THF FOREST REPUBLICAN. 4. I. WCNK, tOITOS 4 NOHIIIOI WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 14. 1B12 AiiiioiiiiCfiiiriils. TkRMH. -Congre. $25; Assembly, I2; National Delegate, IK); Hints Delegate, fa. In til cases Hie fee must accompany (be enter lor announcement. Primaries, Saturday, April 13, 1D12. ConarrsM. The Forkst Rkpuhlican Ii authorised to annnunce thai Peter M. Speer, of Oil City, Pennsylvania, will be a candidate for elecilou to Congress Irom the Twenty eighth Congressional District, subject to the dpclxion of the Republican voters at the coming, primary election. National IMmnlr. Editor Kkphbi.icvn: - Pleaae an nounce my name ax a candidate For dele gate tn the National Republican Conven tion at Clilcago nxt June, Irom this con gressional district. Subject lo the decis ion of the Republican primaries to be helJ in April next. J. J. Diamond, Columbus Twp., Warren Co. Pa. Assembly. We are authorized to announce A. R. Nechling, of Harnett township, aa a can didate for AsaembU . auliject to the de cision of the Republican voters at the primaries, April 13ib. We are authorized to announce W. J, Campbell, ol Tionesta borough, aa a can didate for Assembly ml loot to Hie dec!- aion of the Republican voters at the pri maries, April Vita. Apropos of a recent discovery com monted on tn Tbe Journal of the Ameri can Medical Association, to the ellect that antiseptics, given in tbe chickens' food, aflect the egg, we wonder what Dr. Wiley will do witb a hen that embalms her own eggs. By tbe aid of science, it seems, sbe can now do II, and from what we know of this preverse fowl, we fear that sbe will do It. Such a discovery as thla can sea ice ly elude the grasp of the astute poultry producer and egg em hairnets. Will it be applied practically, and, if so, -will its effects be pernicious or beneficent? Shall we be poisoned by both the bam and the eggs, or will it now become possible for very farmer to stock bis own storage warehouse and bold down tbe winter prices on ben fruit? Owing to the economy measure of tbe House of Representatives it seems prob able at tbia time tbst no appropriation will be made io tbe iortneoming river and harbor bill for the Improvement of tbe Allegheny river. Several members of congreea froui western Pennsylvania will make a concerted effort to bave an appro priation for the river Included in what ever bill may be presented. Represents tiveSpeeron Monday presented a petition to congress signed by practically every voter in Emlenton asking for the con truclioD of live locks and dams In tbe Allegheny river, which would take the Improvement up ss far aa Mahoning, Tbe petition was referred to tbe river and harbors committee. Mr. Speer hopes for n appropiiation for tbe Allegheny In tbe bill Ibis year and that eventually Ibe Ira provement may be extended as far up tbe river aa Oil City and possibly even to Warren. Emlenton Herald. The Brookville Democrat remarks that "a very able bodied Roosevelt move tnent has alarted in tbis state, engineered by William Flinn, tbe long time political enemy of Penrose. Fliun declares that Roosevelt will be an openly announced candidate witbiu a fortnight, and already Dumber ol Roosevelt candidates for delegates to tbe national convention un der Flinn tutelage bave announced tbem elves." But tbe people generally recog nizs tbat the Roosevelt boom la largely a myth, fostered by ambitious gentlemen who bave heretofore been unable lo make connections witb coveted offices, and who want to slip in under tbe shadow of Mr, Roosevelt's cost tail. Mr. Roosevelt Is not a candidate for President, and we do not believe that anything but the death or disability of President Tafl would In dune him to be a candidate. Punxsutaw ney Spirit. And it will be recalled that four yesre ago Mr. Flinn was just as en thusiastic If) for Mr. Roosevelt at the same time that tbe ex- President was do ins all in his power for bis friend. Taft, and whose friend be still continues to be Lynch. Floyd Slocum baa accepted a position as teamster at Kane. Mrs. A. Showers was a business caller in Warren last Saturday. Miss Jennie Meager of Trnemans spent Fridsy afternoon witb friends at tbis place. Mrs. Wm. St. Clair la spending a few days with ber husband. Tim Warner speut a pleasant Sunday With friends In Barnes. O. K. Motz spent Saturday and Sunday with friends at Pigeon. Mr. and Mrs, Knspp spent Sunday at tbe borne of R. Meager at Truemans. Mrs. A. McDonald is spending a few days at Endeavor. The Howe township school board held tbeir monthly meeting at tbia place on Saturday. We are sorry to report tbat the follow ing bave been on the sick list for tbe past week: Mrs. D. L. Bean, Mrs. 8. S. Esb elman, Mr, and Mrs. A, Showers. Whig Hill. Tbe weather still continues to keep ooo I and people bnve lo continually keep replenishing tbeir wood piles. Cellars still Ireeze and people are complaining tbat they cannot buy potatoes at tbe stores but what bave been frosted. While it is very cold, we are looking ahead for Warmer days. Of course tbe woodubuck was out and went back and dug bis bole deeper, but tbat was necessary, for if be hadn't be would bave frozen. The slelgb lug Is fine. Lots of bustling and every body seems to be busy. No sickness to apeak of and all is right. Mrs. William Willis Killer Is visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Patterson, for a few days. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Lehman, daughter. Mother and babe ate doing fine. The cold weather froze three little calves to death bere on the hill recently The party at Mr. Barber's passed off fine. About twenty eight persona were present. E. N. Decker sold a valuable foxhound, consideration $30 00. He was shipped up to New York State from Tlu'uesta cm Moudny. Kfiiemnifl. Kelleitville bas been quietly settled on Its hsuncbea for lbs past week waiting anxious!) for developments. There bas been considerable sickness reported but only one new case of scarlet fever. Carl Vlbbatd was takeu down with lbedleae Saturday but Is said to have It In a very mild form. The gsa supply all over town baa been very low during tbe week and two-thirds of die people are out of water. Tbe water supply on both sides of tbe creek Is so weak, from some cause or other, that it Is Impossible to keep tbe private lines from freezing. All over town people are thawing out water pipes or csrrylng water. Mr. Brumbaugh, the sawyer at the Salmon Creek mill, was laid off during the week with a severe cold and sore throat. He was able to go to bis home at Red Brush, Saturday. K. E. Dauben- speck tilled his place at tbe mill during bis enforced absence. George Purler, Dsniel Fenalertnaker and James Blyl.-r, from the new mill. were laid off witb colds during the week. At a meeting of the school board Sat urday evening it was decided to keep Ibe school closed for snother week. The dif ferent rooms at the school building were carefully disinfected again Saturday and will be ready when It Is lound expedient to begin work again. Robins are quite plentiful around town, quite a number having been seen by different peianns, and a timid little blue bird was noticed one dsy during the week. Old timers say when these birds are found so far from their habitual win ter quarters it Is a sign of continued cold, snd the thermometers seem to Indicate that tbe predictions are so far correct. Mr. and Mrs. M F. Catliu were Hick- ory visitors Saturday. Mrs. J. M. A nit and daughter Luella, and Mrs. John Watson drove lo Hickory Wednesday and apent tbe day w ith rela tives. Luella remaiued lor an extended visit, the others returning borne In the evening. Miss Edith Spencer, who has spent the nast week witb her psrenls, returned to her work at Jamestown, N. Y., Saturday John Blum, while at work on tbe Salmon Creek handle factory, bad bis hand caught while throwing a belt and quite painfully bruised. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Murpby and Mr and Mrs. H. B Dotterrer drove to Ne braska Sunday and spent tbe day with Mr. and Mrs. Fred McNaughton. Considerable excitement was cau-ed by tbe announcement that one of tbe work men from Wheeler's job above town had been waylaid near tbe tannery Saturday evening and relieved of bis purse, by two men, but it was alterwarda given out tbat it waa merely a hoax. On lie return trip from Sheffield Wednesday evening at a place known as Osgood's island, above town, the freight train collided with one of the company engines, known to Ibe workmen aa Nellie," which is u-ed In shifting cars at tbe mill and oonveya the men who re side at Buck Mills lo and from their work, and both engines were quite badly damaged. Robert Wilson, who was on tbe little engine, sustained a broken arm and a deep gash In the bead, which re- quired lourteen stitches to close tbe wound. James Tioutner was also con siderably shaken up by tbe collision. Tbe mill bad not been running that day and there were only a few men on tbe engine, which is usually crowded to Its fullest capacity, snd it is leared if all bad been on they would not bave escaped witb so few Injuries, Tbe company is somewhat scarce in engines for tbe great amount of work there is on band. No. 10 and No. 8 are both in the shop for repairs. They bave a Dumber of men at work on tbe former and expect to have it on tbe road again in a few days. That preacher Id Pittsburg who bad a member of his congregation arrested and fined Ave dollars for sleeping while be wss talking may think be bas won tbe case, but if tbe sleeping was an offense tbe man talking may be justly held for contributory guilt. There are several methods ol keening a man awake, 'Billy" Sunday baa one method, preach ers of very Bhort sermons bave another and preachers who say something worthy of further thought every minute a third Tbe calling In of tlie police is also effec tive, but the man who is obliged to resort to it is not likely to bring salvation to I great many people. Franklin News. OHIO'S JURY SYSTEM CHANGE. Public Approves, but Lawyers Object to Innovation. Columbus, Ohio. Although the pub lic generally welcomes the change whereby the Ohio Constitution after a hundred years adherence to the unanimous jury system will permit the Legislature to authorize courts civil cases to accept verdicts agreed upon by three-fourths of the jury members, lawyers are wvided over the proposal. 1100 ltEWAKI, glOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to leai u that there is at least one dreaded disease that scionce has been able to cure in nil its stHges. and that Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only nositive cure known lo the medical fra ternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh uure is tHKen in ternallv. acting directly upon the blon and mucous surface of the system, there bv (lo-tro ing Hie foundation ol tli (lis ease, and giving the patient, strength by building up the constitution and assist ing nature in doing it work, the pro nrieiors have so much faith in its cura. live powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It lulls lo cure, Send for list ot testimonials. Address, F. J. CU EN EY & CO., Toledo, Ohio, Hold by Druggists, 75o. Hail's Family Pills are tbebest. Cockerels For Sale. Single Comb White Orpingtons from Imported English cockerel and Keller strass straiu of pullets. Also egs in season. Further information given upon appllcatiou.' II. M. McKeaN, Eudeavor, Pa. Here is a message of hope and good cheer from Mrs. C. J. Martin, Boone Mill, Va , who is Hi" mother of eighteen children. Mrs. Martin was cured r.f stomach trouble and constipation by Chnmherlalu's Tablets after five years of suffering, and now recommends these tablets' to tb'e public. Sold by ail dealers. RAND JURY INDICTS FORTY LABoR LEADERS Dynamite Probe Ends at Indianapolis Conspiracy Involves 100 Explosions. Indlanai clis, Ind. Union labor offi cials and agents, said to number be tween thirty and forty whom the gov ernment holds criminally responsible with tbe McNamaras and Ortle E. Mc Mantgal for perpetrating more than one hundred explosions which occur red in. cities from Massachusetts to California la the last six years, and in which the wrecking of the Los An geles Times Building waa an incident, have been indicted. The Grand Jury, which has devoted six weeifs to its Investigation of tbe natlon-wtde dynamite conspiracy, took only ton mlnutei to vote the Indict ments, which fill 3,000 pages of type writing. Thirty-two indictments were return ed. Capiases for arrests have been issued, and all the men indicted are to be taken into custody on a day secret ly fixed by the government March 12 has been set for the arraignment be fore Federal Judge A. B. Anderson, in IndianapoUs. The papers for the ar rests designate the amount of )ond which the defendants may give In the federal districts in which they reside for their appearance here. The amounts of the bonds in the Individu al cases were not mad 9 known, but It was said they would aggregate 300,- 000. Almost all the men, it was declared, were ell".er union officials or men who were charged with affiliating with the dynamiters. KNOX WARNS POWERS. United States and Germany In Accord Regarding China. Washington. In a note to the Ger man Ambassador niatie puDiic nere Secretary of State Knox has again put the United States In the position of protector of the Integrity of the Chinese Empire. He places this Gov ernment on record as In favor of a policy of "hands off" during the pres ent political upheaval in China. The publication of the note is also regarded here as in effect a declara tion to the world that the United PHILANDER CHASE KNOX Secretary of State. States and Germany will be found act ing together against any "grabs" in China by other Powers. The publica tion of the note follows an exchange of views between the Governments ol Germany and the United States In re gard to the situation. The note was banded to Ambasador von Bernstorll in response to an Inquiry from his Government as to "the attitude and general Impressions of the Govern ment of the United States In regard to conditions in China." SENTENCE INFLAMES BRITISH. Lawyer's Imprisonment by Germans May Prove the Last Straw. London. There Is a rising tide oi anger throughout England over the sentence to three and a half, year's confinement In a fortress passed by the German Imperial Court at Lelpsic on Bertrand Stewart, prominent Lon don lawyer, on a charge of espionage. The feeling aroused promises to give the affair an Importance second only to that of the celebrated Dreyfus case In France. TO BANISH GALLOWS. Governor Tener Appoints Commission to Study Execution Methods. Philadelphia. Opening the way foi changes in the mode of state execu tion of electrocution for hanging and the building of a centrally located "death chamber." Governor Tener announced the appointment of a com mission to Investigate the present methods of Indicting capital punish ment here and abroad. It will bring before the Legislature a report. A TERRIBLE AIR WEAPON. Dvnamlte Dart Invented by French War Office Size of a Pencil. Paris. A new ana terrible weapon has been Invented by the War Depart menta dynamite dart for use by air men. It Is a hand projectile about six Inches long, the size and shape of lead pencil, but made of Bteel. The head is solid and very heavy and ex tends about two Inches up the Bhaft, Above this the shaft is deeply grooved. Dally Thought. .We sleep, but. the loom of life never itops; and the pattern which was (reaving when the sun went down is weaving when it comes up tomorrow, Henry Ward Beecher. Where Honor Is Due. "It is Indeed a desirable thing to be irell descended, but the glory belongs !o our ancestors." Plutarch. Certain of -Success.'- ' I mean to make myself a man, and It I succeed in that I Eball succeed la fe'visrytbiii:;. Garfield. AN EXCLUSIVE POOR FARM No One Can Be Admitted or Assisted Except Those Who Once Paid Taxes. Providence, R. I., enjoys the use of the most valuable poor farm owned by any municipality in the world, all be cause Ebenczer Knight Dexter in 1821 made a bequest leaving a big, stone strewn meadow and several parcels of land for that purpose. Today tbe property is valued at no less than $1,000,000, and is in the center of one of tbe most fashionable residence dis tricts of Providence. But while this is a poor farm, it is a Tery exclusive one, to say the least. By the terms of a very rigid and iron clad will, none can be admitted or assisted except those who once owned and paid taxes upon real estate in FTovldence or whose father or mother was a real es tate taxpayer In that city. No other Rhode Islanders and no person from any other part of the United States or from any foreign country may knock at the portal to obtain admit tance and secure shelter and food. The Dexter asylum Is more than self-supporting. With a limited at tendance, so to speak, it is said that the interest on investment or income Is enough to furnish every inmate a trip to Europe each winter, with ac commodations at the best summer ho tels In the summer. During the bard times In Providence, when there was a great need of work for poor people, an old clause In the Dexter will pro viding for a Btone wall built around the place was taken advantage of and many poor people were given work. National Magazine. WHY CONDUCTOR WAS MAD Because Youth Disowned Acquaint ance With Woman Whose Fare Remained Unpaid. There was an uncomfortable conges tion at the rear end of the pay-as-you-enter car, every one trying to get out of the rain and mud and only a third having their nickels ready. A young man gave the conductor a quarter, re ceived his five nickels and dropped one of them into the box. ."Here," shouted the conductor, "put In an other nickel." "What for? I ain't two people," retorted tbe young man angrily. "Well, who's that woman up there?" "I don't know. I never saw her be fore." "Well, she didn't pay." But the In sistent passengers demanded atten tlon and the man at the box had to drop the subject, although he looked into the car later, glaring with espe cial disfavor at the youth who dis owned acquaintance with the woman whose fare remained unpaid. Game All Right. While Dlayine an engagement in St. Louis a couple of seasons ago, Tom Lewis struck up an acquaintance with a wealthy Texan living in the same hotel. There was a ball game sched uled that day between the Browns and a visiting club and Lewis invited his new friend to go out and see it. The battle was a particularly hot one, the game going to an eleven- inning tie. When they got back to the hotel the Texan, who had become Imbued with some of Lewis' nthusl asm, beian to recount the scenes and close plays of the game to the hotel clerk. "Well," said that worthy, "I'm glad you saw such a good game." "Wall, now," said the Texan, "I reck- on as how it was a gooa game an ii right. Why, sir, them two passel of youngsters Just played and played till plumb dark and nary one made afy one." Passing of the Tollgate. The passing today of the old toll gate at the northern entrance to the city 13 well worthy of the nrewoms, oratorv, and general jubilation which It has inspired. Strangers entering Baltimore by the Relsterstown road rnnln hardly believe that this was really a city of the fifth order, when a village functionary had first to lift a bar and demand their pennies be fore they were permitted to enter the sacred metropolitan confines. The good roads movement, so Intelligently urged and fostered by Governor Crothers and the Democratic party, has already done more to instill life and enterprise and a new spirit into the counties of this state than all oth' er movements of recent years com bined. The passing of the old toll gate is symbolical of the new order and the larger spirit of enterprise and progress. Baltimore Sun. Mr. J. B. Duke's Ploughing. In BDite of the distractions of the Tobacco company's reorganization, Mr, James B. Duke bestows much atten tlon upon the work of developing and beautifying his three thousand acre es tate, Duke'B Park, near Somerville, N. J. Not infrequently on his tours of Inspection he personally directs the laborers. One day he took the plough from the hands of a elow. awkward foreigner, saying: "Here, let me show you how to plough a furrow. I've not forgotten how I did that when I was a boy in South Carolina." Another day he took the place of the boss of a gang of workmen and before he got through he dismissed five for inefficiency. The SulUvan Law. Magistrate Did he carry concealer! weapons? Policeman Yes; be had his fists in his pockets. Diagnosed. "That's a smart thing I've done,' said the doctor to his assistant "What's that, doctor?" "I have put my signature In the column 'cause of death' in tbis death certificate." Tit- Bits. - Good Thing to Do. Telegraph poles are lined up so tbat their crooks are turned in and not seen- as you look along the line. Turn your twists away from pooplo and flot at Ihera. : 1 Prices Reduced on All Furs. G. W. ROBINSON &S0N NOTICE Is hereby given that an appli cation will be made to Ibe Uovernor of Pennsylvania on March 2, by Johu B. Fassett, Aaron Brown, A. H. Squier and Ziha L. Hquier, under Ibe Act of Assembly entitled "An Act to provide for the incorporation and regulation l certain corporations," approved April 2!Hb, 1874. and tb various supplements thereto, lor the charter or an intended corporation tn be known as the "Billiken Oil and (las Company," the character and purposes or which are tbe mining ami boring for petroleum, oil, and natural gas, the selling, producing, storing, transporting and shipping of the same or any by product thereof, and Ibe purchase anil sale of audi land and mineral rights as may be necessary In the conduct of such business, anil for these pu proses to bave and enjoy all the nubia, benenis and privileges of said Act of Assembly aud the various supplements thereto. 11. Si UAHDINO, noiicuor. TIIIAI LIST. List of causes set down for trial In the Court of Com niou Pleas of Forest County, Pennsylvania, commencing on the Fourth Monday of February, 191:2: 1. Alex. Wilson ana Margaret wuann va. Geo. W. Bubl and C. F. Hunt, No. 30, November term, MHO. Summons in eleclment. William nrooKa vs. uanieis, unpp t Co., No. 1. May tertu, 1MI. Appeal from J. P. 3. Ada M.Graham and Edward lira ham. ber husband, vs. tbe Borough of Tionesta. No. 5, November term, mil. Summons in trespass. 4. S. H. Lusher va. W. A. uiker ei ai trading and doing business as tbe Zeller Oil Company, No. 18, November term, lull. Appeal irom J. r. Attest, 8. K. MAXWELL, Pmthonotary Tionesta, Pa., January 29, 1912. Official Notice Primary Election List of office for which candidates are to be nomiuated on Saturday, April 13ib, 1912: Notice is hereby given to the outlined electors of Forest County, in tbe Htateof Pennsylvania. tlil an election win te held under Iba provisions nf the Act of February 17th, I'.HW. the "Uniform frl- mary Act," as amended April tith, 1911, in every eleclinu district of said County, on Saturday, April 13th, 1912, between Ibe hours ol 2:00 p. in. and 8:00 p. oi., for tbe nominsiioo of candidates lor tbe 'oiiowli.g state oracea, to te voiea for at the General Flection, November 5tb, 1912: One person for Representative In Con- grass from the28ib District Une person lor representative in me General Assembly from Forest County. Also, lor tbe purpose or electing I tie hereinafter named psriy officer, as well aa the respective number nf Delegates to tbe National ami Stale Conventions of the following political paitiee: RKPIBLICAS PARTY. Two persona for Delegate lo tbe Re publican National Convention. 1 wo persons tor Alternate Delegate io tbe Repnblican National Convention. One persou for Delegate to the Republi can State Convention. One person from each election district fur member of the County Committee. DEMOCRATIC PARTY. Two persons for Delegate to tbe Dem ocratic National Convention. Two persons for A Iterna e Delegate lo Ibe Democratio National Convention. One person for Heleg ite to tbe Demo cratic State Convention. One person for Chairman of tbe County Committee. Oue p'-rsnn from each election district for member of the I ounty Committee. PROHIBITION PARTY. Twenty persons for Delegate to the Pro bihition National Convention. Twenty persona for Alternate Delegate lo I be frohlblllnn National Convention. Two persons 'or Defegate to the Prohl bition State Convention. KKYSTONK PARTY. One person for Delegate to tbe Key atone State Convention. SOCIALIST PARTY. One person for Delegate to tbe Socialist State Convention. One persou from each election district for meuii'eroi me uounty committee. Tbe last day for filing petitions for nomination tor the primary lor Kepre senlaiive in Congress and Representative in the General Assembly, la Saturday. March 16, 1912 These petitions must be tiled with the Secretary of tbe Common' wealth at Uarrisburg, Pa. Petitions suggesting Ibe names of per sons for Delegates or Alternates lo the National Conventions or Delegates to tbe State Conventions, also party oltlcei to be placed on the official ballot must be tilH'l with the County Commissioners on or before Saturday, March 23, 1012. Blank petitions are now ready for (lis trlnutlon and will he furnished to any elector upon application. W. H. Harrison, J. C. Noowdkn, H. H. Mcl'LKLLAN County Commissioners. Altest-8. M. Hknry. Clerk Tionesta. Pa , February 10. 1912. Early Type of Letter. The type of lcttcra In early manu scripts was the same as that of those uaed on the earlier metal plates and wax tablets. All letters were capltnln, minuHcuio; or Email lettering, as op posed to the majuscule, was Invented In tho seventh century. If a burglar gets into your house and you have motuy concealed there, the burglar will get your mouey. 1 bat is a burglar's business. Tbe bur ular will know you have the money before be goes into your bouse; thai in tbe burglar's business. OUR business is to l'llOTKCT your roooey. ir U is in our bank, it will be SAFE from burglars, irom fire and your owd ex travacaore; you mnoot lend it, spend it or lose it to easily. CAPITAL STOCK, - - - -000. SURPLUS, - - - - $100,000. D. YOUR banking with US. We pay liberal interest consistent with lately, 1 per cent. Forest County NoLtionod Bank, TIOM.MTA, IM. Do You Want the Best Gas Kange or Stove ? If you are in need of a Range or Stove, and want to save your self time, worry and money iu the preparation ol tbe meals for your household, come in and let us show you The Champion. It's a real champion io service as well as in name. It is a gas range but can be tjuickly couterted to uae wood or coal, taking only a miuute to make the change. It's a fuel saver also, anil I he price is no higher tbao for the ordinary kind. We can't tell y u all its good points here but want to demonstrate them to you. It will not cost you anything t investigate and whether you buy or Dot you will be welcome. We are confident it will interest you. In General Hardware We cao supply your needs from a big stork. Blankets and Harness. We can fit you out quickly and at right prices. X 0. "S00TOEM Every Kind of Ilsrdware, TIONESTA, PA. PROCLAMATION. Whkrkas, The Hon. W. D. Hincklev, President Jtidue nf the Court of Common Fleas and Quarter Sessions in and for the county of Forest, has issued bis pre cept for holding a Court of Common Pleas, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court, oyer and Terminer and uenerai Jail Delivery, at Tionesta, for thf County of Forest, to commence on the Fourth Monday of February, being the 26'h day of February, 1012. No tice is therefore given to the Cor oner, Justices of the Peace and Con stable of said county, that they be then and there in their proper persons at ten o'clock A. M., ol said day with their recoids. Inquisitions, examination, and other remembrances, to do those things which to their otlice appertain to be done, and lothosewhoarelioundin recognizance to prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall bo in the jail of Forest Cou nty, that they may be then and there to prosecute against lliein aa shall be just. Given un der my baud and seal tbia 29tb day of January, A. D. 1012. W. 11. HOOD, L.8. Sheriff. Trm - 3 & B Tr Vaf. Val wall papers half Takrn into stock at low prices and to be sold that way. Papers suitable for Living Kooin, Dining I'ooni, Li brary, Hall and Bed "Rooms inured llolznielil and Du plex Papers. All-over and striped Two tone patterns, heavy and dainty domestic and Eng lish Chintz Papers, also Tap estry Foliage and s.eenic pa pers very appropriate for down stairs rooms Ten Cent to Dollar-fifty Papers, 5c to 1'h: A number of small quan tities of room lots ") to 15 rolls each, mueh less than half price --20c to .$15.00 per lot. Some very desirable Pa pers at these prices on ac count of limited quantities. All Fur at I'c rcthtcrd I'rkcs. B93G5 & BUHL, NORTH SIDE, PITTSBURGH, PA. IT DAVC TO A OVKKTINK IN THIS PAI'KH CiirW ColJi Croup mul WTiiJopiuV Ifi'lWi. Confirmation Aotlce. Notice is hereby given that the follow leg aeonuntM have been tiled lo my ollloe and will be presented at the next term of Court, beginning on the Fourth Monday of February, 1UI2, for confirmation: First and partial ai ivmot ot J. K. Wenlt and M iillam Sinesrtisugh. executors un it r the will of 1). S. Knox, deceased, late of Tionesta BorougL, Forest County, Fa. Final account of Margaret L. Ann strong, administratrix l the estate of Uto. ii. Armtrong, deceased, late of Tin nesta llorougli, Foreat Countv. Fa. H. K. MAXWELL, Clerk of Orphans' Court, Tionesta, Fa., January 21), ISM.'. Kxi'cutor'M Xotlce. Lnttors Testamentary on tbe estate of A. L. Weller, laie of KingNlny Township, Forest County, Fa., dnceaied, having been granted to the umlersiKued, all per sons Indebted lo said estste are hereby notillnd to make payment without delay, and thine having claims or demsnda will present thoui, duly authenticated, for settlement. Emzaiiktii Wkllkh, Kxeoutrix, Kelleitville, Fa, A. C. Brown, Attorney. JAMES HASLET, GENERAL MERCHANT. Furniture Dealer, AND UNDERTAKER. TIONESTA. PENN J. L. Heplcr LIVERY Stable. TFine carriages for all occasiono, witb first class equipment. We cau fit you out at any time for either a pleasure or business trip, ami always at reasnuahlrt rates. Prompt service aDrl courteous treatmeut. Com') ami see us. Hear of Hotel Weaver TIOlsTESTJ, PA. Telephone No. 20. ELTYlll Thecure Hint hasleeti continuously suc cessful for inoie limn 3.'yrHrs is worth in vrituiniuitr. tr tlic.lrim or drink habit. Writ, lor particular!. I ml v Krrlt-v lllililutc In WVlrrn l',.niin 424Ftflh A.. Pitliharirh Pt ! CHICHESTER S PILLS -crx . VfK.u! yM wtANii. a, ; win .'..'n i ." 1 s-teh a rrv)(iiwnaHjtrsL SuIm, ai uih.i.i- r.: rth m,r 'riiiniiM for A rill, in II, J n, u.,1,1 rtiouluAVy hvp., scalr.l ith , Rn.VX lata tin nih.. II M X SOID BY ORL'QQtSTS CVERWkHtRE