assembly in
directly enact such special or local
law by the partial repeal of a special
law; but laws repealing local or spec
lau acts may be passed:
Nor shall any law be passed grant
ing powers or privileges in any case
where the granting of such powers
and privileges shall have been pro
vided for by general law, nor where
the courts have jurisdiction to grant
the same or give the relief asked for.
A true copy of Joint Resolution
No. 2.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Number Three.
J'roposing an amendment to section
three of article eight of the Consti
tution of Pennsylvania.
Section 1. Be it resolved by the
House of Representatives of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania (if the
Senate concur). That the following is
proposed as an amendment to the Con
stitution of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, In accordance with the I
. . . '. I 1. . L t . t ' I
provisions or. mo eiguieeum umuio
Section 2. Amend section three of
article eight, which reads as follows:
"All Judges elected by the electors of
the State at large may be elected at
either a general or municipal election,
o" circumstances may require. All
the elections for Judges of the courts
for the several judicial districts, and
for county, city, ward, borough, and
township officers, for regular terms of
service, shall he held on the municipal
election day; namely, the Tuesday
next following the first Monday of No
vember in each odd-numbered year,
but the General Assembly may by law
fix a different day, two-thirds of all
the members of each House consent
ing thereto: Provided, That such
elections shall always be held In an
odd-numbered year," so as to read:
Section 3. All Judges elected by
the electors of the State at large may
be elected at either a general or mu
nicipal election, as circumstances may
require. All elections for Judges ot
the courts for the several judicial dis
tricts, and for county, city, ward, bor
ough, and township officers, for regu
lar terms of service, shall be held oa
the municipal election day; namely,
the Tuesday following the first Mon
day of November In each odd-numbered
year, but the General Assembly
may by law fix a different day, two
thirds of all the members ot each
House consenting thereto: Provided,
That such elections shall be held in
an odd-numbered year: Provided fur
ther, That all Judges for the courts
of the several judicial districts hold
ing office at the present time, whose
terms of office may end in an odd
numbered year, shall continue to bold
their offices until the first Monday of
January In the next succeeding even
numbered year.
A true copy of Concurrent Resolu
tion No. 3.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Number Four.
Proposing an amendment to section
one of article nine of the Consti
tution of Pennsylvania, relating to
Section 1. Be it resolved by the
State and House of Representatives
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
in General Assembly met, That the
following Is proposed as an amend
ment to the Constitution of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania, in ac
cordance with the provisions of the
eighteenth article thereof:
Section 2. Amend section one ot
article nine of the Constitution of
Pennsylvania, which reads as follows:
"All taxes shall be uniform, upon
the same class of subjects, within the
territorial limits of the authority levy
ing the tax, and shall be levied and
collected under general laws; but the
General Assembly may, by general
laws, exempt from taxation public
property used for public purposes,
actual places of religious worship,
places of burial not used or held for
private or corporate profit, and Institu
tions of purely public charity," so as
to read as follows:
All taxes shall be uniform upon the
same class of subjects, within the ter
ritorial limits of the authority levying
the tax, and shall be levied and col
lected under general laws, and the
subject of taxation may be classified
for the purpose of laying graded or
progressive taxes; but the General
Assembly may, by general laws, ex
empt from taxation public property
used for public purposes, actual places
of religious worship, places of burial
not used or held for private or cor
porate profit, and Institutions of pure
ly public charity.
A true copy of Joint Resolution
No. 4.
Secretary ot the Commonwealth.
Number Five.
Proposing an amendment to the Con
. titution of Pennsylvania.
Bo It resolved by the Senate and
House of Representatives of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania In Gener
al Assembly met, That the follow
ing is proposed as an amendment to
the Constitution of Pennsylvania, In
accordance with the provisions of the
eighteenth article thereof:
Article IX.
Section 15. No obligations which
have been heretofore issued, or which
may hereafter be issued, by any coun
ty or municipality, other than Phila
delphia, to provide for the construc
tion or acquisition of waterworks,
subways, underground railways or
street railways, or the appurtenances
thereof, shall be considered as a debt
of a municipality, within the meaning
of section eight of article nine ot the
Constitution of Pennsylvania or of
this amendment, if the net revenue
derived from said property for a per
iod of five years, either before or after
the acquisition thereof, or, where the
same is constructed by the county or
municipality, after the completion
thereof, shall have been sufficient to
pay Interest and sinking-fund charges
during said period upon said obliga
tions, or if the said obligations shall
be secured by liens upon the respec
tive properties, and shall impose no
municipal liability. Where munici
palities of counties shall Issue obliga
tions to provide for the construction
of property, as herein provided, said
said municipalities or counties may
also issue obligations to provide for
the interest and sinking-fund charges
accruing thereon until said properties
shall have been completed and In op
eration for a period of one year; nnd
Bald municipalities and counties shall
not be required to levy a tax to pay
said interest and sinking-fund charges,
as Teqtiired by section ten of article
nine of the Constitution of Pennsyl
vania, until after said properties shall
have been operated by said counties
or municipalities during said period
of one year. Any of the said munici
palities or counties may Incur indebt
edness In excess of seven per centum,
and not exceeding ten per centum, ot
the assessed valuation of the taxable
property therein, it said lncreaso or
Indebtedness shall have been assented
to by three-fifths of the electors vot
ing at a public election, In such man
ner as shall be provided by law.
A true copy of Joint Resolution
No. 5.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
The Advertised
(Is one In which the merchant
himself has implicit faith
else he would not advertise It.
Yon are ufe in patronizing the
merchants whose ads appear
In this paper because their
goods are up-to-date and never
for THIS
Whereas, In and by the act of the Gen
eral Assembly of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to amend
the tenth section of an act, entitled 'An
Jct to regulate the nomination and eleo
lion of public ofllcers, requiring certain
expenses Incident thereto to be paid by
the several counties and punishing cer
tain offenses In regard to such elections,"
approved the 20th aay of June, A. D.,
bl'5, It is made the duties of the Sheriff
'f every county within this Common
Health to give public notice of the Gen
eral Elections, and In such to
I. Enumerate the officers to be elected
and give a list of all the nominations
made as provided in this act, and to be
voted for In such county, and the full
text of all constitutional amendments
submitted to a vote of the people, but
the proclamations posted In each elec
tion district need not contain the names
of any candidates but those to be voted
for In such district.
II. Designate the place at which the
election is to be held.
III. 11 o Bhall give notice that every
person, excepting Justices of the Peace,
who shall hold any office or appointment
or profit or trust under the government
of the United States, or of this State, or
uf any city, or Incorporated district,
whether a commissioned officer or other
wise, a subordinate officer or agent who
Is or shall be employed under the legis
lative, executive or Judiciary depart
ments of this State, or of the United
States, or of any city, or incorporated
district, and also that every member of
Congress and of the State Legislature,
and of the select or common council of
any city, or commissioners of any Incor
porated district, is by law Incapable of
holding or exercising at the same time
the office or appointment of Judge, in
spector or clerk of any election of this
Commonwealth, and that no Inspector,
judge or other officer of any such elec
tion shall be eligible to any office to be
then voted for, except that of an elec
tion officer.
I, W. H Hood. High Sheriff ol
the County of Forest, do hereby make
known and give this public notice to the
electors of the County of Forest that a
General Election will be held in said
County, on
Tuesday, Norenibrr 3, 1012,
between the hours of 7 a. m. and 7 p. m.,
at the several Election Districts.
The following are the officers to be
elected, and a list of all the nominations
made therefor, and which shall be voted
for in the form in which they shall ap
pear upon the ballots:
Officers to be elected
Tbirty-eigbt persons for Presidential
One person lor State Treasurer of the
Commonwealth ol Pennsylvania.
One person lor Auditor General of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Four persons for Represenlatives-at-Large
in the CongresB of the United
States, to represent the Commonwealth ol
One person fur Representative in the
Congress of the United States, to represent
the 28tu District of the Commonwealth ol
Pennsylvania, composed of the Counties
of Elk, Forest, Mercer, Venango and
One person for Representative in the
General Assembly ol the Commonwealth
ol Pennsylvania, to repnsent the County
of Forest.
List of nominations
1. Ijiton Register
William A. HeUmnn
Samuel J. Wulnwrlght
John P. Harris
Robert E. Altemus
John Hick
George Jay Elliott
John It. K. Scott
W. J. MeCloskey
Robert M. Griffith
Frank II. Caven
Frank V. Munn
Itoliert P. t'alrnes
Atiratn T. Esstwiek
Hornet- I.. Haldeman
Edwin M. Rine
Henry W. Palmer
Henry 11. Rrowniiiiller
Fred 11. Oeinerd
William C. Sechrist
Malcolm McDougull
Wm. II. Helm
John Henry Dt-ardorff
James Lord
Joxlah I). Hicks
Calvin Gilbert
David llowells
Sylvester F. Rowscr
William E. Crow
Norman E. Clark
Frederick Felix Cruize
Herman Simon
Itoliert Locke
William Schnur
George H. Douglass
Howard 11. Ourslcr
C. Elmer Down
Patrick 11. McOuIre
Daniel F. Oarlln
P. Oliver Derr
Thomas J. McGinnis
William T. Aldrlch
Mleliael James McArdlc
James J. Ryan
William M. Watson
James J. Kane
Maximilian Joseph Ituclier
Samuel Itrltton Price
John II. Foy
George F. Klapp
Jacob II. Wuldelich
Charles A. McCarty
Sedgwick Kisthr
MaltlihiH J. Clcmonx
Georgf A. Harris
Cyrus G. Ranch
Aithur Hl.ikely Clnrk
John W. ISitlinger
John Frederick Weaver, Jr.
Thomas A. Fiazler
Charles W. Walker
W. K. HllgllK
SciiiiKtian S. Hemic
CliarleM II. Webb
David Nenle
James lliichanan Sigglns
JameH lloiilahen
C. II. Arnold
I 'a link J. I'.arry
(leoreo V. Acklin
Thomas .lel'i'i'Mon Duncan
Newell R. White
Philip N. Shettig
Garret K. Smedley
John Durgi-ss II. lining
Frank P. lslierwood
John 1.. Heyworth
William A Huston
Kllwood Allen
John S. Hay
Samuel B. Croft
James K. Clark
Joseph II. I'asehall
William A. Seltzer
U D. Urubuker
Chiulcs U. ll.iwley
Noah II. Pettlbone
Hairy A. Iiebr
Clarence T. Davis
El nest II Meeker
J. F. Gncvl
frank I'. Johnson
C. II. Williams
J. C. Ruminel
K. Keplogle
Daniel K. ISreneman
John I. Thompson, Jr.
D. O. Bastian
Daniel Sturgeon
I.. Albert Walters
Norris Crossman
William H. Kindt
Samuel Dible
W. II. Cover
J. P. Knox
J. J. Porter
Robert S. Glass
Thomas P. Hershbergcr
Charles W. Uurnley
John K, Penn
Adle A. Stevens
Charles Scanlon
Herbert T. Ames
Silas C. Swallow
E. F. Annundson
Geo. T. MeConnell
W. G. Eenker
Llewellyn Dillinger
Putrlek II. Smith
W. J. Wright
Chas. O. Alter
William Parker
Chas. F. Sands
George K. Harris
Jerry M. Christ
Walter N. Lodge
C. E. MeCready
Solon C. Thayer
J. J. Kinlner
William Noble
Louis S. Melllnger
P. Uolcnbacher
Wm. W. Decker
Frank Thomson
J. M. Hair
J. A. Fllson
Geo. W. Itacon
C. E. Martin
Chas. Hoeckler
E. C. Judd
William C. Prieo
.1. E. Ferry
Robert Watklns
Howard M. Welch
0. E. Miisselnian
Eilw. Glauner
Simon Libros
Reuben Einstein
Cornelius Foley
Eilw. II a gun
II. W. Pooler
W. E. Seott
William Wllhelni
William F. Itemppls
Charles L. Van Scoten
James P. MeNarney
Goodloe II. Thomas
Harry D. W. English
Albert S. Faught
William C. Supplee
John 11. Cuiahan
William F. Deakyno
William H. Bulgier
Arthur G. Graham
Pennock E. Sliarpless
Louis N. MoCtuter
1. Clinton Arnold
Howell Hairis
Thomas C. Edwards
John Reese
Jacob II. Flicker
John J. Koehler
Richard W. A. Jameson
Joseph J. Dropeskey
Gcoige W. Wagenseller
Harry A. Sherk
William II. Irwin
W illiam II. Tipton
Oscar Mitchell
Alfred M. Chrlstley
Peter A. Johns
Chester A. Moore
LhIukiiix O. .McLanc
John Itlee
John M. Williams
David I. Pall
Richard It. tjiuiy
Harry II. Willock
Taiil S. Ache
James II. Duff
Henry Muller
L. M. llarhydt
James A. Gray
August Cleaver
J. C. ISrought
P. J. Itelmei
Joseph Schneider
Vladimir Ernst
Stephen Jaross
Jiuues El win
Cleveland W. Morris
George Dibli
Rolieit Richardson
Thomas Moody
Geoige 11. Snyder
Johi pli C. Lyle
Aniadio Mori
II. ;. Mein.'l
It. F Wisslcr
George W. Wagner
Fred. Wagner
Albert llerlnger
Carl Schleicher
William llerlnger
Herman Splttal
William Mornlngstar
Luther Gerhard
George A. Human
George E lieil
Alvln Itolirbaili
Philip Iluck
William Wllhelni
William F. Itemppis
Charles L. Van Scoten
James I . MeNarney
Goodloe H- Tiiomus
Harry D. W. English
Albeit S. Faugh t
William C. Supplee
John II. Calahan
William F. Deakyne
William II. .elgler
Arthur G. Graham
I'ennoek K Sliarpless
Louis N. .McCarter
I. Clinton Arnold
Howell Harris
Tli'unas ('. Edwards
John Itecse
J. .cob ii. Flicker
.1 1 li n .1. KofhhT
Kiclaird W. A. Jameson
Joseph .1. hropeskev
George W. Wugcliseller
Harry A. Sherk
William II. Irwin
William II Tipton
Oscar Mitchell
Alfred M. Chrlstley
IVier A. Johns
Chester A. Moore
l.tibaure O. Mi-Lane
John Itlee
Ji iiu M. Williams
David I. Mall
Itii l ird It. uay
Hany II. Willock
l'aul S. Ache
James II. I "iff
William Wllhelni
William F. Itemppls
Charles L. Van Scoten
J. lines P. MeNarney
Gondlofi II. Thomas
Harry I). W. English
Albert S. Faught
William C. Supplee
J"hn II. Calahan
William F. Deakyne
William II. Zeigler
Arthur G. Graham
P.nnock E. Sliarpless
Louis N. MeCarter
1. Clinton Arnold
Howell Harris
Thomas C. Edwards
John Reese
Jacob 11. Flicker
John J. Koehler
Richard W. A. Jameson
Joseph J. Dropeskey.
George W. Wagenseller
Harry A. Sheik
William II. Irwin
Willium II. Upton
Oscar Mitchell
Alfred M. Chrlstley
IVter A. Johns
Chesti r A. Moore
Liiliazure O. McLane
John Rice
John M. Williams
David I. IlAll
Richard It. ijuay
Hany II. Willock
Paul S. Ache
James II. Duff
Klnle TreiiMirer.
Knhert K. Young, Keptililii'sn, Hull
Moose, Roosevelt Progresaive, Washing
ton. William U. Uerry, Democratic, Key
stone. Charles W. Huntington, Prohibition.
John J. hctiWHrtz, Socialist.
Auditor General.
Archibald W. Powell, Republican, Hull
Moose, Roosevelt Progressive, Washing
ton. Robert E. Cresswell, Democratic, Key
stone. li. Kildil Cannon, Prohibitum.
Adrian tl . Elilreilgo, Socialist.
Ucpri-MciilntiYe in ('nurcMM nl Large.
John M. Morin, Republican, Hull
Moose, Roosevelt Progressive, Washing
ton. Frederick E. Lewis, Republican, Hull
Moose, Roosevelt Progressive, Washing
ton. Anderson II. Walters, Republican, Hull
Moose, Roosevelt Progressive, Washing
ton. Arthur R. Rupley, Republican, Hull
Moose, Roosevelt Progressive, Washing
ton. George Benton Sluw, Democratic.
Joseph llowley, Democratic.
George R. McLean, Democratic.
E. E. Greenawslt, Democratic.
K. L. McKee, Prohibition.
Howard J. Force, Prohibition.
Henry 8. Gill, Prohibition.
Tlioinss II, Hamilton, Prohibition,
Chas. W. Krvln, Socialist.
WilliHtn Parker, Socialist.
K. S. M unsar, Socialist.
John W, Nlavton, Socislist.
William 11. Thomas, Industrialist.
A I li ti Garrett, Keystone.
i.linrifjsn. 1 1 It v & I lis, it-jsii'im.
Howard R. Nheppard. Keystone.
Daniel W.Siinkins, Keystone.
Itc pre m iiihiIyc In t nimrcxn.
Peter M. Speer, Republican.
John P. Ilines, Democratic.
J. W. Neilly, Prohibition.
John R. McKeown, Socialist.
Willis J. Hulings, Washington.
l(eresentnllve hi llie Gi-neriil Assembly.
Allen R. Meehling, Republican, Wash
ington. Perry C. Hill, Pemocratic, Progressive.
W. H. Conger, Socislist.
The Electors of Harnett Township ns
follows: Those residing tn the Cooks
burg Election District, to-wit: Those
embraced in the following boundary, viz:
Beginning at a point on the Tylersburg
and Clarington road wliero the said road
crosses or Intersects with the west line
of Harnett Tup, thence In a southeast
rly direction by the various courses nnd
distances of said road to a point whore
thi3 said road crosses the East branch of
Coleman Run; thenco down the said run
by its various courses and mennderiugs
to the Clarion River; thence down tho
said river by the various courses and
distances thereof to the southwest cor
ner of Harnett Twp., thence northerly by
the west line of said Township to the
place of beginning, sliail vote at A. Cook
Sons Co.'h (Shop.
The Electors of Harnett Township as
follows: Those residing tn the llcdclyffo
Election District, to-wit: Those cm
braced In tho following boundary, viz:
Beginning at a point on the said Tylers
burg and Clnrlngton road where the
same Intersects with the northern line
of warrant No. 3M; thence by the north
ern lino of said warrant :t'!05, easterly to
the west line of warrant No. 31 IS; thence
by the west line of said warrant north
erly to the northwest corner of said war
rant No. "IIS, thence easterly by the
northern lino of said' warrant No. 3148
and the north lino of warrant No.
1H5 to the eastern lino of Harnett Twp.;
I hence northerly by the east line of said
Township to tho northeast corner of Har
nett Township; thence westerly by tho
northern lino of said township to tho
northwest comer of Harnett Twp.;
thence by the west lino of said Town
ship southerly to tho Intersection of said
Township line with the Tylersburg and
Clarlngton road; thence southeasterly by
the various courses and distances of said
road to the place of beginning, shall vote
at Joseph Hall's Carpenter Shop.
The Electors of Harnett Township as
follows: Those residing In tho Clarlng
ton Election District, to-wit: Those em
braced In tho following boundary, viz:
Beginning at a point on the said Tylers
burg anil Clarlngton road where the said
road Intersects with tho northern line of
warrant No, .1:105; thence southeasterly
along said road by tho various courses
and distances thereof to a point whore
the said road crosses the eastern branch
of Coleman Run; thence down the said
run by its various courses and distances
thereof to the Clarion River; thence up
the said Rivi-r by its various courses and
distances to the southeast corner of Car
n tt Township; thenco by the east line
of said Township northerly to tho north
east corner of warrant No. 3Ha; thence
westerly by the north lino of said war
rant No. 31(5 and the north lino of war
rant No. 31 IS to the northwest coiner of
said warrant No. 314S; thence southerly
by the west line of salj warrant No. 3118
to the northeast corner of warrant No.
33U.1; thence by the north lino of said
warrant No. :I5 westerly to tho place of
beginning, shall vote in the County and
Township Hhiihc
Tim Electors of Green township as fol
lows: Those residing in the Election Dis
trict ot Guitonville. to wit: those em
braced in the following boundary, viz:
H"ginnlnir at n post, the north corner of
Warrant No. 5:i;t, thence south forty-live
degrees west time hundred and twenty
tods to the west corner of said tract,
thence south forty-live degrees east along
the dividing line between tracts Nos. fclU
and 50i 5 to the mirth corner of tract No.
.'..'ol, thence by the northwest line of tract
fi.Mil anil the southeast lino of tracts Nos.
Kti'j ami .WM to the south corner of tract
No. Mil, thence southwesterly to the
northwest corner of tract No. 310, and
southeast corner of tract K2 on the
Clarion county line, thence by the same
east to the northeast corner of Clarion
county, thence north by tho Jenks town
ship lino to where the said Jenks town
ship line crosses the northeast line of
trai t ii.'io. thence northwesterly by the
northeast linn of Green township to the
(Continued on page 4.)