N .THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. i. I. WINK, IDITON tHT. 1 WKDNICNDAY, MAY 8. 1IM2 llfulllriiii Ticket. Ntatfl Treasurer-llon. It. K. Young, of TmK County, A u il I lor (funeral Hon. A.W. Powell, of Allegheny County. Cnnitresa at-Lare K. IC. Lawla, of LehluhCounl.viA.lt Ituplcy, of Cuni tixrlmiil Cnunlvi A.M. Wallers, of Cam bria County; J. M. Morln, of Allegheny Con nly. Cnngreaa-llon. I. M. Npeer, of Viiniiiii County, Assembly Hon. A. It. Mechlins;, of CUrlniiton. Hi'pnltllimi CmninlMre Meeting. Pursuant In call of retiring Chairman Hon. C. A. ltandall, llm newly elected Itcpiihllcan County Commute of Korea! Com.lv met al the court house, Tlnneata Saturday afternoon, May 4. II'I'J, and or ganised irouiitly at i o'clock ly III" election of Ilia following temporary oftl or! President, Pr. V, 11. Morrow of Wml lllcknrys Secretary, V. O. Kuoll liart of Kndoavor. The chairman tled tlm main otiiHt of ihe meeting to t th election of a rlialrmaii of lhi county com inlttee fur th riiniilnil year, ami called for Hilt noinlnallon or candidate. Com mitteeman Kden placed W. I.on Wat non, of Kelloltvtlle, in noutliiailon, ami Ma election followed by a unanimous vol. Th meeting waa attended by almost t Ito full membership, 11 of tli 17 elected being present, A void of lliauka lor th bl manner In which ha had conducted th two 11 ciupigu w aa tendered to Mr, Kanilall, ami In response to rail ha addressed Ilia convention In a ringing speech which brlntltnl with inlliulam for I lie ticket anil loyalty to the principle of the grand old Itepubllcan parly. The new Chalr man, Mr. Walaon, thanked Ilia conven lion for Ilia honor conferred upon him ml pledged hla heat effort In the trliimpliant election ol Ilia wholo ticket, which ha predicted would ha accom plished with Ilia aid of hla follow com mitteemen and a united liepuhlican party. H. T. Klineellver nf Tlnnest, waa re- appointed Secretary and Treasurer of the committee, by Chairman Watson. The following resolution Were offered and unanlinoualy adopted: We, the representative of the Itepub llcan parly of Koreal County, in conven tion assembled, hereby reslllrni our ad herence to the principle of the Itepubll can parly. Second. We heartily endorse Hie wine and businesslike administration of Pre lilnnt Win. II. Tafl, and recognise In bim man eminently iinslitiod In every way for Ih Important olllce of rreldent. Third. We endor lb wis and pro sreaaiv administration of Governor John K. Tener and feel aure that Ih In tereetaof the whole people will ha well guarded under hi in. Fourth. We enthusiastically endorse the candidacy ol the Hon. Peter M.Speer, a well aa hla brilliant record In Congress al the present lime; we fool assured that In hi in the old soldier that alood up In front of the bailie lor the defense of the llsg have a true friend and on that will look well alter their Interests; alo do wa ndori hla advo'acy of Ih parcela pot In Ih interest of th tanner, and pledge to him our undivided support lor re election. Fifth. We hereby endorse til ticket plcet in uoininalion by Ih Republican party at tlarrishurg on May 1M, 1012, and pledge to it our earnest support. Sixth. We recoguir. iu President William II. Taft and in ix-Preident Theodore HiHwevell men both eminently qualllied in every way for the important position of president, and hereby pledge to (h nomine of the Chicago convention our hearly support. Seventh, We cheerfully endorse the nomination of the llou. A. H. Mrchling lor Member of Assembly and call upon II good clllxeua, Irrespective of parly, to assist lu his election; we pledge to him our undivided aupport. Kighlh. We aro unalterably opposed to, and deplore the tendency of soma of our atate officials toward granting privi leges and franchise conveying (o private Individual and corp iratinua the water rights of our public atreania, and we em phatically maintain that these privileges should b conserved for the benefit of Ih whol people of our alate. Following are (lis members of the new County Committee: Harnett Clariugton, W. M. Coon; Cooksburg, John C. Lyons; Kodclyffe, John McCann. tireen Nebraska, M. C. Jone; Uui tonvllle, It. V. Hulton. Harmony West Hickory, W, 11, Mor row; Fogle Farm, James F.lllot. Hickory Kndoavor, W.O. Foellhart, Howe llrookslon, John U ildoraleeve; Lynch, John Dodge. Jenka Marienvllle, W, II. Green; Pulirlng, II. P. Kmminger. Klngsloy Newtown, (Starr) K. K. Znemlel; Kellettville, V, Ieon Watson; Mayliorg, George uber. Tloiieala Townsliiu-J. II. K.len. Tioncata Uorongli-1). II. Ilium. Moth houses of Congress have agreed on general service pension bill. The pensions are to run from f-18 a month to fill, depending upon the age and length of service of Hie soldier. It is estimated that the Increase in the Government's pension expenditures lor five years under the terms ol the agreement will average bout t'AOotl.flotl annually. What the l'unxiitw ney Spirit say lu Hi following item Ills the cas about right: "So far as our know ledge of the character and calibre of the men nomi Dated at lUrrlsbuig last Wednesday I concerned, wejiave an excellent ticket, and on upof 'hlch ail Republican ran aalely unite'. W would have been bet tor tleaed if this section of the slste could hav been represented by a eandi duto for cnugresnman-at-Urgti, but ai there were not enough to go around, and omebody had to M Utaappointeii, we hav no areater grievance in that regard than a acor of other district. From a personal acquaintance with lormer Auditor-General Robert K. Young, or Tioga, we can assure our reader lhl wa hav an exoollont candidal lor Stat Treas urer, and ir th other candidal hav been (.elected with 111 "" renard for blHv and Integrity, w have liikKt of which Hie party may be proud.' Tli Mm Convention. The Itepubllcan Niale convention which met at llarrlahurg Inst Wednesday waa of Dm "cut and dried" affair. The day prior lo Hie meeting the full program waa laid out and the delegate had noth ing lo do hut endorse Ih slate aa It had been arranged, and thus they had an easy lime of It. Th following ticket waa planed In the Held: Auditor General-Htsts Senator A. W. Powell, I'lltshnrg. Mai Treasurer Robert K. Young, Tioga county, Congiesiiien-at-Large-F, T, Lewi, Allentowni J, M. Morln, I'iltaburg: A. 11, luipley, Chariiale; A. II. Waller, Johns town. Twelv delegtea-al-larg to Ih na tional con ven l Ion Instructed to vote for Theodore Roosevelt were elected. Ir. Fred. W. Mrown, of Franklin, I on of tit. Presidential elector were named Jor each Congressional district and ail at large, the nominee for this, USih, district being 1) I. Mall, K.sii., of Warren, a most worthy choice. The new Slat chairman elected by the convention I Henry O. Waason, of Plllabiirg, and the new secretary of th Slat committee I A, Nevtn letrlcli, of Chamberahurg, Colonel Fred C, Wilson, of Phllsdelphla, wa appointed assistant secretary and II waa announced that Ih Slat headquarter will h continued at Philadelphia. Th platform adopted waa out of th usual run of ench political document. It contain long quotations fiom Abraham Lincoln and Colonel lloosevelt, It did not mention President Tafl nor Governor TVnef and la silent upon conduct of their respective ad ml nisi ration a. Neither waa there any reference to th Initiative, referendum and recall, and local option and Woman' suffrage, all of which propoalllona war expecting favor hi conaideratlon, were brushed aside without ao much aa a mer mention, al though th ladlea were given Irlrllng recognition In recommendation that the next legislature "look into" th matter of giving them th ballot. Th nomination of Hon. Robert K. Young, of Tioga county, for Slat Treaa urer, Ih only candidal known In this section of Ih Stale, w ill give excellent satisfaction to our people, Hla recoid aa Auditor General In the Stuart administra tion la decidedly creditable to him, being clean and business like, and hampered by no favoritism. Aa the choice ol the con vention every candidate la worthy of and will receive the cordial aupport of loyal Republican parly. NrbrH.sk a. Mr. mid Mi's. C. M. Arncr were up from Tiotirata one day lat week. Lory Strikcnluirg of Pigeon spent the past week with friend" here. Charles Knrn lias moved his family from Kcppcltown to the Milt'ord farm, near West Hickory. Mix. Allen Ault ami daughter Kinily of Tylcrsburg sK'iit Sunday with the former's sister, Mrs. Geo. Young. Mr. ami Mrs. K. I.. Ilaugh and sou Wal ler went to llrookwlle on Thursday, where they were called by the death of Mrs. llaugh's brother, Jay McAiiinch. Henry Watkins and family of Tylersburg spent Sunday with relatives here. Joseph Pcttigrcw of Franklin visited w it H relatives here during the past week. Mrs. J. K. Iieedv and hanv were visitor in Warren on Thursday and Friday. Ralph Cook is moving his faniilv to Tionesta this week. T. P. Collins has gone to Minneapolis Minn., to attend the General Conference of the M. K. church. r.d. Itowman of New niansv illc was caller in town Monday. ( lirrry (iroic. Mr. and Mrs. Klmcr Kckland were the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. August Weaver, over Sunday. l.on Hernianson of Jamestown wa call ing in town Friday. Andrew Christenson of Kellettville spent Sunday with hi parents. Henry IVshner of Mayburg spent Sun dav with his wife. Chas, Cole of Gusher six-nt Sunday in low n. J as. Cousins, who is working in May burg, spent Sunday with his family, going hack in his auto Sunday evening. Friday evening while shooting nl tin cans w hich Warren Yitmleiilicrg w as throw ing iu the air for that purpose, his younger brother Clarence shot ami killed him. The bullet lodged In the head, penetrating the brain, l'r. liver of Clarendon came up In his auto and took Warren to tho Warren hospital, but lie never roooered conscious ness ami died Saturday morning. We sympathise with llio grief stricken family especially Clarence, who Is heart broken. The exact age of tho boys are not known to the writer but Ihcv ure about llltccn nml seventeen years of age. A surprise party was given for Mis Mvrtie Johnson at her home, Monday night. Hcspite the bad weather a good sir.cd crowd was present and on excellent lime is reported. Fred Cooper of Shellleld Is visiting G. W. Gitlord's team. Mrs. G. W. Gilford mid Miss Cora were in Shellleld having denial work done Sat urday. Scorns quite summer like to see the man with a bicycle limiting cows again. The recent nice weather has dried the ground to a great extent and the man w ilh the plow can he soon every where now. Miss Kliabclh Allaire came home Sat urday after finishing a successful term of school at Slieritl. Her sister, Miss Anna, has week left of her school at l'orkey. Misses Mess Sigwortli and Lillian Shaw departed for their respective, homes Tues day after finishing their schools. We arc very sorry to have these tine young ladies leavens. Too bad the school term cannot last the whole year. I'ut maybe they will call on us acain. A farewell party was given them Friday evening at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Sutton. On Saturday afternoon the birthday club surprised Miss Sigwortli at the home of Mr. ami Mrs. Henry Sutton and in the evening both the young ladies were included iu a surprise party given by tho young folks at the Sut ton home. All those allairs wore very en joyable. Morn, Saturday, to Mr. and Mrs. H. ('. Johnson, a daughter. Miss l'.lirabcth Allaire was in Sheffield Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kinch of near Gusher came up Saturday to attcn I the funeral of their brother, Warren Yandcn herg, which wits held Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Orda Yandenbeig of Maybuij,' were aKo here. CIiihIiiiiiu'h Flni'ldii Loiter Ordinarily, when an Individual nhangea hla location, hla position, hla manner, method and style of life, and takes up hla bod amid new scene and new envi ron, and among people of a dillerent race, color and doubtful prevloua condi tion of servitude, such individual la much put out and la "In bad," a the aying la, and a good deal of tlm la required for him to gel used to Ih change. More over, he can't aoem to admit that thing tilt him nearly an well aa those lo which ho was formerly accustomed, and be lose no opportunity to hark back to the olden time before Ih change, and many and many a tlm he la heard to observe that this or Ihat, and aoma other thing aa well, la dillerent, vastly dillerent, ye. In other word no on likes a change unless Ih change I one ho like. IC oon- vro, any one dislike a change that h dots not Ilk. I hop these proposition III not b attacked and shown to be false, aa I have spent much lime In tent ing and demonstrating them. So, to resume, when an individual who waa born and reared among the rugged hlils and transcondant valea of Ih font hill of the Allegheiiliss, and who followed Ih simple life and a Syracuse plow until il began lo tell upon hi health, and he was ordered by th lamlly doctor lo cease It at once, and to hie away to th Coney Islands and the Great While Ways ol the earth lo renew bis strength, w hich order he reluctantly compiled wlih, but who had been aulllclently alive lo hla duties aa a farmer to lake with him the full knowledge Ihat corn la usually planted lu Ih for pari of May, t aay w hen auch an Individual, used lo Central Pennsyl vania oaprletH of aoll and habit of cli mate, aiiddenly change hla base, and among oilier marvelous revelation, I in vited lo sit down lo a mess ol roasting ear in April, he cancels all other engage- nients with neatness and dispatch, marked dispatch, accept th lnvitttou ith an unusual multiplicity of thank, and Inwardly, Inwardly remember, thank Allah lor Ih change. I tell you, my Countrymen, Iher ar aom team re ami li.clilenia eouneeioo. wtlh any change which every Individual must admit he enjoys; and a for m at least, alter I have dined sumptuously on roasting eara In April, no on can ever coax, bribe or compel me lo say I do not like the country -the. change. Roasting eara in July and August may have their charm; roasting ears all through the tall are entitled to have the big piate and the central position ou the table, but roasting ear lu Aprll-alnng about the mlddleof April-appeal to one's culinary Instinct and relish with a force stronger than gravity or cohesion. And thus il la that contrast I the great teacher, the omnipotent Information bureau. If you know and understand all the contrasts there are lu the world you csn atep to the head of old Satu Johnson's class and stay there. What care I Ihat this town la on the boom, that the price of contiguous land I Increasing a couple dollars an acre every month, or tlist little articles like the fol lowing are seen occasionally in Hie Florida press, and a jealoua pre al thai: Fort Myers Press; Congratnlaliona to Punta Gotda and all concerned, as there appeara to ha a possibility of securing deep wsler from 'list fine little city to the Gulf. There i hardly any doubt thai th citir.sna will put up the necessary ante of $-'0,000 to induce the government lo un dertake Ih work. Or Ihat thi county (D Soto) leads all others in Florida in to production of cttrna Iruita, or Ihat th F.vergladea are going to be drained and reclaimed just aa aarelv aa the Panama canal is going to be opened, or that Pnnta Gorda, with il Al fool channel by thai time, will be the nearest porl to Panama, nearrer than Tampa or Jacksonville, new Orleans, Mobil, and all those other joint,-1 re iterate, w hat care I for all these thing when it i possible to feed on roasting ear in April, and the little school child ren billow m around and Wg me I j tell them w hat a snow ball is like. Y'on may read about tha land of the midnight sun, or the wonderfully liberal laws of Canada with reference to it pub lic land in Alberta and Saskatchewan, and the rush of ih people lo those pise; you will resd thai they are so eager they fall over each other; not ao here. Here every one outruns the other and all win. And yen cannot blame tluni when all thing are considered. Just read Florida literature Issued from Chicago and you will get a lair example or line-w riting. Hut there la no land near this town in the hand of Northern land companies, nd Ihat, In addition to April roasting eara, la why I Ilk the change, t hav mad Wai.i.ai k Chapman, Punta Gorda, Fla., April "7. Judge Hinckley's decision Sustained. Sln of seated lands In Warren and other comities fur laxea must hereafter be ms. In iimlnr the act nf IIHII, which provides dial II be done through tho pro- lhonotry olllce ami by ill sherill, In stesd nf by Hie county treasurer, a here tofore. In I'hilsdelphla Tuesday, April .10:h, the supreme court affirmed Judge W, I. Hinckley' decision of several week ago, wherein he held that the sain of a Iraclof land to J. A. Day waa Illegal In that th sale should hav been made under the acl nf liml instead of IS 1 1. The original rase waa that of J. A. Day v. C, A. Swanson. Appeal wss taken by the county commissioner through their solicitor, John Slgglns, ). I, Hall representing the defendant. Attorney Siggin amued hi side of the esse and th court took tho paper. Mr. Mail waa then informed that the court would not care lo hear his argument, thus pracll cally deciding in Mr. Mall's favor. My the decision a large number of titles of lands throimhout tho state are rendered Invalid. Ilcnl'nrs f'nnnni He Ciirrit by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear, There Is only one wnv to cure deafnrvs, and Ihat is by constitutional remedies, heafness Is caused by an Inllnnied con dition of th mucous lining nf the Ku stadium Tube. When this lube gets In tlameil you nave a ruinliling nouiiiI or impcrttvt bearing, and when II is entire ly closed ilcaiucss is the result, and mi' loss Ihn inlhimation can be taken nut and this lube icst.ne.l lo its normal condition lieai nig will tie oostroveil hoover; nine cases out of ton are caused by catarrh. w hich is nothing but an Inltatned comll liov of the mucous surfaces. Wo w ill give One Hundred lollars for any case nl lioalncss (caused by catarrh) Ihat cannot be cured by Hall's I'atarih Cure, Send for circular, free. F. .1. I'll F.N I'.Y CO., Toledo, O. Sold by llruugists, 75. Hall s Familv Pill ar the bet-t. Newtown Mills. Fred Rudolph I moving int) the house vacated by John Carpenter aoine time go. Mrs. John Hunter and son Russell of Ross Run visited Mrs. Al. Smith, Mon day. llorton Alhaugli wa. lu town over the Sabbath. Mra. R. J. Flynn and Mrs. W. O. Misuser visited Mra. Ed. Gillespie at Kailettvill laal Thursday. N. P. Wheeler and KJ. Osgood of En deavor were business visitor In town Monday and took dinner with Mr, and Mra. W. F. Jonea. Nome or our people went down to Rosa Run Sunday evening to attend quarterly meeting. Catuerou Flka of Htrattanvllle Is Visit ing hla aunt, Mra. Al. Smith, Miss Kiiima Rudolph, who has been visiting her mother aud other relallvea, returned to Frankllu, Monday, where ah haa employment. Th children are delighted to be free, our school having closed lastThuraday, Willie Flke, who hsa been here this winter with his aunt, Mrs, Smith, went to hi home at Ntraltauvtlle, RULES FOR RIGHT LIVING Frederic Harrison, Who It Allvs ElQhty, Give Hit Vlewt on Subject, at Frederic Harrison, barrister, hi lorlmi. philosopher, publicist, yoaltlv 1st and anti-woman' nuffngctt, cclo brntc.l hi eightieth birthday recently In Loudon. In uplte of his grvat ago, Mr. Harrison la Mll halo and hearty, and hla Intellectual activity Is oc casionally pvldcncod In acutely rea sonol letter to tho prves. A sejf dlactplinarlan. ho attribute hi hy loal and mental fltno to tho rigid observance- of hla on Syrian "rule of life." Here they r; Touch nod tobacco, spirit, nor any unclean thin. Rise from every meal with an appe tite. Walk daily two hour. Sleeo nightly seven hour, He content witn what you have." Pl.Klog card and tvbcw are Mr. Harrison's aversion. " "Men and wonv en." he . "who are too dull to take pleasure In talk, too Ignorant to read, too laxy to dance, deaf to music, blind to art. unable to keep themeolves awake, betake themselves to cards." A for my Lady Nicotine, ho cannot find words strong enough to denounce her with. Smoking Is "a beastly dis ease," to be shunned on grounds med ical, moral, social and esthetic. Mr. Harrison, however. Is better known as the greatest living disciple of Aiigiiste Comte than as a social lion Quixote. His presidential ad dresses to tho rositivlst Boclety are said by good Judges to contain some of the finest "high thinking" In the F.tiRllsh language. In view of these pnd other virtues, people here are f.rottd to hall him a grand old London er, horn and educated within the sound of tho bells of Bow. CRAFTY PRELUDE OF SHOPPER Preliminary Skirmish by Which Sht Insures Best Service When Real Campaign Begins. Chicago peorde certainly have the knack of getting on," a shopper said. In the suit department of a big store I met a Chicago woman who had been In Philadelphia less than a week. She Mid she wasn't buying anything; had just corae to pet the lay of the land. In the rrocess of petting It she stopped a cash girl and said: "ls that Miss Plake selling white linen skirts to that fat woman? I nn dersiand yon have a Miss Blake in this department.' " 'No, that is Miss Barton,' Mid the cash girl. This Chicago woman wrote the name in her address book. Then the showed me the name of saleswomen In several other stores. " This is only a preliancary to real shopping," she said. It pays me to take the extra trouble. If 1 xpert to buy more than IS worth of anjrhiri! at a strange store I learn beforehana the names of the saleswomen whose looks I like best. " 'Then w hen I po back to buy, I ctn say, as I shall do here tomorrow. 'I would like Miss Barton to wait on mo,' and although Miss Barton ha never set eyes on me, the fact that I can call her by name gives her the impression that she must have sold me a $10ti dresa at some time and I get twice as good service aa I would get If I knew nobody by name.'" Th Wife's Part. When a man decides to live on hi wits, his wife should thoughtfully In vest In a new washing machine. AU clilsou (Hub. Whale's Great Speed. The finback whale Is railed the "greyhound of tho sea." Its speed through the water equals that of th fastest steamship. -Miss Kit K. Latimer, aged 2'J, of New Bethlehem, ha been Incarcerated In the Armstrong county Jail at Klttanning to nerve a sentence nf :t0 days Imposed upon her by the Federal court. Miss Latimer I a daughter of former Post master Latimer, of New Bethlehem, and hd confessed to embemllng fi, 118.80 of money order funds from the office. The sentence included th Imposition of a fin for th full amount of the misappropriated funds and the provision was mad Ihat she la to occupy a camrortable room, not a cell, In the Jail, duo lo her being a Fed eral prisoner. Tiik Maryland primaries Monday re sulted In a close vnlo between Colonel ltoosovcll and President Taft, the former getting M delegalea lo Hie laller'a ll.t. The preference la thus given to the colonel, who will gel th III national delegalea. Champ Clark carried the Democratic pri maries by a large majority, and it looks a though the cheery speaker would ul timately land the presidential nomination on that ticket. Lame back Is usually caused by rheu matism of the muscle ol the back, for which you will llnd nothing belter than Chamberlain' Lliiiuient, For sale by all dealers. GIVE YOUR BUILDINGS A COAT OF PIONEER PAINT AND INSURE AGAINST DECAY . .s4 FflRTiiE1'. We, cannot atTorn to sell you a worthies! paint any more than you can atTurd to buy on. We have sold riONEEK for over '25 years because it stands the lest. I G. W. ROBINSON &S0N AdiiilulHtrittrlx'ft Xotire. l etter of administration on th estate of M. N. tiilberl, 11 ol Harmony Town- lUjilv, tVrtwl County, T., deceased , bv- luc two granted lo in umiervignea. an lseixvt ii.dehted lo id estate ar hereby notified lo make payment without delay, and those hvlug claim or demand will present them, duly authenticated, tor settlement. Cahoi.ink M. Uii.iikht, A.C. Mkows, Administratrix, A itorney . eel 11 tckory, 1'. May 7, lt12. Executor) Xollre. Letter testamentary on the estate or Dr. K. TV. Smith, late or Whig Hill. For est County, I'a deceased, having been granted lo the undersigned, all persona Indebted lo said estate are hereby uotltied to make payment without delay, and those having claim or demand will present them duly authenticated for set tlement. Charlks W. Smith, Executor. East Hickory, Foreat County, Fa., May 7. un-i. Water Elephants In Africa. The scientific world is still discus sing the reported discovery of a new mammal In the Congo state, a mam mal known to the natives as the "wa ter elephant." M. Le Tetlt of the Paris Museum of Natural History re cently reported that he saw five of these animals plunging Into the wa ter on the northern shore of Lake Leopold the Second. He stated that they appeared to have shorter bodies, smaller cars, and relatively longer necks than ordinary elerhants, and apparently were not possessed of trunks. He estimated their height at about six feet. It has been pointed out that the description of the water e!erhnt accords almost exactly wits Dr. Andrews' restoration of the palaeomastodon, a creature which dwelt In the Farecm in the lower ter tiary ace. A TIEKIBLK JWTMEXT. la tb year 1SS, Cbarle Bet of Pol lock, Pa., w a oc-idental ly shot is ibe Ifsj near ibe arkl. &.x incbe of ibroal)r bone w as removed from lb leg, lesving bins in a eorious cDdi'-ioL. Two doctor ltinwej on sniputaiing lb lee. Mr. Bent id: "So, I will try ASIATIC BALSAM trst.." Three bottl lxld tie wound etjtirtOy in two weeks tis. ASIATIC BALSA M is the wonder of ibe p Jr bM.itig Cots, Burn. Scald bd Frewt-t.ii sul bus mood the Um t lti year. Try it It- K oars tar .. r Suffetxtj J 'f. tn suns txwMi; tor bonsFw' Sore S-b'ssidw. S' Bfk. Kick or Co:. Pnsgmit Loverya and farmer kp A xr B.t ea ht-vi for lb many injurtea their stock is Isati In. It oever fail. Try it od t vlnced. Mr. J. L. Find'.ey, prrpri.ie,r ol lb Ford City, P., livery stable, say ond date of 1"2: "We bad s lax brtv t com entirely ulea. Wa trssd very thing under the sun In core Ibt !,- and failed; w consider lb br- total losa. Wfisfleld' Asitix B mid wm recommended lo u. After osirg a b n time all lameness disappeared tfl it horse waa entirely well. I c tinit-r it my duty lo recommend Aia:i-Bt'.Mm to all horse owners." Mr. II. T, Farley, livery and ka stable owner, ol Kiltannict, Ps , y: "After giving your Asiatic IUImib trial I find it the best remedy for Cot or Bruise I have over oed. Out of u y men while clipping a borne bod Lis lip cut entirely through. We tppiifed tue Ralsam which bealed Ibe cat aliu'ml im mediately. One of my bort nweived a deep cut on his leg, latneiug biui badly. A few application of your Bs.ssm re moved the lameness aod bealed lb, culm a very abort time." Mr. F. K. Wtaver, of Wert Peuo Junc tion, write under date of Ju. 1, Jtwti; "I have used Asiatic Balsam fur years and It la the best remedy for cuts, burns and brusies known. It is healing, reliev ing the pains without smarting. J have always kept a bottle on band," ToIUm k, Pa., April 14. l!'!0.-"We utu sider Asiatic llalsam a world beatrr tor all outs, burn and sore on mau or beast." Boat Brother. Mr. It. Steigner, of Hertnao, Pa., writes: "My son Cbristisn, aged 12. Mi from a tree, striking ou a broken bottle, cutting a gash in his fuot four inches iu length aud to the boue. We uved Asiatic Ralsam, three bottles ol which bealed the wound ound and well In two weeks." We are placing Asiatic Balsam on !e In all alorea. If your dealer dot Dot have It, ask bitn to get it, as be w ill bav a ready sale for it when once used. The Weislleld Mxuulacturing A Chem ical Company, Parkuia Landing, Armstrong Co., Pa, 1 WWItl im J)ONT V. , s75s. .vric.N-.x-J. VAX n O Vnu R anfc Your money NOW Every man loekt forward to being comfortably fixed eonie day, but whatever a1 y man looks forward to cannot be acquired over night. If you want to be comfortably fixed (time day, you must begin by starting a bank o ount now. Your money is tale in the bank, and your keen interest in seeing your balance iu the hank grow is the thing that will make it grow. CAPITAL STOCK, - - - 150.000. SURPLUS. - $100,000. Do YOUR bauking with US. We pay liberal intereH cousisteot with safely, 1 per cent. Forest County Nactiorvod Bank, TIOXI.STA, IA. Will You Make a Garden ? If so, let us furnish you with what you ueed in the way of Garden Seeds. And after that, when you need Garden Tools, remember we have large assortment of all kinds S .iades, Shovels, Hops, Hakes, etc. A good Wheelbsrrow is something you need all the lime. We have them at reasonable prices. Lsn Mowers of dillerent makes and prices, and they're tbe best. Farming Tools. We have most anything you need in this line and we are sure we can suit you in quality ami save you some money. liefore you buy anything in this line come and look over our stock. Costs you nothing lo look and we are always glad to show l tutu. Say, You Fisherman ! Why do you waste lime or bother with a worn-out Fishing Hod, or carry ao unwieldy pole cut in the woods, when we can sell you a good .1 linted S eel Kid for 00 and up? Come io and see them. We have all kiuds of Fishing Tackle Cane Joiuted Rods, Lo?s, Hooks, ito , aud the prices are right. J. 0. SCOWDEN, Every Kind of Hardware, Confirmation Aollcf. Notice i hereby given Ihat th follow ing; scmunt Uav been filed in my office and w ill te presented al the next term of Ooart, beginning on the Third Monday of May, 1 v 1 '2. for confirmation: First and boil account of W. H. liar riton, (dmiDistrsurr of the estate of ('as. sie Hanmao. lai of Kingaley township, Forest coantv, Pennsylvania, deceased. First and finl account of K. K Hun ter, administrator of ibe estate of K. F. Hooter, late of (iren township. Forest coonty, Pennsylvania, deceased. First and noil account of William !l"od and C. A. Randall, executor of th )l will od testament ot David K Walter, lai of lireen township, Forest county, PeocsylTaoia, deceased. M R MAXWELL. Clerk of Orphans' Court, TV-tHsC-a, Pa., April 2J, Vf i. Cbanterlain's Cough Remedy Care Cutf. Cwul and STWjuibc CvdcB. ot n This is to inform you That fruuj titw yj -wa 1 1 J fcvt Iv br ttl'tbiri' or furiillure. You can niiw frt til tv vt ff- ftjf y mi-rely changing yuur plane of iuyli yvvr daily vw 1-J-I nwwhi'?. 15 jy these frou; u. j'or tviry dv!!r' vrili yvv wiJ) t (iv a dollar's worth tf tilut-hif; vr fwruil.vr. The lurtiiMMiiluw e luiir--, jrudv cr juij'it ;ytjit of over 500 fond productr, bukud bnuue, pivkli', n'JMp, jjrervfrs, lea, cufTee, baking powdur, hpiiius, lUvorint; i tin' t, tuilrl aud Isuudry soaps, toilut arViulu, (uirluuniH, huuni'liold ruiutujivn, paiuU, varnish stains, polittliM, diniulmtla tils and ilie like- 'H piciuiuuis are over 3,000 articles of (tnuilure fji lUv 1 1 v i uf rwvm, bfd twin, ditiiiij room, kiuUtii, lauudry, poroh nud lwu mid carpels, iu;;s, curtains, stovps, ratigt, vniriliinj! inuoliiutin, wriui-rs, chiuawsre, iivtrr, uruanienls, clocks, walnlms, jowulry, ulc, aud ludiis' sud uiitV suils, skirls, drusnue, d rims goods, wuinlH, uoiriuls, uudcravsr, bouse . drees, dress ing antique, slmcn, liusiory, Cuis, (or coul. and outiog costs and lueu's and boyri' suilK, Iroumus, ttUoue, lioeirry, tlr. Ju thee list are about everything you uiiod or :iui think of. JJow nan we give 2 lJ iu value tor it ()0? NuihiuK strange ab'iol il. W'v null tlinml to you by mail. JS' iwiddleiuen's profits, losbos and 1-xpntmiin lo u mu out ol your poctri as ahvn vu buy fiotn doultn'H. You got llm big raviog iu prewigui. We get the uiauufauiurui's uaiial hiuull prodt which is a'J we visut. And our prudunts nud prmiiiuius me no high class we do burin oo the satis faction or iiioitt-y Ut'k plii). W'e take all lie ritk. V'iiie tudny Lrfore you Jsy aride this pupcr f'vr our bij cata logue illustrsiitig and dwi'ibing I'Vciy tiling vtftTwd aud explaining this woodciful, libeial plu. Mniiou this paper aud address W. it H. WAi.Kf.n, No. (;.' Jicrr's Maud, J'ltUburglj, J'. SE31 LOSE ANY TIME OTAHT jvuw rrrn be TtSOU HONEST A, rA. J. L. Ilcplcr LIVERY Stable. Fine carriages for all occasions, with first class equipment. We can fit you out at any time for either a pleasure or business trip, and always at reasonable rates. Frompt service and courteous treatmeot. Corns and see us. Hear of Hotel Weaver TIOIsTESTJL. IP.A.. Telephone Xo. ). r- ii;l..1jSplww,ej