The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, August 21, 1912, Image 4

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    Centre Street at Elm,
The Very Latest in Autumn Hats at a
Very Low Price.
Hats built especially for August and September selling, just the kind that those
who care the most for the latest modes and conceits are now seeking; and the price
is scarcely half.
$3.60 for hats selling in all the best stores in the land at $5.00 to $8.00.
Every one of these hats were made on the other side of the ocean.
They're the finest of fur felt, soft and downy as the ear of a mouse, and are the
sort that never lose their jaunty, classy outlines. Over a doien shapes and each
shape comes in white, pink, sky, mode and grey.
Advance Sale of Velvet Shapes $3.75
Each, Worth Considerable More.
Half a dozen shapes, all large and the most popular of the coming season's
Velvet hats rank as the coming favorites. These hats we refer to this, morning
are made with a very excellent quality of Lyon's straight pile velvet. The price now
is but $3.76. If you wait antil the season is advanced you'll probably pay nearly
Jacquard Slumber Robes $1.69, In
stead of $2.50.
These come to us from one of the foremost mills in the country, famous for this
particular style of blanket. The advantage of this line is that they do not wear
rough, launder well and are perfectly fast colors. Everywhere else the price is
$2.60. We have only a limited quantity to sell at $1.69.
Eden Cloths, Short Lengths, 10 Cents.
For shirt waists, night gowns, pajamas, house gowns, children's dresses, men's
shirts, boys' blouses.
A soft firm fabric that has the appearance and wearing quality of fine Imported
French Wool, but unlike wool it shrinks but very little and "does not scratch." The
regular price is 16c.
Are we not all driving our financial autos too fast? Should we not endeavor to
save, ten, twenty or fifty dollars each month?
We will pay you FOUR PER CENT, on your savings.
Oil City Trust Company
Oil City, Pa.
The faverite with experienced motorists.
The right gasoline for safety, comfort and
speed. Instantaneous, powerful, clean ex
plosion, quick ignition, no carbon deposits
all these are guaranteed.
We make three grades of
rowtrwttneut Carson. All ReftiMd Product.
No "n.tur.l" incline nxd. At your dealer.
IntfeptnStnt Rtfaan Pittsburg, Pa,
AIm mkera of Wmrlj Special Aato Oil.
FREE 200 Pag Book-UUi .0 mbxml L
A Hammcrless Gun with Solid
Easiest operating t..d smooth
est action.
Repeating Shotgun
NO. AT $25.00,
CO A U Indorsed by Shoot
JU A ers everywhere as
"Superb for Trap or
Made in five styles
and illustrated and
described in Stevens
Shotgun Catalog.
vour Denier show
you a Stevens Repeater.
yem known is Best, Safest, Always KHial-1
f if A Have
Lad I tut Aftlf jour IffuKKUt f-)C .
I'liUin IJ.d an.l ..!! niruluAXy
t.xr, lealol ilh liluo RiUton,
ToUe no other- Huy of your
1riifffUt. Askf . IfK-i-TFIlH
mVuiivn itit iMi iii. i f uu
Oil City, Pa.
Judge The next person who Inter
rupts the proceedings of this court
will be expelled from the room.
Prisoner Hoo-ray! Whooper-ee!
Now, lemme go!
In Shakespeare's Time.
Patron "No native productions on
the stage at all this year, ch?" Eliza
bethan Manager "No! We'd produce
English plays, but we simply can't get
them! All the successes of the sea
Bon have been foreign-made plots that
Bill Shakespeare made over to suit
our tastes!" Puck.
Denounces Moose Electors on
Republican Ticket
Roosevelt Given Ovation In Provi
dence, R. I., Where He Opens Pro
gressive Campaign Dem. Canvata.
Addressing members of the Mary
land Republican Editorial association
In the East Room of the White House
President Taft declared bluntly that
presidential elector were "dlahonest
men" If they let their names appear
on the Republican ballot and Intended
to vote for the candidate of another
He asserted that those who were
not for the Republican party were
against It and should get out of the
"Regularity, or feeling of regularity
and respect for the Republican party
for what It has done, what it is cap
able of doing, are going to bring over
Into the Republican party many a man
who has been doubtful, and it is going
to Increase that number, in my Judg
ment, as we approach the election.
"It is therefore essential that we
make the cleavage as clear as It can
be made, so that those who are Re
publicans shall be Republicans, and
those who are with the bolters shall
bear their name and title, and not be
Republicans and bolters, because they
cannot be at least they ought not to
be In all fairness.
"If there are men on that list who
are not going to vote for the men at
the head of that ticket, I don't
hesitate to say that they are dishonest
men, in that they are holding out to
the people who are to vote for them
an Implied promise that they will vote
for the names on the ticket, when
they, in fact, Intend to vote for some
body else."
Rhode Islanders Cheer Teddy.
Colonel Roosevelt made the opening
speech of his campaign In Providence,
R. I. The colonel's greeting was en
thusiastic. While the band played
"Hall to the Chief" the entire crowd
of about 3,000 persons was on Its feet
and for ten minutes cheered.
While Rev. J. S. Wadworth offered
prayer and while Chairman E. K.
Tuttle was making his Introductory
remarks a condition approaching a
riot arose. It was all the police could
do to close the doors.
"I have already been asked three
times since my arrival In this city,"
he said, "this question: 'Is this pro
gressive movement liable to last?'"
"I want to tell you right now and
most emphatically that it is a move
ment that is here to stay and that I
have simply started It two or three
years earlier than It would otherwise
have started. It Is a permanent move
ment and Is here to stay."
Cheers followed the statement: "The
Progressive party has made up Its
mind that it would like to have the
United States senate represent some
one rather than It does represent."
Again there was loud applause when
the colonel said: "Our opponents
have said we shall make mistaken.
Very true, I expect that we shall, but
we will maVe them ourselves, we don't
want want the bosses to make pur
mistakes for us."
Result ol Democratic Canvass.
The first canvass of the sentiment t f
the country by males, made through the
Democratic national committee is com
pleted. Summarized It shows an over
whelming Wilson sentiment through
the country, a complete change in
the political map. a recasting of the
list of the doubtful, certain and Iot
states and a division of the e!etoraI
rotes into three columns. It also
shows that Wilson will be elected by
as great a malorlry aa any president
ever had from the United grates.
Progressives' Offe'al Emblem.
The official emblem of the National
Progressive party will be a tr.oe
head within a black si iare, the latter
typifying a sruare deal.
Charges Filed Against Jurist In West
Governor Glasscock of West VIr.
Einia was asked to call the state
legislature In extraordinary session for
the purpose of Impeaching Judge Wil
liam R. Ilennett of Fayette county,
jecently renominated in the Republl-
aa primary ot that county.
A petition signed by numerous
citizens of Fayette county was filed
with the governor, charging Bennett
with corruption, gross Immorality and
incompetency. Judge P.ennett Is
charged with teceiving presents and
Bossy Eats Fermented Cornstalki and
Gets a Real "Jag."
The cow with a "jag" s the latest
discovery by the department of agri
culture. A Virginia husbandman,
alarmed by the Indecorous perform
ances of an ordinarily nil Id animal
after munching a ration of ensilage,
appealed to the sharps in the depart
ment. Investigation revealed that bosay
had feasted on fermented cornstalks
and became drunk on raw bourbon
whisky that was all.
Bison Practically Wiped Out.
How effectually the bison has been
exterminated may be seen from the
fact that a fine head lent by Idaho
people for the land show at 8t. Paul
Is Insured for $2,000. One used to
coat a morning gallop and a ball from
a big pistol.
Emulated the Ostrich,
In the stomach of a cow recent");
slaughtered In Davenport, Wash!
were found steel nails, a piece of til
can and a 24 uplnt capital O from I
font of type.
Treasurer o! Democratic
(S 1312, by American Press Association.
Improvement In Iron and Steel
Steadily Continues.
Dun's Review of Trade says this
"The Industrial and trade situation
fully maintains Its recent Improve
ment, and a further advance la
activity Is noted In the reports from
the leading centers.
"Everything points to a continuance
of the present activity In Iron and
steel, and the advancing trend of quota
tions promises Increased profits to the
producer. Consumers of pig Iron are de
voting a good deal more attention to
their requirements for the first half
of next year, but future business Is
not readily accepted unless higher
prices are offered."
Vaudeville Team Receives Judgment
For $60,000.
In New York Andy Amann and
Frances Hartley, a song and dance
team In vaudeville, were given Judg
ment for $30,000 actual damages and
$110,000 exemplary damages against
the I'nlted Rooking Offices for unlaw
ful combination to prevent their ap
pearing on the stage In the United
Rack of the booking concern are R.
F. Keith, F. F. Proctor, E. F. Albee
and Percy G. Williams.
Government Asks Dissolution of Al
leged Monopoly.
The federal government attacked
the so-called moving picture trust In
a civil suit filed in Philadelphia for
the dissolution of the Motion Picture
Patents company and the General Film
Ten moving picture film concerns
are accused of conbinlng to monopolize
the business, even to the extent ol
Increasing or decreasing the number
of motion picture theaters In which
they have no proprietary interest.
Bullets Whistle Past Boland.
William P, Roland, whose charges
against Judge Archbald led la the
bringing of Impeachment charge?
against the Judge, had a narrow escap
from death when two bullets whizzed
past 'his ear while he was walking
through Mocsie Lake, a summer re
sort, near Persntnn. Pa. Mr. Boland
Is not sure whethsr the bullets were
meant for him or not,
Was Shooting Down Flagpoles.
John CnKen. agd thirty-eight
caised conMderaY.e excitement In
Homeatea.L Pa., when he drew a r
vo'.er and sf.irr.d s'icoring at the
(!' and sM .l;?r!ayd In front
Of rh ff declared he hal
ben or 'erd to so dn the flat
an.1 he or'vp:i in do it. f.'ti:if rai
held for Insrr-t'gjnofl.
Negro Girl Gees to Chair.
Virginia Christian, tie eventn-year-old
negro girl, who murdered Mrs
Ma Belote. was put to death in the
electrie chair it) the Virginia peninten
tlary being the first woman In I he
history of the state to suffer uaidUl
Printers Choose Nashville,
Nashville, Tenn.. was chosen aa the
1913 convention city of the Interna
tional Typographical union in session
in Cleveland,
Rutter Prints 2Sff2!t; tubs, 27
28; Pennsylvania and Ohio cream
ery, 26tffi27. Eggs Selected. 24ffl
Poultry fl.lve) Hens, HV415.
Cattle Choice, $9.2.)9.ii0; prime,
$8.6r,Ti good, 7.238.2.r; tidy
butchers, $7W7..r.O; fair, V.SI)5Si
common, $."fr5.fi0; common to gortd
fat bulls, $.1.n0g B.2f; common to good
fat cows, $36.2:,; heifers. $47.2S
fresh cows and springers, $2'i60,
Sheep and Lambs Prime wethers,
$L.Vi4.!0; good mixed, $4ff 4.25; fair
mixed, $S.2.".(f!S.7r.i culls and common,
$l.r0'S2; yea! calves, $!)tl 9..",0; heavy
and thin calves. $iifi7. Hogs Prima
heavy, fS.T-ITi 8.80; heavy mixed, $S.7i
(&8.80; mediums, heavy Yorkers and
light Yorkers, $8.H0ri8.D.'; pigs, $STj)
8.75; roughs, $7 7.50; stags, $66.50,
Store Enthusiasm.
My son, we should lay up a stoci
of absurd enthusiasms In our youth oi
else we shall reach the end of out
Journey with an empty heart, for w
lose a great many of them by th
way. Victor Cherulp;$,
Woman's Costly Fit of Temper.
In a fit of temper, during a heated
discussion with her brother recently
a farmer's daughter, of Plouvorn
Brest, Northern France, cut off bat
right hand.
A New Broom Sweeps
"But it Takes an Old Broom to Get the Dirt Out of the Corners."
As we go along getting our new goods in place for the fall season we find a scattering of
goods that escaped the eye of some customer during our sale, and we promptly tag them for
further price reduction.
We prefer their room to their company.
You can spend a profitable half hour with us this week in seeing the new creations of Fall
Goods and possibly getting an unusual price cut on a Summer Suit, a single pair of Trousers
or a Straw Hat.
Business is growing bigger every day.
I Oil City, IV Oil City, Pa.
Bessie Yes, he claimed his wifs
pinched him severely whenever she
asked him for money.
Bert Well, he needn't flatter him
self that he is the only man who has
been pinched for money.
How The Good Young Man Frorr
California Set the Card
Sharpers Right
There are good men In California,
Tcry good men, and shrewd men, too
(according to Ell Perkins). One day
B real good young man, who used to
tench a Bible class In San Francisco,
boarded the Union Pacific train at
Ogden. He was going home to Bos
ton as a delegate from California to
the Massachusetts Sunday-School as
sociation. He wns neatly and sweetly
dressed and spent most of his time
reading the Christian at Work. Aftet
a while he got Introduced to a colonel,
a professor, and a doctor, who said
they lived In Boston, and they invited
him to take a quiet game of euchre.
During an animated religious conver
sation, three aces were thrown on his
side of the table, after which one of
the Bostenians gayly remarked, with
the greatest coolness, "I wish that we
were playing poker. I don't know that
I have been favored with such a hand
for years." Our religious young man
from San Francisco Immediately saw
the game pf the sharpers, looked up
innocently, and remarked: "I have
been favored aso. I have a pretty
good pokep band myself." The three
looked at each other significantly.
"Thy eall you professor?" asked the
young man from San Francisco.
"Yes." "And they call you colonel?"
"Yen." "You are from the East, I
b!lTe?" "Yes. from Boston." "Well,
gentleman," he continued, rising, "you
had better take the next train back.
W meet It just the other side of the
Or rid Canon. You can't make a cent
at thU. They nave been teaching It
In the Sunday-schools In California for
Changing the Letter on Stenog
rapher's Typewriter Cured Him
pf the prink Habit,'
ft) a rerlnlr) railroad office In the
West Bottoma is a stenographer, upon
whom his employer places considera
ble ronfldence, for ho Is one of tho
beet in the business. Only one short
en tiling has ever been found against
him, but this whs a grievous one, the
kind that was increased J 00 per cent
when tho bi-monthly pay law went
Into effect. Long and faithful service
kept him from being discharged, and
ha (employer wns very lenient. From
month o month, however, It could be
noticed that lis Fns slipping a little
more with each payday. Finally one
last plnn was decided upon to keep
him In the service and prevent his
falls from the wagon.
During an absence following a pay
day a typewriter mechanic was
pressed Into service, to change the let
ters pu the mafil)lne around. The next
morning tho stenographer reported for
work, pith evidences pf a ''hangover."
His rmiiloypr started pt) lilm good and
enrly, with a message which was to
be rushed.
The stenographer started work, The
result was something of an "x-&5!"
affair. Finally he decided "it was no
"I guess I have been cutting up a
little," he Bald. "I expect I better take
a day off and sober up."
Jl was agred thus,- and during the
day of sobering up, the letters on the
machine were set bui.k infij nJiPR,
The plan worked and though' flip ucl
dnnt occurred six months ogq, the
stenographer hadn't missed a day.''
Kausss City Jnurna),"
I Early Autumn
Advance showing Tailored and Trimmed Hats, $5, $6.60, $8 and $10.
Felts, Velour, Silk, Satin and Paune Tailored and Trimmed Shapes.
Kliouing Xew Null, New C'oa(t, New Wool
DreMNeN, New Silk Dtonsch,
Xew N weal er s
T IjImIIch', JIKse Children) A en Tailored Nklrl.
Authentic early Autumn Styles.
Ready today with an assortment of upward of 400 garments to supply
the Suit, the Dress, the Coat, the Sweater or the Skirt.
Telephone orders are most acceptable and we give them prompt and
most careful attention.
Shop Here at Our I'xiu'iiso.
Fare paid one way to Tionesta patrons on $10 purchase. Round trip
fare paid on $16 purchase. To Endeavor patrons one way on $10 purchase
and round trip on $20 purchase.
Will Begin Its 38th Year
September 10tht 1912
J Completion of the formal Course legally qualifies one to teach
for life in Pennsylvania. There are strong departments for
Domestic Science, for Business and for Music,
?For those preparing; to teach, $62 pay for Fall
erm j $54 for Winter Term ; $50 for Spring Term.
fj For several years, this school has had more apply
(ng (of entrance than it could accommodate; therefore
rooms should always be engaged jn advance,
Q The Institution publishes a fine Catalogue, which
can be obtained free by addressing the Principal-
Novel Use for Aviation.
Probubly Darius Green never had 8
dream thai Ms flying machine would,
be used In a scheme fo prove to wild
hunters In the Philippine islanda that
they were inferior to white men. This
political project, however, was tried
by Aviator I,. Hammond, who fit the
request of the fvcrnor of the Islands,
gave to the chief pf 4 tribe of Igorotte
hunters his first aerial ascension. The
tribesmen were very apprehensive
regarding the result, pnd even the
chief himself took bis seat In the cap
with fll-concenled trepidation, but aft
er making a lofty flight over the leper
colony and the surrounding country,
he was brought back safely to the
stnrtlpf? point, fully convinced pf the
absolute supremacy pf t)B paifaoe.
J. L. Hoplcr
Fine carriages for all occasions,
with first class equipment. We can
6t you out at any time for either a
pleasure or business trip, and always
at reasonable rates. Prompt service
and courteous treatment.
Co 1111 and see us.
Hear of Hotel Weaver
Telephone Tfio. ?0.
Quality High.
Prices Low.
Millinery Fashions.
: '
and Manufacturing Opticians.
Kclionl children's eyes will be ex
amined free of cost when accompanied
by a note from their teacher or family
The latest methods known to science
are employed no drops arti
ficial eyes in stock.
Letifes duplicated 011 short notice.
Moick Optical 0.,
First National limit Building.
ill) Phones,
l' .ihtiMm.i! nr ECC DrTIIDNm
tuc 1 nwrcT K..H.I ...... iilinti. ii' Mk.tli'h fur
tIrt minvll Hlul fl"U l'fMlt Ull luUolllJtlliUty.
INFRINGEMENT '"' Cimillliituli M"lt !l
!imi1& fiitt'iitH ohmiiiL't) Ihnmirli l)n, ABVER,
VISED wl 0.e, (n.ii. TRAOI-MARM, PCI.
tlONt auii COPYRIGHTS (juk'kly ubUlliwl.
Opposite U. S. Patent Office,
washinu run, u. v.
t Colic. Cholera and
LnamDerlain S hmrrlia Kt-m.y.
iNever fails, liny it now. li may suvc lite,